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Model pro krátkodobou predikci výroby elektrické energie z fotovoltaických zdrojů / Model for short-term forecasting of photovoltaic energy productionKotlorz, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
Nowadays, electricity production from photovoltaics power plants is becoming important increasingly. In order to set production to other power plants, it is necessary to predict the generation of electricity from these sources. The thesis is mainly devoted to models for short-term prediction, which is based on weather forecast. The models were designated by beta regression and linear regression with transformed explanatory variable. One part of thesis is devoted to Clear sky model, which is used to estimated the maximum possible production at given hour. 1
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Thermo-economic optimization of a combined heat and power plant in Sweden : A case study at Lidköping power plantBergström, Jarl, Franzon, Conny January 2020 (has links)
Energy production in power plants comes with both high costs and turnover whereas variations in the production strategy—that is, which boilers, coolers, or generators that should be running—have big impact on the economic result. This is especially true for a combined heat and power (CHP) plant where the production of district heating and electricity is linked, thus allowing for a higher flexibility in the production strategy and potential of increasing the revenue. Previous research states that thermo-economic optimization can have a great impact on economic result of power plants, but every power plant is operating under a unique set of conditions depending on its location, operating market, load demand, construction, surrounding, and the like, and comparable studies on CHP plants in Sweden are very few. This study aims to fill this research gap by evaluating savings potential of a CHP plant in Lidköping, Sweden by utilizing thermo-economic optimization with the approach of combining actual historical data from the power plant with mass-flow equations and constraints to construct a mathematical MODEST model that is optimized by linear programming. The result demonstrates a clear theoretical potential to improve earnings and the conclusion that the studied CHP would benefit by implementing optimization procedures or software to schedule production. The result was also comparable to previous research but varied over time, which highlights how unique conditions may impact the result.
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Plan para la dirección del proyecto “Construcción de las Obras Civiles Central Térmica Recka II” aplicando las buenas prácticas de la Guía del PMBOK ® sexta edición / Plan for the management of the "Construction of Civil Works Thermal Power Plant Recka II" applying the good practices of the PMBOK ® sixth edition guideCahuana Galiano, Vladimir 04 October 2019 (has links)
Ingenieros Ejecutores (IE) es una empresa que busca diversificar y hacer sostenible su cartera de negocios con la incursión y sostenibilidad en el sector construcción de Obras Civiles para obras energéticas.
Para este importante objetivo es necesario que los contratos ya ganados apliquen las mejores y más modernas prácticas de la industria, que reducirán los riesgos sobre los compromisos asumidos ante su Cliente.
En este contexto, en el presente proyecto de investigación, se desarrolla el Plan para la dirección del proyecto “Construcción de las Obras Civiles Central Térmica Recka II” aplicando las buenas prácticas de la Guía del PMBOK ® sexta edición, en Chiclayo para las fases de iniciación y planificación del proyecto.
El Plan para la dirección del proyecto se ha desarrollado en base a los planes subsidiarios que son: Plan para la Gestión del Alcance, Plan para la Gestión del Cronograma, Plan para la Gestión del Costo, Plan para la Gestión de los Recursos, Plan para la Gestión de las Comunicaciones, Plan para la Gestión de los Riesgos, Plan para la Gestión de los Interesados, así como otras herramientas como EDT / WBS, Cronograma y Presupuesto como parte de la aplicación de los procesos y herramientas.
La aplicación de estos planes se espera que brinde como consecuencia el éxito del presente proyecto, el cual permitirá a IE acercarse a sus objetivos, alcanzando los beneficios esperados para los interesados. / Ingenieros Ejecutores (IE) is a company that seeks to diversify and make its business portfolio sustainable with the incursion and sustainability in the Civil Works construction sector for energy works.
For this important objective it is necessary that the contracts already won apply the best and most modern practices of the industry, which will reduce the risks on the commitments assumed before your Client.
In this context, in the present research project, the Plan for the direction of the “Construction of Civil Works Thermal Power Plant Recka II” project is developed, applying the good practices of the Guide of the PMBOK ® sixth edition, on Chiclayo, for the phases of initiation and Project planning.
The Project Management Plan has been developed based on the subsidiary plans that are: Integration Management Plan, Scope Management Plan, Schedule Management Plan, Cost Management Plan, Plan for Resource Management, Communications Management Plan, Risk Management Plan, Stakeholder Management Plan, as well as other tools such as EDT / WBS, Schedule and Budget as part of the process application and tools
The implementation of these plans is expected to result in the success of this project, which will allow IE to approach its objectives, achieving the expected benefits for those interested. / Trabajo de investigación
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Fällning av kisel från avloppsvatten vid Hellisheidarvirkjun - experimentell studie / Experiments with precipitation of silica from waste water at HellisheiðarvirkjunÓLAFSDÓTTIR, VERA SÓLVEIG January 2015 (has links)
This report is about the experiments with mixing of the separated water and the vacuum pump seal water at Hellisheiði power plant. This is done to prevent silica scaling and clogging in pipes and reinjection wells as well as eliminating vacuum pump seal water from the plant. The experiments were done in four stages: the first stage comprised of tests with different flows of separated water at 70°C, the second stage was carried out by mixing the separated water at 70°C and the seal water with different amounts of the seal water, the third and the fourth stages were like the first and second but with the separated water at 120°C. The results show that this method is good if the mixture is around 50/50 separated water and seal water, to control the silica scaling in the separated water and to be able to reinject the seal water with the separated water. This does not eliminate the silica scaling in all of the separated water because the amount of separated water is much more than the amount of seal water that comes from the plant.
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Die Leistung von AEOLUS II in Abhängigkeit von mittlerem Windprofil und Turbulenz im Bereich der RotorflächeTetzlaff, Gerd, Hoppmann, Uwe 01 November 2016 (has links)
Synchrone Messungen der Windgeschwindigkeit und die Leistung von Windkraftanlagen dienen der Ermittlung der Kennlinien der Anlagen. Die existierenden Vorschriften zur Vermessung enthalten bezüglich der Strömungseigenschaften des Windes nahezu keine Spezifikationen.
Diese sind jedoch notwendig, um die erreichbare Genauigkeit und Repräsentativität der vermessenen Kennlinie zu quantifizieren. Messungen am Standort der AEOLUS II-Anlage in Wilhelmshaven dienten dazu, bei einer Anlagenvermessung die Eigenschaften der Strömung und die Kennlinie gemeinsam zu untersuchen. Es wurde gefunden, daß die Strömungseigenschaften wie die vertikale Windscherung, die Winddrehung über der Höhe, die turbulenten
Schwankungen der Windgeschwindigkeit und der Windrichtung die Leistung von Windenergieanlagen bei gleicher mittlerer Windgeschwindigkeit erheblich verändern. Dabei wirken sowohl
Standorteigenschaften als auch die Witterung auf die Ergebnisse der Vermessung. Am gleichen Standort können in anisotropem Gelände die Werte der Kennlinie auch bei mehrmonatigen Vermessungen wegen der Variabilität der Windrichtung Unterschiede von mehr als 10 % aufweisen. Der größte Einzeleffekt wird von der vertikalen Windscherung verursacht, die Wirkung der Drehung des mittleren Windvektors über der Rotorfläche ergab sich als kleinerer Effekt. Die Wirkung der turbulenten Schwankungen von Geschwindigkeit und Richtung weisen meist unterschiedliche Vorzeichen auf, so daß die Rolle dieser Schwankungen insgesamt meist klein bleibt. Die Vermessung einer Kennlinie mit einer kleineren systematischen Abweichung von im Mittel weniger als etwa 5 bis 10 % erfordert eine genaue Strömungsspezifikation sowohl für den Vermessungs- als für den Betriebsstandort, die bisher nicht in hinreichendem Maße in den entsprechenden Richtlinien und Vorschriften enthalten sind. / Power curves ofwind energy convetras need synchronous measurements of wind and power. The existing specification on the wind measurements are rather poor, however necessary. AEOLUS II-measurments and the wind measurments served to quantify the role of the different atmospheric parameters. Thus it was possible to define the influence on the power output of the machine as a function of the vertical wind shear, the wind veer with height, the turbulent fluctuations with the average wind speed being constant. As a consequence site properties and weather conditions both influence the measurements of the power curve. As a major result it was found that these factors may alter the power curve by as much as 10 %. The largest single effect is produced the effects of the vertical wind shear, The turbulent fluctuations are somewhat smaller in their effect, because speed and direction effects tend to compensate each other. lt may be concluded that a highly accurate power curve - meaning errors to be less than 10 % - requires a fully specified set of weather and site parameters.
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Sri Lanka has a number of small waterfalls and channels. Related to this there is a significant potential to develop small hydropower plants, thus to generate much needed electricity for country’s development efforts. Small hydro power plants cause less environmental effects compared to large scale hydro power generation and power generation using fossil fuel. Therefore, it is a timely requirement to explore the possibilities of utilizing small water streams to generate electricity as much as possible as well as to optimize the energy generation with the available water in those water streams. The importance of small hydro power is highlighted in the Sri Lanka’s energy generation plan, and the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) annual report states that in year 2011 total installed capacity of small hydro plant was around 200MW and it is expected to expand energy generation to around 800GWh. This study focuses on finding out optimum operating parameters to maximize the energy generation of existing small hydro power plant in the country. By selecting a few small hydro power plants, preliminary studies were performed to identify optimum values of water flow rate to maximize the efficiency of the power generation. The study revealed that the selected plants had not operated at the maximum efficiency; hence they did not optimally utilize the available water.
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Odpor Rakušanů proti jaderné elektrárně Temelín. Analýza rakouského protijaderného konsensu / Austrian resistance against the nuclear power plant Temelín. Analysis of austrian antinuclear consensusBruna, Petr January 2012 (has links)
At the beginning of the millenium, has the longtime and quite emotional dispute between Czech Republic and Austria concerning the nuclear power station Temelín reached its peak. In my thesis, I am focusing on Austrian antinuclear policy, its genesis and aspects, that aroused it based on the attempt to stop the nuclear power station Temelín from activation. Initially I am observing the historical experience of Austrians, which influenced their attitude toward nuclear power. Antinuclear consensus has gradually developed into a modern national ideology and the most significant milestone on the journey to denucleated state, the referendum of nuclear power in Zwentendorf, has become indulged myth of modern Austrian history. Controversies around nuclear power station Temelin has influenced aspects, that define Austrian political and social live, and these take a large share in relations between the Czech Republic and Austria becoming acute, especially in years 2000-2002. Those aspects, that I introduce as dimensions in my thesis, are following: federal structure of Austrian polical system and frequent independent actions of the heads of the executives of Austrain states with their own interests; party-political dimension, that means the presence of right-winged populist FPÖ in the government from 2000;...
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Power Station Thermal Efficiency Performance Method EvaluationHeerlall, Heeran 16 February 2022 (has links)
Due to global warming, there is an escalated need to move towards cleaner energy solutions. Almost 85% of South Africa's electric energy is provided via Eskom's conventional coal-fired power plants. Globally, coal-fired power plants have a significant share in the power generation energy mix and this will be the case over the next 20 years. A study, aligned with the aspiration of improving the thermal efficiency of the coal-fired power plants, was initiated, with a focus on the accuracy of energy accounting. The goal is that: if we can accurately quantify efficiency losses, the effort can be prioritized to resolve the inefficiencies. Eskom's thermal accounting tool, the STEP model, was reviewed against relevant industry standards (BS 2885, BS EN 12952-15, IEC 60953-0/Ed1) to evaluate the model uncertainty for losses computed via standard correlations. Relatively large deviations were noted for the boiler radiation, turbine deterioration and make-up water losses. A specific review of OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) heat rate correction curves was carried out for the determination of turbine plant losses, where these curves were suspected to have high uncertainty, especially when extrapolated to points of significant deviation from design values. For an evaluated case study, the final feed water correction curves were adjusted based on an analysis done with the use of power plant thermodynamic modelling tools namely: EtaPro Virtual Plant® and Steam Pro®. A Python® based computer model was developed to separately propagate systematic (instrument) and combined uncertainties (including temporal) through the STEP model using a numerical technique called sequential perturbation. The study revealed that the uncertainties associated with thermal efficiency, heat rate and individual thermal losses are very specific to the state of operations, as demonstrated by individual unit performance and the power plant's specific design baseline performance curves. Whilst the uncertainties cannot be generalized, a methodology has been developed to evaluate any case. A 3600 MWe wet-cooled power plant (6 x 600 MWe units) situated in Mpumalanga was selected to study the impact of uncertainties on the STEP model outputs. The results from the case study yielded that the thermal efficiency computed by the “direct method”, had an instrument uncertainty of 0.756% absolute (abs) versus the indirect method of 0.201% abs when computed at the station level for a 95% confidence interval. For an individual unit, the indirect efficiency uncertainty was as high as 0.581% abs. A study was conducted to find an optimal resolution (segment size) for the thermal performance metrics to be computed, by discretizing the monthly data into smaller segment sizes and studying the movement of the mean STEP model outputs and the temporal uncertainty. It was found that the 3-hour segment size is optimal as it gives the maximum movement of the mean of performance metrics without resulting in large temporal uncertainties. When considering the combined uncertainty (temporal and instrument uncertainty) at a data resolution of 1 minute and segment size of 3 hours, the “direct method”, had a combined thermal efficiency uncertainty of 0.768% abs versus the indirect method of 0.218% abs when computed at the station level for a 95% confidence interval. This would mean that the temporal uncertainty contribution to the combined uncertainty is 2.915% for the “direct method” and 14.919% for the “indirect method” of the above-stated uncertainties. The term “STEP Factor” can be used synonymously with effectiveness (percentage of the actual efficiency relative to the target efficiency). For the case evaluated, the mean “indirect method” STEP Factor at the station level moved from 86.698% (using monthly aggregated process data) to 86.135% (when discretized to 3-hour segments) which is roughly a 0.189% abs change in the station's thermal efficiency. This would appear fairly small on the station's overall efficiency but had a significant impact on the evaluation of the STEP Factor losses and the cost impact by the change in the plant efficiency, e.g. the final feed water STEP Factor loss at a unit level moved from 2.6% abs to 3.5% abs which is significant for diagnostic and business case motivations. Later the discrepancy between the direct STEP Factor and indirect STEP Factor were investigated as the uncertainty bands did not overlap as expected. The re-evaluation of the baseline component performance data resulted in the final feed water and the condenser back-pressure heat rate correction curves being adjusted. The exercise revealed that there could be potentially be significant baseline performance data uncertainty. The corrected indirect STEP Factor instrument uncertainty was now found to be 0.468% abs which translates to 0.164% abs overall efficiency. The combined uncertainty was corrected to 0.485% abs at a 3-hour segment size which translates to 0.171% abs overall efficiency. It has been deduced that the figures stated above are case-specific. However, the models have been developed to analyse any coal-fired power plant at various operating conditions. Furthermore, the uncertainty propagation module can be used to propagate uncertainty through any other discontinuous function or computer model. Various recommendations have been made to improve: the model uncertainty of STEP, data acquisition, systematic uncertainty, temporal uncertainty and baseline data uncertainty.
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Užití BIM v rámci vodního hospodářství / The use of BIM in water management workChládová, Zuzana January 2022 (has links)
This diploma thesis addresses Building Information Management (BIM) and its application in water management. The basis of the work is broad research on BIM. Subsequently, the application of BIM is demonstrated in the construction of a small hydroelectric power plant in the Litovel water management node. To conclude, the added value of using BIM and its possible disadvantages for water management are formulated.
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Seismic high-frequency content loads on structures and components within nuclear facilitiesRydell, Cecilia January 2014 (has links)
Sweden is generally considered to be a low seismicity area, but for structures within nuclear power facilities, the safety level demand with respect to seismic events are high and thus, these structures are required to be earthquake-resistant. The seismic hazard is here primarily considered to be associated with near-field earthquakes. The nuclear power plants are further founded on hard rock and the expected ground motions are dominated by high frequencies. The design earthquake considered for the nuclear facilities has an annual probability of 10-5 events, that is, the probability of occurrence is once per 100 000 years. The focus of the study is the seismic response of large concrete structures for the nuclear power industry, with regard not only to the structure itself but also to non-structural components attached to the primary structure, and with emphasis on Swedish conditions. The aim of this licentiate thesis is to summarize and demonstrate some important aspects when the seismic load is dominated by high frequencies. Additionally, an overview of laws, regulations, codes, standards, and guidelines important for seismic analysis and design of nuclear power structures is provided. The thesis includes two case studies investigating the effect of seismic high-frequency content loads. The first study investigates the influence of gaps in the piping supports on the response of a steel piping system subjected to a seismic load dominated by high amplitudes at high frequencies. The gaps are found in the joints of the strut supports or are gaps between the rigid box supports and the pipe. The piping system is assessed to be susceptible to high-frequency loads and is located within the reactor containment building of a nuclear power plant. The stress response of the pipe and the acceleration response of the valves are evaluated. The second study investigates the effect of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) on the response of an elevated rectangular water-containing concrete pool subjected to a seismic load with dominating low and high frequencies, respectively. The pool is located within the reactor containment building of a boiling water reactor at a nuclear power plant. The hydrodynamic pressure distribution is evaluated together with the stress distribution in the walls of the tank. From the two case studies, it is evident that the response due to a seismic load dominated by high frequencies and low frequencies, respectively, is different. Although the seismic high-frequency load may be considered non-damaging for the structure, the effect may not be negligible for non-structural components attached to the primary structure. Including geometrical non-linear effects such as gaps may however reduce the response. It was shown that the stress response for most of the pipe elements in the first case study was reduced due to the gaps. It may also be that the inclusion of fluid-structure interaction effects changes the dynamic properties of a structural system so that it responds significantly in the high frequency range, thus making it more vulnerable to seismic loads dominated by high frequencies. In the second case study, it was shown that even for a seismic load with small amplitudes and short duration, but with dominating high-frequency content, as the Swedish 10-5 design earthquake, the increase of the dynamic response as fluid-structure interaction is accounted for is significant. / <p>QC 20150519</p>
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