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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Judesio objektiškai orientuoto projektavimo modeliai / Object-Oriented Movement Projecting Models

Račkauskas, Zigmantas 27 May 2005 (has links)
Topic: Object-Oriented Movement Projecting Models. The basic aim of the work is to define creation of object-oriented animation on Internet. In order to reach the given target, the following tasks are set: to analyse projecting systems; to review object-oriented programming languages with the possibility to create movement (animation) for Internet; to create a number of movement models. New in the work is that in Lithuania object-oriented movement modelling using UML and object-oriented programming is practically not applied, using slip animation instead. In the work I describe the following designing systems: Rational Rose, MagicDraw UML, Poseidon for UML and ArgoUML; movement creation tools: Macromedia Flash MX 2004, Corel R.A.V.E, 3D Flash Animator; Adobe LiveMotion2; object-oriented programming languages: ActionScript, Java. In the work I also give a number of object-oriented movement model examples: advertisement banner, clock, falling snow, moving man, dynamic goods catalogue. Master’s work consists of seven parts: Introduction, Computer movement models and problem analysis, Object-oriented projecting technology analysis, Object-oriented movement programming, Conclusions, Literature and information source references, Summary. The work has 46 pages. While writing the work the following steps were covered: Topic formulation, setting of targets and tasks, hypotheses formulation, source analysis, project creation and implementation, work description and conclusion... [to full text]

Projektering av dörrmiljöer : Redovisning av upphandlings- och utförandeunderlag för önskad funktion

Halaf, Even, Ruiqi, Zhang January 2018 (has links)
Doors and their surroundings are an important part in all kinds of buildings. Projecting of door is a natural part of the construction process and requires a great deal of collaboration between several participants to meet the requirements for function, safety and the environment together.This project aims to examine the requirements for the projecting of door environments and the most common mistakes that exist during the different stages of the construction process. Furthermore, a process of work is developed which improves workflow and minimizes mistakes, from purchasing consultant to handover.To achieve these, the following issues have been addressed: • Who can perform door planning in the best possible way? • Who should be responsible for door environments during different parts of the construction process? • What are the requirements for projecting of door environments? • How can the cooperation be done in the best between the different parties? The main part of this work has been interviews and meetings with people from different areas of work that affect door environments in their daily work. In addition to interviews, a fair visit to Nordbygg 2018 has been made to get a better view of the problems regarding door environments for the suppliers. A visit to the new Karolinska Hospital area was also done, where the most common mistakes and shortcomings were identified for an ongoing project.Respondents had mixed thoughts and opinions, but it appears from interviews that door environments are a complex part that is difficult to establish. There are several reasons, such as insufficient knowledge of the whole work, as many are limited in their field of work. Lack of knowledge leads to project missions, which in turn leads to surprises and slowdowns further in the process. The results of the study have shown that communication and coordination between different participants throughout the work process should be improved. It also appears that claims from the client should be clearer at the beginning of the projecting phase.The potential for developing door projecting based on occupational safety, considerations, IN3PRENÖR AB is recommended to clarify accounting tools and working methods as well as documents and supporting documents as early as possible during the work process to create a workflow and support for future work. Keyword: Door, door environment, door projecting, door production, database, workflow

Asmenų su negalia integracijos į darbo rinką efektyvumo problemos / Efficiency problems of the disabled in the labor market

Burbienė, Milda 18 February 2009 (has links)
Oficiali statistika skelbia, kad Lietuvoje gyvena daugiau nei 253 159 neįgaliųjų, tai sudaro 9 proc. visų gyventojų. Asmenys su negalia dėl fizinių ar psichinių sutrikimų negali pasirūpinti savo asmeniniu ir socialiniu gyvenimu, realiai pasinaudoti savo teisėmis. Esant sudėtingai ekonominei situacijai, bendram nedarbui, neįgaliųjų integracija į darbo rinką yra didelė problema, nes darbas neįgaliam žmogui yra būtinybė. Jau pripažįstama, kad negalia yra konflikto su gyvenimu priežastis, kuri stipriai riboja žmogaus psichines ir socialines funkcijas, dėl ko žmogus praranda savarankiškumą, fizinę jėgą, galimybę judėti orientaciją, netenka draugų, nebegali dirbti mėgstamo darbo. Tai paveikia ir asmenybę: suardo jos vientisumą, susilpnina aktyvumą ir dinamiką. Asmenų su negalia užimtumas yra vienas iš pagrindinių neįgaliųjų integracijos į visuomenę rodiklis. Neįgaliųjų įsidarbinimą lemia ne vien tik įstatyminė bazė garantuojanti įdarbinimą. Kiekvienas neįgalus asmuo, bandantis konkuruoti darbo rinkoje, susiduria su keliamais gana aukštais reikalavimais: išsilavinimas, įgyta profesija, darbo patirtis, amžius, darbingumo lygis, negalia. Tinkamo neįgaliųjų užimtumo problemų sprendimo laidas – nuolatinė, aktyvi, integrali veikla, į kurią turi būti įtraukta kuo daugiau įvairaus lygio valstybės, savivaldos ir socialinių partnerių. Valstybė turi sudaryti sąlygas, kad visi neįgalieji, galintys ir norintys dirbti, turėtų darbą. Šis tyrimas turėtų atkreipti dėmesį į neįgaliųjų bedarbių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / According to official statistics, the number of the disabled counts more than 253 159 people in Lithuania and that accounts for 9 percent of the country’s population. Persons with various disabilities, physical or mental disorders, tend not to lead normal personal as well as social lives, and their basic rights are violated on a daily basis. Taking into consideration the severe economic situation, the prevailing level of unemployment and other consequences of the crisis, integration of the disabled into the work market is vitally important as work has become the only source of income. It has been proved that disability causes conflicts with one‘s life since disability limits the person‘s psychological and social functions, and this results in the loss of autonomy, physical strength, the ability to move, orientation, the loss of friends and, eventually, work. The disability affects one‘s personality: it erodes the sense of integrity, affects one‘s activity, mobility and dynamics. The number of disabled people employed in the labor market is a major indicator of their integration into the society. Unfortunately, legal system and laws do not guaranty smooth employment for the disabled. In fact, disabled people face various obstacles and high requirements while trying to compete in the labor market such as required education, proper training, work experience, preferable age, the level of work performance at work and the level of disability. A solution to the existing problem... [to full text]

Darbo biržos veikla projektuojant darbo migrantų karjerą Lietuvoje / Activity of a labour exchange in designing career of labour migrants in Lithuania

Peseckaitė, Kristina Gražina 19 February 2009 (has links)
Darbe apibrėžiama Lietuvos darbo migranto sąvoka ir aprašomos trys istorinės darbo migracijos bangos iš Lietuvos. Dėl didelių ekonominės ir socialinės migracijos mastų pablogėjo Lietuvos demografinė situacija, prarasta didelė dalis kvalifikuotos darbo jėgos, socialinio draudimo sistema nesurenka reikiamų pajamų, šeimos patiria problemų dėl vaikų auklėjimo ir santuokos išsaugojimo, nefiksuojama smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo plėtra, dėl nelegalaus ir nekvalifikuoto darbo užsienyje darbo migrantai praranda turimą kvalifikaciją ir ryšį su Lietuvos darbo rinka. Nutolus nuo tėvynės blogėja galimybės joje įsidarbinti, mokytis ar persikvalifikuoti. Reemigrantų įtraukimas į Lietuvos darbo rinką reikalauja specialaus valstybinio požiūrio, darbo jėgos pritraukimo veiksnių ir darbo rinkos sureguliavimo būdų. Vienas efektyviausių būdų yra į Lietuvą sugrįžusių darbo migrantų karjeros projektavimas, kuris padėtų derinti žmonių poreikius ir galimybes su šio laikmečio profesijų pasaulio reikalavimais. Tačiau darbo biržos veikla, projektuojant darbo migrantų karjerą, nėra apibrėžta ir įvardyta, veiklos efektyvumas netirtas nepriklausomų ekspertų. Prasidėjus pasaulinei ekonomikos krizei yra palankus momentas imtis kur kas aktyvesnių veiksmų adaptuojant darbo migrantus Lietuvos darbo rinkoje, sudarant sąlygas mokytis paklausių profesijų, padedant tobulėti ir kelti kvalifikaciją. Kiekybinio tyrimo duomenų analizė atskleidė, kad darbo migrantai gerai vertina darbo biržos veiklą, darbuotojų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the thesis a conception of Lithuanian labour migrant is defined and three historic labour migration waves from Lithuania are described. Because of huge amount of economic and social migration, Lithuanian demographic situation has become worse, a great part of qualified labour force is lost, social insurance system does not collect needed income, families experience problems concerning education of their children and saving marriage, development of small and medium business is not fixed, because of illegal and unqualified work abroad, labour migrants lose their qualification and relation with Lithuanian labour market. Being away from a native country, possibilities to employ oneself, study or retrain are becoming worse. Involvement of re-emigrants into Lithuanian labour market requires a special State attitude, factors of attracting labour force and ways of regulating labour market. One of the most effective ways is projecting careers of labour migrants having returned to Lithuania, that would help to match people’s needs and possibilities with requirements of these times world professions. Nevertheless, activity of a jobcentre, projecting career of labour migrants, is not defined and named, activity’s efficiency was not examined by independent experts. After start of the world economic crisis, a favourable moment appeared to take much more active actions, adapting labour migrants in Lithuanian labour market, creating conditions to study marketable professions, helping... [to full text]

Detailní projektování technologického pracoviště ve zvolené strojírenské firmě / Detailed project proposal of a technological workplace in a selected machine engineering company

Jurka, Adam January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focused on detailed design proces of pre-assembly workplaces in an all-around appliance producing company situated in Olomoucký region. Thesis briefly depicts contemporary allocation of workplaces and then is closely aimed on new possibilities in allocation of both current and newly estabilished workplaces in a definitively set out hall space. Furthermore part of the thesis is dedicated to capacity and financial analysis as well as technical-economic evaluation.

Detailní projektování technologického pracoviště ve společnosti TATRA TRUCKS a.s. / Detailed project proposal of a technological workplace in TATRA TRUCKS a.s. engineering company

Obritzhauser, Filip January 2016 (has links)
Thesis contains summarizing of main activities of technological projecting. The project itself analyzes the production of gear-boxes on a machine line, which caused transferring the production to a machining center. This real project is implemented on the basis of very detailed cost calculations substantiated by a positive result.

Návrh nového rozmístění technologických pracovišť v provozu výroby měděných dílců / Proposal for the new layout of technological workplaces in the manufacturing operation of copper parts

Pešek, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on proposal for the new layout of technological worplaces. At first, it analyzes the present state. The second step is the design of possible variants of the new layout. These variants are evaluated. The economic evaluation is performed for chosen variant.

Návrh a racionalizace pracoviště WORKSHOP v ALPS Electric Czech s.r.o. s přihlédnutím k budoucímu rozvoji společnosti / Project design and rationalization of workshop area in ALPS Electric Czech s.r.o. in line with futher development of the company

Dozbaba, Zdeněk January 2017 (has links)
This thesis describes the workplace workshop in ALPS Electric in Sebranice. It contains a brief description of machinery and theory of technological projecting. For this department is created proposal of the modification flow racks and the transportation. There are budgets for this proposals. The aim of the thesis is to create drawings documentation for the current and future location the workplace workshop.

Hantering av schaktmassor ianläggningsprojekt- Eftersträvan att uppnå massbalans i projekteringsskedet / Handling of Excavated Masses in Construction Projects- The pursuit of achieving mass balance in the projecting stage

Erhardsson, David, Götvall, Stina January 2021 (has links)
Anläggningsbranschen står för stora utsläpp av växthusgaser och att uppnå klimatmål är enutmaning. Genom massbalans, som innebär att återanvända schaktmassor till den fyllningsom är aktuell i största möjliga mån, kan anläggningsbranschen ta sitt ansvar för minskadklimatpåverkan. Massbalans är något som eftersträvas inom anläggningsprojekt för att få enlägre kostnad och tidsbesparing i projektet. Idag klassificeras inte vägbyggnation juridisktsom produktionsprocess vilket skapar ett problem. Produktion ger restprodukter som i sin turkan användas till andra ändamål men denna möjlighet finns inte i anläggningsbranschen ominte syftet för återanvändandet av schaktmassorna fastslagits från början.Rapportens syfte är att tydliggöra vad som gäller vid hantering av schaktmassor, utifrån deförordningar som finns, för att leda fram till hur schaktmassor som avfall ska hanteras vidprojektering inom anläggning. Rapporten avgränsar till projektering med inriktning mot vägoch järnväg och kommer inte att hantera problemen under produktionen efterprojekteringsstadiet. Genom litteraturstudier och intervjuer hämtas information till arbetet.Naturvårdsverket säger att schaktmassor inte behöver bli betraktat som ett avfall om det gåratt hitta ett användningsområde inom samma projekt i tidigt skede med rimlig förutsättningoch tid. Om syfte för återanvändandet av schaktmassorna i tidigt skede saknas bedöms desom avfall och då blir all hantering av schaktmassorna under någon form av anmälnings- ochtillståndsplikt. Det råder stor ovisshet kring tillämpning av lagstiftning vilket leder tillsvårigheter i att förutse vilket beslut tillsynsmyndigheten fastställer kring hur schaktmassornafår hanteras.Länsstyrelsen har nyligen slagit fast att byggnation av en väg inte är en produktionsprocess,vilket gör att schaktmassor inte kan klassificeras som en biprodukt och återanvändning avschaktmassor försvåras. Därmed blir även massbalans svårt att uppnå på grund avlagstiftning och definitioner kring uppschaktade jord- och bergmassor.Slutsatsen är att det juridiska försvårar möjligheten att uppnå massbalans. Somlagstiftningen tillämpas och tolkas i dagsläget försvåras och i vissa fall omöjliggörs arbetet förprojektörer och entreprenörer att uppnå massbalans i samtliga projekt. Enklare ocheffektivare tillvägagångssätt kring syftet med schaktmassorna i anläggningsprojekt skulle gestörre möjligheter för återanvändning. / The construction industry is responsible for major greenhouse gas emissions and to achievethe climate goals is a challenge. By working with a balance of masses, which means reusingexcavated masses for the filling that is relevant as far as possible, the construction industrycan take their responsibility of minimizing the climate impact. Balance of masses issomething that is sought within construction projects to get a lower cost and time saving inthe project. Today, road construction is not legally classified as production which creates aproblem. Production produces residual products which in turn can be used for otherpurposes, but this possibility does not exist in the construction industry unless the purposefor the reuse of the excavated masses has been established from the beginning.The purpose of the report is to clarify what applies when handling excavated masses basedon the existing regulations, in order to guide how excavated masses as waste are to behandled when designing in the construction industry. The report is limited to projecting withfocus on roads and railways and will not deal with the problems in production after theprojecting stage. Information to the report is obtained through literature studies andinterviews.The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency tells that excavated masses do not need tobe considered as waste, if it is possible to find an area of use within the same project at anearly stage with a reasonable condition and time. If there is no purpose for the reuse of theexcavated masses at an early stage, excavated masses are assessed as waste and then allhandling of the excavated masses becomes subject to some condition of notification andpermit requirement. There is large uncertainty about the application of legislation, whichleads to difficulties in predicting which decision the supervisory authority determinesregarding how the excavated masses may be handled.The County Administrative Board has recently stated that the construction of a road is not aproduction process, which means that excavated masses cannot be classified as a byproductwhich makes reuse of excavated masses more difficult. Which makes balance ofmasses difficult to achieve due to definitions and regulations regarding excavated soil androck masses.The conclusion is that the legal makes it difficult to achieve mass balance. As the legislationis applied and interpreted at present, it is made more difficult and in some cases impossiblefor project designers and contractors to achieve mass balance in all projects. Simpler andmore efficient approaches to the purpose of the excavated masses in construction projectswould provide greater opportunities for reuse.

Ett projekterande arbetssätt inom biologi och dess didaktiska fördelar : Pedagoger beskriver sitt projekterande arbetssätt inom ämnet biologi med fokus på farliga djur i vatten. / Didactic possibilities with a projecting working method in biology : Pedagogues’ description of an ongoing project about dangerous animal in water

Johansson, Emelie January 2024 (has links)
Tidigare forskning indikerar att förskolans undervisning i naturvetenskap ofta beskrivs som utmanande, samt att kvaliteten påverkas av de olika förskole pedagogernas intresse och kunskap. Detta är något som den här studien avser att utmana. Inom Reggio Emilia pedagogiken är projekterande arbetssättet och idén om barns 100 språkighet centrala i all undervisning, men frågan jag därför ställt mig är vad detta kan innebära i praktiken. Denna studie syftar därför till att ge ett exempel på hur ett projekterande arbetssätt i förskolan kan bidra tillbiologiundervisningen. Projektet som studerats handlar om farliga vattenlevande djur. Fem förskole pedagoger intervjuades om sitt pågående projekt. I studien har jag valt ett teoretiskt ramverk baserat dels på Reggio Emilia-pedagogik dels en modell som möjliggör analys av didaktiska intentioner.Resultatet pekar på att det projekterande arbetssättet möjliggör undervisning som fördjupar barnens kunskaper i biologi oberoende av pedagogernas förkunskaper. En nyckelaspekt i undervisning i naturvetenskap är begreppsliggörande och hur fakta verifieras, vilket resultatet pekar på att denna metod möjliggör. Resultat visar vidare att barnen ges möjlighet att utveckla, bekräfta och kommunicera det de lär sig genom att använda en mängd olika uttryckssätt. / Previous research indicates that preschool teaching in science often is described as challenging, and that the quality is affected by the preschool pedagogues’ interest and knowledge about the subject. This is something this study can challenge. Within Reggio Emilia pedagogy, projecting methods and the idea of children’s 100 languages are central in all teaching, but a question therefore put forward is what this means in practice. This study therefore aims to provide an example on a projecting working method in preschool that focus on biology as a subject, more precisely about dangerous water living animals.Five preschool pedagogues were interviewed about their ongoing project. In the study I have a theoretical framework based on Reggio Emilia pedagogy and a model that enable an analysis of didactic intentions.The result implies that the use of projecting working method opens for teaching that deepen the children’s knowledge in biology independently the pedagogues own prior knowledge. A key aspect in science education is to conceptualizeand verify facts, which this working method enable. The result further show that the children are given the opportunity to elaborate, confirm and communicate what they learn with a multitude of ways to express themselves

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