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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alternativ för kreosotimpregnerade stolpar för Skellefteå Kraft AB : Med energiteknisk kalkyl för utsläpp vid impregnering och transport av kreosotstolpar

ElHarthy, Kamal January 2017 (has links)
Kreosot är ett träskyddsmedel som förstärker träet mot röta och levande organismer vid impregnering. Problemet är att ämnet kreosot klassas som hälsofarligt och påverkar miljön i flera aspekter. Kemikalieinspektionen har beslutat om en förlängd användning av ämnet fram till år 2018. Därefter riskerar bekämpningsmedlet en gradvis utfasning i hela landet. En stor del av elkraftstolparna som Skellefteå Kraft AB använder i deras elnät är kreosotimpregnerade stolpar. Vid utfasning av ämnet kommer företaget att behöva ha en ny strategi angående elkraftstolpar. Med hjälp av undersökningar och analyser ska denna rapport beskriva en lämplig strategi för Skellefteå Kraft AB att använda sig av när kreosot förbjuds. På grund av de goda egenskaperna hos materialet trä och dess låga belastning på miljön avgränsas rapporten för just undersökning av metoder och medel som endast involverar materialet trä, bland annat furu på grund av dess goda förmåga vid inträngning av träskyddsmedlet. Rapporten undersöker först miljöpåverkan för kreosotstolpar genom studier av så kallade livscykelanalyser (LCA). En sådan undersökning inkluderar alla utsläpp som uppstår under en kreosotstolpes livslängd och dess påverkan på naturen och människan. Här utfördes en energiteknisk beräkning av det totala utsläppet för två olika exempel, en kortare (150 mil) och en längre (500 mil). Resultatet av denna analys visar att energiåtgången var bara ca 1/3 högre för den längre transporten. Det största utsläppet var växthusgasen koldioxid vilket skedde i betydligt större omfattning för den längre transportsträckan. Rapporten fortsätter att undersöka vilka impregneringsmetoder som används i Sverige och vilka medel som används. Detta görs för att analysera vilken av dessa metoder som kan vara en lämplig ersättning för kreosotimpregnering. En samlad bedömning av resultat och data från denna undersökning visade att Skellefteå Kraft AB kan fortsatt använda sig utav kopparsaltimpregnerade stolpar (Wolmanit CX-8 eller Wolmanit CX-8N) ifall kreosot fasas ut. Dessutom föreslås tryckimpregneringsmetoderna (fullcell eller Lowry metoden) behållas. Skellefteå Kraft AB har redan ett inköpsavtal med Rundvirke Poles AB angående beställning av nya stolpar. Rundvirke Poles AB tillverkar kopparsaltstolpar i alla dimensioner och storlekar och för Skellefteå Krafts del kan det tills vidare vara lämpligt att inköpsavtalet fortsätter gälla. Företag som Skellefteå Kraft bör dock vara öppna för nya och bättre medel och träskyddsmetoder som kan ge bättre prestanda och en mer fördelaktig livscykel. Ett sådant kan vara RVP Repellent som Poles AB utvecklar men här bör fördjupade tester, livscykelanalyser och kontroller utföras på träskyddsmedlet och produkten.

Les Polonais en France dans l’immédiat après-guerre (1944–1949) / Poles in France in the immediate post-war period (1944–1949)

Sękowski, Paweł 06 July 2015 (has links)
La population qui constitue l’objet d’intérêt de la thèse est la communauté polonaise, fixée sur le territoire français depuis l’entre-deux-guerres, dans leur forte majorité ayant statut des « travailleurs étrangers ». L’objectif de la thèse est l’analyse de la situation et de l’histoire de la communauté polonaise en France dans les dimensions sociale, politique, culturelle et dans les aspects précis choisis. L’autre objectif est la présentation de la population polonaise comme étant exemplaire de la situation des immigrés en France dans l’immédiat après-guerre. Les deux premiers chapitres apportent l’analyse des notions employées, la présentation du contexte démographique, économique et politique de la France au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et de la genèse de la communauté immigré polonaise en France. Les deux chapitres suivants constituent les études précises de cette communauté dans l’immédiat après-guerre, par l’analyse de la situation, du statut et des changements au sein de l’immigration polonaise, ensuite des conflits politiques intérieures au sein de cette communauté – tout cela dans le contexte du rapatriement, organisé à l’époque par les autorités polonaises de Varsovie. Le dernier chapitre constitue l’étude de l’évolution des phénomènes de l’enseignement polonais, de l’aumônerie polonaise et de la fameuse vie associative des Polonais en France. En bref, la thèse présente divers aspects du processus de l’intégration progressive de la communauté immigrée polonaise à la société d’accueil, accélérée par les années d’hostilités et le contexte particulier de l’immédiat après-guerre. / The object oh the following thesis is the Polish community living in France from the interwar period, in the majority consisting of laborers who owned the status of travailleur étranger – “foreign worker”. The aim of this dissertation is the analysis of the situation and the history of the Polish community in France in the following dimensions: social, political and cultural and in chosen detailed aspects. What is more, the aim of the thesis is a presentation of Polish community as an example of situation of immigrants in France in the years following Second World War. The first two chapters present the analysis of notions frequently used and demographic, economical and political context in France of that time, at last the presentation of the genesis of the Polish community in France. Next two chapters constitute detailed study of this community in the chosen period, through the analysis of its situation, legal status and social changes, as well as internal political conflicts. This is described, taking into consideration, repatriation of the Poles from France, organized by the Polish government in Warsaw. The last chapter constitutes the study of evolution of the Polish education phenomenon, Polish priesthood and well-known activity of Polish associations. To sum up, in the thesis are presented the diverse aspects of the progressive process of the integration of the Polish immigrants in France which was accelerated by the War and the specific context of the first years after the Liberation.

Přeložkové fráze místa a času a jejich pozice ve větě. Kontrastivní analýza mezi francouzštinou a nizozemštinou. / Spatial and Temporal PPs and their Positioning in the Sentence. Contrastive analysis between Dutch and French.

Bastin, Thomas January 2015 (has links)
in English This thesis focuses on the spatial and temporal prepositional phrases (PP) and their positioning in French and Dutch. Both languages have different sentence structures, and it was therefore presumed that the positions of the PPs would vary in both languages. The purpose of this thesis was to do an analysis in this field, to describe the possible positions of spatial and temporal PPs and to compare them. The research was done within the functionalist theory of André Martinet. This theory is based on the fact that the main objective of language is communication and that people use various strategies to interpret messages on different levels. It also must be taken into account that various principles influence word order. Sentence structure, strategies and principles are factors that create a complex word order system must be considered when forming each sentence. On this basis, the purpose of this thesis is to describe these factors and demonstrate their usage through analysis of concrete, practical examples.

Portable Eight-Cable Robot Used in Large-Scale Outdoor Agriculture

Lu, Haotian January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Koliha–Drazin invertibles form a regularity

Smit, Joukje Anneke 10 1900 (has links)
The axiomatic theory of ` Zelazko defines a variety of general spectra where specified axioms are satisfied. However, there arise a number of spectra, usually defined for a single element of a Banach algebra, that are not covered by the axiomatic theory of ` Zelazko. V. Kordula and V. M¨uller addressed this issue and created the theory of regularities. Their unique idea was to describe the underlying set of elements on which the spectrum is defined. The axioms of a regularity provide important consequences. We prove that the set of Koliha-Drazin invertible elements, which includes the Drazin invertible elements, forms a regularity. The properties of the spectrum corresponding to a regularity are also investigated. / Mathematical Sciences / M. Sc. (Mathematics)

Chance or Crisis?

Damm, Andreas 11 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Ireland experienced an unprecedented arrival of immigrants during the years of economic prosperity. The new diversity was met with divided public opinion towards non-Irish and an increasingly selective immigration policy. The media, as a main contributor to public discourse, play an important role in the construction of migrant images and therefore have a profound impact on such developments. Employing a combination of quantitative and qualitative content analysis, this study examines whether different immigrant groups have the same chance of favourable or unfavourable portrayal in daily newspapers. Based on the most frequent roles and topics associated with Poles, Nigerians and Chinese, a selection of newspaper articles is subjected to in-depth analysis. The overarching result that there is not one image of the Irish media illustrates how difficult, if not impossible, it is to arrive at findings that can be generalised. Individual newspapers are found to pursuit varying and sometimes covert strategies in the representation of immigrants. It is further shown that immigrants who are perceived as culturally closer to Irishness have a higher chance of favourable portrayal than those who are perceived as culturally more distant. Some commonly accepted perceptions of immigrants are unmasked as myths.

Caractérisation d'antennes par la méthode du développement en singularités appliquée au coefficient de rétrodiffusion / Antenna characterization using the singularity expansion method applied on the backscattering coefficient

Sarrazin, François 22 November 2013 (has links)
Ce manuscrit est consacré à l’étude de la méthode du développement en singularités (SEM) appliquée aux antennes. Dans la première partie de ce travail, trois méthodes d’extraction des pôles de résonance sont présentées et comparées : les méthodes de Prony et Matrix Pencil dans le domaine temporel et la méthode de Cauchy dans le domaine fréquentiel. Une procédure est établie pour optimiser l’extraction avec chaque méthode et une étude de robustesse montre que la méthode Matrix Pencil permet d’obtenir plus de pôles et avec une meilleure précision que les deux autres méthodes en présence de bruit. Dans un second temps, la méthode Matrix Pencil est appliquée sur des réponses d’antennes, obtenues en rayonnement et en Surface Equivalente Radar (SER), et les pôles de résonance extraits sont identiques pour les deux approches. Cette étude valide donc la possibilité d’extraire les pôles de résonance d’une antenne directement à partir de sa SER. La variation de la position des pôles de résonance en fonction des dimensions et de la charge de deux antennes est ensuite étudiée et met en évidence le lien entre l’impédance d’entrée de l’antenne et ses pôles de résonance. Enfin, les mesures de la SER de trois antennes valident expérimentalement l’extraction des pôles de résonance à partir de la SER d’une antenne. Ce travail pose donc les bases de la caractérisation d’antennes à l’aide de la SEM appliquée à la SER de l’antenne. / This manuscript deals with the Singularity Expansion Method (SEM) applied to antenna characterization. In the first part of this work, three resonant poles extraction methods are presented and compared: the Prony and Matrix Pencil methods in the transient domain and the Cauchy method in the frequency domain. A procedure is defined to optimize the extraction with each method and a robustness study shows that Matrix Pencil method allows obtaining more physical poles with a better accuracy than the two other methods in presence of noise. In a second part, the Matrix Pencil algorithm is applied on radiated and backscattered antenna responses. Extracted resonant poles from both responses are exactly the same. This study validates the possibility to extract poles directly from its backscattered response. The position of resonant poles is analyzed with respect to antenna’s dimension and its load for two different cases. This emphasizes the link between antenna poles and antenna input impedance. Finally, RCS measurements of three antennas validate antenna poles extraction directly from its RCS. This work lays the foundations of antenna characterization using the SEM applied to RCS measurements.

The Imagined Child

Richards, Jo-Anne January 2016 (has links)
This PhD comprises a work of fiction and a dissertation, both of which explore childhood, children and parenthood. The Imagined Child, the novel, closely examines the nature of parenthood, the expectations inherent in the parent-child relationship, and the responsibilities that society imposes on parents. It explores the strains of guilt and blame that surround all primary relationships: every child is damaged in some way – through nature and nurture. How they deal with that damage determines the kinds of adults – and ultimately the kinds of parents – they become. The dissertation approaches childhood as a literary device. It explores the ways in which four novelists from different historical periods have characterised and thematised childhood. It presents ‘childhood’ as a social construct and considers the ways in which childhood and parenting have changed in recent, Western history. It then focuses on the research into and literary representations of children in Africa to explore the versions of childhood inherited by African, and particularly South African, children and how this differs from American or European models. Textual analysis was employed to examine the representation of childhood in four texts: Charles Dickens’s David Copperfield (1850), L.P. Hartley’s The Go-Between (1953), Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird (1960), and Michiel Heyns’s The Children’s Day (2002). An examination of research and literature shows a very different trajectory for childhood in Africa than in Europe, and reveals that childhood on the continent has never been consistent, in life or literature. There is, in other words, no universal “African childhood”. The literary children of South Africa are examined not only to show how differently childhood is experienced in diverse segments of society, but also to measure the temperature of the times. The differing versions of literary childhood, and their varying treatments, provide a gauge for the zeitgeist in South African society from the 1990s. The dissertation argues that an examination of literary children provides insight into the development of a new democracy. The dissertation and the novel, taken together, suggest that through the real and imagined children of literature can be gained a sense of ourselves.

Análise do amortecimento de modos interáreas com o método de imposição de polos. / Analysis damping of modes inter-area with the method of imposition of poles.

Febres Tapia, Carlos Alberto 18 July 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda as oscilações eletromecânicas de baixa frequência, relativas a modos interáreas, pouco amortecidos, avaliando o seu impacto no desempenho de redes elétricas multi-máquinas com o objetivo de elevar o amortecimento destes modos com equipamentos TCSC. Os locais apropriados para instalação destes equipamentos são escolhidos com a análise dos resíduos de funções de transferência e o ajuste de parâmetros, para o projeto coordenado de controladores, utiliza o método de imposição de polos. O sistema não linear de equações, obtido com a aplicação do método de imposição de polos, supondo coeficientes de amortecimento pré-estabelecidos, é resolvido utilizando-se o método de Newton Raphson. Adicionalmente, avalia-se a possibilidade do método auxiliar na análise de interações entre controladores e identificação de acoplamentos, por meio da análise dos termos que compõem as equações de imposição de polos. / This work deals with low frequency oscillations related to inter-area modes, evaluating their impact on the performance of multi-machine electrical networks with the aim to increase the damping of these modes using TCSC. The best places to install these devices are chosen with the analysis of the residues of transfer functions and the parameter fitting for coordinated application of stabilizers is performed with the pole placement method. The nonlinear system of equations, obtained with the pole placement method, assuming specified damping factors, is solved with the Newton-Raphson method. The method is also used in the analysis of control interaction among stabilizers through the evaluation of individual parcels of the pole placement equations, as an additional feature of the approach.

Relações entre os pólos do visto e do sabido no cabri 3D: Uma experiência com alunos do ensino médio

Rosalves, Márcia Yolanda 27 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:57:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EDM - Marcia Yolanda Rosalves.pdf: 3135012 bytes, checksum: 57c3dae3f651e69ce218a2790d1f5f7b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-27 / This research involves the teaching and learning of the geometry of space (three-dimensional geometry) in school mathematics. It considers, in particular, the relationships between geometrical objects and their representations in the plane. The works of Parzysz (1988; 1993), which served as the theoretical base for this study, point to the difficulties students that experience in interpreting representations of three-dimensional objects, in terms of construction (codification) and interpretation (decodification), as well as the conflict between the poles of seeing and knowing. The results presented by Parzysz concern experimentations carried out in the conventional paper-and-pencil environment. Considering the limitations of this environment and the difficulties associated with the identification of spatial relations given its static nature, the dynamic geometry environment of Cabri 3D was chosen as the context for this study. The aim was to investigate the role of the dynamic representation of this software in the study of space geometry. More precisely, the study seeks to analyse the possibilities related to the poles of seeing and knowing in the interactions of subjects with the tools and representations of Cabri 3D. The empirical part of the research involved the development of an experimental study strongly inspired by the methodology of Design Experiments, using the perspective of Steffe and Thompson (2000) and Cobb et al. (2003). High school students from a public-sector school in the city of São Paulo participated in this experiment. The results show that, in certain situation, the loss in information associated with Cabri 3D representation of spatial objects are less than in the paper-and-pencil environment. The evidence also suggested that both the dynamic aspect with the potential to manipulate and change the point of view onto the object represented and the treatment the enriching of representations made possible by the use of the construction tools aided in the process of decodification, amplifying the interpretation of the drawing on the part of the student and enabling a better use of perceptive inferences / A presente pesquisa está inserida no contexto do ensino-aprendizagem da Geometria Espacial na Educação Básica, referindo-se, em particular, às relações entre os objetos geométricos e suas representações planas. Os trabalhos de Parzysz (1988; 1993) destacam as dificuldades dos alunos com a representação de objetos tridimensionais, no que se refere à sua elaboração (codificação) e interpretação (decodificação), bem como o conflito gerado pelos pólos do visto e sabido que são as bases do presente estudo. Os resultados apresentados nas pesquisas desse autor referem-se a experimentações no ambiente convencional de papel&lápis. Considerando as limitações desse ambiente e as dificuldades de identificação de relações espaciais dado seu caráter estático, optou-se por utilizar o ambiente de geometria dinâmica Cabri 3D. Assim, o estudo teve por objetivo investigar o papel das representações dinâmicas nesse software. Mais precisamente, pretendeu-se analisar as possibilidades de gestão dos pólos do visto e do sabido nas interações dos sujeitos com as ferramentas e representações do Cabri 3D. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa deu-se por meio de um estudo experimental fortemente inspirado na metodologia do Design Experiment na perspectiva de Steffe e Thompson (2000) e Cobb et al (2003), sendo realizado com alunos do Ensino Médio de uma escola pública da cidade de São Paulo. Os resultados mostraram que, em determinadas situações, as perdas de informações no Cabri 3D são menores que no ambiente papel&lápis. Existem também evidências de que tanto o aspecto dinâmico com possibilidades de manipular e mudar o ponto de vista do objeto representado como o de tratamento , enriquecimento da representação no uso das ferramentas de construção, auxiliam no processo de decodificação, ampliando a interpretação do desenho por parte dos alunos e levando-os a um melhor aproveitamento das interferências perceptivas

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