Spelling suggestions: "subject:"arose""
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Hector au Moyen Age : définition et évolution d'un personnage épique et romanesque / Hector in the Middle Ages : Definition and evolution of an epic and romantic characterCozette, Sandrine 18 January 2014 (has links)
L’engouement du Moyen-Âge pour le mythe troyen se traduit tout particulièrement à travers sa figure centrale, Hector. Benoît de Sainte-Maure, qui s’appuie sur la tradition homérique telle que l’a transmise la littérature latine tardive (Ilias latina, Éphéméride de la guerre de Troie de Dictys de Crète, Histoire de la destruction de Troie de Darès le Phrygien), fait du fils de Priam le héros incontesté de son œuvre, le Roman de Troie, et glorifie les exploits de ce guerrier à la prouesse exemplaire. Ce texte constitue le jalon majeur de la construction du mythe d’Hector à l’époque médiévale, dont témoignent les réécritures en prose ou en vers, même si, parallèlement, l’histoire de Troie continue d’être transmise par le texte latin de Darès ou sa traduction. À ces deux traditions s’ajoute celle qui naît de l’œuvre de l’Italien Guido delle Colonne, l’Historia destructionis Troiae, réécriture latine du roman de Benoît au XIIIe siècle. Cependant la notoriété de la figure d’Hector s’exprime aussi dans des œuvres où le personnage tend à se dissocier du destin de sa cité et apparaît seul ou associé à d’autres héros, troyens ou non, pour servir de référence en terme de bravoure, ce qui lui vaut de figurer parmi les Neuf Preux. C’est pourquoi le personnage va continuer d’évoluer indépendamment du roman de Benoît et de ses réécritures directes, ce qui se perçoit aussi bien dans la chanson de geste que dans les récits arthuriens. Les valeurs qu’il incarne intéressent aussi bien l’auteur de l’Ovide moralisé que Christine de Pizan. Figure exemplaire, presque archétypale, Hector est aussi un personnage protéiforme dont l’histoire ne cesse d’être réécrite par la tradition médiévale. / In the Middle Ages, the interest in the Trojan myth focuses particularly on its main character, Hector.Using the Homeric tradition inherited from the late Latin literature ( Ilias latina, Ephemeridos belli troiani by Dictys of Crete, De Excidio Troiae historia by Dares the Phrygian) as a basis to his work, Benoît de Sainte Maure makes Priam’s son the uncontested hero of his novel, The Roman de Troie, in which he praises the feats of this exceptional warrior.This text greatly contributes to the construction of Hector’s myth during the Middle Ages, as shown by its rewritings in prose or verse, although the story of Troy was also transmitted via Dares’ Latin text or its translation.In addition to these two traditions, another one appeared in the 13th century with the Italian Guido delle Colonne whose Historia Destructionis Troiae is a Latin rewriting of Benoît’s novel.However, Hector’s fame also asserts itself in other works in which the character tends to dissociate himself from his city’s destiny and appears alone or associated to other heroes, Trojan or not, to serve as a reference in terms of bravery, which earned him his place among the Nine Worthies.That is why this character continues to evolve independently from Benoit’s novel and its rewritings, as can be seen through epic poetry and Arthurian tales.Both Christine de Pizan and the author of Ovide moralisé take an interest in the values he embodies.Hector is a model, almost an archetypal figure as well as a character whose story never ceased being rewritten by Medieval tradition.
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Postmoderní romány Alessandra Baricca / Alessandro Baricco's postmodern novelsPřívozníková, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce zmapuje románovou tvorbu současného italského spisovatele Alessandra Baricca. Úvodem bude představen autor v kontextu současné italské prózy. V další části práce nastíníme charakteristiku postmoderního románu, zejména pokud jde o tříštění či dekompozici prostoru, času, příběhu a s tím související žánrovou heterogennost textu. V centrální části práce rozebereme jednotlivá díla, přičemž se budeme soustředit jak na příběh, jeho hlavní motivy a témata, tak na jeho kompozici a strukturu. Ve čtvrté kapitole využijeme dílčích analýz jako východiska ke komparativnímu přístupu k textům a pokusíme se najít společné i odlišné konstrukční principy jejich výstavby a návratná témata či motivické konstanty Bariccových próz. Závěrem zhodnotíme přínos tvorby Alessandra Baricca pro současnou italskou prózu.
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Caderno de um ausente, de João Anzanello Carrascoza: a escrita autorreflexiva / Caderno de um ausente, by João Anzanello Carrascoza: a self-reflexive writingCaetano, Priscila Miranda 16 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-03-14T12:03:21Z
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Priscila Miranda Caetano.pdf: 893859 bytes, checksum: 4274fad36f32a72684ceb281e6a989a4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-14T12:03:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Priscila Miranda Caetano.pdf: 893859 bytes, checksum: 4274fad36f32a72684ceb281e6a989a4 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-02-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This study aims to investigate how Caderno de un ausente (2014), written by João Anzanello Carrascoza, through a careful work with and in the language, reveals a self-reflexive narrative, in which the empirical author gives way for a fictional author/ narrator, whose purpose is to show, through fiction, the process of literary creation. In the attempt to emphasize Carrascoza's self-referentiality, the study also brings to the scene, Menina escrevendo com o pai (2017), demonstrating the dialogue between the two narratives, as well as the process of literary (des)construction through fragmented narratives in which word and silence become linguistic signs to (dis)veil absences. This research, bibliographic and exploratory-descriptive, considers the hypothesis that the writing in process developed by the author reveals a constant search for the resignification of life, through language, in the attempt of a reconciliation of the individual with himself and with the other, in demand of a hypothetical lost totality of the human being in contemporaneity. The research is organized in three chapters: in the first, we present a panorama of Carrascoza's work aiming to demonstrate the marks of his writing; in the second, we analyze the novel Caderno de um ausente, evidencing his poetic, metalinguistic and metafictional writing, based on the concepts of Jakobson, Paz, Barthes and Hutcheon; in the third, we propose the dialogue between the corpus and Menina escrevendo com o pai, evidencing the staging of the writing and the process of self-reflexivity that is observed between them, as well as the discussion of the effect of meaning generated by this writing that is revealed, in constant state of process, based on the considerations of Hutcheon and Bauman / Esta dissertação tem como objetivo investigar de que maneira a obra Caderno de um ausente (2014), de João Anzanello Carrascoza, por meio de um primoroso trabalho com e na linguagem, revela-se como uma narrativa autorreflexiva, na qual o autor empírico cede espaço para um autor ficcional/narrador, cujo objetivo é encenar, por meio da ficção, o próprio processo de criação literária. No intento de enfatizar a autorreferencialidade da escrita de Carrascoza, o estudo traz à cena, também, Menina escrevendo com o pai (2017), demonstrando o diálogo que se evidencia entre as duas obras, bem como o processo de (des) construção do fazer literário por meio de narrativas fragmentadas em que a palavra e o silêncio tornam-se signos linguísticos a (des) velar as ausências. A pesquisa bibliográfica, de cunho exploratório-descritivo, parte da hipótese de que a escrita em processo desenvolvida pelo autor revela-se uma busca constante pela ressignificação da vida, via linguagem, na tentativa de uma reconciliação do indivíduo consigo e com o outro, em demanda de uma hipotética totalidade perdida do homem contemporâneo. A pesquisa organiza-se em três capítulos: no primeiro, apresentamos um panorama da obra de Carrascoza em busca das marcas de sua escrita; no segundo, analisamos o romance Caderno de um ausente, evidenciando sua escrita poética, metalinguística e metaficcional, a partir das reflexões de Jakobson, Paz, Barthes e Hutcheon; no terceiro, propomos o diálogo entre o corpus eleito e Menina escrevendo com o pai, evidenciando a encenação da escrita e o processo de autorreflexividade que entre elas se observa, bem como a discussão do efeito de sentido gerado por esta escrita que se desnuda, em constante estado de processo, fundamentando-nos, para isso, nas considerações de Hutcheon e Bauman
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Књижевно дело Павла Марковића Адамова / Književno delo Pavla Markovića Adamova / Pavle Marković Adamov᾽s literatureMarković Slavica 30 September 2019 (has links)
<p>У раду је представљен целокупни књижевни опус заборављеног писца Павла Марковића Адамова, једног од зачетника српске реалистичке приповетке и оснивача и првог уредника Бранковог кола – листа за забаву, поуку и књижевност, у циљу превредновања његовог књижевног дела, како би Адамов, коначно, добио место које му припада у историји српске књижевности.</p> / <p>U radu je predstavljen celokupni književni opus zaboravljenog pisca Pavla Markovića Adamova, jednog od začetnika srpske realističke pripovetke i osnivača i prvog urednika Brankovog kola – lista za zabavu, pouku i književnost, u cilju prevrednovanja njegovog književnog dela, kako bi Adamov, konačno, dobio mesto koje mu pripada u istoriji srpske književnosti.</p> / <p>The thesis represents the complete literary corpus of the forgotten author Pavle Marković Adamov, one of the pioneers of the Serbian realism short stories and the founder and first editor of ᾽Brankovo kolo᾿ - a paper for fun, learning and literature. The aim of the thesis is to bring his literary works back to light and give them proper appreciation, so that Adamov will finally be given the spot that he deserves in the history of Serbian literature.</p>
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Prosa, mondo e verità in Alessandro Manzoni: rilievi retoriciBATTAGLINI, RAFFAELLA 15 April 2013 (has links)
Il lavoro nasce come prosecuzione del saggio del Professor Langella "Manzoni poeta teologo". Consta di tre parti: una iniziale rassegna critica fa quasi da pretesto per trovare assetto e convergenza metodologica. Il secondo capitolo ripercorre due grandi questioni biografiche manzoniane (conversione e giansenismo). Il terzo capitolo, eminentemente stilistico, contiene anche una riflessione sul valore della similitudine in Manzoni. Schedate in appendice tutte le similitudini del "Fermo e Lucia" e dei "Promessi Sposi". / Dr. Raffaella’s Battaglini’s work was born as an ideal completion of Professor Langella's essay "Manzoni poeta teologo".
The present essay is evidently threefold: the critical review at the beginning functions almost as a way - we might even say a pretext – to find the right methodological approach for the entire work.
The biographical overview is focused on the knots of Manzoni’s conversion on one hand, and of his Jansenism on the other. A sort of status quaestionis of Manzoni’s Jansenism is presented in the Second Chapter.
The final stylistic analysis – which was initially supposed to appear at the beginning of the essay – has undoubtedly great qualities and reveals Dr. Raffaella Battaglini’s talent.
The monographic study of the simile summarizes and revives many of the remarks (Trompeo, Petrocchi, Cerisola, Raimondi can be quoted among others) that the critical corpus about Manzoni has often pointed out but not always fully developped.
The approach to the text is easy without being ingenuous, the remarks are always thoughtful, the prose is fluent and lively.
The final appendix about simile, patiently composed, happily fulfills a literary whole contemplari et aliis contemplata tradere.
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Investigating topics and style in Vuta N`Kuvute by Shafi Adam ShafiTraoré, Flavia Aiello 13 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In the last decades many literary critics have appraised the works of Zanzibarian writers; referring to the prose of Mohamed Suleiman Mohamed, Said Ahmed Mohamed and Shafi Adam Shafi, M M. Mulokozi wrote in 1985: \"The most significant, and certainly most spectacular, development in the Swahili fiction of the Seventies and Eighties has been the emergence of Zanzibar as the producer of the best Swahili fiction to date, and the apparent torch bearer for the Kiswahili novel of the near future\" (Arnold 1985: 174). The same enthusiasm was shared by R. Ohly who, confronting the novels written by Zanzibarian writers and those by Tanzanian and Kenyan writers in a time span going from 1975 to 1981, has defined the Zanzibarian prose a challenge to the artistic competence of other Swahili writers (cf. Ohly 1990).
Although I found the comparative pattern used by Ohly debatable, having concentrated for the up-country literary production only on popular short novels - to be better evaluated not following negative, contrastive cliches but within the context of that particular trend -, obscuring moreover other talented writers like Euphrase Kezilahabi or Claude Mung`ong`o, his criticism has nevertheless the merit of having highlighted the main qualities of Zanzibarian novels, namely a deep interest for historical and social matters, along with an extremely rich and colourful language and a serious concern for stylistic features. These attributes of Zanzibarian literary style fit very well to the last novel by Shafi Adam Shafi, Vuta n`kuvute, published in 1999; in the following pages my aim is to explore the way the author of this work artistically manipulates themes, literary suggestions and stylistic devices, re-elaborating thus the experience of Kiswahili and Zanzibarian prose in a creative way.
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Rezeption Witold Gombrowiczs im Spiegel der deutschsprachigen Literatur- und Theaterkritik / The Reception of Witold Gobrowiczs facing the German-speaking literary and theater criticismMarx, Agnieszka 27 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Theorizing discourses of Zimbabwe, 1860-1900 : a Foucauldian analysis of colonial narratives.Smith, Neville James. January 1998 (has links)
This study seeks to understand colonial narratives of Zimbabwe 1860-1900
as a locus of transgression and opposition. I investigate the range and
complexity of discourses within the imperial project open to both European
male and female writers, their shifts over time or within one or more texts.
Narratives of the explorer, missionary, hunter and soldier are examined as a
literary genre in which attempts were made to re-imagine the Western self
through an encounter with Africans. I consider how positions from which
the European in the colonies could speak and write were reformulated. This
study will employ Foucauldian discourse theory in an analysis of the British
'civilizing mission' in Central Southern Africa.
The Introduction examines existing historical and theoretical
approaches in this field and argues for a particular use of Foucualt's insights
and vocabulary. Chapter One is concerned with the way European explorers
constituted notions of 'civilized nations' in Europe and 'primitive tribes' in
Africa . I then question how this process of division and exclusion was
reinforced by the mythography of an EI Dorado in the African interior. In
Chapter Two I consider how Colonial Man was constituted in different ways
by Victorian discourses of adventure, travel and conquest. I also attempt to
account for the effects that followed the activation, within colonial culture,
of structures of exclusion and division based on race or class. Chapter
Three focuses on the economic dimension of a dissident LMS missionary and
the sustained resistance to Western philanthropy among the Ndebele. I also
examine the later Mashonaland mission where the missionary-administrator
became instrumental in the division and control of Africans. In the final
chapter I consider discursive formations which sought to constrain African
resistance during the 1896-7 Chimurenga and the institutionalization of a
settler order in the post-Chimurenga era. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1998.
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The identity of difference : a critical study of representations of the Bushmen.Bregin, Elana. January 1998 (has links)
More than any other people, the Bushmen - like the Aborigines on the Australian continent - have epitomized the sub-human other in South African historiography. My primary concern in this study will be to interrogate the representations that gave rise to such entrenched notions of Bushman alterity, and the consequences these have had for Bushman lives. Through an assessment of the writings of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century travellers, missionaries, settlers, colonial officials and scholars, I shall examine understandings of ‘otherness’ and ‘difference’, and the ways in which alterity discourse opened up a space for the ensuing colonial policies of genocide and subjugation against the Bushmen. By allowing the Bushman ‘voices’ to talk back - through an exploration of verbal and visual forms of Bushman creative expression - I hope to present a more balanced sense of Bushman ‘identity’, and expose the fundamental intolerance of difference that lies at the heart of alterity discourse. I shall conclude the thesis with a problematization of contemporary trends of representation, an examination of how these often inadvertently continue the process of othering, and a consideration of their repercussions for present-day Bushman lives. Aside from the obvious relevance of such a study to an understanding of both the destructive events and representations of history, and the current traumatic circumstances of Bushman lives, the questions that this thesis raises can be seen to have more far-reaching implications. In a country such as South Africa, with its long history of segregation and discrimination, issues of otherness and difference take on a particularly compelling resonance. It seems crucial - especially at this point in our national progress - to interrogate our historical attitudes towards otherness, and posit more constructive ways of approaching difference, that allow others their distinct identity, without either demonizing or collapsing such difference; or, to phrase it in Homi Bhabha’s question: “How can the human world live its difference? how [sic] can a human being live Other-wise?” (1994:122). / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1998.
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Mphahlele's Down Second Avenue in German : cultural transfer, norms and translation strategies in Kruger's Pretoria Zweite Avenue.Jarvis, Emily. January 2005 (has links)
The aim of my study is to identify, describe and critique Es'kia Mphahlele's Down Second Avenue and its German translation, Pretoria Zweite Avenue. More specifically, the aim is to engage with the norms and constraints operative in the various translational relationships; also, to consider the impact - resulting from the shifts involved in cultural transfer - for a new readership in the 1960s in east Germany. Lambert and van Gorp's research model, "Hypothetical Scheme for Describing Translations", provides a framework for such a study that starts with an analysis ofpreliminary data, followed by a macro-level analysis and, finally, an analysis ofmicro-level data. Toury's over-arching theory of Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS), and Even-Zohar's Polysystem Theory are used extensively, especially regarding the contextualisation of both source text (ST) and target text (TT). In considering - via a detailed analysis of shifts - how elements of South African culture have been transferred in translation, I also draw on Fairclough's theories regarding social power hierarchies, and the mutually constitutive nature of discourse. Given that norms and constraints are largely determined by cultural contexts, Fillmore's 'scenesand- frames semantics' is also invaluable to the ideological explanations necessary during the course ofthis project. Ideologically relevant extracts - representative of South African culture - from the ST, are compared with the corresponding German translations. This study makes extensive use of Baker's strategies for dealing with non-equivalence at various levels of the translation process. Based on all the above theoretical points of entry, ideological parallels between the imagined communities of east Germany and South Africa are drawn. My study proves the potential of translation projects, such as this one, of aiding in cultural dissemination between two countries that are culturally and geographically apart, but which share a profound understanding for the burdens of ideological over-determination. / Thesis (M.A.-English)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2005.
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