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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study to determine to what extent companies in South Africa are prepared to use corporate social responsibility as a developmental tool to alleviate poverty

Scholtz, Louise 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (School of Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The negative impact of poverty on development and security in South Africa has been exacerbated by high food prices. However, high food prices have also had a positive effect in that it galvanised civil society into coalescing and finally playing an activist role. Looking at the development of corporate social responsibility and how it was shaped by external influences exerted on it by society, the thesis argues that high food prices might be one of those triggers that might change the implementation of corporate social responsibility from that as a business tool to one that is more developmental in its intent. This argument is one that has been proposed by developmental theorists, but has been resisted by companies for various reasons herein discussed. In the same way that corporate social responsibility is shaped by external factors, development is also determined by the macro (economic) policies and state capacity in which the company operates. State incapacity has led the citizens looking at companies increasingly to fulfil a more developmental role. In this regard there are problems attendant to the private sector assuming the responsibilities of the state and the thesis argues that the private sector should rather play a complementary role to development interventions of government. The combination of the factors highlighted above has led to increased pressure on the private sector to play a more developmental role, and there appears to be a degree of acknowledgment from the private sector. This thesis looks critically at some approaches to corporate social responsibility and uses one particular company to illustrate, not only some of the critical factors of successful engagement with development through CSR, such as leadership and context specific interventions, but also to show that development and, particularly, poverty alleviation is compatible with running a profitable organisation.

Social mobility and cohesion in post-apartheid South Africa

Von Fintel, Marisa 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Twenty years after the end of apartheid, South Africa remains one of the most unequal countries in the world. Socio-economic polarisation is entrenched by the lack of social capital and interactions across racial and economic divides, blocking pathways out of poverty. This dissertation examines social mobility and cohesion in post-apartheid South Africa by considering three related topics. Chapter 2 of the dissertation examines the impact of school quality on the academic performance of disadvantaged learners as one of the most important enforcing factors perpetuating the social and economic divides. Given the historic racial and economic stratification of the South African public school system, many black children are sent to historically white public schools as a way to escape poverty. Using longitudinal data, this chapter estimates the effect of attending a historically white school on the numeracy and literacy scores of black children. The main challenge is to address the selection bias in the estimates, for which a value-added approach is implemented in order to control for unobserved child-specific heterogeneity. In addition, various household covariates are used to control for household-level differences among children. The results indicate that the attendance of a former white school has a large and statistically significant impact on academic performance in both literacy and numeracy which translates into more than a year’s worth of learning. The main finding is robust to various robustness checks. In Chapter 3 the dissertation examines social cohesion by considering the concept of reference groups used in the evaluation of relative standing in utility functions. The chapter develops a model in which various parameters are allowed to enter the utility function without linearity constraints in order to determine the weight placed on the well-being of individuals in the same race group as the respondent versus all the other race groups living in one of three specified geographic areas. The findings suggest that reference groups have shifted away from a purely racial delineation to a more inclusive one subsequent to the country’s first democratic elections in 1994. Although most of the weight is still placed on same-race relative standing, the estimates suggest that individuals from other race groups also enter the utility function. The chapter also examines the spatial variation of reference groups and finds evidence that the relative standing of close others (such as neighbours) enter the utility function positively while individuals who live further away (strangers) enter the utility function negatively. Finally, Chapter 4 provides a summary of the dynamics of income in South Africa, using longitudinal household data. Chapter 4 is aimed at separating structural trends in income from stochastic shocks and measurement error, and makes use of an asset-based approach. It first estimates the percentage of individuals who were in chronic poverty between 2010 and 2012 and then estimates the shape of structural income dynamics in order to test for the existence of one or more dynamic equilibrium points, which would be indicative of the existence of a poverty trap. The findings do not provide any evidence for the existence of a poverty trap. In addition, contrary to earlier findings, the results do not provide evidence for the existence of an asset-based threshold at which the structural income accumulation paths of households bifurcate. Instead, the results seem to indicate the existence of a threshold beyond which structural income remains persistent with very little upward mobility. The robustness of the results is confirmed by making use of control functions in order to correct for any measurement error which may exist in the data on assets. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Twintig jaar nadat apartheid beëindig is word Suid-Afrika steeds as een van die wêreld se mees ongelyke lande gekenmerk. Sosio-ekonomiese polarisasie word verskans deur die gebrek aan sosiale kapitaal en interaksies tussen rassegroepe en ekonomiese klasse, wat lei tot die versperring van roetes uit armoede. Hierdie proefskrif bestudeer sosiale mobiliteit en samehorigheid in post-apartheid Suid- Afrika deur middel van drie verwante onderwerpe. Hoofstuk 2 van hierdie proefskrif ondersoek die impak van skoolkwaliteit op die akademiese prestasie van benadeelde leerders as een van die belangrikste faktore wat huidige sosiale en ekonomiese skeidings afdwing. Gegewe die historiese verdeling van die openbare skoolstelsel volgens ras en ekonomiese status, word heelwat swart kinders na historiese blanke skole gestuur ten einde armoede te ontsnap. Deur gebruik te maak van paneeldata word die impak van skoolbywoning van ’n historiese blanke skool op die geletterheid van swart kinders - in beide wiskunde en Engels - beraam. Die grootste uitdaging is om enige sydigheid in die beramings aan te spreek, waarvoor daar van ’n waarde-toevoegings inslag gebruik gemaak word ten einde te kontroleer vir enige individuele heterogeniteit. ’n Verskeidenheid kontroles op die vlak van die huishouding word gebruik ten einde te kontroleer vir verskille tussen kinders uit verkillende huishoudings. Die resultate dui daarop dat bywoning van ’n historiese wit skool ’n groot en statisties beduidende impak op die akademiese prestasie van beide wiskundige asook litterêre geletterdheid het, wat omgeskakel kan word in meer as ’n jaar se leerwerk. ’n Verskeidenheid verifikasie toetse bevestig die geldigheid van die resultate. Hoofstuk 3 van die proefskrif bestudeer sosiale samehorigheid deur die samestelling van verwysingsgroepe in die evaluasie van relatiewe posisionering in nutsfunksies te oorweeg. Die hoofstuk ontwikkel ’n model waarin verskeie parameters sonder liniêre beperkings in die nutsfunksie toegelaat word ten einde die gewig te beraam wat geplaas word op die welstand van individue in dieselfde rasgroep as die respondent teenoor al die ander rasgroepe wat in een van drie gespesifiseerde geografiese areas woon. Die bevindings dui daarop dat, na die land se eerste demokratiese verkiesings in 1994, die definiering van verwysingsgroepe weggeskuif het van ’n verdeling volgens ras na ’n meer inklusiewe definisie. Alhoewel meeste van die gewig steeds geplaas word op relatiewe posisionering teenoor individue van dieselfde ras, dui die beramings daarop dat individue van ander rassegroepe ook ingesluit word in die nutsfunksie. Die hoofstuk beoordeel ook die ruimtelike variasie van verwysingsgroepe en bevind dat die relatiewe posisionering van nabye individue (soos byvoorbeeld bure) die nutsfunksie positief beïnvloed terwyl individue wat vêr weg woon (vreemdelinge) die nutsfunksie negatief beïnvloed. Hoofstuk 4 van die proefskrif sluit af met ’n opsomming van die inkomste dinamika in Suid-Afrika, deur gebruik te maak van paneelhuishoudingdata. Die laaste hoofstuk mik om die strukturele tendens in inkomste van enige stogastiese skokke en metingsfoute te isoleer en maak gebruik van ’n bate-gebasseerde inslag. Dit beraam eerstens die persentasie van individue wat in kroniese armoede verkeer het tussen 2010 en 2012 en beraam dan die vorm van die strukturele inkomste dinamika. Dit word gedoen ten einde vir die bestaan van een of meer dinamiese ekwilibrium punte te toets, wat aanduidend sou wees van die bestaan van ’n armoedestrik. Die bevindings bied nie enige bewyse vir die bestaan van ’n armoedestrik nie. Ook bied die resultate geen bewyse vir die bestaan van ’n bategebasseerde drempel waar die strukturele inkomste akkumulasieroetes van huishoudings vertak nie, in teenstelling met vorige resultate. In plaas daarvan, blyk die resultate te dui op die bestaan van ’n drempel waarna strukturele inkomste volhardend bly met baie min opwaardse mobiliteit. Die geldigheid van die resultate word bevestig deur gebruik te maak van kontrolefunksies ten einde te korrigeer vir enige metingsfoute wat moontlik in die data van bates mag bestaan.

Creating a sustainable environment for infrastructure delivery

Le Roux, Ellouise 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since 1994 the government of South Africa has spent substantial amounts of money on the development and expantion of infrastructure to include the previously disadvantaged. Each year the amount spent on infrastructure increased, and still the poor is marginalised. The title proposes that there should rather be a focus on creating a sustainable environment to deliver infrastructure. The economy, unemployment, people living in poverty and level of human resources determine the environment in which infrastructure is delivered. South Africa is on a growth path towards 2030 that aims to reduce unemployment by aproximately 10% and increase the economic growth rate 5% per annum. Key challenges that inhibits economic growth were identified by the National Planning Commision (NPC). These key challenges such as poverty, poor education, unsatisfactory public tranport and a divided society represent the environment that South Africa is currently operating in. If these key challenges could be addressed and nullified a sustainable environment could be reached. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate a sustainable environment to deliver infrastructure. Existing models will be analysed and the key principles will then be incorporated in the development of the proposed Infra-Connect Model. Strategic Planning and decision-making tools will also assist in the process towards developing the Infra-Connect Model. The theoretical results that are obtained are positive. It conforms to the goals that are set out based on the key challenges presented by the NPC. The financial resources are found to be distributed more effectively and the poor is empowered to take part in the economic activities and hence a sustainable environment to deliver infrastructure is created. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert 1994 is daar aansienlike bedrae bestee op die opgradering en uitbreiding van infrastruktuur. Steeds is die huidige infrastruktuur nie voldoende nie en onontwikkeld. Die behoeftiges is steeds uitgesluit uit die ekonomiese aktiwiteite en gemarginaliseer. Hierdie verhandeling beoog om die fokus te plaas op die skepping van ‘n volhoubare omgewing wat die ontwikkeling van infrastruktuur tot gevolg het. Die omgewing verwys na die ekonomie, die behoeftiges, vlak van werkloosheid, en die kwaliteit van onderrig en mense ontwikkeling. Suid Afrika is in die proses om ‘n groeiplan saam te stel vir 2030. Onbevredigende dienslewering, ‘n verdeelde samelewing, en onvoldoende onderrig is onder andere faktore wat die groei van Suid Afrika verhinder om ‘n positiewe, kompeterende land teen 2030 te wees, soos geïdentifiseer deur die National Planning Commision. Hierdie faktore verhoed dat Suid Afrika positiewe ekonomiese groei ervaar. Die doel van die verhandeling is om die skepping van ‘n volhoubare omgewing wat infrastruktuur lewering tot gevolg sal hê, te ondersoek. Bestaande modelle word geanaliseer en gebruik om ‘n model vir munisipaliteite saam te stel wat sal help om fondse reg aan te wend en die druk rondom infrastruktuur lewering te verlig. Die teoretiese uitkomstes is positief en daar is gevind dat die model die bepalende faktore aanspreek. Die behoeftiges is na afloop van die model beter af waar hul bemagtig is en ‘n werksgeleentheid gebied word. Die gevolg is dan ‘n verlaging in die werkloosheidskoers en ‘n verwagting dat Suid Afrika se ekonomie positief sal groei. Voldoende lewering van infrastruktuur en dienste word dan ook verwag. Sodoende word ‘n volhoubare omgewing geskep vir effektiewe ontwikkeling en lewering van infrastruktuur en basiese dienste.

Explaining poverty : a comparison between perceptions and conditions of poverty in South Africa

Davids, Yul Derek 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Political Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this dissertation I explore people’s perceptions of the causes of poverty. Literature reveals that there are three broad theoretical explanations of perceptions of the causes of poverty: individualistic explanations, where blame is placed squarely on the poor themselves; structural explanations, where poverty is blamed on external social and economic forces; and fatalistic explanations, which attribute poverty to factors such as bad luck or illness. Furthermore, the findings of studies reviewed showed that these explanations interact with socio-economic and demographic variables such as race, geographical location, education, lived poverty index (LPI), living standard measure (LSM) and employment. I therefore critically examine explanations of poverty among South Africans as measured by individualistic, structural and fatalistic dimensions and how it interacts with the socio-economic and demographic variables. Employing a national representative survey of 3510 adults aged 18 and older conducted by the Human Sciences Research Council between 18 April and 30 May 2006 the findings of the present study confirmed most of the theoretical arguments cited in the literature. For instance, South Africans, in general, perceive the causes of poverty in structural terms, but a large proportion of respondents also perceive the causes of poverty in individualistic terms. Access to basic necessities influenced perceptions of the causes of poverty since the poor mostly perceived poverty in structural rather than individualistic terms. White South Africans in contrast to black Africans perceive the causes of poverty mostly in individualistic terms. Coloured respondents are the most fatalistic in their perceptions of the causes of poverty. Further analysis show that respondents living in traditional areas compared to those in urban formal areas are less likely to have structural perceptions of the causes of poverty. This is a very interesting finding because my examination on the extent of lived poverty in showed that the urban formal areas have the smallest proportion of respondents that have gone without basic necessities over the past year if contrasted to the traditional, rural formal and urban informal areas. I found that education had no significant impact on structural perceptions of the causes of poverty. In spite of my assessment of the extent of access to basic necessities which revealed that a large proportion of respondents with primary education compared to those with tertiary education go without these basic necessities. In addition, the study found that the relationship between the socio-economic and demographic variables and the structural, individualistic and fatalistic perceptions of the causes of poverty is considerably more complex and that it is possible for the race group, level of education, employment status and geographical location of the respondent all to interact in a multidimensional manner and have an impact on how the causes of poverty is perceived. However, the three linear regressions examining the relationship between the socio-economic and demographic variables and the structural, individualistic and fatalistic perceptions of the causes of poverty should be interpreted with caution because the explanatory power of the three regression models is quite weak (as indicated by Adjusted R²). In sum, the present study is extremely relevant in many ways and makes a unique contribution at both a methodological and policy level. Methodologically, the findings showed that the LPI may contribute to the proposed poverty line suggested for South Africa. As such, the findings offer a valuable message for the country’s decision makers about South Africans’ perceptions of the causes of poverty. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling ondersoek die persepsies van die publiek met verwysing na die oorsake van armoede. Die literatuur dui op drie breë teoretiese verklarings aangaande persepsies oor die oorsake van armoede: individualistiese verklarings wat die blaam vierkantig op die armes self plaas, strukturele verklarings wat armoede toeskryf aan eksterne sosiale en ekonomiese magte en dan fatalistiese verklarings wat armoede toeskryf aan faktore soos die noodlot of siekte. Navorsing toon dat hierdie verklarings in interaksie met sosio-demografies, ekonomiese veranderlikes soos ras, geografiese ligging, opvoeding, indiensneming; die ‘Lived Poverty Index’ en geslag verkeer. Die huidige verhandeling ondersoek dus krities die verklarings, in terme van armoede onder Suid-Afrikaners, soos gemeet deur die individualistiese, strukturele en fatalistiese dimensies en hul interaksie met sosio-demografiese en ekonomiese veranderlikes. ‘n Nasionale verteenwoordingende opname van 3,510 volwassenes, 18 jaar en ouer wat tussen 18 April en 30 Mei 2009 deur die Raad vir Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing uitgevoer het die meeste van die teoretiese argumente waarna in die literatuur verwys word bevestig. Byvoorbeeld, Suid-Afrikaners het oor die algemeen armoede vanuit strukturele perspektief waargeneem. Groot proporsie van respondente het armoede egter aan individualistiese faktore toegeskryf. Toegang tot basiese noodsaaklikhede het die persepsies van armoede beïnvloed aangesien die armes armoede meestal toegeskryf het aan strukturele eerder as individualistiese dimensies. Blankes, in vergelyking met Swart Suid-Afrikaners, het individualistiese eerder as strukturele persepties getoon. Kleurling repondente was die mees fatalisties aangaande hul persepsies oor die oorsake van armoede. Respondente wat in tradisionele landelike areas woon het armoede in mindere mate toegeskryf aan strukturele persepsies in vergelyking met repondente woonagtig in formele stedelike areas. Dit was baie interesante resultaat omdat daar verwag is dat respondente wat in tradisionele landelike areas woon armoede eerder sou toeskryf aan strukturele persepsies, terwyl repondente woonagtig in formele stedelike areas meer individualistiese persepsies sou openbaar. Die studie het ook bevind dat opvoeding en indiensneming geen merkwaardige invloed het op persepsies oor die oorsake van armoede nie. ‘n Verdere bevinding van die studie was dat die verhouding tussen die sosio-ekonomiese en demografiese veranderlikes en die struturele, individualistiese en fatalistiese persepsies van armoede aansienlik meer ingewikkeld en kompleks is. Dit is dus moontlik dat die rassegroep, vlak van opvoeding, indiensnemingstatus en geografiese ligging van respondent saam op multi-dimensionele manier in interaksie kan verkeer en dus impak kan hê op hoe armoede deur die respondent gesien word. Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat die drie regressie analises wat die verhouding tussen die sosioekonomiese en demografiese veranderlikes en die struturele, individualistiese en fatalistiese persepsies van armoede ondersoek baie versigtig geinterpreteer moet word aangesien die verklaringsterkte van die drie regressies baie swak is. Ter opsomming was die studie onder bespreking uiters relevant ten opsigte van verskeie areas en het dit dus unieke bydrae gemaak tot beide metodologiese en beleidskwessies. Metodologies het die bevindinge getoon dat die ‘Lived Poverty Index’ kan bydra tot die voorgestelde armoede-lyn vir Suid-Afrika. Die bevindinge bied waardevolle inligting vir die land se besluitnemers aangaande Suid-Afrikaners se persepsies oor die oorsake van armoede.

An approach to human development in rural Western Cape with specific reference to farm workers

Tregurtha, Norma 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Using the conceptual framework of the human development approach as proposed by Amartya Sen, this dissertation attempts to measure the absolute and relative development status of Western Cape farm workers for 1996 and 2001. The dissertation begins by presenting a critical analysis of the traditional neo-classical model of development, and goes further to demonstrate how, from the early 1970s, the validity of this model was increasingly questioned by the broader development fraternity and eventually supplanted by the human development approach in the 1990s. The human development approach is based on two conceptual roots namely; social exclusion theory and the capability model of Amartya Sen. Social exclusion theory identifies important themes such as gender and culture which the neo-classical development approach failed to reflect in its theoretical and methodological structures while the capability model establishes the philosophical and theoretical foundations of human development. More specifically it clarifies the question: 'what is wellbeing, how do we measure it and how is it linked to development and poverty? From the perspective of the human development approach, wellbeing is about being able to exercise economic, social and political choice or freedom. These freedoms are labelled capabilities and are they are derived from functioning choices. A functioning represents different aspects of the state of a person, and can either be an activity such as working or a state of existence such as being educated. A functioning is an achievement whereas a capability is the possible options or choices open to a person. It is on the basis of a person's capability set that an evaluation of their level of wellbeing is possible. The human development approach therefore measures development in terms of capabilities The key methodological challenges related to measuring development in terms of human capabilities are numerous. The theory of human development does not specify which capabilities to include when measuring poverty or wellbeing, in addition it provides no method to rank capabilities. Capabilities can simultaneously expand in some areas while contract in others. Because there is no method of ranking capabilities it is impossible to conclude whether on balance, development has taken place. Finally on a practical level the data requirements to measure wellbeing in a multivariate way are significant and are more often than not based on detailed household socio-economic surveys that are not easily replicated over time. For these reasons, while development economists endorse the theory of human development on an ideological and strategic level, methodologically there is still a tendency to measure it in terms of income levels. Despite these challenges a number of empirical applications of the human development approach have emerged in recent years and a cross-section of these studies is described as part of this dissertation. The main methodological issues that have to be confronted when operationalising the human development approach are also documented while the appropriateness of using the theory of fuzzy sets to measure vague concepts such as poverty and wellbeing, is emphasized. Drawing on data from the 1996 and 2001 Population Census this dissertation confronts these measurement challenges and by limiting the analysis to 6 functionings namely; housing, housing services, education, health, social relations, employment and economic achievements, attempts to measure the overall development status of Western Cape farm workers. By comparing this result with the achievement of other labour groups such as the unemployed and workers employed elsewhere in the economy it is also possible to conclude on their relative development status. With respect to functioning achievement (measured as fuzzy scores), in 2001 farm workers scored the lowest of all the labour groups in terms of housing services, social relations and education achievement. In terms of their access to economic resources, while farm workers individual and household monthly income levels exceeded that of the unemployed - their fuzzy score was roughly half of that achieved by workers in other sectors. These various functionings were weighted and aggregated to arrive at an overall wellbeing indicator, and almost no difference could be detected in the score achieved by farm workers and the unemployed. This result was found to be relatively insensitive to the weight assigned to a particular functioning. While there is almost no difference in the overall level of human development "enjoyed" by farm workers and the unemployed, a large difference was found between farm workers and other workers in the economy. It can be argued that this discrepancy is indicative of the high concentration of unskilled workers found in the agricultural sector. However when occupation was brought into consideration, a relatively large discrepancy in development levels between farm workers and employed unskilled workers, could still be detected. In terms of gender, overall women farm workers scored slightly higher than men, however in terms of personal income they scored considerably lower than men. This difference could not be attributed to differences in the number of hours worked per week and confirms the findings of other studies that showed that women farm workers do not receive equal wages for equal work effort. In terms of development status, the results generated by the 1996 population census, were consistent with 2001 however, here farm workers scored poorly in terms of the housing, housing services, education and social relations functioning. It was only with respect to the employment and economic resources functionings that farm workers ranked above the unemployed. By applying the frequency-based membership functions generated for 1996 to the 2001 data set, it was possible to detect absolute changes in development status that took place between 1996 and 2001. Relative to the other labour groups, farm workers consistently exhibited the highest rate of progress. Education, social relations and housing services functionings scores in 2001, were 20% higher than 1996 levels. Key Words: Poverty, development, wellbeing, human development approach, capabilities, functionings, fuzzy sets, Western Cape, Western Cape agriculture, farm workers / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die konseptuele raamwerk van die menslike ontwikkelings benadering, soos uiteengesit deur Amartya Sen, dien as vertrekpunt vir hierdie navorsing. Die navorsing poog om die absoluute and relatiewe ontwikkelingsvlak van Wes Kaapse plaaswerkers vir 1996 en 2001, te meet. 'n Kritiese ontleding van die neoklassieke model van ontwikkeling word geskets, en daama gaan die analise verder om te bewys hoe die ontwikkelingsdenkskool as geheel, vanaf die laat 1970s, die geldigheid van hierdie model bevraagteken het. Hierdie model was uiteindelik in die vroee 1990s vervang deur die menslike ontwikkelingsbenadering. Die menslike ontwikkelingsbenadering is gebaseer op twee konseptuele wortels naamlik; sosiale uitsluitingsteorie en die vermoensmodel van Amartya Sen. Die sosiale uitsluitingsteorie identifiseer belangrike temas soos geslag en kultuur wat die neoklassieke model nagelaat het om te inkorporeer in sy teoretiese en metodologiese struktuur, terwyl die vermoensmodel, die filosofiese and teoretiese fondasie van die menslike ontwikkelingsbenadering vasstel. Meer spesifiek dit verhelder die vraag "wat is welvaart, hoe meet ons dit en wat is die verband tussen ontwikkeling en armoede". Van uit die perspektief van die mens like ontwikkelingsbenadering, gaan welvaart oor die uitoefening van ekonomiese, sosiale en politiese keuses of vryhede. Hierdie vryhede is genoem vermoens en is afgelei vanaf verrigtingskeuses. 'n Verrigting reflekteer verskillende aspekte van 'n person en kan 'n aktiwitiet wees soos werk of 'n stand van bestaan soos geletteredheid. 'n Verrigting is 'n prestasie terwyl 'n vermoe is die reeks moontlike opsies of keuses is wat 'n persoon teekom. Dit is op die basis van 'n persoon se vermoens stel, dat 'n evaluasie van sy vlak van welvaart moontlik is. Dus meet die menslike ontwikkelingsbenadering ontwikkeling in terme van vermoens. Daar is baie metodologiese struikelblokke wat oorkom moet word voordat ontwikkeling in terme van menslike vermoens gemeet kan word. Die teorie van menslike onwikkeling spesifiseer nie watter vermoens ingesluit moet wees by die meting van armoede of welvaart nie. V erder is daar geen metode om vermoens te rangskik nie. V ermoens kan gelyktydig groei in een area en krimp in 'n ander. Omdat geen metode bestaan om vermoens te rangskik nie, is dit onmoontlik om vas te stel of ontwikkeling wel plaas gevind het. Op 'n praktiese vlak, die data of inligtingsbehoefte om welvaart op 'n veelsydige manier te meet, is groot. Dit is normal weg gebaser op gedetailleerde huishoudelike sosio-ekonomies vraelyste wat nie maklik herhaalbaar is oor tyd nie. Vir hierdie redes, terwyl ontwikkelingsekonoome die teorie van menslike ontwikkeling op beide ideologiese en strategiese vlak aanvaar, bestaan daar nog altyd die geneigdheid om dit te meet in terme van inkomste. Ongeag hierdie uitdagings, het 'n hoeveelheid empiriese toepassings van die menslike ontwikkelingsbenadering wel na vore gekom en 'n deursnee hiervan is beskryf as deel van hierdie navorsing. Die hoof metodologiese vraagstukke wat uitgestryk moet word voordat die menslike ontwikkelingsbenadering prakties toegepas kan word, is uiteengesit. Die toepaslikheid van die teorie van "fuzzy sets", om vae konsepte soos armoed en welvaart te meet, is ook beklemtoon. Die resultate van die 1996 en 2001 bevolkingssensus word hi er gebruik om hierdie meetingsuitdaging te konfronter. Die analise word beperk tot net ses verrigtinge naamelik; behuising, behuisingsdienste, opvoeding, gesondheid, sosiale verhoudings, indiensneming en ekonomiese prestasie. Hiermee probeer die narvorsing die algehele ontwikkelingsstatus van die Wes Kaapse plaaswerkers meet. Hierdie resultate word direk vergelyk met die resultate van ander werkersgroepe soos die werkloses en werkers in ander sektore van die ekonomie, om die relatiewe ontwikkelingsstatus van plaaswerkers vas te stel. In terme van hulle verrigtingsprestasie (gemeet in terme van "fuzzy scores") in 2001 het plaaswerkers die laagste van al die werkersgroepe gevaar wat betref behuising, sosiale verhoudings en opvoedingsvlakke. In terme van toegang tot ekonomiese goedere, terwyl plaaswekers se individuele en huishoudelike maandelikse inkomste vlakke die van die werkloses veebygesteek het, was hulle telling die helfte van dit wat werkers in andere sektore behaal het. Hierdieverrigtings prestasies was geweeg en bymekaar getel om n algehele welvaartsindeks te bereken. Dit was bevind dat hierdie resultaat relatief ongevoelig was tot gewigsmetodologie. Terwyl daar amper geen verskil was tussen die vlak van ontwikkeling van plaaswerkers en die van werkloses nie, is 'n goot verskil tussen plaaswerkers en ander werkers in die ekonomie gevind Hierdie verskil kon nie toegekryf word aan die groot konsentrasies van onopgeleide werkers werksaam in die landbou sektor nie. As beroep in ag geneem word, bly daar nog altyd 'n verskil tussen plaaswerkers en ander onopgeleide werkers. In terme van geslag, het vroulike plaaswerkers, oor die algemeen beter gevaar as manlike werkers, alhoewel hulle in terme van persoonlike inkomste agter gebly het. Hierdie verskil kon nie toegeskryf wees aan die hoeveelheid ure gewerk per week nie en bevestig die bevindinge van ander navorsingsresultate wat gewys het dat vroulike plaaswerkes nie gelyke lone verdien vir dieselfde werk nie. In terme van ontwikkelingsvlakke, stem die 1996 resultate met die van 2001 ooreen. In 1996 het plaaswerker slegter gevaar in behuising, behuisingsdienste, opvoeding en sosisale verhoudings verrigtinge. Die was alleenlik in terme van indiensneming en ekonomiese verrigtinge dat plaaswerkes bo die werkloses gerang het. Deur middel van die toepassing van die 1996 lidmaatskapsvergelyking op die 2001 datastel, was dit moontlik om die absolute verandering in ontwikkelingsstatus van Wes Kaapse plaaswerkers te meet. Relatief tot die ander werkersgroepe, het plaaswerkers die vinnigste voorsprong gemaak. In 2001 was opvoeding, sosiale verhoudinge en die behuisings verrigting, 20% hoer as die van 1996. Sleutelterme: armoede, ontwikkeling, welvaart, menslike ontwikkelings benaadering, vermoens, verrigtinge, "functionings", "fuzzy sets", Wes-Kaap, Wes-Kaapse landbou, plaaswerkers

A profile of children in the Avian park and Zweletemba settlements in the Breede Valley local municipality of the Western Cape Province, South Africa

Koornhof, Hilletjie Elizabeth 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Mnutr)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Objectives: To describe the mothers/ primary caregivers’ (PCGs) and children’ anthropometric status; their household food security and poverty in relation to type of housing; and compare households receiving and not receiving a Child Support Grant (CSG) in relation to mothers/ PCGs’ anthropometric status, their dietary diversity, age, employment, educational level, monthly household income, size, food security and children’s anthropometric status. Design: Cross sectional, descriptive study. Subjects: Mothers/ PCGs (443) and their children from 211 households in Avian Park and 242 Zweletemba in Worcester, Western Cape Province. Methods: Data collected by interviewer administered questionnaires included socio-demographic data, Lived Poverty Index, Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) and dietary diversity score (DDS). Anthropometric measurements included weight, height and waist circumference (WC) of mothers/ PCGS and weight, height and mid-upper-arm circumference of children. Households living in formal (brick houses, town houses, flats) and informal (squatter shacks, huts) houses, and households receiving CSGs and those without CSG, were compared using X2-test for categorical data and the independent t-test for continuous data. Results: Prevalence of stunting, underweight and wasting in children was 20.7%, 5.6% and 1.2% respectively. Overweight and obesity occurred in 27% and 37% of mothers/PCGs respectively and together with a mean WC (89.5 cm; SD 16.7) indicated an increased risk for non-communicable diseases. Food security existed in 63.1% households. Formal households were more food secure than informal households (68% versus 50%; p=0.0004) and fewer mothers/ PCGs of formal households had a DDS < 4 (52.2% versus 64.7%; p = 0.0157). The healthier socio-economic situation in formal households compared to informal households was shown by the higher monthly income (R3 479 versus R2 316; p = 0.0009) and Household Asset Index (2.24 versus –5.31; p <0.0001). Age, marital status, education level and employment status of mothers/primary caregivers in CSG households and non-CSG households were similar. Household size was larger (p<0.0001) in CSG (median = 5 persons) versus non-CSG households (median = 4 persons); CSG households had more people per room (2.7 [SD 1.5] versus 2.3 [SD 1.2]; p=0.0037). CSG households had lower monthly income than non-CSG households (R2 723 [SD R3 297] versus R4 520 [SD R6 464]; p=0.0033). Mean HFIAS scores showed more food insecurity in CSG households than non-CSG (3.55 versus 2.37; p= 0.0178), but dietary diversity was similar. Stunting in children was higher in CSG (34.9%) versus non-CSG (22.7%) households. CSG mothers/PCGs had larger (p = 0.021) waist circumferences (90.0 cm; SD = 16.8) than non-CSG mother/PCGs (88.5 cm; SD = 16.5) Conclusion: Childhood malnutrition and maternal overweight /obesity co-existed. Dietary diversity of all mothers/ PCGs was low. The assessment of type of housing and social security showed children in informal housing households had a poorer socio-economic situation and children in CSG households also experienced more monthly income poverty and household food insecurity. The level of stunting was higher in CSG households. Improving low dietary diversity should be a priority in interventions addressing food insecurity, taking into consideration this may be more difficult to achieve in informal households and CSG households. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Doel: Om die antropometriese status van moeders/ primêre versorgers en hul kinders; hul huishoudelike voedselsekerheid en armoede met betrekking tot tipe behuising waarin hul woon, te beskryf; asook om huishoudings wat ‘n kindersorgtoelaag ontvang te vergelyk met die daarsonder in terme van die antropometriese status van moeders/ primêre versorgers, hul dieetdiversiteit, ouderdom, indiensneming/ werkstatus, opvoedkundige vlak, huishoudelike maandelikse inkomste en grootte, voedselsekerheid en die antropometriese status van hul kinders. Ontwerp: ‘n Beskrywende, deursnit studie. Deelnemers: Moeders/ primêre versorgers (447) en hul kinders van 211 huishoudings in Avian Park en 242 in Zweletemba. Metodes: Data-insameling is gedoen met onderhoudvoerder geadministreerde vraelyste insluitend sosio-demografiese inligting, die belewing-van-armoede-indeks, huishoudelike voedselonsekerheid-en-toegangskaal en dieetdiversiteitstelling. Antropometriese metings van moeders/ primêre versorgers het behels gewig, lengte en middelyfomtrek en gewig lengte en bo-armomtrek van kinders. Huishoudings woonagtig in formele (baksteenhuise, meenthuise, woonstelle) en informele huise (plakkershutte), en huishoudings wat die kindersorgtoelaag ontvang en nie, is vergelyk met behulp van die X2-toets vir kategoriese data en ‘n onafhanklike t-toets vir aaneenlopende data. Resultate: Die voorkoms van dwerggroei, ondergewig en uittering in kinders was onderskeidelik 20.7%, 5.6% en 1.2%. Oorgewig en vetsug het onderskeidelik voorgekom by 27% en 37% van moeders/ primêre versorgers en hul gemiddelde middelyfomtrek was 89.5 sentimeter (SA 16.7), wat aanduidend is van ‘n verhoogde risiko vir nie-oordraagbare siektes. Voedselsekerheid het voorgekom in 63.1% van huishoudings. Formele huishoudings het meer voedsekerheid ervaar as informele huishoudings (68% versus 50%; p=0.0004) en minder formele huishouding moeders/ primêre versorgers het ‘n dieetdiversiteitstelling < 4 (52.2% versus 64.7%; p = 0.0157) gehad. Beter sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede van formele huishoudings in vergelyking met informele huishoudings was sigbaar in hul hoër maandelikse inkomste (R3 479 versus R2 316; p = 0.0009) en huishoudelike bates-indeks (2.24 versus –5.31; p <0.0001). Die ouderdom, huwelikstatus, opvoedkundige vlak en werkstatus van moeders/ primêre versorgers in huishoudings wat ‘n kindersorgtoelaag ontvang en die huishoudings daarsonder was soortgelyk. Huishoudingsgrootte was groter (p<0.0001) in kindersorgtoelaag- (mediaan = 5 persone) versus geen-kindersorgtoelaaghuishoudings (mediaan = 4 persone); In kindersorgtoelaaghuishoudings het meer persone ‘n kamer gedeel (2.7 [SA 1.5] versus 2.3 [SA 1.2]; p=0.0037). Die maandelikse inkomste in kindersorgtoelaaghuishoudings was laer as in dié daarsonder (R2 723 [SA R3 297] versus R4 520 [SA R6 464]; p=0.0033). Die huishoudelike voedselonsekerheid-en-toegangskaal-tellings het meer voedselonsekerheid (p = 0.0178) getoon in kindersorgtoelaaghuishoudings as in huishoudings daarsonder (3.55 versus 2.37; p= 0.0178), maar hul dieetdiversiteit was dieselfde. Dwerggroei was meer in kindersorgtoellaagkinders (34.9%) versus geen-kindersorgtoelaagkinders (22.7%). Die gemiddelde middellyfomtrek van kindersorgtoellaagmoeders/ -primêre versorgers was groter (t-toets: p = 0.021) (90.0 cm; SA = 16.8) as die van moeders/ primêre versorgers wat nie ‘n kindersorgtoelaag (88.5 cm; SA = 16.5) ontvang het nie. Samevatting: Wanvoeding in kinders, tesame met oorgewig en obesiteit in moeders/ primêre versorgers is waargeneem Die dieetdiversiteit van die moeders/ primêre versorgers was laag. Die ontleding van die rol van behuising en sosiale sekerheid het getoon dat die sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede van kinders woonagtig in informele behuising, asook die waarvoor moeders/ primêre versorgers ‘n kindersorgtoelaag ontvang het, is blootgestel aan meer inkomste-armoede en voedselonsekerheid in hul huishoudings. Die verbetering van lae dieetdiversiteit moet ‘n prioriteit wees in intervensieprogramme om voedselsekerheid aan te spreek, met inagneming dat die bereiking daarvan moeilker mag wees om in informele en kindersorgtoelaag-huishoudings.

Youth entrepreneurship and poverty alleviation in Kentane

Potwana, Viwe January 2017 (has links)
The goal of this research was to explore the experiences of the youth in Kentane with respect to the role that a entrepreneurship plays in alleviation poverty, with the intention to enhance recommendations to the local municipality, the private sector and governmental departments. The study focused on entrepreneurship as one of the strategies that is deemed capable of reducing poverty and increasing economic growth. A qualitative research approach was used to explore the experiences of the entrepreneurial youth, where permission was attained from the youth prior to the commencement of the study. Purposive sampling was utilised to recruit participants and data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews. Qualitative data analysis was carried out using steps outlined in Creswell (2003). Five main themes were identified during data analysis where the main finding was that there was a lack of knowledge and resources to broaden the scope of youth based businesses in the area. Another major finding from this study was the introduction and imposition of haphazard short-term projects aimed at alleviating poverty that often failed as they did not address the needs specific to the community. Youth of Kentane are dedicated as entrepreneurs; however, they need the collaboration of interested parties and stakeholders to realise their respective potentials. Developmental and training programmes are crucial to assist the entrepreneurial youth of Kentane.

Application of the sustainable livelihoods framework to the analysis of the Provincial Growth and Development Plan of the Eastern Cape: a case study of the Massive Food Production Programme in Nkonkobe Municipality and Buffalo City Municipality

Dirwayi, Tafadzwa P January 2010 (has links)
The Government of the Eastern Cape Province introduced the Massive Food Production programme, which is a cornerstone within the agrarian reform initiative of the Provincial Growth and Development Plan (PGDP). The programme has been going on for more than seven years, however little has been documented on its impact. The main objective of the study was to investigate the impact of the Massive Food Production Programme on the livelihoods in Nkonkobe Municipality. This study did not only investigate its impact on the participants but also assessed its impact on the recipient communities. Accordingly, the specific objectives of the study were to investigate the impact of the Massive Food Programme on the asset base of participants, the general livelihood activities, and the livelihood outcomes. Among other livelihood activities, the study made an in-depth investigation on the impact of the Massive Food Production Programme on maize crop production. This is because the Massive Food Production was aimed at maize crop production. Previous studies investigated on the indicators of success that can be used to measure the impact of this programme. After the wide-ranging evaluation of views, arguments and research findings, a model to measure impact of the programme was designed. The asset base improvement was used as the proxy of impact. Nine factors were selected from the principal component analysis of the many factors that were taken to affect participation. Three other dummy variables to proximate location, participation and group turnover were added to the regression model that was developed to measure impact. The DFID Sustainable Livelihood Framework was used to investigate the impact of the Massive Food Production Programme. This approach was used in both conceptualizing the study and the selection of variables. The DFID Sustainable Livelihood Approach was selected because unlike the CARE or UNDP Sustainable Livelihood models, it was designed for such purposes. Data collection was accomplished through observation, interviewing, and focus group discussions. The researcher also made use of project annual reports on change of livelihoods, baseline survey reports, project log frame, internal reports, work plans, budgets and mid-term evaluation reports as sources of secondary data. v The research findings were analysed using several analytical procedures, including the conventional descriptive statistics, principal components analysis, and linear regression analysis. The use of the different types of analysis was driven by the research questions under investigation and the theories on which they are based, and by the available data. The study revealed that to some extent the Massive Food Production Programme has managed to improve the asset base of the farmers. However, its impact on ensuring food security is still debatable. Findings of the study revealed that most of the participants and the non-participants communities experienced food shortages in the last season 2007/8 for at most three months. The study revealed that the highest agricultural income is from livestock sales. The varying locations showed the potential of livestock production. It is recommended that development agencies consider livestock production as an agricultural strategy with immense potential for enhancing sustaining rural livelihoods

Single parent families after divorce : a discussion of the causes and possible legal solutions to the 'feminisation of poverty'

Myers, Alexandra Ann 11 1900 (has links)
In recent times, the incidence of single-parent families has increased rapidly with the principle cause being the rising divorce rate. The vast majority of these single-parent families are headed by women and a predominantly common factor in these households is the extent to which they are financially impoverished after divorce. This situation has given rise to the phenomenon known as the feminisation of poverty, where women are seen to make up the majority of the poor. This study examines the many varied factors contributing to this phenomenon and discusses some of the general solutions offered world-wide to address these poverty-stricken households. An assessment is then made of those legal solutions most appropriate for South Africa / Law / LL.M.

Canonical correlation analysis of aggravated robbery and poverty in Limpopo Province

Rwizi, Tandanai 05 1900 (has links)
The study was aimed at exploring the relationship between poverty and aggravated robbery in Limpopo Province. Sampled secondary data of aggravated robbery of- fenders, obtained from the South African Police (SAPS), Polokwane, was used in the analysis. From empirical researches on poverty and crime, there are some deductions that vulnerability to crime is increased by poverty. Poverty set was categorised by gender, employment status, marital status, race, age and educational attainment. Variables for aggravated robbery were house robbery, bank robbery, street/common robbery, carjacking, truck hijacking, cash-in-transit and business robbery. Canonical correlation analysis was used to make some inferences about the relationship of these two sets. The results revealed a signi cant positive correlation of 0.219(p-value = 0.025) between poverty and aggravated robbery at ve per cent signi cance level. Of the thirteen variables entered into the poverty-aggravated model, ve emerged as sta- tistically signi cant. These were gender, marital status, employment status, common robbery and business robbery. / Mathematical Sciences / M. Sc. (Statistics)

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