Spelling suggestions: "subject:"arose""
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Nelly Sachs’s Literary Transformation in Exile, 1940–1947Pedersen, Daniel 29 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Great Wounds: A Collection of Essays and ProseHaak , Sarah 10 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Both AndAinsworth, Rebekah January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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The Bronx Cocked Back And Smoking is a collection of multifarious prose performances recounting the historical, personal, social, political and cultural constructs of a city birthed by violence. This body of work is accompanied by video, audio, photography, and theatre performance texts. St. Mary’s Housing project, in the Bronx, is the foundation where most of this literary work takes place. The modern day Griot (storyteller) is a Poet, guiding his audience through the social inequalities and disparities that plague St. Mary’s community. The Poet shares personal traumatic insights while simultaneously utilizing writing as a form of survival to the conditions of the Bronx. This multi-platform performance highlights the metaphorical and physical concerns with the cycle of violence. This question is answered through the Poet’s choice by selecting the pen over the gun.
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Motiv trestu a viny v povídkové a dramatické tvorbě Františka Langra / Theme of Guilt and Punishment in Stories and Dramatic of František Langr in Domestic and Global ContextKrsková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The thesis describes the evolution and variances in the motive of crime and punishment throughout prosaic and dramatic works of František Langer. After an introductory reflection on crime and punishment the thesis deals with an analysis of Doskojevskij's novel "Crime and Punishment" which had a large impact on Langer's conception of these terms. It also outlines an image of crime and punishment in Czech literature at the turn of the 19th and 20th century, which might have influenced Langer. The first part also tries to clarify how these motives were evolved in author's incipient work. It follows up prose collections "Gold Venus" and "Dreamers and Murderers". The second part is focused on the refined and often very complicated form of crime and punishment in Langer's dramas "Saint Wenceslas", "Periphery", "Camel through Eye of a Needle", "Reversal of Ferdyš Pištora", "Angels among us" and "Seventy-two" and tries to grasp and characterize it.
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The context, purpose, and dissemination of legendary genealogies in northern England and Iceland, c.1120-c.1241Lunga, Peter Sigurdson January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is a comparative and multidisciplinary study of legendary genealogies in the historical writing of northern England and Iceland c. 1120 – c. 1241. Historical writing was produced in abundance over this period in both areas and the frequent contact between England and Scandinavia, as well as shared use of early medieval insular sources make them especially suitable for comparison. The Viking invasions and settlement in England had a significant impact on English culture, language and literature and changed attitudes to their own legendary past. The Danish conquest of England in the early eleventh-century also brought the insular and Scandinavian worlds closer together, and even after the Norman Conquest in 1066, England and Scandinavia engaged in scholarly and textual exchange The theoretical framework for the thesis combines approaches from religious history, art history, political history, literature history and gender history. The main research questions of the thesis consider the dissemination, development, and purpose of legendary genealogies. The sources are a collection of Durham related manuscripts with illuminations of the pagan god Woden (c. 1120–88) in two historical works De Primo Saxonum Aduentu and De Gestis Regum; Genealogia Regum Anglorum (Rievaulx, 1153x54) by Aelred of Rievaulx; two works attributed to Snorri Sturluson’s Prose Edda (Iceland, 1220s) and Heimskringla (Iceland, 1225x35). Common to the sources is the inclusion of genealogies that stretch from legendary generations to living individuals at the time of writing. Thus, genealogies connected dynasties and civilisations in mutual descent from pagan, Trojan and biblical ancestors. By analysing textual dissemination as well as political contexts, literary patronage and mechanisms in legitimisation of power, the thesis address amalgamations of origin myths, the use and significance euhemerised pagan gods, and female generations in genealogies.
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Vliv koncepce dějin F. Palackého na soudobou historickou prózu / The influence of the historical Concept of František Palacký in the contemporary novelisticČÍŽKOVÁ, Jitka January 2010 (has links)
Diplomová práce přináší příspěvek k problematice inspirace historické prózy devatenáctého století odbornou dějepisnou literaturou. Jejím úkolem je zhodnocení provázanosti Palackého husitské koncepce s vybranými dvěma povídkami Josefa Kajetána Tyla, jejichž děj je situován do první poloviny patnáctého století v Čechách. První část diplomové práce uvádí stručnou charakteristiku obou autorů a jejich tvorby s historickou tematikou. Následující teoretická kapitola je věnována pohledu na husitství v devatenáctém století. Druhá část práce je zaměřena prakticky, neboť vedle srovnání výkladu dějin oběma autory také obsahuje subjektivní interpretaci literárních kvalit postav a okolností, jež si Tyl domýšlí.
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Za hranicami fikčného rozprávania / Towards the Boundaries of Fictional NarrativePčola, Marián January 2013 (has links)
My thesis examines the nature of contemporary fictional narration and explores its relations to other types of narration - mainly texts where educational or informative function prevails over the aesthetic one. The whole work is divided into four parts. The first part is theoretical; it sets up basic areas of interest and names methods, tools and models that will be tested on selected examples from Slavonic literatures. The second part analyses spatial and temporal relations of fictional narrative. Chapter 2.1 treats time and space in a novel mostly from the compositional point of view (based on the example of Sasha Sokolov's A School for Fools), while in the next chapter, focusing on ideational interconnections between literary and social- political utopias, both fictionality and temporality are understood more broadly than mere narrative categories: they serve as certain points of connection between the immanent occurrence of meaning in the "world of text" and its historical background. The third part continues in this direction, only what we mean by context here is not the collective historical background, but an individual sphere of everyday life. Our focus switches to two genres standing on the boundary of literary fiction and non-fiction - personal correspondence and a travel journal (travelogue). The...
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[pt] O presente trabalho de pesquisa concentra-se na área de estudos da linguagem, constando de dois troncos principais: um primeiro de análise teórica, em que se abordam questões de filosofia da linguagem e filosofia estética; e um outro de linguística aplicada, com a tradução comentada para o italiano de trechos
do livro Ó (2008), de Nuno Ramos. Consta também um apêndice com a tradução integral do livro. Particularmente na primeira parte da tese serão abordadas questões relativas à análise e identificação dos procedimentos estéticos da escrita de Nuno Ramos, tentando entender suas relações com as práticas de artes plásticas e relativas contaminações, abordando a obra na perspectiva da literatura nos seus campos
expandidos. Os procedimentos e técnicas usados na escrita e sua relação com as artes plásticas serão investigados de forma a entender a operação estética subjacente, investigando de que forma, a partir das características da obra, instaurar-se-ia uma relação de reciprocidade com o leitor ao qual caberia um papel
ativo na produção de sentido. Os procedimentos estéticos usados pelo autor serão relacionados à sua poética de multi-artista, especialmente, na relação entre as palavras e as coisas, que se traduz no embate entre linguagem e matéria. A segunda parte, de linguística aplicada, envolve a prática tradutória stricto sensu a partir das análises desenvolvidas na seção anterior. Com base na leitura e análise da obra, e
acrescentando uma parte teórico-metodológica específica sobre tradução, são definidas as linhas norteadoras das escolhas tradutórias, identificando técnicas, práticas e soluções de tradução que possam restituir no texto italiano a mesma operação estética do texto fonte. Particularmente importante será a
realização, através de uma tradução que reescreva os procedimentos estéticos do texto português, conseguir recriar a relação de reciprocidade entre obra e o leitor, de forma a ativar o empasses de percepção, base para o desenvolvimento de espaços de pensamento ético-político. Uma vez identificadas as linhas tradutórias, elas serão desenvolvidas e exemplificadas através de trechos de tradução comentada. / [en] This research - in the area of language studies - consists of two main sections: the first of theoretical analysis, in which we deal with issues related to the philosophy of language and aesthetic; another of applied linguistics, in which will be presented the commented translation in Italian of selected extracts from the book Ó (2008) by Nuno Ramos. The complete translation of the book is presented as appendix to this thesis. In the first part will be investigated issues related to the analysis and identification of the aesthetic procedures of Nuno Ramos writing, also trying to understand their relationships with plastic arts practices and possible contaminations; the work will be also investigated from the perspective of literature and its extension in different expressive fields. The procedures and techniques used in writing and its relationship with the plastic arts will be examined in order to understand and identify what type of aesthetic operation underlies, analyzing how, starting from the salient features of the work, a relationship of reciprocity could be established between the work and the reader who would have an active role in the production of meaning. The aesthetic procedures implemented by the author will be related to his poetics as multiartist, especially in the relationship between words and things, which leads into a clash between language and matter. The second part, of applied linguistics, concerns the translation practice stricto sensu, realized
starting from the analyzes developed in the previous section. Based on the reading and interpretation of the work - also implementing a specific theoreticalmethodological part on translation -, will be defined the guidelines for the translation choices, highlighting techniques, practices and translation solutions that
can reproduce the same aesthetic operation of the source text in the Italian text . It will be particularly important to recreate, through a translation that rewrites the aesthetic procedures of the Portuguese text, a relationship of reciprocity between the work and the reader, in order to activate the same impasse of perception - a fundamental element to open spaces for an ethical-political thinking. Once the guidelines are defined, they will be developed and exemplified through extracts of commented translation. / [it] Il presente lavoro di ricerca - afferente all area di studi del linguaggio - si compone di due tronchi principali: il primo di analisi teorica, in ci si affrontando questioni relative alla filosofia del linguaggio e alla filosofia estetica; un altro di linguistica applicata, con la traduzione commentata in italiano di estratti selezionati del libro Ó (2008) di Nuno Ramos. La traduzione integrale del libro costituisce appendice alla presente tesi. Nella prima parte saranno affrontate questioni relative all analisi e identificazione dei procedimenti estetici della scrittura di Nuno Ramos, provando a comprenderne le relazioni con le pratiche delle arti plastiche e relative contaminazioni, investigando l opera sotto la prospettiva della letteratura e la sua estensione in campi espressivi diversi. I procedimenti e le tecniche usate nella scrittura e la sua relazione con le arti plastiche saranno investigati in modo da comprendere e identificare che tipo di operazione estetica vi soggiace, analizzando in che modo, proprio partendo dalle caratteristiche salienti dell opera, si instaurerebbe una relazione di reciprocità tra l opera e il lettore al quale toccherebbe il ruolo attivo nella produzione di senso. I procedimenti estetici messi in atto dall autore saranno relazionati alla sua poetica di multi-artista, soprattutto nel rapporto tra le parole e le cose, che si traduce in uno scontro tra linguaggio e materia.
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Gegen(-) Abwesenheiten / Memoria-Generationen und mediale Verfahrensweisen kontra erzwungenes Verschwinden ; (Argentinien 1976 - 1996 - 2006)Bolte, Rike 18 February 2014 (has links)
Während der letzten argentinischen Diktatur (1976-1983) wurden zehntausende Menschen in geheimen Lagern festgehalten, gefoltert und ermordet – dann ''verschwanden'' sie. Die meisten Fälle sind nur schwer rekonstruierbar, viele Täter kamen ungestraft davon. Für diese staatsterroristische Praxis wurde die Bezeichnung erzwungenes Verschwinden eingeführt (spanisch desaparición forzada). Die Untersuchung beschäftigt sich mit medialen und ästhetischen Verfahrensweisen, die in Argentinien in der Auseinandersetzung mit der desaparición forzada entwickelt wurden. Im Vordergrund steht die These, dass die gewaltsame Depräsentation der Opfer zu einem gesellschaftlichen ''Wahrnehmungsmord'' ("percepticidio") geführt hat. Die medialen Strategien und ästhetischen Produktionen, die die Untersuchung analysiert, markieren den gegenwärtigen Stand einer transgenerationellen kulturellen Bearbeitung dieser wahrnehmungsrelevanten sozialen und politischen Erfahrung. Es handelt sich um Produktionen im Bereich Narrativik, Lyrik, Fotografie, Film und Theater, die im Kontext der Memoria-Hochkonjunktur nach 1989 und der digitalen Globalisierung stehen. Félix Bruzzone, Mariana Enríquez und Martín Gambarotta, Virginia Giannoni und Lucila Quieto sowie Albertina Carri und Lola Arias haben Kontra(re)präsentationen zum gewaltsamen Verschwinden entworfen, die materiell, meta-medial und kontrainformativ verfahren. Nach diskursanalytischen, repräsentations- und medientheoretischen Einführungen sowie einer Reihe terminologischer Definitionen arbeitet die Untersuchung an diesen Produktionen einer postdiktatorischen Generation, die als "Camada Cadáver" bezeichnet wird, heraus, dass ein ''Phänomen'' wie das erzwungene Verschwinden – das in vielfache Referenzlosigkeit führt – ästhetische Strategien motiviert hat, die als beispielhaft emergent und experimentell einzustufen sind, weil sie neue Erkenntnisse für die noch unabgeschlossene Erforschung eines der vielen Terrorregimes des 20. Jahrhundert liefern. / During the Argentinean dictatorship (1976-1983), tens of thousands of people were kept in secret camps, were tortured, murdered, and ''disappeared''. Most cases are difficult to reconstruct. Many of the offenders have remained unpunished. The term "forced disappearance" (Spanish desaparición forzada) was introduced for this act of state terrorism. This study addresses medial and esthetic processes that were developed in light of the debate on desaparición forzada in Argentina. At the heart of the study is the hypothesis that the violent ''depresentation'' of the victims has led to ''cognitive murder'' ("percepticidio"). The media strategy and esthetic productions analyzed in the study represent the current state of the art of the trans-generational cultural work on cognition relevant social and political experiences. The productions in the field of the study of narration, poetry, photography, film, and theater have emerged in context of the post 1989 memory-boom and digital globalization. Félix Bruzzone, Mariana Enríquez und Martín Gambarotta, Virginia Giannoni, and Lucila Quieto as well as Albertina Carri and Lola Arias have conceptualized counter(re)presentations to violent disappearance which proceed materially, meta-medially, and counter-informatively. Following introductions on discourse analysis, representation theory, and media theory as well as a number of terminology definitions, the study analyzes the above mentioned productions created by a post dictatorship generation, which are being referred to as the "Camada Cadáver", and shows that the ''phenomenon'' of forced disappearance, which leads to a repeated lack of reference, has motivated esthetic strategies that are to be classified as exemplarily emergent and experimental, because they have produced new insights for the unfinished research on one of the many terror regimes of the twentieth century.
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