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Ochrana obyvateľstva v zóne havarijného plánovania jadrovej elektrárne Jaslovské Bohunice / Protection of the population in the emergency planning zone of the nuclear power plant Jaslovské BohuniceVANKO, František January 2014 (has links)
The main topic of the thesis is protection of the population in the emergency planning zone of Jaslovské Bohunice Nuclear Power Plant, and dealing with evacuation in case of an emergency situation associated with the release of radioactive substances. Particular way of evacuation of people as one of the most important protective measures to ensure public protection was analyzed. The thesis particularly focuses on the correct procedures in case of evacuation and the competence of persons involved in the protective measures. It deals with the basic criteria that are applied in the protection of the population from the impact of ionizing radiation around the nuclear power plant. Improvements for protection and awareness of population living in the emergency planning area are proposed. According to Nuclear Legislation a license holder is responsible for taking action to eliminate the occurrence of an emergency as well as taking action to prevent occurrence of an emergency related to technological devices that work with hazardous substance, process, use, transport, store it or manipulate with it. At the same time they are responsible for protecting their employees and persons taken into their care. Measures by permit holder to operate a nuclear facility and protect their own employees or persons taken into care represent the first stage in the structure of emergency preparedness. The public protection plan involves measures to protect the population in the area of release of radioactive substances into the environment. The part of the plan shall be a mutual interaction between the internal emergency plans of the holder of the permit to operate. The work is based on existing legislation and scientific publications of the scope of the research. The protection plan of the population is seen as the basic document for planning measures to handling with the consequences of radiation incidents or accidents and elimination of their consequences on the emergency planning zone. The theoretical part is based on the analysis of current legislation related to the issue, where the membership of the Slovak Republic in the European Union undertakes the country to fulfil its duties, obligations and responsibilities under the legislation of the European Commission. All these directives are transposed in the Atomic Act and create conditions for the exchange of information in the event of an accident of a nuclear device in the Slovak Republic. Basic concepts are defined, and the thesis deals with important safety measures when dealing with an emergency, related to a radiation accident at a nuclear power plant. The principles of appropriate behaviour of the population in the event of such an occurrence are emphasised. Exploratory method of asking underlying the proposed methodology was used to compile the thesis. Based on the analysis of results of the questionnaire, areas for improvement were proposed. From the collected data possible systemic measures related to evacuation with respect to application in real life were assessed.
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Selenium Removal from Power Plant Waste Water with Solid Phase Extraction MaterialsJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: As selenium is toxic at low levels, treatment methods to remove selenium from industrial waste waters are needed. In this work, three groups of sorbent materials were investigated in detail for their effectiveness for selenium and arsenic removal from water: 1) nanostructured carbon-based materials, 2) layered double hydroxide (LDH)-based materials, and 3) biopolymer-based sorbents. The materials were investigated in spiked de-ionized water and waters collected from different locations at Salt River Project’s (SRP) Santan Generating Station in Gilbert, AZ. The results show that nanostructured carbon-based materials removed ~80% and up to 100% selenium and arsenic, respectively in spiked DI water. Heat treated layered double hydroxides removed close to 100% removal in selenium and arsenic spiked DI water. Isotherms conducted in spiked DI water fit the Langmuir model and showed a maximum selenate adsorption capacity of 67 mg/g for the calcined LDH powder. Results from SRP waters showed that certain LDH sorbents were effective for removing the selenium, but that higher pH and existence of competing ions affected the removal efficiencies. The functionalized biopolymer sorbent from Crystal Clear Technologies: CCT-149/OCI-B showed good removal efficiencies for both selenate and selenite in DI water. Isotherms conducted in spiked DI water for CCT-149 fit the Langmuir model and showed a maximum selenate adsorption capacity of 90.9 mg/g. Column tests using spiked DI water and waters obtained from SRP wells were investigated using both LDH and CCT-149/OCI-B. Removal of sulfate using chemical pre-treatment of the water with barium chloride resulted in about three times higher selenate loading onto the granular LDH and doubled the water volume that can be treated using CCT-149/OCI-B. The results from the column tests are being used to guide the pilot testing investigating the implementation of LDH sorbents at pilot scale at the Santan plant. The good results in the cooling tower #5 blowdown water and combined discharge waste water of SRP provide valuable information about the efficacy and efficiency of adsorptive media for the removal of selenium. Composites comprising LDH nanosheets with different substrates were successfully synthesized that were able to retain the performance in removing selenate of nanosheet LDH. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Materials Science and Engineering 2017
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Sledování radioaktivity tritia v toku Vltavy s ohledem na odpadní vody Jaderné elektrárny Temelín. / Estimation of Tritium Activity in the River Vltavawith Respect to the Liquid Wastes from the Nuclear Power Plant Temelin.ŠKOPEK, Petr January 2007 (has links)
The main goal of this Thesis was to measure tritium activity in the Vltava River and in the vicinity of Temelín Nuclear Power Plant (hereinafter referred to as JETE) with the following objectives: Possibility to use the outlet of waste water damping unit (hereinafter referred to as VTOOV) as a control alerting system for nonstandard events in JETE, furthermore, monitoring of possible correlations between volume activity of tritium measured in VTOOV and activity above the limit value of the first quality class in selected sections of the Vltava River as well as comparison of the measured values with the results of other authors, and, finally, assessment of the relevance of the water quality estimated by the volume activity of tritium to the water quality according to other ingredients, i.e., stable isotopes of some metals and risk elements as well as general physical and chemical indicators. Theoretical part of the Thesis deals with radioactivity in general, activity of tritium, with regard to operation of nuclear plants, over the world and, especially, in the Czech Republic. The actual work consisted of collection of samples at predetermined places, preparation of these samples for measurement and measurement of tritium activity using scintillation spectrometer with liquid scintillator. Furthermore, basic chemical and physical properties of water, concentration of selected elements and also some anions were determined. The collected data were used for classification of waters from individual collection places into quality classes according to ČSN 75 7221. In all analyzed cases no activities were found which exceeded the limit values of liquid outlets from Temelín Nuclear Power Plant, given by regulations issued on waters by the District Health Office in Ceske Budejovice according to §8 of Act No. 138/73 Coll., in compliance with SÚJB requirements. This Thesis could be beneficial for possible utilization of VTOOV as a control alerting system for nonstandard events in JETE and also for assessment of impact of wastewaters from JETE on waters of the Vltava River.
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Estudo de viabilidade da instalação de usinas solares fotovoltaicas no Estado do Rio Grande do SulPeraza, Danielle Goulart January 2013 (has links)
A utilização de energia solar fotovoltaica é amplamente difundida no mundo e possui caráter promissor no Brasil atualmente. Apesar do grande potencial brasileiro, esta fonte de energia ainda apresenta baixos níveis de utilização. A competitividade da geração fotovoltaica de grande porte em usinas solares fotovoltaicas ainda não atingiu patamares admissíveis com taxas de retorno financeiro atrativas ao mercado nacional. Por se tratar de uma fonte de energia renovável, sua utilização no cenário mundial tem apresentado crescimento nos últimos anos. Mesmo em países que apresentam potenciais solares inferiores aos do Brasil, esta fonte de energia tem se mostrado competitiva devido aos incentivos oferecidos. Tendo em vista este prisma, o presente trabalho busca apresentar possibilidades de inserção de usinas solares fotovoltaicas no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A usina proposta possui capacidade de geração de 30 MWp. Este estudo visa apresentar uma proposta de diversificar a geração de energia elétrica no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, apresentando uma nova alternativa de geração de energia renovável. Para tal realização, foram estudadas as linhas de transmissão e subestações existentes no estado do Rio Grande do Sul como forma de avaliar a possibilidade de conexão direta da nova usina, tendo como objetivo a redução do custo de instalação. Foi realizado o cálculo da produtividade fotovoltaica para o estado do Rio Grande do Sul e a análise dos custos de instalação desta fonte no Estado, bem como a relação de preço da geração centralizada no estado. / The use of photovoltaic solar energy is widespread in the world and has promising character in Brazil today. Despite the large Brazilian potential, this energy source still shows low levels of utilization. The competitiveness of photovoltaic generation in large solar photovoltaic power plants has not yet reached acceptable levels with attractive rates of financial return to the national market. Because it is a renewable source of energy, its use in the world has been increasing in recent years. Even in countries that have lower solar potential than Brazil, this source of energy has been competitive due to the incentives offered. Given this perspective, this paper seeks to show the possibilities for integration of photovoltaic solar plants in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The proposed plant has a generation capacity of 30 MWp . This study aims to present a proposal to diversify the electricity generation in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, presenting a new alternative source of renewable energy . For this achievement, the existing transmission lines and substations were studied in the state of Rio Grande do Sul as a way to evaluate the possibility of direct connection of the new plant, with the objective of reducing the cost of installation. The calculation of photovoltaic productivity for the state of Rio Grande do Sul and cost analysis of installing this source was held as well the price ratio of centralized generation.
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Failure prognostics by support vector regression of time series data under stationary/nonstationary environmental and operational conditions / Prédiction de données de séries chronologiques avec des méthodes basées sur la régression à vecteurs de support dans des conditions environnementales et opérationnelles stationnaire/non-stationnaireLiu, Jie 12 February 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est motivée par la possibilité de surveiller l'état des composants de systèmes d'énergie pour leur utilisation prolongée et sécuritaire, conformément à la pratique correcte de fonctionnement et des politiques adéquates de maintenance. La motivation est de développer des méthodes basées sur la régression à vecteurs de support pour la prédiction de données de séries chronologiques dans des conditions environnementales et opérationnelles stationnaire/ non-stationnaire. Les simples modèles et les ensembles de modèles à base de SVR sont développés pour attaquer la prédiction basée sur des petits et des grands ensembles de données. Des stratégies sont proposées pour la mise à jour de façon adaptative les simples modèles et les ensembles de modèles à base de SVR au cas du changement de la distribution générant les données. Les comparaisons avec d'autres méthodes d'apprentissage en ligne sont fournies en référence à des données de séries chronologiques d'un composant critique dans les centrales nucléaires fournis par Electricité de France (EDF). Les résultats montrent que les approches proposées permettent d'atteindre des résultats de prédiction comparables compte tenu de l'erreur quadratique moyenne et erreur relative, en beaucoup moins de temps de calcul. Par ailleurs, en analysant le sens géométrique de la méthode de la sélection de vecteurs caractéristiques(FVS) proposé dans la littérature, une nouvelle méthode géométriquement interprétable, nommé Reduced RankKernel Ridge Regression-II (RRKRR-II), est proposée pour décrire les relations linéaires entre un valeur prédite et les valeurs prédites des vecteurs caractéristiques sélectionné par FVS. Les comparaisons avec plusieurs méthodes sur un certain nombre de données publics prouvent la bonne précision de la prédiction et le réglage facile des hyperparamètres de RRKRR-II. / This Ph. D. work is motivated by the possibility of monitoring the conditions of components of energy systems for their extended and safe use, under proper practice of operation and adequate policies of maintenance. The aim is to develop a Support Vector Regression (SVR)-based framework for predicting time series data under stationary/nonstationary environmental and operational conditions. Single SVR and SVR-based ensemble approaches are developed to tackle the prediction problem based on both small and large datasets. Strategies are proposed for adaptively updating the single SVR and SVR-based ensemble models in the existence of pattern drifts. Comparisons with other online learning approaches for kernel-based modelling are provided with reference to time series data from a critical component in Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) provided by Electricité de France (EDF). The results show that the proposed approaches achieve comparable prediction results, considering the Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Mean Relative Error (MRE), in much less computation time. Furthermore, by analyzing the geometrical meaning of the Feature Vector Selection (FVS) method proposed in the literature, a novel geometrically interpretable kernel method, named Reduced Rank Kernel Ridge Regression-II (RRKRR-II), is proposed to describe the linear relations between a predicted value and the predicted values of the Feature Vectors (FVs) selected by FVS. Comparisons with several kernel methods on a number of public datasets prove the good prediction accuracy and the easy-of-tuning of the hyperparameters of RRKRR-II.
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Método para a análise da composição do custo da eletricidade gerada por usinas termelétricas em ciclo combinado a gás natural / METHOD FOR ANALYSING THE COMPOSITION OF THE ELECTRICITY COST GENERATED IN GAS-FIRED COMBINED CYCLE PLANTSSamuel Jose Sarraf Borelli 23 May 2005 (has links)
A proposta do método de análise da composição do custo da eletricidade gerada é baseada nos processos de utilização de energia e destruição da exergia contida no combustível através dos diversos processos termodinâmicos que compõe uma usina termelétrica de ciclo combinado. O método utiliza a termoeconomia para valorar e alocar o custo da degradação da exergia ao longo dos processos, considerando os custos referentes aos insumos e equipamentos utilizados. Embora o conceito possa ser aplicado a qualquer tipo de usina termelétrica em ciclo combinado ou cogeração, é desenvolvida neste trabalho a modelagem matemática para o caso de configurações com três níveis de pressão na caldeira de recuperação e condensação total do vapor produzido. É possível estudar qualquer configuração da forma n x 1 (n conjuntos de turbinas a gás e caldeiras de recuperação, com uma turbina a vapor e condensador) com a modelagem apresentada, desde que todos os conjuntos operem de forma idêntica e em regime permanente. A modelagem apresentada neste trabalho foi concebida a partir de um modelo complexo de usina, sobre o qual podem ser feitas variações para adaptá-lo a uma determinada configuração que se deseja estudar. As variação e adaptações incluem, por exemplo, uso de reaquecimento, queima suplementar e operação em cargas parciais, além de análises de sensibilidade quanto a parâmetros geométricos dos equipamentos. São apresentados e estudados do ponto de vista da termoeconomia, os resultados obtidos para uma termelétrica 2x1 em ciclo combinado operando com gás natural. / The proposal of the method for analyzing the composition of the electricity cost is based on the energy conversion processes and destruction of the exergy contained in the fuel through the several thermodynamic processes that comprise a combined cycle power plant. The method uses thermoeconomics to evaluate and allocate the cost of exergy degradation throughout the processes, considering the costs related to the used inputs and equipment. Although the concept may be applied to any combined cycle power plant or cogeneration one, this work develops only the mathematical modeling for three-pressure heat recovery steam generator configurations and total condensation of the produced steam. It is possible to study any n x 1 plant configuration (n trains of gas turbine and heat recovery steam generators associated to one steam turbine generator and condenser) with the presented model, since every train operates identically and in steady state. The presented model was conceived from a complex configuration of power plant, over which variations may be applied in order to adapt it to a defined configuration under study. The variations and adaptations include, for instance, use of reheat, supplementary firing and partial load operation, besides sensibility analysis of geometrical equipment parameters. The results obtained for a 2x1-combined cycle power plant using natural gas are presented and analyzed from the thermoeconomic point of view.
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Análise de Viabilidade de Projetos de Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas: Pontos Críticos de Sucesso a Partir de Estudos de Caso no Estado de Santa Catarina / Feasibility Analysis of Small Hydro Power Projects: Critical Points of Success Drawn from Case Studies in the State of Santa Catarina.Paula Matos Makaron 14 May 2012 (has links)
MAKARON, Paula. Análise de Viabilidade de Projetos de Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas: Pontos Críticos de Sucesso a Partir de Estudos de Caso no Estado de Santa Catarina. 2012. 144f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Energia) - Programa de Pós-Graduação Em Energia - EP/FEA/IEE/IF da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo 2012. Esta dissertação analisa os pontos críticos de sucesso de projetos de Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétrica da perspectiva econômico-financeira. Para tal, foram percorridas três etapas. A primeira delas visou à análise dos contextos mundial e nacional desse segmento de geração de energia, seguindo os conceitos técnicos que caracterizam os empreendimentos de geração hidrelétricos de pequeno porte. Nessa etapa analisou-se o processo de implementação de uma PCH, desde o levantamento de potencias de aproveitamento de um rio até a sua entrada em operação comercial. A segunda etapa debruçou-se sobre a metodologia aplicada no cálculo da viabilidade de um projeto de infraestrutura e as adequações metodológicas necessárias para o caso de uma usina de pequeno porte. Tais adequações incluíram a seleção de componentes específicos do fluxo de caixa e de critérios para a escolha das variáveis-chave em projetos de PCHs. Outro importante conceito discutido nessa etapa foram os riscos inerentes a esses projetos e a forma como a materialização de cada risco pode afetar seus resultados. Por fim, na terceira etapa, à luz da teoria previamente visitada nas fases anteriores, foram analisados dois estudos de casos práticos de projetos reais localizados no Estado de Santa Catarina. Tais estudos de caso incluíram a análise de viabilidade para: (a) a construção da PCH Fartura e (b) a aquisição da PCH Santa Ana, estando essa última já em operação comercial. Em ambos os estudos foram testadas variações de algumas premissas tais como: o preço de venda da energia; o custo do capital; e aumento do custo da construção. Da análise realizada foi possível concluir que, no cenário do período estudado, a construção de uma PCH não é viável, o preço praticado nos ambientes livre e regulado de contratação não tem sido suficiente para pagar os investimentos realizados. Por outro lado, a compra de uma usina já em operação comercial se mostrou um ótimo negócio, uma vez que os principais riscos do período de construção já haviam sido superados no e a usina apresentava fluxo de receita garantido. Como as variáveis analisadas permeiam a maioria dos projetos de PCH, estima-se que este trabalho possa contribuir para o melhor entendimento da crise que o segmento de geração de pequenas usinas vem atravessando no Brasil nesses anos compreendidos entre 2008 e 2012. / MAKARON, Paula. Feasibility Analysis of Small Hydro Power Projects: Critical Points of Success Drawn from Case Studies in the State of Santa Catarina. 2012. 144f. Masters Dissertation Graduate Program on Energy, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2012. This dissertation analyzes critical points of success of projects in Small Hydro Power Plants (SHP) from the economic/financial perspective. For this, three stages were drawn up. The first aimed at the analysis of world and national contexts of this segment of energy generation following the technical concepts which characterize the small-sized hydroelectric generating businesses. During this stage, the implementation process of a SHP was analyzed; starting with the survey of the potential of a river until the plant enters into commercial operation. The second stage focused on the methodology applied to calculating the viability of an infrastructure project and the necessary methodological adjustments for a small-sized plant. These adjustments include a selection of components specific to the cash flow and the criteria for choosing key-variants in SHC projects. Another important concept discussed during this stage was the inherent risks involved in these projects and the way in which each risk can affect the results. Finally, during the third stage, in light of the theory reviewed in previous stages, two practical case studies of real projects from the state of Santa Catarina were analyzed. Such case studies included the viability analysis for decision making regarding: (a) the construction of the SHP Fartura and (b) the acquisition of the SHP Santa Ana, the latter already in full commercial operation. In both studies, it was tested a variation of some key elements such as: the price of energy; the capital cost; the cost overruns. From the aforementioned analysis, it was possible to conclude that in studied scenario, the construction of a SHP is not viable. The energy price level in the free hiring and in the regulated environments has not been sufficient to pay back original investment. On the other hand, buying a plant already in commercial operation proved to be a good business proposition, once the main development risks during the construction period had been overcome and the plant presented a flow of guaranteed income. Seeming as the variables permeate most SHP projects, it is foreseen that this work can contribute to the better understanding of the crisis in which this segment of small generation plants are going through here in Brazil during the years 2008 to 2012.
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Vidas despedaçadas impactos socioambientais da construção da usina hidrelétrica de Balbina (AM), Amazônia CentralRodrigues, Renan Albuquerque 25 March 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Geyciane Santos (geyciane_thamires@hotmail.com) on 2015-06-26T15:06:02Z
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Previous issue date: 2013-03-25 / Não Informada / Sustainable development is a global necessity. Regarding the Amazon, there is much to discuss and improve the scope of projects for large hydroelectric plants, built for a generating energy, but because involve forced displacement of populations due to the dams of the rivers, often have large social conflicts created as occurred historically, from projects and military government agencies, in the 1960, 1970 and 1980 in Brazil. One of Amazonian dams that showed great potential for the generation of these conflicts was Balbina. Located in Presidente Figueiredo, in the Central Amazon, the Balbina dam had completed its construction in 1987, flooding an area of 2.400 km2 of forest, reaching about 3.000 families living downstream of the dam. The objective of this study is to analyze social impacts after nearly 25 years of operation of the dam began in 1989. The impacts were analyzed based on: i) participant observation, in which the social context is described, and ii) study and inferential analysis of lifestyles, through analytic ethnography. At around Balbina were interpreted results indicating disaffiliation territorial biases and emotional, fragmentation of belonging, weakening of social relations and demotion of practical actions for the formation of organized groups in the region. How coping and mitigating actions, we chose to highlight: i) suspension and cancellation, immediately, via action by Public Ministry and Procon, of all debts pertaining to electricity bills that have been imputed to those affected by dams, ii ) reorganization of the economy within the living environments to address food insecurity and lack of income, iii) implementation of a model of trade with use aggregate of social currency to those affected by the dam and iv) the orientation of production according to the population diversity upstream and downstream of the dam. / O desenvolvimento sustentável é uma necessidade global. No que tange à Amazônia, há muito o que se debater e melhorar no âmbito dos projetos para grandes centrais hidrelétricas, construídas para a geração energética, mas que, dado implicarem deslocamentos forçados de populações por causa das barragens dos rios, amiúde tem criado amplos conflitos sociais em épocas atuais, tal como ocorreu historicamente, a partir de projetos de organismos e governos militares, nas décadas de 1960, 1970 e 1980 no Brasil. Uma das represas amazônicas que apresentou grande potencial para a geração desses conflitos foi Balbina. Localizada em Presidente Figueiredo, na Amazônia Central, a represa de Balbina teve finalizada sua construção em 1987, alagando uma área de 2.400 km2 de floresta, atingindo cerca de 3 mil famílias que viviam a jusante e montante da usina. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar impactos sociais após duas décadas e meia de operação da hidrelétrica, iniciada em 1989. Os impactos foram analisados a partir de: i) observação participante, em que o contexto social é descrito; e ii) estudo e análise inferencial dos modos de vida, por meio da etnografia analítica. No entorno de Balbina, foram interpretados resultados de vieses de desfiliação territorial e afetiva, fragmentação de pertencimento, enfraquecimento de relações sociais e rebaixamento de ações práticas para a formação de grupos organizados na região. Como ações de enfrentamento e mitigadoras, optou-se por destacar: i) suspensão e cancelamento imediado, via ação
judicial, dos passivos financeiros que tenham sido imputadas aos atingidos pela UHE Balbina, ii) reorganização da economia dentro dos ambientes de vivência para enfrentar a insegurança alimentar
e a falta de renda, iii) implantação de um modelo de comércio agregador com uso de moeda social para os atingidos pela barragem e iv) a orientação da produção segundo a diversidade populacional a montante e jusante da represa.
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A implantação da hidreletricidade e o processo de ocupação do território no interior paulista (1890-1930) / The influence of the hydroelectricity in the occupation's process of São Paulo State (1890-1930)Mortati, Débora Marques de Almeida Nogueira, 1970- 23 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: André Munhoz de Argollo Ferrão / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T15:40:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Mortati_DeboraMarquesdeAlmeidaNogueira_D.pdf: 28876564 bytes, checksum: 99810be9d7ae2de311a4373f3df37859 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: A Tese é que a disponibilidade de energia foi fundamental para a mudança da economia rural do café para a da urbano-industrial no estado de São Paulo, Brasil, e, portanto, as centrais hidrelétricas são parte relevante do patrimônio cultural brasileiro. Como patrimônio industrial, este conjunto de centrais é um caso atípico no mundo, pela sua concentração e intensidade e representatividade da arquitetura industrial da época, devendo ser resgatada e preservada. A intenção do trabalho é demonstrar a arquitetura das primeiras centrais hidrelétricas do estado de São Paulo à luz do urbanismo, do desenvolvimento tecnológico e da engenharia civil, revelando demandas da época e o contexto em que se inseriram. A matriz de energia elétrica do Brasil é composta principalmente pela energia hidrelétrica, devido a sua grande disponibilidade de recursos hídricos. A eletrificação do país aconteceu prioritariamente no estado de São Paulo, alavancando o processo de enriquecimento e industrialização que até hoje caracteriza o estado. O período do trabalho é de 1890 a 1930, em que o estado de São Paulo começa seu processo de industrialização, a economia cafeeira está no auge e é fundada a companhia de energia elétrica que fará a primeira usina hidrelétrica do estado de São Paulo; este panorama vai evoluindo até 1930 quando a economia cafeeira entra em crise, a indústria já está estabelecida e a construção de hidrelétricas, assume outro caráter: o das grandes hidrelétricas, encerrando o ciclo das pequenas centrais hidrelétricas. A chegada da eletricidade e suas usinas foi um dos elementos definidores da paisagem industrial do território de São Paulo. A geração de energia elétrica no estado seguiu os caminhos da ferrovia, desenhando novas fronteiras e configurações de cidades, conforme aumentava a disponibilidade de "melhorias", sendo que muitas delas eram movidas a eletricidade. As nascentes indústrias também iam ocupando o espaço entre a ferrovia e a energia, criando novos bairros e centralidades. O objetivo desse trabalho é analisar a relevância que o patrimônio formado pelas companhias concessionárias e suas 115 primeiras centrais hidrelétricas tiveram na formação da paisagem industrial do território paulista. Analisa-se então, o processo da implantação das primeiras usinas hidrelétricas, bem como a trajetória das companhias e redes criadas no interior do estado de São Paulo no período do estudo / Abstract: The Thesis is that the energy availability was fundamental in the changing of the rural coffee's economy to the urban-industrial's economy in São Paulo State, Brazil, and so, the hydroelectric plants are a relevant part of the Brazilian cultural heritage. As an industrial heritage, this group of plants is an atypical case in the world, by their concentration and intensity and represent the industrial architecture of this period, and must be rescued and preserved. The intention of this work is to reveal the first hydroelectric plants architecture in São Paulo State, Brazil under the gaze of urbanism, technology development and civil engineering, exposing their demands and the context of the period. The electric energy pattern of Brazil is the hydroelectric power, because there is large availability of water resources. The Brazilian electrification was occurred primarily in São Paulo State, incrementing the enrichment process and the industrialization, that today characterizes the state. The work period is from 1890 to 1930, when São Paulo State began its industrialization process, the coffee economy was booming and was founded the first hydroelectric power company in the state. This panorama advanced til 1930, when the coffee economy began in crisis, the industry was already established and the construction of hydroelectric plants after 1930, takes another course: the large dams, closing the small hydroelectric plants' cycle. The arrival of electricity and their plants was one of the elements that made the industrial landscape in the São Paulo territory. The electricity generation followed the railway paths and x was drawing new boundaries and new cities plans according as the "benefits" were growing, and much of them was electrical. The nascent industries were also occupying the space between the railway and the energy, rising new districts and centralities. The intention is formulate considerations about the heritage relevance of these 115 hydroelectric plants and their companies had in the consolidation of the São Paulo State industrial landscape. This way, the work analyzes the implantation actions of the first hydroelectrics powers and the ways of their companies and networks in the Sao Paulo State's hinterland through this period / Doutorado / Recursos Hidricos, Energeticos e Ambientais / Doutora em Engenharia Civil
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Potencial de repotenciação de usinas hidrelétricas no Brasil e sua viabilização / Potential rehabilitation of hydraulic power plants in Brazil and their viabilityGomes, Elisa de Podestá, 1984- 23 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Sérgio Valdir Bajay / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T18:35:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Gomes_ElisadePodesta_M.pdf: 7431510 bytes, checksum: e7a85003e392f6d271fdc2dc2e9db379 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: O desenvolvimento de um país exige energia. Ela está presente em diferentes formas ao nosso redor, seja na lâmpada que ilumina o nosso ambiente de trabalho, no combustível dos veículos, ou em todos os processos de produção industrial. Este trabalho foca a geração de energia elétrica proveniente de usinas hidrelétricas através da repotenciação. Repotenciar é o ato de melhorar os parâmetros atuais de uma usina, seja aumentando sua capacidade instalada, ou seu fator de capacidade, seja melhorando o rendimento, ou as características mecânicas/elétricas das suas máquina. A automação também é um fator importante nas repotenciações de hoje. Repotenciar demanda um prazo muito menor do que a construção de uma usina nova, além de não gerar impactos ambientais adicionais e possuir menor custo. As usinas brasileiras estão envelhecendo e precisam passar por algum processo de modernização para manter (ou aumentar) sua geração. Neste trabalho são apresentados os vários tipos de repotenciações possíveis e os componentes envolvidos em uma usina, assim como se estima a capacidade instalada das usinas hidrelétricas brasileiras mais adequadas para uma repotenciação. Exemplos de repotenciações no País e no exterior são discutidos, com destaque para trabalhos realizados pela Andritz Hydro. As barreiras hoje existentes para uma maior difusão do processo de repotenciação no Brasil são analisadas, e possíveis estratégias para eliminar estes obstáculos são propostas / Abstract: The development of a country requires energy. It is present in different forms around us, in the lamp that illuminates our workplace, in the vehicles' fuels, or in all industrial processes. The focus of this study is the electricity generation coming from hydropower plants through rehabilitation. The latter is the act of improving the current parameters of a power station, increasing the plant's installed capacity or capacity factor, or else, improving the machines' efficiency, or their mechanical/electrical characteristics. Automation is also an important factor in rehabilitations nowadays. Rehabilitation demands much less time than building a new power station; besides, it does not generate additional environmental impacts and has lower costs. Brazilian power stations are aging and need to go through modernization processes in order to keep (or increase) their generation. In this study, the possible rehabilitation types and the power plant components involved are presented. It is estimated the installed capacity power for the most adequated hydro power stations in Brazil regarding rehabilitation project. Examples of rehabilitations in the country and abroad are discussed, particularly some of them carried out by Andritz Hydro. The current barriers for a larger diffusion of the rehabilitation process in Brazil are assessed, and possible strategies to eliminate these obstacles are proposed / Mestrado / Planejamento de Sistemas Energeticos / Mestra em Planejamento de Sistemas Energéticos
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