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Flerspråkighet i förskolan : Med fokus på förskollärares och modersmålspedagogers samarbete och samspel i förskolanGracanlic, Tanja, Karlsson, Malin January 2015 (has links)
Detta arbete ska ge oss en insyn i hur samarbete och samspel mellan förskollärare och modersmålspedagoger sker i förskolan. / The purpose of the study is to examine pedagogue’s awareness of environment, interactions and working methods in the work of multilingual children. The study can give us knowledge about the work that is in the process of multilingual children. The study may also give us an idea of how cooperation takes place between preschool teachers and the native language teachers in the work of multilingual children. The study has given us a deeper knowledge of the interaction between native language educators, children and preschool teachers. The importance of the preschool teacher´s skills and awareness for the children´s language development and the cooperation between preschool teachers, native language teachers and children are also important to this study. Therefore it is important to see how the interaction contributes to multilingual children´s development in preschool. In this study we have also received native language teachers and preschool teacher´s perspective why the native language is important for bilingual children. The research method we chose for our study was the qualitative method. The qualitative method indicated how researchers can obtain the raw data. Four preschool teachers and three native language educators were interviewed (Denscombe, 2009). The result revealed that the cooperation between pedagogues, pedagogues working methods and its conditions played a role in how the two parties were working along with multilingual children. The result also presented that preschool teachers and native language teachers both strive to have a good cooperation with each other. In our study, we assumed Vygotsky's sociocultural theory which involves educators should use communication and collaboration to help bilingual children develop their language.
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Utemiljö som plats för små barns lärande : en jämförande studie om förskolans inrikning påverkar hur pedagoger arbetar i utomhusmiljöer / outdoor environment as a place for young childern´s learning : a comparative study about preeschool aligment effects on how preeschool teachers work in outdoor environmentsLindell, Natalie January 2018 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study was to compare how preschool teachers at kindergartens with focus on outdoor learning and without any specific focus work on the young children´s learning in the outdoor environment and in biology. Interviews have been conducted to investigate this. The respondents to the interviews were nine active preschool teachers at three different preschools, one preschool with outdoor learning focus and two preschools with no specific focus. The survey shows that specializations that are important for how educators use the outdoor environment. At preschool A with outdoor learning focus the teachers chose to take out materials that are traditionally inside materials such as beads and Lego while at preschool B without specific focus they chose to take in natural Engelska översättning materials like chestnuts instead. At preschool C the preschool teachers use outdoor environment exclusively for free play. At preschool A the forest was used as a complement to the preschool yard and they had their own home place where they went once a week. They spent the whole day in the forest and they had both planned activities and free play. Preschool B went to the forest 4 – 5 times per term. They spent to a few hours in the forest and had motor skills for the small children as a focus. Preschool C had gone to the forest only one time. Biology became a major part of the activities of preschool A because they spent a lot of time outdoors and in the forest and that they had cultivation on the preschool yard. At preschool B, the preschool teachers followed the children's interests for small insects and snails and worked on and thus received biology. At preschool C, the preschool teachers had actively chosen to remove biology in favour of the small children’s motor skills and language learning. Keywords: Preschool, Learning environment, Outdoor, Preschool teachers
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Förskollärare och barnens kamrater som en viktig del i barns språkutveckling : En intervjustudie om utemiljöns möjligheter att locka till lek som främjar den språklig utvecklingen / Preschool teachers and childrens peers as an important part of childrens language development : An interview study on the outdoor enviroments opportunities to attract play which promotes language learningTillström, Sanna January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to find out how preschool teachers consider to take care of childrens outdoor play in order to achive an increased language development among the children. Focus lays on both the things that happen in the outdoor enviroments as well as on how the preeschool teacher approach childrens play to promote the language development. The study was made through qualitative interviews and I interviewed five preeschool teachers on three different preeschools. The results shows that preeschool teachers sees both them selfs but also childrens peers as important rolemodels when it comes to the childrens language development. To participate in plays as an adult to challenge the children linguistic was not uncommon but also to create new children constellations was a part of the work in the outdoor enviroments. The results also shows that the preeschool teachers saw them selfs as just as important as the material to attract to new plays in the outdoor enviroment. The fact that the children developed their language constantly through play was something all the preeschool teachers agreed on.
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Inkluderande förskola : En enkätstudie om förskollärares arbete med inkludering av barn med speciella behovOlsson, Ronya, Thuresson, Ida January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur olika förskolor arbetar för att skapa en inkluderande miljö som är till för alla barn men också där speciellt barn med speciella behov uppmärksammas och inkluderas i den pedagogiska verksamheten. För att få svar på syftet har vi utgått från tre frågeställningar som är följande: ”Hur tolkar förskollärarna begreppet inkludering?”, ”Vilka förutsättningar har betydelse i arbetet med inkludering av barn med speciella behov?” och ”Vilka fungerande metoder har förskollärare för att inkludera barn med speciella behov i den pedagogiska verksamheteten?”. Studien är baserad på en enkät i två undersökningsgrupper med totalt 60 förskollärare, 45 i grupp 1 och 15 i grupp 2. Resultatet visade på att det finns många metoder som fungerar men det finns även många hinder i arbetet med inkludering så som personalbrist och bristande kunskap och många förskollärare upplever att de inte har rätt förutsättningar för att kunna bedriva ett inkluderingsarbete. Resultatet visar dock också på att majoriteten av förskollärarna tolkar inkludering på samma sätt att det ska vara en förskola för alla barn men de har inte förutsättningarna för att nå dit. Slutsatsen av studien är att förskollärare behöver bättre förutsättningar för att kunna genomföra ett lyckat inkluderingsarbete.
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