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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reduced dimensionality quantum dynamics of chemical reactions

Remmert, Sarah M. January 2011 (has links)
In this thesis a reduced dimensionality quantum scattering model is applied to the study of polyatomic reactions of type X + CH4 <--> XH + CH3. Two dimensional quantum scattering of the symmetric hydrogen exchange reaction CH3+CH4 <--> CH4+CH3 is performed on an 18-parameter double-Morse analytical function derived from ab initio calculations at the CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ//MP2/cc-pVTZ level of theory. Spectator mode motion is approximately treated via inclusion of curvilinear or rectilinear projected zero-point energies in the potential surface. The close-coupled equations are solved using R-matrix propagation. The state-to-state probabilities and integral and differential cross sections show the reaction to be primarily vibrationally adiabatic and backwards scattered. Quantum properties such as heavy-light-heavy oscillating reactivity and resonance features significantly influence the reaction dynamics. Deuterium substitution at the primary site is the dominant kinetic isotope effect. Thermal rate constants are in excellent agreement with experiment. The method is also applied to the study of electronically nonadiabatic transitions in the CH3 + HCl <--> CH4 + Cl(2PJ) reaction. Electrovibrational basis sets are used to construct the close-coupled equations, which are solved via Rmatrix propagation using a system of three potential energy surfaces coupled by spin-orbit interaction. Ground and excited electronic surfaces are developed using a 29-parameter double-Morse function with ab initio data at the CCSD(T)/ccpV( Q+d)Z-dk//MP2/cc-pV(T+d)Z-dk level of theory, and with basis set extrapolated data, both corrected via curvilinear projected spectator zero-point energies. Coupling surfaces are developed by fitting MCSCF/cc-pV(T+d)Z-dk ab initio spin orbit constants to 8-parameter functions. Scattering calculations are performed for the ground adiabatic and coupled surface models, and reaction probabilities, thermal rate constants and integral and differential cross sections are presented. Thermal rate constants on the basis set extrapolated surface are in excellent agreement with experiment. Characterisation of electronically nonadiabatic nonreactive and reactive transitions indicate the close correlation between vibrational excitation and nonadiabatic transition. A model for comparing the nonadiabatic cross section branching ratio to experiment is discussed.

Effets de la concentration des défauts sur la surface d'énergie potentielle du silicium amorphe

Kallel, Houssem January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Calculs de dynamique inélastique pour des collisions moléculaires d'intérêt astrochimique / Quantum molecular collision studies for processes of astrophysical interest

Denis alpizar, Otoniel 01 April 2014 (has links)
L'analyse des conditions physico-chimiques régnant dans le milieu interstellaire(ISM) nécessité de connaître les constantes de vitesse de collision inélastique qui ont lieu plus fréquemment dans l'ISM. Nous avons à cettefin calculées les surfaces d'énergie potentielles ainsi que les états liés descomplexes CS-H2, HCN-H2, HCN-He et C3-He. Nous avons déterminé pour la collision CS-H2 les sections efficaces et les taux d'excitation collisionnels pour les premiers niveaux rotationnels. Des observations récentes suggérentque l'excitation des modes de pliage des molécules triatomiques doit êtreprise en compte dans les modèles astrochimiques. Nous présentons doncdeux nouvelles approches théoriques permettant d'effectuer un traitementClose Coupling des collisions inélastiques d'un atome avec une molécule triatomique. Le couplage entre les mouvements de rotation et de pliage de la molécule est traité soit exactement dans le cadre de l'approximation du rigid bender (RBCC) ou de façon approximée en moyennant le potentiel d'interaction atome-molècule sur le mode de pliage de la molécule (RBAA). La méthode RBCC est appliquée à l'étude des collisions HCN-He et C3-He pour lesquelles les sections efficaces de transition entre niveaux rotationnels appartenant à des modes de pliage différents sont obtenues. Les résultats sont comparés avec ceux fournis par l'opproximation du rotateur rigide linéaire. Dans le cas de la collision HCN-He ils sont aussi comparés avec ceux obtenus en utilisant l'approche RBAA. Nous montrons que les sections efficaces de transitions entre des niveaux rotationels appartenant à des niveaux de bending différents doivent être calculées au niveau RBCC. / Tha analysis of the physico-chemical conditons taking place in the interstellar medium (ISM) requires to know the inclastic rate coefficents of the detected interstellar molecules in collisions with the moste common colliders int the ISM. We have comuted the four dimensional potential energy surfaces, and the bound levels for the CS-H2, HCN-H2, HCN-He and C3 -He complexes. For the collisions of Cs with H2, we also determined the rst inelastic cross section and rate coefficeients<; Several recent observations suggest that the vibrational excitation of triatomic molecules in the ISM at least in the bending motion needs to be considered in the collision mechanismes. We present a nex theorical method to treat atom-rigid bender ineslastic collisions at close the coupling level (RBCC). The coupling between rotation and bending is treated exactly within the rigid bender approximation and we obtain the cross section for the rotational transition between levels belonging to dierent bending levels. This approach is applied to the study of HCN-He and C3-He. The results are compared with those obtained whenconsidering the molecules to be linear rigid rotors. In the case of HCN-He,they are also compared with the cross sections determined using the interactionpotential averaged over the bending wavefunction. We demonstratethat the cross sections involving vibrational transitions should be computedusing the RBCC method. For HCN-He, the linear rigid approach is foundto offer a good description of pure rotational transitions while for C3-Hethis method is shown to overestimate the cross section for collision energieshigher than the first excited bending threshold.

Contribution à la description théorique de la dynamique des processus élémentaires hétérogènes : collisions de l'azote moléculaire et de l'hydrogène atomique avec des surfaces de tungstène / Theoretical study of gas-solid elementary processes dynamics : collision of molecular nitrogen and atomic hydrogen with tungsten

Petuya-Poublan, Rémi 17 September 2014 (has links)
Les processus élémentaires hétérogènes à l’interface gaz-solide présentent un intérêt fondamental dans de nombreux domaines tels que la catalyse hétérogène, la chimie atmosphérique et des milieux interstellaires, la rentrée atmosphérique de véhicules spatiaux ou encore la description des interactions plama-paroi. Cette thèse a pour objet l’étude de la dynamique des processus de collision non réactive de l’azote N2 sur une surface de tungstène W(100) et des processus de recombinaison moléculaire de l’hydrogène H2 sur des surfaces de tungstène W(100) et W(110). Leur dynamique quasi classique est simulée au moyen de surfaces d’énergie potentielle préalablement construites à partir de calculs de théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité. Un potentiel multi-adsorbats est notamment développé pour tenir compte du taux de couverture de surface afin d’étudier la compétition entre la recombinaison directe, de type Eley-Rideal et la recombinaison par « atomes chauds » après diffusion hyperthermique d’un atome sur la surface. / Heterogeneous elementary processes at the gas-solid interface are ofgreat interest in many domains such as heterogeneous catalysis, atmospheric and interstellar media chemistry, spacecraft atmospheric re-entry and plasma-wall interactions description. This thesis focus on the dynamics of nitrogen, N2, non reactive scattering on a tungsten W(100) surface and hydrogen, H2, recombination processes on tungsten surfaces W(100) and W(110). The quasiclassical dynamics of these processes is simulated using potential energy surfaces based on density functional theory calculations. In particular, a multi-adsorbate potential is developed to include surface coverage in the dynamics simulation in order to scrutinize the interplay between both direct abstraction, the so-called Eley-Rideal recombination,and the Hot-Atom recombination process after hyperthermal diffusion on the surface

Quantum Chemical Studies of Radical Cation Rearrangement, Radical Carbonylation, and Homolytic Substitution Reactions

Norberg, Daniel January 2007 (has links)
<p>Quantum chemical calculations have been performed to investigate radical cation rearrangement, radical carbonylation, and homolytic substitution reactions of organic molecules.</p><p>The rearrangement of the bicyclopropylidiene radical cation to the tetramethyleneethane radical cation is predicted to proceed with stepwise disrotatory opening of the two rings. Each ring opening is found to be combined with a striking pyramidalization of a carbon atom in the central bond.</p><p>The isomerization of the norbornadiene radical cation to the cycloheptatriene radical cation (<b>CHT</b><b>.+</b>), initialized by opening of a bridgehead–methylene bond, is investigated. The most favorable path involves concerted rearrangement to the norcaradiene radical cation followed by ring opening to <b>CHT</b><b>.+</b>. The barrier of this channel is found to be significantly reduced upon substitution of the methylene group with C(CH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>.</p><p>Stepwise mechanisms are predicted to be favored over concerted isomerization for the McLafferty rearrangement of the radical cations of butanal and 3-fluorobutanal. The barrier for the concerted rearrangement is found to be lowered by 17.2 kcal/mol upon substitution, a result which is rationalized by the calculated dipole moments and atomic charges.</p><p>Recent experiments showed that photoinitiated carbonylation of alkyl iodides with [<sup>11</sup>C]carbon monoxide may be significantly enhanced by using small amounts of ketones that have nπ* character of their excited triplet state. DFT calculations show the feasibility of an atom transfer type mechanism, proposed to explain these observations. Moreover, the computational results rationalize the observed differences in yield when using various alcohol solvents.</p><p>Finally, following photolysis of methyliodide, recent electron spin resonance spectroscopy experiments demonstrated that the S<sub>H</sub>2 reaction <sup>•</sup>CD<sub>3</sub> + SiD<sub>3</sub>CH<sub>3</sub> → CD<sub>3</sub>SiD<sub>3</sub> + <sup>•</sup>CH<sub>3</sub> proceeds with high selectivity over the energetically more favorable D abstraction. The role of geometrical effects, especially the formation of prereactive complexes between methylsilane and methyliodide is studied, and a plausible explanation for the experimentally observed paradox is presented.</p>

Ordering in weakly bound molecular layers: organic-inorganic and organic-organic heteroepitaxy / Ordnungsprozesse in schwach gebundenen Molekülschichten: organisch-anorganische und organisch-organische Heteroepitaxie

Mannsfeld, Stefan 27 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
It is an aim of this work to provide insight into the energetic influence on the ordering of molecular thin films on crystalline substrates. Here, the term substrate either refers to inorganic crystal surfaces or highly ordered layers of another organic molecular species. In order to calculate the total interface potential of extended molecular domains, a new calculation technique (GRID technique) is developed in the first part of this work. Compared to the standard approach, this method accelerates the potential calculation drastically (times 10000). The other parts of the thesis are dedicated to the comparison of experimental results (obtained by scanning tunneling microscopy and electron diffraction) to the optimal layer structure as predicted by optimization calculations. Potential calculations which are performed for the system perylenetetracarboxylicdianhydride (PTCDA) on graphite demonstrate that point-on-line coincident structures correspond to energetically favorable alignments of the molecular lattice with respect to the substrate lattice. The capability of the GRID technique to predict the optimal layer structure is demonstrated for the system peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) on graphite. The organic-organic heteroepitaxy system PTCDA on HBC on graphite is investigated in order to clarify to which extent the ordering mechanism there differs from that of the organic-inorganic heteroepitaxy system PTCDA on graphite. As a result of this investigation, a new type of epitaxy, i.e., substrate induced ordering is found. This new epitaxy type is governed by the inner structure of the substrate lattice unit cell. Here, the substrate surface is a layer of organic molecules itself, hence the substrate surface unit cell does indeed exhibit a complex inner structure. A generalized classification scheme for epitaxial growth incorporating this new type of epitaxy is proposed. In the last chapter, the structure of the first layers of titanylphthalocyanine (TiOPc) on Au(111) is investigated and compared to potential optimization calculations. The correspondence of experimental and theoretical results provides evidence that the GRID technique can, in principle, also be applied to molecular layers on metal surfaces. / Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, Einblicke in die energetischen Einflüsse, die zur Ausbildung der Schichtstruktur organischer Moleküle auf kristallinen Substraten führen, zu geben. Diese Substrate sind entweder Oberflächen anorganische Kristalle oder selbst hochgeordnete Molekülschichten. Um das totale Grenzflächenpotential ausgedehnter Moleküldomänen berechnen zu können, wird im ersten Teil der Arbeit eine neue Berechnungsmethode (GRID Technik) vorgestellt. Im Vergleich mit herkömmlichen Berechnungsmethoden auf der Basis molekülmechanischer Kraftfelder ist diese neue Methode daher um ein Vielfaches schneller (Faktor 100000). Die folgenden Teile der Arbeit sind dem Vergleich experimenteller Ergebnisse (Rastertunnelmikroskopie und Elektronenbeugung) mit, durch Potentialoptimierungsrechnungen als energetisch günstig vorhergesagten, Schichtstrukturen gewidmet. So kann für das System Perylentetracarbonsäuredianhydrid (PTCDA) auf Graphit mittels Potentialberechnungen nachgewiesen werden, daß die experimentell gefundenen ?Point-on-line koinzidenten? Strukturen energetisch günstige Anordnungen des Molekülgitters bezüglich des Substratgitters darstellen. Die Eignung der neuen Berechnungsmethode zur Vorhersage der günstigsten Adsorbatgitterstruktur für ein gegebenes System aus Molekül und Substrat, wird anhand des Systems peri-Hexabenzocoronen (HBC) auf Graphit demonstriert. Das organisch-organische Heteroepitaxiesystem PTCDA auf HBC auf Graphit wird untersucht, um zu klären, inwieweit sich die dafür gültigen Ordnungsmechanismen von denen unterscheiden, die für das Wachstum des organisch-anorganischen Heteroepitaxiesystems PTCDA auf Graphit verantwortlich sind. Dabei gelingt es, eine bisher nicht klassifizierte Art von Epitaxie, d.h. substratinduzierter Ordnung, nachzuweisen. Dieser neue Epitaxietyp ist bedingt durch die innere Struktur einer Substrateinheitszelle - das Substrat ist ja hier selbst eine Schicht geordneter Moleküle, die natürlich eine innere Struktur aufweisen. Im folgenden wird ein verallgemeinertes Klassifizierungssystem für Epitaxietypen abgeleitet, welches den neuen Epitaxietyp beinhaltet. Im letzten Kapitel wird die Struktur von der ersten Lagen von Titanylphthalocyanin (TiOPc) auf Au(111) experimentell untersucht und mit entsprechenden Potentialoptimierungsrechnungen verglichen. Die Übereinstimmung von experimentellen und theoretischen Ergebnissen zeigt, daß die GRID Technik, zumindest prinzipiell, auch für Molekülschichten auf Metallsubstraten anwendbar ist.

Quantum Chemical Studies of Radical Cation Rearrangement, Radical Carbonylation, and Homolytic Substitution Reactions

Norberg, Daniel January 2007 (has links)
Quantum chemical calculations have been performed to investigate radical cation rearrangement, radical carbonylation, and homolytic substitution reactions of organic molecules. The rearrangement of the bicyclopropylidiene radical cation to the tetramethyleneethane radical cation is predicted to proceed with stepwise disrotatory opening of the two rings. Each ring opening is found to be combined with a striking pyramidalization of a carbon atom in the central bond. The isomerization of the norbornadiene radical cation to the cycloheptatriene radical cation (CHT.+), initialized by opening of a bridgehead–methylene bond, is investigated. The most favorable path involves concerted rearrangement to the norcaradiene radical cation followed by ring opening to CHT.+. The barrier of this channel is found to be significantly reduced upon substitution of the methylene group with C(CH3)2. Stepwise mechanisms are predicted to be favored over concerted isomerization for the McLafferty rearrangement of the radical cations of butanal and 3-fluorobutanal. The barrier for the concerted rearrangement is found to be lowered by 17.2 kcal/mol upon substitution, a result which is rationalized by the calculated dipole moments and atomic charges. Recent experiments showed that photoinitiated carbonylation of alkyl iodides with [11C]carbon monoxide may be significantly enhanced by using small amounts of ketones that have nπ* character of their excited triplet state. DFT calculations show the feasibility of an atom transfer type mechanism, proposed to explain these observations. Moreover, the computational results rationalize the observed differences in yield when using various alcohol solvents. Finally, following photolysis of methyliodide, recent electron spin resonance spectroscopy experiments demonstrated that the SH2 reaction •CD3 + SiD3CH3 → CD3SiD3 + •CH3 proceeds with high selectivity over the energetically more favorable D abstraction. The role of geometrical effects, especially the formation of prereactive complexes between methylsilane and methyliodide is studied, and a plausible explanation for the experimentally observed paradox is presented.

Effets de la concentration des défauts sur la surface d'énergie potentielle du silicium amorphe

Kallel, Houssem January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

The quantum dynamics of the diffusion of dissociatively adsorbed diatomic molecules

Reis Firmino, Thiago Diamond 27 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The work carried out during this thesis focuses on the quantum dynamics of the diffusion of hydrogen atoms on a surface of palladium (111). The study of the 3D system allowed us to detail the infrared spectrum of H/Pd (111), showing the existence of different adsorption sites on which localized states exist that are strongly coupled (Fermi resonance). This phenomenon governs the diffusion of hydrogen atoms in an ultra-fast time scale (fs).The study of the (6D) H2/Pd(111) system has shown that the transitions observed are in fact transition bands between several quasi-degenerate adsorption states. The agreement between the calculated and measured values is significantly less good than that between the data calculated for the 3D system and the measured data. Does adsorbed hydrogen on palladium exist in the form of a weakly bound H2 molecule? This thesis has provided some answers to this question, which remains open, hovewer, to some extent.

Videosekvence a jejich využití při výuce fyziky na ZŠ / Videosequention and their usage by physics education at basic school

MATĚJŮ, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The Thesis "Videosequences and their use in teaching physics at the elementary school" provides a basic understanding of the issue of the use of audiovisual technology in an environment at the elementary school, focusing on the integration of video in teaching physics at the second stage. It describes the possibilities of video sources on the Internet and instructions for their preparation and to their own creation. The Thesis is also based on practical experiences that means the inclusion of specific movies in two selected topics in teaching physics.

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