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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of Tissue Health and Interventions for the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury

Wu, Gary Anthony Auyong 19 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Biogéographie socio-écologique des lacs au Canada

Dupont, Andréanne 12 1900 (has links)
Les pressions anthropiques peuvent avoir une influence négative sur la qualité de l’eau et sur la capacité d'un lac à fournir des services écosystémiques (SÉ). Cependant, une approche intégrant les connaissances écologiques et sociales nécessaires pour identifier les lacs les plus à risque de perdre leurs SÉ fait actuellement défaut. Nous fournissons ici un cadre qui intègre l'état écologique des lacs, les menaces pour la qualité de l’eau et l’utilisation des SÉ récréatifs à des échelles régionales pour identifier les zones vulnérables. En utilisant les données de plus de 660 lacs échantillonnés à travers le Canada, une classification régionale des lacs basée sur les caractéristiques biophysiques de lacs peu impactés a été déterminée. L'écart des lacs impactés par rapport aux caractéristiques naturelles de leur région a permis d'identifier les concentrations d'azote total et de chlorure comme les indicateurs les plus constants d’une altération de l’état écologique des lacs par l’activité humaine. L'état écologique, le niveau de menace et l’utilisation des SÉ ont été combinés et cartographiés avec un modèle de couleur additif. Les lacs du sud de l'Ontario et du Québec étaient les plus préoccupants, car ils étaient très altérés, menacés et fortement utilisés. Les lacs situés près des centres urbains des deux côtes étaient altérés et utilisés, mais apparemment moins menacés, tandis que ceux des Prairies étaient altérés et menacés, mais moins utilisés. Notre nouveau cadre fournit la première biogéographie socio-écologique des lacs canadiens et constitue un outil de gestion prometteur pour évaluer l'état et la vulnérabilité des lacs. / Anthropogenic pressures can negatively influence water quality and a lake's ability to provide ecosystem services (ES). However, an approach that integrates the ecological and social knowledge needed to identify lakes most at risk of losing their ES is currently lacking. Here, we provide a framework that integrates lake ecological status, water quality threats, and recreational ES use at regional scales to identify vulnerable areas. Using data from over 660 lakes sampled across Canada, a regional classification of lakes based on the biophysical characteristics of low impact lakes was determined. The deviation of impacted lakes from the natural characteristics of their region identified total nitrogen and chloride concentrations as the most consistent indicators of altered ecological state of lakes due to human activity. Ecological status, threat level and ES use were combined and mapped using an additive color model. Lakes in southern Ontario and Quebec were of greatest concern as they were highly altered, threatened and heavily used. Lakes near urban centers on both coasts were altered and used, but apparently less threatened, while those in the Prairies were altered and threatened, but less used. Our new framework provides the first socio-ecological biogeography of Canadian lakes and is a promising management tool for assessing lake state and vulnerability.

English language teaching in Hungarian primary schools with special reference to the teacher's mother tongue use

Nagy, Krisztina January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is a study of language use in English language classrooms in primary schools in Hungary. The focus of the study is on the use of the target language (English) and the mother tongue (Hungarian) by the teachers and the learners. The teachers are all Hungarian native speakers, with varying levels of competence and previous experience in communicative language teaching, and this presents a challenge to the adoption of a communicative approach to the teaching of English. The National Core Curriculum endorses the communicative approach, with the expectation that the target language will be used as much as possible. However, in practice, the mother tongue is widely used in these classrooms, both by the teachers and by the students. There is therefore a conflict between policy and practice: the policy is that the target language should be used wherever possible, whereas the practice is that the use of the target language is limited to predictable and routine contexts. It is this conflict which constitutes the central question which is addressed in this thesis: how do teachers resolve the conflict between what they are expected to do, and what they feel capable of doing. Data from classrooms and interviews were collected and analysed, using both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The focus of the analysis was on the amount and function of the use of the mother tongue by the teachers. Comparisons were drawn between teachers of Grade 4 pupils who started to learn English in Grade 1 and those who started in Grade 4. This analysis is complemented by evidence concerning the teachers‘ beliefs and understandings about the pressures and constraints which affect their teaching of English to young learners. The results suggest that the possibility of communicative language teaching in these classrooms is constrained by various factors, including the limitations in the children‘s cognitive capabilities and the proficiency level of the children, and the teachers‘ preference for using their previous methods which included grammar, translation and memorisation; also by curriculum requirements such as the use of the textbook, and the necessity to prepare the children for examinations. The implications of these findings for curriculum development in foreign language teaching in other comparable contexts are discussed.

Utilisation de l’habitat et pressions anthropiques sur une population de rorquals à bosse (Megaptera novaeangliae) de Guadeloupe par suivi terrestre

Proulx, Bruno 10 1900 (has links)
Le sanctuaire Agoa est une aire marine protégée dans la zone économique exclusive (ZEE) des Antilles françaises qui fut créée en 2010 pour la conservation des mammifères marins et de leurs habitats. Il est connu que le rorqual à bosse fréquente les eaux des Antilles de décembre à mai pour la reproduction et la mise bas. Par contre, peu d’information existe sur l’abondance, le comportement, la distribution et les pressions anthropiques sur cette espèce aux Antilles et encore moins dans le sanctuaire. Cette maîtrise s’intéresse principalement à connaître cette espèce dans un secteur précis de cette aire marine et les liens qu’elle entretient avec certains utilisateurs humains de son habitat. Le tout vise à informer les intervenants en place, autant institutionnels qu’utilisateurs, vers une mise en place de mesures de conservation adaptées. Un suivi terrestre hivernal de plus de 300 heures, en 2012 et 2013, a permis de déterminer l’utilisation de l’habitat et les pressions anthropiques sur une population de rorquals à bosse fréquentant le sud de la péninsule de la Pointe-des-Châteaux en Guadeloupe. Il s’agit du premier suivi terrestre de cette espèce aux Antilles françaises et un des premiers dans l'arc caribéen. La zone d’étude couvre environ 264 km2 et serait une des zones les plus fréquentées de l’archipel guadeloupéen par l’espèce. À l’aide d’un théodolite, la trajectoire de 107 groupes différents (137,8 heures, 699 remontées) a été décrite. Les résultats montrent que la zone d’étude est principalement fréquentée en mars et avril, avec une abondance maximale au début du mois d’avril. La forte présence de baleineaux, particulièrement au mois de mars, pousse à croire que cette zone est utilisée comme pouponnière. Le comportement n’est pas aléatoire dans la zone d’étude et les trajectoires convergent vers certaines zones ayant possiblement un lien avec la bathymétrie. De plus, la zone marine à proximité de la Pointe-des-Châteaux pourrait potentiellement être un lieu de convergence des groupes. Ceux-ci se déplacent à vitesse réduite en direction ENE en général, à l’exception des femelles accompagnées de baleineaux qui prennent une orientation tout autre, c’est-à-dire vers le ONO, et ce à plus grande vitesse. Bien que la pression d’observation soit considérée comme modérée, une forte proportion des remontées se trouve dans les corridors de navigation présents dans la zone d’étude. De plus, le corridor de navigation des navettes entre Saint-François et La Désirade comporte le plus grand risque relatif de collision mortelle. Une réduction de vitesse des embarcations fréquentant le corridor des navettes diminuerait significativement le risque de collision mortelle. Ces pistes de réflexion mèneront sans doute à d’autres études plus poussées afin de continuer à en apprendre sur l’écologie de cette espèce fascinante. / The Agoa sanctuary, a marine protected area (MPO) covering the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the French Caribbean, was created in 2010 to protect marine mammals and their habitats. It is known that the Caribbean islands are used from December to May by humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) as a reproductive area. However, sparse information exists on the abundance, the behaviour, the distribution and the anthropogenic pressures on this species in the Caribbean and even less in the sanctuary. This thesis focuses on increasing scientific knowledge about this species’ use of a part of the Agoa Sanctuary and their interactions with human users of the MPO. Such knowledge may inform stakeholders’ (institutional and individual) decision-making towards implementation of appropriate conservation measures. A land-based survey of more than 300 hours, in 2012 and 2013, was carried out to determine the habitat use of, and anthropogenic pressures on, a population of humpback whales frequenting the surrounding water of the Pointe-des-Châteaux peninsula in Guadeloupe. This is the first land-based survey of this species in the French West Indies and one of the first in the Caribbean. The study area of approximately 264 square kilometres is one of the most visited areas by this species in the Guadeloupe archipelago. Using a theodolite, 107 trajectories (i.e. groups of whales) were recorded, representing 137.8 hours and 699 surfacings. Results show that the abundance was higher in March and April with a peak in the first week of April. The high proportion of calves in this population, mainly in March, suggest that the study zone is a nursing area. Overall movement patterns are not random and may possibly be dictated by the bathymetry. Furthermore, trajectories seem to converge close to the Pointe-des-Châteaux. The average movement is slow and oriented in the same direction as the dominant current to the west of the Pointe-des-Châteaux (i.e. ENE), except for mother and calf groups that swim faster in the opposite direction (i.e. WNW). Even if the anthropogenic pressure may be consided as moderate, a high proportion of surfacing is located in some of the main maritime traffic corridors. In addition, the shuttle corridor between Saint-Francois and Désirade island has the greatest relative risk of fatal collision. A reduced speed for the shuttle corridor would lower significantly the collision risk. These findings may lead to more extensive studies to better understand the ecology of this fascinating species.

L’irrigation dans le bassin du Rhône : gestion de l’information géographique sur les ressources en eau et leurs usages / Irrigation in the Rhône basin : geographic information system about freshwater resources and water uses

Richard-Schott, Florence 06 December 2010 (has links)
L’irrigation a connu de grands changements dans le bassin du Rhône français durant les trente dernières années du vingtième siècle. La mise en œuvre d’un Système d’Information sur le bassin du Rhône (SIR) montre l’existence de quatre grands systèmes d’irrigation qui s’individualisent au sein de plusieurs « régions d’irrigation ». Ces dernières révèlent des dynamiques contrastées, mettant à mal l’idée que l’irrigation aurait connu une expansion continue et homogène, même si les superficies irriguées augmentent globalement. Ces dynamiques spatiales s’expliquent par les profondes transformations d’une pratique modernisée, utilisant des techniques toujours plus économes en eau. C’est d’ailleurs le deuxième enseignement de la recherche : l’accroissement général des superficies irriguées n’a pas entraîné une augmentation des demandes en eau. Celles-ci ont plutôt tendance à diminuer, de l’ordre de 30 % en trente ans. Sous l’impulsion des gestionnaires, les irrigants font un usage de plus en plus raisonné des ressources en eau et, à terme, il ne faut certainement pas considérer l’irrigation comme une menace généralisée pour les équilibres environnementaux... Le mémoire de thèse s’accompagne d’un système de gestion de l’information géographique et d’un atlas en version électronique. / Over the last thirty years of the twentieth century, irrigation in the French basin of the Rhône river has undergone substantial change. The implementation of a Geographic Information System on the Rhône basin (SIR) demonstrates the existence of four main irrigation systems individualized within several “irrigation regions.” These reveal in turn a series of contrasted dynamics, putting into question the idea that irrigation expansion had been both continuous and homogeneous, even though the total surface area irrigated actually increased. These spatial dynamics can be accounted for by the deep transformations due to a modernised practice that relies on techniques ever more sparing with water. This is in fact the second lesson one can draw from this study : the general increase in irrigated surface areas did not lead to an increase in water demand. On the contrary, water demand has tended to diminish, in the order of 30% over thirty years. Driven by management, the cultivators’ use of water resources is more and more reasoned, so that in the long run irrigation is surely no global threat to environmental balance. The thesis includes a system for managing geographic information as well as an electronic atlas.

Συμβολή στη στατική και δυναμική ανάλυση τοίχων αντιστήριξης μέσω θεωρητικών και πειραματικών μεθόδων

Κλουκίνας, Παναγιώτης 09 July 2013 (has links)
Οι κατασκευές εδαφικής αντιστήριξης εξακολουθούν να βρίσκονται σε ευρύτατη χρήση, με διαρκώς αυξανόμενο ενδιαφέρον λόγω των απαιτήσεων των σύγχρονων έργων υποδομής αλλά και των αναγκών δόμησης σε πυκνό αστικό περιβάλλον. Το ενδιαφέρον εστιάζεται σε κατασκευαστικές λύσεις και μεθόδους σχεδιασμού που συνδυάζουν ασφάλεια και οικονομία. Η ανάλυση των συγκεκριμένων κατασκευών αντιμετωπίζει πλήθος δυσεπίλυτων προβλημάτων στο αντικείμενο της αλληλεπίδρασης εδάφους-κατασκευής που συχνά καθορίζουν τη συμπεριφορά του έργου. Η κατανόηση αυτών των μηχανισμών επιτρέπει το σχεδιασμό με μικρότερα περιθώρια αβεβαιότητας που οδηγούν σε οικονομικότερες και ορθολογικότερες λύσεις. Στην κατεύθυνση αυτή συμβάλει η παρούσα Διατριβή, με την ανάπτυξη αναλυτικών εργαλείων και θεωρητικών ευρημάτων που βοηθούν στην κατανόηση των μηχανισμών της αλληλεπίδρασης και στην εκτίμηση της συμπεριφοράς των τοίχων αντιστήριξης υπό συνδυασμένη βαρυτική και σεισμική φόρτιση. Έμφαση δίνεται στην παραγωγή απλών κλειστών λύσεων και μεθοδολογιών για τον υπολογισμό των εδαφικών ωθήσεων και τη στατική ανάλυση του συστήματος τοίχου εδάφους. Συγκεκριμένα, παράγονται λύσεις άνω και κάτω ορίου για ενδόσιμους τοίχους, οι οποίες, παρότι προσεγγιστικές, πλεονεκτούν έναντι των κλασικών εξισώσεων Coulomb και Mononobe-Okabe τις οποίες μπορούν να αντικαταστήσουν. Σε ειδικές περιπτώσεις, όπως η περίπτωση τοίχων προβόλων με πεπλατυσμένο πέλμα, οι προτεινόμενες λύσεις οδηγούν σε ακριβή αποτελέσματα που βασίζονται σε ένα γενικευμένο πεδίο τάσεων Rankine. Επίσης παρουσιάζονται επεκτάσεις τους οι οποίες επιτρέπουν τον υπολογισμό μη-υδροστατικών κατανομών ωθήσεων γαιών λαμβάνοντας υπόψη την κυματική διάδοση της σεισμικής διέγερσης στο επίχωμα, σύμφωνα με μια ορθότερη παραλλαγή της ιδέας των Steedman & Zeng και τις διαφορετικές κινηματικές συνθήκες που προέρχονται από την απόκριση του τοίχου με περιστροφή περί την κορυφή ή τη βάση σύμφωνα με την τεχνική της Dubrova. Για την περίπτωση ανένδοτων τοίχων παρουσιάζεται μεθοδολογία για τη δραστική απλοποίηση των διαθέσιμων ελαστοδυναμικών, κυματικών λύσεων, όπως αυτή των Veletsos & Younan, η οποία καταλήγει σε κλειστές μαθηματικές εκφράσεις για τον υπολογισμό των ωθήσεων. Τέλος, παρουσιάζονται νέα ευρήματα στην κατεύθυνση της μαθηματικής αντιμετώπισης του δυσεπίλυτου προβλήματος της οριακής ισορροπίας ριπιδίου τάσεων σε εδαφικό μέσο στο οποίο ενεργούν βαρυτικές και αδρανειακές δυνάμεις πεδίου. Η παρούσα εργασία συμβάλλει στην περαιτέρω διερεύνηση του προβλήματος το οποίο θεμελίωσαν θεωρητικά οι Levy, Boussinesq, von Karman και Caquot, μέσω της δραστικής (αλλά ακριβούς) απλοποίησης του σε μία μη-γραμμική συνήθη διαφορική εξίσωση, η οποία επιτρέπει την επίλυση με απλές αριθμητικές και ημιαναλυτικές τεχνικές. Πέρα από τα ακριβή αριθμητικά αποτελέσματα, η προτεινόμενη ανάλυση προσφέρει μια βαθύτερη εποπτεία στο πρόβλημα και ανοίγει το δρόμο για περαιτέρω διερεύνηση ή και επέκταση της μεθόδου πέρα από τα όρια της κλασικής οριακής ανάλυσης. Η αξιοπιστία των προτεινόμενων λύσεων ελέγχεται μέσω συγκρίσεων με καθιερωμένες λύσεις και πειραματικά δεδομένα από τη βιβλιογραφία, αλλά και πρόσφατα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα που παρήχθησαν από τον συγγραφέα και ερευνητές στη σεισμική τράπεζα του Πανεπιστημίου του Bristol του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου. / Earth retaining structures are still in widespread use, with growing interest due to the demands of modern infrastructure and building needs in a dense urban environment. Building solutions and design methodologies that combine safety and economy are the objectives of modern research. Significant difficulties in the analysis of retaining structures arise from the soil-structure interaction nature of the problem that often prescribes its behavior. Understanding these mechanisms allows design under smaller uncertainties, leading to economical and rational solutions. The contribution of the present thesis consists of the development of analytical tools and theoretical findings, helpful in understanding the mechanisms of interaction and the behavior of walls under combined gravity and seismic loading. Emphasis is given to the derivation of simple closed-form solutions and methodologies for the calculation of earth pressures and the static analysis of wall-soil system. Specifically, approximate Lower and Upper Bound solutions are produced for the case of yielding walls, which are advantageous compared to the classical equations Coulomb and Mononobe-Okabe. In special cases, such as the L-shaped cantilever walls, these solutions lead to exact results, pertaining to a generalized Rankine stress field. Extensions of the above solutions are presented allowing the calculation of non-hydrostatic earth pressure distributions, due to the wave propagation of the seismic excitation in the backfill, according to a better variant of the Steedman & Zeng approach and different kinematic conditions of the wall rotating around the top or bottom, according to the technique of Dubrova. For the case of non-yielding walls, a new methodology for the drastic simplification of available wave solutions, such as the Veletsos & Younan, is presented which leads to closed-form expressions for the dynamic pressure calculation. Finally, new theoretical findings are presented for the mathematical treatment of the intractable problem of plastic limit equilibrium in soil medium subjected to gravitational and inertial forces field. This work contributes to the further investigation of the problem which is founded theoretically by Levy, Boussinesq, von Karman and Caquot, through the significant (but accurate) simplification to a single, non-linear ordinary differential equation, easier to handle by simple numerical and semi-analytical techniques. Apart from the exact numerical results, the proposed analysis provides a deeper physical insight, leading the way to further investigation or extension of the method beyond the classical limit analysis assumptions. The reliability of the proposed solutions is checked through comparisons with established solutions and experimental data from the literature and recent experimental results obtained by the author and researchers in the shake table laboratory of the University of Bristol, UK.

Compliance e os códigos de ética das empresas de capital aberto no Brasil: uma análise sob a ótica institucionalista

Stutz, Rosiane Sant’Anna 04 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by ROSIANE SANT ANNA STUTZ (rosistutz@gmail.com) on 2017-12-27T19:10:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Rosi Stutz.pdf: 1924541 bytes, checksum: 466cc41030b03645511276ad7f864ddf (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2018-01-02T13:02:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Rosi Stutz.pdf: 1924541 bytes, checksum: 466cc41030b03645511276ad7f864ddf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-09T17:04:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Rosi Stutz.pdf: 1924541 bytes, checksum: 466cc41030b03645511276ad7f864ddf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-04 / Esta pesquisa objetivou investigar a manifestação do isomorfismo nos Códigos de Ética das empresas de capital aberto listadas na Bolsa de Valores do Brasil para verificar como a construção deste documento é influenciada por mecanismos institucionais que exercem pressão sobre estas empresas, inseridas no mesmo ambiente.Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter descritivo, conduzida por meio de análise do conteúdo dos Códigos de Ética de uma amostra que incluiu todos os setores econômicos utilizados pela Bolsa de Valores do Brasil. Para tratamento dos dados, o estudo utilizou categorias referentes às exigências da Legislação Brasileira, à legitimidade e às melhores práticas de um Programa de Compliance.A partir das categorias evidenciadas no conteúdo dos Códigos de Ética, esta pesquisa observou a ocorrência dos aspectos de isomorfismo coercitivo e de legitimidade em todos os Códigos, independente do setor econômico das empresas da amostra. Este estudo sugere que os Códigos analisados foram criados como uma resposta simbólica para atender as pressões de regulação e do ambiente institucionalizado onde as empresas estão inseridas.A presente pesquisa se limitou a analisar os conteúdos dos Códigos de Ética sob a luz da Teoria Institucional, concentrando-se no aspecto do isomorfismo e dos mecanismos institucionais que exercem pressão sobre as organizações inseridas em determinado campo organizacional, não abordando outros conceitos da Teoria nem realizando qualquer análise sobre a efetividade dos Códigos de Ética nas organizações selecionadas.O resultado deste estudo serve como um insumo relevante tanto para empresas que necessitam construir seu Código de Ética, quanto para as que necessitam aperfeiçoar o conteúdo de Códigos de Ética já existentes.As empresas podem construir seu Código de Ética como um guia efetivo de conduta para restringir comportamentos não éticos da organização e não apenas como um documento escrito para atender as exigências institucionais e regulatórias.Pelo nosso conhecimento, este é o primeiro estudo de conteúdo dos Códigos de Ética das empresas de capital aberto no Brasil, após a Legislação Brasileira Anticorrupção. / The purpose of this study is to investigate the occurrence of isomorphism in the Codes of Ethics of public companies listed on the Brazilian Stock Exchange to verify how the construction of this document is influenced by institutional mechanisms that put pressure on these companies, inserted in the same environment.A qualitative, descriptive research was carried out by analyzing the content of the Codes of Ethics of a sample that included all the economic sectors used by Brazilian Stock Exchange. For data treatment, the study used categories related to the requirements of the Brazilian Legislation, related to legitimacy and to the best practices of a Compliance Program.From the categories evidenced in the content of the Codes of Ethics, this study observed the occurrence of coercive isomorphism and legitimacy aspects in all Codes, regardless of the economic sector of the sample companies. This work suggests that the Codes analyzed were created as a symbolic response to address the pressure of regulation and the pressure of the institutionalized environment where the companies are inserted.This study was limited to analyze the content of the Codes of Ethics using the Institutional Theory, focusing on the aspect of the isomorphism and the institutional mechanisms that put pressure on the organizations inserted in a determined organizational field, not addressing other concepts of the Theory nor performing any analysis on the effectiveness of the Codes of Ethics in the selected organizations.The result of this study serves as a relevant input for both companies that need to build their Code of Ethics and those that need to improve the content of existing Codes of Ethics.Companies can build their Code of Ethics as an effective conduct guide to restrict employees’ unethical behavior and not just as a written document to meet institutional and regulatory requirements.To our knowledge, this is the first study of the Codes of Ethics content of public companies in Brazil, after the creation of the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law.

An exploration of a community's expectations of a community newspaper : a case study of Fourways Review

Potter, Daniella Ann 02 1900 (has links)
This research explores to what extent the community newspaper, Fourways Review, which is distributed to a geographically demarcated area in Johannesburg’s northern suburbs, is fulfilling the community’s expectations; how community members use the newspaper and how Fourways Review’s community journalists define their roles. The research uses a qualitative approach to collect data through face-to-face, in-depth interviews with a sample of 30 community members and eight news team members; and one week of participant observation in the newsroom. Data is analysed through a constant comparative technique. The research finds Fourways Review is accepted in the community but is not as community-minded as a community newspaper should be, which affects how the community members use the publication. Community member respondents attribute the criticism to the influence of a market-driven approach to reporting. This is echoed by the news team respondents who say news production is influenced by community, advertising and inter-departmental pressures. / Communication Science / M.A. (Communication Studies)


Sampietro, Jean Alberto 31 January 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Mechanization significantly increased the productivity, quality and cost reduction for forests cultivation. However, it may be responsible for environmenral impacts, such as soil compaction, which is a result of traffic, mostly during wood harvesting operations. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the physical quality, trafficability and soil compaction due to traffic of wood harvesting machines of Eucalyptus sp. and developing functions to estimate physical and mechanical properties. The research was conducted in soils coming from implantation areas of Eucalyptus sp., and from an operational area of harvesting of Eucalyptus saligna Sm, belonging to CMPC Celulose Riograndense. To answer the hypotheses and meet the objectives, this work was divided into two studies. In Study I, five forest soils with different textural compositions were evaluated, determining physical quality indicators, trafficability indicators coming from the Proctor Normal test and uniaxial compression, and Atterberg consistency limits. The main results showed that both indicators of physical and trafficability were related to textural composition of soil, being estimated from these, as well as being influenced by different states of compaction. Furthermore, it was found that changing the bearing capacity has resulted in alteration of least limiting water range, which are related and, in this way, allowed to estimate the critical pressure for the plants growth. In Study II, we assessed the effect of different traffic intensities of a Harvester and a Forwarder on a Haplic Cambissol with sandy loam texture in Eucalyptus saligna Sm. stands, by determining the machines contact area and ground pressure exerted on soil, bulk density, pore size distribution, water retention curve, available water content, saturated hydraulic conductivity, air permeability, penetration resistance, compressibility, degree of compaction and shear strength. Were also evaluated the relationship of these properties and parameters. The main results indicated that few machines passes (one pass of Harvester and the four more of Forwarder) resulted in great part in soil deformation and changing in all evaluated properties and parameters. Mostly effects occurred until the depth of 20 cm. However, increasing the number of passes also caused changes in the deeper layers of soil. In general, the effects were higher in the area below within tracks, but, even so, effects occurred in areas between the wheels tracks and outside the areas of machines tracks. It was concluded that actions to minimize the compaction of forest soils should be associated with moisture conditions, traffic intensity and soil type. / A mecanização possibilitou aumento da produtividade, qualidade e redução de custos das atividades para o cultivo de florestas. Entretanto, tem sido responsável por impactos ambientais, destacando-se a compactação do solo, a qual é resultado do tráfego intenso de máquinas, principalmente nas operações de colheita. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram avaliar a qualidade física, trafegabilidade e a compactação de solos, em função do tráfego de máquinas de colheita da madeira de Eucalyptus sp. e desenvolver funções para a estimativa de propriedades físicas e mecânicas. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em solos advindos de áreas de implantação de povoamentos de Eucalyptus sp., e de uma área operacional de colheita de Eucalyptus saligna Sm., pertencentes à empresa CMPC Celulose Riograndense. Para responder as hipóteses e atender aos objetivos, o trabalho foi dividido em dois estudos. No Estudo I, foram avaliados cinco solos de uso florestal de diferentes composições texturais, determinando-se os indicadores de qualidade física, indicadores de trafegabilidade advindos do ensaio de Proctor Normal e compressão uniaxial, e limites de consistência. Os principais resultados mostraram que os indicadores de qualidade física e de trafegabilidade foram relacionados aos atributos texturais, podendo ser estimados a partir destes, além de serem influenciados por diferentes estados de compactação. Além disso, constatou-se que a alteração da capacidade de suporte resultou na alteração do intervalo hídrico ótimo, sendo estes relacionados, permitindo, assim, ser estimada a pressão crítica para o crescimento de plantas. No Estudo II, foi avaliado o efeito de diferentes intensidades de tráfego de um Harvester e um Forwarder sobre um Cambissolo Háplico de textura franco-arenosa em povoamentos de Eucalyptus saligna Smith, por meio da determinação da área de contato, pressão exercida pelas máquinas sobre o solo, densidade, distribuição de tamanho de poros, curva de retenção de água, conteúdo de água disponível, condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado, permeabilidade ao ar, resistência do solo à penetração, compressibilidade, grau de compactação e resistência ao cisalhamento. Foram avaliadas, também, as relações dessas propriedades e parâmetros. Os principais resultados indicaram que poucas passadas das máquinas (uma do Harvester e quatro do Forwarder) foram responsáveis em grande parte pela deformação e alteração de todas as propriedades e parâmetros. Os efeitos foram maiores até os 20 cm de profundidade. Entretanto, o aumento do número de passadas também causou alterações nas camadas mais profundas do solo. Em geral, os efeitos foram maiores na zona abaixo da trilha dos rodados, porém, ainda ocorreram efeitos nas zonas entre os rodados e fora da trilha dos rodados das máquinas. Conclui-se que as ações para minimização da compactação de solos florestais devem estar associadas às condições de umidade, intensidade de tráfego e tipo de solo.

For?a muscular respirat?ria, qualidade de vida e modula??o auton?mica da frequ?ncia card?aca na distrofia miot?nica

Ara?jo, Thaise Lucena 22 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:16:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ThaiseLA.pdf: 779453 bytes, checksum: fe87c118f2c753bc8ffd4a32cb6a1146 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-07-22 / Background: The myotonic dystrophy (MD) is a multisystem neuromuscular disease that can affect the respiratory muscles and heart function, and cause impairment in quality of life. Objectives: Investigate the changes in respiratory muscle strength, health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and autonomic modulation heart rate (HR) in patients with MD. Methods: Twenty-three patients performed assessment of pulmonary function, sniff nasal inspiratory pressure (SNIP), the maximal inspiratory (MIP) and expiratory (MEP) pressure, and of HRQoL (SF-36 questionnaire). Of these patients, 17 underwent assessment of heart rate variability (HRV) at rest, in the supine and seated positions. Results: The values of respiratory muscle strength were 64, 70 and 80% of predicted for MEP, MIP, and SNIP, respectively. Significant differences were found in the SF-36 domains of physical functioning (58.7 ? 31,4 vs. 84.5 ? 23, p<0.01) and physical problems (43.4 ? 35.2 vs. 81.2 ? 34, p<0.001) when patients were compared with the reference values. Single linear regression analysis demonstrated that MIP explains 29% of the variance in physical functioning, 18% of physical problems and 20% of vitality. The HRV showed that from supine position to seated, HF decreased (0.43 x 0.30), and LF (0.57 x 0.70) and the LF/HF ratio (1.28 x 2.22) increased (p< 0.05). Compared to healthy persons, LF was lower in both male patients (2.68 x 2.99) and women (2.31 x 2.79) (p< 0.05). LF / HF ratio and LF were higher in men (5.52 x 1.5 and 0.8 x 0.6, p <0.05) and AF in women (0.43 x 0.21) (p< 0.05). There was positive correlation between the time of diagnosis and LF / HF ratio (r = 0.7, p <0.01). Conclusions: The expiratory muscle strength was reduced. The HRQoL was more impaired on the physical aspects and partly influenced by changes in inspiratory muscle strength. The HRV showed that may be sympathetic dysfunction in autonomic modulation of HR, although with normal adjustment of autonomic modulation during the change of posture. The parasympathetic modulation is higher in female patients and sympathetic tends to increase in patients with longer diagnosis / Introdu??o: A distrofia miot?nica (DM) ? uma doen?a neuromuscular multissist?mica que pode afetar a musculatura respirat?ria e a fun??o card?aca, e ocasionar preju?zos na qualidade de vida. Objetivos: Investigar as altera??es na for?a muscular respirat?ria, qualidade de vida relacionada ? sa?de (QVRS), e modula??o auton?mica da freq??ncia card?aca (FC) em pacientes com DM. M?todos: Foram avaliados 23 pacientes quanto ? fun??o pulmonar, press?o inspirat?ria nasal sniff (SNIP), press?es respirat?rias m?ximas (PIm?x e PEm?x), e QVRS (question?rio SF-36). Destes, 17 realizaram avalia??o da variabilidade da frequ?ncia card?aca (VFC) em repouso, nas posturas supina e sentada. Resultados: Os valores da for?a muscular respirat?ria foram de 64, 70 e 80%predito para PEm?x, PIm?x, e SNIP, respectivamente. Foi encontrada diminui??o significativa nos dom?nios do SF-36 capacidade funcional (58.7 ? 31,4 vs. 84.5 ? 23, p<0.01) e disfun??o f?sica (43.4 ? 35.2 vs. 81.2 ? 34, p<0.001) comparado a valores de refer?ncia. A an?lise de regress?o linear mostrou que a PIm?x explica 29% da vari?ncia na capacidade funcional, 18% na disfun??o f?sica e 20% na vitalidade. A VFC mostrou que, da postura supina para a sentada, o espectro AF diminuiu (0.43 x 0.30) e o espectro BF (0.57 x 0.70) e a raz?o BF/AF (1.28 x 2.22) aumentaram, com p<0.05. Comparado a valores de refer?ncia, BF foi inferior (p<0.05) tanto nos pacientes homens (2.68 x 2.99), como nas mulheres (2.31 x 2.79). A raz?o BF/AF e o espectro BF foram maiores nos homens (5.52 x 1.5 e 0.8 x 0.6), e o espectro AF, nas mulheres (0.43 x 0.21), com p<0.05. Houve correla??o significativa positiva entre tempo de diagn?stico e raz?o BF/AF (r= 0.7, p< 0.01). Conclus?es: Indiv?duos com DM t?m for?a muscular expirat?ria diminu?da. A QVRS mostrou-se mais prejudicada em rela??o a aspectos f?sicos e parcialmente influenciada por varia??es na for?a muscular inspirat?ria. Pode haver disfun??o simp?tica na modula??o auton?mica da FC, com ajuste normal da postura supina para a sentada. A modula??o parassimp?tica ? superior em pacientes mulheres e a modula??o simp?tica tende a aumentar nos pacientes com maior tempo de diagn?stico

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