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Nigerian Hospital-Based Interprofessional Collaborative Patterns and Organizational ImplicationsEkwueme, Osaeloka Christiandolus 01 January 2018 (has links)
Interprofessional collaboration is recognized as the innovative, evidence-based strategy that strengthens health systems and improves performance and health outcomes. While resource-rich countries have benefited much from the implementation of this initiative, literature is scarce regarding sub-Sahara Africa. This quantitative cross-sectional descriptive study described the extent of interprofessional collaborative practice at the tertiary care level in Nigeria and its implications on patient health outcomes, professionals' performance, satisfaction, and healthy practice environment. The relational coordination theory (RCT) provided the conceptual framework for the study. Key research questions were on the association between the extents of interprofessional practice and each of the outcome implications. Data were collected using a questionnaire survey and were analyzed using means, standard deviations, t tests, correlation and regression statistics, and Chi-square tests. Results showed that the health professionals rated the practice of interprofessional collaboration low and perceived that the extents of the practice negatively affected patient's mortality, professionals' work performance, job satisfaction, and the frequency of interprofessional conflicts and strike actions. Recommendations included policy formulation and implementation, commitment and willingness by the health professionals to teamwork and patient-centered care. The implications for positive social change is that these results could be used as a tool to advocate for policy formulation and policy change for effective implementation of interprofessional collaboration; and as a database for future training intervention on collaborative practices among health professionals.
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Vårdpersonalens erfarenheter av att vårda personer med ätstörning- : en litteraturstudie / Healthcare professionals experiences of caring for people with an eating disorder- : A literature studyDu, Michelle, Domeij, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ätstörningar är ett folkhälsoproblem som drabbar många personer runt om i världen. Det är en sjukdom som många förknippar till unga tjejer men drabbar personer oavsett ålder och kön. Det finns flera sorters ätstörningar som har olika symtom, de vanligaste är anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa och hetsätningstörning. Vårdpersonalen har en stor roll i patienternas återhämtning och bör därför vårda om patientrelationen. Ju mer kunskap vårdpersonalen har desto mer sannolikt är det att fånga in de personer som lider av ätstörning. Syfte: Att beskriva vårdpersonalens erfarenheter av att vårda personer med ätstörning. Metod: Kvalitativ litteraturstudie baserad på åtta empiriska studier. Cinahl, Pubmed och APA Psykinfo användes för artikelsökningen. Studierna är kvalitetsgranskade och har analyserats med hjälp av Fribergs analysmodell. Resultat: Samtliga studier visar på vårdpersonalens erfarenheter av att vårda personer med ätstörning. I resultatet visas två huvudteman och fem subteman. Huvudteman är att vårda mot patientens vilja och tydliga strategier skapar förståelse i vårdmötet. Konklusion: Utifrån denna litteraturstudies resultat kan vårdpersonalen öka medvetenhet om de olika utmaningarna som kommer med att vårda personer med ätstörning. Genom att utveckla kunskaperna inom ätstörning kan vårdpersonalen ge en mer optimal vård till personer med ätstörning. / Background: Eating disorders are a public health problem that affects many people around the world. It’s a disease that many associate with young girls but it affects people regardless of age and gender. There are several different types of eating disorders that have different symptoms, the most common ones are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Health care professionals has a major role in the patient’s recovery and should therefore take care of the patient relationship. The more knowledge the health care staff has, the more likely it is to capture the person who suffer from an eating disorder. Aim: To describe healthcare professionals experiences of caring for people with an eating disorder. Methods: A qualitative literature study based on eight empirical studies. Cinahl, Pubmed and APA psykinfo has been used when searching for articles. The studies are quality reviewed and analyzed with the help of Friberg’s analysis model. Results: Every study shows healthcare professionals experiences of caring for people with an eating disorder. The result shows two main themes and five subthemes. The main themes are to care against the patients will and clear strategies creates understanding in the care meeting. Conclusion: Based on the results of this literature study, healthcare professionals can raise awareness of the different challenges that comes with caring for people with an eating disorder. By developing knowledge about eating disorders, healthcare professionals can provide more optimal care for people with eating disorders.
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The Impact of Racism on the Personal and Professional Lives of Student Affairs Professionals: A Mixed Methods StudyPinto, Trent A. 20 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Strategier vid kommunikation med patienter med afasi : en litteraturöversikt / Strategies in communication with patients with aphasia : a literature reviewVrethammar, Marcus, Themptander, Raoul January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund I Sverige drabbas cirka 20 000 personer av stroke varje år, som kan medföra olika komplikationer varav en av dem är afasi. Personer som drabbas av afasi till följd av stroke upplever språkliga svårigheter vilket kan leda till en försvårad kommunikation i mötet med vårdpersonal. Detta kan innebära att personen via konversation ej kan i samma grad förmedla viktig information såsom individuella behov och samtycke till omvårdnad och behandling. Denna komplikation skapar en utmaning för hälso- och sjukvården då vårdpersonal har ett ansvar över att kunna adekvat kommunicera med patienter. Syfte Syftet var att beskriva hinder samt strategier vid kommunikation inom hälso- och sjukvård med patienter som har afasi relaterat till stroke. Metod Studien genomfördes som en icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt med integrerad analys. Femton artiklar inkluderades med kvalitativ, kvantitativ samt mixad metod. Artiklarna framtogs genom sökningar i forskningsdatabaserna PubMed och CINAHL Complete daterade mellan åren 2010 och 2020. Resultat Resultatet presenterades utifrån två huvudkategorier. Dessa huvudkategorier var strategier och hinder vid kommunikation utifrån vårdpersonalens perspektiv samt strategier och hinder vid kommunikation utifrån patientens perspektiv. I kategorin strategier och hinder vid kommunikation utifrån vårdpersonalens perspektiv framkommer att kunskap, utbildning, förhållningssätt samt tid som en resurs medfört positiva resultat för kommunikationen med patienter med afasi och att avsaknad av dessa faktorer samt brist på tid innebar omfattande hinder för kommunikationen. Under strategier och hinder vid kommunikation utifrån patientens perspektiv beskrivs hur faktorer som upplevda känslor, kommunikationspartner och kommunikationsstrategier påverkar samtalet till antingen framgång eller misslyckande. Slutsats Resultatet tyder på att hänsyn till patientens känslor, engagemang, tid, kunskap och ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt hos vårdpersonal är viktiga faktorer i förhållande till kommunikation med patienter med afasi samt att utbildning och träning för vårdpersonal inom detta kunskapsområde är av stor betydelse. / Background In Sweden, approximately 20 000 people suffer from stroke each year, which may cause various complications like aphasia. People who suffer from aphasia as a result of stroke experience linguistic difficulties, which may lead to difficulties in communication with healthcare professionals. This may result in that the person cannot, through conversation, convey important information such as individual needs and consent to nursing and treatment. This complication creates a challenge for healthcare, as healthcare professionals have a responsibility to be able to communicate adequately with patients. Aim The aim was to describe barriers and strategies in communication within healthcare with patients with aphasia related to stroke. Method The study was conducted as a non-systematic literature review with integrated analysis. Fifteen articles were included with qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method design. The articles were collected through searches in the research databases PubMed and CINAHL Complete dated between the years 2010 and 2020. Results The result was presented from two main categories. These categories were strategies and barriers in communication from the healthcare professional’s perspective and strategies and barriers in communication from the patient’s perspective. The category strategies and barriers in communication from the healthcare professional’s perspective reveals that knowledge, education, approach and time as a resource brought positive results for the communication with patient’s with aphasia, and that lack of these factors as well as lack of time meant extensive barriers for the communication. Under strategies and barriers in communication from the patient’s perspective it is revealed that factors such as perceived emotions, communication partner and communication strategies affect the conversation to either success or failure. Conclusions The result indicates that regard of the patient’s feelings, commitment, time, knowledge and a person centered approach with healthcare professionals are important factors related to communication with persons with aphasia along with the great importance of education and training for healthcare professionals in this knowledge area.
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Information Needs of Healthcare Professionals in Rural Northeast Tennessee and the Effectiveness of NETAHEC in Meeting These NeedsWallace, Rick L. 01 January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Impact of NNLM-Sponsored Internet Training on Health Professionals’ Use of the Internet: A Preliminary SurveyWallace, Rick L. 01 January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Information Needs of Healthcare Professionals in Rural Northeast Tennessee and the Effectiveness of an AHEC in Meeting These NeedsWallace, Rick L. 01 January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Att närma sig ett svårt ämne : En litteraturstudie om vårdpersonals erfarenheter av suicidprevention i primärvården. / Approaching a difficult topic : A literature study of health care professionals’ experience of suicide prevention in primary care settings.Eliasson, Felicia, Markgren, Simone January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Mer än 700 000 liv globalt avslutas årligen till följd av suicid och omkring 45 procent av de som dör till följd av suicid har uppsökt primärvård månaden innan. Få studier har dock belyst vårdpersonalens perspektiv på suicidprevention i primärvård. Syfte: Att belysa hälso- och sjukvårdspersonals erfarenheter av att arbeta med suicidprevention i primärvården. Metod: Litteraturstudie baserad på tio kvalitativa studier. Databassökning genomfördes i Cinahl, PubMed och Scopus. Analysen genomfördes med inspiration av Fribergs analysmodell. Resultat: Av analysen framkom att hälso- och sjukvårdpersonal upplevde både hindrande och underlättande faktorer i arbetet med suicidprevention i primärvård. Låg kunskapsnivå, brist på utbildning, resursbrist, tidsbrist och avsaknad av riktlinjer utgjorde de huvudsakliga utmaningarna. Emellertid upplevdes fungerande teamarbete, tydlig ansvarsfördelning, lättillgänglig specialistvård, intuition och lång arbetslivserfarenhet som underlättande faktorer. Konklusion: För att förebygga suicid krävs ett systematiskt arbete samt förbättrad samverkan mellan instanser för att öka patientsäkerheten. Genom att uppmärksamma erfarenheter av brister i verksamheten och åtgärda dessa kan antalet suicid reduceras. / Background: Globally, more than 700 000 lives end annually due to suicide, and about 45 percent of those who died by suicide had visited primary care the previous month. Nonetheless, few studies have shed light on health care professionals’ experiences working with suicide prevention in primary care. Aim: To illuminate health care professionals’ experiences of suicide prevention within primary care. Method: A literature study consisting of ten qualitative studies. Articles were found using Cinahl, PubMed and Scopus. Analysis was then performed with inspiration from Friberg's analytical model. Results: Findings suggest that health care professionals experienced both barriers and facilitators working with suicide prevention in primary care. Insufficient knowledge and education, lack of resources, time pressure and lack of guidelines were perceived as the main challenges. However, teamwork, clear division of responsibilities, easy access to specialist care, intuition and extensive clinical experience were seen as facilitators. Conclusion: To prevent suicide, a systematic approach and improved collaboration between primary and specialist care are needed. By adopting measures to correct perceived flaws in primary care, the number of suicides could be reduced.
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Job Crafting in the IT-industry : Crafting Work for a Satisfying and Fulfilling Work Life.Kallio, Kevin, Carlsson, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
Background: People have long sought to be able to influence and form their own work lives to align more with their personal beliefs and satisfy their needs and wants. Due to digitalization, opportunities for professionals to do so have increased, and theories such as job crafting have emerged. There are however some questions as to how IT-professionals in different work settings utilize these strategies to craft a better work life for themselves, along with questions regarding their freedom to be able to craft. Research Problem: Increased autonomy for workers has enabled them to take more control of their work lives and given them more choices in how they work, but there are still questions regarding how workers are enabled to job craft in different settings, within the same IT-industry. By applying job crafting theory to this specific context, the authors seek to address how workers pursue a more satisfying and fulfilling work life. Research Purpose: This thesis investigates IT-professionals' abilities and methods of crafting and designing a more satisfying and fulfilling work life. Research Question: How do IT professionals in different work settings craft their jobs in order to achieve a more fulfilling and satisfying work situation? Research Method: To best be able to meet the purpose of this study, a qualitative study was conducted by the authors. Data collection was made through semi-structured interviews with professionals working in the IT-industry, revolving around the topic of job crafting and autonomy. The authors committed to a sampling strategy and reached out to suitable respondents that fit the purpose of the study. Open ended questions were used in the interviews to ensure no bias from the authors. The data is analyzed through the Gioia method. Conclusion: The conclusion that can be derived from this study is that individuals are enabled to utilize the job crafting variations to give themselves the chances to have a more satisfying and fulfilling work life. An individual cannot be totally autonomous, because it is influenced by factors out of the individual's control, e.g the employing organization or the client the individual is working for. But it is evident that IT-professionals are utilizing the three types of job crafting to be able to put themselves in the best situation possible for them to create a fulfilling and satisfying work situation.
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Professional’s support to parents having children with complex communication needs. : A study from low socio-economic background in India / Professional’s support to parents having children with complex communication needs. : A study from low socio-economic background in IndiaRaj, Jiya January 2023 (has links)
Caregivers of children with Complex Communication Needs from low socio-economic backgrounds are deprived of facilities for communication training. As a result, they struggle to communicate with their children even for activities of daily living. This study focuses on how professionals help such parents to communicate with their non-verbal children. Also, it looks into the condition of parents and the facilitators and the barriers professionals face while working in such situations. To conduct the study qualitative study design with an interview method was chosen. Data were collected from seven participants who are special educators. The results revolves around various themes related to the aim. The main results deal with the burden of caregivers, their motivation level, issues related to lack of training, building rapport with parents, the role of parents, and teaching basics. Studying the barriers and facilitators of professionals identified changes in children, parents' positive attitude, regular follow-up, mother as a caregiver, and other support services as facilitators. Barriers were focused on lack of changes, negative attitudes, grandparents as caregivers, hygiene, transportation, and workload. The results indicate that issues were rooted in low socio-economic backgrounds and the need to provide extra support for caregivers to communicate effectively with their children.
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