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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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En el Umbral del Mail Art a través de la mirada de Michael Haneke en "Caché" (2005)

Covaleda Vicente, Irene 24 January 2018 (has links)
En esta propuesta de tesis doctoral abordamos el movimiento artístico Mail Art realizando un estudio en profundidad de los antecedentes y el contexto, que ha configurado tanto su forma teórica como práctica y artística. Los inicios del Mail Art, se presenta una tendencia de creación entre los artistas que conforman esta red. El canal, introduce la intervención de los espacios, además de ser portador de un mensaje que, en muchas ocasiones establece interacción entre varios individuos y permite la expresión libre y la circulación de multitud de documentos, ideas y materiales que se conjugan. La intención que define inicialmente al Mail Art es el de crear un circuito e intercambio de piezas artísticas, y Ray Johnson y la New York Correspondance School normalizan el canal del correo como el medio que predomina en los envíos. El colectivo germano-americano de carácter neo-dadaísta llamado “Fluxus†recupera las postales que Duchamp manda a sus conocidos y los sellos que grupos como los Nuevos Realistas y artistas que lo componen como Yves Klein, o el dadaísta Kurt Schwitters, que completaba los collages que realizaba con la impresión de sellos. En las últimas décadas del siglo pasado, circulan fanzines que dedican sus páginas casi exclusivamente al Mail Art, Arte Postal, Eternal Network o movimiento llamado también “Comunicación a Distancia†. En España, concretamente se publican los fanzines P.O.BOX, Boek y AMAE, que aunque han dejado de editarse, se publicaron en ellos la mayor parte de los artículos que se escribían acerca del movimiento y actualmente, la web boek861 sigue en funcionamiento y se actualiza constantemente, gracias a los investigadores que estudian el movimiento y a los artistas que comparten en la plataforma virtual sus trabajos y aportaciones. P.O.BOX, publicó artículos en relación al Mail Art, y también, trabajos relacionados con ámbitos alternativos como la poesía visual, y la huelga del arte, así como las actividades que proponen desde el Mail Art, artistas que plantean la posibilidad del Do-It-Yourself, apostando por la creatividad conjunta, procurando renunciar a la mera contemplación del espectador. Esta intención conecta con la experiencia que supone visualizar películas como Caché, que nos sirve de ejemplo a lo largo de esta tesis doctoral, ya que, plantea, desde la imagen en movimiento, la provocación suficiente para que el espectador aprecie lo singular de los sistemas de comunicación, y lo modificable de la conducta a través del correo. Se integra video, dibujos y mensajes. Material que elabora una construcción de la figura de un observador, que nos identifica en un marco social de cotidianeidad, y que describe, de forma muy acertada, comportamientos que se presentan inestables ante la visibilidad de acontecimientos que denuncian con mucha claridad los avatares sociopolíticos y culturales que afectan al protagonista del film, y también, inevitablemente al espectador que ocupa una butaca. Artistas que han denunciado injusticias sociales y situaciones dictatoriales también han hecho uso del Mail Art, que entre otras obras, destacan las “Pinturas Aeropostales†. El proyecto creativo, que se propone para realizar la investigación, se presenta desde una acción de Mail Art que pretende completar el conocimiento sobre el medio del correo conjugado con el arte, como método expresivo desde la práctica. Para ello, se han elaborado una serie de piezas impresas en formato postal cuyo motivo principal son las puertas con las que, simbólicamente, se ha intentado hacer referencia a mínimo espacio que existe entre lo público y lo privado. / In the proposal of this PhD thesis we cover the artistic movement Mail Art by undertaking an in-depth study of background and context, which has formed its theoretical, as well as pragmatic and artistic shape. The early days of Mail Art provide a creative trend among artists belonging to this network. The channel introduces the interaction between spaces, and it is also the message carrier that often provides a platform for interaction among individuals and provides free expression and flow of large numbers of documentation, ideas and other material that can be combined.   The aim that initially defines Mail Art is the creation of a network and exchange of artistic pieces. Ray Johnson and the New York Correspondence School normalised the mail channel as a predominant means of courier. “ Fluxus†, a German-American collective with  neo-Dadaist character, recvers the postcards Duchamp sends to his acquaintances. The collective recovers stamps that New Realistic groups, such as artist like Yves Klein or the Dadaist Kurt Schwitters, completed the collage that he made with the print of stamps. In the last decades of the last century there were fanzines circulated their pages almost exclusively to Mail Art, Courier Art, Eternal Network or movement also called “Communication at a Distance†.    In Spain, the fanzines P.O. BOX, Boek and AMAE are specifically published, which although they have ceased publication, most of their releases included articles about the movement. Currently, the web boek861 is working and updated regularly thanks to the researchers who study the movement and artists who share their work and contributions to the virtual platform. P.O. BOX published articles related to Mail Art and also studies related to alternative fields such as visual poetry, and the ‿strike of art‿. P.O. Box also published proposed activities by Mail Art, artists that provide the possibility of Do-It -Yourself, supporting joint creativity, trying to avoid the passive attitude of the viewer. Artists who have denounced social injustices and dictatorial situations have also made use of Mail Art, which, among other works, highlights the "Aeropostal Paintings". The creative project, which is proposed to carry out the research, is presented from an action of Mail Art that aims to complete the knowledge about the mail medium conjugated with art, as an expressive method from practice. For this purpose, a series of printed pieces have been produced in postal format, whose main motive is the doors with which, symbolically, an attempt has been made to refer to the minimum space that exists between the public and the private. This purpose is linked with the experience of watching films such as Caché, which serves as an example throughout this PhD thesis. This is because it provides, from the moving image, enough provocation for the viewer to appreciate the singularity of communication systems, and changing behaviour through the mail. Video, drawings and messages are integrated. Material that elaborates a construction of the figure of an observer, that identifies us in a social framework of everyday life, and that describes, in a very correct way, behaviors that are unstable in the face of the visibility of events that clearly denounce the socio-political avatars and that affect the protagonist of the film, and also, inevitably, the spectator who occupies a seat. / En aquesta proposta de tesi doctoral abordem el moviment artístic Mail Art realitzant un estudi en profunditat dels antecedents i el context, que ha configurat tant la seva forma teòrica com pràctica i artística. Els inicis del Mail Art, es presenta una tendÿncia de creació entre els artistes que conformen aquesta xarxa. El canal, introdueix la intervenció dels espais, a més de ser portador d'un missatge que, en moltes ocasions estableix interacció entre diversos individus i permet l'expressió lliure i la circulació de multitud de documents, idees i materials que es conjuguen. La intenció que defineix inicialment al Mail Art és el de crear un circuit i intercanvi de peces artístiques, i Ray Johnson i la New York Correspondance School normalitzen el canal del correu com el mitjà que predomina en els enviaments. El col·lectiu germano-americà de caràcter neo-dadaista anomenat "Fluxus" recupera les postals que Duchamp mana als seus coneguts i els segells que grups com els Nous Realistes i artistes que el componen com Yves Klein, o el dadaista Kurt Schwitters, que completava els collages que realitzava amb la impressió de segells. En les últimes dÿcades del segle passat, circulen fanzines que dediquen les seves pàgines gairebé exclusivament al Mail Art, Art Postal, Eternal Network o moviment anomenat també "Comunicació a Distància". A Espanya, concretament es publiquen els fanzines POBOX, Boek i AMAE, que tot i que han deixat d'editar-se, es van publicar en ells la major part dels articles que s'escrivien sobre el moviment i actualment, el web boek861 segueix en funcionament i s'actualitza constantment, gràcies als investigadors que estudien el moviment i als artistes que comparteixen a la plataforma virtual els seus treballs i aportacions. POBOX, va publicar articles en relació al Mail Art, i també, treballs relacionats amb àmbits alternatius com la poesia visual, i la vaga de l'art, així com les activitats que proposen des del Mail Art, artistes que plantegen la possibilitat del Do-It -Yourself, apostant per la creativitat conjunta, procurant renunciar a la mera contemplació de l'espectador. Aquesta intenció connecta amb l'experiÿncia que suposa visualitzar pel·lícules com Memòria cau, que ens serveix d'exemple al llarg d'aquesta tesi doctoral, ja que, planteja, des de la imatge en moviment, la provocació suficient perquÿ l'espectador apreciï la singularitat dels sistemes de comunicació, i el modificable de la conducta a través del correu. S'integra vídeo, dibuixos i missatges. Material que elabora una construcció de la figura d'un observador, que ens identifica en un marc social de quotidianitat, i que descriu, de forma molt encertada, comportaments que es presenten inestables davant la visibilitat d'esdeveniments que denuncien amb molta claredat els avatars sociopolítics i culturals que afecten el protagonista del film, i també, inevitablement l'espectador que ocupa una butaca. Artistes que han denunciat injustícies socials i situacions dictatorials també han fet ús del Mail Art, que entre altres obres, destaquen les "Pintures Aeropostales". El projecte creatiu, que es proposa per realitzar la investigació, es presenta des d'una acció de Mail Art que pretén completar el coneixement sobre el medi del correu conjugat amb l'art, com a mÿtode expressiu des de la pràctica. Per a això, s'han elaborat una sÿrie de peces impreses en format postal el motiu principal són les portes amb les que, simbòlicament, s'ha intentat fer referÿncia a mínim espai que hi ha entre el públic i el privat. / Covaleda Vicente, I. (2017). En el Umbral del Mail Art a través de la mirada de Michael Haneke en "Caché" (2005) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/95417

Estudio estratégico del servicio postal en el Perú

Perez Loayza, Edson Manuel 05 October 2020 (has links)
En el presente Trabajo de Investigación se realiza con el fin de demostrar la situación actual en la que se encuentra el sector postal de Perú, se realiza un Análisis del Macroentorno donde se conocerá la situación actual en la que se desempeña el sector y reconocer las oportunidades y amenazas del mismo, se identifica que los factores externos que más afectan al sector postal son el factor tecnología y el factor económico, ya que tienen un fuerte impacto en el desarrollo del Sector Postal. Se hace también un análisis del Microentorno para reconocer las fortalezas y debilidades del mismo, en este análisis se identificó que los principales factores a tomar en cuenta son la amenaza de los competidores y el poder de negociación de los compradores, pues son los que presentan mayor amenaza en el Sector Postal. Posteriormente se realiza el estudio de participación de mercado de las empresas actuales identificando los principales competidores presentes en el sector y se analiza los factores de éxitos de los mismos, entre los cuales resaltan los precios competitivos y la tecnología que se ofrece actualmente. También se desarrolla el análisis del sector industrial donde se estudia el perfil del consumidor, las tecnologías utilizadas y la evolución del mercado a través de los años. Finalmente, se realiza el planeamiento estratégico del sector donde se plantea la visión, misión y se construye la Matriz Foda del sector donde se da a conocer las estrategias del mismo para que se pueda desarrollar de la mejor manera. Se concluye que el Sector Postal está en pleno desarrollo, donde se ha identificado que no presenta un crecimiento tecnológico, ya que la mayoría de empresas continúan con procesos manuales, también mencionar que el sector postal peruano es accesible a los consumidores.

Uma abordagem heurística para o problema de otimização de distrito postal

Fiório, Rafael Carpanedo 23 June 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:33:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao.pdf: 2646193 bytes, checksum: 043989a54d6611e19c06eb6bcd7bba69 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06-23 / Neste trabalho é proposta uma estratégia de solução para a construção otimizada de distritos postais. Distrito Postal consiste num conjunto de segmento de eixo de logradouros conectados. Dada uma localidade formada por inúmeros segmentos de logradouros, esse trabalho propõe o arranjamento de subgrupos conexos de segmentos de eixos de logradouros de modo a compor um distrito postal. A estratégia é transformar o sistema de logradouros de uma localidade em um grafo. A partir desse grafo, extrair seus respectivos subgrafos cíclicos que são entendidos como entidades atômicas. Essas entidades atômicas passam por um processo de montagem até comporem um conjunto de distritos postais. A metodologia aqui apresentada divide o trabalho em duas fases distintas: a primeira compreende o processo de obtenção dos subgrafos cíclicos; e a segunda compreende o processo de montagem de distrito postal. O processo de obtenção de subgrafos cíclicos consiste na obtenção da envoltória convexa do grafo e posterior extração dos subgrafos cíclicos tangentes às arestas dessa. Isso de forma sequencial, ou seja, determina-se a primeira envoltória convexa do grafo e extraemse seus respectivos subgrafos tangentes; determina-se a segunda envoltória convexa e extraem-se seus subgrafos, e assim sucessivamente. O trabalho de determinação da envoltória convexa e de extração dos subgrafos cíclicos é feito através de operações da geometria computacional. O processo de construção dos distritos postais se dá através da clusterização dos subgrafos cíclicos, usando como ferramenta a meta-heurística Simulated Annealing. O problema do Carteiro Chinês e Carteiro Chinês Capacitado são formulações suporte para o presente trabalho. O objetivo principal do trabalho é obter, de forma rápida e eficiente o distrito postal otimizado, com menor percurso improdutivo possível, oferecendo agilidade no processo de distribuição domiciliária de objetos postais. / This study proposes a strategia solution for the optimized construction of postal districts. Postal District is a set of segments of publics areas connecteds. Given a locality composed of uncounted segments of publics areas, this study proposes an arrangement of connects subgroups of publics areas with the goal of composing a postal district. The strategy is to transform the system of public areas of a place in a graph and from this graph, to extract their respective cyclical subgraphs that are understood as atomics entities. Those atomics entities are submited by an assembly process until compose a group of postal districts. The methodology here presented divides the study in two different phases: the first one understands the process of obtaining of the cyclical subgraphs; and the second one is understood as the assembly process of postal district The process of obtaining of cyclical subgraph consists in the obtaining of the hull convex of the graph and subsequent extracting up the cyclical subgraphs tangent to edge of that. That is, in a sequential way, in other words, it is determined the first convex hull of the graph and extract up their respective tangent subgraphs; it is determined the second convex hull and extract up their subgraphs and so forth. The study of determination of the convex hull and extracting of the cyclical subgraphs is done through operations of the computational geometry. The process of construction of the postal districts is given through the clustering of the cyclicals subgraphs, using as a tool the meta- heuristic Simulated Annealing. The Chinese Postman's Problem and Capacited Chinese Postman's Problem are formulations support for the present study. The main objective of the study is to obtain, in a fast and efficient way the optimized postal district, with smaller unproductive course possible, offering agility for the process of domiciliary distribution of postal objects.


鄭琮憲, Cheng, Tsung-hsien Unknown Date (has links)
郵政服務與快遞服務均為服務貿易總協定下通訊服務之次部門。相較於電信服務與視聽服務,顯然受到WTO會員較少的關切與注意,整體之承諾程度,相對於電信服務與視聽服務亦較低。然而,隨著全球化的腳步日益加速,郵政與快遞服務促進實體貨件有效率的流通,對整體經濟發展扮演愈來愈重要的角色。因此,隨著服務貿易新回合談判的展開,郵政與快遞服務成便為談判重點項目之一,相關議題亦逐漸浮上台面,廣受會員密切討論。 本文首先介紹郵政快遞服務貿易實務,概述郵政快遞服務之貿易概況、產業特性與貿易障礙。其次,探討GATS架構下郵政快遞服務之相關規範與承諾,並分別就與郵政快遞服務具高度關連性之GATS條文進行解釋,討論其對郵政快遞服務之影響,同時分析WTO會員之現行承諾狀況與回應清單之開放情形。最後,以爭議性較高之分類議題與到達費議題為本文重點,進行深入之分析與討論:分類議題主要係分析現行GATS對郵政與快遞服務分類標準之可能缺失,並提出未來可能之調整方向;到達費議題則主要探討萬國郵盟到達費制度是否違反GATS最惠國待遇原則,並提出未來可能之調和方向。 / Postal and courier services are both subsectors in the communication services under the GATS. Compared to telecommunication and audiovisual services, WTO Members apparently paid less attention to the two subsectors. As a result, in general, the level of commitments in the subsectors is relatively low. However, as the pace of globalization accelerates, postal and courier services could improve the efficient flows of physical documents and shipments, and could play a more important roles to the integral economic development. Therefore, at the outset of new round negotiations on trade in services, postal and courier services became the key items of the negotiations, and related issues were also put on the table and dicussed frequently by the Members. The thesis first introduces the practices of trade in postal and courier services, and summarizes the trade profiles, industrial characteristics, and trade barriers on trade in postal and courier services. Then the thesis discusses the related regulations and commitments of postal and courier services under the GATS framework, explains the related GATS articles for postal and courier services, and clarifies their influence. Besides, the thesis also analyzes Members’ existing commitments and offers. Finally, the thesis focuses on the classification and terminal dues issues: the main point of the former is analyzing existing GATS classification on postal and courier services, and submitting the future adjustment solutions; the main point of the later is examining whether the terminal dues system of the Universal Postal Union is inconsistent with the GATS MFN treatment principle, and submitting the future harmonization solutions.

Embalando e despachando: a relação mútua entre modelos geométricos e a aprendizagem escolar / Packing and dispatching: the mutual relationship between geometric models and school learning

Sanfelice, Paulo Cesar 11 February 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de abordagem de modelação matemática voltada principalmente aos últimos anos da educação básica. Com base nos pressupostos da resolução de problemas, explora-se diversos conteúdos com significação. O fenômeno social a ser modelado consiste no formato e variações nas dimensões de embalagens a serem despachadas pelos Correios. As representações geométrica, gráfica e algébrica serão valorizadas no decorrer do desenvolvimento das atividades. A título de aprofundamento dos estudos, serão sugeridas algumas articulações possíveis entre conteúdos da educação básica e da graduação, como por exemplo, entre a função quadrática e estudo de máximos e mínimos, limites e derivadas. / This work presents a proposal for a mathematical modeling approach focused mainly on the last years of basic education. Based on the assumptions of solving problem, it explores several meaningful content. The social problem to be modeled consists of the format and variations in the dimensions of packages to be despatched by the Correios. The geometric, graphic and algebraic representations will be valued during the development of activities. In order to deepen the studies, it will be suggested some possible articulations between contents of basic and undergraduate education, for example, between the quadratic function and study of maximum and minimum, limits and derivatives.

The impact of restructuring on organisations : a case study on Swaziland Post and Telecommunication Corporation

Simelane, Bonisiwe P. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / This paper is focused on corporate restructuring, particularly organisational restructuring, with emphasis on Swaziland Post & Telecommunications Corporation, during the period from 2001 to 2006. Its main concern is the implication of such restructuring especially on the employees and how this change impacted on the set goals of the corporation. It is clearly stated that this restructuring was viewed differently by all employees concerned and interviewed, as issues of discontent and mistrust on the previous leadership were sighted. There was a clear indication therefore that, issues of lack of communication from previous management, to all employees played a major role in encouraging low staff morale. There was also significant evidence that much of the restructuring took place mainly to increase the corporate financial performance. However this perpetuated a more disgruntled workforce, which was strained, stressed and in constant limbo of whether the company would continue as a going concern. Issues of job security also were a resultant of the disgruntled and stressed workforce. The researcher then discussed what happened at Swaziland Post & Telecommunication, with reference to past research studies of similar or related nature. Leadership and change management are thoroughly discussed, in order to give light to what the role of leadership and change management strategies play when an organisation undergoes restructuring.

Cursive Bengali Script Recognition for Indian Postal Automation

Vajda, Szilárd 12 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Large variations in writing styles and difficulties in segmenting cursive words are the main reasons for handwritten cursive words recognition for being such a challenging task. An Indian postal document reading system based on a segmentation-free context based stochastic model is presented. The originality of the work resides on a combination of high-level perceptual features with the low-level pixel information considered by the former model and a pruning strategy in the Viterbi decoding to reduce the recognition time. While the low-level information can be easily extracted from the analyzed form, the discriminative power of such information has some limits as describes the shape with less precision. For that reason, we have considered in the framework of an analytical approach, using an implicit segmentation, the implant of high-level information reduced to a lower level. This enrichment can be perceived as a weight at pixel level, assigning an importance to each analyzed pixel based on their perceptual properties. The challenge is to combine the different type of features considering a certain dependence between them. To reduce the decoding time in the Viterbi search, a cumulative threshold mechanism is proposed in a flat lexicon representation. Instead of using a trie representation where the common prefix parts are shared we propose a threshold mechanism in the flat lexicon where based just on a partial Viterbi analysis, we can prune a model and stop the further processing. The cumulative thresholds are based on matching scores calculated at each letter level, allowing a certain dynamic and elasticity to the model. As we are interested in a complete postal address recognition system, we have also focused our attention on digit recognition, proposing different neural and stochastic solutions. To increase the accuracy and robustness of the classifiers a combination scheme is also proposed. The results obtained on different datasets written on Latin and Bengali scripts have shown the interest of the method and the recognition module developed will be integrated in a generic system for the Indian postal automation.

Viajante incansável: trajetória e obra fotográfica de Theodor Preising / Tireless traveller: Theodor Preisings trajectory and photographic work

Grativol, Kariny 14 October 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata da trajetória e obra fotográfica de Theodor Preising no Brasil. O fotógrafo percorreu área considerável do território nacional tomando vistas para a produção de cartões-postais e registrando viagens de sócios do Touring Clube do Brasil. Trabalhou ainda para a revista S.Paulo, e integrou os quadros funcionais do Departamento de Imprensa e Propaganda de São Paulo, contribuindo com a elaboração de uma imagem do país nas publicações oficiais direcionadas para leitura no Brasil e no exterior. Entre essas publicações estavam: o jornal Brasil Novo, a revista Travel in Brazil, as reportagens da Agência Nacional e dois folhetos turísticos. Trata-se de um estudo que busca demonstrar a versatilidade de Preising e a extensão de sua obra. A análise do trabalho de Preising, entre 1923 e 1948, permite observamos a transformação de sua linguagem, que se sobrepõe e exemplifica a metamorfose da sociedade. / This dissertation discusses Theodor Preisings trajectory and photographic work at Brasil. The photographer has covered considerable area of national territory taking views to postcards and registering trips of Touring Clube do Brasil affiliations. He has still worked to S.Paulo magazine, and joined the staffs of Departamento de Imprensa e Propaganda de São Paulo, contributing to the development of the countrys image in the official publications in Brazil and overseas. Between these publications was: the Brasil Novo newspaper, the Travel in Brazil magazine, reports of the Agência Nacional and two touristic papers. This work proposes to demonstrate Preisings versatility and the extent of his work. By analyzing Preisings work, since 1923 to 1948, we can understand the transformation of his technique, witch exemplifies the metamorphosis of the society.

Reducing postal survey nonresponse bias by sample selection incorporating noncontact propensity : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Massey University

Healey, Benjamin John January 2008 (has links)
Noncontact, the failure of a postal survey sample member to receive a survey request, is a potential source of nonresponse bias that has largely been ignored. This is due to the difficulty of separating the components of nonresponse in postal surveys when nothing is heard from potential respondents. Yet, the need to understand postal nonresponse is increasing as more studies move to mixed mode designs incorporating a postal element, and technological, resource and societal changes increase the attractiveness of self-administered surveys. Thus, this research sought to estimate the level of noncontact in postal surveys, to identify the direction and magnitude of bias due to it, and to investigate targeted in-field mechanisms for reducing this bias. A series of empirical studies involving New Zealand postal surveys fielded between 2001 and 2006 were undertaken to meet these aims. Noncontact was found to relate to survey-independent demographic variables (e.g., age, household composition). Furthermore, its incidence was estimated to be as much as 400% higher than indicated by ‘gone, no address’ (GNA) returns, although an envelope message tested as part of the research was able to increase levels of GNA reporting significantly. Thus, noncontact was established as a nontrivial source of nonresponse in the surveys examined. As far as bias is concerned, noncontacts had a different profile compared to refusers and ineligibiles, and were estimated to account for up to 40% of net nonresponse error for some of the variables in the surveys examined. Accordingly, there appears to be a clear opportunity for methods targeted at reducing noncontact bias to improve final survey estimates for a range of items. A number of potential methods for reducing noncontact bias were explored, but only one had both a compelling theoretical foundation and potential for wide applicability; the noncontact propensity sampling (NPS) scheme. In a resampling simulation study a prototype of the scheme, which increases the selection probabilities for sample units with a higher predicted propensity for noncontact, consistently improved the demographic profile of valid postal survey returns compared to a simple random sample (SRS). Furthermore, the scheme reduced nonresponse bias by an average of 28% as measured against a range of frame variables (e.g., age, gender) and 17% as measured against survey variables for which census parameters were known (e.g., religiosity, household size, qualifications, income and marital status). Although the prototype NPS procedure increased the standard deviation of simulated point estimates for a given sample size (1,500 in this research), the effect was small; an average of 4% for frame variables and 2% for survey variables. Furthermore, the scheme had almost no impact on reported cooperation rates and is likely to be cost effective compared to other potential targeted in-field mechanisms, particularly in situations where researchers regularly survey a specific population. Pairing the scheme with three common post-survey adjustment methods (frame or census age/sex cell weighing, and response wave extrapolation) did not lead to consistently better estimates than an unweighted SRS. But this was largely due to the shortcomings of these methods because in many cases combining them with either sampling scheme (SRS or NPS) actually degraded estimates. This reinforces the idea that researchers should expend effort minimising bias during the field period rather than relying on post-survey weighting to deal with the issue. Finally, since the NPS scheme aims to reduce error due to noncontact but is not expected to affect error due to other components (e.g., refusal, ineligibility), it presents an opportunity for researchers to begin decomposing the various facets of postal survey nonresponse bias, an important precursor to the development of other targeted bias reduction interventions. Thus, as a methodological tool, the NPS scheme may serve a dual role as both a bias reduction and decomposition mechanism. In addition to their implications for postal survey research, the methods developed and insights into noncontact established in this research are likely to have applications in other domains. In particular, they will inform activities such as research into online survey nonresponse, organisational database management cost reduction and list procurement.

Industrie de service et logiques d'innovation : un modèle de conception collective et étagée. L'exemple de La Poste

De La Burgade, Emmanuel 08 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
La thèse part du postulat qu'une entreprise doit innover et créer de la valeur pour rester compétitive. L'entreprise doit donc chercher à organiser les logiques d'innovation pour favoriser tout autant des innovations autonomes que des innovations induites. La littérature a longtemps privilégié des modèles de management de l'innovation issus de l'industrie. Pourtant, si même les dernières générations de ces modèles ont proposé des améliorations notables, elles n'en gardent pas moins une vision verticale de l'entreprise qui n'est pas compatible avec les spécificités du service. Il s'avère en effet difficile de séparer, dans les activités de services, les processus de conception, de production, de distribution et de consommation. C'est dans ce contexte que la thèse cherche à identifier un modèle de conception plus approprié à ce type d'activités. À partir d'un raisonnement inductif basé sur huit innovations de service postales, elle propose une modélisation du processus de conception en identifiant trois propriétés : la personnalisation, la contractualisation à long terme et l'animation. La mise en œuvre de ces trois propriétés rend saillant l'articulation entre les différents métiers et échelons hiérarchiques dans un processus de conception collectif et étagé du service. D'un point de vue théorique, la thèse apporte une modélisation originale dont l'application demeure toutefois limitée à la fois de par sa complexité et de par les facteurs de contingence qui lui sont propres.

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