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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“You got tricked”: Pre-service teacher recontextualization of language and learning through modeling and feedback

Borkowski, Marie Elizabeth 25 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

From chameleons to koalas: exploring Australian culture with pre-service teachers through children's literture and international experience

Stiles, James W. 21 June 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Blivande förskollärares uppfattningar om fysisk aktivitet i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie med utgångspunkt i fokusgrupper / Prospective preschool teachers' perceptions on physical activity inpreschool : A qualitative study based on focus groups

Björn, Karin, Jonsson, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att bidra med kunskaper om hur blivande förskollärare ser på fysisk aktivitet i förskolan och om det finns yttre ramfaktorer som påverkar för vilken fysisk aktivitet som möjliggörs. Det handlar om yttre ramfaktorer såsom styrdokument, tid för planering, pedagogers kompetens och förhållningssätt, barngruppens storlek, lokaler, miljöer samt materiella resurser. Dessa ramfaktorer utgår från ramfaktorteorin som också varit den teoretiska grunden för vår studie. 14 blivande förskollärare fördelat på tre grupper deltog i studien, där fokusgrupper användes som metod för att få kunskaper om vilka uppfattningar de blivande förskollärarna har om fysisk aktivitet och vilka yttre ramfaktorer som kan påverka inom området. Utifrån ljudinspelning vid fokusgruppsintervjuerna samt transkribering av materialet som sedan analyserades utifrån IPA- metoden, kunde ett resultat urskönjas.Resultatet visar att de blivande förskollärarna upplever att de finns påverkande ramfaktorer för vilken fysisk aktivitet som kan möjliggöras i förskolan. Läroplanen och tiden för planering av fysisk aktivitet är svårpåverkade ramfaktorer. Att barngruppens storlek, pedagogers kompetens och förskolans olika miljöer är ramfaktorer som påverkar möjliggörandet av fysisk aktivitet framkommer också. Samtidigt ser de blivande förskollärarna möjligheterna i att kunna påverka dessa ramfaktorer för att kunna möjliggöra för fysisk aktivitet i större utsträckning. Därmed visar resultatet att hur förskollärare väljer att förhålla sig till de yttre ramfaktorerna, påverkar för vilken fysisk aktivitet som sker i förskolan. Vår studie visar att blivande förskollärare har en positiv syn i att se möjligheterna i de yttre ramfaktorerna vilket bidrar till att barn i större utsträckning får vara fysiskt aktiva. / The purpose of the study is to contribute knowledge about how prospective preschool teachers view physical activity in preschool and whether there are external framework factors that affect which physical activity is made possible. These are external framework factors such as curriculum, time for planning, educators' skills and attitudes, the size of the children's group, premises, environments and material resources. These framework factors are based on the framework factor theory, which has also been the theoretical basis for our study. 14 prospective preschool teachers divided into three groups participated in the study. Focus groups were used as a method to gain knowledge about what perceptions the prospective preschool teachers have about physical activity and which external framework factors can influence the area. Based on audio recording at the focus group interviews and transcription of the material, which was then analyzed based on the IPA method, a result could be discerned. The results show that the prospective preschool teachers feel that there are influencing framework factors for what physical activity can be made possible in the preschool. The curriculum and the time for planning physical activity are difficult factors to influence. It also appears that the size of the group of children, the competence of educators and the different environments of the preschool are framework factors that affect the enabling of physical activity. At the same time, the prospective preschool teachers see the possibilities in being able to influence these framework factors in order to be able to enable physical activity to a greater extent. Thus, the results show that how preschool teachers choose to relate to the external framework factors, affects for which physical activity takes place in the preschool. Our study shows that prospective preschool teachers have a positive view in seeing the possibilities in the external framework factors, which contributes to children being physically active to a greater extent.

Peace education in Zimbabwean pre-service teacher education : a critical reflection

Makoni, Richard 02 1900 (has links)
This study was designed to bring to the fore the reasons for introducing peace education in pre-service teacher education in Zimbabwean teachers colleges in order to establish the foundations for positive peace in Zimbabwe. The focus of the study was on the preparation of Zimbabwean pre-service teachers in peace education as an effective approach for building durable peace in Zimbabwe. The main research question that guided this study was: Why and how should peace education be introduced at pre-service teacher education colleges in Zimbabwe? The overall aim of the research is to develop an appropriate peace education programme for Zimbabwean teachers’ colleges which will be employed as a strategy for constructing positive peace in Zimbabwe. A phenomenological methodology blending Edmund Husserl’s descriptive phenomenology and Martin Heidegger’s interpretive phenomenology was used to elicit participants’ views on the challenges and possibilities of introducing peace education at pre-service teacher education colleges in Zimbabwe. Data for the study were gathered using semi-structured interviews, focus group interviews and documentary analysis. Key themes emerging from the data analysis were that (a) there is an absence of positive peace in contemporary Zimbabwe (b) Zimbabwean teachers’ colleges are not offering courses in peace education (c) peace education would benefit Zimbabwe as a country, (d) peace education is implementable at pre-service teacher education colleges in Zimbabwe, (e) there is need to develop an appropriate peace education curriculum that reflects the needs of Zimbabwean citizens and (f) college principals, lecturers, student teachers, policymakers and programme-makers have important roles to play in peace education initiatives. Through this study, the researcher established that peace education is a plausible and sustainable mechanism for building positive peace which has remained obscure in Zimbabwe despite thirty-four years of hard won independence. This shows the necessity for introducing peace education in Zimbabwean teachers colleges as a strategy for positive peace building. It is therefore, recommended that teachers’ colleges in Zimbabwe should introduce peace education in their pre-service programmes in order to build prospective teachers’ capacities to establish an infrastructure for positive peace in their future classrooms, the immediate communities and Zimbabwean society as a whole. / Philosophy of Education / D. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)

Proměna vzdělávání učitelů chemie v České republice / Transforming teacher education of chemistry in the Czech republic

Čerňanská, Božena January 2011 (has links)
Title: Transforming teacher education of chemistry in the Czech Republic Abstract: The title of the dissertation is 'Transforming teacher education of chemistry in the Czech Republic'. The work describes and analyzes the current system of the pregraduate prospective teachers' training of chemistry at universities and faculties of science focused on teaching science as well the subsequent in-service education of chemistry teachers in this country. The work also takes into account the post-war development of education in the republic from 1945 until present and the list of all the universities and faculties that educate chemistry teachers. The most important section of this work identifies and analyzes the current state of training and further education of chemistry teachers and the design of chemistry teachers educational conception in the Czech Republic. Key words: teaching profession, undergraduate pre-service teacher training, continuing in-service teacher training/education, educational institutions, curriculum reform, lifelong educatio

Being and Becoming Reflexive in Teacher Education

Norsworthy, Beverley Elizabeth January 2008 (has links)
Initial teacher education is constantly in the spotlight regarding its quality and its effectiveness. The literature contains many claims from those who believe that it is ineffectual. The notion of the reflective practitioner was introduced and embraced as an antidote to these claims, and as an approach to break the influence of technocratic beliefs and expectations which pre-service teachers bring with them to their initial teacher education. Typically reflection targets the practicum experience. However, this study focuses specifically on the contribution of course work to the development of a reflective beginning teacher. This qualitative study invited pre-service teachers to provide insight into their initial teacher education experience: initially within a Teaching of Science methods paper, and then some 18 months later at the conclusion of their three year Bachelor of Education (Teaching) professional preparation. A critical reflexive interpretive methodology which sought authenticity within its meaning-making process developed from an initial consideration of self-study research methodology. Of particular importance was that the enquiry was authentic, participants' voices were valued and recognition was given to the implications embedded within the context within which the study occurred. Methods of data collection included in phase one were: a pre-course questionnaire, a Gestalt-like activity, and pre-service teachers' email reflections based on Hoban's (2000a) categories of learning influences, and meta-reflections from the Teaching of Science paper. The journal I kept during this phase was also drawn upon as data. Phase two data collection included a vignette, and a three part final questionnaire to which 40 pre-service teachers and nine teacher educators responded. The findings suggest that pre-service teachers' understanding of the nature of education is critical to the way in which they experience the course work within initial teacher education. This understanding shapes their perception and consideration lens through which course work is experienced. On entrance to initial teacher education this lens is described, for many pre-service teachers, as technocratic. Education is seen as a commodity, something to acquire, teaching is telling and initial teacher education is dependent on the teacher educator providing the necessary tools and techniques so the beginning teacher can do the right thing. This study suggests that such a stance toward educational experiences is a hindrance mechanism when teacher educators seek transformative teaching, learning, and reflexivity. However, when that view of education is as a process of growth and transformation toward a valued 'way of being', the perspective and consideration lens is described as professional. Rather than focusing on what a teacher does, the focus is on whom the teacher is and how this influences the teaching and learning process. Teacher educators and the institution which is the context within which course work occurs also demonstrate a mixture of technocratic and professional lenses. Important factors within initial teacher education which contribute to transformation from technocratic to professional lens include relational and pedagogical connectedness. These factors lead to valuing, ownership and justification of learning where assessment tasks are tools for personal development and where critical consideration of multiple perspectives has an important role. Relational connectedness (to self, peers, and teacher educators) is important for developing a safe, but challenging, dialogical space in which paradoxes, challenges and pre-service teachers' vulnerable sense of disorientation may be engaged. Pedagogical connectedness relates to the fit between what the teacher educator says and does. For example, a powerful approach to learning is where the pre-service teachers learn to be reflexive, by being reflexive. The study indicates the importance of institutional congruency so that what is espoused is experienced through language, assessment, teaching approaches and contextual culture. However, pre-service teachers' perception and consideration lens determines the degree to which course work is transformational. Where a technocratic lens is dominant, reflection becomes a task to be completed. Where a professional lens is dominant, reflection becomes an iterative process for improving practice by becoming professionally self aware through identifying assumptions in decisions and responses within the learning/teaching relationship, and judging those assumptions for their appropriateness in the light of a developing and critiqued personally owned educational vision.

Peace education in Zimbabwean pre-service teacher education : a critical reflection

Makoni, Richard 02 1900 (has links)
This study was designed to bring to the fore the reasons for introducing peace education in pre-service teacher education in Zimbabwean teachers colleges in order to establish the foundations for positive peace in Zimbabwe. The focus of the study was on the preparation of Zimbabwean pre-service teachers in peace education as an effective approach for building durable peace in Zimbabwe. The main research question that guided this study was: Why and how should peace education be introduced at pre-service teacher education colleges in Zimbabwe? The overall aim of the research is to develop an appropriate peace education programme for Zimbabwean teachers’ colleges which will be employed as a strategy for constructing positive peace in Zimbabwe. A phenomenological methodology blending Edmund Husserl’s descriptive phenomenology and Martin Heidegger’s interpretive phenomenology was used to elicit participants’ views on the challenges and possibilities of introducing peace education at pre-service teacher education colleges in Zimbabwe. Data for the study were gathered using semi-structured interviews, focus group interviews and documentary analysis. Key themes emerging from the data analysis were that (a) there is an absence of positive peace in contemporary Zimbabwe (b) Zimbabwean teachers’ colleges are not offering courses in peace education (c) peace education would benefit Zimbabwe as a country, (d) peace education is implementable at pre-service teacher education colleges in Zimbabwe, (e) there is need to develop an appropriate peace education curriculum that reflects the needs of Zimbabwean citizens and (f) college principals, lecturers, student teachers, policymakers and programme-makers have important roles to play in peace education initiatives. Through this study, the researcher established that peace education is a plausible and sustainable mechanism for building positive peace which has remained obscure in Zimbabwe despite thirty-four years of hard won independence. This shows the necessity for introducing peace education in Zimbabwean teachers colleges as a strategy for positive peace building. It is therefore, recommended that teachers’ colleges in Zimbabwe should introduce peace education in their pre-service programmes in order to build prospective teachers’ capacities to establish an infrastructure for positive peace in their future classrooms, the immediate communities and Zimbabwean society as a whole. / Philosophy of Education / D. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)


Buchmann, Letícia Taís 12 May 2008 (has links)
This thesis was carried out following the research line Education and Arts of the Postgraduate Education Program at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Brazil, and it is one of the works originated in the research group FAPEM (Qualification, Action and Research in Musical Education), registered at the Brazilian research support agency CNPq. This work aims at investigating music teaching development in the supervised pre-service teacher training of the Music Course Licentiate s degree at UFSM, from the point of view of a group of six trainees. In order to do so, we sought to understand the trainees conception of training and its relation to primary and secondary education. Besides taking into account the laws related to the theme, our theoretical references included authors from the fields of Education (such as ALARCÃO; TAVARES, 1987; GARCIA, 1999; PIMENTA; LIMA, 2004) and Musical Education (such as MATEIRO, 2002a, 2002b; MATTANA, 2005; BEINEKE; BELLOCHIO, 2007) whose research works focus on teachers professional development and supervised pre-service teacher training. The adopted methodological approach was qualitative, including semi-structured interviews, memory stimulus interviews and video recordings of the trainees classes. Criteria for selecting participants were the trainees interest and availability as well as the researcher s availability for going to the schools at the time the trainees were teaching in order to film them. Data were analyzed following their organization into two categories: (1) conceptions of training, including the supervisor s role, and (2) teaching practice at school, considering that the training was carried out in pairs, its relation to primary and secondary education and the trainees experiences. Based on our interpretation and dialogue with the references concerning teaching development in supervised pre-service teacher training, it was possible to reach some conclusions about music teachers professional development. Thus, we believe this research may contribute relevant data to the teaching profession. We pointed out the sharing of actions by the trainees and their supervisor s mediation, as well as problems and considerations regarding teaching development during training and its relation to music teachers professional development. / Esta dissertação foi desenvolvida na Linha de Pesquisa Educação e Artes, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria e está vinculada ao grupo CNPq/Fapem: Formação, Ação e Pesquisa em Educação Musical. O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar a construção da docência em Música no estágio supervisionado do Curso de Música Licenciatura Plena da UFSM, a partir do ponto de vista de um grupo de seis estagiários. Para tanto procurou-se conhecer as concepções dos estagiários sobre o estágio supervisionado e entender sua relação com o ensino na Educação Básica. Além de considerar a legislação vigente sobre os temas, os referenciais teóricos estudados incluem autores dos campos da Educação (como ALARCÃO; TAVARES, 1987; GARCIA, 1999; PIMENTA; LIMA, 2004) e da Educação Musical (como MATEIRO, 2002a, 2002b; MATTANA, 2005; BEINEKE; BELLOCHIO, 2007), cujas pesquisas focalizam a formação inicial de professores e o estágio supervisionado. A abordagem metodológica adotada foi a qualitativa, com a realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e de estimulação de memória e gravações em vídeo de aulas dos estagiários. A seleção dos participantes ocorreu pelo critério de interesse e disponibilidade em participar da pesquisa e também pela possibilidade de a pesquisadora ir à escola de Educação Básica nos horários das aulas desses estagiários para realizar as filmagens. A análise dos dados foi realizada a partir da organização de duas categorias: (1) concepções de estágio, incluindo a função desempenhada pela orientação, e (2) a atividade docente na escola, destacando a realização do estágio em duplas e a relação com o ensino na Educação Básica com foco nas experiências dos estagiários. A partir da interpretação e diálogo com os referenciais sobre a construção da docência no estágio supervisionado foi possível tecer considerações sobre o processo formativo de professores de Música. Nesse viés, acredita-se que esta pesquisa possa contribuir com dados relevantes sobre o estágio na construção da docência, ressaltando-se o compartilhamento das ações dos estagiários e a mediação da orientação. Enfatizam-se também problematizações e reflexões sobre a construção da docência durante o estágio e sua relação com a formação de professores de Música.

Adapting Instruction Using Disruptive Technology during the COVID-19 Pandemic: How STEM Teacher Educators, Pre-service Teachers, K-12 Educators, and 6th -12th Grade Students Rapidly Adapt to Online Learning

Vakil, Joanne Baltazar January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Relevance of the Swaziland teacher education curricula to professional ethics regarding teacher-pupil relationships

Simelane, Jenneth Futhie 02 1900 (has links)
Education in Swaziland is faced with the challenge of degenerating professional standards among teachers. This study sought to determine the relevance of the current teacher training curriculum in preparing pre-service teachers on professional ethics regarding teacher-pupil relationships. The study’s participants were from two universities; University of Swaziland (UNISWA) and Southern Africa Nazarene University (SANU), and three teacher-training colleges; William Pitcher, Ngwane, and Swaziland College of Technology. Participants comprised five purposefully selected heads of education departments, five focus groups of eight final year student teachers randomly selected from each institution, 100 new teachers with less than five years teaching experience (graduates) from the participating teacher training institutions. Data were collected concurrently using a semi-structured interview for the heads of department, focus group interviews for student teachers, a questionnaire for new teachers and document analysis for collecting data from documents of the institutions. Instruments were pilot tested on samples with similar characteristics to those of the participants. Data analysis was guided by the research questions. Qualitative data from the interviews and focus group interviews were analysed inductively, presented narratively through the use of verbatim quotations. Content analysis was used to analyse data from the documents and presented similarly to that from interviews. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics such as means, frequencies and percentages using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 20. Findings of the study revealed that the extent to which teacher training institutions implemented professional ethics regarding teacher-pupil relationships was not as adequate as it should, in terms of content and methods of implementation. The teacher training institutions generally offered professional ethics not as a course but as part of a course or courses. Therefore, the study recommended that the curricula in teacher training institutions should incorporate a course specific to ethics of the teaching profession. A further study on challenges faced by teacher training institutions in the implementation of the curriculum on professional ethics is necessary. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

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