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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cine independiente y plataformas de streaming: dificultades de acceso en el caso peruano / Independent cinema and streaming platforms: access difficulties in the Peruvian case

Mateo Cielo, Keliluz De Jazmin 14 May 2021 (has links)
Solicitud de embargo por publicación en revista indexada. / La pandemia generada por la covid-19 ha creado un escenario incierto para el cine independiente, obligándolo a explorar otras oportunidades de exhibición y teniendo como protagonista al streaming. Frente a este contexto, el identificar las brechas de acceso de películas peruanas al mercado internacional en un entorno digital, resulta ser un tema de interés actual. El presente artículo pretende identificar las dificultades que enfrentan películas peruanas independientes para acceder a las principales plataformas (Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime, Apple TV y/o Movistar). La metodología empleada se basa en entrevistas semi-estructuradas realizadas a cineastas peruanos que han tenido la experiencia de exhibir sus obras vía streaming. Para comprender mejor el objeto de estudio, se realizó una entrevista en profundidad a Guarango Cine y Video, casa realizadora especializada en post producción, delivery y preparación de películas para plataformas digitales. Para el análisis de resultados, se propone la clasificación de las dificultades en técnicas, económicas, de producción y socioculturales. Estas cuatro categorías y su incidencia en la difusión cinematográfica configuran el eje central de la presente investigación. Los hallazgos más importantes de la investigación sugieren que las cuestiones económicas y la falta de conocimiento o proyección sobre las posibilidades de distribución son las principales dificultades que afrentan los cineastas peruanos independientes para exhibir en plataformas de streaming. / The pandemic caused by covid-19 has created an uncertain stage for independent cinema, forcing it to explore other exhibition opportunities with streaming as the protagonist. With this background and in a digital environment, identifying the gaps in access to the international market for Peruvian films turns out to be a topic of current interest. The present study contributes to identify the difficulties faced by independent Peruvian films to access the main platforms (Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime, Apple TV and Movistar). The methodology used is based on semi-structured interviews with Peruvian filmmakers who have had the experience of exhibiting their films via streaming. In order to better understand the object of study, an in-depth interview was conducted with Guarango Cine y Video, a production company specialized in post-production and preparation of films for digital platforms. For the analysis of results, the classification of technical, economic, production and sociocultural difficulties is proposed. These four categories and their incidence in the dissemination of films are the central focus of the study. The main results obtained from the research suggest that economic issues and the lack of knowledge or projection about the distribution possibilities are the principal and transversal difficulties faced by independent Peruvian filmmakers to exhibit on streaming platforms. / Tesis

Motivaciones hedónicas y utilitarias en relación a la intención de compra en plataformas online de librerías. / Hedonic and utilitarian motivations in relation to purchase intention on online library platforms.

Moran Flores, Piero Antonio, Quiñones Saenz, Alexandra 01 July 2021 (has links)
La pandemia ocasionada por la COVID-19 obligó a las librerías a cerrar sus tiendas físicas y migrar al canal digital. Es por ello que, esta investigación tiene como objetivo estudiar las motivaciones hedónicas y utilitarias en relación a la intención de compra en la categoría de plataformas de librerías online. Para la comprensión del estudio, se exploran las relaciones de tres variables: Motivación Hedónica, Motivación Utilitaria e Intención de compra, a través de la revisión de la literatura. También, es importante mencionar que se expone la relevancia, el alcance y las limitaciones del presente estudio en el contexto peruano. Por otro lado, el estudio tendrá un alcance correlacional ya que se busca conocer la relación existente entre las variables propuestas. Asimismo, se trabajará bajo un enfoque cuantitativo y el estudiado será transversal dado que se realizará en un periodo de tiempo determinado. La recopilación de datos será desarrollada utilizando un cuestionario, el cual será enviado de manera online. La muestra está prevista para un total de 400 respuestas, por parte de aquellos que han comprado alguna vez libros en plataformas de librerías online. / The COVID-19 pandemic forced bookstores to close their physical stores and migrate to the digital channel. That is why this research aims to study hedonic and utilitarian motivations in relation to purchase intention in the category of online bookstore platforms. In order to understand the study, the relationships of three variables are explored: Hedonic Motivation, Utilitarian Motivation and Purchasing intention, through the literature review. Also, it is important to mention that the relevance, scope and limitations of this study in the Peruvian context are exposed. On the other hand, the data collection will be developed using a questionnaire, which will be sent online. The sample is scheduled for a total of 400 responses, by those who have ever bought books on online bookstore platforms. / Trabajo de investigación

Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence , Facilitating Conditions, Hedonic Motivacion, Price Value & Habits (UTAUT 2) en relación con la intención de uso de plataformas E- Health. / Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, Hedonic Motivacion, Price Value & Habits (UTAUT 2) in relation to the intention to use E-Health platforms.

Ochoa  Muro, Diego Enrique, Villacorta Fernandez, Gianpierre Antonio 08 July 2021 (has links)
Durante los últimos meses, el COVID-19 ha generado diversos cambios en el ámbito económico, social y personal de la sociedad. Tanto en el Perú como en todos los países del mundo se enfrentan a un entorno cambiante que los forza a adaptarse a los nuevos hábitos de vida y de consumo. De este modo, los rubros más importantes y básicos de la sociedad se vieron en la obligación de incurrir a nuevas formas de atención al consumidor, sin dejar la buena experiencia de consumo y de calidad de servicio para el usuario. El presente artículo destaca un enfoque en la intención de uso de plataformas eHealth, a partir del modelo UTAUT 2. Del mismo modo, nos basamos en la revisión de la literatura de los constructos incorporados en el modelo UTAUT 2 en un contexto pandémico que permitirá comprender los factores de la adaptación e intención de uso de las herramientas tecnológicas eHealth. / In recent months, COVID-19 has generated various changes in the economic, social and personal sphere of society. Both in Peru and in all the countries of the world they face a changing environment that forces them to adapt to new habits of life and consumption. In this way, the most important and basic areas of society were forced to incur new forms of customer service, without leaving a good consumer experience and quality of service for the user. This article highlights a focus on the intention to use eHealth platforms, based on the UTAUT 2 model. In the same way, we are based on the literature review of the constructs incorporated in the UTAUT 2 model in a pandemic context that will allow us to understand the factors of adaptation and intention to use eHealth technological tools. / Trabajo de investigación

Posicionamiento de un nuevo "producto musical infantil" desde un análisis estratégico adaptado y creado a partir de las nuevas tendencias y plataformas digitales en Perú (2021) / Position a new “children's musical product" based on a strategic analysis adapted and created from new trends and digital platforms

Corzo Martínez, Carolina Sofía, Meléndez Malca, Angel Carlos 07 December 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo aborda todos los aspectos necesarios para lograr determinar si el negocio de posicionamiento de un nuevo producto musical infantil es rentable y viable en un escenario realista y actual. A través del análisis de estadísticas y datos en línea sobre el uso de plataformas digitales para la educación y entretenimiento de los niños, antes y durante la pandemia del COVID-19, se podrá determinar si el aumento de tecnologías de la comunicación en los hogares hispanohablantes creó una oportunidad de negocio para potenciar un producto musical infantil entretenido y educativo. / When analyzing statistics and data online on the use of digital platforms for the education and entertainment of children, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, it was concluded that, due to the increase in communication technologies in spanish-speaking homes, it was due to the need for virtual classes or due to the fact that technology advances and over time becomes more accessible. The creation of a new children's project aimed at both digital platforms and live presentations is a very profitable process, since the development, maintenance, promotion and dissemination, unlike other years, and also other products, is profitable and it requires more study time than economic investment. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Distribución y exhibición de piezas realizadas por estudiantes peruanos de comunicación audiovisual dentro de las plataformas 2.0. / Distribution and exhibition of pieces made by Peruvian audiovisual communication students within 2.0 platforms

Salverredy Zevallos, Gustavo Alonso 12 September 2021 (has links)
En la última década, la producción y distribución de contenido audiovisual por parte de los jóvenes se ha incrementado en cantidades colosales, siendo las plataformas 2.0 los principales medios de difusión de los mismos. No obstante, los factores que influyen en una persona al momento de optar por el uso de las mencionadas herramientas resultan aún poco conocidas. Por ello, el presente trabajo de investigación busca conocer los factores asociados a la distribución y exhibición de piezas realizadas por estudiantes peruanos de comunicación audiovisual dentro de las plataformas 2.0. El estudio se encuentra enmarcado dentro del enfoque cualitativo, siendo la entrevista semiestructurada el instrumento utilizado para la recolección de información. / In the last decade, the production and distribution of audiovisual content by young people has increased in colossal amounts, with 2.0 platforms being the main means of disseminating them. However, the factors that influence a person when choosing to use the aforementioned tools are still poorly understood. Therefore, this research work seeks to know the factors associated with the distribution and exhibition of pieces made by Peruvian students of audiovisual communication within 2.0 platforms. The study is framed within the qualitative approach, with the semi-structured interview being the instrument used to collect information. / Trabajo de investigación

La prensa sensacionalista y su relación con el tratamiento visual de los periódicos digitales de diarios peruanos / The sensationalistic press and its relation to the visual treatment of digital newspaper of peruvian newspaper

Nakamoto Panduro, Sofia Harumi 08 July 2020 (has links)
En este trabajo de investigación se hizo un análisis de la prensa sensacionalista ya que se volvió muy popular y controversial en los años 90 en Lima, así mismo se está analizando si aún este tipo de prensa se encuentra presente y se emplean sus características en las publicaciones de periódicos digitales de diarios peruanos. Con el avance de la investigación hemos descubierto que aún se emplea características de la prensa sensacionalista en las publicaciones de los diarios digitales en especial al diario analizado en la investigación que es el “Trome”. Podemos observar como los títulos están cargados por calificativos que apelan a los sentimientos de los lectores causando rechazo o apoyo, según el tipo de noticia. Así mismo, se hace uso del color y tamaño de la letra presentándose en negrita y en un tamaño mucho mayor al del contenido. Se emplea también imágenes cargadas de sensacionalismo. Para este estudio se empleó técnicas para la recolección de datos como entrevistas y análisis de guías de observación para estudiar las publicaciones que hacía el diario.  Se hizo también un cruce de datos para corroborar los estudios de especialistas como extranjeros y peruanos. Al finalizar se realizó un cruce de datos para obtener las conclusiones finales. / In this research work, an analysis was made of the tabloid press that became very popular and controversial in the 1990s in Lima, and it is also being analyzed whether this type of press is still present and uses characteristics in digital newspaper publications. of Peruvian newspapers. With the advance of the investigation we have discovered that characteristics of the sensationalist press are still used in the publications of digital newspapers, especially the newspaper analyzed in the investigation that is the "Trome". We can see how the titles are loaded with qualifiers that appeal to the feelings of the readers causing rejection or support, depending on the type of news. Likewise, use is made of the color and size of the letter, appearing in bold and in a much larger size than the content. Images loaded with sensationalism are also used. For this study, data collection techniques such as interviews and analysis of observation guides were used to study the publications made by the newspaper. A data crossing was also made to corroborate the studies of specialists such as foreigners and Peruvians. At the end, a data crossing was performed to obtain the final conclusions. / Trabajo de investigación

Construcción de las narrativas interactivas en animaciones para niños de la plataforma Netflix. Casos: Buddy Thunderstruck y el Gato con Botas

Menacho Mancilla, Mirella Abigail 30 November 2019 (has links)
En esta investigación se tratará el tema de las nuevas narrativas interactivas y como se han generado en la actualidad. Así mismo, se dará foco a los puntos de realización de contenido para niños. Se tomarán ejemplos de otras piezas audiovisuales interactivas que han funcionado, como el caso de los videojuegos, y otras que han fallado como películas y series. Por último, se tomará importancia a las nuevas plataformas digitales, resaltando a la pionera, Netflix y como está buscando integrar a la interactividad en contenidos para menores. / This research will deal with the subject of new interactive narratives and how they have been generated today. Likewise, focus will be given to the content points for children. Examples will be taken of other interactive audiovisual pieces that have worked, such as videogames, and others that have failed, such as movies and series. Finally, importance will be given to new digital platforms, highlighting the pioneer, Netflix and how it is seeking to integrate interactivity into content for minors. / Trabajo de investigación

"Me, my selfie and I" : A qualitative study of reasons, experiences andbeliefs connected to human computer interaction in the context of selfieculture.

Lindberg, Jenny, Ses, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
This research paper illustrates the social effects of social media and selfie posting on older age generations. These generational groups are called “Baby-boomers” and “Baby-busts” and are born before the existence of Internet and social media and therefore have had to adapt to the online context. The goal of this study is to make comparison between younger and older generations in terms of experiences, beliefs and feelings they encounter when posting and observing self-photos.  By using Semi-structured Qualitative interviews, which is set up as an interview guide based on questions designed to give open ended answers, we had the possibility to obtain a deeper understanding of the topic studied. This study has shown different perspectives of how generations born before the Internet era have adapted to social platforms and how they understood the selfie culture. Results identified have proven older age generations have higher level of self-esteem and prefer posting real and honest selfies, whereas the younger ones are interested in their looks and appearance on social media and they value their popularity by the number of likes received for their self-photos. As we discovered that likes and followers have no value for participants in our study, we concluded there is no reason like popularity seeking beneath their selfie posting habits. The target group in this study is instead using social media accounts as a source of inspiration, communication channel or a marketing tool for their professional life.

Security and Trust in Mobile Cloud Computing / La sécurité et la confiance pour le Cloud computing mobile

Le Vinh, Thinh 14 December 2017 (has links)
Nous vivons aujourd’hui dans l'ère cybernétique où de nouvelles technologies naissent chaque jour avec la promesse de rendre la vie humaine plus confortable, pratique et sûre. Parmi ces nouvelles technologies, l'informatique mobile se développe en influençant la vie de l’utilisateur. En effet, les plates-formes mobiles (smartphone, tablette) sont devenues les meilleurs compagnons de l’utilisateur pour mener à bien ses activités quotidiennes, comme les activités commerciales ou de divertissement. En jouant ces rôles importants, les plates-formes mobiles doivent opérer dans des environnements de confiance. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la sécurité des plates-formes mobiles en passant d’un niveau de sécurité primitif qui s’appuie sur les plates-formes de confiance, à un niveau plus sophistiqué qui se base sur de l’intelligence bio-inspirée. Plus précisément, après avoir abordé les défis du cloud computing mobile (MCC), nous développons une étude de cas appelée Droplock pour le cloud mobile et nous étudions son efficacité énergétique et ses performances pour illustrer le modèle MCC. En outre, en s’appuyant sur les plates-formes de confiance (comme les TPM), nous avons introduit un nouveau schéma d'attestation à distance pour sécuriser les plates-formes mobiles dans le contexte du cloud mobile. Pour améliorer le niveau de sécurité et être adaptatif au contexte, nous avons utilisé de la logique floue combinant un système de colonies de fourmis pour évaluer la confiance et la réputation du cloud mobile basé sur la notion de cloudlets. / As living in the cyber era, we admit that a dozen of new technologies have been born every day with the promises that making a human life be more comfortable, convenient and safe. In the forest of new technologies, mobile computing is raise as an essential part of human life. Normally, mobile devices have become the best companions in daily activities. They have served us from the simple activities like entertainment to the complicated one as business operations. As playing the important roles, mobile devices deserve to work in the environment which they can trust for serving us better. In this thesis, we investigate the way to secure mobile devices from the primitive security level (Trusted Platforms) to the sophisticated one (bio-inspired intelligence). More precisely, after addressing the challenges of mobile cloud computing (MCC), we have studied the real-case of mobile cloud computing, in terms of energy efficiency and performance, as well as proposed a demonstration of particular MCC model, called Droplock system. Moreover, taking advantages of trusted platform module functionality, we introduced a novel schema of remote attestation to secure mobile devices in the context of Mobile-Cloud based solution. To enhance the security level, we used fuzzy logic combining with ant colony system to assess the trust and reputation for securing another mobile cloud computing model based on the cloudlet notion.

Statistical models and decision making for robotic scientific information gathering

Flaspohler, Genevieve Elaine January 2018 (has links)
Thesis: S.M., Joint Program in Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2018. / This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections. / Cataloged from student-submitted PDF version of thesis. / Includes bibliographical references (pages 97-107). / Mobile robots and autonomous sensors have seen increasing use in scientific applications, from planetary rovers surveying for signs of life on Mars, to environmental buoys measuring and logging oceanographic conditions in coastal regions. This thesis makes contributions in both planning algorithms and model design for autonomous scientific information gathering, demonstrating how theory from machine learning, decision theory, theory of optimal experimental design, and statistical inference can be used to develop online algorithms for robotic information gathering that are robust to modeling errors, account for spatiotemporal structure in scientific data, and have probabilistic performance guarantees. This thesis first introduces a novel sample selection algorithm for online, irrevocable sampling in data streams that have spatiotemporal structure, such as those that commonly arise in robotics and environmental monitoring. Given a limited sampling capacity, the proposed periodic secretary algorithm uses an information-theoretic reward function to select samples in real-time that maximally reduce posterior uncertainty in a given scientific model. Additionally, we provide a lower bound on the quality of samples selected by the periodic secretary algorithm by leveraging the submodularity of the information-theoretic reward function. Finally, we demonstrate the robustness of the proposed approach by employing the periodic secretary algorithm to select samples irrevocably from a seven-year oceanographic data stream collected at the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory off the coast of Cape Cod, USA. Secondly, we consider how scientific models can be specified in environments - such as the deep sea or deep space - where domain scientists may not have enough a priori knowledge to formulate a formal scientific model and hypothesis. These domains require scientific models that start with very little prior information and construct a model of the environment online as observations are gathered. We propose unsupervised machine learning as a technique for science model-learning in these environments. To this end, we introduce a hybrid Bayesian-deep learning model that learns a nonparametric topic model of a visual environment. We use this semantic visual model to identify observations that are poorly explained in the current model, and show experimentally that these highly perplexing observations often correspond to scientifically interesting phenomena. On a marine dataset collected by the SeaBED AUV on the Hannibal Sea Mount, images of high perplexity in the learned model corresponded, for example, to a scientifically novel crab congregation in the deep sea. The approaches presented in this thesis capture the depth and breadth of the problems facing the field of autonomous science. Developing robust autonomous systems that enhance our ability to perform exploratory science in environments such as the oceans, deep space, agricultural and disaster-relief zones will require insight and techniques from classical areas of robotics, such as motion and path planning, mapping, and localization, and from other domains, including machine learning, spatial statistics, optimization, and theory of experimental design. This thesis demonstrates how theory and practice from these diverse disciplines can be unified to address problems in autonomous scientific information gathering. / by Genevieve Elaine Flaspohler. / S.M.

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