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Binnendifferenzierung im MusikunterrichtWalf, Leonard January 2013 (has links)
1. Individuelle Förderung als Hauptbestandteil der Binnendifferenzierung
2. Binnendifferenzierung in der Praxis
3. Binnendifferenzierung als Chance für den Musikunterricht
4. Literatur
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„Belcantare Brandenburg“ – ein zweites „Primacanta“? : Vergleichende Betrachtung zweier lehrerfortbildender SingprojekteMaier, Olga January 2013 (has links)
1. Die „Primacanta“-Konzeption
2. Erläuterungen zu den Vergleichbarkeiten und den Unterschieden beider Projekte
3. Literatur
4. Internetquellen
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Einzelcoaching als Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe. Wie man musikdidaktische Lehrerkompetenzen gezielt unterstützt und fördertAssinger, Eva Katharina January 2013 (has links)
1. Was ist Coaching?
2. Fachdidaktisches Coaching
3. Coaching im Projekt „Belcantare Brandenburg“
4. Evaluation und Weiterentwicklung der Coachingprozesse
5. Literatur
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Entwicklungsfelder in der Singarbeit der Teilnehmer von „Belcantare Brandenburg“Buschmann, Jana January 2013 (has links)
1. Merkmale und Arbeitsfelder des Singens
2. Entwicklungsfelder der Projektteilnehmer
3. Schülerbewertungen gewähren erste Erkenntnisse zur Qualität der schulischen Singarbeit
4. Literatur
5. Internetquellen
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Ausgewählte bilanzierende Einblicke zum Projekt „Belcantare Brandenburg“Buschmann, Jana, Jank, Birgit January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Är det någon "könsordning" i skolan? : analys av könsdiskurser i etniskt homogena och etniskt heterogena elevgrupper i årskurserna 0-6Forsberg, Ulla January 2002 (has links)
The thesis focuses on gender in primary school and the aim was to study how girls and boys construct their subjectivities in accordance with current gender discourses and how they take up those discourses in school practices. Special attention has been paid to the students' fluid subjectivities. The theoretical frameworks used are Bronwyn Davies' postructural subjectivity theory, Robert W Connells' structural concepts and cultural-sociological research studies concerning multicultural identity. The study was carried out at two schools, one ethnically homogeneous and one ethnically heterogeneous, in six classes encompassing years 0-2 and 5-6. It is ethnographic in nature and includes classroom observations, diaries, biographies, drawings, interviews with students and schoolteachers/headteachers and videotaping on a restricted scale. Data was collected over a period of approximately two school years. The results consist of local gender discourses emanating from the datamaterial and also of poststructural analyses of protocols from lessons etc. Five feminine and six masculine gender discourses, named student types, have been diagnosed: Sporty girl, Barbie, Feminist, Academic girl and Motherly girl and Macho boy, Honourable boy, Academic, Joker, Gentle boy and Ken. These student types are abstract discursive constructions developed from positions the student took up in a more or less repetitive way. They apperar in all classes but with varying frequency due to the influence of the schools' interest profile, leading teachers or leading students. Certain gender discourses are influenced by commercial trends in society, others are characterized by reactions towards the school's academic discourses. Students from working class backgrounds often take up positions as Macho boy or Sporty girl while middle class students dominate the type Academic boy/girl. Otherwise the positions are independent of social class. Immigrant students take up the most common discourses, probably an effect of ambitions to normalise to the majority culture. The analysis reveals that a dualistic and hierarchical gender structure, with male superiority was developed in all school classes and also among the boys in their own gendergroups, and among the girls but in a lesser degree. Teachers' discourses, education strategies, group size and the student's ages influence the gender order during lessons but less so during breaks. Both girls and boys, and some teachers, shift positions and even cross gender boundaries and the younger students (year 0-2) are more flexiable as also are the girls. This is considered to provide openings for changes in gender patterns. Consistently taking up equality discourse in practice influenced the gender order in one class. Some boys showed multiple subjectivities free from desire for power and some girls also wanted to break the gender barrier. Ideas about innate equalities between the genders were common and these circumstances might provide good resources for work aimed at changing gender structures. Macho and Barbie discourses ought to be questioned from the perspective of power. The results also show that cultural meetings in the classroom are characterised by the dominance of the majority culture. Immigrant students in accordance with the curriculum should experience integration taking place from two directions, enriching and strengthing their subjectivity process and also that of their fellow students. / digitalisering@umu
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Blyga pojkar och starka flickor : En studie om genus och jämställdhet i den kenyanska skolan / Shy boys and strong girls : A study of gender and equality in the Kenyan schoolBörjesson, Malin January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how two Kenyan school's approaches gender roles, by what the curriculum says and by how the teachers way of teaching are effecting the creation of gender roles. The aim is further to find out what the Kenyan school settings are, according to gender and equality, and how these are implemented in practice. This was examined through interviews at two local schools in Kenya, with five practicing teachers from grade one through grade six. This work compares the respondents' answers to the research that is related to the topic. Because of lack in the research about Kenya, the research has been based on mostly Swedish investigations. The conclusion of this study is that the two schools in Kenya are aiming for an equal school, which is also the government's goal. Teachers who work in primary school have similar ways of teaching, concerning a gender and equality thinking. Respondents have different ideas about gender and equality but they all agree that the traditional gender patterns must disappear to make both the school and the rest of society completely equal. / Det här arbetet handlar om hur genus och jämställdhet impliceras i den kenyanska skolans värld. Syftet med föreliggande arbete är att ta reda på skolans syn avseende könsroller genom vad som framställs i läroplanen och i lärarnas undervisning. Syftet är vidare att belysa den svenska skolans läroplaner gällande genus och jämställdhet. Syftet är även att ta reda på vad den kenyanska skolans inställning gällande genus och jämställdhet och hur detta genomförs i praktiken samt vad den kenyanska läroplanen säger. Detta undersöktes genom intervjuer på två lokala skolor i Kenya, med fem verksamma lärare ifrån årskurs ett till och med årskurs sex. I arbetet jämfördes respondenternas svar med den forskning som finns kopplat till ämnet. På grund av bristanade forskning i hur lärarna i Kenya arbetar med genus och jämställdhet i sin undervisning, har arbetet till stor del utgått ifrån svensk forskning i detta ämne. De slutsatser som dragits är att båda skolorna som är med i undersökningen strävar efter en jämställd skola, vilket även är regeringens mål. Lärare som arbetar i grundskolans tidigare åldrar har ett likvärdigt sätt att undervisa, men trots detta har respondenterna olika tankar kring genus och jämställdhet men de är alla överrens om att de traditionella könsmönstren måste försvinna för att både skolan och de övriga samhället ska bli helt jämställt.
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Lärarinnor utvecklar sin praktik : en studie av åtta utvecklingsarbeten på lågstadiet / Female teachers develop their practices : a study of eight development projects at the primary level of the comprehensive schoolRönnerman, Karin January 1993 (has links)
The overall aim of this study is to contribute to the understanding of development projects carried out by teachers within the Swedish 9-year compulsory school. The study concentrates on the everyday classroom work of the teachers, firstly when there were extra funds to use for the development projects, and secondly, when the funding had expired. Eight projects at the primary level were selected. Each project was visited three times during the first year. A follow up was made three years later. Data were collected by way of interviews, questionnaires and observations. The projects had different aims, contents and organization. Some projects changed or developed their aims and contents in the course of the project period, while others kept their original direction. Differences in the development of project activities were found to be related to such factors as the amount of personal support given by headmasters and colleagues, and on whose initiative a project was started, whether by the authorities or by the teachers themselves. Within the framework of the projects, the teachers often instigated relevant in-service training, developed new forms of cooperation, sought to integrate school subjects and tried new pedagogic practices. When financial support was terminated, the new ideas and the new practices were incorporated in the changed every day way of working. The project work tended to make the teachers feel more harmonious and whole, in that the activities tended to tie the teacher's personality and career more firmly together. Besides this personal development, the teachers felt that the project work enhanced more and closer cooperation in the schools. The teachers emphasized that it had become very important for them to collaborate, and that they felt they were no longer left alone with the responsibilities and problems in the classroom. The projects led to more committed pedagogical discussions in the staff- rooms resulting in a claim for more knowledge. The project teachers often invited lecturers and arranged other forms of in-service training. The results of the study are discussed in relation to theories of school development, teacher work and career as well as to gender theories. / digitalisering@umu
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Lärarna och de nationella kursplanerna : Hur förhåller sig lärarna till dem?Albertsson, Magnus January 2006 (has links)
My purpose with this study was partly to examine how some Swedish science teachers teach and their knowledge of the science curriculum, and how this affects their teaching. I also aimed to compare the Swedish and Irish science curriculum. The method I undertook to achieve this study was to carry out six interviews with science teachers in Sweden. I also completed a text analyse of both the Swedish & Irish science curriculum. The results of the interviews showed that the teachers think the curriculum is important but they do not always keep to it. They know that their pupils do not reach the standards for fifth grade but they are not concerned about this. They aim to teach science as outlined in the curriculum. However, they are satisfied with how they teach in relation to the curriculum today. The science curriculums in Sweden and in Ireland are composed in different ways but their didactic ways of thinking are quite similar. They want the pupils to think scientifically about nature and therefore reach a sustainable development. / Syftet med detta examinationsarbete var delvis att undersöka hur några svenska naturvetenskapslärare uppfattar och förhåller sig till kursplanerna i de naturvetenskapliga ämnena och hur de styr undervisningen. Jag syftade även att jämföra de svenska och irländska kursplanerna för naturvetenskap. För att ta reda på detta valde jag att genomföra kvalitativa intervjuer med sex naturvetenskapliga lärare i Sverige samt en textundersökning av kursplanerna. Ur intervjuerna framgick det att lärarna tycker kursplanerna är viktiga men de följer inte alltid dem. De vet att deras femteklassare inte når upp till målen men det bekymrar dem inte heller. De vill undervisa mer naturvetenskap som kursplanerna uppmanar men är samtidigt tillfredställda med hur de förhåller sig till dem idag. Kursplanerna, i Sverige och på Irland, är utformade olika men har samma didaktiska grundtanke, bland annat att ge eleverna ett naturvetenskapligt förhållande till naturen och därigenom nå en hållbar utveckling.
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Möjlighet till rörelse : En studie om sambandet mellan utbudet av faciliteter på skolgården, och lågstadieelevers fysiska aktivitet under rast. / Possibility for movement : a study of the relationship between the supply of facilities in the schoolyards, and physical activity during recess in primary school.Johansson, Robert, Andersson, Carl-Henrik January 2013 (has links)
Aim and research questions The aim of the study was to examine pupils’ physical activity on schoolyards in northern Stockholm’s surrounding municipalities, based on the schoolyards’ design regarding supply of spaces, material, equipment and gender. The research questions were: 1. Was there any association between how well spaces, materials and equipment were represented in the schoolyards and pupils’ physical activity during recess? If so, how did the association come to expression? 2. Did the results differ from the previous question, regarding gender? If so, how did the difference come to expression? Method A total of 122 second grade pupils, from six schools, in northern Stockholm’s surrounding municipalities participated. A systematic observation was the basis for the categorisation of the schoolyards. The schoolyards were categorised in adequate facilities and inadequate facilities. Questionnaires were distributed to the pupils’ guardians in order to identify the pupils’ socioeconomic status and everyday physical activity. Measurement of the pupils’ physical activity was done by equipping the pupils with pedometers during a morning recess. Results The results showed that girls on schoolyards with adequate facilities were more physically active than girls on schoolyards with inadequate facilities (p<0.05). No significant results on the matter were found regarding the boys. The boys in the study were more physically active than the girls during the morning recess (p <0.05). The results could not reveal that any factor in the schoolyard was more important than any other. The results also showed that the only pupils who took less than 31 steps / min were based on schoolyards with adequate facilities. Conclusion The study shows that increased supply of equipment and surfaces may well be an important aspect in order to stimulate a bigger number of girls to be physically active during recess. There are, however, pupils who are physically inactive during recess, despite a variety of surfaces and equipment available on the schoolyard. We believe it to be of utmost importance, to stimulate this group of pupils to be more physically active during recess. / Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka elevers fysiska aktivitet på skolgårdar i Stockholms norra kranskommuner, utifrån skolgårdarnas utformning gällande ytor, material, utrustning och kön. Frågeställningarna var följande: 1. Fanns det något samband mellan hur väl ytor, material och utrustning representerades på skolgårdarna och elevernas fysiska aktivitet under rast? Hur yttrade sig i så fall sambandet? 2. Skiljde sig resultaten i föregående frågeställning något gällande kön? Hur yttrade sig skillnaderna i så fall? Metod Sammanlagt deltog 122 elever i årskurs två, från sex skolor, i Stockholms norra kranskommuner. En systematisk observation av skolgårdarnas utformning låg till grund för en kategorisering av skolgårdarna. Skolgårdarna delades in i de två kategorierna tillräckliga faciliteter och otillräckliga faciliteter. Enkäter delades ut till elevernas målsmän med syftet att kartlägga elevernas socioekonomiska status samt fritidsaktiviteter. Mätning av elevernas fysiska aktivitet skedde genom att eleverna utrustades med stegräknare under en förmiddagsrast. Resultat Resultaten visade att flickor på skolgårdar med tillräckliga faciliteter rörde sig mer än flickor på skolgårdar med otillräckliga faciliteter (p<0,05). Bland pojkar fanns inga signifikanta resultat. Pojkarna i studien rörde sig mer än flickorna på rasten (p<0,05). Resultaten kunde inte visa på att någon faktor på skolgården var viktigare än någon annan. Resultaten visade även att de enda elever som tog mindre än 31 steg/min fanns på skolgårdar med tillräckliga faciliteter. Slutsats Studien visar att ökat utbud av utrustning och ytor kan vara en väg att gå för att stimulera fler flickor till fysisk aktivitet på rasterna. Det finns dock elever som är fysiskt inaktiva på rasten, trots att utbud av ytor och utrustning finns på skolgårdarna. Det är framförallt den gruppen elever vi anser behöver stimuleras att röra sig mer.
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