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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cyber-security in the European region : anticipatory governance and practices

Munk, Tine Hojsgaard January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores the nature of cyber-security at the beginning of the 21st century. In the current security paradigm, security strategies based on anticipatory governance have become essential in the management of the constantly changing cyber-security environment. Thus, this thesis aims to understand security strategies and governance introduced in the European region. The increased dependency on cyber-space is visible in all public-private sectors and governmental operations, as well as communications between groups and individuals. As a result, cyber-attacks on public and private entities are increasing. This requires a security framework that is flexible and establishes different types of security cooperation to manage the widespread cyber-risks. This is essential to the development of security strategies, governance forms, practices, and guidelines for enhancing resilience and preparedness towards cyber-risks. Therefore, I am examining cyber-security through the lenses of nodal governance and governmentality, which enables me to understand European cyber-security strategies and governance forms developed by the Council of Europe, the European Union, and the North-Atlantic Treaty Organization. To analyse existing strategies and governance forms, I have used two critical security schools, the Copenhagen School and the Paris School, which cover different aspects of the security agenda. The thesis develops a substantive analytical framework through two case studies, namely cyber-security and cyber-terrorism. The findings in this thesis identifies problem areas, such as the complexity of the nodal system, the legislative lacuna, reliance on different governance forms, transparency and accountability, and types of anticipatory governance and regulatory practices.

Rätten till god omvårdnad : En kvalitativ fallstudie kring organisatorisk beredskap inom sluten missbruksvård för samsjuklig komplexitet / THE RIGHT TO GOOD CARE : A QUALITATIVE CASE STUDY OF ORGANIZATIONAL PREPAREDNESS IN CLOSED SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT FOR A COMPLEX COMORBIDITY

Nilsson, Sofie January 2020 (has links)
När människor i en svår livssituation behöver professionell behandling, är det centralt, att den behandlande verksamheten kan möta individernas problembild. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka den organisatoriska beredskapen inom LVM-vården (Lag om vård av missbrukare i vissa fall) för att ta emot och behandla individer med en multipel och således komplex samsjuklighet. Samsjuklighet innebär att en individ har mer än en sjukdomsbild samtidigt och det blir mer komplext ju fler sjukdomar individen har. I det aktuella kunskapsläget finns det en brist på studier med inriktning på verksam behandlingsmiljö och organisatorisk beredskap kring multipel samsjuklighet. Syftet besvaras med hjälp av tolv semistrukturerade intervjuer, fyra med ledningspersonal och åtta med behandlingspersonal på ett LVM-hem i Sverige. Studiens resultat visar att det finns både likheter och skillnader mellan lednings- och behandlingspersonalens utsagor kring arbetsförhållanden, möjlighet att klara av uppdraget och kompetens. Det fanns även skillnader inom behandlingspersonalens utsagor kring till exempel upplevt stöd inom organisationen. Det framkommer i studien att det i nuläget inte med säkerhet kan sägas att den organisatoriska beredskapen är tillräcklig för att kunna ta emot och behandla individer som har missbruk och multipel samsjuklighet. Studien ämnar bidra med kunskap kring de organisatoriska förhållanden som finns och skapas i relation till en komplex klientgrupp. Studien kan således anses ha en hög relevans både för socialt arbete men även andra kontexter som bemöter klienter vilka har en multipel eller komplex samsjuklighet. / When people in a difficult life situation need professional treatment, it is crucial that the organization can reach and address the individual’s problem. The aim of the present study is to investigate the organizational preparedness in LVM-care (the care of substance abusers, special provisions, Act) to encounter and treat individuals with multiple and thus complex comorbidity. Comorbidity means that an individual has more than one illness at the same time and it becomes more complex the more illnesses there is. In the current state of knowledge, there is a lack of studies focusing on an effective treatment environment and organizational preparedness for multiple comorbidity. The empirical data is based on twelve interviews, four with management staff and eight with treatment staff at an LVM-home in Sweden. The results show that there are both similarities and differences between management and treatment staff’s statements regarding working conditions, the possibility of completing the assignment and competence. There were also differences within the treatment staff's statements regarding, for example, support experienced within the organization. In the present study it shows that, it cannot be said with certainty that organizational preparedness is sufficient to treat individuals who have an addiction and multiple comorbidity. The study contributes knowledge about the organizational conditions that exist and are created in relation to a complex client group. The study can therefore be considered to have a high importance for both social work, and for other contexts that cater to clients who have a complex comorbidity.

Från risk till hemberedskap : En litteraturstudie kring hur offentlig förvaltnings kommunikationer bidrar till hushållens hemberedskap.

Stenfors, Jonas, Eriksson, Michael January 2020 (has links)
Då det svenska omvärldsläget de senaste tio åren blivit sämre till följd av främst Rysslands agerande samt att samhället påfrestats av kriser, likt flyktingkrisen 2015, har bidragit till att totalförsvaret ska återtas. En viktig del av samhällets motståndskraft inom totalförsvaret är att hushåll innehar en rekommenderad hemberedskap för att klara sig självförsörjande en viss tid. Trots en kommunicerad omvärldsbild, ny nationell säkerhetsstrategi och informationskampanjer visar Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskaps (MSB) mätningar att mindre än hälften av hushållen innehar en rekommenderad hemberedskap.Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie är att undersöka vad offentlig förvaltnings informations- och kommunikationsstrategier behöver ta hänsyn till under förutsägelse- och varningsskedet för att effektivt uppmuntra hushåll till att inneha en hemberedskap enligt statens rekommendation.Denna undersökning har endast nyttjat granskade vetenskapliga artiklar som identifierats genom en sökstrategi i databaserna Onesearch, Scopus och PAIS. Av 82st funna artiklar har 8st inkluderats i denna undersökning. Då fältet för denna undersökning är brett har en tvärvetenskaplig ansats tagits, detta innebär att hänsyn till olika forskningstraditioner fått göras i analysen. Analysen har genomförts genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av funna artiklar. Denna analys har gett oss ett resultat bestående av fyra huvudkategorier – Avsändare, Mottagare, Målgrupp samt Risk- och krisinformation.Som ytterligare hjälp att tolka resultatet för att finna hur hushåll motiveras nyttjas teorierna ”Relational theory of risk” och ”Protection motivation theory” för att reflektera över resultatet.Resultatet påvisar att den offentliga förvaltningens kommunikations- och informationsstrategier behöver ta hänsyn till att reviderade och aktuella planverk inom förvaltningen är kända på alla nivåer som kommunikations- och informationsstrategierna utgår ifrån. Strategierna behöver vidare utgå från att målgrupperna som ska nås av informationen är kända och att budskapen är anpassade för dem och den aktuella situationen. Den offentliga förvaltningen behöver tillse att risk- och kriskommunikation sker kontinuerligt så att hemberedskapen upprätthålls och att samhällets motståndskraft är tillräckligt hög för att stå rustad för en oförutsedd kris över tiden.Staten, regioner och kommuner behöver tillse att tillräcklig kunskap och riskmedvetenhet finns i samhället kring hemberedskapen genom kampanjer och att utveckla utbildningsplaner inom grundskola och gymnasium för att en majoritet av allmänheten ska motiveras att inneha en hemberedskap enligt gällande rekommendation. / For the last ten years the security situation has deteriorated in Sweden’s surroundings. Swedish society has also dealt with crisis such as the refugee crisis during 2015. To cope with this new situation, the Swedish parliament decided in 2015 to reinforce Swedish resilience toward crisis and armed conflict. An important part of this decision was to increase resilience within society. A major part of the society resilience is that households are prepared to be self-dependent a certain amount of time. However, even though authorities have communicated the new security situation, established a new national security strategy, and released information campaigns, public polls show that less than half of the population has a household preparedness according to the authority’s recommendations.The aim of this systematic review is to investigate which focus areas authority’s information and communication strategies need to address during the prediction and warning phase to effectively encourage households to have a preparedness according to its recommendation.The systematic review has only used peer review articles that has been identified through a systematic search within the databases Onesearch, Scopus and PAIS. The analysis of the articles has taken an interdisciplinary approach which means that we must acknowledge and adapt to the fact that results from the different articles could be influenced by different science traditions. The analysis consists of a qualitative content analysis of the discovered articles. These analyses have shown four main categories, Sender of information, the Recipient, Targeted groups for the communication and the Risk and crisis communication.As additional support in the interpretation of the results we have used the Relational theory of risk and the Protection motivation theory.The result shows that the government, authorities, counties, and municipalities need to see that the level of knowledge and risk awareness needed among the public regarding household preparedness and its importance for the resilience within society is reached. This can be accomplished by information campaigns and through the educational system to make sure that a majority of the public is motivated to obtain a household preparedness according to recommendations.

City of San Luis Obispo Open Space Vegetation Management Plan

Althaus, Danielle Rose 01 June 2014 (has links)
This Master’s Professional Project is focused on the development of a draft Vegetation Management Plan for the City of San Luis Obispo Open Space properties. The purpose of the plan is to provide a comprehensive document which identifies how the city is addressing wildfire preparedness in city-owned open space properties. Methods used in plan development include a literature review, content analysis, geographic information systems (GIS), a course audit, and consultation with city staff and other stakeholders. Each open space property is identified in the plan, describing its location, vegetation, topography, assets, access points, water supply, evacuation routes, historical fire data, predominant risk exposure, current wildfire preparedness plan, priority ranking, and a proposed implementation plan.

Emergency Management Plan Training in Higher Education: Faculty Report of Preparedness for Active-Shooter Incidents

Wise, Patrick E. 20 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Operationssjuksköterskans upplevelse av oväntade händelser på operationssalen : En kvalitativ intervjustudie. / The operating theatre nurse's experience of unexpected events in the operating room : A qualitative interview study.

Vilhelmsson, Maria, Mortensen, Moa January 2020 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Operationssalen är en högteknologisk och riskfylld miljö, där patienten ofta befinner sig i ett utsatt läge. I operationssjuksköterskans profession ingår att ge en säker vård till patienten vilket bland annat innebär att göra riskanalyser och arbeta aktivt för att förebygga patientskador. Trots att verktyg för att säkerställa patientsäkerheten finns, såsom WHO:s checklista för säker kirurgi, kan oväntade händelser uppstå. Oväntade händelser kan innebära uppkomna fel och komplikationer vilket kan äventyra patientens säkerhet. Syfte: Att undersöka operationssjuksköterskans upplevelse av oväntade händelser på operationssalen. Metod: Studien var en kvalitativ intervjustudie som genomfördes med semistrukturerade frågor. Totalt åtta operationssjuksköterskor intervjuades på två sjukhus i södra Sverige. Intervjuerna analyserades med latent kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Efter analysen framträdde tre teman som beskrev hur operationssjuksköterskan upplever oväntade händelser på operationssalen; Tryggheten i sig själv och hos andra, Upplevelsen av att bevara eller förlora kontrollen och Känslomässiga aspekter av oväntade händelser. Hur välfungerande teamet var och graden av yrkeserfarenhet upplevdes vara faktorer som påverkade hur operationssjuksköterskan kunde hantera en oväntad händelse. Blandade känslor som otillräcklighet och stimulans i yrket framkom. Slutsats: Operationssjuksköterskor känner generellt en trygghet när oväntade händelser sker. Studien visar på både positiva och negativa upplevelser i samband med en oväntad händelse. / Abstract Background: The operating room is a high-tech and risky environment, where the patient is often in a vulnerable position. The operation nurse’s profession includes providing safe care to the patient which means, among other things, doing risk analyzes and working actively to prevent patient injuries. Although there are tools to ensure patient safety, such as the WHO Safe Surgery Checklist, unexpected events can occur. Unexpected events can involve arised errors and complications which can jeopardize the patient's safety. Aim: To investigate the operation theater nurse's experience of unexpected events in the operating room. Method: The study was a qualitative interview study conducted with semi-structured questions. A total of eight operating theater nurse’s were interviewed at two hospitals in southern Sweden. The interviews were analyzed with qualitative content analysis Result: Following the analysis three themes emerged that described how operating theatre nurses’ experienced unexpected events in the operating room; Feeling confident in oneself and others. The experience of preserving and losing control and Emotional aspects of unexpected events. How well-functioning the team is and the degree of professional experience are perceived to be key factors the influence how to handle an unexpected event. Mixed feelings such as inadequacy and stimulation in the profession emerged.  Conclusion: Operating theatre nurses generally feel secure when unexpected events occur. The study shows both positive and negative experiences in connection with an unexpected event.

Emergency Supply Chains under en pandemi : Beredskapslager och Last-Mile distribution / Emergency Supply Chains during a pandemic : Stockpiles and Last-Mile distribution

Assi, Mohammed, Klevtun, Lukas, Zadonsky, Kim January 2020 (has links)
Title: Emergency Supply Chains during a pandemic - Stockpiles and Last-Mile distribution Rationale: Disasters come in many shapes and sizes in terms of its nature and its destructiveness. A commonality amongst disasters is that they all cause widespread damage and extensive human suffering. A recent event that has brought attention to pandemics is the outbreak of the novel coronavirus COVID-19. With pandemic outbreaks being a statistical certainty according to WHO officials and historical references point to extensive damage caused by previous pandemics, proper emergency supply chain protocols are called for in order to secure the supply of vital resources. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore how stockpiles and last-mile distribution has been applied within emergency supply chains in previous disasters. This in order to collect and process knowledge as to how emergency supply chains can be used within a pandemic outbreak. Objective: The objective of this study is to answer the following question:  “How can stockpiles and last-mile distribution within an emergency supply chain be used to order to increase the availability of vital resources during a pandemic outbreak?” Method: This study takes a qualitative approach with a hermeneutic standpoint. Combined with an inductive reasoning the study aims to serve the above stated purpose and objective. Scientific literature will be sampled and thoroughly examined to provide a theoretical basis for the empirical data that will be collected in latter stages of the study. The empirical data that will be collected is exclusively qualitative in nature and consists of field reports, new articles, statements and other form of publications. The theoretical and empirical data will then be analyzed in order to serve the purpose and achieve the study objective. Measures such as authenticity and good ethical practices have been taken in order to ensure study quality.  Conclusions: Valuable knowledge can be extrapolated from previous disasters that have practiced the use of emergency supply chains and preparedness based stockpiling. This knowledge can be applied to disasters of pandemic nature such as the novel coronavirus.  Keywords: Emergency supply chain (ESC), Preparedness, Response, Stockpile, Vital resources, Social important activities, Collaboration, Last-mile distribution (LMD).

Crisis Preparedness Within Manufacturing Organizations : A study on corporate behavior in the face of crises

Elias, Mahmoud January 2021 (has links)
Problem: Crisis and crisis preparedness are being increasingly discussed within the business world. Especially now, when the current pandemic triggered maybe the most significant wave of economic downturns the globe is facing ever. Nevertheless, the Manufacturing Industry (MI) was severely impacted due to its dependence on the e.g., supply chain aspect. Therefore, it was interesting to explore how MO’s challenge crisis by investigating how they prepare for a crisis, i.e., crisis preparedness. A review of the topic within the scientific papers shows a lack of knowledge regarding crisis preparedness within MO’s. Purpose: This thesis aimed to increase how MO’s prepare for a crisis and explore what measures (actions) they use to prepare for a crisis. Method: This thesis followed a qualitative research approach (inductive) with a multiple case study design approach. The data were collected by three semi-structured interviews with three major organizations, where all the participants had a long experience with crisis management. Later on, the collected data were analyzed thematically (thematic analysis approach). Empirical findings: The empirical findings showed that organizations need to consider four main aspects when building a solid crisis preparation structure. These aspects consist of: (1) careful understanding of the environment the crisis occurred in, (2) possess extensive experience dealing with a crisis, (3) scenarios practices, (4) strong communication and transparency system, and finally (5) fostering crisis preparedness culture within the organization. All these aspects/skills must be acquired within the crisis management team (CMT). However, the communication aspect stood out more than the other aspects, which indicate the importance of communication within the organization. Contribution: This thesis contributes theoretically by emphasizing the essentiality of the communication aspect and its positive impact on a crisis preparedness process within organizations. Likewise, from a managerial perspective, this thesis suggests that organizations should implement a crisis communication hub, where all departments within an organization possess all necessary tools to help them survive any crisis through an effective communication system. / <p>Confidential</p>

Riskkommunikation och tidiga varningssystem : Hur kommuner och länsstyrelser runt Vänern kommunicerar varningar och översvämningsrisker med varandra och SMHI / Risk communication and early warning systems : How municipalities and county administrations communicate weather warnings and flood-risks with each other and the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute.

Gustafsson, Ida-Maria January 2022 (has links)
Climate change affects Sweden by causing mild winters and increased precipitation during the winter season. This will affect the risk for flooding in areas close to water. Flood warnings mean to mitigate and prevent damages that may occur due to flooding.  The purpose of this study is to research how Swedish municipalities and county administrations communicate flood risks and risk preparedness with each other and the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute (SMHI) to avoid damages. The study also researches how a consequence based early warning system affects the communication and preparedness for flood risks between municipalities, county administrations and SMHI. The subjects of the study are four municipalities and two county administrations that have a significant risk of flooding around the lake Vänern. The methods used are semi-structured interviews for data collection and qualitative data analysis. The result is discussed in relationship to the theoretical frameworks risk governance, risk society and risk communication.  The results of the study show that there is a difference between how municipalities and county administrations perceive the communication between them and SMHI which is the official source of weather-related warnings in Sweden. The relationship between the municipalities and county administrations is mostly good while the relationship between municipalities and SMHI is less so. The communication between county administrations and SMHI is better than that between SMHI and the municipalities. The county administrations believe a new, consequence based early warning system may have a positive impact on the communication between the stakeholders while the municipalities believe the impact will be small or none. The municipalities and county administrations agree that a consequence based early warning system will have a positive effect on the preparedness for floods. / Klimatförändringarna påverkar Sverige med mildare vintrar och en ökad nederbörd under vinterhalvåret som kommer påverka översvämningsrisken i vattennära områden. Översvämningsvarningar är en åtgärd för att mildra och förebygga skador som kan uppstå till följd av höga vattenflöden, höga vattennivåer och skyfall. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur kommuner och länsstyrelser kommunicerar med varandra och med Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut (SMHI) om översvämningsrisker och beredskap för att anpassa och undvika skador. Studien undersöker även hur ett konsekvensbaserat varningssystem påverkar översvämningsberedskap och kommunikation mellan kommuner, länsstyrelser och SMHI. Undersökningens urval består av fyra kommuner och två länsstyrelser med utpekad översvämningsrisk i området kring Vänern. I studien används metoderna semi-strukturerad intervju och kvalitativ innehållsanalys som datainsamlings- och analysmetoder och dess resultat diskuteras utifrån de teoretiska ramverken om riskstyrning, risksamhället och riskkommunikation.  Resultatet pekar mot att det finns en dissonans mellan kommuner och länsstyrelsers uppfattning av den kommunikation som bedrivs mellan dem och SMHI som utfärdar vädervarningar i Sverige. Kommunernas relation till länsstyrelserna är mestadels god medan deras relation till SMHI är mindre god. Kommunikationen mellan Länsstyrelse och SMHI är bättre än den mellan kommun och SMHI. Kommunerna upplever inte att ett konsekvensbaserat varningssystem kommer påverka kommunikationen mellan dem, länsstyrelserna och SMHI. Länsstyrelserna tror däremot att den nya kommunikationskedja som följer med det konsekvensbaserade varningssystemet kan ha en positiv effekt på kommunikationen. Både kommuner och länsstyrelser anser att ett konsekvensbaserat varningssystem kan påverka översvämningsberedskapen positivt.

Health Care Administration Faculty Perceptions on Competency Education, Graduate Preparedness, and Employer Competency Expectations

Jones, Wittney A. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Health care administration programs have transitioned to using the competency approach to better prepare graduates for workplace success. The responsibility of preparing graduates lies with the program faculty, yet little is known about faculty perceptions of the competency approach. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to assess the perceptions of graduate-level health care administration faculty about the competency approach, the approach's effect on graduate preparedness, and employer expectations. Adult learning theory and the theory of self-efficacy were used as the theoretical foundations for the study. Faculty demographics related to personal information, workplace/teaching experience, and program information served as the independent variables, while survey item perception ratings were the dependent variables. Nonprobability sampling of graduate-level health care administration faculty (n = 151) was used and data were collected using an online survey developed by the author. Descriptive statistics, independent samples t tests, correlation analyses, and multiple linear regressions were used to examine and describe faculty perceptions. Findings indicated that faculty generally support the use of the competency approach and that it effectively prepares graduates. Teaching in a CAHME-accredited program predicted perceptions about the approach adequately addressing employer expectations (β = .343, p < .05). Issues including need for standardization and use for accreditation versus educational purposes were identified. Social change implications include contributing to professional development efforts for faculty and improving the quality of health care administration graduates and the future leadership of the industry.

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