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Impacto da força muscular periférica e respiratória na capacidade de exercício em indivíduos com e sem doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônicaSilva, Andréia Teresinha da January 2012 (has links)
Introdução: A força muscular periférica e respiratória pode estar reduzida em pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC). O impacto desta redução sobre a capacidade de realizar atividades e exercícios não é bem conhecida. Objetivos: Comparar a força muscular periférica e respiratória e o desempenho no teste da caminhada de 6 minutos (TC6) e no teste de senta e levanta de 1 minuto (TSL) em indivíduos com e sem DPOC e estudar o impacto da força muscular nos dois testes. Métodos: Foram estudados 21 pacientes com DPOC (13 homens, idade de 63±7 anos, volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo - VEF1 – 1,14±0,54, 42±18% do previsto) e 21 indivíduos sem DPOC (13 homens, idade 64±7 anos, VEF1 2,64±0,65, 106±21% do previsto). Todos os indivíduos realizaram espirometria, avaliação da pressão inspiratória máxima (PImáx) e expiratória máxima (PEmáx), teste de uma repetição máxima (1RM) para avaliar força do quadríceps, TC6 e TSL. Resultados: Quando comparados com controles pacientes com DPOC apresentaram valores inferiores de PImáx (77±23 cm H2O vs 102±18 cm H2O, p=0,0001), PEmáx (100±26 cm H2O vs 127±23 cm H2O, p=0,001), força do quadríceps (17±5 Kg vs 23±4 Kg, p=0,0001), distância no TC6 (405±76 m vs 539±48 m, p=0,0001) e repetições no TSL (25±6 vs 35±6, p=0,0001). No grupo de 42 indivíduos a distância percorrida no TC6 se associou com o VEF1 (r=0,80, p=0,0001), com a PImáx (r=0,59, p=0,0001), com a PEmáx (r=0,63, p=0,0001), com a SpO2 basal (r=0,61, p=0,0001) e com a força do quadríceps (r=0,63, p=0,0001). Num modelo multivariado o VEF1, a PImáx e a dispneia basal explicaram 81% da variabilidade da distância percorrida no TC6. Em relação ao TSL as melhores correlações foram observadas com o VEF1 (r=0,55, p=0,0001) e com a força do quadríceps (r=0,50, p=0,0001) e associação mais fraca foi observada com as pressões respiratórias máximas (r=0,34, p=0,02). A distância percorrida no TC6 se associou com o número de repetições no TSL (r=0,61, p=0,0001). Conclusões: Pacientes com DPOC tem redução da força muscular do quadríceps e das pressões respiratórias e um pior desempenho no TC6 e no TSL em relação aos controles. Tanto a força muscular do quadríceps como as pressões respiratórias influenciam o desempenho nos dois testes. Entretanto, o impacto da força do quadríceps sobre a distância percorrida parece depender do VEF1. Observamos uma relação forte entre a distância percorrida e o número de elevações no TST, sugerindo que o TST possa ter um papel na avaliação funcional de pacientes com DPOC. / Introduction: Peripheral and respiratory muscle strength may be reduced in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The impact of this reduction on the ability to perform activities and exercises is not well known. Aims: To compare the peripheral and respiratory muscle strength and the performance in a 6-minute walk test (6MWT) and a sit-to-stand test (STST) in subjects with and without COPD and to study the impact of the muscle strength on both tests. Methods: We studied 21 patients with COPD (13 men, age 63±7 years, forced expiratory volume in one second, FEV1 1.14±0.54, 42 ± 18% predicted ) and 21 subjects without COPD (13 men, age 64±7 years, FEV1 2.64±0.65, 106±21% predicted). All subjects underwent spirometry, maximal inspiratory (MIP) and expiratory pressure (MEP), one-repetition maximum (1RM) to evaluate quadriceps strength, 6MWT and STST. Results: When compared to controls patients with COPD showed lower values of MIP (77±23 cm H2O vs. 102±18 cm H2O, p=0.0001), MEP (100±26 cm H2O vs 127±23 cm H2O, p=0.001), quadriceps strength (17 ± 5 kg vs. 23 ± 4 kg, p=0.0001), distance in 6MWT (405±76 m vs 539±48 m, p = 0.0001) and repetitions in STST (25±6 vs 35±6, p=0.0001). The walked distance was associated with FEV1 (r=0.80, p=0.0001), MIP (r=0.59, p=0.0001), MEP (r=0.63, p=0.0001), baseline SpO2 (r=0.61, p=0.0001) and quadriceps strength (r=0.63, p=0.0001). In a multivariate model FEV1, MIP and baseline dyspnea explained 81% of the walked distance variance in 6MWT. Regarding the TSL, the best correlations were observed with FEV1 (r=0.55, p=0.0001) and quadriceps strength (r=0.495, p = 0.0001) while a weaker association was observed with the maximal respiratory pressures (r=0.34, p=0.02). The distance walked in 6MWT was associated with the number of repetitions in TSL (r=0.61, p=0.0001). Conclusions: Patients with COPD have reduced quadriceps muscle strength and respiratory pressures and a worse performance in the 6MWT and STST in relation to controls. Both the quadriceps muscle strength and respiratory pressure influenced the performance in both tests. However, the impact of quadriceps strength on the walked distance seems to depend on FEV1. We observed a strong relationship between distance and number of elevations in STST, suggesting that STST may have a role in the functional evaluation of patients with COPD.
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Réponses adaptatives des anguilles tempérées à l’hétérogénéité environnementale : mécanismes évolutifs, menaces liées au changement global et conséquences pour la conservation / Adaptive responses of temperate eels to environmental heterogeneity : evolutionary mechanisms, threats due to global change and implications for conservationMateo Santos, Maria 16 November 2017 (has links)
Le déclin mondial des anguilles tempérées est lié aux effets synergiques de multiples pressions anthropiques. Cependant, la complexité du cycle de vie des anguilles et leurs incroyables capacités d’adaptation font qu’il est très difficile de connaître le poids relatif de chacune des pressions. Les anguilles tempérées sont trois espèces catadromes qui ont de très grandes aires de répartition pendant leurs phases de croissance continentales. Leurs panmixies et les longues dérives larvaires passives sont des freins aux adaptations locales, cependant on observe des patrons spatiaux de traits d’histoire de vie corrélés aux gradients environnementaux, à l’échelle du bassin versant et de son aire de répartition. Ce doctorat vise à (i) démontrer si ces patrons spatiaux d’histoire de vie sont le résultat de deux réponses adaptatives : le polymorphisme génétique et la plasticité phénotypique adaptative, et (ii) à réévaluer l’effet des différentes composantes du changement global en prenant en compte ces réponses adaptatives. Dans ce cadre, GenEve el, un modèle d’optimisation individu-centré a été développé. Ce modèle postule que la sélection de l’habitat dépendant du génotype et la plasticité phénotypique sont deux mécanismes permettant de faire face à l’hétérogénéité environnementale. Avec de telles hypothèses, le modèle permet de reproduire les patrons spatiaux observés concernant la longueur à l’argenture, le sexe-ratio et la distribution des écotypes. Par la suite, différents types des pressions anthropiques - les pêcheries de civelles et d’anguilles argentées, les obstacles à la migration de montaison et les mortalités dues aux turbines hydroélectriques - ont été intégrés dans le modèle.L’objectif a été d’évaluer leurs impacts sur l’échappement, à la fois en nombre, mais aussi sur différents attributs comme le sexe-ratio, la répartition entre génotypes, la longueur à l’argenture moyenne, et la production globale d’oeufs. Les résultats montrent que la pression qui induit la plus forte mortalité directe n’a pas forcément la plus forte influence sur la biomasse féconde et n’exerce pas nécessairement la pression sélective la plus forte sur les écotypes. Le modèle met aussi en évidence que la plasticité phénotypique peut être source de résilience pour la population et qu’elle atténue l’effet de certaines pressions, mais pas de toutes. Cela suggère également que la gestion ne doit pas seulement se concentrer sur les nombres de survivants et les mortalités directes, mais aussi sur la protection de la diversité au sein des populations. Finalement, un modèle démo-génétique est décrit pour résumer notre compréhension des populations d’anguilles. Un tel modèle pourra être utilisé à l’avenir pour explorer les conditions écologiques dans lesquelles le polymorphisme génétique et la plasticité phénotypique ont été sélectionnés à travers des générations et fournir de nouvelles recommandations pour la conservation des espèces d’anguilles en voie d’extinction. / The worldwide decline of temperate eels is due to a synergistic combination of several anthropogenic pressures. However, eels display very specific life-cycles and amazing adaptation capacities that impair our ability to assess the relative effects of each pressure. Temperate eels are three catadromous species with large spatially distribution area during their continental growth stage. Their panmixia and the passive larval drifts impair the possibility of local adaptation; however life history spatial patterns are correlated with environmental gradients at both river catchment and distribution area scales. ThisPhD aims (i) to explore whether these life history spatial patterns may result from two adaptive responses: genetic polymorphism and adaptive phenotypic plasticity, and (ii) to revisit the effect of different components of global change in consideration to these adaptive responses. In this context,GenEveel, an individual-based optimization model was developed. The model postulates that genetic dependent habitat selection and phenotypic plasticity are mechanisms to address environmental heterogeneity. With such assumptions, the model was able to mimic observed spatial patterns in length-at-silvering, sex ratio and distribution of ecotypes. Moreover, different types of anthropogenic pressures (glass eel fishery, silver eel fishery, obstacles to upstream migration, and mortality due to hydropower facilities) were integrated in the model. Then, the model was used to assess their impacts on the number of escapees and their attributes: sex ratio, repartition between genotypes, mean lengthat-silvering, and overall egg production. The results showed that the pressure that induces the highest direct mortality has not necessarily the greatest influence on the spawning biomass and does not necessarily exert the strongest selective pressure on the ecotypes. This demonstrates that phenotypic plasticity can be a source of resilience for the population and mitigates the effect of some but not all the pressures. It also suggests that management should not only focus on numbers and direct mortalitybut on the preservation of diversity within populations. Finally, a demo-genetic model is described summarizing our understanding of eel populations. Such model can be used in the future to explore the ecological conditions in which genetic polymorphism and phenotypic plasticity have been selected through generations and provide new insights for the conservation of endangered eel species.
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Vulnérabilité des paysages forestiers en relation avec les activités humaines et la variabilité climatique en Tanzanie : analyse prospective des dynamiques de l'occupation du sol des réserves forestières de Pugu et de Kazimzumbwi / Vulnerability of forest landscapes in relation to human activities and climate variability in Tanzania : prospective analysis of land-use dynamics of the Pugu and Kazimzumbwi Forest ReservesBoussougou Boussougou, Guy Fidèle 14 November 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est de montrer la vulnérabilité des paysages forestiers en relation avec la variabilité climatique à l'échelle de la Tanzanie d’une part et d'analyser les dynamiques forestières, afin de réaliser une étude prospective des dynamiques de l'occupation des sols dans les réserves forestières de Pugu et de Kazimzumbwi d'autre part. L'analyse des données TRMM sur la période 2001-2013 a permis de mettre en évidence une variabilité saisonnière et interannuelle des précipitations à l'échelle du pays. Les cartes de précipitations interannuelles ont permis de distinguer les années à faible pluviométrie, les années à forte pluviométrie et les années à pluviométrie intermédiaire. Cette analyse a également permis de mettre en évidence 11 types de régimes pluviométriques marqués par des modes de variabilité saisonnière différents à l'échelle de la Tanzanie. Des oppositions existent entre les régimes pluviométriques de la région centrale savanicole marquées par des hauteurs annuelles faibles, un nombre de mois secs important (7 mois) et plus affectée par la variabilité interannuelle des précipitations d'une part et d’autre part les régions forestières du nord, sud et l'est plus humides et présentant des faibles déficits des hauteurs pluviométriques interannuelles. La sensibilité de la phénologie végétale à la variabilité pluviométrique a été analysé par l'étude des relations spatio-temporelles entre l'indice de végétation normalisé NDVI-MODIS et la pluviométrie (pluie TRMM). Les cartes de corrélations pluie/NDVI mettent en évidence une opposition entre les régions sèches du centre marquée par des paysages de savane fortement vulnérables à la variabilité pluviométrique et les régions du sud de forêts humides de montagnes et des régions côtières de forêts de mangroves réagissant peu à cette variabilité pluviométrique. Dans les régions de savanes du centre l'intensité de la dépendance pluie/NDVI est mesurée par un coefficient de corrélation de 0.70. Un suivi de l'analyse des pressions humaines sur les réserves forestières a été réalisé à partir de l'exemple des forêts de Pugu et de Kazimzumbwi sur la période 1995-2015 à partir de l'imagerie SPOT 6 (haute résolution) et LANDSAT. Les classifications de l’occupation du sol ont été réalisées à partir de la méthode orientée objet. Le bilan forestier montre que, des deux réserves forestières, seule la réserve de Pugu conserve encore près de la moitié de sa surface en forêt en 2015 (55% dont 32 % de forêt dense). À l'inverse la réserve de Kazimzumbwi ne contient que 5 % de forêt dense de sa superficie. Sur l'ensemble de la période étudiée (1995-2014), la sous-période 2009-2014 a été la plus critique en terme de perte de forêt. En effet, en l’espace de 5 ans les réserves forestières de Pugu et Kazimzumbwi ont presque perdu le double de leur superficie. Partant du constat d'une vulnérabilité accrue des pressions humaines dans les réserves, une analyse multicritère a permis d'identifier les zones de fortes et faibles pressions humaines. Les zones les plus vulnérables restent celles situées à proximité des axes de communication et des villes. Ainsi, les réserves forestières sont plus vulnérables dans leurs parties est, proches des routes principales et des grands centres urbains comme Pugu et Kisarawé. L'utilisation d’un modèle pour une modélisation prospective en 2050 a nécessité l’intégration des variables explicatives des changements observés et des cartes d'occupation du sol de 1995 et 2014. Le modèle est validé à partir d’une carte prédite et d’une carte réelle. Le résultat montre une simulation exacte à 72 %. Le modèle prévoit ainsi, à l’horizon 2050 une expansion et densification des surfaces artificialisées notamment à la périphérie nord-est de la réserve de Pugu et au sud dans la réserve de Kazimzumbwi. Cette croissance des surfaces artificialisées entraînera un recul important des surfaces forestières existantes à l’intérieur des réserves. / The objective of this work is on one hand to show the vulnerability of forest landscapes in relation to climate variability at the scale of Tanzania and on the other hand to analyze forest dynamics in order to carry out a prospective study of the dynamics of land use in the forest reserves of Pugu and Kazimzumbwi. Analysis of the TRMM data over the period from 2001 to 2013 has allowed revealing a seasonal and inter-annual variability in precipitation across the country. The inter-annual precipitation maps have made it possible to distinguish the years with low rainfall (2003, 2005, 2012 ), the years of high rainfall (2002, 2007, 2006, 2011) and the years of intermediate rainfall (2001, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013). It has also help to distinguish 11 types of rainfall regimes marked by different patterns of seasonal variability at the scale of Tanzania. There are oppositions between the rainfall regimes of the central savannah region on one hand marked by low annual heights over an important period of seven dry months, also more affected by inter-annual variability, and the northern, southern and eastern forest regions are more humid and presenting low deficits of heights inter-annual rainfall. The sensitivity of plant phenology to rainfall variability has been analyzed by the examination of the spatio-temporal relationships between the standardized vegetation index NDVI-MODIS and rainfall (rain TRMM). The rain / NDVI correlation maps show an opposition between the dry regions of the center marked by savannah landscapes highly vulnerable to rainfall variability and the southern regions of moist forests, mountains and coastal regions, mangrove forests Reacting poorly to this rainfall variability. In the savannah regions of the center, the intensity of rain / NDI dependence is measured by a correlation coefficient of 0.70. A monitoring of the analysis of human pressures on forest reserves was carried out using the example of the Pugu and Kazimzumbwi forests during the period 1995-2015 using SPOT 6 (high resolution) and LANDSAT imagery. The land use classifications were realized from the object oriented method. The forest review shows that in 2015 (55% of which 32% is dense forest), from the two reserves only the reserve of Pugu still preserves nearly the half of its surface in forest while the reserve forest of Kazimzumbwi contains only 5% of its area. Over the entire period studied, the sub-period 2009-2014 was the most critical in terms of forest loss. In fact, within five years the forest reserves of Pugu and Kazimzumbwi have almost lost the double of their area. Based on the increased vulnerability of human pressures in the Pugu and Kazimzumbwi forest reserves and their periphery, a multicriteria analysis has made it possible to identify areas of high and low human pressures. The most vulnerable areas remain those located close to the communication axes and cities. Consequently forest reserves are more vulnerable in their eastern parts, close to major roads and major urban centers such as Pugu and Kazimzumbwi. The use of a model for prospective modeling in 2050 has required the integration of the explanatory variables of the observed changes and the land use maps of 1995 and 2014. The model is validated from a predicted map and a real map. The result shows an exact simulation at 72%, based on this hypothesis of an increase in anthropogenic human pressures on the two forest reserves over time; we have predicted the land use map of 2050 under the effect of explanatory variables. This prospective modeling therefore envisages, by 2050, an expansion and densification of artificial surfaces, notably at the north-eastern periphery of the reserve of Pugu and on the south in the kazimzumbwi reserve. This growth in artificial surfaces will result in a significant decline in existing forest areas within reserves.
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Carregamento estático e dinâmico e sua relação com tensão, deformação e fluxos no solo / Static and dynamic loading and effects on stress distribution, deformation and flowsBrandt, André Anibal 20 March 2009 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The increased land use for food production is causing problems related to soil compaction in the different systems of land use, agricultural, livestock and forestry.
Soil degradation caused by compression can often be irreversible is a global problem that is getting worse year after year, because the machines are showing an increase of its mass, but often have no proportional increase in the area of tire-soil contact. This study was conducted to evaluate the physical properties (density, porosity and air permeability), water (water permeability and soil water retention curve) and mechanical (compressibility, in situ stress measures) of three soils (Oxisols, Alfisols 1, and Alfisols 2): Oxisols with crops under no-tillage (NT) and native forest (NF), and
Alfisols 1 and Alfisols 2 with crops under no-tillage (NT) and grassland (NG). The different times of loading (7.200 and 600 s) did not affect the preconsolidation pressure (σp) value in three soil layers (0.00-0.07, 0.10-0.15, 0.25-0.30, and 0.40-0.45 m). The σp in Oxisols and Alfisols was greater in the no-tillage soil, compared with
the native forest and grassland in the layers of 0.00-0.07, 0.10-0.15 and 0.25-0.30 m, due to the traffic of agricultural machines. Thus, successive farm machinery traffic on no-tillage soil affects σp to deeper soil layers. In theory, such effect was expected in
depth Oxisols, since soils with higher clay content pressure is transmitted to greater depths, thereby increasing the depth of compaction. The soil air permeability (ka) and saturated hydraulic conductivity (ks) were higher in Oxisols under native forest, with
the largest macroporosity, especially in the uppermost soil layer, where soil drying had no effect on ka. The ks for Oxisols under NF was 754 mm h-1, which is the largest,
whereas the smallest was 3 mm h-1 in the surface layer of NT. Measurements of pressure were made in situ with Soil Stress Transducer, SST. When traffic was conducted with the harvester, the highest pressures were measured in the layer 0.00-0.07 m of the Oxisols, and pressure was lower in the layer 0.40-0.45 m of the Ultisol 1, as expected, because in sandy soils the pressures are not transmitted to greater depths. These results show that the no-tillage of the soil can be affected significantly by soil compaction and that appropriate management systems should be used to maintain a balance of physical properties and flow of water and air in the soil. / O aumento do uso dos solos para a produção de alimentos vem causando problemas referentes à compactação nos diversos sistemas de exploração do solo, agrícola, pecuária e florestal. A degradação do solo causada pela compactação
muitas vezes pode ser irreversível, sendo um problema mundial que vem se agravando ano após ano, pois as máquinas vêm apresentando aumento de sua massa, mas muitas vezes não têm aumento proporcional da área de contato pneusolo.
Este estudo foi realizado para avaliar as propriedades físicas (densidade, porosidade e permeabilidade ao ar), hídricas (condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado e curva de retenção de água) e mecânicas (compressibilidade, tensão
medidas in situ) de três solos (Latossolo, Argissolo 1 e Argissolo 2) sob dois usos: Latossolo plantio direto (PD) e mata nativa (MN); e Argissolo 1 e Argissolo 2 PD e campo nativo (CN). Os diferentes tempos de carregamento (7.200 e 600 s) não alteraram a pressão de preconsolidação (σp) nos três solos em quatro camadas (0,00-0,07, 0,10-0,15, 0,25-0,30 e 0,40-0,45 m). A σp no Latossolo e Argissolo foi
maior no plantio direto, em comparação com a mata nativa e o campo nativo, nas camadas de 0,00-0,07, 0,10-0,15 e 0,25-0,30 m, fato esse devido ao tráfego das máquinas agrícolas. Assim, observa-se o sucessivo tráfego de máquinas sobre o
solo no plantio direto altera a σp em camadas mais profundas. Em teoria, era esperado um efeito em profundidades no Latossolo devido à textura argilosa, em relação ao Argissolo 1 e Argissolo 2, uma vez que solos com maior teor de argila as
pressões são transmitidas para profundidades maiores, aumentando desta forma a profundidade de compactação. A permeabilidade do solo ao ar (ka) e a condutividade
hidráulica do solo saturado (ks) foram maiores no Latossolo sob mata nativa, com a maior macroporosidade, em particular na camada superior, onde o secamento não teve efeito sobre a ka. A ks para o Latossolo sob MN foi de 754 mm h-1, sendo esta a maior, e a menor foi de 3 mm h-1 para o PD na camada superior do solo. As medições das pressões in situ foram feitas com o Transdutor de Tensão no Solo (Soil Stress Transducer, SST). As maiores pressões foram medidas quando o tráfego foi realizado com a colhedora no Latossolo na camada de 0,00-0,07 m, e a menor pressão foi no Argissolo 1 na camada de 0,40-0,45 m, como era esperado, pois em solos arenosos as pressões não são transmitidas em maiores
profundidades. Esses resultados demonstram que o plantio direto do solo pode ser alterado significativamente pela compactação do solo e que sistemas de manejo adequados devem ser utilizados para manter o equilíbrio das propriedades físicas e fluxos de água e ar no solo.
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Características biomecânicas dos pés durante a marcha de crianças tipícas e com síndrome de DownCastro, Kelli Cristina de 24 October 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-10-24 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The developmental evaluation in children s feet between the age of two and six years-old may be one of Health Professionals duty in a pre-school. In this age the more important changes in children s feet occur and it may be important to identify dysfunctions that require intervention as soon as possible. Thus the purpose of this study was to evaluate the static structure and dynamic function of pre-school children s feet in order to classify them according to a reference profile. Twenty five healthy children (mean age of 3.4 ± 0.65 years) had their feet anthropometry measured to classify the static foot structure and plantar pressures measured with a platform to evaluate dynamic foot function. The results evidenced that our children showed increased arch índex, midfoot width and peak pressure over the midfoot and decreased force-time integral for the forefoot, compared to a reference study. Thus, our results suggest that our children in some aspects present foot structure and function not as developed as expected for their age. / Avaliar o desenvolvimento dos pés em crianças entre dois e seis anos de idade pode ser uma das tarefas de profissionais da Saúde inseridos na Educação Infantil. Nessa faixa etária ocorrem as principais mudanças na estrutura dos pés e a avaliação destas pode contribuir para a identificação precoce de disfunções que podem exigir intervenção. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a estrutura estática e a função dinâmica dos pés de um grupo de escolares da educação infantil, a fim de classificá-los de acordo com um perfil de referência. Foram avaliadas 25 crianças saudáveis (idade média de 3,4 ± 0,65 anos) que andaram na passarela, passando sobre a plataforma de pressão. A função dinâmica dos pés foi avaliada pela FRS e a estrutura estática dos pés foi avaliada por meio da plantigrafia. Os resultados evidenciaram que o índice do arco, a largura do mediopé e o pico de pressão na região do mediopé são maiores nas crianças avaliadas em nosso estudo, quando comparadas com um estudo de referência. Tais resultados sugerem que em alguns aspectos tanto a estrutura quanto a função dos pés ainda não estão plenamente desenvolvidos nessas crianças como o esperado para a idade.
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Heterogeneous implementation of CSR in an MNE : the role of subsidiaries’ institutional contexts and behaviors / Mise en œuvre hétérogène de la RSE dans une multinationale : le rôle des contextes institutionnels et des comportements des filialesJacqueminet, Anne 16 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse se donne pour objectif principal l’explication de l’hétérogénéité que l’on observe en matière de conformité au sein des multinationales. En particulier, je m’intéresse à ce qui pousse les filiales d’une multinationale à mettre en œuvre des pratiques conformes à la politique définie par le siège. Compte-tenu des pressions normatives croissantes exercées sur les multinationales, leur gestion de la conformité interne prend une importance stratégique. Et la responsabilité sociale d’entreprise (RSE) compte au nombre de ces normes émergentes. Mon travail repose sur des données uniques (dont des enquêtes, des données d’archive et des entretiens) sur la mise en œuvre de pratiques RSE que j’ai collectées de 2012 à 2014 au sein d’une multinationale. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats de mes trois essais démontrent que les niveaux hétérogènes de conformité que l’on observe au sein des multinationales résultent certes des différentes pressions internes et externes exercées sur leurs filiales, mais également (1) de leurs divers niveaux d’attention aux demandes normatives en fonction de la conformité de leurs pairs, (2) de leur internalisation de la politique groupe qui limite l’influence du siège et de leurs pairs et (3) des caractéristiques spécifiques et des niveaux d’institutionnalisation des diverses pratiques. / The main objective of this dissertation is to explain heterogeneity in conformity within multinational enterprises (MNEs). More specifically, I focus on what makes an MNE’s subsidiaries implement practices that are consistent with the policy designed by the MNE’s headquarters. Given the increasing normative pressures on MNEs, managing conformity within them is of strategic importance. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an example of such mounting norms. My work relies on a unique set of data (including surveys, archival data and interviews) I collected on CSR practices in one MNE between 2012 and 2014. Overall, the findings of my three essays show that heterogeneous conformity within MNEs stems not only from diverse internal and external pressures exerted on subsidiaries, but also from (1) the subsidiaries’ varying levels of attention to normative demands that depend on peers’ behaviors, (2) their heterogeneous internalization of the Group policy which reduces peers’ and headquarters’ influence and (3) the specific characteristics and institutionalization levels of different practices.
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Avalia??o das press?es respirat?rias m?ximas em crian?as e adolescentes da grande Natal: elabora??o de uma equa??o preditivaNunes, Thiago C?sar Viana 30 March 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-03-30 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / The human respiratory system was so designed that would allow efficient
ventilation, regardless of variations in the external environment that may hinder
the act of breathing, such an act involves dozens of variables, among them we
find the respiratory depression, which is nothing more than respiratory muscle
strength. The pressures are widely used in several cases: Neuro-muscular;
evolution of pulmonary dysfunction and a predictor for discontinuation of
mechanical ventilation. Therefore it was proposed to carry out evaluations of
these respiratory pressures for children and adolescents aged 10 to 16 years
and propose a predictive equation that involves the anthropometric variables
age (A, years), body mass (BM, kilograms) and height (H, meters) with maximal
respiratory pressures (maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressure).
Evaluations were performed in this age group of students in public and
private schools of the Grande Natal , measurements were performed using the
analogue manometer, were children and adolescents and their parents gave
informed consent. 517 samples were taken, and 250 for males (M), 255 for
females (F) and 12 were excluded according to our exclusion criteria. The
sample was subdivided into three age groups (10-11, 12-13 and 14 to 16 years
old). It was found through the student s t test (p ≤ 0.05) for all variables studied,
children and male adolescents had higher means than females, except for the
MC. For the correlation between the variables found significant correlation (p
<0.05) among all the variables when analyzed as pairs except between MIP
and height for females. The development of predictive equations (for p ≤ 0.05)
based on three types of strategies adopted were restricted to two association between anthropometric variables isolated, resulting in: for males: MIP = -32.29
+ (-2.11*A) + (-0.52*BM), MIP = 9.99 + (-0.36*BM) + (-49.40*H); MEP = 18.54 +
3.53*A + 0, 42*BM, MEP = -33.37 + 2.78*A + 52.18* H, MEP = -17.39 +
0.33*BM + 55.04*H; and, for females we find: MEP = 24.32 + 2.59 * A +
0.24*BM / O sistema respirat?rio do ser humano foi concebido de maneira que
possibilitasse uma ventila??o eficiente, independente das varia??es do meio
externo que possam vir a dificultar o ato da respira??o, tal ato envolve dezenas
de vari?veis, dentre elas encontramos a press?o respirat?ria, que nada mais ?
do que a for?a muscular respirat?ria. As press?es s?o amplamente utilizadas
em diversos casos: Doen?as neuro-musculares; evolu??o de disfun??es
pulmonares e par?metro preditivo para a descontinuidade da ventila??o
mec?nica. Assim sendo foi proposto a realiza??o de avalia??es dessas
press?es respirat?rias para as crian?as e adolescentes de 10 aos 16 anos e
propor uma equa??o preditiva que envolvesse as vari?veis antropom?tricas
idade (ID, anos); massa corporal (MC, Kilogramas) e estatura (E, metros) com
as press?es respirat?rias m?ximas (press?o inspirat?ria e expirat?ria m?xima).
Foram realizadas as avalia??es nessa faixa et?ria em estudantes de escolas
p?blicas e privadas da grande natal, as mensura??es foram realizadas atrav?s
da manovacuometria anal?gica, as crian?as e adolescentes foram informadas e
seus respons?veis deram o consentimento. Foram realizadas 517 coletas,
sendo 250 para o g?nero masculino (M), 255 para o g?nero feminino (F) e 12
foram exclu?dos de acordo com nossos crit?rios de exclus?o. A amostra foi
subdividida em 3 faixas et?rias (10 a 11; 12 a 13 e 14 a 16 anos de idade).
Constatou-se atrav?s do teste t de student (p≤0,05) que para todas as vari?veis
pesquisadas, as crian?as e adolescentes do g?nero masculino apresentaram
m?dias superiores aos do g?nero feminino, exceto para a MC. Para a
correla??o entre as vari?veis encontramos significativa correla??o (p<0,05)
entre todos as vari?veis quando analisadas par a par exceto entre Estatura e a PIm?x para o g?nero feminino. A elabora??o das equa??es preditivas (para
p≤0,05) baseadas nos 3 tipos de estrat?gias adotadas ficaram restritas a
associa??o entre duas vari?veis antropom?tricas isoladas, resultando em: para
o g?nero masculino: PIm?x= -32,29 + (-2,11*ID) + (-0,52*MC); PIm?x= 9,99 +
(-0,36*MC) + (-49,40*E); PEm?x= 18,54 + 3,53*ID + 0,42*MC; PEm?x= -33,37
+ 2,78*ID + 52,18*E e PEm?x= -17,39 + 0,33*MC + 55,04*E; para o g?nero
feminino encontramos: PEm?x= 24,32 + 2,59*ID + 0,24*MC
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Impacto da força muscular periférica e respiratória na capacidade de exercício em indivíduos com e sem doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônicaSilva, Andréia Teresinha da January 2012 (has links)
Introdução: A força muscular periférica e respiratória pode estar reduzida em pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC). O impacto desta redução sobre a capacidade de realizar atividades e exercícios não é bem conhecida. Objetivos: Comparar a força muscular periférica e respiratória e o desempenho no teste da caminhada de 6 minutos (TC6) e no teste de senta e levanta de 1 minuto (TSL) em indivíduos com e sem DPOC e estudar o impacto da força muscular nos dois testes. Métodos: Foram estudados 21 pacientes com DPOC (13 homens, idade de 63±7 anos, volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo - VEF1 – 1,14±0,54, 42±18% do previsto) e 21 indivíduos sem DPOC (13 homens, idade 64±7 anos, VEF1 2,64±0,65, 106±21% do previsto). Todos os indivíduos realizaram espirometria, avaliação da pressão inspiratória máxima (PImáx) e expiratória máxima (PEmáx), teste de uma repetição máxima (1RM) para avaliar força do quadríceps, TC6 e TSL. Resultados: Quando comparados com controles pacientes com DPOC apresentaram valores inferiores de PImáx (77±23 cm H2O vs 102±18 cm H2O, p=0,0001), PEmáx (100±26 cm H2O vs 127±23 cm H2O, p=0,001), força do quadríceps (17±5 Kg vs 23±4 Kg, p=0,0001), distância no TC6 (405±76 m vs 539±48 m, p=0,0001) e repetições no TSL (25±6 vs 35±6, p=0,0001). No grupo de 42 indivíduos a distância percorrida no TC6 se associou com o VEF1 (r=0,80, p=0,0001), com a PImáx (r=0,59, p=0,0001), com a PEmáx (r=0,63, p=0,0001), com a SpO2 basal (r=0,61, p=0,0001) e com a força do quadríceps (r=0,63, p=0,0001). Num modelo multivariado o VEF1, a PImáx e a dispneia basal explicaram 81% da variabilidade da distância percorrida no TC6. Em relação ao TSL as melhores correlações foram observadas com o VEF1 (r=0,55, p=0,0001) e com a força do quadríceps (r=0,50, p=0,0001) e associação mais fraca foi observada com as pressões respiratórias máximas (r=0,34, p=0,02). A distância percorrida no TC6 se associou com o número de repetições no TSL (r=0,61, p=0,0001). Conclusões: Pacientes com DPOC tem redução da força muscular do quadríceps e das pressões respiratórias e um pior desempenho no TC6 e no TSL em relação aos controles. Tanto a força muscular do quadríceps como as pressões respiratórias influenciam o desempenho nos dois testes. Entretanto, o impacto da força do quadríceps sobre a distância percorrida parece depender do VEF1. Observamos uma relação forte entre a distância percorrida e o número de elevações no TST, sugerindo que o TST possa ter um papel na avaliação funcional de pacientes com DPOC. / Introduction: Peripheral and respiratory muscle strength may be reduced in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The impact of this reduction on the ability to perform activities and exercises is not well known. Aims: To compare the peripheral and respiratory muscle strength and the performance in a 6-minute walk test (6MWT) and a sit-to-stand test (STST) in subjects with and without COPD and to study the impact of the muscle strength on both tests. Methods: We studied 21 patients with COPD (13 men, age 63±7 years, forced expiratory volume in one second, FEV1 1.14±0.54, 42 ± 18% predicted ) and 21 subjects without COPD (13 men, age 64±7 years, FEV1 2.64±0.65, 106±21% predicted). All subjects underwent spirometry, maximal inspiratory (MIP) and expiratory pressure (MEP), one-repetition maximum (1RM) to evaluate quadriceps strength, 6MWT and STST. Results: When compared to controls patients with COPD showed lower values of MIP (77±23 cm H2O vs. 102±18 cm H2O, p=0.0001), MEP (100±26 cm H2O vs 127±23 cm H2O, p=0.001), quadriceps strength (17 ± 5 kg vs. 23 ± 4 kg, p=0.0001), distance in 6MWT (405±76 m vs 539±48 m, p = 0.0001) and repetitions in STST (25±6 vs 35±6, p=0.0001). The walked distance was associated with FEV1 (r=0.80, p=0.0001), MIP (r=0.59, p=0.0001), MEP (r=0.63, p=0.0001), baseline SpO2 (r=0.61, p=0.0001) and quadriceps strength (r=0.63, p=0.0001). In a multivariate model FEV1, MIP and baseline dyspnea explained 81% of the walked distance variance in 6MWT. Regarding the TSL, the best correlations were observed with FEV1 (r=0.55, p=0.0001) and quadriceps strength (r=0.495, p = 0.0001) while a weaker association was observed with the maximal respiratory pressures (r=0.34, p=0.02). The distance walked in 6MWT was associated with the number of repetitions in TSL (r=0.61, p=0.0001). Conclusions: Patients with COPD have reduced quadriceps muscle strength and respiratory pressures and a worse performance in the 6MWT and STST in relation to controls. Both the quadriceps muscle strength and respiratory pressure influenced the performance in both tests. However, the impact of quadriceps strength on the walked distance seems to depend on FEV1. We observed a strong relationship between distance and number of elevations in STST, suggesting that STST may have a role in the functional evaluation of patients with COPD.
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Propriedades Vibracionais do DipeptÃdeo L-Alanil-Alanina submetido a deformaÃÃes homogÃneas. / Vibrational properties of the dipeptide L-Alanyl-Alanine submitted to homogeneous deformation.Josà GlÃucio da Silva 21 December 2015 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de NÃvel Superior / O cristal dipeptÃdeo L-Alanil-L-alanina (Ala-Ala) foi estudado atravÃs da tÃcnica de espalhamento Raman polarizado submetido a deformaÃÃes homogÃneas. Os cristais foram crescidos pela tÃcnica de evaporaÃÃo lenta a partir de uma soluÃÃo aquosa supersaturada do pà do cristal. Medidas de raios-x foram realizadas para confirmar a estrutura cristalina do cristal. Foram realizadas medidas de espalhamento Raman polarizado a temperatura ambiente, bem como anÃlise da teoria de grupos para o grupo fator C4 juntamente com uma classificaÃÃo exploratÃria dos modos normais de vibraÃÃo do cristal. As medidas de espalhamento Raman foram realizadas em baixas temperaturas, entre 300 K e 11 K e 11 K e 300 K, e altas temperaturas, entre 300 K e 520 K e 520 K e 300 K, na regiÃo espectral de 50 a 3300 cm-1. Da anÃlise dos resultados das medidas de baixas temperaturas foi possÃvel concluir que o cristal exibe uma transiÃÃo de fase de segunda ordem, entre 80 e 60 K, passando continuamente da estrutura tetragonal com grupo fator C4 para uma estrutura monoclÃnica com grupo fator C2 mantendo o mesmo nÃmero de molÃculas na cÃlula primitiva. O mecanismo proposto para explicar a transiÃÃo de fase à a ocupaÃÃo de sÃtios de simetria C1 nÃo equivalentes pelos Ãons moleculares CH3 numa estrutura monoclÃnica pertencente ao grupo fator C2. O cristal manteve-se estÃvel em todo o intervalo de alta temperatura estudado. Nestas experiÃncias foram observadas apenas mudanÃas quantitativas nas frequÃncias e larguras de linha dos modos Raman estudados, que à normal para qualquer material submetido a variaÃÃes de temperaturas da ordem de 220 K. Medidas de espalhamento polarizado no cristal de Ala â Ala no intervalo de pressÃo entre 0,1 GPa e 6,3 GPa, na compressÃo, e de 6,3 GPa e 0,1 GPa, na descompressÃo, na regiÃo espectral de 100 cm-1 a 3400 cm-1 mostraram dois intervalos de pressÃo em que ocorrem diversas mudanÃas qualitativas; o primeiro entre 1,7 GPa e 2,3 GPa e o segundo entre 4,5 GPa e 4,9 GPa. Entre 1,7 GPa e 2,3 GPa foram observadas mudanÃas qualitativas significantes na regiÃo dos modos externos, tais como, o desaparecimento de um modo da rede em torno de 130 cm-1 e o comportamento anÃmalo de outro modo da rede em torno de 110 cm-1 para pressÃo de 1,7 GPa. Estas mudanÃas qualitativas sugerem que o cristal exibe uma transiÃÃo de fase estrutural de segunda ordem. As outras regiÃes do espectro Raman do cristal apresentaram diversas mudanÃas qualitativas continuas no comportamento dos modos Raman das unidades que participam diretamente das pontes de hidrogÃnio, indicando que o cristal apresenta reorientaÃÃes espaciais dos grupos moleculares CO2, CH3 e NH3. Estas mudanÃas qualitativas caracterizam uma transiÃÃo de fase estrutural de segunda ordem. As principais mudanÃas qualitativas observadas entre 4,5 GPa e 5,2 GPa sÃo o desaparecimento dos modos externos e, quantitativamente, um grande aumento na largura de linha dos modos Raman indicando que o cristal exibe uma desordem na estrutura cristalina durante a transiÃÃo de fase de altas pressÃes, possivelmente uma amorfizaÃÃo. Na descompressÃo da amostra os espectros Raman sÃo quase que totalmente recuperados na sua forma inicial indicando que o cristal apresenta transiÃÃes de fase reversÃveis. / The dipeptide L-Alanyl â L-Alanine crystal was studied through polarized Raman scattering submitted to homogeneous deformations. The crystals were grown by slow evaporation technique from an aqueous supersaturated solution of the crystal powder. Rays-x diffractions measurements were realized to confirm a crystalline structure of the crystal. Polarized Raman scattering measurements were performed at room temperature, as well as the analysis of the group theory to the C4 factor group and a tentative assignment of the vibrational modes of crystal. Raman scattering measurements in the crystals as a function of temperature were realized between two intervals of temperature: first, at low temperature between 300 K and 11 K e 11 K and 300 K, and second, at high temperature between 300 K e 520 K and 520 K e 300 K, in the spectral range of 50 cm-1 to 3400 cm-1. From the results of low temperature measurements, it was possible to conclude that the crystal undergoes a second-order phase transition between 80 K and 60 K, from a tetragonal structure with C4 factor group to a monoclinic structure with C2 factor group, maintaining the same number of the molecules per primitive cell. The suggested mechanism to explain the phase transition is the occupation of non-equivalent sites by CH3 molecular groups present at Ala-Ala molecule. On the other hand, the crystal remained stable in the high temperature range studied, and the changes observed in the Raman spectra showed no evidence that the Ala-Ala crystal undergone phase transition or changes in molecule conformation. In those experiments were observed only quantitative changes in frequency and widths of the Raman modes, which are normal for any material subjected to variations in temperatures around 220 K. Raman scattering measurements in the crystals as a function of pressure in the pressure range between 0,1 GPa and 6,3 GPa, in compression and of 6,3 GPa and 0,1 GPa, in decompression, in the spectral region between 100 cm-1 and 3400 cm-1 showed two ranges where several qualitative changes occurred; the first, in low pressure interval between 1.7 GPa and 2.3 GPa and the second, at high pressure interval, between 4.5 GPa and 4.9 GPa. Between 1.7 GPa and 2.3 GPa, it was observed qualitative changes as well as the disappearance of an external mode around of 130 cm-1 and the anomalous behavior of other external mode around of 110 cm-1 for pressures of the order of 1,7 GPa. These qualitative changes suggest that the crystal exhibits a second order structural phase transition. Qualitative changes also were observed in others regions of the Raman spectrum through of special reorientation of the molecular groups CO2, CH3 and NH3. These qualitative changes characterize a structural second order phase transition. The mains qualitative changes observed between 4,5 GPa and 5,2 GPa were the disappearance of the external modes and the an large increasing of the width of the Raman modes, suggesting that the crystal exhibits a structural disorder in the crystalline structure when undergoes a phase transition for high pressures, possibly a amorphization. When performing decompression of the sample, the Raman spectrum returns to its initial form relative to pressure of 0,1 GPa indicating reversibility of phase transitions.
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Medidas de espectroscopia raman em cristais de dl-valina a altas pressÃes. / Raman spectroscopy measurements of DL-valine crystals at high pressuresFellipe dos Santos Campelo Rego 28 January 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Neste trabalho, apresentamos um estudo de espalhamento Raman em cristais de DL-valina (C5H11NO2) à temperatura ambiente e sob condiÃÃes de altas pressÃes hidrostÃticas, no intervalo espectral de 40 cm-1 a 3200 cm-1. Baseando-se em estudos anteriores sobre espectroscopia Raman em cristais de DL-valina e de outros aminoÃcidos, tais como, L-valina, L-isoleucina e L-asparagina, propusemos uma classificaÃÃo das bandas em diversos modos de vibraÃÃo. Os espectros obtidos, por espectroscopia Raman, em funÃÃo da pressÃo sugerem que a DL-valina sofreu duas transiÃÃes de fase estruturais atà 19,4 GPa. A primeira transiÃÃo de fase entre 1,4 GPa e 1,8 GPa onde foi observado o desaparecimento de trÃs modos, um modo de rede e dois modos internos classificados como rocking do NH3+, r(NH3+), e estiramento simÃtrico do CH3, vs (CH3). A segunda transiÃÃo de fase entre 7,8 GPa e 8,8 GPa, onde foi observado o desdobramento de um modo de rede, o desaparecimento de um modo interno associado a uma deformaÃÃo do esqueleto da molÃcula, d(esq) e a divisÃo de um modo designado como estiramento do CH2, v(CH2). / In this work, we present a study of the Raman scattering of DL-valine crystals (C5H11NO2) at room temperature under high hydrostatic pressures conditions using the spectral range of 40-3200 cm-1. Based on previous studies using Raman spectroscopy on crystals of DL-valine and other amino acids such as L-valine, L-isoleucine and L- asparagine, we proposed the classification of the bands in different vibration modes. The Raman spectrum obtained as function of pressure suggests that DL-valine suffered two structural phase transitions by 19,4 GPa. The first transition phase of between 1,4 GPa and 1,8 GPa where we observed the disappearance of three modes, one network mode and two internal modes classified as rocking of NH3+ and symmetric stretching of CH3, vs (CH3). The second phase transition of between 7,8 GPa and 8,8 GPa, where we observe the unfolding of a network mode, the disappearance of the internal mode associated with skeletal deformation, d(esk) and the splitting designated as CH2, v(CH2).
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