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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vertybinių orientacijų raiška pradinių klasių mokinių samprotavimuose apie kūrinio veikėją / An expression of valuable orientations in primary school children's reasoning about the literature character

Laučiūtė-Jankauskienė, Laura 24 September 2008 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Besikurianti informacinė visuomenė ir sparčiai vykstanti mokslo ir technikos pažanga keičia ne tik žmonių buitį, aplinką, bet ir savimonę, prioritetus (kaip vertybes). Dabartinė vertybinių orientacijų kaita kelia grėsmę prarasti pamatines vertybes . Todėl mokyklos, kaip vertybių internalizacijos tęsėjos, pareiga kuo įtaigiau ir patraukliau, integruoti dorinių vertybių sklaidą udgymo procese. Šiame magistro darbe analizuojama galimybė vertybių internalizacijos procese panaudoti vieną iš auklėjimo metodų – pavyzdį, paremta prozos kūrinių skaitymu ir samprotavimais apie kūrinio veikėjus. Šis metodas – tai būdas su pradinių klasių mokiniais nemoralizuojant kalbėtis apie vertybes, jų pasirinkimo galimybes, galimus padarinius. Problema. Iki šiol nėra ištirta, kaip pradinių klasių mokiniai išreiškia savo vertybines orientacijas samprotaudami apie prozos kūrinio veikėjus. Tyrimo objektas - vertybinių orientacijų raiška trečių – ketvirtų klasių mokinių samprotavimuose apie prozos kūrinio veikėją. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti vertybinių orientacijų raišką pradinių klasių mokinių samprotavimuose apie prozos kūrinio veikėją. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Apibendrinti vertybės sampratą filosofinėjė, psichologinėje ir pedagoginėje literatūroje; 2. Apibūdinti prozos kūrinio veikėjo analizės panaudojimo vertybių ugdymui galimybes; 3. Ištirti 3-4 klasės mokinių vertybinių orientacijų raišką samprotavimuose apie kūrinio veikėją. Tyrimo uždaviniaiTyrimo metodika. Tyrimas organizuotas 2008... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Significance of the theme. Nowadays when the whole informational society is creating itself very quickly there are no doubts that rapidly increasing progress of science ant technology exists as well. That obvious progress brought plenty changes into people lives, the way of their living and changed the direction of their valuable orientations. So there is a huge threat to lose foundational values. That is why school's obligation as a continuer's of values internalization is as much as possible suggestively and attractively integrates the distribution of honesty values info the whole educational process. The possibility to use just one educational method, in this case the method is an example's method, in the whole values internalization process is analysing in this master's work. This example's method is based on reading prose. This method is the best way to talk about all the values, the variety of values, the possibilities to choose them, without any moralization simply by reasoning about the prose characters. Problem of the theme. At this moment there are no comprehensive researches about the ways of expression of valuable orientations in primary school children's reasoning about the prose character. Object of the research. An expression of valuable orientations in the third and fourth grade pupils reasoning about the literature character Purpose of the research to describe the expression of valuable orientations in primary school children's reasoning about... [to full text]

Pradinių klasių mokinių laisvalaikis ir vertybinės orientacijos: situacija ir problemos / Post class activities and valuable orientation of primary school students: situation and problems

Hofšteterienė, Laima 24 September 2008 (has links)
Darniai vaikų raidai būtinos ne tik ekonominės, socialinės sąlygos, bet ir kultūrinis veiklumas bei aktyvumas. Šiandien, kalbėdami apie laisvalaikį ir vertybių ugdymą, susiduriame su nauja problema – vartojimo visuomene, kuri išreiškia gėrybių įsigijimą, jų eikvojimą, aplinkos ir žmogaus nuolatinį gyvenimo stiliaus konstravimą. Reikšmingais tampa tokie veiksmų rezultatai, kaip malonumas, pasitenkinimas, patrauklumas, o tam dažnai tarnauja laisvalaikis. Produktyviai leidžiamas laisvalaikis padeda žmogui visapusiškai tobulėti, formuotis vertybines nuostatas, o netinkamas laisvalaikio leidimo būdas gali destruktyviai veikti žmogų. Kuo žmogus jaunesnis, tuo ši problema opesnė, todėl pradinių klasių mokinių laisvalaikio nagrinėjimas tampa ypač aktualiu. Dabartiniai pokyčiai visuomenėje - gyvenimo tempas, įtempta tėvų darbo diena, informacinių technologijų tobulėjimas, žiniasklaida, vertybių perkainavimas, vartojimas kaip socialinė problema, daro stiprų poveikį vaikų laisvalaikiui ir vertybinių nuostatų formavimui(si). Infantiliai, tik vartotojiškai leidžiamas laisvalaikis, dažnai ne pagal mokinių amžių gaunama informacija destruktyviai veikia jų psichinę ir socialinę raidą bei vertybių formavimąsi. Tyrimo metodika Tyrime dalyvavo 570 respondentų – 470 pradinių klasių mokinių ir 100 jų tėvų. Tyrimas vyko 2 etapais: 2006 m. ir 2008 m. Tyrimo metodai: teoriniai, empiriniai, statistiniai. Darbo rezultatai aprobuoti tęstinėje tarptautinėje mokslinėje konferencijoje ,,Pasaulis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The topicality of the subject The harmonious children‘s development needs not only economical and social conditions but also cultural activity. Today, when we are talking about leisure time and raising of values, we face a new problem – the society of users, which expresses the acquisition of wealth, the use of them, constant environment and person’s construction of a lifestyle. Pleasure, satisfaction, attractiveness become very important items which depend on the leisure time. Productively spent leisure time helps a person to improve and form values and unsuitable way of spending leisure time can have a negative impact on people. This problem is a sore subject among young learners in primary schools, therefore the analyses of pupils’ in primary schools leisure time becomes very urgent. The changes in society – the tempo of life, tight working hours of parents, the improvement of technologies, mass media, and the use of values as a social problem have a strong impact on children’s leisure and on the development of values. Improperly spent leisure, the information which children get is not to their age and it affects their physical and social development as well as formation of values. Methods of the research 570 participants – 470 pupils of primary education and 100 parents took part in the research. The research consisted of two stages: in 2006 and in 2008. The methods of research: theoretical, empirical, and statistical. The results of the research were approved in the... [to full text]

Agresyvaus elgesio apraiškos pradinėse klasėse / Manifestations of aggressive behavior in primary grades

Avgulienė, Vitalija 02 July 2010 (has links)
Dabar ne tik suaugę, bet ir vaikai tampa vis piktesni, agresyvesni, linkę savo problemas, konfliktus spręsti pasitelkdami psichologinę ar fizinę agresiją. Pastaruoju metu paskelbta daug straipsnių, psichologinių knygų apie agresiją, kalbama apie šias problemas įvairių televizijos, radijo laidų metu. Reikia atlikti dar daug tyrimų, kurie padėtų veiksmingai spręsti problemas, susijusias su agresijos raiškos būdais ir naudojimu, o ypač tarp vaikų. Keliama hipotezė: Jaunesniajame mokykliniame amžiuje agresyvus elgesys pakankamai paplitęs ir turi įvairias raiškos formas. Tyrimo objektas: Dviejų Vilniaus pradinių mokyklų 2-4 klasių mokiniai bei juos mokantys mokytojai. Tyrimo tikslas: Atskleisti mokinių agresyvaus elgesio raiškos pradinio lavinimo mokykloje ypatumus ir numatyti problemos sprendimo būdus. Uždaviniai: 1) Išanalizuoti agresijos aiškinimo teorinius aspektus. 2) Ištirti agresijos raišką pradinėje mokykloje. 3) Išsiaiškinti agresijos raiškos formas mergaičių ir berniukų grupėse.. 4) Numatyti mokinių agresyvaus elgesio prevencijos galimybes. Šis darbas padės daugiau atkreipti dėmesį agresyvaus elgesio apraiškas pradinėse klasėse. Padės giliau susimąstyti apie agresyvius vaikus, kurių netinkamais elgesys ilgainiui gali keistis, vis sudėtingėti. Mokykloje svarbu laiku identifikuoti vaikus, turinčius polinkį į agresyvų elgesį ir suteikti jiems profesionalią pagalbą. Vaiko problema yra svarbi visai mokyklos bendruomenei, todėl visi jos nariai turi kryptingai dirbti ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Nowadays not only adults but also children are becoming angrier, more aggressive and inclinable in solving their problems using physical or psychological aggression. A lot of articles, psychological books about aggression has been announced, these problems are discussed during various TV and radio shows. Many researches have to be done which would help to efficiently solve the problems associated with aggression expression manner and usage, especially among children Hypothesis: aggressivebehavior is common use and it has variaus forms of vent in junior school age. The object of research: 2-4 grade children and their teachers of 2 Vilnius primary schools. The aim of research: To exhibit the peculiarities of children aggressive behavior expression in primary schools and to provide the solutions for this problem. Goals: 1. To analyze the theoretic aspects of aggression explanation. 2. To research the expression of aggression in primary schools. 3. To find aggression expression forms in boys and girls groups. 4. To foresee the prevention possibilities of aggressive pupils behavior. This paper will help to attract attention to aggressive behavior manifestations in primary schools. It will also help to give a further thought about aggressive children, whose inappropriate behavior may change in the future and become more complicated. It is essential in schools to early identify children who have tendency in aggressive behavior and give them proper professional help. The child’s... [to full text]

Vidinis auditas kaip pradinėje mokykloje kaitą skatinantis veiksnys / Internal Audit as the Alternation Stimulating Factor if Primary School

Ramanauskienė, Ona 15 June 2005 (has links)
Study object: • Internal audit and changes related with it in primary school. Aim: • To determine the influence of internal audit on alternation processes in primary school. Study tasks: • To analyze pedagogical and psychological literature of monitoring direction. • To clarify the attitude of pedagogues, parents and pupils to internal audit as the main alternation stimulating factor. • To explore internal audit influence on alternation. • To discuss about internal audit as knowledge and perfection condition of ourselves. Study methods: • The research of scientific literature. • Analyze of the documents. • Method of quantitative research. • Statistical treatment of data. The research of activity efficiency in the comprehensive schools was analyzed of very outstanding Lithuanian scientists and other investigators practices. I would like to mention B. Bitinas, P. Jucevičienė, V. Stulpinas, Ž. Jackūnas, V. Targamadzė, R. Želvys, M. Barkauskaitė, A. Bagdonas and others. The first research in branch of internal audit was done by Center of Pedagogues Education (CPE), the internal audit experiments were done in the preschools, in the primary schools and in the comprehensive schools. In nowadays very important to establish the internal audit, because just then schools by themselves could plumb to their done specific activities, would be interested to education politic and standards of quality. In 2002-2003 the internal audit were done in every comprehensive school, but there... [to full text]

Pasaka kaip pradinių klasių mokinių vizualinės raiškos lavinimo priemonė / Fairy tale as a means of visual expression training for primary school pupils

Čepytė, Gitana 16 August 2007 (has links)
Mažųjų meninė saviraiška – įvairialypis ir gana paslaptingas procesas. Čia susipina vaiko stebėjimai, jutimai, mėgdžiojimai bei kartojami veiksmai ir jo AŠ. Vaiko kultūros supratimas nulemia požiūrį į jo meninį ugdymą. Augdami meninėje aplinkoje, vaikai kaupia savo individualią patirtį ir perteikia ją įvairiomis meno formomis: kalbėdami, muzikuodami, šokdami, piešdami. Kartu jie pastebi bei pajaučia regimuosius simbolius, muzikos, poezijos ritmą.Vaizduodamas pasaką piešinyje, vaikas, nevaržomas kitų dėmesio ir nuomonės, gali laisviau fantazuoti, labiau pasinerti į apmąstymus, todėl kūrybiškiau mąsto ir originaliau bei įdomiau kuria įvairias idėjas. Tačiau kiekvienas mokinys, derindamas intuityvųjį ir s��mojingąjį pasakos suvokimą, turi įgyti tam tikrą kiekį teorinių žinių, būtinų saviraiškos motyvacijai tenkinti, pasakai piešti. Pradinių klasių mokinių gyvenimiška patirtis nedidelė, o teorinės žinios apie pasakos struktūrą, personažus, konfliktų sprendimo būdus ir kt. negausios. / Artistic self – expression of children – miscellaneous and quite mysterious process. There the observation, senses, imitations, repeating actions and also ego of the child intertwine. The child’s understanding of the culture determines the attitude towards his artistic training. Growing in artistic atmosphere, children store their individual experience and convey it in different forms of art: talking, making music, dancing, painting. Together they notice and feel visual signs, music and the rhythm of poetry.Fairy tale is the base of growing individual, the best way to prepare for life and work. When children read and tell fairy tales, they save our childhood world , which sometimes is forgotten. Painting a fairy tale, a child without others help, attention or opinion, can more easily fantasize and to sunk in contemplation. That’s why he contemplates more creatively and create ideas more originally and interestingly. However, each pupil, coordinating intuitive and ingenious understanding of fairy tale, have to acquire an amount of theoretic knowledge that is essential for self-expression and to paint a fairy tale. The true-life experience of primary school pupils is not big whereas theoretic knowledge of fairy tale structure, characters, ways to deal with conflicts and others is also not large.

Valstybinio švietimo strateginių nuostatų įgyvendinimo pradiniame ugdyme problemos / The problems of national education strategy implement in the primary school

Baliutytė, Neringa 27 August 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe išanalizuotos valstybinio švietimo strateginių nuostatų įgyvendinimo pradiniame ugdyme problemos. Analizuojama teoriniai valstybinio švietimo strategijų, pradinio ugdymo sampratos, bei valstybinio švietimo plėtotės aspektai. Išsamiai išanalizuojami Lietuvos autorių teoriniai ir praktiniai švietimo strategijos įgyvendinimo būklės tyrimai. Analizuotas Šiaulių apskrities pradinio ugdymo pedagogų požiūris į švietimo strategijos įgyvendinimą. Patvirtinama autoriaus suformuluota mokslinio tyrimo hipotezė, kad, įgyvendinant valstybinio švietimo strategines nuostatas pradiniame ugdyme, įgyvendinami ne visi strateginiai uždaviniai. / This Master work analyzes the problems of national education strategy implement in the primary school. We represent conceptions of national education strategies and primary school; also there you can find aspects of national education development. Researches are given for realizing the state of Lithuanian authors’ theoretical and practical education strategies. Analyze was done in order to find out the realization of pedagogue attitude about the education strategy of Šiauliai district primary school. The hypothesis of scientific research was proved by author that realization of national education strategy implement in the primary school is not completed by all strategical tasks.

Development (self-development) of mathematical competence of the IV-th form students by application of information and communication technologies / IV klasės mokinių matematinės kompetencijos ugdymas(is) taikant informacines ir komunikacines technologijas

Gesevičienė, Vilma 22 March 2013 (has links)
Dissertation examined the impact of the application of ICT on IV-th grade students mathematical competence development(sef-development). / Disertacijoje nagrinėjamas IKT taikymo poveikis IV klasės mokinių matematinės kompetencijos ugdymui(si).

An exploration of the reading choices of grade 4 learners in a public primary school in KwaZulu-Natal.

Govender, Kistensamy. January 2009 (has links)
The advent of technology, especially the electronic media, heralded a new era of communication. Together with this boom came a host of reading challenges that has affected the learner and learner performance in the classroom. In the PIRLS report (2006) an emergence of a “non-reading” culture was noted as a result of poor performance by learners in South Africa. This research aims to explore the reading choices of grade 4 learners and why they choose to read what they read. The research was conducted at a public primary school in the Chatsworth region in KwaZulu Natal. This research used the qualitative case study approach which is set within the interpretivist paradigm. The main source of data generation was the semi-structured interviews of five learners and their respective parents. In addition to this method, two structured observations were conducted: observations of the reading- for- pleasure lessons and the LRE lessons. To conclude the data collection, a case scenario, where the learners created their own reading room, was used. This multi-pronged approach was adopted to fill in the information gaps and omissions that arose from the interviews. The analysis of the data indicates the following: girls read more frequently than boys, newspapers form the bulk of the reading at home, billboards are an interesting addition to their reading list, girls are intrinsically motivated. Findings show that the electronic media require higher levels of literacy skills to access the highly- textual society of the workplace. It becomes imperative that reading be motivated, taught and encouraged. The definition of literacy by the school and the home should be revisited and reviewed so that learners are not disadvantaged. Furthermore, the teachers and the librarians will thus have a greater degree of flexibility in selecting reading materials for the classroom and the library respectively. It becomes vitally important that we heed the warning of Alvermann (2001, p. 680) who argues that “the possibility that as a culture we are making struggling readers out of some adolescents who for any number of reasons have turned their backs on a version of literacy called school literacy is a sobering thought” / Thesis (M.Ed.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2009.

The enactment of teacher leadership in an urban primary school : a case study of three teacher leaders.

Hlatywayo, Jairos D. January 2010 (has links)
The traditional view in education leadership separates school leaders from teachers. However, traditional views has been challenged by recent research which calls for distributed forms of leadership where all teachers are viewed as having the capacity to lead and where power is distributed across the organization. Therefore, leadership must be understood as a shared process which involves working with all stakeholders in a collegial and creative way to seek out the untapped leadership potential of people and develop this potential in a supportive environment for the betterment of the school. In other words, it is within these professional learning communities that power in the school is redistributed and where teachers can operate as leaders as they strive towards a more equitable society. / Thesis (M.Ed.) - University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2010.

The gendered perceptions of women in management positions in a primary school in the KwaDukuza (Lower Tugela) region.

Mthembu, T. P. January 2007 (has links)
This study explores how women in management are perceived especially in a Kwa-Dukuza Lower Tugela primary school (with the pseudonym, Mbonisweni). Mhonisweni is situated 5 kilometers away from my school. I was motivated to conduct this study by the negative perceptions of women in management positions that I detected in my own school (with the pseudonym, Vela). Vela is a new primary school, which was established as a result of overcrowding at Siyathuthuka senior primary school, which was at first a combined primary school. I was interested to see if a similar situation pertained at Mbonisweni and to find out what might he the reasons for any negative perception of women managers. Data for this study was collected through semi-structured interviews with eight educators from Mbonisweni Primary, including the principal of the school, 4 management team members and the 4 educators (two females and two males). The study found that evidence of some negativity towards the school principal and in some cases such negativity was based on gender stereotyped attitudes. The situation was not, however, simple. Prior to conducting the research I had anticipated that there might be strong support from female HODs and educators for the female principal (manager) but this was not uniformly the case nor was it the case that all males in the study were opposed to the female manager. The situation was more complex. Three quarters of the males interviewed supported the female management although their support did not mean that male teachers were in necessarily in favour of gender equity more broadly nor did it preclude some men from expressing view that could be seen as sexist. While three quarters of the females interviewed also supported the female management it was clear that no encompassing bond of sisterhood exited by which women automatically supported the females in the school's management team. / Thesis (M.Ed.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2007.

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