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The origins and heterogeneity of adipose tissue : investigating the role of the Wilms' tumour 1 (Wt1) geneCleal, Louise Kathleen January 2018 (has links)
Largely as a consequence of the ongoing obesity epidemic, research into adipose tissue biology has increased substantially in recent years. Worldwide, the number of people classed as overweight or obese is growing, and this represents a major public health concern. Adipose tissue is broadly divided into two types; white and brown. Whilst white adipose tissue (WAT) functions to store and mobilise triglycerides, brown adipose tissue burns chemical energy to generate heat. WAT is further divided into visceral “bad” fat and subcutaneous “good” fat depots, and it is an increase in the former that is linked to obesity-associated diseases. As well as adipocytes, several other cell types including haematopoietic and endothelial are found within adipose tissue, and comprise the stromal vascular fraction (SVF). Adipocyte precursor cells (APCs) also reside within the SVF and are essential for the maintenance and expansion of adipose tissue. The protein encoded by the Wilms’ tumour 1 (Wt1) gene is predominantly known to function as a transcription factor, but also has a role in post-transcriptional processing. Deletion of Wt1 in adult mice results in a considerable loss of fat tissue. Moreover, recent work has revealed that a proportion of the APCs from all visceral WAT depots express Wt1, therefore revealing heterogeneity within the APC population. Additionally, visceral WAT depots are encapsulated by a WT1 expressing mesothelial layer, which has its origins in the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM), and can give rise to mature adipocytes. Lineage tracing has demonstrated that a significant proportion of the mature adipocytes in all adult visceral WAT depots (but not subcutaneous) are derived from cells that express Wt1 in late gestation. These findings uncovered key ontogenetic differences between visceral and subcutaneous WAT and led us to ask whether Wt1 functions in visceral adipose tissue biology. Preliminary work has shown that adipocytes derived from Wt1 expressing (Wt1+) precursor cells have fewer, larger lipid droplets than those derived from non-Wt1 expressing (Wt1-) precursors. In this thesis, this heterogeneity is explored further using a Wt1GFP/+ knock-in mouse. When Wt1+ and Wt1- APCs are cultured separately, the Wt1+ population differentiate into adipocytes more readily. Moreover, the Wt1+ APCs are more proliferative than the Wt1-. Preliminary results also suggest that the Wt1+ APCs may secrete a factor(s) that causes the Wt1- APCs to exhibit improved adipogenic differentiation, a result that is supported by data from comparative transcriptomic analysis. Finally, the percentage of APCs decreases when mice are fed a high fat diet. Interestingly, this decrease is more pronounced for the Wt1+ population. Therefore, it appears that as well as exhibiting differing behaviours in vitro, the Wt1+ and Wt1- populations respond differently to physiologically relevant conditions in vivo. Whilst the LPM is a major source of visceral WAT, the origin of subcutaneous WAT is currently unknown. Here, the Prx1-Cre and Prx1-CreERT2 mouse lines are used to investigate this. It is shown that the majority of subcutaneous WAT adipocytes and APCs are labelled by Prx1-Cre, however this is not the case for most of the visceral WAT depots. The exception to this is the pericardial (heart fat) depot, in which approximately 70% of the adipocytes and 40% of the APCs are labelled. Moreover, a proportion of the Prx1-Cre labelled pericardial APCs also express Wt1, therefore suggesting additional heterogeneity. Preliminary results show that this heterogeneity may have functional consequences, at least in vitro. Additionally, lineage tracing studies suggest that the somatic LPM may be one source of subcutaneous WAT and pericardial visceral WAT Finally, it is shown that the conditional deletion of Wt1 in the Prx1-Cre lineage results in abnormal diaphragm development. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is severe birth defect, the etiology of which is not well understood. Here, a new model of CDH has been developed, and the cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for the defect in this model are investigated.
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Efeito da toxina distensora citoletal de Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans na atividade osteoclástica. / Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans cytolethal distending toxin effect in osteoclast activity.Dione Kawamoto 22 May 2014 (has links)
Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans está associado à periodontite agressiva, caracterizada pela intensa reabsorção do osso alveolar. Esta espécie produz a toxina distensora citoletal (AaCDT) que possui atividade de DNAse, e promove o bloqueio das células alvo na fase G2 ou G1/ G2. Por outro lado, CDT ativa a cascata apoptótica pela atividade de PIP3, regulando a proliferação e sobrevivência de linfócitos, pelo bloqueio de Akt. Em monócitos, AaCDT induz aumento da produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias e inibe a produção de óxido nítrico e fagocitose. Células precursoras de osteoclastos têm origem hematopoiética e sofrem diferenciação em osteoclastos, mediada pelo RANKL, mas outros fatores co-estimulatórios estão envolvidos. A AaCDT induz a produção de RANKL por fibroblastos. Assim, formulamos a hipótese se CDT influenciaria a homeostase óssea por afetar a diferenciação de células precursoras de osteoclastos. O estudo visou determinar o efeito de AaCDT sobre a sobrevivência, diferenciação e atividade em RAW264.7 e BMC. Os dados sugerem que a CDT interfere na homeostase óssea, favorecendo a indução da diferenciação de células precursoras de osteoclastos e alterando o perfil de citocinas produzidas. / Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is associated with aggressive periodontitis, characterized by severe alveolar bone resorption. This species produces a distending toxin cytolethal (AaCDT) which has DNase activity, and promotes the blocking of target cells in G2 or G1 / G2 phase. On the other hand, CDT activates the apoptotic cascade by PIP3 activity, regulating lymphocyte proliferation and survival by blocking Akt. In monocytes, AaCDT enhances the production of proinflammatory cytokines and inhibits nitric oxide production and phagocytosis. Osteoclast precursor cells are of hematopoietic origin and must undergo differentiation into osteoclasts mediated by RANKL although other co-stimulatory factors are involved. AaCDT induces the production of RANKL by fibroblasts. Thus, CDT is hypothesized to influence bone homeostasis by affecting the differentiation of precursor cells into osteoclasts. This study aimed to determine the effect of AaCDT on survival, differentiation and activity of osteoclasts precursor cells. The data suggested that CDT interfere in bone homeostasis, favoring the differentiation of osteoclasts precursors cells and by altering their cytokines profile.
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Unbiased Screening Approaches Reveal Unique Sterol Biology and a Unifying Mechanism for Sterol-Driven Oligodendrocyte FormationSax, Joel Lamerson 26 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Toll-like receptors in spinal cord derived neural precursor cells: implications on spinal cord injury and cell transplantationSánchez Petidier, Marina 11 February 2022 (has links)
[ES] Los receptores tipo Toll, TLR, son receptores clave en la defensa contra los patógenos capaces de iniciar la respuesta inmunitaria innata para proteger al huésped. Su papel no solo se relega a responder a estímulos foráneos, sino que también pueden detectar daños en los tejidos o células lesionadas induciendo su respuesta a lo que se conoce como "inflamación estéril". Las células del sistema inmunitario no son las únicas que presentan TLR; también se encuentran en células de la glía, neuronas y precursores neurales (NPC). Concretamente, TLR2 y TLR4 en NPC en cerebro contribuyen a la determinación del destino celular y plasticidad neuronal durante el desarrollo. Sin embargo, sus funciones en la fisiología y patología de la médula espinal no están bien definidas, así como en procesos críticos como la neurogénesis, autorrenovación o proliferación. Esta tesis doctoral, distribuida entre tres capítulos, se ha centrado 1) en el estudio del papel de TLR2 y TLR4 en precursores derivados de medula espinal neonatal (Capítulo 1); 2) en evaluar el papel de ambos, TLR2 y TLR4 en el proceso de regeneración espontánea o tras trasplante ectópico de NPC, en un modelo de lesión medular inducida (Capítulo 2); 3) en el estudio del papel de TLR4 en la modulación del fenotipo inflamatorio en respuesta al proteoglicano condroitín sulfato (CSPG) secretado tras la lesión medular con actividad inhibitoria del recrecimiento axonal tras lesión medular (Capítulo 3). / [CA] Els receptors tipus Toll, TLR, són receptors clau en la defensa contra els patògens capaços d'iniciar la resposta immunitària innata per a protegir l'hoste. El seu paper no sols es relega a respondre a estímuls forans, sinó que també poden detectar danys en els teixits o cèl·lules lesionades induint la seua resposta al que es coneix com a "inflamació estèril". Les cèl·lules del sistema immunitari no són les úniques que presenten TLR; també es troben en cèl·lules de la glia, neurones i precursors neurals (NPC). TLR2 i TLR4 en NPC en cervell contribueixen a la determinació del destí cel·lular i plasticitat neuronal. No obstant això, les seues funcions en la fisiopatologia de la medul·la espinal no estan ben definides, així com en processos crítics com la neurogènesi, autorenovació o proliferació. Aquesta tesi doctoral, distribuïda entre tres capítols, s'ha centrat: 1) En l'estudi del paper de TLR2 i TLR4 en precursors derivats de medul·la espinal neonatal (Capítol 1); 2) A avaluar el paper de tots dos, TLR2 i TLR4, en el procés de regeneració espontània o després de trasplantament ectòpic de NPC, en un model de lesió medul·lar induïda (Capítol 2); 3) En l'estudi del paper de TLR4 en la modulació del fenotip inflamatori en resposta al proteoglicà condroití sulfat (CSPG) secretat després de la lesió medul·lar amb activitat inhibitòria del recreixement axonal després de lesió medul·lar (Capítol 3). / [EN] Toll-like receptors, TLRs, are key receptors in the defence against pathogens capable of initiating the innate immune response to protect the host. Their role is not only limited to responding to foreign stimuli, but they can also detect damage to injured tissues or cells, inducing their response to what is known as 'sterile inflammation'. Immune system cells are not the only cells that display TLRs; they are also found in glial cells, neurons and neural precursors cells (NPCs). TLR2 and TLR4 NPCs from brain contribute to cell fate determination and neuronal plasticity. However, their roles in spinal cord pathophysiology and in critical processes such as neurogenesis, self-renewal or proliferation are not well defined. This doctoral thesis, distributed among three chapters, has focused: 1) on the study of the role of TLR2 and TLR4 in neonatal spinal cord-derived precursors (Chapter 1); 2) on evaluating the role of both TLR2 and TLR4 in the process of spontaneous regeneration or after ectopic transplantation of NPC, in a model of induced spinal cord injury (Chapter 2); 3) to study the role of TLR4 in modulating the inflammatory phenotype in response to chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan (CSPG) secreted after spinal cord injury with inhibitory activity on axonal regrowth after spinal cord injury (Chapter 3). / The student has been granted with a PhD fellowship from a predoctoral program at the CIPF and with International Research and Training Exchange Programme at the CIPF. This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (projects RTI2018-095872-B-C21;
MAT2015-66666-C3-R; SAF2015-69187R) and Spanish Ministry of Heath, PNSD2018 I003. / Sánchez Petidier, M. (2022). Toll-like receptors in spinal cord derived neural precursor cells: implications on spinal cord injury and cell transplantation [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/180753
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Mechanismen der Schädigung und der gestörten Regeneration im entzündeten zentralen NervensystemTopphoff, Ulf Schulze 16 April 2009 (has links)
Schädigungen im zentralen Nervensystem treten nicht nur bei der Multiplen Sklerose (MS), sondern auch bei einer Vielzahl weiterer entzündlicher Schadensparadigmen auf. Allgemeines Kennzeichen dieser primär wie auch sekundär entzündlichen neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen ist das Auftreten von oxidativem Stress in Verbindung mit einer eingeschränkten Regeneration von Nervenzellen und einem übermäßiges Auftreten von Astrozyten. Allerdings ist bislang nicht bekannt, welche Faktoren für eine frühe neuronale Schädigung verantwortlich sind, und welche Faktoren zu einem übermäßigen Auftreten von Astrozyten beitragen. Vorarbeiten belegten, dass Apoptose-regulierende Systeme, wie z.B. der TRAIL-Signalweg, sowohl an der Immunregulation als auch an Schädigungsprozessen im Gehirn beteiligt sein können. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass eine auf das ZNS beschränkte Blockade des TRAIL-Signalwegs in der EAE, dem Tiermodell der MS, zu einer signifikanten Verminderung des Erkrankungsgrades führte. Darüber hinaus wurde eine reduzierte Enzephalitogenität von TRAIL-defiziente Myelin-spezifischen Lymphozyten belegt. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass der TRAIL-vermittelte Schädigungsmechanismus die Pathogenese der Neuroinflammation entscheidend mitbestimmt und die immunregulatorische Wirkung eine eher untergeordnete Rolle spielt. Dagegen stellte sich im Tiermodell der bakteriellen Meningitis heraus, dass TRAIL hier eine anti-inflammatorische Rolle im ZNS spielt, die vor allem durch eine TRAIL-R-abhängige apoptotische Minderung der Entzündungsreaktion vermittelt wird. Eine Beeinflussung der Migration von Effektorzellen durch TRAIL konnte in diesem Modell ausgeschlossen werden. Anscheinend hängt die therapeutische Modulation des TRAIL-Systems entscheidend von der jeweils zu Grunde liegenden Ätiopathogenese ab und kann nicht allgemein auf entzündliche ZNS-Erkrankungen übertragen werden. Als mögliche Ursache für eine verminderte Regenerationsfähigkeit endogener Stammzellen konnte hier ein endogener Mechanismus aufgedeckt werden, der als Antwort auf oxidativen Stress zu einem quantitativen Überwiegen von Astrozyten führt. Dabei zeigte sich, dass nicht toxische oxidative Bedingungen das Proliferationsvermögen von neuralen Stammzellen deutlich hemmten und dazu führten, dass anstelle von Neuronen vornehmlich Astrozyten entstehen. Dieses veränderte Differenzierungsvermögen ließ sich sowohl in vitro als auch in vivo experimentell nachvollziehen und wies darauf hin, dass durch milde Entzündungsprozesse hervorgerufene basale metabolische Veränderungen die neuronale und astrogliale Entwicklung aus neuralen Stammzellen reziprok reguliert wird. In weiteren Untersuchungen stellte sich heraus, dass die Histondeacetylase Sirt1 in neuralen Stammzellen als Sensor für das Redox-Potenzial dient. Schon geringe metabolische Änderungen induzierten die Bindung an den bHLH-Transkriptionsfaktor Hes1, die zu einer direkten Modulation des pro-neuronalen Transkriptionsfaktors Mash1 führten und die Differenzierung von neuralen Stammzellen zugunsten der astroglialen Entwicklung beeinflussten. Die Aufklärung dieses Mechanismus könnte somit zukünftig helfen, intrinsische Regenerationsprozesse nach Schädigung des ZNS zu verstärken und damit neue therapeutische Perspektiven bei neurologischen Erkrankungen zu öffnen. / Damage processes of the central nervous system (CNS) are not only found in Multiple sclerosis (MS) even in a variety of inflammatory diseases. A common feature of these inflammatory neurodegenerative disorders is the existence of oxidative stress in combination with a failure of neuronal replenishment and the predominant occurrence of astrocytes (known as astrogliosis). So far, factors, which are responsible for early neuronal damage and overwhelming generation of astrocytes, are not known. Recent studies could show that the tumor necrosis factor related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) might be involved in immunregulation as well as damage processes in the CNS. Here, it could be shown that blockade of TRAIL in the CNS of animals suffering from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) significantly ameliorates the disease. Furthermore, transfer of myelin-specific TRAIL-deficient T cells into wild type recipients lead to a significantly attenuated disease score. These findings underline the contribution of TRAIL to irreversible CNS damage. In the adult mammalian brain, multipotent and self-renewing neural progenitor cells (NPCs) have the capacity to generate new neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. NPCs may thus serve as a regenerative tool by which brain damage could be compensated. However, repair processes in response to all forms of neuronal injury, be they inflammatory, ischemic, metabolic, traumatic or other, are characterized by the failure of neuronal replenishment and the predominant occurrence of astrocytes. The common molecular pathways underlying this phenomenon are only poorly understood. Here, it could be shown that subtle alterations of the redox state, found in different brain damage scenarios, substantially regulate the fate of murine NPCs via the histone deacetylase silent mating type information regulation 2 homolog 1 (Sirt1). Mild oxidative conditions suppress proliferation of NPCs and direct their differentiation towards the astroglial at the expense of the neuronal lineage (and vice versa). Under oxidative conditions, NPCs upregulate Sirt1 in vitro and in vivo, which then binds to the transcriptional repressor Hes1 and finally downregulates the pro-neuronal basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor Mash1. Furthermore, it could be shown that targeted modulation of Sirt1 activity mimics the effects of subtle redox alterations. The results provide evidence for an as yet unknown metabolic master switch, which determines the fate of NPCs. Targeting these mechanisms may minimize undesired aspects of reactive astrogliosis as well as improve the success of therapeutic neural stem cell implantation.
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Multiple Sklerose: Einflussfaktoren von Oligodendrozytendichte und Remyelinisierung, Östrogen und Progesteron als Protektiva? / Influencing Factors of Oligodendrocyte Density and Remyelination in Multiple Sclerosis or: Estrogen and Progesterone as Protective Agents?Goldschmidt, Thomas 28 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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The Study of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia-Causing Gene DDHD2 Using Cell ModelsMongeon, Kevin 13 April 2018 (has links)
Hereditary spastic paraplegia type 54 is a rare autosomal recessive neurological gait disorder characterized by paraplegia, muscle spasticity, and intellectual disability. This length-dependent distal axonopathy is caused by mutations in the DDHD2 gene, which encodes the intracellular phospholipase A1 DDHD2. Little is known about the molecular function of the DDHD2 protein, especially in the context of HSP54. Thus, there is a need to further investigate its molecular functions and investigate the impact of DDHD2 deficiency in disease-relevant cells. Here, lipidomic profiling of dermal fibroblasts derived from three unrelated patients has revealed 19 glycerophosphoethanolamine species at differential levels in patients relative to unaffected controls. However, patient cells appear to have an unaffected Golgi apparatus morphology and lipid droplet formation, despite DDHD2’s proposed roles in these processes. To study the gene function in neuronal cells, I transdifferentiated the fibroblasts into induced neuronal precursor cells and found all the patient cells arrested in the G0/G1 phase of upon conversion. Given that these cell lines are unsustainable, I generated a stable knockdown cell line in the highly proliferative HEK293A to study the molecular biology of DDHD2. The knockdown cells had a reduced growth, were delayed in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle, and became multinucleated. I then treated the cells with antineoplastic compounds paclitaxel and nocodazole and found more knockdown cells in G0/G1 than controls, suggesting the possible occurrence of mitotic slippage. Lastly, I report a novel subcellular localization for DDHD2 at the microtubule organization center.
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Neural precursor cells: interaction with blood-brain barrier and neuroprotective effect in an animal model of cerebellar degenerationChintawar, Satyan 26 November 2009 (has links)
Adult neural precursor cells (NPCs) are a heterogeneous population of mitotically active, self-renewing multipotent cells of both adult and developing CNS. They can be expanded in vitro in the presence of mitogens. The B05 transgenic SCA1 mice, expressing human ataxin-1 with an expanded polyglutamine tract in cerebellar Purkinje cells (PCs), recapitulate many pathological and behavioral characteristics of the neurodegenerative disease spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1), including progressive ataxia and PC loss. We transplanted neural precursor cells (NPCs) derived from the subventricular zone of GFP-expressing adult mice into the cerebellar white matter of SCA1 mice when they showed absent (5 weeks), initial (13 weeks) and significant PC loss (24 weeks). A stereological count demonstrates that mice with significant cell loss exhibit highest survival of grafted NPCs and migration to the vicinity of PCs as compared to wt and younger grafted animals. These animals showed improved motor skills as compared to sham animals. Confocal analysis and profiling shows that many of implanted cells present in the cerebellar cortex have formed gap junctions with host PCs and express connexin43. Grafted cells did not adopt characteristics of PCs, but stereological and morphometric analysis of the cerebellar cortex revealed that grafted animals had more surviving PCs and a better preserved morphology of these cells than the control groups. Perforated patch clamp recordings revealed a normalization of the PC basal membrane potential, which was abnormally depolarized in sham-treated animals. No significant increase in levels of several neurotrophic factors was observed, suggesting, along with morphological observation, that the neuroprotective effect of grafted NPCs was mediated by direct contact with the host PCs. In this study, evidence for a neuroprotective effect came, in addition to motor behavior improvement, from stereological and electrophysiological analyses and suggest that timing of stem cell delivery is important to determine its therapeutic effect.<p>In a brain stem cell niche, NSCs reside in a complex cellular and extracellular microenvironment comprising their own progeny, ependymal cells, numerous blood vessels and various extracellular matrix molecules. Recently, it was reported that blood vessel ECs-NSCs crosstalk plays an important role in tissue homeostasis. Bloodstream offers a natural delivery vehicle especially in case of diffuse neurodegenerative diseases which require widespread distribution of exogenous cells. As NSCs are confronted with blood-brain barrier endothelial cells (BBB-ECs) before they can enter into brain parenchyma, we investigated their interaction using primary cultures in an in vitro BBB model. We isolated human fetal neural precursor cells (hfNPCs) from aborted fetal brain tissues and expanded in vitro. We showed that in an in vitro model, human BBB endothelium induces the rapid differentiation of hfNPCs and allows them to cross the endothelial monolayer, with the differentiated progeny remaining in close contact with endothelial cells. These results are not reproduced when using a non-BBB endothelium and are partly dependent on the cytokine MCP1. Our data suggest that, in the presence of attractive signals released by a damaged brain, intravascularly administered NPCs can move across an intact BBB endothelium and differentiate in its vicinity. Overall, our findings have implications for the development of cellular therapies for cerebellar degenerative diseases and understanding of the brain stem cell niche. / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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In vitro generation of human innate lymphoid cells from CD34+ hematopoietic progenitors recapitulates phenotype and function of ex vivo counterpartsHernández Torres, Daniela Carolina 12 August 2022 (has links)
Angeborene lymphatische Zellen (ILC) sind wichtige Effektorzellen der angeborenen Immunantwort, deren Entwicklung und Aktivierungswege attraktive therapeutische Ziele darstellen. Sie bestehen aus ILC der Gruppe 1 (Natürliche Killerzellen (NK) und ILC1), ILC2 und ILC3. Neben T-Zellen leisten ILCs einen entscheidenen Beitrag zu den Typ-1-, Typ-2- und Typ-3-Immunantworten. Die Entwicklung von ILCs beim Menschen wurde jedoch noch nicht systematisch untersucht, und frühere in vitro Untersuchungen stützten sich auf die Analyse einiger weniger Marker oder Zytokine, die für die Bestimmung der Identität der verschiedenen ILC-Linien suboptimal sind. Um diese Mängel zu beheben, stellen wir hier eine Plattform vor, die zuverlässig alle menschlichen ILC-Linien aus CD34+ CD45RA+ hämatopoetischen Vorläuferzellen, gewonnen aus Nabelschnurblut und Knochenmark, erzeugt. Mit einem systematischen Ansatz zeigt diese Arbeit, dass eine einzige Kulturbedingung nicht ausreicht, um alle ILC-Untergruppen zu generieren, sondern stattdessen bestimmte Kombinationen von Zytokinen und Notch-Signalen für die Entscheidung über das Schicksal der Linien wesentlich ist. Eine umfangreiche Analyse des Transkriptoms ergab, dass der Erwerb von CD161 robust eine globale ILC-Signatur identifiziert und in vitro ILCs von T-Zell-Signaturen trennt. Die Identität spezifischer in vitro generierter ILC-Linien (NK-Zellen und ILC1, ILC2 und ILC3) wurde durch Proteinexpression, funktionelle Assays und Transkriptomanalysen auf globaler sowie auf Einzelzellebene umfassend validiert. Diese in vitro erzeugten ILC-Linien rekapitulieren die Signaturen und Funktionen ihrer ex vivo isolierten ILC-Pendants. Des Weiteren, behandeln diese Daten die Einschränkungen der Unterscheidung von menschlichen NK Zellen und ILC1 sowohl in vitro als auch ex vivo an. Darüber hinaus löst diese Plattform gängige Probleme bei der Untersuchung menschlicher ILCs, wie z. B. unzureichende Zellzahlen oder die mangelnde Verfügbarkeit von Gewebeproben. Insgesamt stellt diese Arbeit eine Ressource dar, die nicht nur zur Klärung der Biologie und Differenzierung menschlicher ILCs beiträgt, sondern auch als wichtiges Instrument zur Untersuchung der Dysregulation von ILC-Funktionen dient, die bei verschiedenen entzündlichen Erkrankungen des Menschen eine Rolle spielen. / Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are critical effectors of innate immunity and inflammation that consist of Group 1 ILCs (natural killer (NK) cells and ILC1), ILC2, and ILC3. As tissue resident lymphocytes, they play a crucial role type 1, type 2 and type 3 immune responses, respectively. Importantly, dysregulated ILC populations have been linked to the pathogenesis of a variety of chronic inflammatory diseases and thus represent attractive therapeutic targets with a potential for autologous cell therapies. However, human ILC generation has not been systematically explored, and previous in vitro investigations have relied on the analysis of few markers or cytokines, which are suboptimal to assign lineage identity and full functional capacity. To address these faults, we present here an effective in vitro platform, which reliably generates the core human ILC lineages from CD34+ CD45RA+ hematopoietic progenitors derived from cord blood and bone marrow. With a systematic approach, this work shows that a single culture condition is insufficient to generate all ILC subsets, and instead, distinct combinations of cytokines and Notch signaling are essential for lineage fate making decisions. In depth transcriptomic analysis revealed that acquisition of CD161 robustly identifies a global ILC signature and separates them from T cell signatures in vitro. The identity of specific ILC subsets, (NK cells and ILC1, ILC2, and ILC3) generated in vitro was validated extensively by protein expression, functional assays, and both global and single-cell transcriptome analysis. These in vitro generated ILC subsets recapitulate the signatures and functions of their ex vivo ILC counterparts. Finally, these data shed light on the limitations in untying the identity of human NK cells and ILC1 in vitro, similarly correlating to lineage identification difficulties ex vivo. Additionally, this platform tackles common problems in human ILC studies such as insufficient cell numbers and scarce availability of tissue samples. Altogether, this work presents a resource not only to aid in clarifying human ILC biology and differentiation, but also to serve as an important tool to study dysregulation of ILC functions, which have been implied in various inflammatory diseases in humans.
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