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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Machine Learning and Rank Aggregation Methods for Gene Prioritization from Heterogeneous Data Sources

Laha, Anirban January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Gene prioritization involves ranking genes by possible relevance to a disease of interest. This is important in order to narrow down the set of genes to be investigated biologically, and over the years, several computational approaches have been proposed for automat-ically prioritizing genes using some form of gene-related data, mostly using statistical or machine learning methods. Recently, Agarwal and Sengupta (2009) proposed the use of learning-to-rank methods, which have been used extensively in information retrieval and related fields, to learn a ranking of genes from a given data source, and used this approach to successfully identify novel genes related to leukemia and colon cancer using only gene expression data. In this work, we explore the possibility of combining such learning-to-rank methods with rank aggregation techniques to learn a ranking of genes from multiple heterogeneous data sources, such as gene expression data, gene ontology data, protein-protein interaction data, etc. Rank aggregation methods have their origins in voting theory, and have been used successfully in meta-search applications to aggregate webpage rankings from different search engines. Here we use graph-based learning-to-rank methods to learn a ranking of genes from each individual data source represented as a graph, and then apply rank aggregation methods to aggregate these rankings into a single ranking over the genes. The thesis describes our approach, reports experiments with various data sets, and presents our findings and initial conclusions.

Requirements fixation: the effect of specification formality on design creativity

Mohanani, R. P. (Rahul Prem) 29 November 2019 (has links)
Abstract There is a broad consensus in the software engineering (SE) research community that understanding system desiderata and design creativity is critical for the success of software projects. This has motivated a plethora of research in SE to improve requirements engineering (RE) processes. However, little research has investigated the relationship between the way desiderata are presented (i.e., framed) and creative design performance. This dissertation, therefore, examines the effects of more formal presentations of desiderata on design creativity. The research was conducted in three phases. The first consisted of summarizing the available literature on cognitive biases in SE to build a comprehensive body of knowledge, understand the current state of research, and identify the relevant literature to position and delineate subsequent investigations involving the framing effect and fixation. This research phase also investigated how creativity is conceptualized (i.e., understood, assessed and improved) in SE by exploring the perceptual differences and similarities between SE researchers and practitioners. In the second phase, two controlled experiments were conducted to investigate the impact of framing desiderata first as requirements (in general) and then as prioritized requirements on design creativity (i.e., the originality and practicality of a design). The third phase involved a protocol study to explore the underlying cognitive mechanisms that may explain why framing desiderata as formal requirements affects creativity. The empirical evidence from the second and third phases was interpreted together to propose a theoretical framework that explains the effect of specification formality on design creativity. While the results of the experiments show that specification formality is negatively related to design creativity (i.e., desiderata framed as requirements or prioritized requirements result in designs that are less creative), the findings from the protocol study indicate that the negative relationship between specification formality and design creativity is mediated by fixation (i.e., more formal presentation of desiderata induces fixation and hinders critical thinking). Overall, the results of this dissertation suggest that more formal and structured presentations of desiderata cause requirements fixation—the tendency to attribute undue confidence and importance to desiderata presented as formal requirements statements—that affects design creativity, and thus undermines software engineering success. / Tiivistelmä Ohjelmistotuotannon tutkijoiden keskuudessa on laaja yksimielisyys järjestelmän tarpeiden ja suunnittelun luovuuden ymmärtämisen kriittisyydestä ohjelmistoprojektien menestyksessä. Tämä on motivoinut monia ohjelmistotuotannon vaatimusmäärittelyprosessien parantamiseen liittyviä tutkimuksia. Harvassa on tarkasteltu tarpeiden esitystavan (eli muotoilun) ja luovan suunnittelun lopputuloksen välistä yhteyttä. Tässä väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan tarpeiden muodollisempien esitystapojen vaikutuksia suunnittelun luovuuteen. Tutkimus oli kolmivaiheinen. Ensin referoitiin ohjelmistotuotannossa kognitiivisiin harhoihin liittyvä kirjallisuus kartoittamaan nykytutkimuksen tila ja merkityksellinen kirjallisuus myöhempien, kehysvaikutuksen ja fiksaation sisältävien tutkimusten sijoittamiseen ja rajaamiseen. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin luovuuden käsitteellistämistä (eli ymmärrettävyyttä, arviointia ja parantamista) tutkimalla katsannollisia eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä tutkijoiden ja ammattilaisten välillä. Toisessa vaiheessa tehtiin kaksi kontrolloitua koetta tarpeiden muotoilun vaikutuksien tutkimiseksi, ensin vaatimuksina (yleisesti) ja sitten tärkeysjärjestykseen laitettuina vaatimuksina suhteessa suunnittelun luovuuteen (eli omaperäisyyteen ja käytännöllisyyteen). Lopuksi, protokollatutkimuksella selvitettiin taustalla olevia kognitiivisia mekanismeja selittämään syitä muodollisina vaatimuksina esitettyjen tarpeiden vaikutuksista luovuuteen. Toisesta ja kolmannesta vaiheesta saatujen empiiristen aineistojen tulkittiin yhdessä muodostavan teoreettisen viitekehyksen, joka selittää määrittelyn muodollisuuden vaikutusta suunnittelun luovuuteen. Vaikka kokeiden tulokset osoittavat määrittelyjen muodollisuuden vaikuttavan negatiivisesti suunnittelun luovuuteen (eli tarpeiden muotoilu vaatimuksina tai priorisoituina vaatimuksina vähentää suunnitelmien luovuutta), protokollatutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat fiksaation vaikuttavan negatiiviseen yhteyteen määrittelyjen muodollisuuden ja suunnittelun luovuuden välillä (eli tarpeiden muodollisempi esitystapa aiheuttaa fiksaatiota ja vaikeuttaa kriittistä ajattelua). Kaiken kaikkiaan, väitöskirjan tulokset esittävät muodollisempien ja strukturoidumpien tarpeiden esitystapojen aiheuttavan vaatimusten fiksaatiota, taipumusta pitää luottamusta ja tärkeyttä tarpeiden muodollisten vaatimusten ilmaisun ansioina, joka vaikuttaa suunnittelun luovuuteen heikentäen ohjelmistotuotannon menestymisen mahdollisuutta.

Incorporating human factors into process plant lifecycle: HF during design and operation of a process plant

Widiputri, Diah Indriani 10 June 2011 (has links)
Major accidents in the process industries occurred mostly as an outcome of multiple failures in different safety barriers and their interrelation with unsafe acts by frontline operators. This has become the reason why safety analyses in terms of plant technical aspects cannot be performed independently from analysing human response to the changing technology. Unsafe acts and errors by operators must be seen as a symptom of system insufficiencies and underlying problems, rather than as the cause of an accident. With this paradigm, the need to optimally configure the system and the whole working condition to understand human’s limitation and requirements becomes very evident. It is too naive to desire that human operators make zero error by asking them to change their behaviour and to perfectly adapt to the system. Human Factors (HF) attempts to cope with the need to understand the interrelation between human operators, the technology they are working with and the management system, with the aim to increase safety and efficiency. In achieving this goal, HF must be incorporated into the whole plant lifecycle, from the earliest design stage to plant operation and modifications. Moreover, HF analysis must comprise all kinds of operators’ activities and responsibilities in operating process plants, which can include manual works in field and supervisory control conducted remotely from a control centre/room. This work has developed techniques that provide systematic way to incorporate HF into process plant lifecycle. The new HF analysis technique, PITOPA-Design, in a combination with the classic PITOPA, is applicable for an implementation during design and operation of a plant. With the awareness that safety analysis and HF cannot be performed separately, an interconnection with HAZOPs is made possible by means of this new technique. Moreover, to provide a systematic analysis of operators’ work in control room, an additional technique, the PITOPA-CR was also developed. This HF technique can as well be integrated into a general HF analysis both during design phase and plant operation. In addition to it, results coming from PITOPA-CR will provide information required to optimally configure control and alarm system, as well as the whole alarm management system to better understand the limitation and requirements of control room operators. The structure of the development can be described as follows: i) Development of HAZOPA (the Hazards and Operator Actions Analysis), which provides the interconnection between HF analysis and HAZOPs, ii) Development of PITOPA-Design, a technique to incorporate HF consideration into design phase, which is differentiated into 3 stages to comprise the conceptual design, the basic engineering and the detail engineering phase, iii) Development of PITOPA-CR, a technique for HF analysis in control room, iv) Integration of PITOPA-CR into alarm management system, development of a technique for alarm prioritization.:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i ABSTRACT iii ZUSAMMENFASSUNG iv CONTENTS v TABLE OF FIGURES viii LIST OF TABLES x NOMENCLATURE xi ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS xii CHAPTER 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Objectives 2 1.3 Scope of Work 3 CHAPTER 2 5 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 5 2.1 Fundamentals of Human Error 5 2.2 Human Factors (HF) 8 2.3 Motivations to Consider HF in Process Safety 9 2. 3. 1 Accidents that Address HF in Process Safety 11 2. 3. 2 Regulation and Legal Requirements 16 2. 3. 3 Business Value 19 2.4 Work of Operators in Complex Systems 19 2. 4. 1 Role of Operators in Complex Systems 20 2. 4. 2 Problems with Computerisation and Automation 24 2. 4. 3 Allocation of Functions and Levels of Automation 25 2.5 Performance Influencing Factors (PIFs) 27 2.6 Distributed Control System (DCS) and Alarm Systems 29 2. 6. 1 Alarm, Alarm System and Alarm Management 30 2. 6. 2 Most Common Alarm Problems 33 2. 6. 3 Improving Alarm Performance through Prioritization 34 2.7 Safety Analysis Methods 38 2.7.1 Qualitative Safety Analysis 39 2.7.2 Quantitative Safety Analysis 43 2.8 Mathematical Algorithms 44 2.8.1 Techniques for Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) 44 2.8.2 Classification Methods 47 CHAPTER 3 50 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN HF STUDIES 50 3. 1 Methods for HF analysis 50 A. Task Analysis 50 B. Techniques for Operators Actions Analysis 51 3. 2 Human Reliability Analyses (HRA) 52 3. 3 Consideration of Human Error in HAZOP 53 3. 4 HF in Process Plant Design 54 3. 5 HF in Alarm Management and DCS-Design 55 3. 6 The Need for Further Development of HF Methods 57 CHAPTER 4 58 MOTIVATION OF THE WORK 58 CHAPTER 5 61 PROCESS INDUSTRY TOOL FOR OPERATOR ACTIONS ANALYSIS (PITOPA) 61 5.1 The New Technique for Operator Actions Analysis (OAA) 64 5.2 Technique for Performance Influencing Factors (PIFs) Evaluation 65 5.3 Validation of PITOPA in the Process Industry 67 CHAPTER 6 71 EXTENDING HAZOP TO INTEGRATE HF INTO 71 GENERAL SAFETY ANALYSIS 71 6.1 Development of HAZOPA (The Hazard, Operability and Operator Actions Analysis) 72 6.2 Case Study 75 CHAPTER 7 85 APPROACH TO INCORPORATING HF CONSIDERATION 85 INTO PLANT DESIGN 85 7.1 Development of an Approach for HF Analysis in Design – The PITOPA-Design 85 7.1.1 HF Analysis in Conceptual Design Phase (HFAD–Conceptual) 88 7.1.2 HF Analysis in Basic Engineering (HFAD – Basic) 93 7.1.3 HF Analysis in Detail Engineering (HFAD-Detail) 107 7.2 Technique for HF-Design Parameters Evaluation 109 7.3 Intermediate Summary 114 CHAPTER 8 115 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW PITOPA-DESIGN: 115 A CASE-STUDY 115 8.1 Conceptual Design 115 8.2 Basic Engineering 123 8.3 Detail Engineering 127 CHAPTER 9 132 APPROACH FOR IMPROVING OPERATOR PERFORMANCE 132 IN CONTROL ROOM 132 9.1 Performance Influencing Factors (PIFs) for Supervisory & Monitoring Tasks 134 9.2 Development of PITOPA-Control Room (PITOPA-CR) 140 9.2.1 Analysis of Normal Operation 142 9.2.2 Analysis of Abnormal Operation 150 9.3 Alarm Prioritization 156 9.3.1 A survey on Alarm Prioritization 156 9.3.2 Incorporation of CROAA into Alarm Prioritization 157 9.4 Intermediate Summary 165 CHAPTER 10 167 INCORPORATION OF OPERATOR ACTIONS ANALYSIS INTO ALARM MANAGEMENT 167 CHAPTER 11 171 RESULTS AND FUTURE WORKS 171 11. 1 Results 171 11. 2 Future Works 172 BIBLIOGRAPHY 174 APPENDIX A A-1 APPENDIX B B-1 / Schwere Unfälle in der Prozessindustrie erfolgen meist aus einem Zusammenspiel mehrerer verschiedener Fehler und der gleichzeitigen Wechselwirkung mit falschem menschlichem Handeln. Dabei sind diese Fehlhandlungen nicht als Unfallursache anzusehen, sondern sie resultieren aus Fehlern, die in dem System selbst zu finden sind. Aus diesem Grund kann bei der Sicherheitsanalyse die technische Analyse nicht unabhängig von der Betrachtung des Human Factors (HF) durchgeführt werden. Um eine Reduzierung der Fehlhandlungen zu erreichen, müssen das Anlagendesign, die Bedienbarkeit und die Arbeitsumgebung an die menschlichen Fähigkeiten angepasst werden. Human Factors (HF) betrachtet die Interaktion zwischen menschlichen, technischen und organisatorischen Aspekten einer Anlage, mit dem Ziel die Sicherheit und Effektivität der Anlage zu optimieren. Dafür ist eine Einbindung von HF in den gesamten Lebenszyklus einer Anlage notwendig. So müssen HF- Analysen nicht nur während des Betriebs einer Anlage und bei Prozessmodifikationen durchgeführt werden, sondern auch während des gesamten Design- Prozesses, da gerade in den frühen Design-Phasen das Optimierungspotential besonders hoch ist. Eine solche Analysemethode muss alle Aufgaben eines Operators erfassen, so dass zwischen manueller Arbeit und der Arbeit in der Leitwarte unterschieden werden muss. In dieser Arbeit wurden Analysentechniken entwickelt, die einen systematischen Ansatz zur Berücksichtigung des HF über den gesamten Lebenszyklus einer verfahrenstechnischen Anlage darstellen. Mit Hilfe der neuen Analysemethode, PITOPA-Design, können Untersuchungen sowohl während der Designphase als auch während des Betriebs einer Anlage durchgeführt werden. Da solche HF-Analyse immer in Verbindung mit einer klassischen Sicherheitsanalyse erfolgen muss, bindet die neue Methode die HAZOP-Analyse direkt ein. Darüber hinaus wurde ein weiterer Ansatz für die Analyse von Operatorhandlungen in einer Messwartenarbeit entwickelt. Diese neue Analysentechnik, PITOPA-CR, bildet die Grundlage für Verbesserungen im Alarmsystem und wird in das Alarmmanagementsystem eingebunden. Die Arbeit ist wie folgt strukturiert: i) Entwicklung von HAZOPA (the Hazards and Operator Actions Analysis). Diese Methode stellt die Einbindung der HF-Analyse in HAZOP dar. ii) Entwicklung von PITOPA-Design, zur HF-Analyse während des gesamten Designprozesses einer verfahrenstechnischen Anlage. Die Methode wurde in 3 Teile eingeteilt, um die drei Designsphasen Conceptual-, Basic-, und Detail-Design zu erfassen. iii) Entwicklung von PITOPA-CR, zur HF-Analyse in der Messwarte. iv) Einbindung von PITOPA-CR in das Alarmmanagementsystem und Entwicklung einer Technik zur Alarmpriorisierung.:ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i ABSTRACT iii ZUSAMMENFASSUNG iv CONTENTS v TABLE OF FIGURES viii LIST OF TABLES x NOMENCLATURE xi ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS xii CHAPTER 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Objectives 2 1.3 Scope of Work 3 CHAPTER 2 5 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 5 2.1 Fundamentals of Human Error 5 2.2 Human Factors (HF) 8 2.3 Motivations to Consider HF in Process Safety 9 2. 3. 1 Accidents that Address HF in Process Safety 11 2. 3. 2 Regulation and Legal Requirements 16 2. 3. 3 Business Value 19 2.4 Work of Operators in Complex Systems 19 2. 4. 1 Role of Operators in Complex Systems 20 2. 4. 2 Problems with Computerisation and Automation 24 2. 4. 3 Allocation of Functions and Levels of Automation 25 2.5 Performance Influencing Factors (PIFs) 27 2.6 Distributed Control System (DCS) and Alarm Systems 29 2. 6. 1 Alarm, Alarm System and Alarm Management 30 2. 6. 2 Most Common Alarm Problems 33 2. 6. 3 Improving Alarm Performance through Prioritization 34 2.7 Safety Analysis Methods 38 2.7.1 Qualitative Safety Analysis 39 2.7.2 Quantitative Safety Analysis 43 2.8 Mathematical Algorithms 44 2.8.1 Techniques for Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) 44 2.8.2 Classification Methods 47 CHAPTER 3 50 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN HF STUDIES 50 3. 1 Methods for HF analysis 50 A. Task Analysis 50 B. Techniques for Operators Actions Analysis 51 3. 2 Human Reliability Analyses (HRA) 52 3. 3 Consideration of Human Error in HAZOP 53 3. 4 HF in Process Plant Design 54 3. 5 HF in Alarm Management and DCS-Design 55 3. 6 The Need for Further Development of HF Methods 57 CHAPTER 4 58 MOTIVATION OF THE WORK 58 CHAPTER 5 61 PROCESS INDUSTRY TOOL FOR OPERATOR ACTIONS ANALYSIS (PITOPA) 61 5.1 The New Technique for Operator Actions Analysis (OAA) 64 5.2 Technique for Performance Influencing Factors (PIFs) Evaluation 65 5.3 Validation of PITOPA in the Process Industry 67 CHAPTER 6 71 EXTENDING HAZOP TO INTEGRATE HF INTO 71 GENERAL SAFETY ANALYSIS 71 6.1 Development of HAZOPA (The Hazard, Operability and Operator Actions Analysis) 72 6.2 Case Study 75 CHAPTER 7 85 APPROACH TO INCORPORATING HF CONSIDERATION 85 INTO PLANT DESIGN 85 7.1 Development of an Approach for HF Analysis in Design – The PITOPA-Design 85 7.1.1 HF Analysis in Conceptual Design Phase (HFAD–Conceptual) 88 7.1.2 HF Analysis in Basic Engineering (HFAD – Basic) 93 7.1.3 HF Analysis in Detail Engineering (HFAD-Detail) 107 7.2 Technique for HF-Design Parameters Evaluation 109 7.3 Intermediate Summary 114 CHAPTER 8 115 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW PITOPA-DESIGN: 115 A CASE-STUDY 115 8.1 Conceptual Design 115 8.2 Basic Engineering 123 8.3 Detail Engineering 127 CHAPTER 9 132 APPROACH FOR IMPROVING OPERATOR PERFORMANCE 132 IN CONTROL ROOM 132 9.1 Performance Influencing Factors (PIFs) for Supervisory & Monitoring Tasks 134 9.2 Development of PITOPA-Control Room (PITOPA-CR) 140 9.2.1 Analysis of Normal Operation 142 9.2.2 Analysis of Abnormal Operation 150 9.3 Alarm Prioritization 156 9.3.1 A survey on Alarm Prioritization 156 9.3.2 Incorporation of CROAA into Alarm Prioritization 157 9.4 Intermediate Summary 165 CHAPTER 10 167 INCORPORATION OF OPERATOR ACTIONS ANALYSIS INTO ALARM MANAGEMENT 167 CHAPTER 11 171 RESULTS AND FUTURE WORKS 171 11. 1 Results 171 11. 2 Future Works 172 BIBLIOGRAPHY 174 APPENDIX A A-1 APPENDIX B B-1

Socialarbetares riskbedömningar för partnervåld : En analys av interbedömarreliabilitet

Christiansson, Jonathan, Jonsäll, Adam, Toomväli Petersson, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
Riskbedömningar är ett betydande inslag för att arbeta förebyggande mot återfall i partnervåld. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka interbedömarreliabiliteten bland socialarbetares riskbedömningar för partnervåld gällande identifiering av risk-, sårbarhets- och skyddsfaktorer samt ärendeprioritering. Undersökningen genomfördes genom att sex socialarbetare, både individuellt och gemensamt, fick bedöma risk- sårbarhet- och skyddsfaktorer samt prioritering av ärendet i sex fiktiva fall. Resultaten påvisade att interbedömarreliabiliteten vid jämförelse av enskilda bedömare varierade beroende på vilken faktor som skulle identifieras samt vilken prioritering som skulle tillskrivas ärendet. Det samma gällde de gemensamma bedömningarna. Riskfaktorer påvisades inneha högst interbedömarreliabilitet och sårbarhetsfaktorer inneha lägst interbedömarreliabilitet. utslaget på samtliga fall. Det gällde även vid jämförelse av gemensam bedömning. Ärendeprioritering påvisade varierande interbedömarreliabilitet med måttlig samstämmighet mellan enskilda bedömare och något lägre samstämmighet i jämförelse med en gemensam bedömning, utslaget på samtliga fall. Vidare forskning rekommenderas i syfte att bistå i utvecklandet och användandet av manualer i bedömningar gällande partnervåld och förstå behovet av stöd till dess användare. / Risk assessments are an important element in preventing recidivism for intimate partner violence. This study aimed to investigate the inter-rater reliability of social workers' risk assessments for partner violence regarding the identification of risk, vulnerability and protective factors as well as case prioritization. The study was conducted by giving six social workers, both individually and jointly, the opportunity to assess risk-, vulnerability- and protective factors as well as prioritization of safety measures for six fictitious cases. The results showed that inter-rater reliability varied when comparing individual assessors depending on the factor that was to be identified and the priority to be attributed to the case. The same was true of the joint assessments. Risk factors were shown to have the highest inter-rater reliability and vulnerability factors to have the lowest inter-rater reliability averaged across all cases. The same was true when comparing joint assessments. Case prioritization showed varying inter-rater reliability with moderate agreement between individual assessors and somewhat lower agreement compared to a joint assessment, averaged across all cases. Further research is recommended in order to assist in the development and use of manuals in assessments of partner violence and in order to understand the need for support to its users.

Using Cognitive Work Analysis to identify opportunities for enhancing human-heavy vehicle system performance / Identifiering av möjliga systemförbättringar för människa-fordonssystemsprestanda genom användandet av Cognitive Work Analysis

Bodin, Ida January 2013 (has links)
In the road transportation industry development is moving towards more advanced technology and the use of automation in the driving environment is increasing. Regarding the safety risks associated with an unconsidered use of a high degree of automation, it is expensive to develop automatic systems dealing with complex situations. As there is still much improvement to do in this area, this thesis aims to contribute to developing safe autonomic systems to assist truck drivers. The aim of the study was twofold, namely 1) to use Cognitive Work Analysis to identify opportunities for enhancing human-heavy vehicle system performance and 2) to contribute to improving the possibilities for identifying opportunities for enhancing system performance through the development of a method of prioritizing Activities using a Contextual Activity Template. To identify the opportunities for improvement, the first two phases of a Cognitive Work Analysis (CWA) – Work Domain Analysis (WDA) and Control Task Analysis (ConTA), were conducted. To complete the WDA, five hours of interviews were conducted with a senior technical adviser from Scania CV AB as well as a two hour interview with an experienced commercial driver. Additionally, an observation study was conducted during which three video cameras were used to capture sixteen hours of footage (per camera) from 35 hours (2500kms) of observation (one driver/day over a four day period). During the observation study, drivers were asked to talk out loud about the information needed, decisions made and to provide some rational for their behavior at that time with respect to their driving activities. A total of 40 minutes of talk out loud video data was collected per driver. Finally, around five hours of follow-up interviews were conduct-ed during which these drivers reviewed the videos collected during the observation study. The results from the WDA were presented in an Abstraction Hierarchy. The overall functional purpose of the system was defined as Goods Distribution via Road Transportation with the values and priorities being Effectivity and Efficiency, Safety, Comfort, Laws/regulations, Reputation, and Organizational Regulations. For the WDA in the current thesis, the AH was completed for the first three values listed above. In total the AH included 343 nodes (39 at the Purpose Related Functions level, 77 at the Object Related Processes level, and 211 at the Physical Objects level). The means by which the physical objects were used in different situations was described using a Contractual Activity Template. The object related processes defined in the AH were crosschecked with 42 situations identified during the observation study. Eight hours of further interviews were conducted with the previously-observed drivers to better understand the relationship between the object related processes and the situations. The object related process-situations matrix was then prioritized according to importance and frequency. On the basis of this prioritization, a set of potential improvement areas were identified, as for example communication and visibility during highway driving. / Transportindustrins utveckling går mot mer avancerad teknik och högre automationsgrad i förarmiljön. Det är kostsamt att utveckla automatiska system som klarar att hantera komplexa situationer på grund av de säkerhetsrisker som är förknippade med ogenomtänkt införande av automation. Eftersom det fortfarande finns mycket förbättring att göra inom området syftar denna studie till att bidra i utvecklingen av säkra autonoma system som stödjer lastbilschauffören. Studien hade ett tvåfaldigt syfte, nämligen 1) att använda Cognitive Work Analysis för att identifiera möjligheter att förbättra människa-fordonssystemsprestandan för tunga lastbilar och 2) att bidra till att förbättra möjligheterna att identifiera möjliga systemförbättringar genom utveckling av en metod för prioritering av aktiviteterna i en Contextual Activity Template. För att identifiera förbättringsmöjligheterna genomfördes de två första faserna av Cognitive Work Analysis – Work Domain Analysis (WDA) och Control Task Analysis (ConTA). För WDA utfördes fem timmar av intervjuer med en senior technical adviser från Scania VC AB och en två timmars intervju med en erfaren kommersiell lastbilschaufför. Utöver detta genomfördes en observationsstudie där tre videokameror användes för att samla 16 timmars inspelning (per kamera) från 35 timmars (2500 km) observation (en förare/dag under en fyradagarsperiod). Under observationsstudien berättade förarna högt om informationsbehov, beslut som tas och förklarade beteendet under de olika köraktiviteterna. Totalt 40 minuter av videodata när förarna berättade högt insamlades per förare. Slutligen genomfördes ungefär fem timmar av efterföljande intervjuer där samma förare fick återge körningen utifrån videomaterialet från observationsstudien. Resultatet från WDA presenterades i en abstraktionshierarki. Det övergripande funktionella syftet med systemet var definierat som godsdistribution via vägtransport med värdena och prioriteringarna Effektivitet, Säkerhet, Komfort, Lagar/Regler, Rykte och Organisatoriska regler. För WDA:n i detta examensarbete gjordes en AH för de tre första värdena nämnda ovan. Totalt bestod AH av 343 noder, (39 på nivån med syftesrelaterade funktioner, 77 på nivån med objektrelaterade processer och 211 på nivån med fysiska objekt). I vilka situationer de fysiska objektens funktioner användes beskrevs med en Contractual Activity Template (CAT; Naikar et al., 2006). De objektrelaterade processer definierade i AH:n undersöktes utifrån 42 situationer identifierade under observationsstudien. Åtta timmar av vidare intervju genomfördes med förarna från observationsstudien för att erhålla en bättre förståelse för förhållandet mellan de objektrelaterade processerna och situationerna. Matrisen med objektrelaterade processer och situationer prioriterades sedan enligt betydelse och frekvens. Baserat på prioriteringen identifierades ett antal potentiella förbättringsområden, exempelvis kommunikation och synlighet under landsvägskörning.


Hossain, Md Amjad 02 December 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Workflows in der energieorientierten Produktentwicklung

Reichel, Thomas 11 November 2013 (has links)
Der weltweit steigende Bedarf an Energie und natürlichen Ressourcen, insbesondere an fossilen Brennstoffen und seltenen Metallen, sowie die angestrebte Reduktion des CO2-Ausstoßes führen zu steigenden Preisen für Energie und Rohstoffe. Der Energie- und Ressourcenbedarf muss daher neben der Funktionalität und den Kosten eines technischen Produkts in Planungs- und Entwicklungsprozesse einbezogen werden. Für eine Minimierung des Energie- und Ressourcenbedarfs sind insbesondere die frühen Phasen der Produktentwicklung von großem Interesse, da in diesen Phasen die wesentlichen Eigenschaften eines Produkts für den gesamten Lebenszyklus zu großen Teilen festgelegt werden. Durch die Forderung nach kürzeren Markteinführungszeiten bei gleichzeitigem Anstieg der Komplexität technischer Produkte ist der Einsatz von Softwaresystemen zur Unterstützung der Planungs- und Entwicklungsprozesse unabdingbar. Die Zielstellung der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Entwicklung und Realisierung von Methoden und Verfahren zur softwaretechnischen Unterstützung ausgewählter Abläufe der Produktentwicklung. Die gewählten Abläufe sind die Ausarbeitung von Anforderungsspezifikationen für technische Produkte, die Priorisierung von Anforderungen sowie die Analyse und Bewertung des Energiebedarfs von Werkzeugmaschinen. Der Schwerpunkt der Methoden und Verfahren liegt einerseits auf der Strukturierung und Koordinierung der Zusammenarbeit von Domänenexperten in den ausgewählten Abläufen der Produktentwicklung und andererseits auf der Erweiterung der Abläufe um Energie- und Ressourcenbetrachtungen. Die softwaretechnische Unterstützung der gewählten Abläufe ermöglicht es, die Komplexität der zu entwickelnden Produkte beherrschbar zu machen und den manuellen Aufwand der Domänenexperten in den Abläufen zu verringern.

An Ecosystem Approach to the Sustainability of Urbanizing Watersheds

Raposa, Sarah L 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Political boundaries make watershed planning difficult despite the influence of many state and federal programs. Broad, top-down, watershed initiatives fail to reach many municipalities due to human resources, time and legalities. Thus, a watershed ecosystem based approach to city planning should be utilized in order to integrate a holistic and scientific foundation for land use decisions. However, there is a need for research for developing and applying a watershed approach to urbanizing watersheds. The goal of this study is to provide a series of science based transferable recommendations upon which municipalities can make land use planning decisions. These recommendations are informed by a watershed modeling and prioritization study conducted with the community of Northampton, Massachusetts. Analyses of water resource planning options were made concerning future development scenarios using an approach which links water quality and quantity, land use and government. A required component of the ecosystem approach, stakeholder participation, applied the Deliberative Attribute Prioritization Procedure (DAPP) for the first time in this context to assess the relative of different environmental concerns. The results of these stakeholder focus groups showed the importance of several key attributes including land use, water quality, water quantity, and impacts to neighborhing communities that were utilized in the watershed models. This thesis provides an integrated tool for water resource planning at the municipal level. However, without the effective transfer of these recommendations into existing policies like zoning, the results of the study have limited use. Therefore implementation of recommendations within municipal planning documents is an important component. This information will be utilized to evaluate priority water resource protection overlays by providing quantitative information and decision making within a community. A citywide watershed model and analysis used to guide policy-making and decision-making will assist in fulfilling the community of Northampton’s continuing commitment to work toward economic, environmental, and equitable sustainability, as well as provide a model for other communities.

Prioritization of an Automated Shuttle for V2X Public Transport at a Signalized Intersection – A Real-life Demonstration

Halbach, Maik, Wesemeyer, Daniel, Merk, Lukas, Lauermann, Jan, Heß, Daniel, Kaul, Robert 23 June 2023 (has links)
Public transport prioritization is used at signalized intersections to reduce travel times and increase the attractiveness of public transport. In the future, analog communication technologies for public transport prioritization are soon to be replaced by the promising vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology. This abstract presents a holistic approach using V2X communication in public transport prioritization for an automated vehicle. In order to take full advantage of the V2X technology, this means to V2X-enable the traffic infrastructure and change the way of communication as well as the traffic light control. The approach was implemented and tested under real-life conditions at the research intersection Tostmannplatz in Braunschweig.

Developing Skills Through Digital Project-Based Learning : Dual case study of Linköping University and WSP Sweden AB

Jungerth, Magnus, Andersson, Louise January 2022 (has links)
The number of project-based organizations has increased in recent times, as has the teaching method of project-based learning. These two phenomena are related but little research has been conducted to examine the relationship between them, especially from a skills development perspective. Hence the first purpose of this study is to compare the skills that are necessary for work in a project-based organization with the skills that are developed in learning through project-based learning. Furthermore, the pandemic brought on a digitalized work environment for students in higher education.  Therefore, the second purpose of the study is to examine the changes in skills development during digitalization, especially for students who work with project-based learning.    A dual case study conducted in a qualitative manner has been administered to acquire both the project-based organization and the project-based learning perspective. To gain these perspectives, three students at Linköping University, who have worked extensively with project-based learning, and three employees at the project-based organization WSP Sweden AB were interviewed. The interview data was then thematically categorized and discussed.   The results suggest that communication and collaboration skills were developed by working through project-based learning. These skills were also specifically pertinent for work in a project-based organization. However, they were more difficult to develop during digitalization while they grew more important for project-based organizations. Moreover, it was found that tacit knowledge was more relevant for work at WSP Sweden AB, while explicit knowledge was more relevant for studies at Linköping University. During the digitalization of the Covid-19 pandemic, group constellations and project team constellations had significant similarities, while motivation occurred differently in project-based learning compared to project-based organizations.

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