Spelling suggestions: "subject:"materialism""
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Ungdomars syn på framtiden : en värderingsstudieLіndgrеn Ödẻn, Віrgіt January 2002 (has links)
Hur ser ungdomar på framtiden? Vilka drömmar finns och hur ska de förverkligas? Med denna undersökning vill jag ta reda på vilka värderingar ungdomar har idag. För att finna svar har sextio ungdomar deltagit i en enkätundersökning. Av dessa ungdomar har jag valt att intervjua sex personer med olika värderingar. Ronald Ingleharts teori om materialism/postmaterialism har använts som analysinstrument. Jag har också jämfört mina slutsatser med liknande undersökningar. Huvudresultatet av denna studie är att ungdomar har en stark framtidstro när det gäller den egna personen. I större sammanhang är de mer pessimistiska. Ungdomar upplever att den individuella prestationen är helt avgörande för den egna framgången, de känner också oro över ett eventuellt misslyckande. Undersökningen visar också att det finns både materialistiska och postmaterialistiska värderingar i den unga generationen.
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”I have spent my life building bridges and tearing down barriers - not building walls” : – en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av debatten om Donald TrumpNessvi, Anton January 2016 (has links)
Donald Trump’s candidacy for president has led to a substantial debate not only in the Republican party but also in the media. Using a two-dimensional theoretical model consisting of the left-right scale and the GAL-TAN scale, this study aims to review the conflict that Donald Trump’s campaign has led to in the Republican party. Using content analysis, a range of statements from Republicans have been analyzed, aiming to answer the following questions; How do the republican political actors contend for or against Donald Trump’s candidacy? and: what material or post-material values are linked to these arguments and statements? This study shows that the conflict following Donald Trump’s candidacy can mainly be placed in the post-material conflict dimension, even though some left-right arguments can also be found in the studied material. The political actors supporting Trump’s candidacy are mainly using arguments possible to place in the TAN-part of the post-material conflict dimension, whereas the actors criticizing Trump are mainly using arguments possible to place in the GAL-part.
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Ungas attityder till invandring i Sverige : En kvantitativ studieGolic, Erna, Swärd, Rebecca January 2014 (has links)
Synen på invandring i Sverige har länge varit omdiskuterad, inte minst i media men även i politiska debatter. Invandringsnegativa partier får allt större stöd särskilt sett till det senaste decenniet. I den här uppsatsen undersöks ungdomars attityder till invandring, i Sverige, jämfört med den äldre befolkningen och skillnader i attityder till invandring inom gruppen ungdomar med hänsyn till bostadsregion, kön, föräldrars utbildningsnivå samt föräldrars invandrarbakgrund. Uppsatsen baseras på data från European Social Survey, 2002. Chi² -test används för att testa skillnaderna i attityder mellan grupperna. De slutsatser som dras utifrån analyserna är att ungdomar är mer positiva till invandring än äldre. Resultaten tyder även på att unga kvinnor är mer positiva till invandring än vad unga män är. Även föräldrarnas utbildningsnivå visade sig ha ett samband med ungdomarnas attityder till invandring. Ungdomar med högutbildade föräldrar är mer positiva än ungdomar med lågutbildade föräldrar. Ingen statistiskt signifikant skillnad fanns i attityden till invandring mellan ungdomar vars föräldrar är födda i Sverige och ungdomar vars föräldrar är födda i ett annat land. Detsamma gäller för skillnader i attityder mellan ungdomar från olika regioner i Sverige. Read more
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The Green State of Ethiopia : Challenging the Western Perception of African States Environmental PoliticsTaki, Mesir January 2019 (has links)
Environmental sustainability has long been assumed to be a postmaterialist claim solely granted for affluent countries. This Western perception suggests that African and other developing countries are not capable of successfully dealing with environmental issues due to limited institutional and instrumental resources. Through semi-structured interviews with nine Ethiopian environment experts, and the supplementary method of field observations, this paper demonstrate empirical material from the green state of Ethiopia. Albeit being one of the poorest countries in the world, Ethiopia is displaying capacity to overcome environmental challenges and a willingness to undergo an environmentally sustainable transition process. Ultimately, environmental sustainability in Ethiopia is a possibility that contain challenges. The state have established environmental units, produced the comprehensive Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) strategy and is actively transforming the rain-fed agriculture, investing in infrastructure and renewable energies, providing agricultural extension systems, rehabilitating degraded lands and creating environmental awareness. In addition, the national reforestation program, which includes restoration, creation and conservation of forests, boosts the forest industry and develops eco-system services, such as carbon sinks. However, weak implementation capacity disables the state from following through with ambitious environmental policies, and, in addition, the urge for economic development along an absence of strong regulative mechanisms stimulate the continuing conversion of forests and lands to agriculture. Read more
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"Min röst spelar ju inte så stor roll" : Svenska ungdomars förhållande till demokratinEngelbrektsson, Louise January 2020 (has links)
This study examines young Swedes’ support for democracy. Previous research suggests that many young people in Sweden are sceptical about the democratic governance as well as with democracy itself. However, there is a lack of qualitative studies within the subject - leaving the research field consisting of limited questionnaires. For a broader understanding, the study aims to go into depth with a qualitative semi-structured interview design. By applying the theory of postmaterialism carried out by Robert Inglehart, it is possible to gain an understanding of Sweden’s youth and their value orientation which might influence the support for democracy. The interviews were conducted with eight upper secondary school students at the Rudbeck school in Sollentuna, thereafter transcribed and thematically analyzed. The results are systematically divided into several categories, revolving around democracy as a state of governance and its principles, political participation and the functioning of democracy. The study finds that there is a discrepancy in supporting democracy in principle and instrumentally, among the participants. While there is a strong support for democracy as a form of governance as well as democratic principles, there is also criticism towards the government, the efficiency of the system, its availability and political institutions. The results are discussed and understood from a post-materialistic perspective, deepen our understanding of young individuals relationship with democracy. Read more
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Parnassen, pengarna eller päronen? : En kvantitativ studie av kopplingen mellan socioekonomisk bakgrund och sociokulturella samt socioekonomiska värderingar.Olsson, Helena, Rehe, Robert January 2021 (has links)
Sambandet mellan individers klassbakgrund och utbildningsbakgrund med nuvarande värderingar i sociokulturella respektive socioekonomiska dimensioner undersöks. En genomgång av tidigare forskning, såväl kvantiativ, kvalitativ, som samhällsteori, ger flera konkreta hypoteser som testas. Sociokulturella värderingar operationaliseras genom Ingleharts postmaterialism-index. Socioekonomiska värderingar genom ett egenskapat index för socioekonomisk interventionism. Metoden är en multivariat regression med landfixa effekter, på data från European Values Survey, ur vilket väljs 21 europeiska OECD-länder. Förutom demografiska kontroller kontrolleras för nuvarande klass och utbildning. För socioekonomiska värderingar visar resultatet på små eller icke-existerande effekter för klassbakgrund och utbildningsbakgrund. Den starkaste effekten ges istället av nuvarande klassposition. För sociokulturella värderingar är resultatet att klassbakgrund har starkt förklaringsvärde för nuvarande värderingar, även efter kontroller för utbildning och klass. Denna effekt är jämförbar med utbildning och minst lika stark som den för klass. Andelen förklarad varians i samtliga modeller är samtidigt mycket låg. För kvantitativ värderingsforskning har resultaten implikationen att modeller för sociokulturella värderingar inte bara kan undersöka klass och utbildning, utan även måste även ta hänsyn till klassbakgrund. För teorier om primärsocialisering bekräftar vi en viktig och bestående roll, men också att enbart en liten del av variationen kan förklaras av variablerna vi använder. Slutligen ger de skilda mönster vi finner för värderingarna skäl att tro att dessa tillägnas genom olika mekanismer. Read more
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Kdo jsou nositelé postmaterialistických hodnot? Sociodemografické charakteristiky postmaterialistů v České republice a v Německu / Who are the postmaterialists?Hanžlová, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
Who are the postmaterialists? Sociodemographic characteristics of those who bear postmaterialistic values in the Czech Republic and Germany This master thesis is devoted to the Value Change Theory formulated by Ronald Inglehart. This American sociologist came in the 1970's with a conclusion, that there is a substantial difference between the values of the generation that experienced war and the values of the post-war generation, which is experiencing an unprecedential economic growth. As a consequence these younger generations have different priorities called by Inglehart as postmaterialistic values in contrast to materialistic ones. The aim of this paper is to find out what are the socio-demographic characteristics of postmaterialists, whether they differ in time and over countries by using secondary data from the European Values Study and from International Social Survey Programme. The results support the theory only partly. Czech and German postmaterialists are both rather younger and more educated. But there is a difference when examining the influence of gender and the size of community, where they live. In the Czech Republic the probability of being a postmaterialist is higher among men and together with eastern Germany it is higher in big cities. For western Germany relationships were in... Read more
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Postmaterialism and Democracy: What Does the Postmaterialist Value Shift Mean for Democracy?Nickens, Bradley Harrison 18 May 2004 (has links)
This thesis explores the possible impact of a postmaterialist value shift on the future of democracy in advanced industrial democratic countries.
Research over the past few decades has questioned the responsiveness of representative democratic institutions in advanced industrial democracies to individual and communal needs in society. Radical democratic theorists have called for direct action, structural reform, and other social and political changes to make democracy "stronger." Increased education levels brought on by continued economic and physical security in advanced industrial societies has led to a change in the ability of citizens to access the political process. How the relationship between the citizen and the state is altered as a result of continued prosperity is a primary motivation for this research.
Working with World Values Survey data, I examine individual and societal level relationships between postmaterial values and direct political participation and acceptance of participatory values. Empirical evidence supports the hypotheses that postmaterial values are positively associated with direct political participation and as the level of Postmaterialists increases in a given society the level of participatory behavior and acceptance of participatory values will also increase. Substantive analysis suggests that increase in the level of postmaterialism in a country will lead to increases in alternative political activity and other forms of direct participation. / Master of Arts Read more
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Materialism and Postmaterialism as Antecedents of Work-Life Conflict: Assessing the Predictive Worth of Two Life ValuesPromislo, Mark D. January 2010 (has links)
Conflict between work and home continues to be a source of distress for many working people. This research had two major aims: one was to explore whether one's life values are associated with perceived conflict between work and non-work roles. Specifically, postmaterialism and materialism were examined to assess their relationship to work interference with family, and family interference with work. As hypothesized, materialism was positively associated with both directions of work-life conflict. Contrary to predictions, postmaterialism was not associated with work-life conflict. The second aim was to assess the predictive value of three different conceptualizations of materialism-postmaterialism for work-life conflict. Using a strong inference method (Platt, 1964), Inglehart's (1990) unidimensional measure was compared to bidimensional (Bean & Papadakis, 1994) and interactional (Giacalone & Jurkiewicz, 2004) conceptualizations. Results showed that the bidimensional model explained significantly more variance in work-life conflict than the unidimensional model, while the interactional model explained little additional variance. This study adds to research demonstrating links between materialism and various forms of negative well-being (Kasser, 2002). Suggestions are given regarding future research and how companies may be able to reduce employees' work-life conflict by de-emphasizing materialistic values. / Business Administration/Interdisciplinary Read more
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Synen på klimatförändringen : En statistisk undersökning om åsiktsskillnaden mellan olika europeiska länder gällande klimatförändringen / The view on climate change : A statistical survey of the difference in opinion between different European countries about climate changeSunesson, Felix January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att analysera opinionsskillnaderna mellan arton olika europeiska länder med fokus på klimatförändringar. Med avsikt att studera hur postmaterialismen har påverkat människors åsikt och se om det finns en koppling mellan denna förändring och deras inställning till klimatförändringarna. För att kunna svara på denna fråga har undersökningen använt statistikdata från European Social Survey. Resultatet visar att det finns en skillnad i ländernas åsikter om klimatförändringar och där det finns en likhet mellan postmaterialism och deras åsikt om klimatet. Studien hittade dock en starkare koppling mellan människors utbildningsnivå och deras inställning till klimatförändringar. Denna korrelation blev uppenbar i Östeuropa eftersom de inte hade samma ekonomiska tillväxt som norra och centrala Europa, men detta hade liknande åsikter som sina andra länder. / The aim of this study has been to analyse the opinion differences of eighteen different European countries, with the focus on climate change. With the intentions to study how the postmaterialism has affected people’s opinion and see if there is a link between this change and their attitude about climate change. In order to answer this question, the study has used statistic data from European Social Survey. The result finds that there is a difference in countries opinion about climate change and where there is a like between postmaterialism and their opinion about the climate. However, the study did find a stronger connection between people’s level of education and their attitude towards climate change. This correlation became palpable in Eastern Europe since they have not had the same economic growth as the northern and central Europe, but this hade similar opinions as their other countries. Read more
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