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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jazyková analýza naučné prózy / A linguistic analysis of a popular science prose

NOVOTNÝ, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The topic of the diploma work is the analysis of the theory proze in the second half of the seventeenth century with the title Economical books and its comparizon with the two older works published by the end of the 16th century under the general title The Economist. The first part of the diploma work notices the structure of the separate texts, sees the grafical form of the texts and compares its differences. Next part of the work contains the study and comparizon of the individual areas of the human activities participating on the economy which was reflected by the humanistic writers. A special regard is given to the terms of administrative and economical character and the change in thein use from 16th to the 18th century. The work analyses the prevention of the landed estate running in the imagination of the baroque scholar, time evidence and three model examples: brewery, fishpond cultivation, forestry as the typical branches of the old czech economy.The last part of the work is the vocabulary of the chosen ideas dealing with the area of economy and administration of the landed estate formed and divided by the texts of the individual authors. The aim of the work is to evaluate the development of the language in the economical area and to compare the expected activitiies of the individual participants in the economical life and to make a list of terminological units.

Téma rodiny v díle Natalie Ginzburg / Family theme in Natalia Ginzburg's works

Macháčková, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this master's thesis called Family theme in Natalia Ginzburg's works is analysis of the chosen prosaic works of one of the biggest writers of the twentieth century, concentrated on the topic of the family. The introduction is a short presentation of the author (her biographical and bibliographical data). After that there is an analysis of her most known prosaic works with the family topic and with the topic of the relations in general. It is followed by more detailed analysis of her most known novel Lessico famigliare. In the final part, the work is concentrated on the biography of Manzoni's family in La famiglia Manzoni.

Literatuur en maatskappykritiek : problematisering van seksualiteit in Tom Lanoye se ̀Monstertrilogie'

Joubert, Christiaan Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is a report on how Tom Lanoye, a contemporary Flemish author who explores themes of social relevance, deconstructs the sexual identity of his characters within the context of a postmodernist culture. The manifestation of this deconstruction process is described within those theoretical paradigms of Michel Foucault and Judith Butler that link sexual identity and social mores. For the purpose of this research Tom Lanoye‘s ‘Monster’ Trilogy was selected. Set against the backdrop of Belgium society during the late nineties of the twentieth century and highlighting the moral downfall of the Deschryver patriarchy, Lanoye’s novels address an assortment of contemporary gender and social political issues in his trilogy. These include the following: political corruption; incest; homosexuality; racism; the sexual abuse of minors; the relation between language and identity, volatile childrenparent relationships; the subversion of gender norms and sexual transformation. / In hierdie verhandeling word verslag gedoen van die wyse waarop Tom Lanoye as hedendaagse eksponent van die Vlaamse versetprosa die seksuele identiteit van sy karakters binne die konteks van 'n postmodernistiese verwysingsraam dekonstrueer. Die manifestasie van hierdie dekonstruksieproses word beskryf binne die teoretiese paradigmas met betrekking tot die verband tussen seksuele identiteit en maatskappy van Michel Foucault en Judith Butler. Vir die doel van hierdie ondersoek is Lanoye se 'Monstertrilogie' geselekteer. Gesitueer teen die agtergrond van die Belgiese maatskappy in die laat negentigerjare van die twintigste eeu en gefokus op die morele ondergang van die Deschryver-patriargie, sny Lanoye se trilogie 'n verskeidenheid van aktuele gender-en sosio-politieke kwessies aan. Hierdie kwessies sluit in: politieke korrupsie; bloedskande; homoseksualiteit, rassisme; die seksuele misbruik van minderjariges; die verhouding tussen taal en identiteit; onbestendige ouer-kind-verhoudings; die ondermyning van gendernorme en die kwessie van seksuele transformasie. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)

Od Palečka k Enšpíglovi aneb Prosopografie v humanistické zábavné próze / From Tom Thumb (Paleček) to Eulenspiegel or Prosopography in humanist entertainment prose

MELICHOVÁ, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The thesis From Tom Thumb (Paleček) to Eulenspiegel or Prosopography in humanist entertainment prose is an analysis of main literary characters of selected Czech books of folk reading. Opening part is dedicated to the Renaissance and Renaissance culture in general. The periodization and brief characteristic of Czech humanist literature from the years between the half of the 15th century and the 1620?s is mentioned further. The thesis gives more detailed look at entertainment prose and primarily discusses books of folk literature which were integral part of Czech verbal culture. The analytic part is focused on prosopography in several books of folk reading ? Eulenspiegel, Tom Thumb (Paleček), Franta?s Law and Doctor Faust. The aim is to describe main characters, capture their artistic depiction and foremost to assess their moral code.

A maldição como processo = leituras de Gaspard de la Nuit / Curse as a process : lectures on Gaspard de la Nuit

Melo Franco, Lenon Rogerio de 15 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Suzi Frankl Sperber / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituo de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T22:23:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MeloFranco_LenonRogeriode_M.pdf: 1830662 bytes, checksum: d63fce9d22e9ed1808c6436f83f0a25d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: A dissertação se ocupa da recepção da obra francesa Gaspard de la Nuit: fantaisies à la manière de Rembrandt et de Callot desde sua publicação nos anos românticos até nossos dias. As leituras de Sainte-Beuve, Baudelaire, Mallarmé e André Breton, sobretudo, são revisadas à luz de exames sincrônicos e diacrônicos. Os diferentes acolhimentos do texto são oportunidade e aporte para discutirmos seus aspectos prevalentes, tais como a relação da poesia com as artes plásticas, a fundação de um novo gênero que é o poema em prosa moderno e a noção de poète maudit. Após o decantamento crítico de numerosos leitores, apresentamos então nossa exegese particular da obra - que se acrescenta a esses registros recepcionais que foram analisados / Abstract: Not informed / Mestrado / Literatura Geral e Comparada / Mestre em Teoria e História Literária

Machado De Assis et le théâtre / Machado De Assis and Theater / Machado De Assis e o teatro

Giusti, Jean-Paul 06 December 2012 (has links)
La dramaturgie fut la première des ambitions machadiennes. Une oeuvre de poète exalté s’il en est, sobrement contenue pourtant, à la fois discrète en surface et bouillonnante en sourdine. Elle s’impose ainsi harmonieusement classique dans sa facture et dans sa tenue. Sur un plateau réduit à sa plus simple expression et dans une trame débarrassée du superflu, Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis confère à la langue théâtrale de ses comédies, une prose poétique et lyrique, une charge nouvelle, faite de vertige, de nervosité, qui déroute et innove dans le paysage esthétique brésilien des années 1860-1870. Sa démarche de dramaturge ne sera guère comprise, voire méjugée, jusqu’à être réduite au silence par l’ensemble de la critique et de l’historiographie du théâtre brésilien du XIXe siècle. Le XXe siècle, à quelques exceptions près, agira de même. C’est ainsi qu’il incombe aux interprètes de porter ce théâtre à la scène, de l’ancrer physiquement et concrètement, sans phrasé affecté ou trop de lyrisme. À cette seule condition, alors, peut-être, pourront sourdre des tempêtes intérieures. Il y a chez cet écrivain, une volonté farouche et affichée de dégager, dans une démarche consciente et mesurée, une synthèse viable pour asseoir durablement la dramaturgie brésilienne de son époque. Tout à l’écriture de ses pièces, il débuta une carrière de critique théâtrale qui hisse l’exercice à un véritable magistère, tant le genre souffrait, avant son passage dans la presse carioca, d’un discrédit et d’un manque de légitimité. Le journaliste, le chroniqueur, livre un corpus hétérogène qui fait de sa critique une activité plus complexe qu’on n’a bien voulu le dire. Elle devient un lieu de tensions paradoxales pour appréhender et penser le théâtre autrement. Partant, Machado – qui n’a pas encore trente ans – conférera à la discipline une autonomie jamais démentie depuis, et confortera sa place sur la scène intellectuelle brésilienne. Cette réflexivité critique, cet engouement pour le théâtre dans toute son étendue, enfin sa maîtrise de l’art dramatique, irradient, contaminent en profondeur l’écriture de ses contes et de ses romans les plus aboutis. Son immense fortune critique, sans contredit, doit tout à l’art du romancier inclassable et indompté – le plus grand prosateur brésilien – qu’il fut et offusque donc, le dramaturge. Il reste que par le théâtre et à travers lui, l’écrivain carioca livre une matière fictionnelle incandescente, labyrinthique, en lien organique avec la matière sociale et historique, en somme, un matériau artistiquement achevé, vibrant, lucidement classique. / Machado de Assis’first ambition ever was Drama. His is the work of an exalted poet, though sober and contained, apparently discreet and inwardly irrepressible: it sets itself as harmoniously classic in facture. On stage and with effective plots, Machado de Assis provided the theatrical language, which he utterly mastered, with a new function, made of the restlessness and excitability that disturbed and renewed Brazilian theatre in the 1860s and 70s from an aesthetical point of view. His approach as a playwright would cause misunderstanding and unsettle contemporary critics of his time, to date. Interprets have to take his theatre onto the stage, to root it physically and concretely, avoiding too much affectation or lyricism. On that condition only will underlying conflicts become apparent. In Machado, there is a definite, aware restlessness in willing to make a viable sum so as to durably lay the foundations of Brazilian dramaturgy of his time. In parallel, the writer started a career as a theatre critic, hoisting the practice to a high office, as indeed the genre had, before him, been widely despised as lacking legitimacy. Here, the journalist and chronicle writer presents a more heterogeneous body of works showing a complexity still overlooked to date: it became a space of paradoxical tensions to understand and think theatre in a different way. Hence, Machado – a young man of not thirty years of age – would provide the discipline with an autonomy still standing today and comfort his own significance in the theatrical and intellectual milieu of his time. Such critical reflexivity, such passion for drama in general and, finally such mastery of dramatic art, would illuminate the writing of his most accomplished short stories and novels. His immense legacy as a critic undeniably owes everything to his talent as an original and wild, untamed novelist – the greatest Brazilian prose writer of all times. The playwright is overshadowed by the novelist. Nevertheless, through his theatre, Machado de Assis presents a live and labyrinthine matter, intimately linked with the social and historical fabric of his time: an artistically though unaccomplished, and far from consensual, material.

Translating Expressive Prose using CAT Tools : An investigation into discerning the effects of segmentation in student translations

von Rettig, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Computer Assisted Translation tools continue to become more ubiquitous, but translation students do not necessarily receive much training in using them, and may therefore find translating when using them very different to translating freehand. An experiment was conducted where a three Master’s students were each asked to translate two texts; one in a CAT tool and the other freehand, and the resulting target texts were inspected to determine whether they may have been affected by the segmentation performed by the CAT tool compared to freehand translations of the same text, and if so, how. There were indications that in certain cases, such as very long sentences, the CAT tool may act as a visual aid, and also indications that certain students may be more prone to follow the segmentation provided by the CAT tool than others. However, the influence of personal translator style and translator’s habitus cannot be disregarded and as such the differences that are apparent cannot be entirely attributed to the CAT tool.

Die letterkundige werke van die Suid-Afrikaanse komponis Stefans Grové en die verband daarvan met sy musiek (Afrikaans)

De Winnaar, Jiendra 22 October 2007 (has links)
The composer Stefans Grové not only contributed to South African art music but also achieved success in the field of literature. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between his prose and his music and determine the influence of word art on meaning in his compositions. The relationship between literature and music is explored as background to the investigation of Grové’s oeuvre. The role of music in Grové’s short stories and sketches is determined. It seems that music is not a significant theme of these tales but rather has a supporting function. In some stories music plays no role at all. However, these narratives do provide a great deal of biographical and cultural information. Word art is an essential part of Grové’s compositions and plays a key role in the determining and communication of meaning. His art reflects the variety of cultures native to South Africa. These cultural influences are manifested in his compositions and are reinforced by the accompanying word art. The need for a comprehensive biography about Grové’s contribution as academic, composer, critic and writer has been identified during the course of this study. / Dissertation (MMus (Music Science))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Music / MMus / unrestricted

Borgesvirtual: el creador de los medios virtuales-digitales y de la teoría de Diversos mundos

de Toro, Alfonso January 2007 (has links)
Para comenzar quisiera dar una breve idea de cómo entiendo a Borges –al respecto me he manifestado en un buen número de publicaciones desde 1989, pero no sobre los motivos o puntos de arranque – y describir así cómo llegué a mi interpretación sobre Borges y a considerarlo como uno de los fundadores de la teoría de "muchos mundos" ("Many Worlds Theory"), de mundos virtuales y de medios virtuales/digitales y de los "New Media". Su escritura representa un acto de percepción, comprensión, implosión y expansión, ésta es una "encicopledia navegante", Borges es así el primer navegador o "user in the web".:Borgesvirtual o cuatro etapas de un viaje de descubrimiento. - "Teoría de Mundos Diversos": Borges y Everett III. - Borges y los "New Media" (mundos virtuales-digitales)

Turning Pages: An Annual Creative Writing Journal at Chemnitz University of Technology

Sandten, Cecile, Beck, Mandy 27 November 2019 (has links)
TURNING PAGES is an annual magazine of bright voices from all over the world in creative and original writing in English in short fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry, as well as in play excerpts, drawings, art projects and many other related genres by students, academics, and writers. It is a production of the Chair of English Literatures at the English Department at Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany, and the first journal of its kind at the university.

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