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Ecological consequences of personality in sharksDhellemmes, Félicie 13 December 2021 (has links)
In der Verhaltensökologie hat das Interesse an der Persönlichkeit von Tieren in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten zugenommen und man geht davon aus, dass verschiedene Verhaltenstypen wichtige ökologische und evolutionäre Konsequenzen haben. Diese Konsequenzen sind besonders ausgeprägt, wenn eine konstante Verhaltensweise mit anderen Verhaltensweisen (sog. Verhaltenssyndrome) oder mit Life-History-Merkmalen (sog. Pace-of-life-Syndrome) korreliert. Bisher haben Studien zu Verhaltens- und Pace-of-life-Syndromen zu keinen schlüssigen Ergebnissen geführt – manche Hypothesen wurden bestätigt, andere jedoch nicht. Man nimmt an, dass Kovariation zwischen Merkmalen von der Umwelt geprägt ist. Da jedoch Tiere in Gefangenschaft in diesen Studien überrepräsentiert sind, kann dies ein möglicher Grund für die recht uneindeutigen Ergebnisse sein.
Um diese Wissenslücke zu schließen, erforschte ich die Entstehung von Verhaltens- und Pace-of-life-Syndromen in einer Wildpopulation juveniler Haie, die relevanten ökologischen Bedingungen ausgesetzt waren. Ich untersuchte (1) ob ein Syndrom zwischen zwei konstanten Verhaltensweisen besteht und ob das Auftreten des Syndroms kontextabhängig ist, (2) ob ein Trade-off zwischen Wachstum und Mortalität durch Explorationsverhalten vermittelt wird, und (3) ob Persönlichkeit das Nahrungshabitat der Haie vorhersagen kann und ob dieser Zusammenhang kontextabhängig ist.
Ich dokumentierte ein Verhaltenssyndrom das über Jahre und Standorte hinweg inkonsistent war und von inter-individueller Konkurrenz abhing. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen Explorationsverhalten und einem Wachstums-Mortalitäts-Trade-off war nur bei geringem Prädationsrisiko zu beobachten. Zudem sagte das Explorationsverhalten Nahrungshabitate nur bei geringem Prädationsrisiko vorher.
Zusammengenommen deuten diese Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass die ökologischen Bedingungen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Entstehung und Ausprägung von Persönlichkeits- und Pace-of-life-Syndromen spielen. / In behavioural ecology, interest in the study of animal personality (i.e. consistent individual differences in behaviour across time and/or context) has increased in the last two decades as it is believed to have important ecological and evolutionary consequences. These consequences are especially pronounced when a behaviour that is consistent covaries with other consistent behaviours (i.e. behavioural syndrome) or with life-history traits (i.e. pace-of-life syndrome). So far, studies of behavioural and pace-of-life-syndromes have produced ambiguous outcomes (e.g. hypotheses are sometimes verified and others not), and the prominence of studies on captive animals (i.e. as opposed to wild animals) in the literature may be a reason for inconclusive results as trait covariation has been hypothesized to be environmentally driven.
To address this knowledge gap, I investigated the emergence of behavioural and pace-of-life-syndromes in a wild population of juvenile sharks subject to relevant ecological pressures (e.g. predation risk, inter-individual competition). I explored (1) whether a behavioural syndrome existed between two consistent traits (exploration and sociability) and whether the appearance of the syndrome was context dependent, (2) whether a growth-mortality trade-off was mediated by exploration personality and (3) whether personality could predict the foraging habitat of sharks and whether this link was context-dependent.
First, I observed a behavioural syndrome between sociability and exploration personality which was inconsistent across years and locations and was dependent on inter-individual competition. Then, I found the association between exploration personality and a growth-mortality trade-off to only be observable in low predation risk. Similarly, I found that exploration personality only predicted wild foraging habitat when predation risk was low.
Overall, these results suggest that ecological conditions play a crucial role in the emergence and the shaping of personality and trait association. This thesis offers a possible explanation for the ambiguous results of previous studies and highlights the importance of increasing the focus on wild study systems that are subject to relevant ecological pressures in future animal personality research.
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Macroscopic and microscopic characterization of non-reacting diesel sprays at low and very high injection pressuresGiraldo Valderrama, Jhoan Sebastián 10 December 2018 (has links)
En la exploración de nuevos métodos para el mejoramiento de la eficiencia y rendimiento del motor diésel, es claro que un gran esfuerzo debe estar enfocado en el proceso de inyección de combustible. La eficiencia de la combustión y las emisiones, se ven muy afectadas por el proceso de atomización, y se ha demostrado que incrementos en presiones de inyección conllevan un gran potencial para mejorar el ahorro de combustible, producir mejores mezclas de aire y combustible, y por tanto menor generación de emisiones contaminantes. Últimamente, las presiones de inyección han aumentado de alrededor de 50 MPa en los años 70 hasta 250 MPa en los días actuales. Presiones de inyección muy altas (250-300 MPa) o incluso ultra altas (> 300 MPa) vienen siendo materia de investigación con el fin de ser implementadas de manera comercial en un futuro próximo.
La estructura y desarrollo del spray diésel pueden ser caracterizados desde un punto de vista microscópico por medio de la medición del tamaño de gotas del spray y sus velocidades. En condiciones no-evaporativas, técnicas como el PDPA (Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer) vienen siendo utilizadas para la obtención de perfiles de diámetros y velocidades de gota con una alta resolución temporal.
Desde el punto de vista macroscópico, existen parámetros específicos que permiten caracterizar a un chorro diésel, estos son: la penetración de vapor y líquida junto con el ángulo de apertura del chorro. La penetración líquida es un indicador claro de la capacidad de evaporación del combustible utilizado, mientras que la penetración de vapor, por su parte, es indicativo del proceso de mezcla y la probabilidad de colisión con las paredes de la cámara de combustión; factores claves a la hora de la generación de emisiones contaminantes.
En esta tesis se estudia la influencia de presiones bajas, medias y muy altas presiones inyección, sobre un amplio espectro de condiciones y diagnósticos experimentales, y desde el punto de vista macroscópico y microscópico. Se realizaron experimentos para tres diferentes inyectores, 2 solenoides y un piezo eléctrico, este último con la capacidad de alcanzar presiones de inyección cercanas a 270 MPa. Las medidas incluyen una caracterización hidráulica, compuesta por tasa de inyección; una visualización de alta velocidad del chorro líquido isotermo; una visualización de alta velocidad del chorro inerte evaporativo, con captura simultánea de las fases líquida y vapor; y finalmente, una caracterización microscópica por medio de la obtención de distribución de tamaño de gotas y sus velocidades.
Con respecto a los ensayos microscópicos, se desarrolló una metodología para el aislamiento y alineación de sprays con un error de medición muy bajo de 0,22°. Se llevaron a cabo mediciones de velocidad de gotas, cuyos resultados mostraron buen ajuste con perfiles teóricos de velocidad. De igual manera, una correlación para el tamaño de gota SMD se obtuvo mostrando un alto nivel de ajuste y siendo representativa para todo el rango de presiones de inyección estudiados.
En el caso de la caracterización macroscópica del chorro isotermo, se han detectado variaciones macroscópicas en el desarrollo del chorro con propiedades de gas, inclusive en condiciones de motor comunes. Para estimar estos efectos y otros que las presiones de inyección muy altas tendrían sobre la estructura del chorro, se incentivó la aparición de ondas de choque controlando la velocidad del sonido del ambiente. Se usaron tres gases ambientales (SF6 N2 y CO2) con diferentes velocidades de sonido, promoviendo de esta manera chorros supersónicos en determinados casos. Al comparar ensayos con mismas densidades y diferentes gases ambientales, se encontró que todas las tendencias cercanas al estado transónico (0.8 <M <1.2) tenían una mayor penetración y menor ángulo de chorro. / En l'exploració de nous mètodes per al millorament de l'eficiència i rendiment del motor dièsel, és clar que un gran esforç s'ha enfocar en el procés d'injecció de combustible. L'eficiència de la combustió i les emissions, es veuen molt afectades pel procés d'atomització, i s'ha demostrat que increments en pressions d'injecció comporten un gran potencial per a millorar l'estalvi de combustible, produir millors mescles d'aire i combustible, i per tant menor generació d'emissions contaminants. Últimament, les pressions d'injecció han augmentat d'al voltant de 50 MPa en els anys 70 fins a 250 MPa en els dies actuals. Pressions d'injecció molt altes (250-300 MPa) o inclús ultra altes (> 300 MPa) vénen sent matèria d'investigació a fi de ser implementades de manera comercial en un futur pròxim.
L'estructura i desenrotllament de l'esprai dièsel poden ser caracteritzats des d'un punt de vista microscòpic per mitjà del mesurament de la grandària de gotes de l'esprai i les seues velocitats. En condicions no-evaporatives, tècniques com el PDPA (Phase doppler particle analyzer) vénen sent utilitzades per a l'obtenció de perfils de diàmetres i velocitats de gota amb una alta resolució temporal.
Des del punt de vista macroscòpic, hi ha paràmetres específics que permeten caracteritzar a un doll dièsel, estos són: la penetració de vapor i la penetració líquida junt amb l'angle d'obertura del doll. La penetració líquida és un indicador clar de la capacitat d'evaporació del combustible utilitzat, mentres que la penetració de vapor, per la seua banda, és indicatiu del procés de mescla i la probabilitat de col·lisió amb les parets de la cambra de combustió; factors claus a l'hora de la generació d'emissions contaminants.
En esta tesi s'estudia la influència de pressions d' injecció baixes, mitges i molt altes, sobre un ampli espectre de condicions i diagnòstics experimentals, i des del punt de vista macroscòpic i microscòpic. Es van realitzar experiments per a tres injectors diferents, 2 solenoides i un piezo elèctric, este últim amb la capacitat d'aconseguir pressions d'injecció pròximes a 270 MPa. Les medides inclouen una caracterització hidràulica, composta per taxa d'injecció; una visualització d'alta velocitat del doll líquid isoterm; una visualització d'alta velocitat del doll inert evaporativo, amb captura simultània de les fases líquida i vapor; i finalment, una caracterització microscòpica per mitjà de l'obtenció de distribució de grandària de gotes i les seues velocitats.
Respecte als assajos microscòpics, es va desenrotllar una metodologia per a l'aïllament i alineació d'esprais amb un error de mesurament molt davall de 0,22°. Es van dur a terme mesuraments de velocitat de gotes, els resultats van mostrar bon ajust amb perfils teòrics de velocitat. De la mateixa manera, una correlació per a la grandària de gota SMD es va obtindre mostrant un alt nivell d'ajust i sent representativa per a tot el rang de pressions d'injecció estudiats.
En el cas de la caracterització macroscòpica del doll isoterm, s'han detectat variacions macroscòpiques en el desenrotllament del doll amb propietats de gas, inclusivament en condicions de motor comú. Per a estimar estos efectes i altres que altes pressions d'injecció tindrien sobre l'estructura del doll, es va incentivar l'aparició d'ones de xoc controlant la velocitat del so de l'ambient. Es van usar tres gasos ambientals (SF6, N2 i CO2) amb diferents velocitats de so, promovent d'esta manera dolls supersònics en determinats casos. Al comparar assajos amb mateixes densitats i diferents gasos ambientals, es va trobar que totes les tendències pròximes a l'estat transónic (0.8 < M < 1.2) tenien una major penetració i menor angle de doll. Respecte al doll evaporatiu, per a pressions d'injecció molt altes com 270MPa, els efectes dels paràmetres ambientals i d'injecció van romandre iguals respecte a totes les carac / In the exploration of new methods for improving the efficiency and performance of the diesel engine, it is clear that a great effort should be focused on the fuel injection process. The efficiency of combustion and emissions are greatly affected by the atomization process, and it is considered that injection pressures increments have a great potential to improve fuel economy, produce better air and fuel mixtures, and thus low generation of polluting emissions. Lately, injection pressures have increased from around 50 MPa in the 70's to 250 MPa in the current days, even very high injection pressures (250-300 MPa) or ultra high pressures (> 300 MPa) have been the subject of the scientific community in order to be implemented in future injection systems.
The structure and development of the diesel spray can be characterized from a microscopic point of view by means of estimation of droplets size and velocities. At non-evaporative conditions, techniques such as PDPA (Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer) are being used to obtain diameters and velocity profiles a with high temporal resolution.
From the macroscopic point of view, there are specific parameters that allow characterizing the diesel spray, these are: the liquid and vapor penetration along with the spray angle. The liquid penetration is a clear indicator of the evaporation capacity of the fuel used, whilst the vapor penetration, on the other hand, is an indicative of the mixing process and the probability of collision with the combustion chamber walls; key factors when generating polluting emissions.
In this thesis the influence of low and very high injections pressures over the macro and micro characteristics of the diesel spray is studied, over a wide spectrum of conditions and experimental diagnoses. Experiments were carried out for three different injectors, two solenoids and one piezoelectric, the latter with the capacity to reach injection pressures close to 270MPa. The measurements include a hydraulic characterization; a high speed visualization of the liquid spray at isothermal conditions; a high-speed visualization of the evaporative spray, with simultaneous capture of the liquid and vapor phases; and finally, a microscopic characterization.
Regarding the microscopic tests, a methodology was developed for the spray isolation and alignment with a very low measurement error of 0.22° Droplets velocity measurements were carried out, the results showed good adjustment with theoretical velocity profiles. Similarly, a correlation for SMD droplet size was obtained showing a high level of adjustment and being representative for the entire range of injection pressures studied.
In the case of the macroscopic characterization of the isothermal spray, variations have been detected in the development of the jet with gas properties, even at common engine injection conditions. To estimate these effects and others that very high injection pressures would have on the spray structure, the apparition of shock waves was enhanced by controlling the speed of sound of the environment using three ambient gases with different speed of sound (SF6, N2 and CO2). When comparing tests with same densities and different ambient gases, it was found that all the tendencies near the transonic state (0.8 <M <1.2) had a higher penetration and lower spray angle. With respect to the evaporative jet, for very high injection pressures like 270MPa, the effects of the environmental and injection parameters remained the same with respect to all the macroscopic characteristics. / Giraldo Valderrama, JS. (2018). Macroscopic and microscopic characterization of non-reacting diesel sprays at low and very high injection pressures [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/113643
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The express route to ab initio materials simulation: an adaptable, high-throughput workflow frameworkZhang, Qi January 2024 (has links)
Investigating the solid-state properties of the Earth’s core and mantle presents a formidable challenge due to the extreme conditions that prevail in these areas. Although we can achieve high pressures using a variety of static and dynamic compression techniques, it is still unfeasible to comprehensively sample the entire pressure-temperature (𝑃-𝑇) domain for materials. Therefore, computational methodologies have evolved as a crucial instrument for examining material properties under increased pressures and temperatures. These techniques have demonstrated their efficacy in navigating the phase space, thereby contributing significantly to the understanding of the intrinsic behavior of materials within the Earth’s interior.
In this work, we present 𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜, a comprehensive suite of simulation tools designed for conducting 𝘢𝘣 𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰 calculations within the realm of the physical sciences. These tools are specifically engineered to streamline the associated data processing tasks, and they leverage the capabilities of the Julia programming language. At the core of this toolset lies a versatile, high-throughput, and user-friendly workflow framework. This framework is capable of automating a wide range of 𝘢𝘣 𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰 calculations. By addressing the limitations encountered with existing libraries, 𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜 simplifies intricate workflows, offers a software-agnostic interface, and ensures modularity—all of which are pivotal features within this domain. In addition to the workflow, we have developed a diverse set of software packages tailored to tackle the challenges inherent in data manipulation for 𝘢𝘣 𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰 calculations. These packages encompass a wide spectrum of functionalities, including crystal symmetry search, conversion of units and reference frames, data visualization, parsing and generation of files, estimation of computing resources, and database storage, among other capabilities.
We proceed to showcase the effectiveness of express across a diverse spectrum of mineral materials. For each substance, we conducted calculations of their thermodynamic properties using the quasi-harmonic approximation (QHA). This method was executed with the assistance of a Python package called 𝚚𝚑𝚊, which we developed specifically for multi-configuration quasi-harmonic approximation computations. In pursuit of our objective, we employ three distinct sets of exchange-correlation functionals: the local-density approximation (LDA), the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof generalized gradient approximation (PBE-GGA), and the PBE functional revised for solids (PBEsol). Subsequently, we compared these results with other calculations and experimental data, thereby elucidating the varying suitability of these functionals. Notably, the LDA functional, when integrated with thermal effects, exhibited exceptional overall performance. This observation implies that numerous studies that favored GGA functionals but solely relied on static DFT outcomes may have inadvertently incorporated erroneous material characteristics into their research.
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Sledování respiračních funkcí u pacientů po operaci hrudního koše dle Nusse / Monitoring of the Respiratory Functions in Patients after the Rib Cage Surgery according to NussSvobodová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
Objective: The goal of the thesis "Monitoring of the Respiratory Functions in patients after the Rib Cage Surgery according to Nuss" was to confront the present knowledge about respiratory functions and the strength of respiratory muscles of patients with inherited pectoral deformity pectus excavatum, to compare it with my own measuring and to find out about their development after the surgical correction according to Nuss. Methodology: There were 15 patients being monitored (13 men and 3 women), who underwent spirometric and bodypletysmographic examination and the occlusal mouth pressures were determined before the surgery. The same pulmonary function tests were run in the course of 4 to 10 months (7.1 months on average) on all the patients, the control determination of mouth pressures is available for 13 of them. Results: In the entry tests, compared to adequate values the patients in this file had increased residual lung capacities (RV 142%, p=0.001; ITGV 116.2%, p=0.004; RV%TLC 133.8%, p=0.002; ITGV% 116.1%, p=0.001) at the expense of statistically lower vital lung capacity (VC 81.9%, p=0.0004) and inspiratory reserve capacity (IC 84.2%, p=0.0003), while the total lung capacity remained unaltered (TLC 99.7%, p=0.877). The obstructive parameters of these patients were significantly altered (FEV1 95.7%,...
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Stanovení nových referenčních hodnot maximálních inspiračních a expiračních tlaků a hodnot PO.1 u normální populaci ve věkovém rozmezí 14 až 15 let / Definition of new referential values of maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressures and P0.1 values in normal population aged 14 - 15 yearsKepková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is definition reference values including reference equations for parameters PImax, PEmax and P0.1 of the normal Czech population aged 14-15 years. 102 subjects were examined for this purpose (55 boys and 47 girls). Except the reference values for boys and girls, this work includes correlations of mouth pressures with anthropometric data and also with other spirometric parameters. In case of boys were found a significant correlation of PEmax parameter with weight, BMI and PEF. In group of boys we also found a correlation of PImax with BMI and PImax with IC. Parameter P0.1 correlates only with VT. In group of girls we found a significant correlations of PImax, PEmax and P0.1 with PEF and MEF25.
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Évolution des îlots CpG chez les primates / Evolution of CpG islands in PrimatesGuillet-Renard, Claire 07 October 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour l’objet l’étude des pressions de sélection qui s’appliquent sur les îlots CpG, courtes séquences génomiques qui échappent à la méthylation chez les mammifères. Nous avons tout d’abord étudié les caractéristiques génomiques des îlots CpG, notamment leurs liens avec l’initiation de transcription des gènes et les origines de réplication de l’ADN, en utilisant des jeux de données récemment publiés. Nous avons ensuite déterminé si les caractéristiques de séquence des îlots CpG (richesse en dinucléotides CpG et richesse en GC) étaient sous pression de sélection et pouvaient jouer un rôle dans les fonctions des îlots CpG. Nous avons montré que la richesse relative en dinucléotides CpG des îlots CpG résulte uniquement de la faible méthylation de ces séquences. De plus, la richesse en bases GC des îlots CpG n’est pas soumise à pression de sélection mais semble résulter d’un mécanisme neutre, la conversion génique biaisée vers GC. Nous discutons également du devenir des îlots CpG chez les primates, qui et avons montré que si le taux de GC de ces séquences est en train de diminuer, la richesse relative en CpG quant à elle reste stable / This thesis analyses selective pressures applying on CpG islands, short sequences which escape methylation in mammalian genomes. We first studied genomic characteristics of CpG islands. We namely studied their relationships with gene transcription start, and with DNA replication origins, using recently published data. We then determined wether base peculiar composition of CpG islands (high number of CpG dinucleotides, high GC content) may be under (negative or positive) selective pressures, and thus play a role in their function, or not. We showed that the relative CpG-richness of CpG islands is the mere consequence of the low methylation of these genomic regions. Moreover, we showed that the high GC content of CpG islands is not under selective pressures, and seem to result from a neutral mechanism, biased gene conversion toward GC. We also discussed the future of CpG islands and primates. We showed that the GC content of CpG islands is decreasing, while the relative CpG content remains constant
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Comportements stratégiques et changements institutionnels lors du processus initial d'accréditation internationale AACSB (2003) : le cas d'une Business School universitaire française : l'EM Strasbourg / Strategics behaviors and institutional changes during the initial AACSB accreditation process (2003) : the case study of a French University Business School : EM Strasbourg Business SchoolBouteraa, Fatiha 27 September 2017 (has links)
Les objectifs de la thèse sont de comprendre : 1) les mécanismes de diffusion, d’adoption et d’institutionnalisation des accréditations internationales, 2) les comportements stratégiques mobilisés à l’égard notamment du processus initial d’accréditation institutionnelle AACSB, 3) les réponses stratégiques et organisationnelles pour gérer les demandes institutionnelles conflictuelles provoquées par les injonctions des 21 standards AACSB (2003) et 4) les changements opérés en vue de l’alignement aux injonctions du processus initial prescrit et des 21 standards AACSB (2003). Dans une perspective néo-institutionnaliste, nous mobilisons un cadre d’analyse alliant les comportements stratégiques et le changement institutionnel. Pour répondre aux objectifs de la recherche, une étude de cas longitudinale rétrospective et en temps réel sur 15 ans d’une business school universitaire française est menée. Les résultats de la recherche permettent d’enrichir notamment le cadre d’analyse d’Oliver (1991) d’une sixième réponse stratégique et de trois tactiques dans le cas d’un processus initial d’accréditation institutionnelle AACSB. / This research aims to understand: 1) the mechanisms of diffusion, adoption and institutionalization of international accreditations, 2) the strategic behaviors adopted to respond to the initial AACSB accreditation process, 3) the strategic and organizational responses to the conflictual demands originated by the 21 AACSB 2003 standards and 4) the changes occurred in order to ensure the organizations’ alignment to the 21 AACSB 2003 standards and to the required process.Based on a neo-institutional perspective, we used two conceptual frameworks about strategic responses and institutional change. In order to comply with our objectives, we have conducted a 15-year longitudinal case study both retrospectively and in real time within the only French business school operating inside a university. The principal result of the research is the identification of a 6th new strategic response for Oliver’s (1991) framework as well as three tactics to be adopted in the initial AACSB accreditation process.
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As práticas de governança e gestão para a mitigação de pressões e ameaças em unidades de conservação urbanas / Governance and management practices for mitigating pressures and threats in urban protected areasSansão, Rafaela Aguilar 20 March 2017 (has links)
As Unidades de Conservação (UCs) urbanas vêm sendo pressionadas e ameaçadas por atividades antrópicas, resultando em novos desafios de gestão e governança. Desse modo, buscou-se analisar os procedimentos utilizados para mitigação das principais pressões e ameaças em UCs urbanas e identificar as principais variáveis que interferem no alcance dos seus objetivos. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com as equipes de gestão de UCs urbanas nacionais (Parques Estaduais do Jaraguá e Cantareira, Estações Ecológicas de Ribeirão Preto e Assis) e internacionais (Sítios Natura 2000 Lendspitz-Maiernigg, Sonian Forest e Parque Nacional Zuid-Kennemerland), onde foram avaliadas as principais pressões e ameaças enfrentadas por essas áreas, bem como as ações de conservação que vem sendo adotadas. As entrevistas foram direcionadas por questões adaptadas da Metodologia RAPPAM (Rapid Assessment and Prioritization of Protected Area Management) e para a análise dos dados foi utilizada a técnica Análise de Conteúdo. Além das entrevistas, foram analisadas as orientações e melhores práticas propostas pela IUCN (União Internacional para a Conservação da Natureza), instituição reconhecida internacionalmente por propor recomendações relevantes para áreas protegidas mundiais. Os resultados indicam uma série de pressões e ameaças comuns aos sete casos de estudos (e.g. desenvolvimento urbano do entorno; estradas e rodovias), bem como pressões e ameaças que ocorrem somente nos casos de estudos nacionais (e.g. incêndios florestais e ocupações ilegais;) e internacionais (transmissão de doenças entre animais silvestres). Também observou-se que todas as equipes de gestão buscaram implementar procedimentos para mitigação em seus territórios, tais como ações de: proteção (e.g. fiscalização e monitoramento); manejo (e.g. controle de espécies exóticas invasoras); operacionalização (e.g. articulação com diferentes instituições); integração (e.g. sensibilização ambiental); uso público (e.g. atividades turísticas de baixo impacto ambiental); e conhecimento (e.g. promoção de pesquisas científicas). As principais variáveis que prejudicam o cumprimento dos seus objetivos são: recursos humanos e financeiros insuficientes, baixa transparência e participação social nos processos de tomada de decisão. Observa-se que a IUCN propõem cinco princípios para uma boa governança (i.e. legitimidade e voz; direção; desempenho; responsabilidade e equidade e direitos) e diversas práticas para uma gestão adequada (e.g. promover uma gestão dinâmica, ativa e planejada, seguindo concepções racionais, adaptativas e participativas). Desse modo, conclui-se que os responsáveis pelas UCs urbanas devem promover o empoderamento dos conselhos, para que estes funcionem adequadamente como fóruns de discussão e participação, bem como devem integrar essas áreas com seus territórios, através de legislações e diretrizes específicas. A adoção de práticas de governança e gestão adequadas, exequíveis, dinâmicas e participativas em UCs urbanas, são fundamentais para a manutenção de ecossistemas saudáveis, os quais formam a espinha dorsal de um futuro mais sustentável. Além disso, para o cumprimento das propostas discutidas, entende-se como imprescindível que as autoridades governamentais incorporem em suas legislações a definição de UCs urbanas, reconhecendo a sua importância e garantindo com que estas áreas recebam maiores atenções / Urban protected areas (PAs) have been under pressure and threatened by anthropic activities, resulting in new management and governance challenges.Thus, we aimed to analyze the procedures used to mitigate the main pressures and threats in urban PAs and to identify the main variables that interfere with the achievement of their objectives. Therefore, we did semi-structured interviews with the management staff of national (State Parks Jaraguá and Cantareira and Ecological Stations of Ribeirão Preto and Assis) and international urban PAs (Natura 2000 Sites Lendspitz-Maiernigg, Sonian Forest and National Park Zuid-Kennemerland). We evaluated, together with their staff, the main pressures and threats faced by the PAs, as well as we analyzed the conservation actions they adopted. The interviews were directed by questions adapted from the Rapid Assessment and Prioritization of Protected Area Management (RAPPAM) Methodology, and to analyze the data we used the Content Analysis technique. In addition to the interviews, we analyzed the guidelines for best practices proposed by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), an internationally recognized institution for proposing relevant recommendations to global protected areas. The results indicate a series of pressures and threats common to the seven PAs (e.g. urban development and establishment of roads and highways), as well as pressures and threats found only in the national PAs (e.g. forest fires and illegal occupations) and in the international PAs (e.g. transmission of diseases between wild animals). It was also noted that all case studies adopted six types of conservation actions, such as: protection (e.g. surveillance and monitoring); management (e.g. control of invasive alien species); operationalization (e.g. articulation with different institutions); integration (e.g. environmental awareness); public use (e.g. promotion of tourism and recreational activities of low environmental impact); and knowledge (e.g. promotion of scientific research). The main variables that undermine the fulfillment of urban PAs objectives are insufficient human and financial resources, low transparency and social participation in decision-making processes. We observed that IUCN proposes five principles for good governance (i.e. legitimacy and voice, direction, performance, accountability, equity and rights) and various practices for appropriate management (e.g. promote a dynamic, active and planned management, following rational, adaptive and participative conceptions). Thus, we concluded that those responsible for urban PAs should promote the empowerment of their councils, so that they function properly as discussion forums, as well as must integrate these areas with their territories, through specific legislation. The adoption of appropriate, feasible, dynamic and participatory governance and management practices in urban PAs are fundamental to the maintenance of healthy ecosystems, which form the backbone of a more sustainable future. In addition, to achieve the proposals discussed, it is essential that government authorities incorporate into their legislation the definition of urban PAs, recognizing their importance and ensuring that these areas receive greater attention
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Dimensionnement vibro-acoustique des machines synchrones à aimants permanents pour la traction ferroviaire : Règles de conception silencieuse / Vibro-acoustic design of permanent magnets synchronous machines for railways application : Low-noise design rulesFakam Tchakoue, Mathias 07 March 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat s'inscrit dans un projet pour le développement du transport ferroviaire piloté par la société ALSTOM Transport. Il répond aux prévisions de quadruplement des déplacements interurbains et régionaux en France à l'horizon 2020 en respectant les contraintes environnementales très sévères, dont les normes restrictives du niveau de bruit émis par les trains. Une réduction importante du bruit émis par le moteur est donc nécessaire. Notre mission dans ce projet a été de développer un outil capable de prédire le bruit d'origine électromagnétique produit par les moteurs synchrones à aimants permanents, équipés d'un bobinage distribué ou concentré, et alimentés par des tensions MLI. Pour cela, un modèle multi-physique a été développé.Un couplage numérique - analytique a été mis en place pour calculer les forces magnétiques dans l'entrefer. La perméance globale d'entrefer et les inductances synchrones sont ainsi calculées grâce à des simulations éléments finis en statique, et très rapides. Un niveau de précision et de rapidité de résolution inégalé est obtenu pour le calcul des forces magnétiques. L'alimentation MLI, la perméabilité des clavettes, la saillance du rotor et l'asymétrie des dents du stator sont pris en compte. La rapidité de l'outil permet un couplage avec un superviseur d'optimisation. Deux prototypes ont été dimensionnés et fabriqués dans le but de valider le modèle multi-physique / This thesis is part of a project for the development of rail transportation piloted by ALSTOM TRANSPORT. It meets the forecasts of fourfold increase of the interurban and regional travels in France before 2020, by respecting very severe environmental requirements, among which the restrictive standards of noise level emitted by trains. An important reduction of the noise radiated by motors is required. Our mission in this project was to develop a tool capable of predicting the electromagnetic noise produced by permanent magnet synchronous motors equipped with distributed or concentrated windings, and fed by a PWM converter. For that purpose, a multi-physics model was developed.A numerical - analytical coupling was set up to calculate the airgap magnetic pressures. Global airgap permeance and synchronous inductances are thus calculated thanks to statics finite element simulations. An unequalled level of precision and speed of resolution is obtained for the computation of airgap magnetic pressures. The PWM supply, the wedge permeability, the rotor shape and the asymmetry of stator teeth are taken into account. The quickness of the resolution allows coupling our tool with an optimization supervisor. Two prototypes were designed and built in order to validate the multi-physics model
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As práticas de governança e gestão para a mitigação de pressões e ameaças em unidades de conservação urbanas / Governance and management practices for mitigating pressures and threats in urban protected areasRafaela Aguilar Sansão 20 March 2017 (has links)
As Unidades de Conservação (UCs) urbanas vêm sendo pressionadas e ameaçadas por atividades antrópicas, resultando em novos desafios de gestão e governança. Desse modo, buscou-se analisar os procedimentos utilizados para mitigação das principais pressões e ameaças em UCs urbanas e identificar as principais variáveis que interferem no alcance dos seus objetivos. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com as equipes de gestão de UCs urbanas nacionais (Parques Estaduais do Jaraguá e Cantareira, Estações Ecológicas de Ribeirão Preto e Assis) e internacionais (Sítios Natura 2000 Lendspitz-Maiernigg, Sonian Forest e Parque Nacional Zuid-Kennemerland), onde foram avaliadas as principais pressões e ameaças enfrentadas por essas áreas, bem como as ações de conservação que vem sendo adotadas. As entrevistas foram direcionadas por questões adaptadas da Metodologia RAPPAM (Rapid Assessment and Prioritization of Protected Area Management) e para a análise dos dados foi utilizada a técnica Análise de Conteúdo. Além das entrevistas, foram analisadas as orientações e melhores práticas propostas pela IUCN (União Internacional para a Conservação da Natureza), instituição reconhecida internacionalmente por propor recomendações relevantes para áreas protegidas mundiais. Os resultados indicam uma série de pressões e ameaças comuns aos sete casos de estudos (e.g. desenvolvimento urbano do entorno; estradas e rodovias), bem como pressões e ameaças que ocorrem somente nos casos de estudos nacionais (e.g. incêndios florestais e ocupações ilegais;) e internacionais (transmissão de doenças entre animais silvestres). Também observou-se que todas as equipes de gestão buscaram implementar procedimentos para mitigação em seus territórios, tais como ações de: proteção (e.g. fiscalização e monitoramento); manejo (e.g. controle de espécies exóticas invasoras); operacionalização (e.g. articulação com diferentes instituições); integração (e.g. sensibilização ambiental); uso público (e.g. atividades turísticas de baixo impacto ambiental); e conhecimento (e.g. promoção de pesquisas científicas). As principais variáveis que prejudicam o cumprimento dos seus objetivos são: recursos humanos e financeiros insuficientes, baixa transparência e participação social nos processos de tomada de decisão. Observa-se que a IUCN propõem cinco princípios para uma boa governança (i.e. legitimidade e voz; direção; desempenho; responsabilidade e equidade e direitos) e diversas práticas para uma gestão adequada (e.g. promover uma gestão dinâmica, ativa e planejada, seguindo concepções racionais, adaptativas e participativas). Desse modo, conclui-se que os responsáveis pelas UCs urbanas devem promover o empoderamento dos conselhos, para que estes funcionem adequadamente como fóruns de discussão e participação, bem como devem integrar essas áreas com seus territórios, através de legislações e diretrizes específicas. A adoção de práticas de governança e gestão adequadas, exequíveis, dinâmicas e participativas em UCs urbanas, são fundamentais para a manutenção de ecossistemas saudáveis, os quais formam a espinha dorsal de um futuro mais sustentável. Além disso, para o cumprimento das propostas discutidas, entende-se como imprescindível que as autoridades governamentais incorporem em suas legislações a definição de UCs urbanas, reconhecendo a sua importância e garantindo com que estas áreas recebam maiores atenções / Urban protected areas (PAs) have been under pressure and threatened by anthropic activities, resulting in new management and governance challenges.Thus, we aimed to analyze the procedures used to mitigate the main pressures and threats in urban PAs and to identify the main variables that interfere with the achievement of their objectives. Therefore, we did semi-structured interviews with the management staff of national (State Parks Jaraguá and Cantareira and Ecological Stations of Ribeirão Preto and Assis) and international urban PAs (Natura 2000 Sites Lendspitz-Maiernigg, Sonian Forest and National Park Zuid-Kennemerland). We evaluated, together with their staff, the main pressures and threats faced by the PAs, as well as we analyzed the conservation actions they adopted. The interviews were directed by questions adapted from the Rapid Assessment and Prioritization of Protected Area Management (RAPPAM) Methodology, and to analyze the data we used the Content Analysis technique. In addition to the interviews, we analyzed the guidelines for best practices proposed by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), an internationally recognized institution for proposing relevant recommendations to global protected areas. The results indicate a series of pressures and threats common to the seven PAs (e.g. urban development and establishment of roads and highways), as well as pressures and threats found only in the national PAs (e.g. forest fires and illegal occupations) and in the international PAs (e.g. transmission of diseases between wild animals). It was also noted that all case studies adopted six types of conservation actions, such as: protection (e.g. surveillance and monitoring); management (e.g. control of invasive alien species); operationalization (e.g. articulation with different institutions); integration (e.g. environmental awareness); public use (e.g. promotion of tourism and recreational activities of low environmental impact); and knowledge (e.g. promotion of scientific research). The main variables that undermine the fulfillment of urban PAs objectives are insufficient human and financial resources, low transparency and social participation in decision-making processes. We observed that IUCN proposes five principles for good governance (i.e. legitimacy and voice, direction, performance, accountability, equity and rights) and various practices for appropriate management (e.g. promote a dynamic, active and planned management, following rational, adaptive and participative conceptions). Thus, we concluded that those responsible for urban PAs should promote the empowerment of their councils, so that they function properly as discussion forums, as well as must integrate these areas with their territories, through specific legislation. The adoption of appropriate, feasible, dynamic and participatory governance and management practices in urban PAs are fundamental to the maintenance of healthy ecosystems, which form the backbone of a more sustainable future. In addition, to achieve the proposals discussed, it is essential that government authorities incorporate into their legislation the definition of urban PAs, recognizing their importance and ensuring that these areas receive greater attention
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