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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Automatic segmentation and reconstruction of traffic accident scenarios from mobile laser scanning data

Vock, Dominik 08 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Virtual reconstruction of historic sites, planning of restorations and attachments of new building parts, as well as forest inventory are few examples of fields that benefit from the application of 3D surveying data. Originally using 2D photo based documentation and manual distance measurements, the 3D information obtained from multi camera and laser scanning systems realizes a noticeable improvement regarding the surveying times and the amount of generated 3D information. The 3D data allows a detailed post processing and better visualization of all relevant spatial information. Yet, for the extraction of the required information from the raw scan data and for the generation of useable visual output, time-consuming, complex user-based data processing is still required, using the commercially available 3D software tools. In this context, the automatic object recognition from 3D point cloud and depth data has been discussed in many different works. The developed tools and methods however, usually only focus on a certain kind of object or the detection of learned invariant surface shapes. Although the resulting methods are applicable for certain practices of data segmentation, they are not necessarily suitable for arbitrary tasks due to the varying requirements of the different fields of research. This thesis presents a more widespread solution for automatic scene reconstruction from 3D point clouds, targeting street scenarios, specifically for the task of traffic accident scene analysis and documentation. The data, obtained by sampling the scene using a mobile scanning system is evaluated, segmented, and finally used to generate detailed 3D information of the scanned environment. To realize this aim, this work adapts and validates various existing approaches on laser scan segmentation regarding the application on accident relevant scene information, including road surfaces and markings, vehicles, walls, trees and other salient objects. The approaches are therefore evaluated regarding their suitability and limitations for the given tasks, as well as for possibilities concerning the combined application together with other procedures. The obtained knowledge is used for the development of new algorithms and procedures to allow a satisfying segmentation and reconstruction of the scene, corresponding to the available sampling densities and precisions. Besides the segmentation of the point cloud data, this thesis presents different visualization and reconstruction methods to achieve a wider range of possible applications of the developed system for data export and utilization in different third party software tools.

Automatic segmentation and reconstruction of traffic accident scenarios from mobile laser scanning data

Vock, Dominik 18 December 2013 (has links)
Virtual reconstruction of historic sites, planning of restorations and attachments of new building parts, as well as forest inventory are few examples of fields that benefit from the application of 3D surveying data. Originally using 2D photo based documentation and manual distance measurements, the 3D information obtained from multi camera and laser scanning systems realizes a noticeable improvement regarding the surveying times and the amount of generated 3D information. The 3D data allows a detailed post processing and better visualization of all relevant spatial information. Yet, for the extraction of the required information from the raw scan data and for the generation of useable visual output, time-consuming, complex user-based data processing is still required, using the commercially available 3D software tools. In this context, the automatic object recognition from 3D point cloud and depth data has been discussed in many different works. The developed tools and methods however, usually only focus on a certain kind of object or the detection of learned invariant surface shapes. Although the resulting methods are applicable for certain practices of data segmentation, they are not necessarily suitable for arbitrary tasks due to the varying requirements of the different fields of research. This thesis presents a more widespread solution for automatic scene reconstruction from 3D point clouds, targeting street scenarios, specifically for the task of traffic accident scene analysis and documentation. The data, obtained by sampling the scene using a mobile scanning system is evaluated, segmented, and finally used to generate detailed 3D information of the scanned environment. To realize this aim, this work adapts and validates various existing approaches on laser scan segmentation regarding the application on accident relevant scene information, including road surfaces and markings, vehicles, walls, trees and other salient objects. The approaches are therefore evaluated regarding their suitability and limitations for the given tasks, as well as for possibilities concerning the combined application together with other procedures. The obtained knowledge is used for the development of new algorithms and procedures to allow a satisfying segmentation and reconstruction of the scene, corresponding to the available sampling densities and precisions. Besides the segmentation of the point cloud data, this thesis presents different visualization and reconstruction methods to achieve a wider range of possible applications of the developed system for data export and utilization in different third party software tools.

Inverse geometry : from the raw point cloud to the 3d surface : theory and algorithms / Géométrie inverse : du nuage de points brut à la surface 3D : théorie et algorithmes

Digne, Julie 23 November 2010 (has links)
De nombreux scanners laser permettent d'obtenir la surface 3D a partir d'un objet. Néanmoins, la surface reconstruite est souvent lisse, ce qui est du au débruitage interne du scanner et aux décalages entre les scans. Cette these utilise des scans haute precision et choisit de ne pas perdre ni alterer les echantillons initiaux au cours du traitement afin de les visualiser. C'est en effet la seule façon de decouvrir les imperfections (trous, decalages de scans). De plus, comme les donnees haute precision capturent meme le plus leger detail, tout debruitage ou sous-echantillonnage peut amener a perdre ces details.La these s'attache a prouver que l'on peut trianguler le nuage de point initial en ne perdant presque aucun echantillon. Le probleme de la visualisation exacte sur des donnees de plus de 35 millions de points et de 300 scans differents est ainsi resolu. Deux problemes majeurs sont traites: le premier est l'orientation du nuage de point brut complet et la creation d'un maillage. Le second est la correction des petits decalages entre les scans qui peuvent creer un tres fort aliasing et compromettre la visualisation de la surface. Le second developpement de la these est une decomposition des nuages de points en hautes/basses frequences. Ainsi, des methodes classiques pour l'analyse d'image, l'arbre des ensembles de niveau et la representation MSER, sont etendues aux maillages, ce qui donne une methode intrinseque de segmentation de maillages. Une analyse mathematiques d'operateurs differentiels discrets, proposes dans la litterature et operant sur des nuages de points est realisee. En considerant les developpements asymptotiques de ces operateurs sur une surface reguliere, ces operateurs peuvent etre classifies. Cette analyse amene au developpement d'un operateur discret consistant avec Ie mouvement par courbure moyenne (l'equation de la chaleur intrinseque) definissant ainsi un espace-echelle numerique simple et remarquablement robuste. Cet espace-echelle permet de resoudre de maniere unifiee tous les problemes mentionnes auparavant (orientation et triangulation du nuage de points, fusion de scans, segmentation de maillages) qui sont ordinairement traites avec des techniques distinctes. / Many laser devices acquire directly 3D objects and reconstruct their surface. Nevertheless, the final reconstructed surface is usually smoothed out as a result of the scanner internal de-noising process and the offsets between different scans. This thesis, working on results from high precision scans, adopts the somewhat extreme conservative position, not to loose or alter any raw sample throughout the whole processing pipeline, and to attempt to visualize them. Indeed, it is the only way to discover all surface imperfections (holes, offsets). Furthermore, since high precision data can capture the slightest surface variation, any smoothing and any sub-sampling can incur in the loss of textural detail.The thesis attempts to prove that one can triangulate the raw point cloud with almost no sample loss. It solves the exact visualization problem on large data sets of up to 35 million points made of 300 different scan sweeps and more. Two major problems are addressed. The first one is the orientation of the complete raw point set, an the building of a high precision mesh. The second one is the correction of the tiny scan misalignments which can cause strong high frequency aliasing and hamper completely a direct visualization.The second development of the thesis is a general low-high frequency decomposition algorithm for any point cloud. Thus classic image analysis tools, the level set tree and the MSER representations, are extended to meshes, yielding an intrinsic mesh segmentation method.The underlying mathematical development focuses on an analysis of a half dozen discrete differential operators acting on raw point clouds which have been proposed in the literature. By considering the asymptotic behavior of these operators on a smooth surface, a classification by their underlying curvature operators is obtained.This analysis leads to the development of a discrete operator consistent with the mean curvature motion (the intrinsic heat equation) defining a remarkably simple and robust numerical scale space. By this scale space all of the above mentioned problems (point set orientation, raw point set triangulation, scan merging, segmentation), usually addressed by separated techniques, are solved in a unified framework.

Multi-view point cloud fusion for LiDAR based cooperative environment detection

Jähn, Benjamin, Lindner, Philipp, Wanielik, Gerd 11 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
A key component for automated driving is 360◦ environment detection. The recognition capabilities of mod- ern sensors are always limited to their direct field of view. In urban areas a lot of objects occlude important areas of in- terest. The information captured by another sensor from an- other perspective could solve such occluded situations. Fur- thermore, the capabilities to detect and classify various ob- jects in the surrounding can be improved by taking multiple views into account. In order to combine the data of two sensors into one co- ordinate system, a rigid transformation matrix has to be de- rived. The accuracy of modern e.g. satellite based relative pose estimation systems is not sufficient to guarantee a suit- able alignment. Therefore, a registration based approach is used in this work which aligns the captured environment data of two sensors from different positions. Thus their relative pose estimation obtained by traditional methods is improved and the data can be fused. To support this we present an approach which utilizes the uncertainty information of modern tracking systems to de- termine the possible field of view of the other sensor. Fur- thermore, it is estimated which parts of the captured data is directly visible to both, taking occlusion and shadowing ef- fects into account. Afterwards a registration method, based on the iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm, is applied to that data in order to get an accurate alignment. The contribution of the presented approch to the achiev- able accuracy is shown with the help of ground truth data from a LiDAR simulation within a 3-D crossroad model. Re- sults show that a two dimensional position and heading esti- mation is sufficient to initialize a successful 3-D registration process. Furthermore it is shown which initial spatial align- ment is necessary to obtain suitable registration results.

Non-parametric workspace modelling for mobile robots using push broom lasers

Smith, Michael January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is about the intelligent compression of large 3D point cloud datasets. The non-parametric method that we describe simultaneously generates a continuous representation of the workspace surfaces from discrete laser samples and decimates the dataset, retaining only locally salient samples. Our framework attains decimation factors in excess of two orders of magnitude without significant degradation in fidelity. The work presented here has a specific focus on gathering and processing laser measurements taken from a moving platform in outdoor workspaces. We introduce a somewhat unusual parameterisation of the problem and look to Gaussian Processes as the fundamental machinery in our processing pipeline. Our system compresses laser data in a fashion that is naturally sympathetic to the underlying structure and complexity of the workspace. In geometrically complex areas, compression is lower than that in geometrically bland areas. We focus on this property in detail and it leads us well beyond a simple application of non-parametric techniques. Indeed, towards the end of the thesis we develop a non-stationary GP framework whereby our regression model adapts to the local workspace complexity. Throughout we construct our algorithms so that they may be efficiently implemented. In addition, we present a detailed analysis of the proposed system and investigate model parameters, metric errors and data compression rates. Finally, we note that this work is predicated on a substantial amount of robotics engineering which has allowed us to produce a high quality, peer reviewed, dataset - the first of its kind.

Amélioration de la localisation 3D de données laser terrestre à l'aide de cartes 2D ou modèles 3D / Improved 3D localization of mobile mapping vehicles using 2D maps or 3D models

Monnier, Fabrice 19 December 2014 (has links)
Les avancées technologiques dans le domaine informatique (logiciel et matériel) et, en particulier, de la géolocalisation ont permis la démocratisation des modèles numériques. L'arrivée depuis quelques années de véhicules de cartographie mobile a ouvert l'accès à la numérisation 3D mobile terrestre. L'un des avantages de ces nouvelles méthodes d'imagerie de l'environnement urbain est la capacité potentielle de ces systèmes à améliorer les bases de données existantes 2D comme 3D, en particulier leur niveau de détail et la diversité des objets représentés. Les bases de données géographiques sont constituées d'un ensemble de primitives géométriques (généralement des lignes en 2D et des plans ou des triangles en 3D) d'un niveau de détail grossier mais ont l'avantage d'être disponibles sur de vastes zones géographiques. Elles sont issues de la fusion d'informations diverses (anciennes campagnes réalisées manuellement, conception automatisée ou encore hybride) et peuvent donc présenter des erreurs de fabrication. Les systèmes de numérisation mobiles, eux, peuvent acquérir, entre autres, des nuages de points laser. Ces nuages laser garantissent des données d'un niveau de détail très fin pouvant aller jusqu'à plusieurs points au centimètre carré. Acquérir des nuages de points laser présente toutefois des inconvénients :- une quantité de données importante sur de faibles étendues géographiques posant des problèmes de stockage et de traitements pouvant aller jusqu'à plusieurs Téraoctet lors de campagnes d'acquisition importantes- des difficultés d'acquisition inhérentes au fait d'imager l'environnement depuis le sol. Les systèmes de numérisation mobiles présentent eux aussi des limites : en milieu urbain, le signal GPS nécessaire au bon géoréférencement des données peut être perturbé par les multi-trajets voire même stoppé lors de phénomènes de masquage GPS liés à la réduction de la portion de ciel visible pour capter assez de satellites pour en déduire une position spatiale. Améliorer les bases de données existantes grâce aux données acquises par un véhicule de numérisation mobile nécessite une mise en cohérence des deux ensembles. L'objectif principal de ce manuscrit est donc de mettre en place une chaîne de traitements automatique permettant de recaler bases de données géographiques et nuages de points laser terrestre (provenant de véhicules de cartographies mobiles) de la manière la plus fiable possible. Le recalage peut se réaliser de manière différentes. Dans ce manuscrit, nous avons développé une méthode permettant de recaler des nuages laser sur des bases de données, notamment, par la définition d'un modèle de dérive particulièrement adapté aux dérives non-linéaires de ces données mobiles. Nous avons également développé une méthode capable d'utiliser de l'information sémantique pour recaler des bases de données sur des nuages laser mobiles. Les différentes optimisations effectuées sur notre approche nous permettent de recaler des données rapidement pour une approche post-traitements, ce qui permet d'ouvrir l'approche à la gestion de grands volumes de données (milliards de points laser et milliers de primitives géométriques).Le problème du recalage conjoint a été abordé. Notre chaîne de traitements a été testée sur des données simulées et des données réelles provenant de différentes missions effectuées par l'IGN / Technological advances in computer science (software and hardware) and particularly, GPS localization made digital models accessible to all people. In recent years, mobile mapping systems has enabled large scale mobile 3D scanning. One advantage of this technology for the urban environment is the potential ability to improve existing 2D or 3D database, especially their level of detail and variety of represented objects. Geographic database consist of a set of geometric primitives (generally 2D lines and plans or triangles in 3D) with a coarse level of detail but with the advantage of being available over wide geographical areas. They come from the fusion of various information (old campaigns performed manually, automated or hybrid design) wich may lead to manufacturing errors. The mobile mapping systems can acquire laser point clouds. These point clouds guarantee a fine level of detail up to more than one points per square centimeter. But there are some disavantages :- a large amount of data on small geographic areas that may cause problems for storage and treatment of up to several Terabyte during major acquisition,- the inherent acquisition difficulties to image the environment from the ground. In urban areas, the GPS signal required for proper georeferencing data can be disturbed by multipath or even stopped when GPS masking phenomena related to the reduction of the portion of the visible sky to capture enough satellites to find a good localization. Improve existing databases through these dataset acquired by a mobile mapping system requires alignment of these two sets. The main objective of this manuscript is to establish a pipeline of automatic processes to register these datasets together in the most reliable manner. Co-registration this data can be done in different ways. In this manuscript we have focused our work on the registration of mobile laser point cloud on geographical database by using a drift model suitable for the non rigid drift of these kind of mobile data. We have also developped a method to register geographical database containing semantics on mobile point cloud. The different optimization step performed on our methods allows to register the data fast enough for post-processing pipeline, which allows the management of large volumes of data (billions of laser points and thousands geometric primitives). We have also discussed on the problem of joint deformation. Our methods have been tested on simulated data and real data from different mission performed by IGN

Deep learning on attributed graphs / L'apprentissage profond sur graphes attribués

Simonovsky, Martin 14 December 2018 (has links)
Le graphe est un concept puissant pour la représentation des relations entre des paires d'entités. Les données ayant une structure de graphes sous-jacente peuvent être trouvées dans de nombreuses disciplines, décrivant des composés chimiques, des surfaces des modèles tridimensionnels, des interactions sociales ou des bases de connaissance, pour n'en nommer que quelques-unes. L'apprentissage profond (DL) a accompli des avancées significatives dans une variété de tâches d'apprentissage automatique au cours des dernières années, particulièrement lorsque les données sont structurées sur une grille, comme dans la compréhension du texte, de la parole ou des images. Cependant, étonnamment peu de choses ont été faites pour explorer l'applicabilité de DL directement sur des données structurées sous forme des graphes. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier des architectures de DL sur des graphes et de rechercher comment transférer, adapter ou généraliser à ce domaine des concepts qui fonctionnent bien sur des données séquentielles et des images. Nous nous concentrons sur deux primitives importantes : le plongement de graphes ou leurs nœuds dans une représentation de l'espace vectorielle continue (codage) et, inversement, la génération des graphes à partir de ces vecteurs (décodage). Nous faisons les contributions suivantes. Tout d'abord, nous introduisons Edge-Conditioned Convolutions (ECC), une opération de type convolution sur les graphes réalisés dans le domaine spatial où les filtres sont générés dynamiquement en fonction des attributs des arêtes. La méthode est utilisée pour coder des graphes avec une structure arbitraire et variable. Deuxièmement, nous proposons SuperPoint Graph, une représentation intermédiaire de nuages de points avec de riches attributs des arêtes codant la relation contextuelle entre des parties des objets. Sur la base de cette représentation, l'ECC est utilisé pour segmenter les nuages de points à grande échelle sans sacrifier les détails les plus fins. Troisièmement, nous présentons GraphVAE, un générateur de graphes permettant de décoder des graphes avec un nombre de nœuds variable mais limité en haut, en utilisant la correspondance approximative des graphes pour aligner les prédictions d'un auto-encodeur avec ses entrées. La méthode est appliquée à génération de molécules / Graph is a powerful concept for representation of relations between pairs of entities. Data with underlying graph structure can be found across many disciplines, describing chemical compounds, surfaces of three-dimensional models, social interactions, or knowledge bases, to name only a few. There is a natural desire for understanding such data better. Deep learning (DL) has achieved significant breakthroughs in a variety of machine learning tasks in recent years, especially where data is structured on a grid, such as in text, speech, or image understanding. However, surprisingly little has been done to explore the applicability of DL on graph-structured data directly.The goal of this thesis is to investigate architectures for DL on graphs and study how to transfer, adapt or generalize concepts working well on sequential and image data to this domain. We concentrate on two important primitives: embedding graphs or their nodes into a continuous vector space representation (encoding) and, conversely, generating graphs from such vectors back (decoding). To that end, we make the following contributions.First, we introduce Edge-Conditioned Convolutions (ECC), a convolution-like operation on graphs performed in the spatial domain where filters are dynamically generated based on edge attributes. The method is used to encode graphs with arbitrary and varying structure.Second, we propose SuperPoint Graph, an intermediate point cloud representation with rich edge attributes encoding the contextual relationship between object parts. Based on this representation, ECC is employed to segment large-scale point clouds without major sacrifice in fine details.Third, we present GraphVAE, a graph generator allowing to decode graphs with variable but upper-bounded number of nodes making use of approximate graph matching for aligning the predictions of an autoencoder with its inputs. The method is applied to the task of molecule generation

Traitement joint de nuage de points et d'images pour l'analyse et la visualisation des formes 3D / Joint point clouds and images processing for the analysis and visualization of 3D models

Guislain, Maximilien 19 October 2017 (has links)
Au cours de la dernière décennie, les technologies permettant la numérisation d'espaces urbains ont connu un développement rapide. Des campagnes d'acquisition de données couvrant des villes entières ont été menées en utilisant des scanners LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) installés sur des véhicules mobiles. Les résultats de ces campagnes d'acquisition laser, représentants les bâtiments numérisés, sont des nuages de millions de points pouvant également contenir un ensemble de photographies. On s'intéresse ici à l'amélioration du nuage de points à l'aide des données présentes dans ces photographies. Cette thèse apporte plusieurs contributions notables à cette amélioration. La position et l'orientation des images acquises sont généralement connues à l'aide de dispositifs embarqués avec le scanner LiDAR, même si ces informations de positionnement sont parfois imprécises. Pour obtenir un recalage précis d'une image sur un nuage de points, nous proposons un algorithme en deux étapes, faisant appel à l'information mutuelle normalisée et aux histogrammes de gradients orientés. Cette méthode permet d'obtenir une pose précise même lorsque les estimations initiales sont très éloignées de la position et de l'orientation réelles. Une fois ces images recalées, il est possible de les utiliser pour inférer la couleur de chaque point du nuage en prenant en compte la variabilité des points de vue. Pour cela, nous nous appuyons sur la minimisation d'une énergie prenant en compte les différentes couleurs associables à un point et les couleurs présentes dans le voisinage spatial du point. Bien entendu, les différences d'illumination lors de l'acquisition des données peuvent altérer la couleur à attribuer à un point. Notamment, cette couleur peut dépendre de la présence d'ombres portées amenées à changer avec la position du soleil. Il est donc nécessaire de détecter et de corriger ces dernières. Nous proposons une nouvelle méthode qui s'appuie sur l'analyse conjointe des variations de la réflectance mesurée par le LiDAR et de la colorimétrie des points du nuage. En détectant suffisamment d'interfaces ombre/lumière nous pouvons caractériser la luminosité de la scène et la corriger pour obtenir des scènes sans ombre portée. Le dernier problème abordé par cette thèse est celui de la densification du nuage de points. En effet la densité locale du nuage de points est variable et parfois insuffisante dans certaines zones. Nous proposons une approche applicable directement par la mise en oeuvre d'un filtre bilatéral joint permettant de densifier le nuage de points en utilisant les données des images / Recent years saw a rapid development of city digitization technologies. Acquisition campaigns covering entire cities are now performed using LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) scanners embedded aboard mobile vehicles. These acquisition campaigns yield point clouds, composed of millions of points, representing the buildings and the streets, and may also contain a set of images of the scene. The subject developed here is the improvement of the point cloud using the information contained in the camera images. This thesis introduces several contributions to this joint improvement. The position and orientation of acquired images are usually estimated using devices embedded with the LiDAR scanner, even if this information is inaccurate. To obtain the precise registration of an image on a point cloud, we propose a two-step algorithm which uses both Mutual Information and Histograms of Oriented Gradients. The proposed method yields an accurate camera pose, even when the initial estimations are far from the real position and orientation. Once the images have been correctly registered, it is possible to use them to color each point of the cloud while using the variability of the point of view. This is done by minimizing an energy considering the different colors associated with a point and the potential colors of its neighbors. Illumination changes can also change the color assigned to a point. Notably, this color can be affected by cast shadows. These cast shadows are changing with the sun position, it is therefore necessary to detect and correct them. We propose a new method that analyzes the joint variation of the reflectance value obtained by the LiDAR and the color of the points. By detecting enough interfaces between shadow and light, we can characterize the luminance of the scene and to remove the cast shadows. The last point developed in this thesis is the densification of a point cloud. Indeed, the local density of a point cloud varies and is sometimes insufficient in certain areas. We propose a directly applicable approach to increase the density of a point cloud using multiple images

CAD-Based Pose Estimation - Algorithm Investigation

Lef, Annette January 2019 (has links)
One fundamental task in robotics is random bin-picking, where it is important to be able to detect an object in a bin and estimate its pose to plan the motion of a robotic arm. For this purpose, this thesis work aimed to investigate and evaluate algorithms for 6D pose estimation when the object was given by a CAD model. The scene was given by a point cloud illustrating a partial 3D view of the bin with multiple instances of the object. Two algorithms were thus implemented and evaluated. The first algorithm was an approach based on Point Pair Features, and the second was Fast Global Registration. For evaluation, four different CAD models were used to create synthetic data with ground truth annotations. It was concluded that the Point Pair Feature approach provided a robust localization of objects and can be used for bin-picking. The algorithm appears to be able to handle different types of objects, however, with small limitations when the object has flat surfaces and weak texture or many similar details. The disadvantage with the algorithm was the execution time. Fast Global Registration, on the other hand, did not provide a robust localization of objects and is thus not a good solution for bin-picking.

Etude du rôle de la végétation dans la création de microclimats urbains : approche combinée de mesures et de modélisations à différentes échelles / Study of vegetation purpose in urban microclimates creation : combined approaches of measures and modellings at different scales

Bournez, Elena 19 November 2018 (has links)
Le phénomène d'îlot de chaleur urbain engendre de l'inconfort thermique auprès des habitants. Améliorer le microclimat en zone urbaine est donc l'une des préoccupations des aménageurs. La végétalisation des villes s'avère une solution prometteuse, car l'évapotranspiration des plantes etles ombres portées des arbres ont un impact significatif sur le bilan thermique de l'atmosphère alentour. Un défi majeur aujourd'hui est le développement d'un modèle de simulation microclimatique capable de reproduire les conditions climatiques d'une rue, voire d'un quartier urbain végétalisé, dans l'objectif de proposer un outil d'aide à la décision pour l'aménagement des villes durables. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier comment prendre en compte la végétation et plus particulièrement les arbres, dans un modèle microclimatique 30 afin de simuler le microclimat d'un quartier. Deux modèles, LASER/F et RATP sont appliqués à l'échelle d'un arbre et d'un parc urbain pour mener à bien cette étude. / The urban heat island phenomenon causes thermal discomfort to residents. lmproving the microclimate in urban areas is therefore one of the concerns of urban plan ners. The greening of cities (with lawns, trees, green roofs, etc.) is a promising solution, as the transpiration of plants and the shadows of trees have a significant impact on the thermal balance of the surrounding atmosphere. This act must be planned to optimize the benefits of vegetation. A key challenge today is thus the development of a microclimatic simulation model capable of reproducing the climatic conditions of a street, or even a vegetated urban neighborhood, with the aim of proposinga decision support tool for the development of sustainable cities. The aim of this thesis is to study how to consider vegetation and especially trees, in a 30 microclimatic model to simulate the microclimate of a neighborhood. Two models, LASER/F and RATP were applied at the scale of a tree and an urban park to carry out this study.

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