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Prosodisk förmåga hos svenska grundskolebarn med cochleaimplantatFandén, Anna, McTaggart, Julia, Hellstadius, Åsa January 2008 (has links)
Prosody can be characterized as the rhythm and the melody of speech. Prosodic features convey emotions, thoughts and geographic origins of each individual. Spoken language without prosody would be monotonous, without variations in loudness and rate. Children with cochlear implants perceive speech in a different way than children with normal hearing. Consequently the speech produced by a child with cochlear implants may sound different. The purpose of this study was to examine prosodic skills in Swedish children with cochlear implants and to compare them with the prosodic skills in Swedish children with normal hearing. The purpose of the study was also to examine differences between these two groups and to characterize those differences. Eight children with cochlear implants and eight controls matched to age, sex and regional accent were included in the study. The children’s production and perception of prosody was tested. The results show that there are differences in prosodic skills between the children with cochlear implants and their matched controls at word, phrase and discourse levels. The differences were significant in production but not in perception. Observed differences in the speech of the children with cochlear implants included omission of unstressed syllables and function words, difficulties producing contrast of tonal word accents and pro-longed maintenance of phonological processes. The study contributes to the knowledge about prosodic and linguistic skills in Swedish children with cochlear implants.
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Prosodisk förmåga hos svenska grundskolebarn med cochleaimplantatFandén, Anna, McTaggart, Julia, Hellstadius, Åsa January 2008 (has links)
<p>Prosody can be characterized as the rhythm and the melody of speech. Prosodic features convey emotions, thoughts and geographic origins of each individual. Spoken language without prosody would be monotonous, without variations in loudness and rate. Children with cochlear implants perceive speech in a different way than children with normal hearing. Consequently the speech produced by a child with cochlear implants may sound different.</p><p>The purpose of this study was to examine prosodic skills in Swedish children with cochlear implants and to compare them with the prosodic skills in Swedish children with normal hearing. The purpose of the study was also to examine differences between these two groups and to characterize those differences.</p><p>Eight children with cochlear implants and eight controls matched to age, sex and regional accent were included in the study. The children’s production and perception of prosody was tested.</p><p>The results show that there are differences in prosodic skills between the children with cochlear implants and their matched controls at word, phrase and discourse levels. The differences were significant in production but not in perception. Observed differences in the speech of the children with cochlear implants included omission of unstressed syllables and function words, difficulties producing contrast of tonal word accents and pro-longed maintenance of phonological processes.</p><p>The study contributes to the knowledge about prosodic and linguistic skills in Swedish children with cochlear implants.</p>
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Συντακτική επεξεργασία γλωσσικών δομών από μαθητές με αναγνωστικές δυσκολίες : Μία μελέτη του ρόλου της προσωδιακής ευαισθησίας, της συντακτικής επίγνωσης και της εργαζόμενης μνήμηςΚοσιώνης, Σπυρίδων 03 April 2015 (has links)
Στην παρούσα ερευνητική εργασία, θα μελετηθεί η επίδραση διαφόρων παραγόντων, όπως η ικανότητα στην αποκωδικοποίηση, η εργαζόμενη μνήμη, η προσωδιακή ευαισθησία και η συντακτική επίγνωση, στη συντακτική επεξεργασία προτάσεων από παιδιά και ενήλικες, που έχουν ως μητρική γλώσσα την ελληνική. Σκοπό της έρευνας αποτελεί η διερεύνηση της φύσης της δυσκολίας που αντιμετωπίζουν οι φτωχοί αναγνώστες της Στ΄ Δημοτικού, οι οποίοι αποτελούν την πειραματική ομάδα, στη συντακτική επεξεργασία προτάσεων. Χρησιμοποιήθηκαν δύο ομάδες ελέγχου: μια εξισωμένη ηλικιακά με την πειραματική ομάδα (Στ΄ Δημοτικού) και μια εξισωμένη αναγνωστικά (Δ΄ Δημοτικού). Στα έργα που χορηγήθηκαν για την αξιολόγηση της συντακτικής επίγνωσης (έργο αξιολόγησης συντακτικής επίγνωσης, έργο αποκατάστασης αποδομημένων προτάσεων, έργο επισύναψης κατηγορούμενου σε υποκείμενο με ανάγνωση), οι μαθητές με δυσκολία στην ανάγνωση σημείωσαν χαμηλότερη επίδοση από την ηλικιακά εξισωμένη ομάδα ελέγχου. Με συγκρίσεις των επιδόσεων της πειραματικής ομάδας και της αναγνωστικά εξισωμένης ομάδα ελέγχου, δε βρέθηκε διαφορά στη συντακτική επεξεργασία ανάμεσα στις δύο αυτές ομάδες. Η επίδραση των διαφόρων παραγόντων βρέθηκε ότι ήταν διαφορετική ανάλογα με τη φύση του έργου. Τέλος, βρέθηκε ότι οι φτωχοί αναγνώστες δεν παρουσιάζουν κάποια διαφορά, σε σύγκριση με την ηλικιακά εξισωμένη ομάδα ελέγχου, όσον αφορά στον τρόπο με τον οποίο χειρίζονται τους προσωδιακούς δείκτες, κατά τη επεξεργασία συντακτικά αμφίσημων εκφωνημάτων. / In the current study, the effect of various factors, such as decoding, working memory, prosodic sensitivity and syntactic awareness, on the syntactic processing of sentences will be investigated on children and adults, whose native language is Greek. The purpose of this research is to investigate the nature of the difficulty of sixth-grader poor readers, who constituted the experimental group, in syntactic processing. Two control groups were used, one age matched (sixth-graders) and one reading matched (fourth graders) with the experimental group. In the tasks used to evaluate syntactic processing (syntactic awareness task, word ordering task, attachment reading task), students with reading difficulty had lower performance than the age matched control group. Comparisons of the performance of the experimental group with the reading control group, showed that there is not significant difference in syntactic processing between these groups . Τhe influence of various factors on performance was found to be differentiated, according to the nature of each task. Finally, no difference concerning poor readers’ handling of prosodic information as compared to the age control group was found, during the processing of syntactically ambiguous utterances.
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L'implicite dans "A la recherche du temps perdu" : étude sur un aspect du discours proustien / The implicit in "In search of lost ime" : study on an aspect of proustien speechSalman, Lubna Hussein 17 June 2013 (has links)
L'implicite se définit comme un contenu présent dans le discours sans être formellement exprimé. Le présupposé et le sous-entendu forment les deux concepts fondamentaux de cette notion. Ils agissent comme des informations impliquées dans le discours, dont on peut saisir ou décrypter l’essence à l'aide des théories de la pragmatique et de la linguistique énonciative. Le discours proustien fait un usage remarquable de cette notion et de ses concepts. Ce travail est entièrement consacré à la recherche de l'implicite dans À la recherche du temps perdu de Marcel Proust. Le développement de cette notion, dans cette œuvre, se dessine d'une part, à travers l'interaction verbale des personnages proustiens, et d'autre part, à travers le discours du narrateur qui s'oriente vers une nouvelle tendance, celle d'un narrateur et d'un narrataire implicites. L'intérêt de cette étude consiste à catégoriser l'implicite proustien et à mettre en lumière son statut linguistique, puis la façon dont il est employé. / The implicit is defined as content present in speech without being formally expressed. Presupposition and implied content are the two fundamental elements of this concept. They act as information implied in speech whose essence the speaker can grasp or decrypt using the theories of pragmatics and enunciative linguistics. Proustian speech constitutes a remarkable example of the use of the implicit and its concepts. The present work is entirely devoted to the search for the implicit in Proust’s In Search of Lost Time. In our work, the development of this concept emerges especially in the verbal interaction between Proust's characters, also, through the speech of the narrator who opts for a new trend that of an implicit narrator and his narratee. The interest of this study consists in categorizing the Proustian implicit and clarifying its linguistic status and use.
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Ikääntyneiden kuuntelijoiden puheen ymmärtäminen kognitiivisesti vaativassa tilanteessaHautala, T. (Terhi) 27 August 2013 (has links)
There are multiple factors simultaneously affecting speech perception in elderly people. These factors include hearing acuity, aging of the auditory system, and changes in both perception and cognitive processes, all of which can interfere with speech comprehension, especially in cognitively demanding situations.
The aim of this study is to clarify which factors influence the use of an automatic phone service system designed for elderly (N = 36) people. More specifically, the aim is to investigate whether it is the factors connected to the system itself or the factors connected to the elderly users and their actions with the system that are the most crucial for using the system successfully.
Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used in the study. There were four people who performed as speakers in the system. Analysis of the prosodic features of their speech was performed using acoustic analysis software. The variables connected to the elderly participants (n = 30) were investigated using interviews, pure-tone and speech audiometric tests, the Mini-Mental State Examination test (MMSE), and the Token Test for speech comprehension. Statistical analyses were used to explore whether there was a statistical connection between the acoustic measurements or the variables connected to participants themselves and their performance in usability test situation. In addition, the elderly participants’ actions in the test situation were observed using a material-based, qualitative video-analysis.
The individuals who performed as speakers in the system were observed to use features of elderspeak in their speech. However, these speaker characteristics had little effect on the participants’ performance in the tasks. It was the voice-menu that contained the most semantically complex text structure that proved to be the most difficult for participants. Both low scores in the Token test and poor word recognition were connected to poor performance in the tasks. It was found based on the qualitative analysis that in addition to speech comprehension, there were other cognitive processes that were important for completing the tasks successfully, i.e. remembering the instructions given (memory), and the ability to direct, divide and maintain attention during the tasks. Poor performance in the tasks and in the Token Test, as well as problems in executive functions observed in the test situation, were found to be factors predicting dropping out of the next phase of the study the following year.
Qualitative analysis of language use in cognitively demanding situations can be used in evaluation of high-level language performance. It may be useful for detecting mild changes in language skills that can be symptomatic of early stages of memory disorders. The results of this study can also be utilized when designing voice-based interfaces. In addition, it is important to consider both advantages and disadvantages of using elderspeak in the fields of nursing and speech therapy. / Tiivistelmä
Ikääntyvien ihmisten puheen vastaanotossa vaikuttavat samanaikaisesti monet tekijät: kuulokyky, auditiivisen järjestelmän ikääntymismuutokset sekä havaintotoimintojen ja kognitiivisten toimintojen muutokset. Nämä voivat vaikeuttaa puheen ymmärtämistä erityisesti kognitiivisesti vaativassa tilanteessa.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää ikääntyneille osallistujille (N = 36) suunnitellun automaattisen puhelinpalvelujärjestelmän käyttöön liittyviä tekijöitä. Tavoitteena on selvittää se, missä määrin toisaalta kokeiltuun järjestelmään liittyvät tekijät ja toisaalta käyttäjien ominaisuudet sekä heidän toimintansa tutkimustilanteessa olivat yhteydessä järjestelmän menestykselliseen käyttöön.
Tutkimuksessa käytetään kvantitatiivisia ja kvalitatiivisia menetelmiä. Järjestelmässä kokeiltiin neljän eri puhujan äänillä nauhoitettuja toimintaohjeita. Heidän puheensa prosodisia piirteitä analysoitiin äänen ja puheen analyysiohjelmilla. Ikääntyneisiin osallistujiin (n = 30) liittyviä muuttujia tutkittiin haastattelulla, kuulon tutkimuksilla (äänesaudiometria ja puheaudiometria), kognitiivisella seulontatestillä (Mini-mental state examination = MMSE) ja puheen ymmärtämistä mittaavalla Token-testillä. Mittaustulosten ja muuttujien yhteyttä tehtävistä suoriutumiseen tarkasteltiin tilastollisesti. Osallistujien toimintaa havainnoitiin järjestelmän käyttötilanteessa aineistolähtöisellä laadullisella videoanalyysillä.
Järjestelmän puhujilla havaittiin ikääntyneille suunnatun puheen piirteitä. Tehtävistä suoriutuminen oli kuitenkin hyvin samanlaista puhujasta riippumatta. Semanttisesti monimutkaisin tekstivalikko oli osallistujille vaikein äänite. Matala Token-testin pistemäärä ja heikko puheen tunnistuskyky liittyivät heikkoon tehtävistä suoriutumiseen. Laadullisen analyysin perusteella puheen ymmärtämisen ohella keskeisiä kognitiivisia prosesseja tehtävissä menestymisen kannalta olivat seuraavat: ohjeiden muistaminen, huomion suuntaaminen, jakaminen ja ylläpito. Heikko suoriutuminen tehtävissä ja Token-testissä sekä tutkimustilanteessa havaitut toiminnan ohjauksen ongelmat ennustivat toisesta tutkimusvaiheesta poisjääntiä seuraavana vuonna.
Kognitiivisesti vaativista kielen käyttötilanteista tehtävillä laadullisilla analyyseilla voidaan arvioida monimutkaisia kielellis-kognitiivisia toimintoja ja löytää mahdollisesti alkaviin muistisairauksiin liittyviä lieviä kielellisiä muutoksia. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää ääneen perustuvien käyttöliittymien suunnittelussa. Ikääntyneille suunnatun puheen etuja ja haittoja on tärkeää pohtia myös hoitotyön ja puheterapian näkökulmasta.
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Suburban Swedish maturing : Examining variation and perceptions among adult speakers of Swedish contemporary urban vernacular / Förortssvenskan på mognadsvägen : En undersökning av variation och perceptioner bland vuxna talare av svensk ‘contemporary urban vernacular’Young, Nathan January 2014 (has links)
Up to now, adolescent speakers have been the primary focus when researching contemporary variation in the language of Sweden’s urban areas. This study contributes to the growing body of research on the topic by examining and reporting on adult speakers of what is here referred to as förortssvenska (English: Suburban Swedish). This study focuses specifically on formal speech registers of eight young working-class men from Stockholm along with the perception and reception of their speech by two independent native-listener groups. The paper is the first to present quantifiable data on what has been previously referred to as a “staccato” rhythm in Suburban Swedish. Strong correlations are shown between prosodic rhythm as measured by the normalized pairwise variability index (nPVI) and speech speed to mean listener attitudes (R2=0.9). A strong correlation is also shown for nPVI’s influence on mean listener-projected ethnicity (R2=0.8). Alongside variation in rhythm, we also see phonemic variation that trends toward specific indexes of social identity as revealed by speaker interviews and native-listener assessments. Alongside linguistic variation among speakers, there is also significant variation within speaker peer groups. In addition to identifying specific linguistic features, the study examines social mechanisms revealed in interviews with and qualitative observations of speaker and listener participants. In exploratory fashion, ideas on variation, register ranges, meta-pragmatic stereotyping, and ethnic boundary-making are presented to make a case for treating contemporary urban variation in Swedish as a habitual semiotic extension of speaker identity. Indicators that contemporary urban variation in Swedish may be heading in the direction of sociolectal entrenchment are also discussed. / Hittills har unga talare varit det primära fokus för forskning av aktuell språklig variation i urbana Sverige. Denna studie bidrar till den växande mängden forskning i detta ämne genom att undersöka och rapportera om vuxna talare av det som här kallas för förortssvenska. Studien fokuserar specifikt på formella talregister bland åtta unga män från Stockholms arbetarklass, samt perception och mottagande av deras tal av två oberoende grupper av infödda lyssnare. Denna studie är den första som presenterar kvantifierbar data rörande den i tidigare forskning så kallade stackato-rytmen i förortssvenska. Starka korrelationer finns mellan, å ena sidan, prosodisk rytm mätt med the normalized pairwise variability index (nPVI) och talhastighet och, å den andra, de genomsnittliga lyssnarattityderna (R2=0,9). Det finns också en stark korrelation för nPVIs påverkan på genomsnittlig lyssnarprojicerad etnicitet (R2=0,8). Vid sidan av variation i rytm ser vi också fonemisk variation som trender mot specifika index för social identitet. Och vid sidan av variation i rytm bland talarna, finns också en stor variation inom kamratgrupperna. Förutom att den identifierar specifika lingvistiska drag, undersöker studien sociala mekanismer som framkommer i intervjuer med och kvalitativa observationer av talardeltagarna och lyssnardeltagarna. På ett explorativt sätt, lägger studien fram idéer om variation, registeromfång, meta-pragmatiska stereotyper och etniska gränsskapande för att framhäva argumentet för att behandla den aktuella förortsvariationen i svenska som en habituell avsiktlig utbyggnad av talarens identitet. Det diskuteras också indikatorer till att den aktuella urbana variationen i svenska kan vara på väg mot sociolektal stabilisering.
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Caractérisation phonétique et phonologique du syntagme intermédiaire en français : de la production à la perceptionMichelas, Amandine 04 July 2011 (has links)
Le travail présenté ici est sous-tendu par deux observations majeures. Premièrement, la plupart des modèles proposés pour le français s’accordent sur l’existence de deux niveaux de structure prosodique: le syntagme accentuel et le syntagme intonatif. Deuxièmement, bien que l’existence d’un niveau additionnel de structure situé entre ces deux niveaux ait été proposé pour le français, les propriétés phonétiques et phonologiques de ce constituant n’ont pas clairement été définies. Dans cette thèse nous avons fourni des preuves de l’existence du syntagme intermédiaire (ip) à la fois en production et en perception de la parole. Grâce à cinq expérimentations menées dans le cadre de la phonologie de laboratoire, nous avons caractérisé les propriétés phonético-phonologiques de ce constituant et attesté de son rôle dans le traitement perceptif du langage. Les résultats obtenus en production montrent que l’ip est le domaine de l’abaissement des accents mélodiques en français. Sa frontière droite est marquée par un allongement pré-frontière ainsi qu’un accent de syntagme responsable du retour à la ligne de référence du registre. Les analyses menées en perception ont montré que les frontières droites du syntagme accentuel et du syntagme intermédiaire sont utilisées très tôt dans le processus de traitement syntaxique. Les indices phonétiques et phonologiques présents à ces frontières permettent aux auditeurs du français de construire des attentes sur la structure syntaxique des énoncés perçus. Une analyse séparée des différents types d’indices acoustiques a également montré qu’en l’absence de marquage tonal, les indices de durée semblent suffisants dans le but de marquer la frontière de syntagme accentuel. Un marquage conjoint de la frontière droite d’ip par les indices mélodiques et l’allongement pré-frontière semble au contraire nécessaire pour que les auditeurs du français perçoivent et utilisent cette frontière dans le traitement du langage. / The work described here is grounded by two major observations. Firstly, most of the French intonation models agree on the existence of two levels of prosodic phrasing: the accentual phrase and the intonation phrase. Secondly, although the existence of an additional level of structure ranked between these two levels has been proposed for French, the phonetic and phonological properties of this intermediate phrase (ip) have not been clearly defined. In this thesis we provide evidence for the existence of an intermediate level of phrasing in French through both speech production and perception studies. Results of five experiments conducted within the framework of laboratory phonology revealed specific ip phonetic and phonological properties and tested its role in the perceptual processing of language. The production studies showed that the ip is the domain of downstep in French and that its right boundary is marked by a phrase accent responsible for a return to the register reference line. Analyses conducted in perception showed that the accentual phrase and intermediate phrase right boundaries are used early in the syntactic processing. Phonetic and phonological indices at these boundaries allow French listeners to build expectations about the syntactic structure of spoken utterances. A separate analysis of different types of acoustic cues showed that without tonal marking, pre-boundary lengthening seems to be sufficient to mark the accentual phrase boundary. Joint marking through melodic and lengthening cues appears to be necessary to perceive and make use of the ip boundary in language processing.
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Rozpoznávání emočních stavů na základě analýzy řečového signálu / Emotional State Recognition Based on Speech Signal AnalysisČermák, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the emotional states classification in the Matlab program, using neural networks and the classifier which is based on a combination of Gaussian density functions. It deals with the speech signal processing; the prosodic and spectral signs and the MFCC coefficients were extracted from the signal. The work also deals with the quality evaluation of individual signs of which the most suitable were chosen in order to provide the correct classification of emotional states. In order to identify the emotional states, two different methods were used. The first method of classification was the use of neural networks with differently selected parameters, and the second method was the use of the Gaussian mixture model (GMM). In both methods, a database of emotional utterances was divided into the training group and the test group. The testing was based on a method independent of the speaker. The work also includes the comparison of individual analyzed methods as well as the representation and comparison of the results. The conclusion comprises a proposition for the best parameters and the best classifier for the recognition of the speaker’s emotional state.
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La grammaire de DO et ses emplois dans l'anaphore verbale / The grammar of DO and its various uses in verb phrase anaphoraOger, Kimberly 06 December 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une étude transversale des principales réalisations de DO dans l'anaphore verbale en anglais, à savoir : do this/that/it, do so, ellipse post-auxiliaire (EPA) et DO britannique. Chaque anaphorique fait l'objet d'une étude approfondie fondée sur un échantillon de plusieurs centaines d'occurrences authentiques prélevées dans le BNC et le COCA, ainsi que le corpus de Bos & Spenader (2011). Plusieurs variables sont analysées, notamment le registre, la nature grammaticale de DO, les propriétés sémantiques et syntaxiques du déclencheur d'antécédent, l’identité de sujet et d'état de choses, les alternances de polarité, de modalité, d'aspect, de temps et de voix ainsi que la présence éventuelle d'adjoints contrastifs ou non contrastifs.Une attention particulière est portée au DO britannique, c'est-à-dire l'emploi de formes non finies de DO anaphorique essentiellement limité au registre conversationnel de l'anglais britannique, qui n'a jamais fait l'objet d'une étude empirique auparavant. A partir d’un échantillon de 483 occurrences prélevées dans la composante orale du BNC et vérifiées systématiquement à l'écoute, cette étude met en lumière certaines caractéristiques socio-culturelles et situationnelles qui favorisent son utilisation, en plus de ses propriétés linguistiques et discursives. Ainsi, cette étude aboutit à la conclusion que le DO britannique constitue une réalisation particulière de l'EPA, qui met en œuvre des formes non finies du DO auxiliaire. / This dissertation presents research across the main types of verb-phrase anaphora involving DO, viz. do this/that/it anaphora, do so anaphora, post-auxiliary ellipsis (PAE) and British English DO. Each anaphor underwent close analysis based on a sample of several hundreds of occurrences retrieved from the BNC and the COCA, as well as Bos & Spenader's (2011) corpus. Different variables were studied including register, the grammatical status of DO, semantic and syntactic properties of antecedent triggers, identity of subjects and states of affairs, the presence or absence of contrastive and non-contrastive adjuncts, as well as polar, modal, aspectual, temporal and voice alternations.One item of particular interest involves British English DO which bears a strong resemblance to PAE, except that it involves non-finite forms of DO and is generally restricted to British conversational English. Unlike PAE, British English DO has never before been the focus of study based on empirical data. In this research, 483 naturally-occurring examples taken from the Spoken component of the BNC as well as the accompanying metadata and recorded material were fully examined. Sociolinguistic and situational information was investigated, as were the linguistic properties and discourse conditions that make the use of British English DO felicitous. The result has led to a far better understanding of the phenomenon. In particular, it was found that British English DO can be considered a sub-type of PAE, which involves non-finite forms of auxiliary DO.
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Schema-related cognitive load influences performance, speech, and physiology in a dual-task setting: A continuous multi-measure approachWirzberger, Maria, Herms, Robert, Bijarsari, Shirin Esmaeili, Eibl, Maximilian, Rey, Günter Daniel 12 February 2019 (has links)
Schema acquisition processes comprise an essential source of cognitive demands in learning situations. To shed light on related mechanisms and influencing factors, this study applied a continuous multi-measure approach for cognitive load assessment. In a dual-task setting, a sample of 123 student participants learned visually presented symbol combinations with one of two levels of complexity while memorizing auditorily presented number sequences. Learners’ cognitive load during the learning task was addressed by secondary task performance, prosodic speech parameters (pauses, articulation rate), and physiological markers (heart rate, skin conductance response). While results revealed increasing primary and secondary task performance over the trials, decreases in speech and physiological parameters indicated a reduction in the overall level of cognitive load with task progression. In addition, the robustness of the acquired schemata was confirmed by a transfer task that required participants to apply the obtained symbol combinations. Taken together, the observed pattern of evidence supports the idea of a logarithmically decreasing progression of cognitive load with increasing schema acquisition, and further hints on robust and stable transfer performance, even under enhanced transfer demands. Finally, theoretical and practical consequences consider evidence on desirable difficulties in learning as well as the potential of multimodal cognitive load detection in learning applications.
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