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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hétérogénéité des formes plurielles : par les coûts de transaction révisée / Heterogeneity of plural forms : a revised transaction cost approach

Schnaider, Paula 22 January 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse est composée de quatre chapitres et analyse une régularité empirique très mal connue et très peu analysée : les « formes organisationnelles plurielles ». Dans le premier chapitre, j’examine les diverses tentatives de théoriser les formes plurielles et comment ce domaine a évolué au fil du temps. Cela me permet d’identifier deux variables qu’on retrouve au cœur des idées exprimées dans ces tentatives pour expliquer l’existence et la stabilité des formes plurielles : la spécificité des actifs ainsi que les facteurs d’incertitude. Néanmoins, ces variables sont restées très mal explorées, ce qui pointe la nécessité de nouvelles contributions théoriques sur ce sujet. Dans le deuxième chapitre, je cherche à comprendre ce qui explique la variété des formes plurielles. Je propose un modèle théorique intégrant la spécificité des actifs et l'incertitude pour pronostiquer l’existence des formes plurielles et non plurielles. Ensuite, je souligne que les formes plurielles sont hétérogènes et je construis des hypothèses mettant en relation différents types d’incertitude avec des formes plurielles différentes. Dans les deux chapitres suivants, le modèle théorique et les hypothèses sont confrontés à des données empiriques qualitatives. Le troisième chapitre confronte le modèle théorique à une étude de cas clinique menée au sein d’une entreprise, l’entreprise Korin (Brésil), qui produit et vend divers produits bios. Enfin dans le chapitre quatre, le modèle théorique et les hypothèses sont confrontés à des données recueillies à partir d’une enquête sur l’approvisionnement en ‘inputs’ auprès de 24 entreprises opérant dans le secteur agricole brésilien. Je trouve dans ces deux articles des concordances fortes à l’appui de mon modèle et des hypothèses que j’en ai dérivées, ce qui ouvre la voie à de nouvelles recherches. / This dissertation is composed of four chapters and addresses an empirical regularity about which very little is known: “plural forms”. In the first chapter, I intend to verify what has been theorized about plural forms and how this field has evolved over time. I identified two variables that underlie most of the theoretical explanations for the existence and stability of plural forms: asset specificity and uncertainty. However, these variables are very seldom explored, which points towards the need for novel contributions. In the second chapter, I am concerned with explaining the variety of plural form manifestations. I built a theoretical model integrating asset specificity and uncertainty to predict plural and non-plural forms. Next, I stressed that plural forms are heterogeneous and built hypotheses relating different types of uncertainty to different types of plural forms. In the next two chapters, I empirically confront my theoretical model and hypotheses with qualitative data. In the third chapter, I confront my model by performing an embedded clinical case study on the Korin company (in Brazil), which produces and commercializes multiple organic products; while in the final chapter, I intend to empirically confront both my theoretical model and my hypotheses and survey the procurement of inputs by 24 companies operating in the Brazilian Agribusiness sector. I find support for my model and for my hypotheses on both of these papers, indicating a path for further analyses.

Identidade social e atitude linguística: um estudo da fala de Bonfim Paulista / Social identities and language attitude: the speech of Bonfim Paulista

Garcia, Bruna Loria [UNESP] 26 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Bruna Loria Garcia (brunaloria@gmail.com) on 2018-06-25T22:13:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_final.docx: 16059634 bytes, checksum: 01a8daad9e302b859e46a4e9ebd93f6b (MD5) / Rejected by Priscila Carreira B Vicentini null (priscila@fclar.unesp.br), reason: Bruna Loria Garcia, Solicitamos que realize correções na submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo: 1) o procedimento após a defesa é a submissão da versão final do trabalho EM PDF no Repositório Institucional Unesp 2) ficha catalográfica da dissertação, devendo fazer através do Sistema automático da Biblioteca. 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Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2018-06-26T18:06:19Z (GMT) / Submitted by Bruna Loria Garcia (brunaloria@gmail.com) on 2018-06-29T20:27:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_final.pdf: 2843747 bytes, checksum: 215faf8aa4402eb8c0901101eb286f2b (MD5) / Rejected by Aline Aparecida Matias null (alinematias@fclar.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize correções na submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo: 1) Folha de aprovação: siga o modelo que está no documento disponibilizado pela Biblioteca em: http://fclar.unesp.br/#!/biblioteca/normas-da-abnt/normalizacao/ (Defesa - pré-textuais - não paginado).Atenção: não colocar a expressão que aparece pintada em azul. 2) Numeração incorreta das páginas: as páginas pré-textuais devem ser contadas, com exceção da capa e ficha catalográfica, porém a numeração deverá aparecer somente a partir da Introdução. Esta na verdade é a página 14, e não 11 como está no arquivo. Será preciso renumerar o trabalho e refazer o sumário para que este reflita a numeração do trabalho Em caso de maiores dúvidas, entrar em contato com a bibliotecária da Seção de Referência Elaine (elaine@fclar.unesp.br). Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2018-07-03T11:24:18Z (GMT) / Submitted by Bruna Loria Garcia (brunaloria@gmail.com) on 2018-07-06T15:04:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_final.pdf: 2865487 bytes, checksum: 6fb07831d11485abd5cd0ce2904788d9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Aparecida Matias null (alinematias@fclar.unesp.br) on 2018-07-10T12:51:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 garcia_bl_me_arafcl.pdf: 2865487 bytes, checksum: 6fb07831d11485abd5cd0ce2904788d9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-10T12:51:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 garcia_bl_me_arafcl.pdf: 2865487 bytes, checksum: 6fb07831d11485abd5cd0ce2904788d9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-26 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Bonfim Paulista, distrito do município de Ribeirão Preto, desde a década de 1990, experimenta a construção de 28 condomínios fechados na comunidade. Antiga referência rural, Bonfim é destaque pela valorização imobiliária e celebrada por sua reputação relacionada à qualidade de vida, tão almejada pelos moradores dos condomínios. Os bonfinenses, acostumados com um ritmo de vida desacelerado, depararam-se com a chegada expressiva de milhares de novos moradores, portadores de status e de um estilo de vida ostentativo, alterando a dinâmica social e quiçá linguística da região. Percebendo a relevância da mudança social ocorrida no distrito, por meio do estudo do objeto linguístico, um fenômeno variável superavaliado – a concordância verbal de terceira pessoa do plural –, foi analisada a contraposição da fala dos dois grupos da comunidade: os moradores do distrito e os dos condomínios. Assim, seguindo os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da Sociolinguística Variacionista (Weinreich, Labov, Herzog 2006 [1968], Labov 2008 [1972],1994,2001,2010), a pesquisa utiliza, como corpus para a análise quantitativa e com o auxílio do programa GoldVarb X, transcrições das falas dos informantes, selecionados a partir de variáveis extralinguísticas. O trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar as atitudes e avaliações linguísticas, associando as identidades sociais encontradas com os usos linguísticos da concordância verbal de terceira pessoa do plural em dois grupos da comunidade – o que foi realizado através da elaboração, aplicação e análise de um teste de atitude linguística. A hipótese principal do estudo – que expunha que as diferentes identidades e os diferentes valores sociais são fatores que influenciam diretamente nas atitudes, avaliações e usos linguísticos, ainda que os grupos que se identificam de maneira distinta dividam espaço numa mesma localidade – foi comprovada através dos resultados. Demonstrou-se que os moradores de condomínio estão mais associados às normas linguísticas prestigiadas (e com índices mais altos de concordância verbal), ao estilo de vida mais urbano e a um grau maior de escolarização, enquanto que os bonfinenses se associam mais aos valores sociais rurais, ao estilo de vida mais pacato e a um menor grau de escolarização. / Bonfim Paulista, district in the municipality of Ribeirão Preto, experiences a construction of 28 gated condominiums in the community. Old rural reference, Bonfim is highlighted by the real estate appreciation and celebrated for its quality, with the quality of life, so desired by the residents of the condominiums. Bonfinenses, accustomed to a decelerated pace of life, were faced with an expressive entry of thousands of new residents, status holders and a ostentatious lifestyle, changing the social and linguistic dynamics of the region. As a result of the emergence of an overvalued variable - a verbal agreement of a third person of the plural - in the social collectivity of the district, through the linguistic method, the speech of the two community groups was analyzed: the residents of the district and the of condominiums. Thus, the theoretical-methodological assumptions of Variationist Sociolinguistics (Weinreich, Labov, Herzog 2006 [1968], Labov 2008 [1972], 1994, 2001, 201010), a research used, as a corpus for a quantitative analysis and with the aid of GoldVarb X program, transcending the informants' statements, selected from extralinguistic variables. The main analysis of the work was as language attitudes and assessments, associating social identities with the linguistic uses of verbal third-person plural agreement in two groups of community - which was accomplished through the elaboration, application and analysis of an attitude test linguistics. The main idea of the study - which exposed the different identities and different social values are those that influence attitudes, assessments and linguistic uses, although groups that identify the way it distinguishes the space of a language results. The main indicators of schooling are associated with the prestigious linguistic norms (with higher rates of verbal agreement), the more urban lifestyle and higher schooling, while the Bonfinenses are more associated with rural social values and a lower level of schooling. / CNPq 134125/2017-7.

G?del's slingshot revisited: does russell's theory of descriptions really evade the slingshot

Oliveira, Jo?o Daniel Dantas de 30 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-03-20T21:03:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JoaoDanielDantasDeOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 571044 bytes, checksum: 360010203b2e7a5f05ef2e015399c7aa (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-23T18:18:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JoaoDanielDantasDeOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 571044 bytes, checksum: 360010203b2e7a5f05ef2e015399c7aa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-23T18:18:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoaoDanielDantasDeOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 571044 bytes, checksum: 360010203b2e7a5f05ef2e015399c7aa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-30 / A fam?lia de argumentos chamada ?Slingshot Arguments? ? uma fam?lia de argumentos subjacente ? vis?o fregeana de que se senten?as tem refer?ncia, a sua refer?ncia ? os seus valores de verdade. Usualmente visto como um esp?cie de argumento colapsante, o argumento consiste em demonstrar que, uma vez que voc? suponha que h? alguns itens que s?o as refer?ncias das senten?as (como fatos ou situa??es, por exemplo), estes itens colapsam em apenas dois: O Verdadeiro e O Falso. Esta ? uma disserta??o sobre o slingshot que ? denominado o slingshot de G?del. G?del argumentou que h? uma conex?o profunda entre estes argumentos e descri??es definidas. Mais precisamente, de acordo com G?del, adotando-se a interpreta??o de Russell de descri??es definidas (que diverge da vis?o de Frege de que descri??es definidas s?o termos singulares) ? poss?vel escapar do slingshot. N?s desafiamos a posi??o de G?del de duas formas, primeiramente por apresentar um slingshot mesmo com uma interpreta??o russelliana de descri??es definidas em segundo lugar por apresentar um slingshot mesmo se mudarmos de termos singulares para termos plurais ? luz do recente desenvolvimento da chamada L?gica Plural. A disserta??o est? dividida em tr?s cap?tulos. No primeiro cap?tulo apresentamos o debate entre Frege e Russell sobre descri??es definidas, no segundo cap?tulo apresentamos a posi??o de G?del e reconstru??es de seu argumento e no terceiro cap?tulo demonstramos nosso pr?prio slingshot para a L?gica Plural. Atrav?s desses resultados pretendemos concluir que podemos recuperar slingshots mesmo com uma interpreta??o russelliana de descri??es definidas ou em um contexto de L?gica Plural. / ?Slingshot Arguments? are a family of arguments underlying the Fregean view that if sentences have reference at all, their references are their truth-values. Usually seen as a kind of collapsing argument, the slingshot consists in proving that, once you suppose that there are some items that are references of sentences (as facts or situations, for example), these items collapse into just two items: The True and The False. This dissertation treats of the slingshot dubbed ?G?del?s slingshot?. G?del argued that there is a deep connection between these arguments and definite descriptions. More precisely, according to G?del, if one adopts Russell?s interpretation of definite descriptions (which clashes with Frege?s view that definite descriptions are singular terms), it is possible to evade the slingshot. We challenge G?del?s view in two manners, first by presenting a slingshot even with a Russellian interpretation of definite descriptions and second by presenting a slingshot even when we change from singular terms to plural terms in the light of new developments of the so-called Plural Logic. The text is divided in three chapters, in the first, we present the discussion between Russell and Frege regarding definite descriptions, in the second, we present G?del?s position and reconstructions of G?del?s argument and in the third we prove our slingshot argument for Plural Logic. In light of these results we conclude that we can maintain the validity of slingshot arguments even within a Russellian interpretation of definite descriptions or in the context of Plural Logic.

\"O estilo que ninguém segura - Mano é mano! Boy é boy! Boy é mano? Mano é mano?\" / Lo stile che nessuno tiene: mano è mano! Boy è boy! Boy è mano? Mano è mano? Reflessione critica sui processi di sociabilità tra il popoli giovane nella città di São Paolo nell identificazione con la musicalità del rap nazionale

Rosana Aparecida Martins Santos 10 October 2002 (has links)
The globalization process has been providing new arrangements to identity issues on its role as a model to interpret the relations between the global and the local in current times. From this prospect, this project’s purpose approaches the construction of the rap made in Brazil as an artistic project of resistance to an hierarchical power and prestige system as well as a musical component integrated to the global flux of products, ideas and styles, therefore, as a cultural and marketable language. The project’s challenge is to study the dissemination of Brazilian National Rap in its variety of meanings: its social impact as lyrical politics about social interaction and day by day relations as a means of cultural context as a merchandise. This project’s goal is an effort to rebuild the symbolic system of meanings which is passed on by this message to the specific public, young consumers of this artistic and musical type, in São Paulo city, who are denomined and use to call themselves ‘manos’ and ‘boys’, trying to highlight the uniqueness behind this process. This project helps to set up supporting ideas towards a renovation of social issues as well as a reevaluation of current ideas on Brazilian youth. / Em tempos atuais o processo de globalização vem fornecendo novas configurações identitárias levando como modelo de análise na interpretação das relações entre o global/local. Partindo deste pressuposto, o objetivo desse projeto situa-se em abordar a construção do rap produzido no Brasil enquanto projeto artístico de resistência ao sistema hierárquico de poder e prestígio, como componente musical integrado no fluxo global de produtos, idéias, estilos, ou seja, enquanto linguagem cultural e consumível. Trata-se precisamente de estudar a disseminação do Rap Nacional (seu impacto social, no papel da política lírica de um discurso politizado em torno da interação social e da organização do cotidiano) enquanto meio de produção cultural, objeto de consumo imerso no contexto da cultura hip-hop. Diante disso, fica proposto para a presente pesquisa reconstruir o sistema de significações simbólicas que a mensagem produz, caracterizando pela capacidade de reflexão crítica à ordem social, articulada pelos jovens consumidores desse gênero artístico musical, na cidade de São Paulo, que são denominados por “manos” e por “boys”, tentando apanhar a singularidade que há por trás desse processo. O presente trabalho ajuda a estabelecer pontos de apoio para a renovação tanto das questões sociais numa reavaliação da visão conformista e atomizada, idéias correntes quando o assunto é juventude brasileira.

"Das estratégias comunicacionais às mediações produzidas por jovens. Aliança negra posse e núcleo cultural força ativa" / Dalle strategie comunicazionali alle mediazioni prodotte da giovani: Aliança nega posse e nucleo cultural força ativa

Rosana Aparecida Martins Santos 03 July 2006 (has links)
Having as a starting point juvenile groups in the contemporary setting, this study discusses the current urban scenario and the public politics aimed at the young, through the communicational dynamics registered by the members of the Aliança Negra Posse e Núcleo Cultural Força Ativa (Black Alliance Possession and Cultural Center Active Force), both part of the district Cidade Tiradentes, in the east zone of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. This study has as its focus the analysis of forms established by the periphery young concerning the space of sociability and the forms of representation. That is, in which ways they express solutions to the various conflicts present in their everyday life and how they crystallize the idea of renewal of the space and the social relations themselves. / Tomando como ponto de partida os agrupamentos juvenis no cenário contemporâneo, este estudo discute a cena urbana atual e as políticas púbicas endereçadas aos jovens, através da dinâmica comunicacional marcada pelos membros da Aliança Negra Posse e Núcleo Cultural Força Ativa, ambos pertencentes ao distrito Cidade Tiradentes, zona leste da cidade de São Paulo. Este estudo tem como foco central à análise das formas estabelecidas pelos jovens periféricos em relação ao espaço de sociabilidade e às formas de representação. Ou seja, de que forma os membros expressam as saídas para os diversos conflitos presentes no cotidiano, e como cristalizam a idéia d renovação do espaço e das próprias relações sociais.

Formas plurais e assimetrias de informação / Plural forms and information asymmetries

Paula Sarita Bigio Schnaider 01 December 2011 (has links)
No presente estudo, salienta-se a necessidade por um referencial teórico destinado à compreensão de um fenômeno empírico recorrente no mundo real: as formas plurais de governança. Mais especificamente, ressalta-se a incapacidade da ECT em explicá-las. Essa limitação, aliada à ausência de um consenso teórico relativo à opção pelas formas plurais, motivaram o desenvolvimento do presente estudo, cujo principal objetivo consiste da exposição de uma nova abordagem relativa ao estudo das formas plurais de governança. Particularmente, pretende-se determinar a influência dos custos de informação quando da configuração dessas formas organizacionais. A abordagem teórica utilizada no presente estudo baseia-se na hipótese de que as firmas selecionariam simultaneamente duas ou mais das três tipologias organizacionais definidas por Williamson (1985) como um instrumento de monitoramento e incentivo, destinado à redução de assimetrias de informação, tanto no âmbito hierárquico quanto naquele contratual. Assim, desenvolve-se um modelo conceitual de decisão, didaticamente segmentado em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa, propõe-se que as formas plurais sejam motivadas pela existência simultânea de vantagens de custos de produção no mercado e de elevados custos de mensuração (BARZEL, 1982). Já na segunda, propõe-se a ocorrência de um tradeoff entre os custos de mensuração e os de agência, o que determinaria o grau ótimo de integração verical no contexto das formas plurais. Como objeto empírico, apresenta-se o caso da empresa Korin, que é interessante, pois a sua cadeia produtiva é caracterizada pela presença das formas plurais, tanto na produção quanto na distribuição de diversos produtos. Além disso, cada um dos produtos analisados - tomate, ovos e milho verde - apresenta diferentes arranjos organizacionais na governança de sua produção, na medida em que seus processos de produção requerem particularidades distintas. A análise empírica deste caso corrobora a primeira etapa do modelo conceitual apresentado no presente estudo, embora não permita avaliar o tradeoff entre os custos de agência e de mensuração e nem a existência de um grau ótimo de integração vertical. Independentemente das limitações apresentadas pelo presente trabalho, ele certamente constitui mais um avanço das teorias da firma em direção ao campo das formas plurais. / In this paper, it is highlighted the need for a theoretical framework aimed at understanding an empirical phenomenon that is recurrently observed in the real world: the plural forms of governance. More specifically, it is emphasized TCE\'s inability to explain them. This limitation, along with the absence of a theoretical concensous relative to the choice of a plural form, motivated the development of this study, whose main objective is that of exposing a new approach to the study of the plural forms of governance. In particular, it is intenteded to determine the influence of information costs on the configuration of those organizational forms. The thoeretical approach that is used in the present paper is based on the hypothesis that firms would simultaneously select two or more of the organizational forms defined by Williamson (1985) as a monitoring device and to proportion incentives aimed at reducing information asymmetries, both within the hierarchy and in contractual relations. Thus, a conceptual decision model is developed and diditically segmented into two steps. In the first step, it is proposed that plural forms are motivated by the simultaneous existence of production cost advantages at the marketplace and high measurement costs (BARZEL, 1982). Whereas in the second, a tradeoff between measurement and agency costs is proposed, determining the optimal vertical integration degree in the context of plural forms. As empirical object, we present the case of Korin company, which is interesting because its production chain is characterized by the presence of plural forms both when producing and distributing various products. In addition, each of the analysed products- tomato, eggs and corn - presents different organizational arrangements in the governance of its production, to the extent that their production processes require different particularities. The empirical analysis of this case supports the first stage of the conceptual model presented in this study, although ramaining unable to assess the tradeoff between agency and measurement costs, as well as the existence of an optimal vertical integration degree. Regardless of the limitations presented by this work, it certainly constitutes an advance of theories of the firm into the field of plural forms.

Navigating Sweden’s Parental Choice Education System : A Study of Asylum-Seeking Parents

Munhall, Brendan January 2017 (has links)
As high levels of forced migration continue to challenge Europe, countries like Sweden are attempting to incorporate asylum-seekers into its education system. Over the past 50 years Sweden’s education system has undergone a unique shift from a centralized to a decentralized parental-choice model of schools. An approach called plural education promotes equity through shared experience and support for equity creating initiatives. Proponents of choice argued that plural education was maintained across the decentralizing shift in policy. Yet some evidence has begun to show that these values are not being upheld. Marginalized groups, such as asylum-seekers, appear to face a number of barriers to accessing the entirety of choices. In this qualitative study employing a grounded theory methodology, seven asylum-seeking parents were asked for their experiences entering their children into the Swedish compulsory school system. Semi-structured interviews explored the barriers, information and strategies each parent had for enrolment and school choice. Analysis found that parents had insufficient information for school choice, few strategies to find new information and faced a number of barriers. The implication of these findings are that these asylum-seekers did not have the support or knowledge to successfully participate in school choice and that education in Sweden may have weakened in its ability to promote equity for these respondents. / Samtidigt som stora flyktingströmmar fortsätter att utgöra en utmaning för Europa, försöker länder som Sverige att integrera asylsökande i dess utbildningssystem. Under de senaste 50 åren har Sveriges utbildningssystem genomgått ett unikt skifte från ett centraliserat till ett decentraliserat skolsystem baserat på det fria skolvalet. Ett tillvägagångssätt kallat "plural" utbildning har som syfte att främja rättvisa genom gemensamt lärande och erfarenhetsutbyte mellan elever. Förespråkare av det fria skolvalet hävdar att "plural" utbildning har kunnat upprätthållas efter systemskiftet till en decentraliserad skola. Det finns emellertid studier som visar på motsatsen. Marginaliserade grupper, som till exempel asylsökande, tycks stöta på flera hinder när de ska nyttja det fria skolvalet.I denna kvalitativa studie som bygger på en grundad teorimetodik intervjuades sju asylsökande föräldrar om sina erfarenheter rörande deras barns tillgång till den svenska grundskolan. Genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer undersöktes hinder och information samt strategier som föräldrarna hade beträffande inskrivning och skolval. Analysen visade att föräldrarna hade otillräcklig information gällande skolval och få strategier för att hitta ny information samt att de möttes av diverse hinder. Studien visar att dessa asylsökande familjer inte hade tillräckligt med stöd eller kunskap för att framgångsrikt delta i skolvalet och att den svenska undervisningen därmed har misslyckats med att ge dessa familjers barn en rättvis utbildning.

Autour des syntagmes nominaux sémantiquement pluriels en chinois mandarin et de leurs interprétations collective et distributive / On the semantically plural nominal phrases in mandarin chinese and their collectif and distributif interpretations

Li, Yan 09 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude des syntagmes nominaux sémantiquement pluriels en chinois mandarin et aux interprétations collective et distributive qui leur sont associées. Elle offre une analyse des formes de pluralité suivantes : le syntagme coordonne par gen, les nominaux modifiés par le suffixe -men, ainsi que les sujets ou les objets des groupes verbaux modifies par quan (‘tout’-flottant). A propos du syntagme coordonne par gen, nous montrons que la conjonction gen dans le syntagme ‘A gen B’ lexicalise une contrainte de pluralité nominale par le biais de restrictions sur les conjoints. Notre argument est bâti sur trois points principaux, à savoir que la catégorie des conjoints est nécessairement [+N], que le syntagme coordonne par gen n’introduit que des individus pluriels dans le discours et que ce syntagme porte la valeur sémantique pluriel [+Pl]. Nous passons aussi en revue différents types de prédicats afin de retracer la distribution des interprétations collective et distributive des syntagmes coordonnés par gen. Ensuite, nous nous penchons sur le suffixe -men et sur l’expression formée par ce suffixe et un nom commun ou un nom propre. Notre examen couvre principalement deux questions, celle de la nature de -men et celle de la (in)définitude de l’expression suffixée par -men en mandarin. Nous soutenons que -men n’est pas un marqueur collectif mais plutôt un marqueur pluriel. Cependant, ce marqueur n’est pas obligatoire, à la différence des marqueur du pluriel tels que -s dans les langues occidentales, le mandarin étant une langue à classificateur. Quant à l’(in)définitude de l’expression suffixée par -men, nous admettons que c’est un pluriel défini, mais ceci du fait que -men ne s’attache qu’aux pronoms personnels et aux noms d’humains, noms qui occupent le hautde la hiérarchie d’animacité. Donc l’expression suffixée par -men hériterait de la définitude en partie de la nature de son domaine fortement individué. Enfin, nous nous intéressons a l’interprétation distributive des syntagmes nominaux dans la phrase ou figure l’adverbe quan (‘tout’-flottant). Nous affirmons que quan impose la lecture distributive de manière autonome et nous en proposons une analyse en tant que modificateur de prédicat d’évènement. Quan cible un nominal relie par un θ-rôle et encapsule dans ce rôle l’instruction de distribution. La distributivité renforcée par quan implique une relation distributive entre deux entités : le nominal qui est sémantiquement pluriel et l’évènement pluriel / The thesis invested the research on the semantically plural nominal phrases in Mandarin Chinese and on their collectif and distributif interpretations. It offered an analysis of the following form of pluralities : the coordinated phrase with gen, the nominals modified by the suffix -men, and the subjects or the objects of the VP modified by quan (the floating quantifier). Concerning the coordinated phrase with gen, we will show that the conjunction gen of the phrase ‘A gen B’ lexicalize the constraint of the plurality via the restrictions on the conjoint elements. Our argument is mainly based on three points : 1) the category of the conjuncts is necessarily [+N] ; 2) coordinated phrases with gen introduce only the plural individuals in the discourse and 3) this nominal phrase characterizes the semantic plural value [+Pl]. We will also examine the different types of predicates in order to retrace thedistribution of collective and distributive interpretations of the coordinated phrases with gen. Then, we look into the suffix –men and the expressions formed by this suffix and a common noun or a proper noun. The investigation will mainly concern two questions : the question of the nature of –men and the question of the (in)definitude of the expressions suffixed by –men in Mandarin Chinese. We will argue that –men is not a collectif marker, but preferably a plural marker. However, different from plural markers in the western languages for exemple –s, the marker –men in Mandarin Chinese which is typically a classifer language, is not obligatory. Regarding the (in)definitude of the expressions suffixed by -men, we will admit that they are definite plurals, because of the fact that –men attaches only to only to personal pronouns and humain nouns, the nouns which occupy a high hierarchy of animacity. In consequence, the expressions suffixed by –men partly inherit the definitude of the nature of its considerably individuated domain. Finally, we are interested in the distributive interpretation of the nominal phrases in the sentences wherethe adverbial quan (the floating quantifier) appeares. We will claim that quan imposes the distributive reading in an autonomous manner and we will put forward an analysis of adverbial quan as a modifier of event predicate. Quan targets nominals linked by θ-roles and encapsulate in this role the instruction of distribution. The distributivity reinforced by quan involves a distributive relation between two entities : the nominal which is semantically plural and the plural event.

Variation in double object marking in Swahili

Gibson, Hannah, Mapunda, Gastor, Marten, Lutz, Shah, Sheena, Taji, Julius 15 June 2020 (has links)
There is a high degree of morphosyntactic microvariation with respect to the number and position of object markers found across Bantu languages. This paper examines variation in object marking in Swahili, against the backdrop of variation in object marking in Bantu more broadly. Verb forms in Standard Swahili are well-known to typically only permit one pre-stem object marker. However, here we show that there are isolated cases of post-verbal marking of objects from both a synchronic and diachronic perspective. The paper focuses on two case studies. Firstly, ‘Old Swahili’ – that is, the language of classical Swahili poetry – where examples of typologically unusual emphatic object marker doubling are found. Secondly, we show that post-verbal object marking is in fact also found in Standard (Modern) Swahili, namely in second person plural marking, in post-verbal locative markers and with non-verbal predication. However, we also show that the relationship between these forms, the Old Swahili paradigm of object marker doubling, and post-verbal object marking in Bantu more widely – in particular post-verbal plural addressee marking – is complex.

Masculinities: A Case Study on Gendered Texts Used in the English Classroom

Olssen, Martin, Pihlström, Amelia January 2012 (has links)
This paper discusses the issue of how different masculinities are being represented in the English classroom. It specifically aims to examine how a teacher’s own principals concerning gender will be reflected in the texts she chooses to use. The field was explored through a case study, where interviews with an upper secondary English teacher as well as a content analysis on the texts she chose to use in the classroom were central to the study. The results of the case study showed tendencies towards a discrepancy between the teacher’s self-expressed thoughts on gender issues and her choice of texts. The teacher conveyed modern ideas on gender issues, while most of the texts she chose to use in the classroom were positive towards more traditional gender patterns. Therefore, our hypothesis did not correspond to the findings. The findings were analyzed by comparing the teacher’s reported attitudes to the different aspects of gender in the chosen texts. In relation to these findings, the paper focuses on the possibility of further studies within this field of research, such as e.g. observation of how gendered texts are being used in classroom and a more quantified investigation, concerning the number of teachers being studied.

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