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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'Learning to teach' : developmental teaching patterns of student teachers.

Rusznyak, Leanne 06 January 2009 (has links)
The process of ‘learning to teach’ is still not well understood. In particular, existing research does not fully reflect the complexities of the process; how student teachers’ level of subject matter knowledge influences their teaching, or how their placement affects the process. This study provides an alternative nonlinear, relational model for understanding the process of ‘learning to teach’. I study the ways in which 66 BEd students teach during eight school-based Teaching Experience sessions, conducted over the four year duration of their preservice teaching degree. I primarily draw on evidence obtained from lesson observation reports written by university tutors as they respond to lessons taught by this cohort of student teachers. I cluster their comments into five facets necessary for enabling learning, namely, student teachers’ knowledge and understanding of content; their preparation; their teaching strategies; their classroom management; and the ways in which they monitor learning. These five facets have links to the process of teaching described by Shulman’s (1987b) Model of Pedagogical Reasoning and Action. Within each of these five facets, varying levels of competence were demonstrated by the student teachers in this study. I develop an analytical tool that describes four developmental levels of student teaching over each of the five facets of the teaching process. An in-depth study of the developmental teaching portraits of five student teachers illustrates that they are often more advanced in some facets of their teaching, and less so in others. The portraits highlight the ways in which certain facets affect teaching in other facets. The interactions between these differing levels and facets give rise to particular challenges that student teachers experience as they ‘learn to teach’. Some of these challenges are more significant than others, as certain inter-facet relationships are essential to the development of pedagogically reasoned action, and other relationships are less crucial. My findings suggest that although ‘learning to teach’ is a non-linear process, there nevertheless exists a logical hierarchy within the facets, whereby some facets create conditions of possibility for others. In particular, I find that the way in which student teachers use their knowledge and understanding of the content to inform other facets, establishes the 2 logical conditions necessary for the development of teaching as pedagogically reasoned action.

A capoeira na sociedade do capital: a docência como mercadoria-chave na transformação da capoeira no século XX

Araújo, Benedito Carlos Libório Caires January 2008 (has links)
A capoeira, desde sua primeira menção nos registros oficiais em 1789 até o final da primeira república (1930), sempre esteve relacionada ao que havia de mais discriminado na sociedade brasileira. Após as grandes transformações sociais no mundo e seus efeitos na política brasileira no século XX, essa manifestação ganha espaço social, assumindo uma nova dinâmica. Esse processo se inicia quando a docência da capoeira passa a ser estruturada sob o signo da mercadoria, expresso nas ações concretas de duas escolas de capoeiras baianos, que transformaram o conhecimento da capoeira em propriedade. Dessa forma, atribui-se uma relação de troca entre mercadorias que, nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, viriam a se concretizar sob a lógica do trabalho produtivo. Destaca-se, como marco, desse processo, a atuação do Centro de Cultura Física Regional (1936), que, sob forte influência do pensamento positivista e da forma taylorista de trabalho, materializou, nas relações diretas, a fragmentação da capoeira. Esses marcos se concretizam nos dias atuais, quando a capoeira aparta-se do seu produtor, relegando-lhe papéis secundários na sua construção. São as esferas da sociedade civil onde a capoeira se insere, a gerência na lógica dos interesses privados, em uma estrutura que une a ideologia burguesa, o estado liberal e as parcerias privadas de financiamento público. O objetivo deste trabalho é se aproximar das formas que articulam respostas contra a dinâmica da sociedade capitalista, onde a capoeira se encontra de forma alienada. Para compreender esse fenômeno, concentramos a atenção na mercadoria prática docente da capoeira, destacando nela as contradições que evidenciem a lógica da mercadoria e suas determinações. Por reconhecer mudanças nos dados concretos do trabalho pedagógico, nos espaços e tempos formativos na capoeira, assumimos uma postura de confronto, para avançar na compreensão dos limites e das possibilidades que se põem aos capoeiras, assim como a outros formadores populares de conscientização de classe e de ações revolucionárias._________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: The capoeira, since its first mention in the official records in 1789 by the end of the first republic (1930), has always been related to that there was more broken in Brazilian society. After the great social transformations in the world and its effects on Brazilian politics in the twentieth century, this manifestation takes social space, assuming a new dynamic. This process begins when the teaching of capoeira will be structured under the sign of the commodity, expressed in concrete actions of two schools of capoeiras baianos, which transform the knowledge of the poultry a property. Thus, gives up a relationship of exchange between goods, which in the decades of 1980 and 1990 would come to realize under the logic of productive work. It is as milestone of that process, the actions of the Centro de Cultura Física Culture Regional (1936), which under strong influence of positivist thinking in the way taylorista of work, the centre, materialized in relations direct the fragmentation of capoeira. These milestones are embody nowadays, when the poultry withdraw itself from its producer, relegating it to secondary roles in its construction. The spheres of civil society, where the poultry falls, manages the logic of private interests, in a structure that unites the bourgeois ideology, the liberal state and private partnerships of public funding. The objective of this work is to bring the forms that articulate answers to the dynamics of capitalist society, where poultry is so alienated. To understand this phenomenon, focus on commodity teaching practice of capoeira, highlighting the contradictions therein showing that the logic of the goods and their determinations. By believing in areas such as training locus irradiator, assume a posture of confrontation for progress in the understanding of the limits and possibilities to capoeiras, as well as other trainers popular awareness of the possibility of class action and revolutionary._________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMEN: La capoeira, desde su primera mención en los documentos oficiales en 1789 por el final de la primera república (1930), siempre ha estado relacionada con que había roto más en la sociedad brasileña. Después de las grandes transformaciones sociales en el mundo y sus efectos en la política brasileña en el siglo XX, esta manifestación gaña espacio social, en el supuesto de una nueva dinámica. Este proceso comienza en el momento en que la enseñanza de la capoeira se estructurará bajo el signo de la mercancía, expresada en acciones concretas de las dos escuelas de capoeiras baianos, que transforman el conocimiento de las aves de corral de una propiedad. Por lo tanto, da una relación de intercambio entre productos, que en los decenios de 1980 y 1990 dado cuenta de que bajo la lógica del trabajo productivo. Es como hito de ese proceso, las acciones del Centro de Cultura Física Regional (1936), que bajo la fuerte influencia del pensamiento positivista en el modo taylorista del trabajo, el centro, materializado en las relaciones directas de la fragmentación de la capoeira. Estos hitos se encarnan hoy en día, cuando las aves de corral en caso de retirar su productor, relegando a un papel secundario en su construcción. Son las esferas de la sociedad civil, donde las aves de corral caídas, gestiona la lógica de los intereses privados, en una estructura que une a la ideología burguesa, el Estado liberal y privadas de financiación pública. El objetivo de este trabajo es lograr que las formas de articular respuestas a la dinámica de la sociedad capitalista, donde las aves de corral es tan alienados. Para entender este fenómeno, se centra en la enseñanza práctica de la capoeira, poniendo de relieve las contradicciones que muestran que en él la lógica de la mercancía y de sus determinaciones. Por creer en áreas como la formación locus irradiador, asumir una postura de enfrentamiento para avanzar en la comprensión de los límites y posibilidades de capoeiras, así como otros formadores de la conciencia popular la posibilidad de la acción de clase y revolucionario.

O LaboratÃrio como ferramenta no processo de ensino-aprendizado das ciÃncias biolÃgicas no ensino fundamental / The Laboratory as a tool in the biological sciences teaching-learning process elementary school

Antonia Gorete Zeferino de Menezes 02 February 2011 (has links)
A maioria das escolas de ensino fundamental ainda utiliza como recurso pedagÃgico para as aulas de ciÃncias apenas aulas teÃricas. Para Krasilchik (1986, p. 5), o papel do ensino de CiÃncias na escola fundamental à âdesenvolver a capacidade de observar, fazer perguntas, explorar, resolver problemas, cooperar, comunicar idÃias. Neste trabalho foi realizado o levantamento e uma anÃlise da situaÃÃo do aprendizado prÃtico referente ao conteÃdo das CiÃncias no Ensino Fundamental, do 6 ao 9 ano, em seis escolas de Fortaleza, sendo trÃs pÃblicas e trÃs do setor privado. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratÃria qualitativa, mediante entrevistas com discentes e docentes do Ensino Fundamental da rede particular e pÃblica estadual e observaÃÃo, in loco. Seguiu as seguintes etapas: levantamento da legislaÃÃo referente a aplicaÃÃo do ensino-aprendizado prÃtico no Ensino Fundamental; realizaÃÃo de visitas em escolas, possuindo ou nÃo laboratÃrio experimental; obtenÃÃo e avaliaÃÃo dos dados obtidos por questionÃrios das condiÃÃes das estruturas fÃsicas e metodologias aplicadas no ensino prÃtico nestas escolas; para conhecer o grau de envolvimento e valorizaÃÃo do ensino prÃtico; e elaboraÃÃo e explanaÃÃo de sugestÃes para aplicaÃÃo do ensino prÃtico. Infelizmente a legislaÃÃo nÃo rege nada sobre orientaÃÃo e/ou obrigatoriedade do ensino-aprendizado prÃtico nesta etapa do ensino , mesmo sendo a faixa etÃria mais apropriada para estimular a curiosidade cientÃfica.Os resultados obtidos demonstraram realidades distintas para as escolas privadas e publicas, tanto na parte estrutural como funcional.Assim, conclui-se que a experimentaÃÃo propicia aos alunos o estÃmulo à busca do conhecimento cientifico, à muito importante que as escolas, professores e alunos se envolva com a idÃia deste projeto e mostre para toda a comunidade que a ciÃncia à muito mais do que um ensino teÃrico onde pode-se entender a descriÃÃo dos fenÃmenos observados. / Most elementary schools also use as an educational resource for science classes only theoretical. To Krasilchik (1986, p. 5), the role of science teaching in elementary school is to "develop the ability to observe, ask questions, explore, solve problems, cooperate, communicate ideas. In this paper we present a survey and analysis of the situation regarding the practical learning of science content in elementary school, 6th to 9th grade in six schools in Fortaleza, three public and three private sector. It is an exploratory qualitative research through interviews with students and teachers of primary education in private and public state and observation, on the spot. Followed the following steps: survey of legislation regarding the application of practical teaching and learning in elementary school, carrying out visits to schools, or not having an experimental laboratory, obtaining and evaluating data obtained from questionnaires of the conditions of physical structures and methodologies in teaching practical in these schools, to know the degree of involvement and appreciation of the practical teaching, and explanation of design and implementation of suggestions for practical teaching. Unfortunately the law does not govern anything about orientation and / or enforceability of the practical teaching and learning at this stage of education, even though the age group most appropriate to stimulate curiosity cientÃfica.The results showed different realities for the public and private schools, both in funcional.Assim as structural part, it is concluded that the experiment provides students with the stimulus to the pursuit of scientific knowledge, it is very important that schools, teachers and students engage with the idea for this project and show the community that science is much more than a theoretical one can understand where the description of observed phenomena.

Matematikundervisningen för gymnasieelever med ett annat modersmål : En studie om undervisningsmiljö / Mathematics education of second-language students in upper secondary school : A study to educational environment

Velisevich, Svetlana January 2006 (has links)
<p>Upp till 15 % (Statistiska centralbyrån, 2005) av barnen i Sverige har en utländsk bakgrund. Detta innebär bl. a. att andelen elever med en annan språklig och kulturell bakgrund kommer att öka. Det är därför angeläget att lärare utvecklar en kompetens att undervisa barn och ungdomar som har ett annat modersmål än svenska.</p><p>I detta arbete kommer jag att fokusera på att göra en genomgång av litteratur som innefattar matematikundervisningen med fokus på andraspråkselever. En intervjuundersökning med tre berörda lärare som undervisar i matematik i en förberedelseklass på en gymnasieskola har också genomförts. Frågorna i intervjuerna behandlar matematikundervisningen för elever, som har ett annat modersmål än svenska. Det är frågor rörande undervisningsmiljö, bl. a. hur lärare kommunicerar med elever som inte kan svenska än; om det utgör en skillnad ifall den nytillkomne eleven redan har vissa matematiska kunskaper från hemlandet; hur planerar lärare undervisningen för en elev på vägen till betyget, vilka hjälpmedel använder lärare i undervisningen. Jag tog även upp frågor om samarbete mellan matematiklärare och hemspråkslärare.</p><p>Resultaten av min studie visar att andraspråkseleverna lyckas mindre bra än svensktalande elever pga. språket. Även de elever som klarar vardagssvenska relativt bra har svårt att förstå matematisk terminologi och även svenskan i matematiska sammanhang. När en lärare inte kan elevens hemspråk provar sig läraren fram genom något gemensamt tredje språk. Det används matematiklexikon från Skolverket och även hemspråkslexikon. Lärare uppmuntrar elever att skriva egna glosor. Läraren använder mycket visuella material i sitt dagliga arbete, så som bilder, kort, skisser, OH bilder. Laborativa medel som litermått, decilitermått, måttband, våg, kubikmeter, kubikcentimeter. Dessutom använder läraren matematiska ramsor, soduku, matematiska spel, vardagsföremål. Lärare använder även sin egen kropp och gester för att förklara matematiska relationsbegrepp, så som större – mindre, högre – lägre osv.</p> / <p>Because of the large and increasing number of second-language students, teachers should develop the competence in mathematics education of minority students.</p><p>This essay focuses on findings in the literature about education in mathematics of minority students. Three teachers who are teaching mathematics in the prepare-class at gymnasium were interviewed.</p><p>Following issues are discussed, the professional attitudes to educational environment, communication with the new-arrived students; if the mathematical knowledge from the land of origin makes the possible difference; how education is planned in order to give certification; which practical teaching aids are used in the education. Further cooperation between the native-language teacher and mathematics teacher is discussed.</p><p>In the situations, when students can not speak Swedish, the teacher and the student use sometimes another language which is common for them both. A lot of practical aids are used in the education. Even mathematical strings of words, soduku, mathematical games, and everyday-used articles are widely used. Body language and gests are generally used to explain the mathematical relation concepts.</p>

Matematikundervisningen för gymnasieelever med ett annat modersmål : En studie om undervisningsmiljö / Mathematics education of second-language students in upper secondary school : A study to educational environment

Velisevich, Svetlana January 2006 (has links)
Upp till 15 % (Statistiska centralbyrån, 2005) av barnen i Sverige har en utländsk bakgrund. Detta innebär bl. a. att andelen elever med en annan språklig och kulturell bakgrund kommer att öka. Det är därför angeläget att lärare utvecklar en kompetens att undervisa barn och ungdomar som har ett annat modersmål än svenska. I detta arbete kommer jag att fokusera på att göra en genomgång av litteratur som innefattar matematikundervisningen med fokus på andraspråkselever. En intervjuundersökning med tre berörda lärare som undervisar i matematik i en förberedelseklass på en gymnasieskola har också genomförts. Frågorna i intervjuerna behandlar matematikundervisningen för elever, som har ett annat modersmål än svenska. Det är frågor rörande undervisningsmiljö, bl. a. hur lärare kommunicerar med elever som inte kan svenska än; om det utgör en skillnad ifall den nytillkomne eleven redan har vissa matematiska kunskaper från hemlandet; hur planerar lärare undervisningen för en elev på vägen till betyget, vilka hjälpmedel använder lärare i undervisningen. Jag tog även upp frågor om samarbete mellan matematiklärare och hemspråkslärare. Resultaten av min studie visar att andraspråkseleverna lyckas mindre bra än svensktalande elever pga. språket. Även de elever som klarar vardagssvenska relativt bra har svårt att förstå matematisk terminologi och även svenskan i matematiska sammanhang. När en lärare inte kan elevens hemspråk provar sig läraren fram genom något gemensamt tredje språk. Det används matematiklexikon från Skolverket och även hemspråkslexikon. Lärare uppmuntrar elever att skriva egna glosor. Läraren använder mycket visuella material i sitt dagliga arbete, så som bilder, kort, skisser, OH bilder. Laborativa medel som litermått, decilitermått, måttband, våg, kubikmeter, kubikcentimeter. Dessutom använder läraren matematiska ramsor, soduku, matematiska spel, vardagsföremål. Lärare använder även sin egen kropp och gester för att förklara matematiska relationsbegrepp, så som större – mindre, högre – lägre osv. / Because of the large and increasing number of second-language students, teachers should develop the competence in mathematics education of minority students. This essay focuses on findings in the literature about education in mathematics of minority students. Three teachers who are teaching mathematics in the prepare-class at gymnasium were interviewed. Following issues are discussed, the professional attitudes to educational environment, communication with the new-arrived students; if the mathematical knowledge from the land of origin makes the possible difference; how education is planned in order to give certification; which practical teaching aids are used in the education. Further cooperation between the native-language teacher and mathematics teacher is discussed. In the situations, when students can not speak Swedish, the teacher and the student use sometimes another language which is common for them both. A lot of practical aids are used in the education. Even mathematical strings of words, soduku, mathematical games, and everyday-used articles are widely used. Body language and gests are generally used to explain the mathematical relation concepts.

A prática docente no ensino de ciências no Ciclo II do Ensino Fundamental /

Moreira, Cláudio. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Maria Lombardi Daibem / Banca: Alice Helena Campos Pierson / Banca: Renato Eugênio da Silva Diniz / Resumo: O presente trabalho buscou enfocar as práticas docentes no ensino de ciências nas séries finais do Ensino Fundamental, na atualidade, e os fundamentos teóricos que as embasam, assim como o nível de envolvimento dos professores com as propostas de inovações e/ou reorganizações curriculares para tal ensino. A pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, teve a participação de cinco professores de ciências que atuam em quatro escolas da rede pública estadual de São Paulo. Para a coleta de dados foram aplicados questionários, realizadas entrevistas individuais e grupais, observadas 25 (vinte e cinco) aulas desses professores e analisados seus planos de ensino e os livros didáticos adotados por eles. Através desses instrumentos tentou-se desvendar o retrato do ensino de ciências na atualidade e os entraves que limitam as práticas docentes para compreensão do que falta para que o ensino e a aprendizagem ocorram de modo mas satisfatório. Estes aspectos foram priorizados por serem relevantes como ponto de partida para qualquer processo de mudança no ensino. Conclui-se que, muito ainda há de ser feito, principalmente no campo da formação inicial e continuada de professores de ciências, visto que o ensino ministrado conserva os pressupostos da pedagogia tradicional, quando o desejável seria o ensino ativo, para o alcance da educação voltada para a alfabetização científica. / Abstract: This paper aims to give emphasis about practical teaching of science teachers of high school nowadays, as well to concern about theorical embasaments of teaching and learning and so their involvement when facing innovation and/or reorganization purposes related to this matter. The research based on qualitative data had 05 science teachers from public schools of São Paulo State and the data were gathered through 25 questionnaires, individual and grupal interviews and 25 times observation of classes by these teachers when doing that. Their schedules (plans of work), school methods adopted by high schools were still subjected to a study. By those instruments the portrait of science nowadays was the goal to face problems that this work can cause to education process, in order to bring comprehension to the lacks of teacher's practice to make them the way to a better job in education (satisfaction ways of doing this). These points of view were considered initial to any change in education process. Finally, there are so much things to do in education mainly about professional career, about its beginning and in its continuing of science teachers, cause their job still has traditional pedagogic practices and the ideal way to work could be actually being active when teaching, in order to reach scientific alphabetization in educational process. / Mestre

Методики интенсивного обучения китайских студентов чтению на русском языке : магистерская диссертация / Methods of intensive teaching Chinese students to read in Russian

Чжан, М., Zhang, M. January 2022 (has links)
В работе изучается основная теория и метод преподавания русского языка как иностранного. Описала сознательно-практического метода обучения,сознательно-сопоставительного метод обучения при формировании умений чтения на занятиях РКИ в китайской аудитории; систему работы по обучению чтению в китайской аудитории.Предложен метод интенсивного обучения чтению китайских студентов на русском языке. / The work studies the basic theory and method of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Described the conscious and practical method of teaching; the conscious and comparative method of teaching in the formation of reading skills in Russian as foreign classes in the Chinese audience; the system of work on teaching reading in the Chinese audience.A method of intensive teaching to read Chinese students in Russian is proposed.

Praktiska moment i teknik på gymnasiet : En studie om hur läromedel och elever förhåller sig till de praktiska momenten i teknikundervisningen på gymnasiet / Practical Aspects of Technology Education in Upper Secondary School

Günther, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
Drygt 20 år sedan återinfördes teknikprogrammet på den svenska gymnasieskolan. Programmet har fem olika inriktningar, gemensamt för alla dessa är ämnet teknik. Ämnet består av tre kurser, varav en är obligatorisk på teknikprogrammet. I Skolverkets examensmål för teknikprogrammet framgår att teori och praktisk tillämpning ska samverka i undervisningen. I den här uppsatsen undersöks vilka kunskaper som kan vara lämpliga att lära ut just vid praktiskt arbete i ämnet teknik och hur de tillgängliga läromedlen i ämnet hanterar förmedling av kunskap genom praktiskt arbete. För den svenska gymnasieskolans ämne teknik finns det tre olika läromedel på marknaden, en helt digital och två böcker. Genom en läromedelsanalys undersöks hur dessa läromedel förhåller sig till Skolverkets anvisningar om praktiska inslag i undervisning. För att komplettera läromedelsanalysen utförs även en undersökning med frågor i en enkät till elever på ett teknikgymnasieprogram. Frågor till eleverna har fokus på praktiska moment. Analysen utförs med ett teoretiskt ramverk där teknisk kunskap delas in i fyra kategorier, tyst kunskap, praktisk regelkunskap, teknikvetenskap och tillämpad naturvetenskap. Skolverket skriver i examensmålen för teknikprogrammet att teori och praktik ska samverka i elevernas utbildning. Men det centrala innehållet och betygskriterierna ger ingen ledning till lärarna i frågan om vilka delar av kurserna som är lämpliga att lära ut praktiskt. En lärare som utgår från de läromedel som finns tillgängliga får ingen ledning i vilken typ av teknisk kunskap som kan förmedlas praktiskt. / Just over 20 years ago, the technology program was reintroduced at the Swedish upper secondary school. The program has five different orientations, common to all of these is the subject of technology. The subject consists of three courses, one of which is compulsory on the technology programme. In the Swedish National Agency for Education's curriculum for the subject of technology, it is stated that students must be given the opportunity for technical development by working, among other things, practical. In this essay, it is investigated which knowledge may be appropriate to teach during practical work in the subject of technology and how the available teaching aids in the subject handle the transmission of knowledge through practical work.For the Swedish upper secondary school subject technology, there are three different teaching aids on the market, one completely digital and two books. A learning materials analysis examines how these teaching aids relate to the Swedish National Agency for Education's instructions on practical elements in teaching. To supplement the learning materials analysis, a questionnaire study is also carried out where students on the technology program can answer questions in connection with practical teaching.The analysis is carried out with a theoretical framework where technical knowledge is divided into four categories, tacit knowledge, practical rules knowledge, technological science and applied science.The Swedish National Agency for Education writes in the exam objectives for the technology program that theory and practice must work together in the students' education. However, the central content and grading criteria do not give teachers any guidance on the question of which parts of the courses are suitable for practical teaching.A teacher who looks in the teaching materials that are available gets no guidance in what kind of technical knowledge can be taught practically.

A prática docente no ensino de ciências no Ciclo II do Ensino Fundamental

Moreira, Cláudio [UNESP] 07 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008-03-07Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:13:12Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 moreira_c_me_bauru.pdf: 2309302 bytes, checksum: ecbf3373a03a4a0eac2f08bc12173522 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O presente trabalho buscou enfocar as práticas docentes no ensino de ciências nas séries finais do Ensino Fundamental, na atualidade, e os fundamentos teóricos que as embasam, assim como o nível de envolvimento dos professores com as propostas de inovações e/ou reorganizações curriculares para tal ensino. A pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, teve a participação de cinco professores de ciências que atuam em quatro escolas da rede pública estadual de São Paulo. Para a coleta de dados foram aplicados questionários, realizadas entrevistas individuais e grupais, observadas 25 (vinte e cinco) aulas desses professores e analisados seus planos de ensino e os livros didáticos adotados por eles. Através desses instrumentos tentou-se desvendar o retrato do ensino de ciências na atualidade e os entraves que limitam as práticas docentes para compreensão do que falta para que o ensino e a aprendizagem ocorram de modo mas satisfatório. Estes aspectos foram priorizados por serem relevantes como ponto de partida para qualquer processo de mudança no ensino. Conclui-se que, muito ainda há de ser feito, principalmente no campo da formação inicial e continuada de professores de ciências, visto que o ensino ministrado conserva os pressupostos da pedagogia tradicional, quando o desejável seria o ensino ativo, para o alcance da educação voltada para a alfabetização científica. / This paper aims to give emphasis about practical teaching of science teachers of high school nowadays, as well to concern about theorical embasaments of teaching and learning and so their involvement when facing innovation and/or reorganization purposes related to this matter. The research based on qualitative data had 05 science teachers from public schools of São Paulo State and the data were gathered through 25 questionnaires, individual and grupal interviews and 25 times observation of classes by these teachers when doing that. Their schedules (plans of work), school methods adopted by high schools were still subjected to a study. By those instruments the portrait of science nowadays was the goal to face problems that this work can cause to education process, in order to bring comprehension to the lacks of teacher's practice to make them the way to a better job in education (satisfaction ways of doing this). These points of view were considered initial to any change in education process. Finally, there are so much things to do in education mainly about professional career, about its beginning and in its continuing of science teachers, cause their job still has traditional pedagogic practices and the ideal way to work could be actually being active when teaching, in order to reach scientific alphabetization in educational process.

Cultures éducatives et traditions d’enseignement des langues officielles au Canada : Analyses de textes officiels, de manuels et de témoignages d’enseignants en Ontario et au Québec / Educational culture and official language teaching traditions in Canada : analysis ofofficial texts, textbooks and teachers’ discourses in Ontario and Quebec

Djiecheu, Yannick 20 January 2011 (has links)
Fondée sur le postulat qu’en didactique des langues, les pratiques pédagogiques se trouvent profondément marquées par la variation, la présente recherche pose que ces variations et leurs facteurs s’expliquent par des cultures éducatives et linguistiques divergentes en présence. A travers l’analyse comparée de textes officiels, de manuels et de témoignages d’enseignants au Canada, on se propose d’illustrer la thèse selon laquelle des traditions d’enseignement différentes pour le français et l’anglais enseignées comme langues secondes peuvent émerger dans les discours sur l’enseignement des langues secondes dans ce pays. Ces traditions viendraient ainsi y poser la question d’une culture éducative et didactique commune et partagée. / Starting from the premise that practical language teaching is deeply characterized by variations,this research suppose that face to face and divergent educational and linguistic cultures canexplain these variations and their factors. Through a comparative analysis of Canadian officialtexts, textbooks and teachers’ discourses, we aim to show that divergent teaching traditionsbetween French and English as second language can appear in the discourses about secondlanguage teaching in this country. In this way, these traditions could ask the question about acommon and shared educational and teaching culture in Canada.

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