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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Expression of C-Fos-Like Immunoreactivity in the Feline Brainstem in Response to Isometric Muscle Contraction and Baroreceptor Reflex Changes in Arterial Pressure

Williams, Carole A., Loyd, Stephen D., Hampton, Toby A., Hoover, Donald B. 10 January 2000 (has links)
This study compared whether activation of muscle ergoreceptor afferents caused by isometric muscle contraction, activation of baroreceptor afferents induced by i.v. infusion of phenylephrine, or baroreceptor afferent inactivation, caused by carotid artery occlusion, elicit similar patterns of c-Fos induction in brainstem areas. Adult cats were anesthetized with α-chloralose, and in each case, the experimental intervention caused an increase in the arterial blood pressure. There were two sets of control experiments: in both, animals underwent the same surgical procedures but then either remained at rest for the entire study, or the tibial nerve was stimulated, as in the contraction group, following muscle paralysis with tubocurarine. Following the procedures, animals rested for 90 min to allow neuronal expression of c-Fos. Control cats showed very little c-Fos immunoreactivity (c-Fos-ir) in the brainstem. Muscle contraction induced c-Fos-ir expression mainly in the nucleus tractus solitarius, lateral reticular nucleus, lateral tegmental field, vestibular nucleus, subretrofacial nucleus, spinal trigeminal tract and in a lateral region of the periaqueductal grey (P 0.5-1.0). The majority of the c-Fos-ir was found in brainstem areas contralateral to the contracted muscle. In addition, muscle contraction induced c-Fos-ir in the dorsal horns of spinal segments L6-S1 on the ipsilateral side of the spinal cord. Phenylephrine infusion caused c-Fos-ir expression in the nucleus tractus solitarius, spinal trigeminal tract, solitary tract, and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. No c-Fos-ir was apparent in the periaqueductal grey. Carotid occlusions induced c-Fos-ir expression in the area postrema, nucleus tractus solitarius, solitary tract, and spinal trigeminal tract. Expression was bilateral. Areas that exhibited c-Fos-ir correspond to sites previously reported to release various neuropeptides in response to muscle contraction or carotid occlusions. These results indicate that the exercise pressor reflex and baroreflex activate similar, but not completely identical, sites in the brainstem.

The Role of Mindfulness in Cardiovascular Recovery from Stress

Zaturenskaya, Mariya 07 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Changes in Blood Pressure During Isometric Contractions to Fatigue in the Cat After Brain Stem Lesions: Effects of Clonidine

Williams, Carole A., Roberts, Jon R., Freels, Douglas B. 01 January 1990 (has links)
Study objective - The aim was to determine whether areas in the periaqueductal grey matter, medial dorsal raphé, or ventrolateral medulla might be involved with the integration of blood pressure and heart rate during isometric exercise.Design - Cats were anaesthetised with α chloralose (75 mg·kg-1) and catheters inserted into the right jugular vein and carotid artery. Isometric contractions were generated using a microprocessor controlled stimulator and sleeve electrode around the tibial nerve. Bilateral lesions were made in the dorsal periaqueductal grey matter (P1.0, LR 2.0, HD + 1.5 mm) or two sites in the ventrolateral medulla (P12.0, RL 2.0, HD -10 mm; or P12.0, RL 2.0, HD -8.5 mm). Lesions were also made in the medial dorsal raphé nuclei (P1.0, RL 0.0, HD +1.5 mm). Clonidine was injected into the cerebral aqueduct to determine whether it would exert an antipressor effect during muscle contraction after the lesions were made. Only one site of lesion was made in a group of animals. Bilateral injections of clonidine (250 ng in 0.5 μl) were made into the intact ventrolateral medulla (P11.5, RL 4.0, HD -8.5 mm) to explore its role further. Fatiguing contractions were performed before and after the lesions were made, or clonidine was injected, and changes in arterial blood pressure and heart rate were measured. Verification of the lesion sites or the microinjection sites, and the extent of the lesion or spread of the clonidine, was made from histological examination of brain tissue after each experiment.Experimental material - Adult cats of either sex, n = 20, weight 2.4 (SD 0.4) kg, were used.Measurements and main results - Fatiguing isometric contractions in control conditions caused mean arterial pressure to increase by 45-50 mm Hg and heart rates by 20-25 beats·min-1. Bilateral lesions in the dorsal periaqueductal grey matter did not alter resting mean arterial pressure but attenuated the pressor response during contractions. Injections of clonidine into the cerebral aqueduct had no further antipressor effects after the lesions. Lesions of the medial dorsal raphé nuclei or injections of clonidine into the intact medial dorsal raphé nuclei did not affect the pressor response to fatiguing isometric contractions. Injections of clonidine into the intact ventrolateral medulla eliminated the pressor response to isometric contractions. Bilateral lesions of the ventrolateral medulla near the rostral lateral border of the inferior olivary tract nuclei (P12.0, LR 2.0, HD -10 mm) also attenuated the muscle pressor response, while subsequent injections of clonidine into the cerebral aqueduct depressed the changes in blood pressure further.Conclusions - Ergoreceptor information may be processed through the periaqueductal grey matter through the ventrolateral medulla to control arterial blood pressure during isometric exercise to fatigue.

Migraines and Mindfulness Meditation: Does Engaging Spirituality Make A Difference?

Feuille, Margaret H. 15 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Effects of (Un)Certain Social Information on Pain and Memory / (O)säker social information och dess effekt för smärta och minne

Dullaghan, Lucas, Fellman, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
The present study investigated the impact of certain and uncertain socialinformation on pain perception and memory. We hypothesized that theuncertain feedback group would experience higher pain intensity. Further, thatthe uncertain group would remember fewer pictures than the certain group.Participants were 42 undergraduate students from a medium-sized universityin Sweden who received, depending on group assignment, either certain oruncertain feedback about the pain intensity in the upcoming cold-pressor test.Following feedback, the participants performed two categorization tasksduring which they had to indicate whether the picture showed a living thing oran object. During the second task they also had to perform the cold-pressortest. Thirty minutes after the cold-pressor test participants performed asurprise recall test with regard to the pictures presented during thecategorization tasks. The two groups did not differ in self-reported uncertaintyabout their expectation of pain during the cold-pressor test but the uncertainfeedback group expected the cold-pressor test to be more painful than thecertain feedback group. We found no differences between the groups in eitherperception or recall. Finally, recall was impaired for pictures presentedduring the cold-pressor test, independent of group. In sum, our hypotheseswere not supported. Suggestion for future research is to manipulate thefeedback in another way to make it clearer for the participants. / Den aktuella studien utredde betydelsen av osäker och säker socialinformation för smärtintensitet och minne. Studiens hypotes var att den osäkragruppen skulle uppleva högre smärtintensitet och att den osäkra gruppenskulle komma ihåg mindre bilder än den grupp som fick säker information.Deltagarna var 42 studenter på ett medelstort universitet i Sverige, beroendepå vilken grupp de hamnade i fick de antingen osäker eller säker socialinformation om smärtintensiteten på det kommande kallvattentestet. Efter densociala informationen utfördes två kategoriseringsuppgifter där de skulle angeom en bild föreställde något levande eller ett objekt, både före och underkallvattentestet, med ett överraskande minnestest 30 minuter efterkallvattentestet på de bilder som visades under kategoriseringsuppgiften. Detvar ingen skillnad på grupperna i osäkerheten om deras förväntan avkallvattentestet. Däremot förväntade sig den gruppen som fick osäkerinformation att kallvattentestet skulle vara smärtsammare än de som fick densäkra informationen. Vi hittade ingen skillnad mellan grupperna i varkensmärtupplevelsen eller minnet. Till sist, minnet försämrades för bilderna sompresenterades under kallvattentestet, oberoende av vilken grupptillhörighetdeltagarna hade. För att summera så stöddes ingen av våra hypoteser. Förslagför kommande forskning är att manipulera hur den sociala informationen gesför att göra det mer tydligt för deltagarna.

Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Directed Therapy Following Traumatic Brain Injury and Hypotension in Swine

Malhotra, Ajai K., Schweitzer, John B., Fox, Jerry L., Fabian, Timothy C., Proctor, Kenneth G. 01 September 2003 (has links)
There is a paucity of studies, clinical and experimental, attesting to the benefit of cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) directed pressor therapy following traumatic brain injury (TBI). The current study evaluates this therapy in a swine model of TBI and hypotension. Forty-five anesthetized and ventilated swine received TBI followed by a 45% blood volume bleed. After 1 h, all animals were resuscitated with 0.9% sodium chloride equal to three times the shed blood volume. The experimental group (PHE) received phenylephrine to maintain CPP > 80 mm Hg; the control group (SAL) did not. Outcomes in the first phase (n = 33) of the study were as follows: cerebro-venous oxygen saturation (S cvO2), cerebro-vascular carbon dioxide reactivity (δScvO2), and brain structural damage (β-amyloid precursor protein [βAPP] immunoreactivity). In the second phase (n = 12) of the study, extravascular blood free water (EVBFW) was measured in the brain and lung. After resuscitation, intracranial and mean arterial pressures were >15 and >80 mm Hg, respectively, in both groups. CPP declined to 64 ± 5 mm Hg in the SAL group, despite fluid supplements. CPP was maintained at >80 mm Hg with pressors in the PHE group. PHE animals maintained better ScvO2 (p < 0.05 at 180, 210, 240, 270, and 300 min post-TBI). At baseline, 5% CO2 evoked a 16 ± 4% increase in ScvO2, indicating cerebral vasodilatation and luxury perfusion. By 240 min, this response was absent in SAL animals and preserved in PHE animals (p < 0.05). Brain EVBFW was higher in SAL animals; however, lung EVBFW was higher in PHE animals. There was no difference in βAPP immunoreactivity between the SAL and PHE groups (p > 0.05). In this swine model of TBI and hypotension, CPP directed pressor therapy improved brain oxygenation and maintained cerebro-vascular CO2 reactivity. Brain edema was lower, but lung edema was greater, suggesting a higher propensity for pulmonary complications.

Identifying neurocircuitry controlling cardiovascular function in humans : implications for exercise control

Basnayake, Shanika Deshani January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the neurocircuitry that underpins the cardiovascular response to exercise, which has thus far remained incompletely understood. Small animal studies have provided clues, but with the advent of functional neurosurgery, it has now been made possible to translate these findings to humans. Chapter One reviews the background to the studies in this thesis. Our current understanding of the cardiovascular response to exercise is considered, followed by a discussion on the anatomy and function of various brain nuclei. In particular, the rationale for targeting the periaqueductal grey (PAG) and the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is reviewed. Chapter Two reviews the use of deep brain stimulation (DBS), in which deep brain stimulating electrodes are implanted into various brain nuclei in humans, in order to treat chronic pain and movement disorders. This technique not only permits direct electrical stimulation of the human brain, but also gives the opportunity to record the neural activity from different brain regions during a variety of cardiovascular experiments. This chapter also gives a detailed methodological description of the experimental techniques performed in the studies in this thesis. Chapter Three identifies the cardiovascular neurocircuitry involved in the exercise pressor reflex in humans using functional neurosurgery. It shows for the first time in humans that the exercise pressor reflex is associated with significantly increased neural activity in the dorsal PAG. The other sites investigated, which had previously been identified as cardiovascular active in both animals and humans, seem not to have a role in the integration of this reflex. Chapter Four investigates whether changes in exercise intensity affect the neurocircuitry involved in the exercise pressor reflex. It demonstrates that the neural activity in the PAG is graded to increases in exercise intensity and corresponding increases in arterial blood pressure. This chapter also provides evidence to suggest that neural activity in the STN corresponds to the cardiovascular changes evoked by the remote ischaemic preconditioning stimulus in humans. Chapter Five identifies the cardiovascular neurocircuitry involved during changes in central command during isometric exercise at constant muscle tension using muscle vibration. It shows that, in humans, central command is associated with significantly decreased neural activity in the STN. Furthermore, the STN is graded to the perception of the exercise task, i.e. the degree of central command. The other sites investigated appear not to have as significant a role in the integration of central command during the light exercise task that was undertaken. Chapter Six studies the changes in muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) during stimulation of various brain nuclei in humans. Regrettably, the results presented in this chapter are not convincing enough to support the hypothesis that stimulation of particular subcortical structures corresponds to changes in MSNA. However, the cardiovascular changes that were recorded during stimulation of the different subcortical structures are congruous with previous studies in both animals and humans. Chapter Seven presents a brief summary of the findings in this thesis.

Confronting the Unknown: Pain Catastrophizing, Emotion Regulation, Psychopathy, and Associations With Uncertainty / Att konfrontera det okända: Smärtkatastrofiering, känsloreglering, psykopati och deras association med osäkerhet

Björk, Gabriel, Sand, Sebastian January 2018 (has links)
Intolerance of uncertainty concerns how one views and reacts touncertainty, where one who’s highly intolerant would find it verydiscomforting when confronted with uncertain situations. The purposeof this study was to examine the associations between intolerance ofuncertainty, pain catastrophizing, emotion regulation andpsychopathic traits. These variables were to be examined in thecontext of a Beads Task and a Cold Pressor Test (CPT). Wehypothesized that there would be a positive significant associationbetween intolerance of uncertainty, pain catastrophizing, emotionregulation, psychopathic traits. We also hypothesized that there wouldbe a difference depending on the difficulty of the Beads Task. To doso, data was collected from 60 university students (32 females and 28males). The results showed that there was a significant, positiveassociation between intolerance of uncertainty, pain catastrophizing,emotion regulation and the Beads Task measurements. Some of theseresults were similar to previous studies. / Intolerans mot osäkerhet berör hur en person uppfattar och reagerarpå osäkerhet, där någon som är intolerant upplever osäkra situationersom obehagliga. Syftet med denna studie var att undersökaassociationerna mellan intolerans mot osäkerhet,smärtkatastrofiering, känsloreglering och psykopatiskapersonlighetsdrag. Dessa variabler undersöktes i sammanhang medBeads Task och ett Kallvattentest. Där några av hypoteserna var attdet finns positiva signifikanta associationer mellan intolerans motosäkerhet, smärtkatastrofiering, känsloreglering och psykopatiskapersonlighetsdrag. Vi hade också en hypotes att det kommer finnas enskillnad beroende på svårighetsgraden av Beads Task. För att göradetta samlades data in från 60 universitetsstudenter (32 kvinnor och28 män). Resultaten visade på en signifikant, positiv associationmellan intolerans mot osäkerhet, smärtkatastrofiering,känsloreglering och Beads Task-måtten. Några av dessa resultat varlikt de i tidigare studier.

Effect of antihypertensive drugs on blood pressure during exposure to cold:experimental study in normotensive and hypertensive subjects

Komulainen, S. (Silja) 30 October 2007 (has links)
Abstract The aim of the present study was to describe the effects of different types of cold exposures on blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) and to test how these cold-induced effects are modulated by antihypertensive drugs representing different kind of mechanisms of action. The tested drugs represented the following antihypertensive drug subgroups: metoprolol from beta-blocking agents, carvedilol from alfa- and beta-blocking agents, lisinopril from angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, eprosartan from angiotensin II antagonists, amlodipine from calcium channel blockers and hydrochlorothiazide from diuretics. The main outcome measures were the levels and changes in systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and HR before, during and after cold exposure. The normotensive and mildly hypertensive subjects were exposed either to –15°C for 15 minutes (with winter clothing), 5°C for 45 minutes (minimal clothing) or to a cold pressor test (CPT). Before measurements at –15°C, metoprolol, carvedilol, lisinopril, eprosartan, hydrochlorothiazide or placebo were given for a week in a double-blind and crossover manner. In one test procedure (5°C and CPT) the test subjects ingested amlodipine for three days or were without drug ingestion before the tests in a crossover manner. Both SBP and DBP were markedly increased by all types of cold exposure. Cold-induced rises of SBP/DBP were higher during the exposure to 5°C and –15°C (19–35/20–24 mmHg) than during CPT (13/16 mmHg). Metoprolol, carvedilol, lisinopril, eprosartan and amlodipine decreased the level of BP during the exposure to 5°C and –15°C compared to placebo or no drug. The antihypertensive drugs, with dosages used in this study, did not affect the cold-induced rise of BP compared to no drug or placebo. HR increased during CPT, but decreased during exposure to 5°C and –15°C. Metoprolol and carvedilol decreased HR during exposure to –15°C compared to placebo. The present study demonstrates for the first time the effects of antihypertensive drugs on BP in hypertensive subjects exposed to cold similar to normal outdoor exposure in winter. Although the magnitude of the cold-induced rise in BP was not affected by the drugs, the drug-induced decrease in the level of BP kept the peak values in the cold closer to the recommended threshold limit values. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää eri mekanismeilla vaikuttavien verenpainelääkkeiden vaikutusta verenpainevasteisiin ja sydämen lyöntitiheyteen kylmässä sekä verrata erilaisten kylmäaltistusten vaikutusta verenpaineeseen ja sydämen lyöntitiheyteen. Tutkitut lääkkeet edustivat seuraavia verenpainelääkeryhmiä: metoprololi beetasalpaajia, karvediloli yhdistettyjä alfa- ja beetasalpaajia, lisinopriili ACE-estäjiä, eprosartaani angiotensiini II antagonisteja, amlodipiini kalsiumestäjiä ja hydroklooritiatsidi diureetteja. Tärkeimmät mitatut vasteet olivat systolisen ja diastolisen verenpaineen ja sydämen lyöntitiheyden tasot ja muutokset ennen kylmäaltistusta, kylmäaltistuksen aikana ja sen jälkeen. Lisäksi mitattiin lämpötilavasteita ja tuntemuksia. Normo- ja hypertensiiviset koehenkilöt altistettiin joko –15°C:seen 15 minuutin ajaksi (talvivaatetuksessa), 5°C:seen 45 minuutin ajaksi (minimaalisella vaatetuksella) tai tehtiin ns. käden kylmävesitesti (CPT). Testisarjoissa (–15°C) metoprololi, karvediloli, lisinopriili, eprosartaani ja hydroklooritiatsidi tai plasebo annettiin viikon ajan kaksoissokko- ja vaihtovuoromenetelmällä. Yhdessä testisarjassa (5°C ja CPT) koehenkilöt ottivat amlodipiinia 3 päivän ajan tai olivat ilman lääkettä ennen testikertoja vaihtovuoroisessa järjestyksessä. Kaikki kylmäaltistustyypit nostivat merkittävästi sekä systolista että diastolista verenpainetta. Systolisen ja diastolisen verenpaineen nousu oli korkeampi koko kehon kylmäaltistuksissa (5°C tai –15°C) (19–35/20–24 mmHg) kuin ns. kylmävesitestissä (13/16 mmHg). Metoprololi, karvediloli, lisinopriili, eprosartaani ja amlodipiini laskivat verenpaineen tasoja koko kehon kylmäaltistuksessa verrattuna plaseboon. Yksikään verenpainelääkkeistä ei vaikuttanut merkittävästi kylmän aiheuttamaan verenpaineen nousuun verrattuna tutkimuskertaan ilman lääkettä tai plaseboon. Sydämen lyöntitiheys nousi ns. kylmävesitestin aikana, mutta laski koko kehon kylmäaltistuksissa (5°C ja –15°C). Metoprololi ja karvediloli laskivat sydämen lyöntiheyttä kylmäaltistuksessa (–15°C) verrattuna plaseboon. Tämä tutkimus kuvaa ensimmäistä kertaa, kuinka verenpainelääkkeet vaikuttavat verenpainetasoihin ja -vasteisiin kylmäaltistuksessa, joka simuloi tyypillisiä ulko-olosuhteita talvella. Vaikka lääkkeet eivät estäneet kylmän aiheuttamaa verenpaineen nousua, ne laskivat verenpaineen tasoa, jolloin verenpaine pysyi kylmässäkin lähempänä suositusrajoja.

Thermal, hormonal and cardiovascular responses to single and repeated nonhypothermic cold exposures in man

Korhonen, I. (Ilkka) 18 November 2008 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study was to find out and compare the physiological effects of different types of non-hypothermic cold exposure tests in man. In whole-body cold exposures lightly clothed subjects were exposed to 10°C for 2 hours (single exposure), as well as repeatidly for 2 h and 1 h on ten successive days in separate studies. For local cold exposures, cold pressor tests (immersion into ice-cold water) of both hands and both feet were used. In whole-body cold exposures, several hormonal and metabolic parameters as well as cold sensations were measured. In local cold exposures the measured parameters were blood pressure, heart rate and skin temperatures. The single 2-h whole-body cold air exposure decreased rectal and skin temperatures and body heat content, but increased the metabolic rate. At the same time the serum noradrenaline concentration increased indicating a general activation of the sympathetic nervous system. Serum free fatty acid concentration increased whereas cortisol, GH and prolactin concentrations fell. No significant changes were found in serum concentrations of adrenalin, TSH, T3, T4, testosterone or LH. Serum total proteins were enhanced apparently due to cold-induced hemoconcentration. After repeating the 2-h whole-body cold exposure for five days the increase in serum noradrenaline level was markedly lower in the cold. At the same time hemoconcentration, judged from serum protein concentrations, was attenuated and the subjects became habituated to the cold sensations. However, the results showed that the repeated 1-h cold exposure in 10°C was not sufficiently intensive to reduce the noradrenaline response. Comparison of the hand and foot cold pressor tests to whole-body cold exposure tests showed that all tests caused significant increases in systolic and diastolic blood pressures, but that heart rate increased significantly only in the cold pressor test of feet. During the 2-h cold air exposure the heart rate fell. This caused a reduction in rate pressure product (RPP, the product of heart rate and systolic blood pressure). In both cold pressor tests the rate pressure product increased, indicating the enhancement of the O2-need in the heart muscle. The results showed no significant correlation in systolic or diastolic blood pressures between whole-body and local cooling of hands or feet. The lack of the association between local and whole-body cold exposure tests may be due to differences in severity and site of the tests: whole-body cold exposure tests cause general cold discomfort while cold pressor tests cause local cold pain. / Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää ja verrata eri tyyppisten lievien kylmäaltistustestien fysiologisia vaikutuksia ihmiseen. Yksittäisessä koko kehon kylmäaltistuksessa koehenkilöt olivat kevyesti vaatetettuina kahden tunnin ajan 10°C:n lämpötilassa. Toistetussa koko kehon kylmäaltistuksessa koehenkilöt oleskelivat myös 10°C:n lämpötilassa kahden tai yhden tunnin ajan kymmenenä perättäisenä päivänä. Paikallisessa kylmäaltistuksessa käytettiin kylmävesitestiä (ns. cold pressor koe). Testi tehtiin sekä käsille että jaloille. Koko kehon kylmäaltistuksessa mitattiin useita hormonaalisia, aineenvaihdunnan ja lämpötasapainon vasteita, sekä verenpainetta ja sydämen syketiheyttä. Paikallisissa kylmäaltistuksissa mitattiin verenpainetta, sydämen syketiheyttä ja iholämpötiloja. Yksittäinen koko kehon kahden tunnin kylmäaltistus laski syvälämpötilaa, iholämpötiloja ja kehon lämpösisältöä. Samanaikaisesti kehon lämmöntuotanto kasvoi. Seerumin noradrenaliinipitoisuus lisääntyi ilmentäen sympaattisen hermoston tehostunutta aktivoitumista. Seerumin vapaiden rasvahappojen pitoisuus kasvoi, samoin kokonaisproteiinipitoisuus, mutta kasvuhormonin, kortisolin ja prolaktiinin osalta todettiin pitoisuuksien vähenemistä. Merkitseviä muutoksia ei tapahtunut seerumin adrenaliinissa, TSH:ssa, T3:ssa, T4:ssä, testosteronissa tai LH:ssa. Toistetussa kahden tunnin pituisessa kylmäaltistuksessa seerumin noradrenaliinipitoisuudessa tapahtunut kasvu oli merkitsevästi vähäisempää viiden päivän jälkeen. Samanaikaisesti seerumin proteiinipitoisuus kylmässä väheni ja kylmätuntemukset muuttuivat lievemmiksi. Sen sijaan yhden tunnin toistettu altistus 10°C:ssa ei ollut riittävän voimakas vähentämään kylmän aiheuttamaa veren noradrenaliinipitoisuuden kasvua. Verenpaineen ja sydämen syketiheyden reaktioita verrattiin samoilla koehenkilöillä yksittäisessä kahden tunnin koko kehon kylmäaltistuksessa ja kylmävesitesteissä. Kaikki nämä testit kohottivat merkitsevästi systolista ja diastolista verenpainetta. Sydämen syketiheys laski koko kehon kylmäaltistuksessa. Jalkojen kylmävesitestissä sydämen syketiheys nousi merkitsevästi, mutta käsien testissä tämä nousu ei ollut merkitsevä. Verenpaineen nousu koko kehon kylmäaltistuksessa ei korreloinut merkitsevästi paikallisissa kylmäaltistuksissa mitattuihin verenpaineen nousuihin. Selittävänä tekijänä tähän lienee näiden kylmäaltistusmuotojen erilaisuus. Lievä koko kehon kylmäaltistus aiheuttaa yleistä epämiellyttävyyttä, kun taas äkilliseen, nopean iholämpötilan laskun aiheuttamaan paikalliseen kylmäaltistukseen liittyy usein kiputuntemuksia.

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