Spelling suggestions: "subject:"prehospital"" "subject:"are:hospital""
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Violência sob o olhar e o agir de quem socorre: representações dos profissionais do atendimento pré-hospitalar de urgência e emergência / Violence under the act and look who rescues: representations of professionals in prehospital emergency roomsAlbuquerque, Verônica Santos January 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010 / Trata-se de um estudo das representações, experiências e práticas dos profissionais que
atuam no serviço pré-hospitalar de urgência e emergência do Corpo de Bombeiros, na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, frente ao cotidiano de atendimento a vítimas de violência ou em áreas dominadas pelo crime. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi relacionar as representações de violência e as percepções de risco com as experiências, as práticas e o
cotidiano destes profissionais. A abordagem metodológica se centrou nos referenciais das
representações sociais e articulou dados quantitativos e qualitativos, numa perspectiva de
triangulação de métodos. Os dados quantitativos foram construídos a partir de duas técnicas de coleta de dados: questionário e pesquisa documental. Já os dados qualitativos se basearam em entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram militares do Corpo de Bombeiros que atuam em guarnições do Grupamento de Socorro de Emergência nos dez quartéis da Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, que registram o maior número de atendimento a eventos envolvendo violência. Participaram da pesquisa
oficiais médicos, praças técnicas em enfermagem e motoristas. A análise dos resultados foi organizada em três partes: o contexto, os sujeitos e as representações. No contexto, está a
caracterização das vítimas, da assistência e das lesões geradas pelos eventos violentos intencionais no cerne das causas externas. Destacou-se a maior vitimização masculina, de
jovens e negros, além da maior frequência de eventos durante os finais de semana. Foram encontradas, ainda, relações significativas entre eventos envolvendo projeteis de armas de fogo com lesões penetrantes em crânio e tórax e também com o desfecho para óbito. Para análise do perfil e condições de trabalho dos sujeitos – bombeiros militares – a base de comparação foi estudo recente e similar realizado com policiais no Rio de Janeiro. Com relação às representações e experiências, destacaram-se a presença cotidiana da violência na vida e no trabalho dos profissionais estudados. A preferência por atendimento a lesões decorrentes de eventos traumáticos também foi expressiva. Surgiram, ainda, a naturalização da violência e a indignação frente à violência, principalmente quando envolve grupos vulneráveis e percepções negativas e positivas de risco. A análise das concepções que os profissionais possuíam com relação a diversos aspectos que permeiam o fenômeno da violência mostrou que os conhecimentos para abordagem técnica das lesões decorrentes dos eventos violentos são valorizados na área da saúde. Porém, a compreensão científica
ampliada e atual da violência e seus impactos não esteve disseminada entre os profissionais estudados. / This study discusses about the representation, experiences and practice of pre-hospital emergency care professionals in the face of the assistance to violence victims or on areas controlled by criminals. These professionals were from Fire Brigade of metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro. The research aimed to relate representations of violence and risk perception
with experience, practice and daily work of studied professionals. Methodological approach
based on references of social representation and joined together quantitative and qualitative
data, using triangulation of methods. Quantitative data were constructed from two techniques of information catch: questionnaire and documental research. Qualitative data came from individual interview semi-structured. Professionals involved in this research were officers’ physicians, nursing technician and ambulance drivers – all of them were military from the Rescue and Emergency Squad of Fire Brigade of Rio de Janeiro. These professionals
worked on the ten barracks on Rio de Janeiro that attend the most cases of urban violence. Results analyses were organized in three parts: the contexts, the agents and the representations. Context part includes the violence victims, the emergency care and the wounds characterization, comparing the intentional violence events with general external causes. The main victims of lethal violence were black and young men. Violent occurrences happened more frequently on weekends. Other evidence found in this study was the
significant relation between firearm events and deep wounds on head and chest and so with death. The analyses of pre-hospital emergency care professionals characteristics were compared with similar studied played with military policemen on Rio de Janeiro. On representation and experience part appeared the daily presence of violence on life and work of studied professionals. Preference for trauma care was also an expressive data. Other research finds were the naturalization and the indignation in face of violence, mainly when it affects vulnerable groups. Negative and positive risk perception was also found. The analysis of health professionals’ conception about some violence aspects showed that their knowledge was focused on technical procedures for wound care. However, a broadened and current scientific comprehension of violence and its impacts was not disseminated between
studied professionals.
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Četnost a příčiny úrazů u dětí v přednemocniční neodkladné péči / Frequency and causes of injuries of children in pre-hospital emergency careMINAŘÍKOVÁ, Petra January 2009 (has links)
Injuries represent the greatest danger for children and the most frequent cause of their death. A certain dangerous situation precedes every injury and as such it can always be prevented. Emergency rescue teams provide professional urgent pre-hospital care. Based on theoretical knowledge and practical experience of a member of a rescue team providing pre-hospital urgent care, two research objectives were determined. Objective no. 1 was to map out the number of children{\crq}s injuries in the regional centre of České Budějovice between 2004-2008. Objective no. 2 was to analyze the situations in which children of various ages get injured. Three hypotheses were determined. Hypothesis no. 1 ``Children living in towns get injured more frequently than children in villages``, was not confirmed. Hypothesis no. 2 ``Children up to 6 years of age most frequently suffer injuries when they are at home and their parents are not cautious enough``, was confirmed. The last determined hypothesis ``Children between 6 {--} 18 years of age get injured during active sports and traffic accidents most frequently``, was confirmed. It is more efficient to invest in preventative activities that reduce the number and seriousness of injuries in children. If we take measures to prevent injuries, the number of fatalities will go down.
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Major trauma in Northern FinlandRaatiniemi, L. (Lasse) 27 September 2016 (has links)
Trauma patients are a significant patient group for emergency medical services (EMS). Not only are injuries a significant cause of death, they also have a significant long-term impact on functionality and quality of life.
Previous studies have shown that the injury-related mortality rate is higher in sparsely populated areas and that the majority of patients die before the arrival of EMS. Intensive care mortality is significant, and half of seriously injured patients develop multiple organ dysfunction. Airway management is one of the most important procedures that EMS provide for a critically injured patient, but making high-quality care available in a sparsely populated area is challenging. Seriously injured patients also appear to benefit from being transported directly to a trauma centre.
In recent years particular attention has been given to the level and availability of EMS. Hospitals’ readiness to provide acute surgery is also being reorganised. More information is needed about the frequency, circumstances, outcome and acute care of serious and fatal injuries so that health care resources can be allotted appropriately and requirements for prevention can be identified.
The purpose of this research was to investigate the frequency and circumstances of injury-related deaths in Northern Finland and the prognosis of trauma patients encountered by the Finnish helicopter emergency services (FinnHEMS). A particular objective was to examine differences between rural and urban areas. The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) severity score’s ability to predict 30-day mortality was also examined. The fourth part of the study aimed to investigate the pre-hospital airway management performed by non-physicians in Northern Finland.
The study material was comprised of trauma deaths that occurred in Northern Finland in 2007–2011, trauma patients encountered by FinnHEMS units in Northern Finland in 2012–2013, patients encountered by HEMS in Northern Norway in 1999–2009 and a questionnaire regarding pre-hospital airway management to non-physicians.
The study concluded that the rate of trauma deaths is high in Northern Finland, and the influence of alcohol was found in nearly half of pre-hospital trauma death cases. A larger portion of pre-hospital deaths also took place in rural areas. Trauma patients encountered by FinnHEMS units in urban areas who survived to hospital, appeared to have higher 30-day mortality than patients injured in rural areas. The most probable explanation for this difference is that patients injured in urban areas survive to hospital, while trauma patients in rural areas die pre-hospital.
The NACA score was found to reliably predict 30-day mortality. Due to its simplicity, the NACA score can be used to compare patient material from different HEMS bases.
It was found that non-physicians seldom performed airway management. On average, the frequency of performing airway management was low, and there is a need to improve maintenance of skills. / Tiivistelmä
Vammapotilaat ovat merkittävä ensi- ja tehohoidon potilasryhmä. Paisi, että vammautumiset ovat merkittävä kuolinsyy, aiheuttavat ne myös merkittäviä pitkäaikaisvaikutuksia toimintakykyyn ja elämänlaatuun.
Aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa on osoitettu, että vammakuolleisuus on yleisempää harvaanasutuilla seuduilla ja valtaosa potilaista kuolee jo ennen ensihoidon saapumista paikalle. Tehohoitokuolleisuus on merkittävää ja puolet vaikeasti loukkaantuneista potilaista kärsii monielinvauriosta. Ensihoidon tärkeimpiä tehtäviä kriittisesti vammautuneilla on hengitystien varmistaminen, mutta korkeatasoisen hoidon saatavuus harvaanasutulla seudulla on haasteellista. Vaikeasti vammautuneet potilaat näyttävät myös hyötyvän kuljetuksesta suoraan lopulliseen hoitopaikkaan.
Viime vuosina ensihoidon tasoon ja saatavuuteen on kiinnitetty erityistä huomiota. Lisäksi sairaaloiden päivystysvalmiuden uudelleenorganisointi on käynnissä. Lisätietoa tarvitaan vakavien ja kuolemaan johtavien vammojen esiintyvyydestä ja olosuhteista, ennusteesta sekä akuuttihoidon toteutumisesta, jotta terveydenhuollon resursseja voitaisiin kohdentaa tarkoituksenmukaisesti ja ennaltaehkäisyn tarpeet voitaisiin tunnistaa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää vammakuolemien esiintyvyyttä ja olosuhteita Pohjois-Suomessa sekä suomalaisten lääkintä- ja lääkärihelikopteriyksikköjen (FinnHEMS) kohtaamien vammapotilaiden ennustetta. Erityisenä tavoitteena oli tutkia maaseutu- ja kaupunkialueiden eroja. Lisäksi tutkittiin National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA)- vaikeusasteluokittelun kykyä ennustaa 30 päivän kuolleisuutta. Neljännen osatyön tavoitteena oli tutkia ensihoitajien suorittaman hengitystien varmistamisen käytäntöä Pohjois-Suomessa.
Tutkimusaineisto koostui vuosina 2007‒2011 Pohjois-Suomessa tapahtuneista vammakuolemista, FinnHEMS:in yksiköiden kohtaamista vammapotilaista Pohjois-Suomessa vuosina 2012‒2013, Pohjois-Norjan pelastushelikopterin kohtaamista potilaista vuosina 1999‒2009 sekä ensihoitajille tehdystä kyselytutkimuksesta hengitystien hallintaan liittyen.
Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että kuolemaan johtaneiden vammojen esiintyvyys on korkea Pohjois-Suomessa. Lisäksi havaittiin, että lähes puoleen sairaalan ulkopuolella tapahtuneisiin vammapotilaiden kuolintapauksiin liittyi alkoholi. Maaseudulla myös suurempi osa menehtyi sairaalan ulkopuolella. FinnHEMS:in yksiköiden kaupunkialueella kohtaamilla vammapotilailla, jotka selvisivät sairaalaan, havaittiin viitettä korkeampaan 30 päivän kuolleisuuteen verrattuna maaseudulla vammautuneihin. Ero johtuu todennäköisemmin siitä, että kaupunkialueella vammautuneet ehtivät sairaalaan kun taas maaseudulla vammapotilaat kuolevat jo ennen ensihoitopalvelun saapumista.
NACA-vaikeusasteluokittelun todettiin ennustavan luotettavasti 30 päivän kuolleisuutta. Yksinkertaisuutensa vuoksi se soveltuu potilasmateriaalin vertailemiseen eri tukikohtien välillä.
Ensihoitajan suorittama hengitystien varmistaminen havaittiin olevan harvinaista. Keskimääräisesti suoritteita tapahtui harvoin, ja taitojen ylläpitämisessä oli parantamisen varaa.
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Bridging Knowledge Gaps in the Management of Acute Coronary SyndromesHuynh Thi, Thanh Thao 04 1900 (has links)
L’occlusion d’une artère du cœur cause un syndrome coronarien aigu (SCA) soit avec une élévation du segment ST (IAMEST) ou sans élévation du segment ST (1). Le traitement des patients avec un IAMEST requiert soit une intervention coronarienne d’urgence (ICP primaire) ou une thérapie fibrinolytique (FL). La thérapie FL peut être administrée soit dans un contexte pré-hospitalier (PHL) ou à l’hôpital. Une prise en charge précoce des patients avec SCA peut être améliorée par un simple indice de risque.
Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient de : 1) comparer l’ICP primaire et la thérapie FL (2); décrire plusieurs systèmes internationaux de PHL; (3) développer et valider un indice de risque simplifié pour une stratification précoce des patients avec SCA.
Nous complétons des méta-analyses, de type hiérarchique Bayésiennes portant sur l’effet de la randomisation, d’études randomisées et observationnelles; complétons également un sondage sur des systèmes internationaux de PHL; développons et validons un nouvel indice de risque pour ACS (le C-ACS).
Dans les études observationnelles, l’ICP primaire, comparée à la thérapie FL, est associée à une plus grande réduction de la mortalité à court-terme; mais ce sans bénéfices concluants à long terme. La FL pré-hospitalière peut être administrée par des professionnels de la santé possédant diverses expertises. Le C-ACS a des bonnes propriétés discriminatoires et pourrait être utilisé dans la stratification des patients avec SCA.
Nous avons comblé plusieurs lacunes importantes au niveau de la connaissance actuelle. Cette thèse de doctorat contribuera à améliorer l’accès à des soins de qualité élevée pour les patients ayant un SCA. / Background
Acute occlusion of an artery of the heart results in acute coronary syndromes (ACS), either with ST-segment elevation (STEMI) or without ST-segment elevation (1). STEMI requires urgent treatment to restore coronary artery flow either by primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or fibrinolytic therapy (FL) (2). Although several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) demonstrate the superiority of primary PCI in reducing mortality compared to FL (2), the benefit of primary PCI over FL remains uncertain in unselected “real-life” patients (3,4).
FL can be administered either in the pre-hospital setting (i.e., pre-hospital FL (PHL)) or at the hospital. PHL is rarely available outside Europe (5,6). Insights into the organization of PHL systems of care may promote more widespread use of PHL.
Risk stratification of ACS patients should be prompt to ensure timely PCI for high-risk patients and to avoid unnecessary intervention in low-risk patients (7). Despite the availability of numerous ACS risk scores, there is still no simple risk score that can be easily applied in the initial management of ACS patients (8).
The objectives of this doctoral dissertation were to address these current knowledge gaps in the optimal management of ACS. The objectives were to: 1) evaluate the efficacy, effectiveness, and safety of primary PCI and FL, (2) describe the infrastructure, processes and outcomes of several international PHL systems; and (3) develop and validate a novel clinical risk score for early risk stratification of ACS patients.
To address these objectives, I completed Bayesian hierarchical random-effects meta-analyses of published RCTs and observational studies which compare primary PCI and FL in patients with STEMI. I undertook a survey of the infrastructure, processes and outcomes of PHL in several European and North American pre-hospital emergency systems. Finally, I developed and validated an ACS risk score called the Canadian ACS (C-ACS).
Primary PCI was superior to FL in reducing short-term mortality in RCTs and observational studies. However, the long-term survival benefit of primary PCI was noted only in RCTs, and not in the observational studies. PHL can be effectively delivered by health care professionals with variable levels of expertise. The new risk score, C-ACS, has good discriminant properties for short- and long-term mortality in patients with ACS.
The first manuscript of this dissertation has been recognized as one of the most valuable recent publications in STEMI management and has contributed to reorganization of STEMI care in Ontario. The other two manuscripts in this dissertation provide practical information and tools for health professionals caring for patients with ACS. In summary, this doctoral dissertation has and will continue to contribute to improve access to high quality care for patients with ACS.
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我國到院前緊急救護之現況與各階段法律責任之探討 / Pre-hospital Emergency Care in Taiwan and associated legal liability謝明儒, Hsieh, Ming Ju Unknown Date (has links)
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Prozess- und Diagnosequalität in Präklinik und Notaufnahme des Universitätsklinikums Göttingen / Retrospektive Analyse des Zeitraums vom 01.01.2006 bis 31.12.2006 / Quality of procedures and diagnoses in pre-hospital and in-hospital Emergeny Medicine of the University Medical Center of Goettingen / A retrospective analysis of the period from January 1st 2006 to December 31st 2006Junge, Marina 14 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Bridging Knowledge Gaps in the Management of Acute Coronary SyndromesHuynh Thi, Thanh Thao 04 1900 (has links)
L’occlusion d’une artère du cœur cause un syndrome coronarien aigu (SCA) soit avec une élévation du segment ST (IAMEST) ou sans élévation du segment ST (1). Le traitement des patients avec un IAMEST requiert soit une intervention coronarienne d’urgence (ICP primaire) ou une thérapie fibrinolytique (FL). La thérapie FL peut être administrée soit dans un contexte pré-hospitalier (PHL) ou à l’hôpital. Une prise en charge précoce des patients avec SCA peut être améliorée par un simple indice de risque.
Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient de : 1) comparer l’ICP primaire et la thérapie FL (2); décrire plusieurs systèmes internationaux de PHL; (3) développer et valider un indice de risque simplifié pour une stratification précoce des patients avec SCA.
Nous complétons des méta-analyses, de type hiérarchique Bayésiennes portant sur l’effet de la randomisation, d’études randomisées et observationnelles; complétons également un sondage sur des systèmes internationaux de PHL; développons et validons un nouvel indice de risque pour ACS (le C-ACS).
Dans les études observationnelles, l’ICP primaire, comparée à la thérapie FL, est associée à une plus grande réduction de la mortalité à court-terme; mais ce sans bénéfices concluants à long terme. La FL pré-hospitalière peut être administrée par des professionnels de la santé possédant diverses expertises. Le C-ACS a des bonnes propriétés discriminatoires et pourrait être utilisé dans la stratification des patients avec SCA.
Nous avons comblé plusieurs lacunes importantes au niveau de la connaissance actuelle. Cette thèse de doctorat contribuera à améliorer l’accès à des soins de qualité élevée pour les patients ayant un SCA. / Background
Acute occlusion of an artery of the heart results in acute coronary syndromes (ACS), either with ST-segment elevation (STEMI) or without ST-segment elevation (1). STEMI requires urgent treatment to restore coronary artery flow either by primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or fibrinolytic therapy (FL) (2). Although several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) demonstrate the superiority of primary PCI in reducing mortality compared to FL (2), the benefit of primary PCI over FL remains uncertain in unselected “real-life” patients (3,4).
FL can be administered either in the pre-hospital setting (i.e., pre-hospital FL (PHL)) or at the hospital. PHL is rarely available outside Europe (5,6). Insights into the organization of PHL systems of care may promote more widespread use of PHL.
Risk stratification of ACS patients should be prompt to ensure timely PCI for high-risk patients and to avoid unnecessary intervention in low-risk patients (7). Despite the availability of numerous ACS risk scores, there is still no simple risk score that can be easily applied in the initial management of ACS patients (8).
The objectives of this doctoral dissertation were to address these current knowledge gaps in the optimal management of ACS. The objectives were to: 1) evaluate the efficacy, effectiveness, and safety of primary PCI and FL, (2) describe the infrastructure, processes and outcomes of several international PHL systems; and (3) develop and validate a novel clinical risk score for early risk stratification of ACS patients.
To address these objectives, I completed Bayesian hierarchical random-effects meta-analyses of published RCTs and observational studies which compare primary PCI and FL in patients with STEMI. I undertook a survey of the infrastructure, processes and outcomes of PHL in several European and North American pre-hospital emergency systems. Finally, I developed and validated an ACS risk score called the Canadian ACS (C-ACS).
Primary PCI was superior to FL in reducing short-term mortality in RCTs and observational studies. However, the long-term survival benefit of primary PCI was noted only in RCTs, and not in the observational studies. PHL can be effectively delivered by health care professionals with variable levels of expertise. The new risk score, C-ACS, has good discriminant properties for short- and long-term mortality in patients with ACS.
The first manuscript of this dissertation has been recognized as one of the most valuable recent publications in STEMI management and has contributed to reorganization of STEMI care in Ontario. The other two manuscripts in this dissertation provide practical information and tools for health professionals caring for patients with ACS. In summary, this doctoral dissertation has and will continue to contribute to improve access to high quality care for patients with ACS.
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Atuação e articulação das ações das equipes de suporte básico de um serviço de atendimento móvel de urgência com a central de regulação e as portas de entrada da urgênciaCiconet, Rosane Mortari January 2009 (has links)
Esse estudo tem, por objetivo, descrever a organização do atendimento pré-hospitalar, prestado pelas equipes de suporte básico do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência – SAMU 192 de Porto Alegre, em relação ao fluxo, encaminhamento e recepção nos serviços de saúde, identificando como se articulam as ações entre o médico regulador de urgência e as equipes de suporte básico. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, com abordagem qualitativa. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de observação e entrevistas semi-dirigidas. O foco da observação foi sobre o trabalho das equipes de suporte básico do SAMU em relação à comunicação com o médico regulador de urgência, referente à passagem dos casos, às orientações de condutas no atendimento e no encaminhamento, aos serviços de saúde, dos pacientes atendidos por essas equipes. Os entrevistados foram os profissionais, que compõem as equipes de suporte básico (auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem e condutores de veículos de urgência), e médicos da central de regulação de urgência. Os dados obtidos foram classificados em estruturas de relevância e, posteriormente, agrupados em dois núcleos: a articulação do trabalho entre a regulação médica e as equipes de suporte básico do SAMU e o trabalho das equipes para além do APH móvel. No primeiro núcleo, aborda-se como a regulação se comunica com as equipes na passagem dos casos às quais estes são enviadas para atendimento, assim como em relação às orientações dadas às equipes na cena dos eventos e aos contatos com os serviços de urgência que recebem os pacientes encaminhados pelo SAMU. Constatou-se que as informações, dadas pelo médico regulador, carecem de detalhamento sobre as condições dos pacientes que serão atendidos pelas equipes de suporte básico, fazendo com que as equipes trabalhem com pouca preparação prévia ao evento. A recepção, nas portas de urgência, evidencia as dificuldades encontradas pela superlotação dos serviços. Nesse cenário, as equipes de suporte básico usam de suas relações interpessoais para garantir a acolhida dos pacientes. No segundo núcleo, abordam-se a articulação do trabalho em equipe e o desempenho dos profissionais do suporte básico em tratar situações que, a priori, fogem da classificação de risco iminente à vida. Os dados analisados revelam a importância do trabalho das equipes de suporte básico do SAMU, constituindo-se num dos pilares do serviço. Evidenciam, também, a estreita relação com a regulação médica, numa combinação de ações para o cuidado dos usuários que demandam o SAMU. Conclui-se pela necessidade de aprofundar as discussões sobre os processos de trabalho, tanto na relação interna do serviço quanto nas relações interinstitucionais com os serviços de saúde da cidade, na perspectiva de desenvolver um trabalho em rede, articulado e solidário. / This study aims at describing the organization of the pre-hospital care delivered by the basic support crew of the Emergency Mobile Care Service (Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência – SAMU - 192) of Porto Alegre, in relation to the flow, delivery and reception within the healthcare services, by identifying how actions between the emergency coordinator physician and the basic support crews are articulated. This is a case study with qualitative approach. Data collection was performed by means of observation and semi-oriented interviews. The focus of observation was the work of the basic support crews of SAMU regarding communication with the emergency coordinator physician, concerning information about addressing the cases, guidelines about attendance management, and patient delivery to the health services rendered by these crews. Interviews were carried out with the professionals that compose the basic support crews (nursing assistants and technicians and drivers of emergency vehicles) and the coordinator physicians from the urgency regulation center. The obtained data were classified into structures of relevance and, afterwards, grouped in two nuclei: the articulation of the work between coordinator physicians and basic support crews of SAMU and, the work of the crews beyond the mobile Pre-Hospital Care (PHC). The first nucleus approaches communication ways between the medical regulation and the basic crews which the cases are addressed to as well as regarding the guidelines given to the crews in the site of events besides the contacts with the emergency services received by the patients delivered by SAMU. It was found out that the information given by the medical regulation lacks details about the condition of the patients that will be cared by the basic support crews resulting that the crews work without enough previous preparation when attending an event. The reception, at the emergency services, evidences the difficulties met due to overcrowded facilities. Within this scenario, the basic support crews use their interpersonal relations to guarantee the patient reception. The second nucleus approaches the articulation of crew work and the performance of the basic support professionals in managing situations that, a priori, are not classified as an eminent life threat. The analyzed data reveal the importance of the work by SAMU basic support crews who constitute one of the pillars of the service. They also evidence a close relation with the medical regulation in a combination of actions towards the care rendered to the users that call for SAMU. The conclusion drawn appoints to the need of further discussions about the work processes concerning to internal relations of the service and inter-institutional relations with other healthcare services from the city, in the perspective of developing an articulated and humanized healthcare network. / Ese estudio tiene el objetivo de describir la organización del atendimiento pre-hospitalario prestado por los equipos de soporte básico del Servicio de Atendimiento Móvil de Urgencia – SAMU 192 de Porto Alegre, en relación al flujo, encaminamiento y recepción en los servicios de salud, identificando como se articulan las acciones entre el médico regulador de urgencia y los equipos de soporte básico. Se trata de un estudio de caso, con abordaje cualitativo. La recolección de datos fue realizada por medio de observación y entrevistas semi-dirigidas. El foco de la observación fue acerca del trabajo de los equipos de soporte básico del SAMU en relación a la comunicación con el médico regulador de urgencia, referente al pasaje de los casos, a las orientaciones de conductas en el atendimiento y en el encaminamiento a los servicios de salud de los pacientes atendidos por eses equipos. Los entrevistados fueron los profesionales, que componen los equipos de soporte básico (auxiliares y técnicos de enfermería y conductores de vehículos de urgencia), y los médicos de la central de regulación de urgencia. Los datos obtenidos fueron clasificados en estructuras de relevancia y, luego, agrupados en dos núcleos: la articulación del trabajo entre la regulación médica y los equipos de soporte básico del SAMU y el trabajo de los equipos más allá del APH – Atendimiento Pre-Hospitalario móvil. El primer núcleo aborda las formas de comunicación entre la regulación y los equipos en el pasaje de casos que les son encaminados para atendimiento así como en relación a las orientaciones dadas a los equipos en el sitio de los eventos además de los contactos con los servicios de emergencia que reciben los pacientes encaminados por el SAMU. Se constató que las informaciones dadas por el médico regulador carecen de detalles acerca de las condiciones de los pacientes, que serán atendidos por los equipos de soporte básico, de manera que los equipos trabajan con poca preparación previa al evento. La recepción, en las puertas de emergencia, evidencia las dificultades encontradas por la superpoblación de los servicios. En tal escenario, los equipos de soporte básico usan de sus relaciones interpersonales para garantizar la acojida de los pacientes. El segundo núcleo aborda la articulación del trabajo en equipo y el desempeño de los profesionales de soporte básico al tratar situaciones que, a priori, huyen de la clasificación de riesgo inminente a la vida. Los datos analizados revelan la importancia del trabajo de los equipos de soporte básico del SAMU, uno de los pilares del servicio. Evidencian, además, la estrecha relación con la regulación médica en una combinación de acciones para la atención a los usuarios que demandan el SAMU. Se concluye por la necesidad de profundizar las discusiones acerca de los procesos de trabajo tanto en la relación interna del servicio cuanto en las relaciones interinstitucionales con los servicios de salud de la ciudad, en la perspectiva de desarrollar un trabajo en red, articulado y solidario.
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Atuação e articulação das ações das equipes de suporte básico de um serviço de atendimento móvel de urgência com a central de regulação e as portas de entrada da urgênciaCiconet, Rosane Mortari January 2009 (has links)
Esse estudo tem, por objetivo, descrever a organização do atendimento pré-hospitalar, prestado pelas equipes de suporte básico do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência – SAMU 192 de Porto Alegre, em relação ao fluxo, encaminhamento e recepção nos serviços de saúde, identificando como se articulam as ações entre o médico regulador de urgência e as equipes de suporte básico. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, com abordagem qualitativa. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de observação e entrevistas semi-dirigidas. O foco da observação foi sobre o trabalho das equipes de suporte básico do SAMU em relação à comunicação com o médico regulador de urgência, referente à passagem dos casos, às orientações de condutas no atendimento e no encaminhamento, aos serviços de saúde, dos pacientes atendidos por essas equipes. Os entrevistados foram os profissionais, que compõem as equipes de suporte básico (auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem e condutores de veículos de urgência), e médicos da central de regulação de urgência. Os dados obtidos foram classificados em estruturas de relevância e, posteriormente, agrupados em dois núcleos: a articulação do trabalho entre a regulação médica e as equipes de suporte básico do SAMU e o trabalho das equipes para além do APH móvel. No primeiro núcleo, aborda-se como a regulação se comunica com as equipes na passagem dos casos às quais estes são enviadas para atendimento, assim como em relação às orientações dadas às equipes na cena dos eventos e aos contatos com os serviços de urgência que recebem os pacientes encaminhados pelo SAMU. Constatou-se que as informações, dadas pelo médico regulador, carecem de detalhamento sobre as condições dos pacientes que serão atendidos pelas equipes de suporte básico, fazendo com que as equipes trabalhem com pouca preparação prévia ao evento. A recepção, nas portas de urgência, evidencia as dificuldades encontradas pela superlotação dos serviços. Nesse cenário, as equipes de suporte básico usam de suas relações interpessoais para garantir a acolhida dos pacientes. No segundo núcleo, abordam-se a articulação do trabalho em equipe e o desempenho dos profissionais do suporte básico em tratar situações que, a priori, fogem da classificação de risco iminente à vida. Os dados analisados revelam a importância do trabalho das equipes de suporte básico do SAMU, constituindo-se num dos pilares do serviço. Evidenciam, também, a estreita relação com a regulação médica, numa combinação de ações para o cuidado dos usuários que demandam o SAMU. Conclui-se pela necessidade de aprofundar as discussões sobre os processos de trabalho, tanto na relação interna do serviço quanto nas relações interinstitucionais com os serviços de saúde da cidade, na perspectiva de desenvolver um trabalho em rede, articulado e solidário. / This study aims at describing the organization of the pre-hospital care delivered by the basic support crew of the Emergency Mobile Care Service (Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência – SAMU - 192) of Porto Alegre, in relation to the flow, delivery and reception within the healthcare services, by identifying how actions between the emergency coordinator physician and the basic support crews are articulated. This is a case study with qualitative approach. Data collection was performed by means of observation and semi-oriented interviews. The focus of observation was the work of the basic support crews of SAMU regarding communication with the emergency coordinator physician, concerning information about addressing the cases, guidelines about attendance management, and patient delivery to the health services rendered by these crews. Interviews were carried out with the professionals that compose the basic support crews (nursing assistants and technicians and drivers of emergency vehicles) and the coordinator physicians from the urgency regulation center. The obtained data were classified into structures of relevance and, afterwards, grouped in two nuclei: the articulation of the work between coordinator physicians and basic support crews of SAMU and, the work of the crews beyond the mobile Pre-Hospital Care (PHC). The first nucleus approaches communication ways between the medical regulation and the basic crews which the cases are addressed to as well as regarding the guidelines given to the crews in the site of events besides the contacts with the emergency services received by the patients delivered by SAMU. It was found out that the information given by the medical regulation lacks details about the condition of the patients that will be cared by the basic support crews resulting that the crews work without enough previous preparation when attending an event. The reception, at the emergency services, evidences the difficulties met due to overcrowded facilities. Within this scenario, the basic support crews use their interpersonal relations to guarantee the patient reception. The second nucleus approaches the articulation of crew work and the performance of the basic support professionals in managing situations that, a priori, are not classified as an eminent life threat. The analyzed data reveal the importance of the work by SAMU basic support crews who constitute one of the pillars of the service. They also evidence a close relation with the medical regulation in a combination of actions towards the care rendered to the users that call for SAMU. The conclusion drawn appoints to the need of further discussions about the work processes concerning to internal relations of the service and inter-institutional relations with other healthcare services from the city, in the perspective of developing an articulated and humanized healthcare network. / Ese estudio tiene el objetivo de describir la organización del atendimiento pre-hospitalario prestado por los equipos de soporte básico del Servicio de Atendimiento Móvil de Urgencia – SAMU 192 de Porto Alegre, en relación al flujo, encaminamiento y recepción en los servicios de salud, identificando como se articulan las acciones entre el médico regulador de urgencia y los equipos de soporte básico. Se trata de un estudio de caso, con abordaje cualitativo. La recolección de datos fue realizada por medio de observación y entrevistas semi-dirigidas. El foco de la observación fue acerca del trabajo de los equipos de soporte básico del SAMU en relación a la comunicación con el médico regulador de urgencia, referente al pasaje de los casos, a las orientaciones de conductas en el atendimiento y en el encaminamiento a los servicios de salud de los pacientes atendidos por eses equipos. Los entrevistados fueron los profesionales, que componen los equipos de soporte básico (auxiliares y técnicos de enfermería y conductores de vehículos de urgencia), y los médicos de la central de regulación de urgencia. Los datos obtenidos fueron clasificados en estructuras de relevancia y, luego, agrupados en dos núcleos: la articulación del trabajo entre la regulación médica y los equipos de soporte básico del SAMU y el trabajo de los equipos más allá del APH – Atendimiento Pre-Hospitalario móvil. El primer núcleo aborda las formas de comunicación entre la regulación y los equipos en el pasaje de casos que les son encaminados para atendimiento así como en relación a las orientaciones dadas a los equipos en el sitio de los eventos además de los contactos con los servicios de emergencia que reciben los pacientes encaminados por el SAMU. Se constató que las informaciones dadas por el médico regulador carecen de detalles acerca de las condiciones de los pacientes, que serán atendidos por los equipos de soporte básico, de manera que los equipos trabajan con poca preparación previa al evento. La recepción, en las puertas de emergencia, evidencia las dificultades encontradas por la superpoblación de los servicios. En tal escenario, los equipos de soporte básico usan de sus relaciones interpersonales para garantizar la acojida de los pacientes. El segundo núcleo aborda la articulación del trabajo en equipo y el desempeño de los profesionales de soporte básico al tratar situaciones que, a priori, huyen de la clasificación de riesgo inminente a la vida. Los datos analizados revelan la importancia del trabajo de los equipos de soporte básico del SAMU, uno de los pilares del servicio. Evidencian, además, la estrecha relación con la regulación médica en una combinación de acciones para la atención a los usuarios que demandan el SAMU. Se concluye por la necesidad de profundizar las discusiones acerca de los procesos de trabajo tanto en la relación interna del servicio cuanto en las relaciones interinstitucionales con los servicios de salud de la ciudad, en la perspectiva de desarrollar un trabajo en red, articulado y solidario.
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Atuação e articulação das ações das equipes de suporte básico de um serviço de atendimento móvel de urgência com a central de regulação e as portas de entrada da urgênciaCiconet, Rosane Mortari January 2009 (has links)
Esse estudo tem, por objetivo, descrever a organização do atendimento pré-hospitalar, prestado pelas equipes de suporte básico do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência – SAMU 192 de Porto Alegre, em relação ao fluxo, encaminhamento e recepção nos serviços de saúde, identificando como se articulam as ações entre o médico regulador de urgência e as equipes de suporte básico. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, com abordagem qualitativa. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de observação e entrevistas semi-dirigidas. O foco da observação foi sobre o trabalho das equipes de suporte básico do SAMU em relação à comunicação com o médico regulador de urgência, referente à passagem dos casos, às orientações de condutas no atendimento e no encaminhamento, aos serviços de saúde, dos pacientes atendidos por essas equipes. Os entrevistados foram os profissionais, que compõem as equipes de suporte básico (auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem e condutores de veículos de urgência), e médicos da central de regulação de urgência. Os dados obtidos foram classificados em estruturas de relevância e, posteriormente, agrupados em dois núcleos: a articulação do trabalho entre a regulação médica e as equipes de suporte básico do SAMU e o trabalho das equipes para além do APH móvel. No primeiro núcleo, aborda-se como a regulação se comunica com as equipes na passagem dos casos às quais estes são enviadas para atendimento, assim como em relação às orientações dadas às equipes na cena dos eventos e aos contatos com os serviços de urgência que recebem os pacientes encaminhados pelo SAMU. Constatou-se que as informações, dadas pelo médico regulador, carecem de detalhamento sobre as condições dos pacientes que serão atendidos pelas equipes de suporte básico, fazendo com que as equipes trabalhem com pouca preparação prévia ao evento. A recepção, nas portas de urgência, evidencia as dificuldades encontradas pela superlotação dos serviços. Nesse cenário, as equipes de suporte básico usam de suas relações interpessoais para garantir a acolhida dos pacientes. No segundo núcleo, abordam-se a articulação do trabalho em equipe e o desempenho dos profissionais do suporte básico em tratar situações que, a priori, fogem da classificação de risco iminente à vida. Os dados analisados revelam a importância do trabalho das equipes de suporte básico do SAMU, constituindo-se num dos pilares do serviço. Evidenciam, também, a estreita relação com a regulação médica, numa combinação de ações para o cuidado dos usuários que demandam o SAMU. Conclui-se pela necessidade de aprofundar as discussões sobre os processos de trabalho, tanto na relação interna do serviço quanto nas relações interinstitucionais com os serviços de saúde da cidade, na perspectiva de desenvolver um trabalho em rede, articulado e solidário. / This study aims at describing the organization of the pre-hospital care delivered by the basic support crew of the Emergency Mobile Care Service (Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência – SAMU - 192) of Porto Alegre, in relation to the flow, delivery and reception within the healthcare services, by identifying how actions between the emergency coordinator physician and the basic support crews are articulated. This is a case study with qualitative approach. Data collection was performed by means of observation and semi-oriented interviews. The focus of observation was the work of the basic support crews of SAMU regarding communication with the emergency coordinator physician, concerning information about addressing the cases, guidelines about attendance management, and patient delivery to the health services rendered by these crews. Interviews were carried out with the professionals that compose the basic support crews (nursing assistants and technicians and drivers of emergency vehicles) and the coordinator physicians from the urgency regulation center. The obtained data were classified into structures of relevance and, afterwards, grouped in two nuclei: the articulation of the work between coordinator physicians and basic support crews of SAMU and, the work of the crews beyond the mobile Pre-Hospital Care (PHC). The first nucleus approaches communication ways between the medical regulation and the basic crews which the cases are addressed to as well as regarding the guidelines given to the crews in the site of events besides the contacts with the emergency services received by the patients delivered by SAMU. It was found out that the information given by the medical regulation lacks details about the condition of the patients that will be cared by the basic support crews resulting that the crews work without enough previous preparation when attending an event. The reception, at the emergency services, evidences the difficulties met due to overcrowded facilities. Within this scenario, the basic support crews use their interpersonal relations to guarantee the patient reception. The second nucleus approaches the articulation of crew work and the performance of the basic support professionals in managing situations that, a priori, are not classified as an eminent life threat. The analyzed data reveal the importance of the work by SAMU basic support crews who constitute one of the pillars of the service. They also evidence a close relation with the medical regulation in a combination of actions towards the care rendered to the users that call for SAMU. The conclusion drawn appoints to the need of further discussions about the work processes concerning to internal relations of the service and inter-institutional relations with other healthcare services from the city, in the perspective of developing an articulated and humanized healthcare network. / Ese estudio tiene el objetivo de describir la organización del atendimiento pre-hospitalario prestado por los equipos de soporte básico del Servicio de Atendimiento Móvil de Urgencia – SAMU 192 de Porto Alegre, en relación al flujo, encaminamiento y recepción en los servicios de salud, identificando como se articulan las acciones entre el médico regulador de urgencia y los equipos de soporte básico. Se trata de un estudio de caso, con abordaje cualitativo. La recolección de datos fue realizada por medio de observación y entrevistas semi-dirigidas. El foco de la observación fue acerca del trabajo de los equipos de soporte básico del SAMU en relación a la comunicación con el médico regulador de urgencia, referente al pasaje de los casos, a las orientaciones de conductas en el atendimiento y en el encaminamiento a los servicios de salud de los pacientes atendidos por eses equipos. Los entrevistados fueron los profesionales, que componen los equipos de soporte básico (auxiliares y técnicos de enfermería y conductores de vehículos de urgencia), y los médicos de la central de regulación de urgencia. Los datos obtenidos fueron clasificados en estructuras de relevancia y, luego, agrupados en dos núcleos: la articulación del trabajo entre la regulación médica y los equipos de soporte básico del SAMU y el trabajo de los equipos más allá del APH – Atendimiento Pre-Hospitalario móvil. El primer núcleo aborda las formas de comunicación entre la regulación y los equipos en el pasaje de casos que les son encaminados para atendimiento así como en relación a las orientaciones dadas a los equipos en el sitio de los eventos además de los contactos con los servicios de emergencia que reciben los pacientes encaminados por el SAMU. Se constató que las informaciones dadas por el médico regulador carecen de detalles acerca de las condiciones de los pacientes, que serán atendidos por los equipos de soporte básico, de manera que los equipos trabajan con poca preparación previa al evento. La recepción, en las puertas de emergencia, evidencia las dificultades encontradas por la superpoblación de los servicios. En tal escenario, los equipos de soporte básico usan de sus relaciones interpersonales para garantizar la acojida de los pacientes. El segundo núcleo aborda la articulación del trabajo en equipo y el desempeño de los profesionales de soporte básico al tratar situaciones que, a priori, huyen de la clasificación de riesgo inminente a la vida. Los datos analizados revelan la importancia del trabajo de los equipos de soporte básico del SAMU, uno de los pilares del servicio. Evidencian, además, la estrecha relación con la regulación médica en una combinación de acciones para la atención a los usuarios que demandan el SAMU. Se concluye por la necesidad de profundizar las discusiones acerca de los procesos de trabajo tanto en la relación interna del servicio cuanto en las relaciones interinstitucionales con los servicios de salud de la ciudad, en la perspectiva de desarrollar un trabajo en red, articulado y solidario.
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