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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El pluricentrismo de la cultura lingüística hispánica: política lingüística, los estándares regionales y la cuestión de su codificación

Greußlich, Sebastian 25 September 2017 (has links)
Durante los últimos diez años aproximadamente, la RAE y sus Academias hermanas han venido publicando una serie de obras explícitamente comprometidas con una visión pluricéntrica de la cultura lingüística hispánica. La presente contribución pretende indagar el impacto del pluricentrismo—concepto clave en el nivel de la política lingüística actual— en la conceptualización de la variación y, consiguientemente, el tratamiento de los datos lingüísticos empíricos, principalmente en la Nueva gramática de la lengua española (desde aquí “NGLE”), donde esta interrelación problemática se plasma de una forma especialmente compleja. / Approximately over the past ten years, the RAE and its associated Academies have published several works committed explicitly to a pluricentric vision of Hispanic language culture. This paper aims at examining the impact of pluricentrism — a key concept in terms of current language policy — on the conceptualization of linguistic variation and, consequently, the treatment of empirical data. In doing so, the focus will be on the Nueva gramática de la lengua española (from here “NGLE”), where this problematic interrelation is reflected in an especially complex way.

Teaching English with a Pluricentric Approach: a Compilation of Four Upper Secondary Teachers’ Beliefs

Tizzano, Elena, Rauer, Agnes January 2019 (has links)
One of our first courses at the teacher education program introduced us to how the English language could be taught with an approach we had not thought of before. In particular, the course discussed what it could mean for educators of English to implement a pluricentric approach in their teaching. As future teachers, we gained a whole new perspective on the implications of teaching an international language as English and the benefits it could have by doing so, such as the increment of intercultural awareness. However, during our internships we noticed that in-service teachers often have a rather monolithic way of teaching English, mostly targeting varieties in their teaching that originated from native-speaking countries such as, the United States and the United Kingdom. We conducted a qualitative research with the aim to investigate the beliefs of four upper secondary teachers of English, currently working at two different schools in Malmö, about teaching English with a pluricentric approach. To gather the data we used semi-structured interviews. The findings of the study show that on the one hand, most of the participating teachers express a desire to expose the students to different varieties of English and think of this as important. On the other hand, the investigation shows that the participating teachers prioritise other aspects in their choices, such as content, level and availability of the teaching material and consider variety not as a priority.

Wiederentdeckung von sprachlicher Gemeinsamkeit - Iranische Sichtweisen auf „tadschikisches Persisch“

Saeedi, Mehrdad 09 November 2018 (has links)
Gegenstand dieser soziolinguistischen Dissertation ist zwar die neupersische Sprache samt ihren drei nationalen Varietäten in Iran, Afghanistan und Tadschikistan, im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung stehen allerdings die tadschikische und iranische Varietät, anhand der Letzteren es versucht wird, die iranische Sprachauffassung von der v. a. in puncto Schrift und Sprachbezeichnung dem iranischen (und auch afghanischen) Persisch unähnlich erscheinenden Varietät der Tadschiken darzulegen. Dass hier nur das soziolinguistische Verhältnis Irans und Tadschikistans (und nicht Irans und Afghanistans oder Afghanistans und Tadschikistans) zur Frage steht, liegt in der schrift- und aussprachbezogenen Unähnlichkeit der iranischen und tadschikischen Varietäten als auffällige Gegenstücke begründet. Was die Aussprache betrifft, so weisen das afghanische und tadschikische Persisch zueinander mehr Affinität auf als sie es zum iranischen Persisch täten. Und was die Schrift betrifft, so bedienen sich die iranische und afghanische Varietät ein und derselben arabisch-basierten Schrift, während die Tadschiken seit den 1940ern eine kyrillisch-basierte Schrift verwenden. Als theoretischer Rahmen dient das in den 1960ern Jahren in der Soziolinguistik und Dialektologie ansatzweise entstandene und sich seit den 1990ern Jahren fortentwickelnden Konzept der plurizentrischen Sprachen, nach dem das Phänomen der Sprache im Lichte politischer Machtverhältnisse und nationaler Identitätssuche angesehen wird. Nach geopolitischen, ökonomischen und demographischen Kriterien betrachtet, gilt Iran als das dominante Macht- und Sprachzentrum gegenüber den anderen persisch-sprachigen Zentren Afghanistan und Tadschikistan. Daher wird die Forschungsfrage nach der Sprachauffassung der iranischen Kultur-Elite als Ausgangspunkt behandelt. Es wird u. a. den Fragen nach Akzeptanz der Plurizentrizität, Sprachnormativität/-normierung und sprachlicher Konvergenz in/zwischen den nationalen Varietäten nachgegangen. / The subject of this sociolinguistic doctoral thesis is the new Persian language as well as the three national varieties in Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan, but the focus of the study is only on two varieties, the Tajik and Iranian Persian. It deals with the linguistic views and perceptions of Iranians or better to say, the cultural elite of Iran, regarding the most distinguished variety of all three varieties of the pluricentric Persian, the Tajik Persian, due to its modified Cyrillic script and writing system. Another reason for focusing on the sociolinguistic relation between Iran and Tajikistan (and not Iran and Afghanistan nor Afghanistan and Tajikistan) is to be found in the dissimilarity between the Iranian and the Tajik varieties, when it comes to the pronunciation. As a result of geographic closeness, the afghan and Tajik Persian have in this sense more resemblances than the Iranian Persian does to one of these two. And regarding the writing system of both Iranian and afghan Persian, it is generally known, that the Arabic-based script and writing system is traditionally in use since centuries, whereas for Tajik Persian first since the 1940s the Cyrillic script is being used as the one and only script. The theoretical framework of the dissertation is the concept of pluricentric languages, which deals specifically with languages as a part of political power relations and national identity discourses. In a geopolitical, economic and demographic context, Iran is considered the dominant power of the three countries, which effects considerably also the question of the common language. For the same reason, it will be the Iranian cultural elite’s perception of language which will be the question of interest, but of course not the only examinable side among the three countries. Furthermore, questions of acceptance of pluricentricity, language normativity/standardization and language convergence in/between national varieties will be investigated.

Percorrendo as imagens do livro didático de língua inglesa com vistas para além dos territórios nativos da anglofonia: uma análise de suas páginas de abertura

Costa, Walison Paulino de Araújo 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2016-07-25T13:01:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivo total.pdf: 9778557 bytes, checksum: ae1fde08194e500b706e5957850b5861 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-25T13:01:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivo total.pdf: 9778557 bytes, checksum: ae1fde08194e500b706e5957850b5861 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / This thesis frames an analytical discussion on the linguistic education, based on the imagetic standards found in the English textbooks, grounded on concepts such as teaching of English in a pluricentric approach, interculturality, multiculturalism, language/culture, going further into matters that deal with beliefs and teacher education, whose repercussion reaches its summit level in the last chapter. Thus, we aim at analyzing the images of the textbooks pertaining to PNLD in 2012, having as the starting point the concept of English as an international/pluricentric language/lingua franca, which makes possible that learners can look at themselves inserted like protagonists of a language/culture; although it is still regarded as a ‘foreign’ language, those learners can make use of it in contexts where they may also deal with images. In methodological terms, we selected the 7 (seven) textbook sets, including three-level textbooks each set, since it is a unique moment for the history of language teaching in Brazil: it is the first time that English textbooks for secondary school were included by Programa Nacional do Livro Didático into the area Language, Codes and its Technologies (BRAZIL, 2011, p. 07). To continue, we were based on the criteria we created for the definite choice of the 17 (seventeen) pages that constitute our corpus, 16 (sixteen) images in the unit entries and 01 (one) image in the entry of the book as a whole. We analyzed one by one. Qualitatively and quantitatively the results showed that the countries that make imagetic reference to the internal circle by Kachru (1985) are predominant, owing to the spaces they take up and how they do it. Based on the categories that come from the Grammar of Visual Design, by Kress and van Leeuwen (2006), more precisely, the compositional metafunction and its interrelated systems, we conclude: readers/observers, in this case, learners, are not involved by a pluricentric concept of the English language, since the supremacy of native English speakers and their linguistic-cultural standards dominate in the pages of the textbooks mentioned, but the imagetic references to England and mainly to the United States of America are deemed prime. / Esta tese tece uma discussão analítica em torno da educação linguística pautada nos padrões imagéticos encontrados nos livros didáticos de língua inglesa, a partir de concepções como o ensino de inglês numa perspectiva pluricêntrica, interculturalidade, multiculturalismo, língua/cultura, adentrando também questões que tratam de crenças e formação docente, cujas reverberações alcançam seu ápice no último capítulo. Dessa forma, objetivamos analisar as imagens dos livros didáticos do PNLD de 2012, tendo como ponto de partida a concepção do inglês como língua internacional/franca/pluricêntrica, que oportuniza aos aprendentes se vejam inseridos como protagonistas de uma língua/cultura, pois, mesmo restando o ultrapassado rótulo de ‘estrangeira’, dessa língua podem fazer uso em contextos em que é possível a lide também com imagens. Em termos metodológicos, selecionamos as 7 (sete) coleções, por se tratar de um momento singular para a história do ensino de línguas no Brasil, sendo esta a primeira vez que os referidos livros de língua inglesa do ensino médio foram incluídos pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Didático na área Linguagem, Códigos e suas tecnologias (BRASIL, 2011, p. 07). Para prosseguirmos, baseamo-nos em critérios elaborados para a escolha definitiva das 17 (dezessete) páginas, constituintes de nosso corpus, sendo 16 (dezesseis) imagens de entrada de unidades e 1 (uma) imagem do livro como um todo. Procedemos à análise de uma a uma, cujo resultado se expressou da seguinte maneira: qualitativa e quantitativamente, os países que fazem referência imagética ao Círculo Interno de Kachru (1985) são predominantes, em decorrência dos espaços que esses elementos imagéticos ocupam e como ocupam. Com base nas categorias da Gramática do Design Visual, de Kress e van Leeuwen (2006), mais precisamente, a metafunção composicional e seus sistemas inter-relacionados, concluímos: os leitores/observadores, no caso, os alunos, não são envolvidos por uma concepção pluricêntrica do inglês, tendo em vista que a supremacia dos nativos anglófonos e seus padrões linguístico-culturais imperam nas páginas, tendo primazia as referências imagéticas à Inglaterra e principalmente aos Estados Unidos da América.

Kom det kvitto på min betalning eller? : En samtalsanalytisk studie av användningen av frågor med finalt eller i sverigesvenska och finlandssvenska servicesamtal

Förell, Sara January 2021 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen undersöks hur frågor med finalt eller används i sverigesvenska och finlandssvenska servicesamtal vid biljettkassor. Huvudsyftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur den här typen av frågor fungerar i sina interaktionella sammanhang och att på så sätt få reda på vad det finala eller bidrar med i interaktionen. I uppsatsen undersöks också likheter och skillnader gällande användningen av frågor med finalt eller i de sverigesvenska och finlandssvenska samtalen. Målet med detta är att bidra till forskningen om svenska som pluricentriskt språk. Teoretiskt och metodiskt utgår undersökningen från den samtalsanalytiska metoden Conversation analysis (CA). Särskilt fokus i undersökningen läggs vid frågornas förhållande till samtalens preferensstruktur. Analysen av samtalen identifierar tre återkommande användningsområden för frågorna: att ge sig in på den andra partens område, att skynda på samtalet och att hantera känsliga ämnen. Dessa användningsområden återfinns i både de sverigesvenska och de finlandssvenska samtalen. Undersökningen visar att frågor med finalt eller i det undersökta materialet används oftare i de sverigesvenska samtalen än i de finlandssvenska, men att de förekommer regelbundet i båda de språkliga varieteterna. Det finala eller konstateras öppna upp frågornas preferensstruktur och göra det lättare för respondenten att ge svar som utan det finala eller skulle ha kunnat uppfattas som interaktionellt oönskade. Genom det finala eller positionerar sig frågeställaren som mindre säker och frågorna framstår som mer förbehållslösa, försiktiga och garderande. Tillägget av eller gör preferensorganisationen i samtalen mer flexibel, och i samtalen används frågorna som en metod för att utföra potentiellt problematiska handlingar och beröra känsliga områden på ett interaktionellt smidigt sätt.

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