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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos de um progama de treinamento de caminhada livre e caminhada nórdica em idosos sedentários / Effects of a Nordic walking and free walking training program on static and dynamic balance parameters, self-selected walking speed, locomotor rehabilitation index and quality of life of sedentary elderly : a randomized controlled trial

Gomeñuka, Natalia Andrea January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: Considerando o rápido aumento da população de idosos e da sua expectativa de vida, junto com a expansão das intervenções de caminhada nórdica (NW) como método de treinamento para idosos, há uma necessidade de estudos de base experimental (ensaios clínicos randomizados controlados, ECRs) de caráter preventivo e de boa qualidade metodológica que permitam aos profissionais da educação física, da saúde e da reabilitação a tomada de decisões relativas ao tipo, volume, intensidade de exercício da NW na promoção da saúde dos idosos sedentários. Objetivos: o presente estudo teve como objetivos (estudo A) determinar, por meio de revisão sistemática de ensaios clínicos randomizados, se o treinamento sistematizado com NW, comparado à caminhada livre (CL), produz efeitos benéficos sobre componentes da aptidão funcional de idosos sedentários saudáveis, também avaliar (estudo B) os efeitos de oito semanas de treinamento de NW e CL na qualidade de vida (QV), no equilíbrio estático, na variabilidade dinâmica, na velocidade autosselecionada de caminhada (VAS) em esteira e no índice de reabilitação locomotor (IRL) de idosos sedentários, e também avaliar (estudo C) os efeitos de oito semanas de treinamento de NW e CL no trabalho mecânico (externo- Wext, trabalho mecânico interno- Wint, no trabalho mecânico total – Wtot), no mecanismo pendular (R), no Custo de transporte (C), na frequência cardíaca de exercício (FCexercício), na sensação subjetiva de esforço (RPE), e nos parâmetros eletromiográficos (amplitude média do sinal e co-contração) dos músculos: deltoides anterior (DA), tríceps braquial (TB), vasto lateral (VL), bíceps femoral (BF), tibial anterior (TA) e gastrocnêmio medial (GM) de idosos sedentários. Desenho Experimental: ECR. Local da Pesquisa: Escola de Educação Física, Fisioterapia e Dança (ESEFID) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Métodos: Participaram deste estudo 32 idosos sedentários randomizados em dois grupos (grupo NW), n=16, idade: 64,6±4,1 anos, massa: 81,5±10,7kg e estatura: 166,3±7,5cm; e o grupo CL, n=16, idade: 68,6±3,9 anos, massa: 74,6±14,5kg e estatura: 161,6±10,3cm), realizaram treinamento de NW e CL durante 8 semanas. Desfechos do estudo A: foram avaliadaos com um estudo de revisão sistemática parâmetros da aptidão funcional de idosos (força e resistência dos membros superiores, força e resistência dos membros inferiores, mobilidade, flexibilidade dos músculos da coluna lombar e da região posterior da coxa, amplitude geral da articulação do ombro, resistência aeróbia e velocidade autosselecionada). Desfechos do estudo B: foram avaliados utilizando questionário de qualidade de vida, testes de equilibrio em plataforma de força e coleta cinemática 3D durante caminhada em esteira rolante para determinação dos Parâmetros funcionais (qualidade de vida, equilíbrio estático e dinâmico, velocidade autosselecionada de caminhada e índice de reabilitação locomotor). Desfechos do estudo C: foram avaliados através coletas de dados espirométricos, cinemáticos 3D e eletromiográficos da caminhada em esteira rolante em diferentes velocidades os parâmetros mecânicos e do mecanismo pendular (trabalho mecânico externo, interno e total- Wext, Wint, Wtot, Recovery -R, Custo de transporte -C, Velocidade autosselecionada -VAS), parâmetros eletromiográficos (amplitude média do sinal e co-contração dos músculos DA, TB, VL, BF, TA e GM), frequência cardíaca de exercício – FCexercício, e sensação subjetiva de esforço - RPE, de idosos sedentários,. Análise Estatística: Os dados de descrição da amostra, no baseline, foram comparados aplicando-se ANOVA one-way. Os desfechos foram analisados utilizando as Equações de Estimativas Generalizadas (GEE), para a comparação entre os grupos (NW e CL) e os momentos (pré e pós treino). Utilizou-se um post-hoc de Bonferroni, para identificar as diferenças entre os efeitos e interações. Os dados foram apresentados em “model-based adjusted means”, e foram analisados com o software Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) v.22.0. Adotou-se um nível de significância de α=0,05. Conclusão: os treinamentos de NW e de CL, promovem melhoras nos componentes da aptidão funcional; no equilíbrio estático e na variabilidade dinâmica de idosos. Contudo algumas diferenças entre as duas intervenções se relacionam ao princípio da especificidade do treinamento e ocorrem apenas nos componentes que receberam mais estímulos impostos pela técnica da caminhada com bastões, especialmente nos membros superiores. Ainda, o incremento da VAS na esteira aliada à utilização do IRL, nos permitem concluir que o treinamento de NW tem relevância clínica e é recomendado como meio de melhora do condicionamento físico e como método de reabilitação de idosos sedentários. Esta atividade física proporciona adaptações centrais com melhora significativa na mobilidade funcional de idosos. Deste modo, após treinamento de resistência aeróbica com e sem bastões os idosos aumentam a velocidade de locomoção nas atividades diárias e com menor custo metabólico devido às adaptações centrais e melhora do mecanismo pendular devido à maior proximidade da VAS à velocidade ótima de caminhada. Ainda há adaptações importantes na ativação muscular decorrentes do treinamento de NW em idosos indicando uma redução dos níveis de co-contração de membros superiores na caminhada sem bastões, à qual repercute diretamente na melhora da aptidão física, na independência funcional dos idosos. Além disso, recomendamos à NW como uma atividade física segura e efetiva para esta população quando a periodização do treinamento são realizados com o volume e intensidade estritamente controlados. / Introduction: Considering the rapid increase in the elderly population and their life expectancy, together with the expansion of Nordic walking (NW) interventions as a training method for the elderly, there is a need for experimental studies (randomized controlled trials, ECRs) of preventive character and of good methodological quality that allow the professionals of physical education, health and rehabilitation to make decisions regarding the type, volume and intensity of NW exercise in the health promotion of sedentary elderly. Objectives: This study aimed (study A) to determine, through a systematic review of randomized clinical trials, whether systematic training with NW, compared to free walking (FW), has beneficial effects on components of the functional capacity of sedentary elderly, also (study B) avaluate the effects of eight weeks of NW and FW training on quality of life (QoL), static balance, dynamic variability, self-selected walking speed on treadmill (SSWS) and Locomotor rehabilitation index (LRI) of sedentary elderly, and also evaluate (study C) the effects of eight weeks of NW and FW training on mechanical work (external, internal and total mechanical work -Wext,Wint, Wtot), pendular mechanism (R), Cost of (C), exercise heart rate (HRexercise), rate of perceived exertion (RPE), and electromyographic parameters (mean signal amplitude and co-contraction) of muscles: Anterior Deltoid (AD), Triceps Brachii (TB), Vastus Lateralis (VL), Femoral Biceps (BF), Anterior Tibialis (TA) and Medial Gastrocnemius (MG) of sedentary elderly. Experimental Design: Controlled Clinical Trial (ECR). Research Location: School of Physical Education, Physiotherapy and Dance (ESEFID), Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Methods: The sample comprised 33 sedentary participants randomly divided into two groups (NW group, n =16, age: 64.6 ± 4.1 years old, weight: 81.5 ± 10.7 kg and height: 166.3 ± 7.5 cm; and FW group, n =16, age: 68.6 ± 3.9 years, mass: 74.6 ± 14.5 kg and height: 161.6 ± 10.3 cm), performed NW and FW training for 8 weeks. Outcomes of Study A: Parameters of functional fitness of the elderly (upper limb strength and endurance, lower limb strength and endurance, mobility, lumbar spine and posterior hip muscle flexibility, general amplitude of the shoulder joint, aerobic endurance and self-selected speed). Outcomes of study B: Functional parameters (QoL, static and dynamic balance, SSWS and LRI).Outcomes of Study C: Mechanical parameters and pendular mechanism (Wext, Wint, Wtot, R, C, SSS), electromyographic parameters (mean signal amplitude and Co-contraction of AD, TB, VL, BF, AT and MG muscles), HRexercise RPE of sedentary elderly. Statistics Analysis: Sample description data, at baseline, were compared by applying one-way ANOVA. The outcomes were analyzed using Generalized Estimates (GEE), to compare the groups (NW and CL) and the moments (pre and post training). A Bonferroni post-hoc was used to identify the differences between effects and interactions. The data were presented in model-based adjusted means, and were analyzed with the software Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) v.22.0. A significance level of α = 0.05 was adopted. Conclusion: NW and FW training, promotes improvements in functional fitness components; in the static balance and in the dynamic variability of the elderly. However, some differences between the two interventions are related to the principle of training specificity and occur only in the components that received the most stimuli imposed by the walking technique with poles, especially in the upper limbs. Furthermore, the increase in SSWS on the treadmill combined with the use of LRI allows us to conclude that NW training has clinical relevance and is recommended as a means of improving physical conditioning and as a method of rehabilitation of sedentary elderly. This physical activity provides central adaptations with significant improvement in the functional mobility of the elderly. Thus, after aerobic resistance training with and without poles, the elderly increase the speed of locomotion in daily activities and with lower metabolic cost due to the central adaptations and improvement of the pendulum mechanism due to the greater proximity of the SSWS to the optimal speed of walking. There are still important adaptations in muscle activation resulting from NW training in the elderly indicating a reduction in the levels of co-contraction of upper limbs in walking without walking poles, which directly affects the improvement of physical fitness and functional independence of the elderly. In addition, we recommend NW as a safe and effective physical activity for this population when the periodization of training is performed with the volume and intensity strictly controlled.

Otimização de traços de concreto : estudo aplicado a postes de concreto armado visando o aumento da vida útil / Optimization of concrete mixtures: study applied to reinforced concrete poles aiming to increase service life

Reginato, Lucas Alexandre January 2014 (has links)
A energia elétrica é, sem dúvida, um recurso indispensável para a sociedade moderna. A mesma revolucionou o modo de vida do ser humano em todos os aspectos e melhorou substancialmente sua qualidade de vida. A distribuição da energia elétrica cabe ao Sistema Elétrico de Potência – SEP, dividido basicamente em três macro setores: geração, transmissão e distribuição. A eletricidade é efetivamente entregue aos consumidores pelo sistema de distribuição, formado principalmente por redes aéreas sustentadas por postes, estes na sua maioria, feitos de concreto armado. Tendo em vista o adequado fornecimento da energia elétrica à sociedade, se faz necessário assegurar as linhas de distribuição de energia, na qual os postes exercem papel fundamental. Entende-se que o aumento da vida útil dos postes de concreto armado pode colaborar para a redução da manutenção da rede de distribuição, reduzindo o investimento em substituições ou reparos em postes por parte das concessionárias Deste modo, esse trabalho propõe a otimização do traço utilizado na produção de postes de concreto armado em uma empresa de artefatos de concreto, visando à vida útil do mesmo. Para tanto foram realizados estudos visando o aprimoramento da composição dos agregados, adição de material pozolânico, adição de fibras e utilização de aditivos superplastificantes. Para análise dos traços em escala real foram moldados 12 postes, tipo duplo T com 9 metros de comprimento, empregando 5 traços com características distintas. Os postes foram avaliados seguindo a metodologia e requisitos da NBR 8451-1 (ABNT, 2011), parâmetros de resistência mecânica do concreto e penetração de íons cloreto ASTM C1202 (2012). Por meio da análise dos resultados, é apresentado o traço indicado para produção de postes de concreto armado, onde foi possível aprimorar o traço atualmente produzido pela empresa, reduzindo o consumo de cimento de 429 kg/m³ para 351 kg/m³ e reduzindo a taxa de penetração de íons cloreto e aumentando a vida útil do poste de concreto armado de 10 para 60 anos. À vista disso, foi possível aumentar a vida útil do elemento, mesmo com a redução do consumo de cimento e o custo para a produção do traço de concreto. / Electricity is undoubtedly an indispensable resource for modern society. The same has revolutionized the way of life of the human being in all aspects and substantially improved their quality of life. The distribution of electricity is up to the Electric Power System - EPS, basically divided into three macro sectors: generation, transmission and distribution. Electricity is actually delivered to consumers by the distribution system, consisting mainly of overhead lines supported by pylons, these mostly made of reinforced concrete. Given the adequate supply of electricity to society, it is necessary to ensure the power distribution lines, in which the poles play a fundamental role. It is understood that increasing the useful life of reinforced concrete poles can contribute to the reduction of maintenance of the distribution network, reducing investment in replacements or repairs on poles by concessionaires. Thus, this paper proposes the optimal trait used in the production of reinforced concrete poles on a firm concrete artifacts, seeking the life of it For both studies were performed in order to improve the composition of households, adding pozzolanic material, adding fiber and use of superplasticizers additives. For analysis of traces in real scale 12 posts, T type double with 9 feet long, employing five traits were shaped with distinct characteristics. The posts were evaluated following the methodology and requirements of NBR 8451-1 (ABNT, 2011), the mechanical response of concrete and chloride ion penetration ASTM C1202 (2012). By analyzing the results, the dash indicated for production of reinforced concrete poles, where it was possible to improve the trace currently produced by the company, reducing the cement content of 429 kg / m³ to 351 kg / m³ and reducing the rate appears penetration of chloride ions and increasing the service life of reinforced concrete post 10 to 60 years. In view of this, it was possible to extend the life of the element, even with the reduction in cement consumption and the cost for the production of concrete mix.

Análise dos parâmetros elétricos e transitórios eletromagnéticos de linhas de transmissão compostas por torres com altura elevada / Analysis of the electrical parameters and electromagnetic transients of transmission lines consisting of towers with high height

Pinto, André Jinno Gomes, 1983- 04 July 2011 (has links)
Orientador: José Pissolato Filho / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T03:00:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pinto_AndreJinnoGomes_M.pdf: 60896723 bytes, checksum: 8ce23cc18a981b5042b135acfc03ec42 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: As redes de transmissão de energia elétrica estão entre as grandes contribuições que a engenharia ofereceu à civilização moderna. Se tornando aparentes, pelas expressivas linhas de transmissão de alta tensão apoiadas sobre elevadas torres de aço que cruzam o território nacional em todas as direções. No corrente trabalho tem-se por objetivo tratar das alternativas não-convencionais de transmissão de energia elétrica. Comparando o desempenho dessas novas estruturas com o comportamento das estruturas atualmente utilizadas no sistema de transmissão convencional. Para tal são descritos alguns dados da atual configuração do sistema de transmissão nacional. Ademais, breves descrições técnicas serão apresentadas sobre os principais componentes de linhas de transmissão convencionais, tais como: condutores múltiplos, isoladores e anéis anticorona. Tais definições serão introduzidas com o âmbito de proporcionar uma maior familiaridade com o tema em estudo. Uma análise minuciosa é traçada no cálculo dos parâmetros elétricos na frequência, seguido de um estudo dos transitórios eletromagnéticos no domínio do tempo. Causados por sinais de tensão aplicados a entrada das linhas de transmissão / Abstract: The transmission of electric energy is among the great contributions that engineering offered to modern civilization. Becoming apparent, by the expressive lines of high voltage transmission supported on large steel towers that crisscross the country in all directions. In the current work has been aimed at dealing with alternative non-conventional electric power transmission. Comparing the performance of these new structures with the behavior of the structures currently used in conventional transmission system. For such thing are described some of the current configuration of the national transmission system. In addition, brief technical descriptions are presented on the main components of conventional transmission lines, such as multiple conductors, insulators and anti-corona rings. Such definitions will be introduced to the scope of providing a greater familiarity with the subject under study. A detailed analysis is plotted on the calculation of electrical parameters on frequency, followed by a study of electromagnetic transient time domain. Caused by voltage signals applied to the input of the transmission lines / Mestrado / Energia Eletrica / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica


Sousa, Leandra Thais Ferreira 15 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-17T15:00:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LEANDRA THAIS FERREIRA SOUSA.pdf: 4038298 bytes, checksum: 4fc412eecc4577244987da1d1084aca5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present work seeks to evaluate the use of pesticides in the island of Maranhão. They were taken as study areas, the agricultural poles of the island. Field visits and interviews were made with farmers in order to characterize the profile of these, to know the products cultivated in those poles, the problems that affect their cultures and the means used for the combat to the curses in the plantations. For the combat to the curses of their plantations, the pesticides are used and acquired without the use of the agronomic income and as consequence, the use of these substances is made in a disordered way and without control and in that way, they can cart contaminations in multiple levels. The results can contribute to the farmers' understanding as for the use of these substances, proposing like these alternatives for reduction of the use of these substances. / O presente trabalho visa avaliar o uso de pesticidas nos pólos agrícolas de São Luís, MA. Foram tomadas como áreas de estudo, os pólos agrícolas da ilha. Visitas de campo e entrevistas foram feitas com agricultores a fim de caracterizar o perfil destes, conhecer os produtos cultivados nesses pólos, os problemas que afetam as suas culturas e os meios usados para o combate às pragas nas plantações. Para o combate às pragas de suas plantações, os pesticidas são usados e adquiridos sem o uso do receituário agronômico e como conseqüência, o uso destas substâncias é feito de forma desordenada e sem controle e dessa forma, podem acarretar contaminações em múltiplos níveis. Os resultados podem contribuir para a conscientização dos agricultores quanto à utilização destas substâncias, propondo assim alternativas para redução do uso destas substâncias.

Pólos geradores de tráfego: aplicação e impactos nos empreendimentos residenciais em São Paulo

Castro, Ada 19 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-15T22:46:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 Ada Castro 1.pdf: 4115645 bytes, checksum: 6db6e666980747c96cae06d7ee86368e (MD5) Ada Castro 2.pdf: 2084016 bytes, checksum: b949bebbb470e95b0ea2a84aa70ea86e (MD5) Ada Castro 3.pdf: 4460385 bytes, checksum: 534cd697b143fa0ff4e658fb6998e646 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In a dynamic city as São Paulo, the relations between urban policies and mobility are often treated as distinct subjects instead of a complex structure, specially when they are related to the analysis of new property development, like residential areas. Therefore, we consider the following question as most relevant: Have society, public authorities and managers been dealing with those traffic generator poles as part of a city or as a specific situation? The approach, presently suggested for discussion, may be described as a brief review of some urban and access route expansion periods the cities have undertaken until nowadays, searching for embasement on the legislation concerning proposals involving ventures classified as Traffic Generator Poles. In addition to the legislation, it is shown a study on the pioneer methodology, applied by CET/SP since 1979 in Brazil, supported by case studies and related manuals and reports. It should be emphasized that the aim of this research is not to solve the city traffic and transportation problem, but to provide extra material for further discussions, considering the difficulties involved in obtaining information, materials and references from the responsible institutions. / Em uma cidade tão dinâmica como São Paulo, a relação entre as políticas urbanas e a mobilidade nem sempre são tratadas em conjunto e sim como assunto a parte, principalmente quando se trata da análise de um novo empreendimento imobiliário, em especial o residencial. Desta forma cabe a seguinte indagação: Como a sociedade e os órgãos públicos e gestores vêm trabalhando estes pólos geradores de tráfego, se pensando no coletivo ou como uma situação totalmente pontual? Esta é a abordagem principal proposta para discussão neste trabalho, que é feita através de uma breve recapitulação de alguns períodos de expansão urbana e viária que a cidade passou até chegar aos dias atuais, buscando um embasamento nas legislações referentes às propositivas que envolvem os empreendimentos classificados por Pólos Geradores de Tráfego. Além das legislações, é realizado um estudo sobre a metodologia pioneira no Brasil, realizada pela CET/SP desde 1979, apoiada em estudos de caso e nos manuais e relatórios da mesma. Cabe aqui ressaltar que este trabalho não tem por objetivo resolver o problema do trânsito e transporte da cidade, mas sim criar um material a mais para que futuras discussões possam vir a existir, visto a dificuldade em obter informações, materiais e referenciais por parte dos órgãos competentes

Regional disparities in Hungary

Czabán, Vera January 2015 (has links)
In the past decades, exacerbating regional disparities in the European Union as well as the newly joined Eastern European states have led to a growing interest in examining the spatial embeddedness of development. Hungary, a small and very monocentric country, has experienced rapid growth in the region of its capital city and its surrounding, whereas formerly lagging regions continued to fall behind. This thesis examines growing regional disparities in Hungary in order to provide a more comprehensive overview of the phenomenon and synthesise a growing body of both Hungarian and international literature based on their relevance for Hungary. As regional disparities rarely form an explicit research subject, the first aim of this thesis was to establish a suitable method for a comprehensive national level analysis. Within a mixed methodological framework, three theoretical perspectives on regional development were selected to analyse and reveal structural disparities, which were set in contrast with GDP levels of regions. On the one hand, the method proved to be useful to establish a refined rank order of the regions based on their approximated level and speed of development. On the other hand, the three different perspectives revealed structural strength and weaknesses underlying general development level of regions. The results did confirm the multiple advantages of the most developed regions, as well as the complex disadvantage of the most backward regions. Based on this experience a further increase in disparity levels can be expected in Hungary. Regions between the two extremes showed more heterogeneous outcomes across the perspectives, revealing very different development path and structural problems behind the performance level of these regions. Taken together, these findings support the heightening need of decentralization in Hungary, in order to tackle growing regional disparities and establish policy responses at a regional level.

Accumulated labours : First Nations art in British Columbia, 1922-1961

Hawker, Ronald W. 11 1900 (has links)
In this dissertation, I chart the conflicting and shifting assertions of meaning for Northwest Coast objects in Canada through a series of representational projects implemented between 1922 and 1961, beginning in January 1922, with the prosecution by the Department of Indian Affairs of participants in the Cranmer potlatch. The intersection between the concept of the 'fatal impact' or death of First Nations societies under European modernization, federal assimilationist policies, the government's exercise of disciplinary control, and the expansion of public museum collections was explicitly illustrated when the Lekwiltok, Mamalillikulla, and the Nimpkish peoples surrendered over seventeen cases of ceremonial objects in exchange for suspended sentences for violating the potlatch ban. The dissertation concludes by examining the Gitanyow agreement, engineered between 1958 and 1961, in which Gitanyow laws, histories and territories would be published by the government of British Columbia in exchange for the removal and replication of four crest poles. The raising of the poles' replicas in 1961 coincided with Canadian parliament's approval of the enfranchisement of First Nations people, the theoretical end to the era of assimilation in Canada. These events bookend a period in which representation continued to be entwined with politica and social conditions created by the Indian Act that depended on promulgating views that First Nations lifeways were vanishing. However, production of Northwest Coast objects retained significance throughout this period, such objects playing complex and multifaceted roles. Because of the symbolic and financial value many Euro-Canadians attached to First Nations objects, "art" proved an avenue for communicating First Nations-related social, political and economic issues. The objects produced or displayed between 1922 and 1961 operated through the projects I describe in the intertwined transformative processes of identity construction and boundary marking among individual First Nations groups and within Canadian national identity. Through these projects, important steps were taken in formulating two major characteristics of the post-1960 period: 1. a burgeoning market in Northwest Coast objects constructed as "traditional;" and 2. First Nations activism for land claims and self-determination using "tradition" and "art" as a platform in activism for land claims and self-determination. / Arts, Faculty of / Art History, Visual Art and Theory, Department of / Graduate

Modelagem de torres de transmissão utilizando análise numérica dos campos eletromagnéticos e funções racionais / Transmission towers modeling using numerical analysis of electromagnetic fields and rational functions

Pinto, André Jinno Gomes, 1983- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: José Pissolato Filho, Eduardo Coelho Marques da Costa / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T10:02:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pinto_AndreJinnoGomes_D.pdf: 9708757 bytes, checksum: 84772389fed6b8c0c68adcdd4db7cd9b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A análise do comportamento dinâmico da torre de transmissão de energia elétrica e torres de telecomunicações é de interesse nos estudos de proteção relacionados com descargas atmosféricas. Normalmente, a impedância de surto da torre no domínio do tempo é usada para caracterizar o comportamento dinâmico da torre. A principal desvantagem na definição de tais impedâncias de surto é a dependência da forma de onda de excitação, e não há consenso sobre a forma de onda de corrente a ser usada. Além disso, não há concordância sobre uma definição única da tensão envolvida. A fim de contornar tais limitações e problemas, o modelo aplicado ao estudo faz uso das análises no dominio da frequência, onde a impedância de surto da torre depende somente da geometria da estrutura e das características eletromagnéticas do meio. Ademais, as limitações associadas com as abordagens simplificadas são enfatizadas no decorrer do presente trabalho. Os resultados apresentados fazem uso de ferramentas computacionais como o código NEC-2 (Numerical Electromagnetic Code) que se baseia na análise numérica da dinâmica do campo eletromagnético. Com a utilização desse código, correntes são geradas e posteriormente utilizadas para o cálculo da impedância de surto da torre. Posteriormente, é gerado um circuito RLC representativo das características da estrutura metálica, obtidas pelo método de vector fitting que aproxima a função impedância de surto da torre por funções racionais. Por fim, o circuito RLC gerado pode ser aplicado nas análises diretamente no domínio do tempo com o uso de programas computacionais como o EMTP (Electromagnetic Transients Program), sem a necessidade do uso de transformadas para alterar o domínio de análise / Abstract: The dynamic analysis of the behavior in power transmission towers and telecommunications towers is of interest in studies related to lightning protection. Normally, the surge impedance of the tower in the time domain is used to characterize the dynamic behavior of the tower. The main disadvantage of these definition of surge impedances is the dependence on the waveform of excitation, and there is no consensus on which current wave to be used. Furthermore, there is no agreement on a single definition of the voltage involved. In order to overcome such limitations and problems, the model applied to the study makes use of the analysis in the frequency domain, where tower¿s surge impedance depends only on the geometry of the structure and electromagnetic characteristics of the medium. Moreover, the limitations associated with the simplified approaches are emphasized in the course of this work. The results presented make the use of computer code as NEC-2 (Numerical Electromagnetic Code) based on the numerical analysis of the electromagnetic field dynamics. Using this code, currents are generated and then used to calculate the surge impedance of the tower. Subsequently, an RLC circuit is generated representating the characteristics of the metal structure, obtained by vector fitting method, that approximates the surge impedance function of the tower by means of rational functions. Finally, the generated RLC circuit can be applied directly in analyzes in the time domain using computer programs such as EMTP (Electromagnetic Transients Program) without the need of using transforms to change domain analysis / Doutorado / Energia Eletrica / Doutor em Engenharia Elétrica

Experimental test setups and simulations in skiing mechanics

Swarén, Mikael January 2014 (has links)
Product testing and development are essential parts in sports and for the athletes in their quest to reach the podium. Manufacturers of sports equipment often use basic test methods which do not test the equipment in a sports specific way. Much of the equipment used by world-class athletes is chosen based only on subjective tests and the athletes’ feelings. One short term aim was therefore to develop test methods for objective tests of sports equipment that also tested the equipment in a sports  specific  way.  Another  aim  was  to  integrate  mechanics  and  simulations  to  enhance  the understanding of the test results. The more long term aims are to contribute to increased theoretical knowledge regarding test methods for sports equipment and to contribute to the development of test  methods  to  create  new  and  better  sports  equipment.  Experimental  tests  combined  with simulations  can  give  valuable  information  to  improve  the  performance  and  safety  of  sports equipment. Three studies dealt with the issue of objective yet sport specific test methods for sports equipment. The main methodological advancement is the modification of established test methods together  with  conventional  mechanics  calculations.  New  test  devices  and  methodologies  are proposed for alpine ski helmets and cross-country ski poles. Suggestions are given for improved test setups as well as theoretical simulation are introduced for glide tests of skis. The results show how sport   specific   test   methodologies   together   with   theoretical   calculations   can   improve   the objectiveness and relevance when testing sports equipment. However, the collected and used data require high precision to obtain high accuracy in the simulations. High data accuracy can be an issue in field measurements but also due to manufacturers not disclosing key material data. Still, the used methods  and  calculations  in  this  thesis  produce  relevant  and  reliable  results  which  can  be implemented to accurate evaluations of different sports equipment. Even though it has not been a first priority aim in this work, the results from the alpine helmet study have been used by helmet manufacturers to design new helmets with increased safety properties. This further show how an objective and sport specific test approach together with theoretical simulation can improve sports equipment and in the longer perspective, also the athletes’ performances. / <p>QC 20140423</p>

Decay and environmental studies on southern pine

Dahlen, Joseph Martin 10 December 2010 (has links)
This work focused on decay and dimensional stability of southern pine lumber and environmental issues associated with emissions released during kiln drying of southern pine. In one study decking boards were treated with a 3% resin acid solution to increase the dimensional stability. The boards were placed on a roof and weathered for two years. The increased water repellency reduced moisture gain following summer rainstorms by one-third compared to untreated matched samples, this significantly reduced splitting by half and cupping by one-third. In one study decking boards from matched samples were weathered for two years in the roof setup described above, and in a fungal ground proximity test. The ground proximity samples had slightly more decay than the roof samples. Correlation between decay ratings for the matched samples was 37%, suggesting above-ground decay susceptibility is dependent on the macro- and micro-environment. Decay in roof exposure was modeled based on moisture content factors, whereas decay in ground proximity was modeled by the resin and fatty acids. One study tested pole sections with varying amounts of sapwood, heartwood, and knots dried in a pilot-scale kiln. A sample of the kiln exhaust was measured for volatile organic compounds. Emissions from poles were similar to clear lumber. Emissions from heartwood poles were less than for heartwood lumber, perhaps due to the poles’ sapwood band. The final study was conducted with clear and knotty lumber kiln dried to below 8% moisture content using three kiln schedules. Wood dried to this lower moisture content is used in interior applications or exported. During drying, a sample of the kiln exhaust was analyzed for total VOCs, and a sample of the kiln exhaust was collected and analyzed for hazardous air pollutants via gas chromatography and spectrophotometry. For all three kiln schedules, mills would reach 10 tons of methanol and thus must comply with maximum achievable control technology standards before reaching 25 tons of methanol, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, and propionaldehyde.

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