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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Promoter G-quadruplexes and their Interactions with Ligands and Proteins

Onel, Buket, Onel, Buket January 2016 (has links)
G-quadruplex secondary structures are four-stranded globular nucleic acid structures that form in specific DNA and RNA G-rich sequences with biological significance, such as those found in human telomeres, oncogene promoter regions, replication initiation sites, and 5’- and 3’-untranslated (UTR) regions, which have been identified as novel drug targets. The non-canonical G-quadruplex secondary structures readily form under physiologically relevant ionic conditions, and exhibit great diversity in their topologies and loop conformations depending on the DNA or RNA sequences at hand. The structural diversity of these unique secondary structures is essential to their specific recognition by different regulatory proteins or small molecule compounds. A significant amount of research has been done in this field that provides compelling evidence for the existence, biological significance, and potential druggability of G-quadruplexes. In this dissertation, I explore G-quadruplex formation in the promoters of BCL2, PDGFR-β and c-Myc oncogenes and their interactions with small molecule compounds or proteins. Firstly, I investigated a newly-identified G-quadruplex (P1G4) forming immediately upstream of the human BCL2 gene, which has been found to be overexpressed in several human tumors. In this research, I have found that P1G4 acts as a transcription repressor, and that its inhibitory effect can be enriched by the G-quadruplex-interactive compound, TMPyP4. Both P1G4 and the previously reported Pu39 G-quadruplexes form independently in adjacent regions within the BCL2 P1 promoter, but P1G4 appears to play a more dominant role in repressing transcriptional activity. NMR and CD studies have shown that the P1G4 G-quadruplex appears to comprise a novel dynamic equilibrium of two parallel structures, one regular, with two 1-nt loops and a 12-nt middle loop, and another broken-stranded, with three 1-nt loops and an 11-nt middle loop; both structures adopt a novel hairpin (stem-loop duplex) conformation in the long central loop. This dynamic equilibrium of two closely-related G-quadruplex structures with a unique hairpin loop conformation may provide a specific target for small molecules to modulate BCL2 gene transcription. I also explored the 3’ end G-quadruplex that forms within the core promoter of PDGFR-β, which has also been observed to be present at abnormal levels in a variety of clinical pathologies, including malignancies. The 3′-end G-quadruplex formed in the PDGFR-β promoter NHE appears to be selectively stabilized by an ellipticine analog, GSA1129, which can shift the dynamic equilibrium in the full-length sequence to favor the 3′-end G-quadruplex, and can repress PDGFR-β activity in cancer cell lines. NMR studies in combination with biophysical experiments have shown that in the wild-type extended 3ʼ-end NHE sequences, two novel intramolecular G-quadruplexes can be formed in a potassium solution, one with a 3’-flanking distant guanine inserted into the 3’-external tetrad (3’-insertion G-quadruplex), and another with a 5’-flanking distant guanine inserted into the 5’-external tetrad (5’-insertion G-quadruplex). Further investigation of the elongated PDGFR-β 3′-end sequence containing both the 5’- and 3’- flanking guanine sequences showed the formation of a combination of the two G-quadruplexes existing in equilibrium. Importantly, it was observed that GSA1129 can bind to and increase the stability of each of the end-insertion G-quadruplexes, raising their Tₘ by 25 degrees. This study highlights the dynamic nature of the 3′-end NHE sequence and the importance of identifying the proper sequence for the formation of biologically relevant G-quadruplex structures. Significantly, the dynamic nature of the 3′-end G-quadruplex suggests that it may be an attractive target for drug regulation. I then analyzed two proteins, Nucleolin and NM23-H2, which interact with the c-Myc G-quadruplex structure that forms in the proximal promoter region of the c-Myc gene; this is one of the most commonly deregulated genes in the human neoplasm. Nucleolin is known to be a transcriptional repressor for c-Myc, binding to and stabilizing the c-Myc G-quadruplex, whereas NM23-H2 is known to be a transcriptional activator that unwinds and destabilizes the c-Myc G-quadruplex. An investigation of the molecular mechanisms of the interaction between the c-Myc G-quadruplex and nucleolin showed that the minimal binding domains required for a tight binding of the protein to the c-Myc G-quadruplex are the four RNA binding domains (RBDs) of nucleolin, referred to as Nuc1234, and that the RGG domain is unnecessary for c-Myc G-quadruplex binding. The stable G-quadruplex formed within Pu27 using G-tract runs I, II, IV and V was determined to be the best substrate (Myc1245T) for nucleolin binding, showing the highest affinity. 3D NMR experiments performed on the free protein Nuc1234 and its complex with the Myc1245T G-quadruplex have shown that upon complex formation, only the disordered linker regions of the protein display significant chemical shift changes, whereas most other residues show chemical shift values similar to those of the free protein. The c-Myc G-quadruplex has three loops that flip outward in a solvent containing K⁺, according to its structure. The hypothesis for this association is that nucleolin wraps around the G-quadruplex and interacts specifically with the flipped-outward loop regions of the c-Myc G-quadruplex via its own inter-RBD linker regions, with little structural change in the RBDs themselves. A definitive determination of the 3D molecular structure of nucleolin and its complex with Myc1245T is currently in development. Biophysical and structural studies were then conducted to investigate the interactions of the protein NM23-H2/NDP kinase B with the c-Myc G-quadruplex. NM23-H2 binds to single-stranded guanine- and cytosine-rich sequences, but not to double-stranded DNA in the NHE III₁ region; the binding therefore appears structure-specific, rather than sequence-specific. Moreover, increasing concentrations of the strong G-quadruplex-interactive compound TMPyP4, a porphyrin-based drug, inhibits the binding of NM23-H2 to the NHE III₁ region; this suggests that the stabilization of the G-quadruplex hinders the recognition and remodeling function of the NM23-H2. By conducting Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) assays in combination with Circular Dichroism (CD) studies, I demonstrated that NM23-H2 can actively resolve the c-Myc G-quadruplex. Taken together, these results show that the use of small molecules to prevent NM23-H2 from binding to and resolving the NHE III₁ region G-quadruplex may have the potential to inhibit c-Myc transcription for cancer therapeutic purposes. This underlines the importance of understanding the mechanism of function operating between NM23-H2 and the c-Myc G-quadruplex. Understanding molecular mechanism between NM23-H2 and c-Myc is under investigation.

Isolamento e caracterização de promotores de genes constitutivos de Citrus sinensis / Isolation and characterization of constitutive gene promoters from Citrus sinensis

Erpen, Lígia 07 April 2017 (has links)
A transformação genética é uma alternativa ao melhoramento convencional de citros que permite a modificação de genótipos pela introdução de um ou mais genes oriundos de organismos semelhantes ou filogeneticamente distantes do hospedeiro. Os genes transferidos para espécies de interesse devem ser controlados por promotores, os quais regulam a expressão gênica de forma temporal, espacial e na magnitude desejada. Na maioria dos casos, os genes são expressos de forma constitutiva utilizando o promotor CaMV35S isolado do Vírus do Mosaico da Couve Flor. No entanto, o desenvolvimento de novas abordagens de transformação de plantas (cisgenia e intragenia), que fazem o uso de genes e sequências regulatórias derivadas da mesma espécie ou espécies relacionadas, requer a disponibilidade de elementos genéticos, incluindo promotores constitutivos, isolados de citros. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi clonar e caracterizar promotores constitutivos de Citrus sinensis. Para isso, a região promotora dos genes Fator de elongação 1-α (CsEF1), Gliceraldeido-3-fosfato-desidrogenase C2 (CsGAPC2) e Cyclofilina (CsCYC) foi isolada e avaliados pela fusão ao gene repórter uidA. A funcionalidade dos três promotores foi confirmada por ensaio histoquímico da atividade GUS em folhas, caules e raízes de plantas transgênicas de citros cv. \'Hamlin\'. A análise de RT-qPCR mostra que a expressão do gene uidA sob controle dos promotores CsCYC, CsGAPC2 e CsEF1 correspondeu a uma atividade aproximada de 64%, 58% e 47%, respectivamente em comparação com o promotor CaMV35S. A análise in silico dos promotores CsGAPC2, CsCYC e CsEF1 mostra que a atividade de cada um é controlada por uma série de putativos elementos cis-regulatórios. A sequência completa e versões truncadas originadas a partir de deleções em cada promotor foram fundidas ao gene uidA e analisadas em plantas transgênicas de Nicotiana benthamiana pelo ensaio histoquímico e fluorimétrico da atividade GUS. As análises de deleções não causaram perda de função dos promotores em estudo, mas afetaram a expressão gênica nos promotores CsGAPC2 e CsEF1. Os promotores isolados representam bons candidatos a serem utilizados em trabalhos de transformação genética de citros. / Genetic transformation is an alternative to citros conventional breeding that allows the modification of genotypes by the introduction of one or more genes derived from different organisms that can not be crossed by natural means. The transferred genes to the species of interest are controlled by promoters, which regulate a gene expression temporally, spatially and in the desired magnitude. In most cases, the introduced genes have been constitutively expressed using the CaMV35S promoter obtained from the cauliflower mosaic virus. However, the development of novel plant transformation approaches (cisgenesis and intragenesis) imply the use of genetic material from the same species or from closely related species capable of sexual hybridization, which requires the isolation of genetic elements, including citros constitutive promoters. The objective of this study was clone and characterize Citrus sinensis constitutive promoters. For this, the promoter region of the genes Elongation Factor 1-α (CsEF1), Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase C2 (CsGAPC2) and Cyclofiline (CsCYC) was isolated and evaluated by fusion to the uidA reporter gene. The functionality of three promoter was confirmed by histochemical GUS assay in leaves, stems and roots of transgenic citrus plants cv. \'Hamlin\'. RT-qPCR analysis revealed that uidA gene expression under control of the CsCYC, CsGAPC2 and CsEF1 promoters was approximately 64%, 58% and 47% expression compared with the CaMV35S promoter. In silico analysis of the CsGAPC2, CsCYC and CsEF1 promoters displays their activity is controlled by a series of putative cis-regulatory elements. The full length promoter and truncated versions originated from deletions in promoters sequences were fused to the uidA gene and analyzed in Nicotiana benthamiana transgenic plants by histochemical and fluorimetric GUS assay. Deletion analysis did not cause loss of function on any of the promoters, but affected the gene expression on CsGAPC2 and CsEF1 truncated versions. The isolated promoters represent good candidates to be used in citros genetic transformation.

Estudo comparativo de promotores de micobactérias utilizando GFP como gene repórter para o desenvolvimento de vacinas de BCG recombinante. / Comparative study of mycobacterial promoters using GFP as a reporter gene for the development of recombinant BCG vaccines.

Nascimento, Larissa Vilela 07 August 2015 (has links)
BCG é uma das vacinas mais usadas no mundo. Avanços na manipulação genética têm permitido o seu uso como carreador de antígenos heterólogos, porém o aprimoramento dos sistemas de expressão se faz necessário, sendo o promotor um importante elemento, uma vez que regula o nível de produção do antígeno, induzindo uma resposta imunológica adequada. Avaliamos a atividade de diferentes promotores de micobactérias, como o PAg, PAN, PBlaF*, Phsp60 e um promotor ainda não caracterizado do micobacteriófago L5, usando o gene gfp como repórter da expressão, todos clonados no vetor extracromossomal, pLA71. Foi possível avaliar as cepas de M. smegmatis e BCG fluorescentes para quase todas as construções e alguns plasmídeos pLA71-p mostraram características diferentes dependentes da micobactéria transformada. Numa escala de força de expressão, os diferentes promotores se apresentaram como fraco (pLA71-PAN-gfp), médio (pLA71-PBlaf*-gfp) e forte (pLA71-Phsp60-gfp). Os rBCG foram usados para infecção de macrófagos e a atividade dos promotores não foi afetada após a internalização. Para ensaio de localização, camundongos foram inoculados com BCG e foi possível confirmar a presença de colônias (recombinantes ou não) nos pulmões após 1 e 3 dias de inoculação, por plaqueamento em meio sólido e por microscopia confocal. / BCG is one of the most widely used vaccines in the world. Advances in genetic manipulation have allowed their use as a carrier for heterologous antigens, however the improvement of systems of expression is necessary, the promoter being an important element, since it regulates the expression level of the antigen, inducing an adequate immune response. We evaluated the activity of different promoters of mycobacteria, such as PAg, PAN, PBlaF* and Phsp60, and the not yet characterized promoter of the micobacteriophage L5, using GFP as a reporter gene expression activity, all cloned in the extrachromosomal vector, pLA71. It was possible to evaluate promoters in the M. smegmatis and BCG strains, fluorescent for almost all constructions and some pLA71-p plasmids showed different characteristics dependent on the transformed mycobacterium. The different promoters showed expression levels as weak (pLA71-PAN-gfp), medium (pLA71-PBlaf*-gfp) and strong (pLA71-Phsp60-gfp). The rBCG were used for infection of macrophages and the activity of the promoters wasnt affected after internalization. For BCG location test, mice were inoculated and it was possible to confirm the presence of colonies (recombinant or not) in the lungs after 1 and 3 days after inoculation by plating on solid medium and by confocal microscopy.

Clonagem de promotores de cana-de-açúcar e análise do transcriptoma de genótipos segregantes para teor de sacarose / Cloning of sugarcane promoters and transcriptome analysis of genotypes segregating for sugar content

Andrade, Rodrigo Fandiño de 23 November 2012 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar é uma gramínea com fotossíntese do tipo C4, com capacidade de acumular sacarose nos colmos em quantidades que excedem 50% de seu peso seco, característica única no reino vegetal (Moore, 1995). Sacarose e seu derivado mais importante, etanol, são dois produtos de grande importância mundial. Assim, o teor de sacarose em cana tem fundamental importância no aumento da produtividade dessas duas commodities. O melhoramento clássico parece ter alcançado seu limite, já que incrementos expressivos no teor de sacarose em novas variedades não têm sido observados e tudo aponta para a necessidade de estudos que levem a uma maior compreensão dos mecanismos moleculares associados à produção, transporte e acúmulo de sacarose em cana (Casu et al., 2005; Moore, 1995). Procurar seqüências promotoras de genes de interesse é importante para a obtenção de transgênicos, já que promotores constitutivos não apresentam resultados satisfatórios em cana (Lakshmanan et al., 2005). É também objetivo aqui hibridar mRNA de genótipos de cana-de-açúcar com segregação para acúmulo de sacarose, em uma plataforma customizada de oligos (Agilent), com aproximadamente 44k elementos, que compõe uma representatividade gênica não alcançada em esforços anteriores com microarranjos de cDNA. Genome walking foi a técnica utilizada na obtenção de regiões à montante do primeiro éxon, predito in silico, para três proteínas quinase de interesse, SASGMS11561, SASGMS16343 e SASGMS09047, que se mostraram moduladas em experimentos anteriores de hibridação com amostras segregantes para conteúdo de sacarose. Foi obtido sucesso nos três casos, tendo os fragmentos de DNA sido seqüenciados e oportunamente alinhados à montante dos correspondentes genes ortólogos em sorgo, bem como ao banco ainda em construção de contigs do genoma de cana-de-açúcar, obtidos por shotgun. A plataforma Agilent, com seus 43803 SAS únicos, mostrou-se uma ferramenta muito adequada para as hibridações de genótipos de mais alto Brix contra genótipos de mais baixo Brix. Um total de 569 genes diferencialmente expressos foram obtidos em pelo menos uma das três hibridações realizadas. Um grupo de genes, de diferentes categorias e perfis de modulação, foi validado por PCR em tempo real, obtendo uma taxa de aproximadamente 90%. Apesar do grande número de SAS diferencialmente expressos, por volta de 70% dos mesmos ainda se encontram não categorizados, seja por falta de similaridade de seqüência em bancos de dados de organismos próximos ou pela alta complexidade e esforço prático na cura desse processo de categorização manual. Assim, três fragmentos de seqüências promotoras para três proteínas quinase de interesse foram obtidos e seqüenciados, como parte dos esforços do grupo em formar um catálogo de promotores específicos para cana-de-açúcar. Um grupo de genes foi analisado dos resultados das hibridações por seus papéis relevantes nos processos que levam ao maior teor de sacarose em cana, devidamente corroborados por trabalhos do próprio grupo, bem como de outros / Sugarcane is a C4 plant with the unique characteristic of being capable of accumulating sucrose in its culms in quantities that exceed 50% of its dry weight (Moore, 1995). Sucrose and ethanol are highly valued products in the world of today. Sucrose content is a trait with fundamental importance in the on-going process of increasing productivity of these two sugarcane byproducts. Classic improvement of sugarcane seems to have reached its practical limits, given that it has become increasingly harder to obtain varieties with increased sugar content. This obstacle points towards the necessity of better comprehension of the molecular mechanisms associated to the production, transport and accumulation of sucrose in sugarcane (Casu et al., 2005; Moore, 1995). The search for promoter sequences of genes of interest is crucial for the production of transgenic lines, since the use of constitutive promoters in sugarcane has been highly problematic, leading to unsatisfactory results in most cases (Lakshmanan et al., 2005). Another objective was to hybridize sugarcane genotypes with contrasting sugar content in a customized Agilent oligo platform, containing approximately 44k elements, which signifies the best effort so far regarding gene representativeness. Genome walking was the chosen technique to obtain upstream regions of the first in silico predicted exon of three proteins kinases of interest, SASGMS11561, SASGMS16343 and SASGMS09047, all of them selected from previous hybridization experiments with contrasting sucrose content samples. Success was achieved in all three cases, and the obtained fragments were sequenced and aligned to their respective syntenic region on the sorghum genome as well as on contigs from an increasingly larger bank of genomic sugarcane sequences, from our group, which has been acquired using the shotgun sequencing method. The Agilent platform, with its 43803 unique sugarcane assembled sequences (SAS), has proven valuable as a powerful high scale tool for the hybridization of genotypes with contrasting Brix values (high versus low Brix). A total of 569 differentially expressed genes were obtained from at least one of the three experiments accomplished. A group of genes from different categories and modulation profiles was depicted and validated through real time PCR, with an approximate validation rate of 90%. Although the number of differentially expressed genes is high, around 70% of them is still uncategorized, mostly because of their unique identity and therefore lack of reference organisms to compare with and the high complexity and laboriousness of categorizing them manually. In summary, three promoter fragments from three different protein kinases of interest were obtained and sequenced, as a part of a greater effort to create a sugarcane promoter sequence catalogue. From the hybridization assays, a group of genes were analyzed, due to their putative importance in the processes that lead to a higher sucrose content in sugarcane, also corroborated by previous studies from our group as well as from others.

Avaliação do desempenho de Suínos Alimentados com Mananoligossacarídeos (MOS) / Effects of mannan oligosaccharides on gilts and litters performance

Horta, Felipe de Conti 21 August 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo buscou avaliar os efeitos dos Mananoligossacarídeos (MOS) como aditivo alimentar no desempenho de primíparas suínas em final de gestação e em lactação, bem como no desempenho e na saúde dos leitões até os 65 dias de idade. O experimento foi realizado no Laboratório de Pesquisa em Suínos (VNP-FMVZ-USP) Pirassununga SP. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial de tratamentos, sendo um fator o fornecimento dos MOS para fêmeas e o segundo para os leitões. Foram utilizadas 17 primíparas prenhes, tratadas a partir de 81 &plusmn;1,36 dias de gestação com 0,2% de MOS na dieta. Aos 82 &plusmn; 1,36 dias de gestação as fêmeas foram submetidas à coleta de sangue e à vacinação contra rinite atrófica progressiva, sendo pesadas quinzenalmente até a transferência para a maternidade, aos 109 &plusmn; 1,36 dias de gestação. Na segunda quinzena as fêmeas tratadas apresentaram uma vantagem numérica no ganho de peso médio diário (P=0,063). Durante o parto foram colhidas amostras de sangue e colostro para titulação de anticorpos contra o antígeno vacinal, sendo consideradas positivas 66,67% das fêmeas MOS e 42,86% das fêmeas controle. Os leitões aleitados por fêmeas tratadas tiveram um maior ganho numérico de peso na primeira semana (p=0,0614), significativo na segunda semana (p=0,047). Na terceira semana foi introduzido o segundo fator através do oferecimento de alimento sólido (0,4% de MOS). No período total, do nascimento aos 21 dias, foi observada uma vantagem numérica (p=0,0989) no ganho de peso a favor dos leitões de fêmeas MOS. As fêmeas, contudo, não diferiram quanto à variação de peso ou consumo durante a fase de lactação. Aos 23 &plusmn; 1,91 dias de idade dos leitões foi realizado o desmame abrupto com a transferência dos leitões para unidade de creche, onde foram alojados em gaiolas para 4 animais. O peso ao desmame foi maior nos leitões aleitados por fêmeas tratadas (p<0,0001), bem como em todas as pesagens semanais até a quinta semana pós-desmame. O consumo na primeira semana sofreu influência da suplementação de MOS nas fêmeas e do maior peso à desmama se mostrando superior nesses animais (P=0,049) influenciando diretamente o ganho de peso, superior na segunda semana (p=0,002). O MOS para os leitões aumentou o consumo de alimento (p=0,0784), e a conversão alimentar na segunda semana (p=0,0103). Aos 14 dias pós-desmame foram colhidas amostras de sangue para hemograma e realizada a aplicação oral de 108 UFC de Salmonella Typhimurium. Foram observadas diariamente a consistência das fezes por 28 dias e aferidas as temperaturas retais por 9 dias. Leitões tratados com MOS e os leitões oriundos de fêmeas MOS tenderam a apresentar o pico de hipertermia mais cedo que os demais (p=0,0629 e p=0,0976, respectivamente) e os leitões alimentados com MOS tenderam a ter uma temperatura de pico mais baixa (p=0,0989). Na última semana os leitões de fêmeas MOS apresentaram um maior consumo (p=0,0007) e uma incidência de Salmonella numéricamente inferior em linfonodos mesentéricos e nas fezes colhidas aos 36 dias pós-desafio. Pode-se concluir que a suplementação de MOS para primíparas prenhes e lactentes pode melhorar o desempenho e a saúde entérica de seus leitões nas fases de aleitamento e creche. / The present study evaluated the effects of mananoligossacarides (MOS) as a feed additive on the performance of primiparous sows in late gestation and lactation, as well as on performance and health status of their progeny up to 65 days of age. The experiment was conducted in the Laboratory of Swine Research (FMVZ/USP) Pirassununga SP. For this purpose a completely random factorial design was used, factors which corresponded to (1) feeding sows with MOS and (2) feeding piglets with MOS, characterizing 4 treatments: MM Feeding MOS to both sows and piglets, MC Feeding MOS only to the sows, CM Feeding MOS only to piglets, CC Control diets for both sows and piglets. A total of seventeen pregnant gilts were used, and divided into 2 groups: MOS (n=9) and Control (n=8). MOS gilts had 0,1% MOS added to their diets from 81 &plusmn; 1,36 days of gestation onward. On day 82 &plusmn; 1,36 blood was collected and vaccination against Progressive Atrophic Rhinitis was conducted. Animals were weighted biweekly until 109 &plusmn; 1,36 days of gestation, when transference to the farrowing unit was conducted. Between the first and second weighing, MOS gilts show a numerical advantage in daily weight gain (p=0,063). At farrowing, blood and colostrum samples were collected for determination antibodies titles against vaccine antigen, being considered positive 66,67% and 42,86% of MOS and Control sows, respectively. Piglets nursed by MOS sows had a numerical advantage in weight gain in the first week (p=0,0614), with statistical significance in the second week (p=0,047). On the third week, the second factor was introduced by the offering of solid feed (0,4% MOS). During the suckling period, from birth to 21 days of age, a numerical advantage in weight gain was observed for MOS sows piglets (p=0,0989). The sows themselves did not differ in weight change or feed consumption. At 23 &plusmn; 1,91 days of age, weaning was conducted, as piglets were transferred to nursing facilities and allocated in pens of 4 animals. Weight of MOS sows piglets was higher at weaning (p<0,001) and until the 5th week port-weaning. Feed consumption was affected by MOS supplementation of sows and by the higher weaning weight (p=0,0049), directly influencing weight gain, which was superior in the 2nd week. Feeding MOS to piglets enhanced feed consumption (p=0,0784) and feed conversion (p=0,0103) on the 2nd week. At 14 days of age, blood samples were collected for hemogram analysis and an oral dose of 108 CFU of Salmonella Typhimurium administered. Fecal consistency and rectal temperature were evaluated for 28 and 9 days, respectively. Piglets treated with MOS and MOS sows\' piglets tended to show a peek of hyperthermia earlier (p=0,0629 e p=0,0976, respectively). Piglets fed with MOS tended to show a lower temperature peek (p=0.0989). In the last week, MOS sows\' piglets show a higher feed consumption (p=0.0007) and a numerically inferior Salmonella incidence in mesenteric lymph nodes and feces 36 days after the bacterial challenge. In conclusion, supplementing primiparous sows with MOS during gestation and lactation can enhance their body weight gain and the performance and intestinal health of the offspring during the suckling and nursing period.

Reconhecimento e predição de promotores procarióticos: investigação de uma metodologia in silico baseada em HMMs

Reis, Adriana Neves dos 03 March 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T13:53:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 3 / Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos / A expressão dos genes em procariotos é desencadeada quando a enzima RNApolimerase interage com uma região adjacente ao gene, chamada de promotor, onde se encontram os principais elementos regulatórios do processo de transcrição. Apesar do crescente avanço das técnicas experimentais em biologia molecular, caracterizar e identificar um número significante de promotores, presentes em um dado genoma, continua sendo uma tarefa demorada e cara. Abordagens in silico são bastante utilizadas para reconhecer essas regiões em procariotos. Entretanto, além do alto número de falsos positivos obtidos, elas enfrentam a inexistência de um número adequado de promotores conhecidos para identificar padrões conservados entre as espécies. Logo, um método criterioso e confiável para predizêlos em qualquer organismo procariótico ainda é um desafio. Esta dissertação propõe um protocolo de uso de hidden Markov models (HMMs) que emprega Estimação de Limiar de Decisão (ELD) e Análise de Discriminação (AD) neste problema. Quatro espécie / Gene expression on prokaryotes initiates when the RNA-polymerase enzyme interacts with DNA regions called promoters. In these regions are located the main regulatory elements of the transcription process. Despite the improvement of in vitro techniques for molecular biology analysis, characterizing and identifying a great number of promoters on a genome is a complex task. In silico approaches are usually employed to recognize theses regions on prokaryotes. Nevertheless, the main drawback is the absence of a large set of promoters to identify conserved patterns among the species. Hence, a in silico method to predict them on any species is a challenge. This work proposes a protocol to use hidden Markov models (HMMs) methodology with Decision Threshold Estimation and Discrimination Analysis on this problem. Four prokaryotic species are investigated (Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Helicobacter pylori e Helicobacter hepaticus). The influence of different aspects in the recognition and prediction are examined:

Winning the cellular lottery: how proteins reach and recognize targets in DNA

Redding, Sy Eugene January 2015 (has links)
Many aspects of biology depend on the ability of DNA-binding proteins to locate specific binding sites within the genome. This search process is required at the beginning of all site-specific protein-DNA interactions, and has the potential to act as the first stage of biological regulation. Given the difficulty of pinpointing a small region of DNA, within even simple genomes, it is expected that proteins are adapted to use specialized mechanisms, collectively referred to as facilitated diffusion [Berg et al., 1981], to effectively reduce the dimensionality of their searches, and rapidly find their targets. Here, we use a combination of nanofabricated microfluidic devices and single-molecule microscopy to determine whether facilitated diffusion contributes to all DNA target searches. We investigate promoter binding by E. coli RNA polymerase, foreign DNA recognition by CRISPR-Cas complexes, and Rad51’s homology search during recombination. In each example, we observe that the target searches proceed without extensive use of facilitated diffusion; rather, consideration of these non-facilitated target searches reveals an alternative search strategy. We show that instead of reducing the dimensionality of their searches, these proteins, reduce search complexity by minimizing unproductive interactions with DNA, thereby increase the probability of locating a specific DNA target.

Heuristic discovery and design of promoters for the fine-control of metabolism in industrially relevant microbes

Gilman, James January 2018 (has links)
Predictable, robust genetic parts including constitutive promoters are one of the defining attributes of synthetic biology. Ideally, candidate promoters should cover a broad range of expression strengths and yield homogeneous output, whilst also being orthogonal to endogenous regulatory pathways. However, such libraries are not always readily available in non-model organisms, such as the industrially relevant genus Geobacillus. A multitude of different approaches are available for the identification and de novo design of prokaryotic promoters, although it may be unclear which methodology is most practical in an industrial context. Endogenous promoters may be individually isolated from upstream of well-understood genes, or bioinformatically identified en masse. Alternatively, pre-existing promoters may be mutagenised, or mathematical abstraction can be used to model promoter strength and design de novo synthetic regulatory sequences. In this investigation, bioinformatic, mathematic and mutagenic approaches to promoter discovery were directly compared. Hundreds of previously uncharacterised putative promoters were bioinformatically identified from the core genome of four Geobacillus species, and a rational sampling method was used to select sequences for in vivo characterisation. A library of 95 promoters covered a 2-log range of expression strengths when characterised in vivo using fluorescent reporter proteins. Data derived from this experimental characterisation were used to train Artificial Neural Network, Partial Least Squares and Random Forest statistical models, which quantifiably inferred the relationship between DNA sequence and function. The resulting models showed limited predictive- but good descriptive-power. In particular, the models highlighted the importance of sequences upstream of the canonical -35 and -10 motifs for determining promoter function in Geobacillus. Additionally, two commonly used mutagenic techniques for promoter production, Saturation Mutagenesis of Flanking Regions and error-prone PCR, were applied. The resulting sequence libraries showed limited promoter activity, underlining the difficulty of deriving synthetic promoters in species where understanding of transcription regulation is limited. As such, bioinformatic identification and deep-characterisation of endogenous promoter elements was posited as the most practical approach for the derivation of promoter libraries in non-model organisms of industrial interest.

Isolamento e caracterização de promotores de genes constitutivos de Citrus sinensis / Isolation and characterization of constitutive gene promoters from Citrus sinensis

Lígia Erpen 07 April 2017 (has links)
A transformação genética é uma alternativa ao melhoramento convencional de citros que permite a modificação de genótipos pela introdução de um ou mais genes oriundos de organismos semelhantes ou filogeneticamente distantes do hospedeiro. Os genes transferidos para espécies de interesse devem ser controlados por promotores, os quais regulam a expressão gênica de forma temporal, espacial e na magnitude desejada. Na maioria dos casos, os genes são expressos de forma constitutiva utilizando o promotor CaMV35S isolado do Vírus do Mosaico da Couve Flor. No entanto, o desenvolvimento de novas abordagens de transformação de plantas (cisgenia e intragenia), que fazem o uso de genes e sequências regulatórias derivadas da mesma espécie ou espécies relacionadas, requer a disponibilidade de elementos genéticos, incluindo promotores constitutivos, isolados de citros. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi clonar e caracterizar promotores constitutivos de Citrus sinensis. Para isso, a região promotora dos genes Fator de elongação 1-&alpha; (CsEF1), Gliceraldeido-3-fosfato-desidrogenase C2 (CsGAPC2) e Cyclofilina (CsCYC) foi isolada e avaliados pela fusão ao gene repórter uidA. A funcionalidade dos três promotores foi confirmada por ensaio histoquímico da atividade GUS em folhas, caules e raízes de plantas transgênicas de citros cv. \'Hamlin\'. A análise de RT-qPCR mostra que a expressão do gene uidA sob controle dos promotores CsCYC, CsGAPC2 e CsEF1 correspondeu a uma atividade aproximada de 64%, 58% e 47%, respectivamente em comparação com o promotor CaMV35S. A análise in silico dos promotores CsGAPC2, CsCYC e CsEF1 mostra que a atividade de cada um é controlada por uma série de putativos elementos cis-regulatórios. A sequência completa e versões truncadas originadas a partir de deleções em cada promotor foram fundidas ao gene uidA e analisadas em plantas transgênicas de Nicotiana benthamiana pelo ensaio histoquímico e fluorimétrico da atividade GUS. As análises de deleções não causaram perda de função dos promotores em estudo, mas afetaram a expressão gênica nos promotores CsGAPC2 e CsEF1. Os promotores isolados representam bons candidatos a serem utilizados em trabalhos de transformação genética de citros. / Genetic transformation is an alternative to citros conventional breeding that allows the modification of genotypes by the introduction of one or more genes derived from different organisms that can not be crossed by natural means. The transferred genes to the species of interest are controlled by promoters, which regulate a gene expression temporally, spatially and in the desired magnitude. In most cases, the introduced genes have been constitutively expressed using the CaMV35S promoter obtained from the cauliflower mosaic virus. However, the development of novel plant transformation approaches (cisgenesis and intragenesis) imply the use of genetic material from the same species or from closely related species capable of sexual hybridization, which requires the isolation of genetic elements, including citros constitutive promoters. The objective of this study was clone and characterize Citrus sinensis constitutive promoters. For this, the promoter region of the genes Elongation Factor 1-&alpha; (CsEF1), Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase C2 (CsGAPC2) and Cyclofiline (CsCYC) was isolated and evaluated by fusion to the uidA reporter gene. The functionality of three promoter was confirmed by histochemical GUS assay in leaves, stems and roots of transgenic citrus plants cv. \'Hamlin\'. RT-qPCR analysis revealed that uidA gene expression under control of the CsCYC, CsGAPC2 and CsEF1 promoters was approximately 64%, 58% and 47% expression compared with the CaMV35S promoter. In silico analysis of the CsGAPC2, CsCYC and CsEF1 promoters displays their activity is controlled by a series of putative cis-regulatory elements. The full length promoter and truncated versions originated from deletions in promoters sequences were fused to the uidA gene and analyzed in Nicotiana benthamiana transgenic plants by histochemical and fluorimetric GUS assay. Deletion analysis did not cause loss of function on any of the promoters, but affected the gene expression on CsGAPC2 and CsEF1 truncated versions. The isolated promoters represent good candidates to be used in citros genetic transformation.

Phytoremediation of natural and synthetic steroid growth promoters used in livestock production by riparian buffer zone plants

Bircher, Sam 01 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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