Spelling suggestions: "subject:"polygraph"" "subject:"polysomnography""
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Podnikatelský plán / Business planChytil, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this masterś thesis is to create business plan and prove long term prosperity of mentioned. Business plan involves into two industries, the first is polygraphy industry and second is modern online budiness. Business plan of company Printaxe.com is startup. This masterś thesis is dividi into two main parts. One is theoretical and the second is practical. Theoretical contains the very basic informations about entrepreneurship and practical contains methodology written in theoretical part. Printaxe.com is solution consisted of online marketplace and generator of ideal customerś products for sell.
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Une production polygraphique, creuset d’expérimentation critique ? : l'"Œuvre" de Guillaume Colletet (1616-1658) / A polygraphic production, melting-pot of critical experimentation ? : the "Work" of Guillaume Colletet (1616-1658)Biedma, Sabine 21 September 2012 (has links)
Cette étude montre comment une production polygraphique du début du XVIIe siècle (celle de Guillaume Colletet, 1616-1658), dont la forme résulte de contraintes extérieures à des motivations proprement littéraires (facteurs socio-économiques, effritement du savoir humaniste au profit d’une culture mondaine ascendante), transcende l’éclatement qui lui est imposé en instrumentalisant la polygraphie comme un levier d’expérimentation littéraire. Dans ce creuset polygraphique, les différents textes ainsi que les grands pôles de la production (poésie, traduction, théorie), qui auraient dû rester hétérogènes, sont consciencieusement mis en relation dans un dialogue fécond. De sorte que, dans un mouvement réflexif et autocritique permanent, pratique et théorie, en interaction perpétuelle, s’entremêlent, en même temps que l’œuvre n’en finit plus de se réécrire. Ce faisant, s’élabore un va et vient dialectique, ciment des différentes productions, les constituant de facto en Œuvre. Mais bien plus, étant elle-même mouvement de reprise permanent, elle incite à replacer, au-delà d’elle, toutes les œuvres dans le temps progressif de leur fabrication et plus généralement dans l’histoire, ouvrant la porte à l’écriture d’une Histoire littéraire critique éminemment moderne. Un tel exemple incite à terme à ouvrir une réflexion de l’ordre de la philosophie de l’art : quelles sont les conséquences sur la conception du Beau d’une œuvre qui ne se pense plus comme un monument, mais comme un mouvement ? / With this study, I’ve tried to show how a polygraphic production from the early seventeenth century (the work of Guillaume Colletet, 1616-1658), shaped by non literary motives (such as social and economic factors, and the crumbling of a humanist knowledge benefitting the rising of society life), can transcend the fragmentation imposed, and this by using polygraphy as a lever for literary experimentation. In this polygraphic melting-pot, the various texts, as well as the main fields of production (poetry, translation, theory), which should have remained heterogeneous, are conscientiously related in a fertile dialogue. As a consequence, theory and practice mingle in constant interaction, in a permanent reflexive and self-criticising movement. Meanwhile, the work never stops re-writing itself. By doing so, a dialectic movement to and fro is created, holding together the various productions, and de facto making them a Work of art. Even more, as it is a movement of permanent recreation, this work prompts us to put back, not only this particular work, but also all the works of art, in their context, i.e in the gradual time of their elaboration, and more generally speaking in history. This paves the way for the elaboration of a critical literary history which is eminently modern. Enventually, such an example leads us to start a reflection in the field of the philosophy of art : what are the consequences on the idea of the Beautiful of a work which is no longer to be thought about as a monument, but as a movement?
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Atsitiktinių ir sisteminių faktorių laminavimo kokybei įtakos tyrimas / Investigation of casual and systematic factors influencing the lamination qualityUmbrasas, Edmundas 22 July 2008 (has links)
Darbe ištirtas elektrofotografinių atspaudų laminavimo stipris bei pailgėjimas atplėšiant laminatą. Tyrimui naudota dešimt skirtingų popieriaus rūšių, šešios laminavimo plėvelių rūšys. Laminavimo stipris testuotas esant dažų dengimo plotui nuo 0 iki 400 % (25 variantai). Nustatyta, kad elektrofotografinių atspaudų laminavimo stipris yra mažesnis už švaraus popieriaus ir tolygiai mažėja didėjant dažų plotui. Laminavimo stipris taip pat priklauso nuo popieriaus ir plėvelės rūšies. Laminavimo blizgiosiomis plėvelėmis laminavimo stipris yra didesnis lyginant su matinėmis plėvelėmis. Šie dėsningumai aiškinami dažų kogezijos ir dažų ir plėvelių adhezijos ypatumais. Nustatytos optimalios laminavimo stiprio atžvilgiu popieriaus ir plėvelių kombinacijos. Darbą sudaro 8 dalys: įvadas, literatūros apžvalga, tyrimų metodika, rezultatai ir jų aptarimas, išvados ir rekomendacijos, santrumpos, literatūros sąrašas, priedai. Darbo apimtis – 59 p. teksto be priedų, 21 lentelė, 35 paveikslai, 17 bibliografinių šaltinių. Darbo priedai pridedami darbo pabaigoje. / The strength and elongation before total delaminating of elctrophotographic prints were investigated. 10 different paper grades and 6 different lamination films were tested. Lamination strength was tested at ink coatings from 0 to 400 % (25 different versions). It was established that lamination strength of electro photographic prints is lower as compared with nonprinted paper. The lamination strength gradually decreases with toner coating and depends on paper and laminating film properties. Glossy films exhibit higher lamination strength as compared with mat tone. These phenomena are explained by toner and films adhesion and cohesion peculiarities. The optimal combinations of paper and lamination film. Thesis consist of: 59 p. text without appendixes, 21 tables, 35 pictures, 17 bibliographical entries. Appendixes are added after the main part of master thesis.
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Manipulační zařízení pro tiskařské a laminovací stroje / Handling equipment for printing and laminating machinesSychra, Libor January 2012 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is the suggestion of options; further the choice of the optimal one and finally, the constructional solution of manipulator designed for the paper transfer into the laminating or varnishing machines from the production of KOMFI LLC The basic conception, main dimensions and basic functional mechanisms of manipulator are solved. All of the calculations and procedures are in accordance with valid norms.
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Evolution of obstructive sleep apnea after ischemic strokeHuhtakangas, J. (Jaana) 03 December 2019 (has links)
In Finland, the costs of stroke are approximately 1.1 billion euros annually due to long disability and hospitalization episodes. Sleep apnea is a risk factor for stroke. The prevalence of sleep apnea among stroke patients is unknown because sleep recording is not usually performed on stroke patients. There are no previous studies investigating the association of thrombolysis on the prognosis of sleep apnea. The relation between sleep apnea and cardiovascular events is still unclear.
In this prospective, observational study, I recruited voluntary, consecutive ischemic stroke patients over the age of 18 years who were or were not eligible for thrombolysis treatment. The investigators did not affect the treatment and patients were not randomized to thrombolysis. The final analysis included 204 patients; of these, 110 underwent thrombolysis therapy and 94 were treated without thrombolysis. Cardiorespiratory polygraphy was carried out with a portable three-channel device (ApneaLinkPlus™, Resmed, Sydney, Australia) at the ward within 48 hours after the onset of stroke symptoms. The cardiorespiratory polygraphy was repeated at home after a six-month follow-up.
Both automatic scoring and manual scoring pointed out excellent agreement in arterial oxyhemoglobin decrease of > 4% (ODI4), lowest arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation (SaO2) or percentage of time spent below 90 percent saturation. The automated scoring underestimated the severity of sleep apnea, recognized poorly the type of event, and missed 18.6% of sleep apnea diagnoses.
The total prevalence of sleep apnea in this study was 91.2% on admission to hospital. The stroke patients treated with thrombolysis had more, and more severe sleep apnea in the first sleep recording compared to those without thrombolysis therapy. After follow-up, the prevalence of sleep apnea still remained high, and sleep apnea was aggravated in two thirds of the stroke patients. The study patients without thrombolysis treatment had six-fold higher risk for incident sleep apnea after the follow-up. The stroke patients with thrombolysis therapy and visible stroke on CT had more nocturnal hypoxemia and higher obstructive apnea index than the patients without stroke lesion on follow-up CT 24 hours after thrombolysis treatment. The larger the ischemic stroke volume, the greater the time spent with saturation below 90%. / Tiivistelmä
Aivoinfarkti on yleinen ja kansanterveydellisesti sekä taloudellisesti merkittävä sairaus, jonka aiheuttamat kustannukset Suomessa ovat noin 1.1 miljardia euroa pitkistä työkyvyttömyys- ja sairaalajaksoista johtuen. Uniapnea on aivoinfarktille altistava tekijä. Uniapnean esiintyvyys suomalaisilla aivoinfarktipotilailla ei ole arvioitavissa, koska aivoinfarktin sairastaneille ei yleensä tehdä unirekisteröintiä. Kannettavat yöpolygrafialaitteet saattaisivat olla vaihtoehto aivoinfarktipotilaiden uniapnean diagnosoinnille. Tutkittua tietoa liuotushoidon yhteydestä uniapnean ennusteeseen ei ole. Uniapnean sekä sydän- ja verisuonitapahtumien syy-yhteys on edelleen epäselvä.
Rekrytoin prospektiiviseen tutkimukseeni vapaaehtoisia, peräkkäisiä yli 18-vuotiaita iskeemiseen aivoinfarktiin sairastuneita liuotushoidettuja ja liuotushoitoon soveltumattomia potilaita. Tutkimuksen lopullinen potilasmäärä oli 204, joista 110 sai liuotushoidon ja 94 hoidettiin ilman liuotusta. Kaikille potilaille tehtiin yöpolygrafia kannettavalla, kolmikanavaisella yöpolygrafialaitteella (Apnealink Plus, Resmed, Sydney, Australia) osastolla 48 tunnin kuluessa sairastumisesta. Yöpolygrafia toistettiin potilaan kotona kuuden kuukauden kuluttua.
Sekä automaattitulos että manuaalisesti arvioitu unirekisteröintitulos olivat erittäin yhteneväisiä, kun arvion kohteena olivat happikyllästeisyyden neljän prosenttiyksikön suuruiset pudotukset tuntia kohti, matalin veren happikyllästeisyys tai alle 90 % happikyllästeisyyden osuus yöstä. Automaattianalyysi aliarvioi uniapnean vaikeuden, havaitsi huonosti hengityskatkosten tyypin eikä löytänyt 18,6 prosenttia uniapneadiagnooseista.
Uniapnean esiintyvyys koko aineistossa oli sairaalaan tullessa 91,2 %. Liuotushoidetuilla potilailla todettiin ensimmäisessä rekisteröinnissä enemmän uniapneaa ja se oli vaikeampaa kuin ei-liuotushoidetuilla. Seurannassa uniapnean määrä pysyi edelleen korkeana ja uniapnea vaikeutui kahdella potilaalla kolmesta. Liuotushoitoon soveltumattomilla aivoinfarktipotilailla todettiin liuotushoidon saaneisiin verrattuna kuusinkertainen riski sairastua uniapneaan puolen vuoden aikana. Liuotushoidetuilla aivoinfarktipotilailla, joilla oli infarktimuutos kuvantamistutkimuksessa, oli yöllistä valtimoveren happikyllästeisyyden huononemista ja ylähengitysteiden ahtautumisesta johtuvia hengityskatkoksia enemmän kuin niillä potilailla, joilla ei todettu iskeemisiä muutoksia aivokuvantamisessa 24 tuntia liuotushoidon jälkeen. Mitä suurempi aivoinfarktin tilavuus, sitä suuremman osuuden yöstä veren happikyllästeisyys oli alle 90 %.
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Estudo de parâmetros ventilatórios em registros poligráficos de recém-nascidos a termo saudáveis / Study of ventilatory parameters in polygraphic recordings of healthy term newborn infantsAlmeida, Leila Azevedo de 08 October 2018 (has links)
Introdução: O conhecimento de parâmetros respiratórios em recém-nascidos a termo saudáveis pode contribuir para a construção de critérios poligráficos utilizados no diagnóstico da Apneia do Sono Central do Lactente. No período neonatal tais critérios não se encontram bem estabelecidos. Método: Foi realizado estudo descritivo de 60 poligrafias de recém-nascidos a termo saudáveis, entre 37 e 44 semanas de idade pósconcepcional, entre os anos de 2017 e 2018, com controle de variáveis maternas, do recém-nascido e variáveis ambientais durante a aquisição de exames. Eventos respiratórios foram identificados conforme critérios do Manual para estadiamento do sono e dos eventos associados da Academia Americana de Medicina do Sono. Foram adicionalmente contabilizados apneias centrais com durações >= 3 segundos, >= 10 segundos, >= 15 segundos, >= 20 segundos; episódios de dessaturação < 90% e 85%; bradicardia < 100 e < 80 batimentos por minuto (bpm). Resultados: A frequência cardíaca (FC) em sono variou entre 82 e 199 bpm, com média de 120,3 ± 10,6 bpm. Antecedente positivo para tabagismo materno prévio foi associado a menores valores de frequência cardíaca mínima, em relação ao antecedente negativo (94 ± 8,4 bpm x 104,9 ± 10,5 bpm). Não foram registrados eventos de bradicardia com FC < 80 bpm. A saturação de oxigênio (SatO2) em sono variou entre 85% e 100%, com média de 97,6% ± 1,5. Não houve episódio de dessaturação com SatO2 < 85%. O percentil 90 para o índice de apneias e hipopneias foi 41,4/hora, e para o índice de apneias centrais foi 10,8/hora. A maioria (90%) dos recém-nascidos apresentou respiração periódica ausente ou presente em < 3% do tempo total de sono. Indivíduos com menores perímetros cefálicos apresentaram maiores índices totais de apneias, e indivíduos com menores perímetros torácicos apresentaram maiores índices de apneias e hipopneias. Conclusões: Não houve episódio de dessaturação com SatO2 < 85% ou eventos de bradicardia com FC< 80 bpm em recém-nascidos a termo saudáveis, e eventos prolongados de apneia foram raros. O percentil 90 para o índice de apneias e hipopneias foi 41,4/hora, e para o índice de apneias centrais foi 10,8/hora. Respiração periódica esteve geralmente ausente ou ocupando menos que 3% do tempo total de sono. Menores perímetros cefálicos e menores perímetros torácicos estiveram associados a maiores índices de eventos respiratórios. / Introduction: The knowledge of respiratory parameters in healthy term newborns can contribute to construction of diagnostic polygraphic criteria in Central Sleep Apnea of Infancy. In the neonatal period these criteria are not well established. Methods: A descriptive study of 60 polygraphic recordings of healthy term newborns (37-44 weeks of postconceptional age) was carried out between 2017 and 2018, with control of maternal, newborn and environmental variables during exams acquisition. Respiratory events were identified according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine criteria. Central apneas >= 3 seconds, >= 10 seconds, >= 15 seconds, >= 20 seconds were analyzed as well as desaturation <90% and 85%; bradycardia <100 and <80 beats per minute (bpm). Results: The heart rate in sleep ranged from 82 to 199 bpm, with an average of 120.3 ± 10.6 bpm. Previous maternal smoking was associated with lower values in minimum heart rate, as compared to negative antecedent (94 ± 8.4 bpm x 104.9 ± 10.5 bpm). No bradycardia of <80 bpm events was recorded. Oxygen saturation in sleep ranged from 85% to 100%, with an average of 97.6% ± 1.5. There was no episode of desaturation <85%. Central apneas longer than 10 seconds were rare. The 90th percentile for apnea and hypopnea index was 41.4/hour, and for central apnea index was 10.8/hour. The majority (90%) of the newborns did not experience periodic breathing or presented it in <3% of total sleep time. Lower cephalic perimeters were associated with higher total apnea indices, and lower thoracic perimeters with higher apnea and hypopnea indices. Conclusions: There were no episodes of desaturation <85% or bradycardia < 80 bpm in healthy term newborns and prolonged apneas were rare. The 90th percentile for apnea and hypopnea index was 41.4/hour, and for central apnea index was 10.8/hour. Periodic breathing was usually absent in normal term newborns occupying less than 3% of total sleep time. Lower cephalic perimeters and lower thoracic perimeters were associated with higher rates of respiratory events.
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Prävalenz schlafbezogener Atemstörungen bei Patienten mit Thrombose und Lungenembolie / Sleep-disordered breathing in patients with deep vein thrombosis and acute pulmonary embolismStein, Annika 06 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Besiūlio įrišimo kokybės tyrimas / The research of the glue binding qualityŠidlovski, Vitold 22 July 2008 (has links)
Nagrinėjama besiūlio įrišimo (klijavimo) kokybė. Aprašomas besiūlio įrišimo specifiškumas, klijavimo mašinos parametrai, darantys įtaką suklijavimo kokybei, ypač pirmam ir paskutiniam puslapiui. Pateikiami rezultatai klijuojant skirtingais suklijavimo parametrais. Rezultatai apdorojami eksperimentų planavimo metodu. Parodytas principas ieškant rezultatų eksperimento planavimo metodu. Darbą sudaro 8 dalys: įvadas, literatūros apžvalga, tyrimų metodika, rezultatai ir jų aptarimas, išvados ir rekomendacijos, santrumpos, literatūros sąrašas, priedai. Darbo apimtis – 57 p. teksto be priedų, 9 lentelės, 25 paveikslai, 10 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. / It is presented the research of glue binding machine. It is discribed the specificity of glue binding, the parameters, which are the most important for glue binding quality, especially for binding first and last pages. There are given results of binding, when different parameters are chosen. It is also shown the principle of counting by method of planning experiment. Thesis consist of: 57 p. text without appendixes, 9 tables,25 pictures, 10 bibliographical entries.
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The application of the polygraph in the criminal justice system.Martin, Raymond Charles 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation, which is both exploratory and descriptive in nature, initially describes the development of the polygraph against a background of understanding society's rejection of the lying phenomenon. The
theoretical foundations of polygraph thinking are then presented as forerunner to practical illustration of polygraph use in the private sector. The criminal justice system represents the sphere of polygraph ulitization
central to the research. With strong American accent, polygraph use in all four components of the system is described in such a manner so as to provoke thought on the part of criminal justice functionaries as to
polygraph possibilities in the execution of their functions. Research findings and recommendations aimed at stimulating thought and improvement in the field of polygraphy conclude the dissertation. / Criminology / M.A (Penology)
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The application of the polygraph in the criminal justice system.Martin, Raymond Charles 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation, which is both exploratory and descriptive in nature, initially describes the development of the polygraph against a background of understanding society's rejection of the lying phenomenon. The
theoretical foundations of polygraph thinking are then presented as forerunner to practical illustration of polygraph use in the private sector. The criminal justice system represents the sphere of polygraph ulitization
central to the research. With strong American accent, polygraph use in all four components of the system is described in such a manner so as to provoke thought on the part of criminal justice functionaries as to
polygraph possibilities in the execution of their functions. Research findings and recommendations aimed at stimulating thought and improvement in the field of polygraphy conclude the dissertation. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A (Penology)
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