Spelling suggestions: "subject:"prosodic.""
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The impact of voice on trust attributionsTorre, Ilaria January 2017 (has links)
Trust and speech are both essential aspects of human interaction. On the one hand, trust is necessary for vocal communication to be meaningful. On the other hand, humans have developed a way to infer someone’s trustworthiness from their voice, as well as to signal their own. Yet, research on trustworthiness attributions to speakers is scarce and contradictory, and very often uses explicit data, which do not predict actual trusting behaviour. However, measuring behaviour is very important to have an actual representation of trust. This thesis contains 5 experiments aimed at examining the influence of various voice characteristics — including accent, prosody, emotional expression and naturalness — on trusting behaviours towards virtual players and robots. The experiments have the "investment game"—a method derived from game theory, which allows to measure implicit trustworthiness attributions over time — as their main methodology. Results show that standard accents, high pitch, slow articulation rate and smiling voice generally increase trusting behaviours towards a virtual agent, and a synthetic voice generally elicits higher trustworthiness judgments towards a robot. The findings also suggest that different voice characteristics influence trusting behaviours with different temporal dynamics. Furthermore, the actual behaviour of the various speaking agents was modified to be more or less trustworthy, and results show that people’s trusting behaviours develop over time accordingly. Also, people reinforce their trust towards speakers that they deem particularly trustworthy when these speakers are indeed trustworthy, but punish them when they are not. This suggests that people’s trusting behaviours might also be influenced by the congruency of their first impressions with the actual experience of the speaker’s trustworthiness — a "congruency effect". This has important implications in the context of Human–Machine Interaction, for example for assessing users’ reactions to speaking machines which might not always function properly. Taken together, the results suggest that voice influences trusting behaviour, and that first impressions of a speaker’s trustworthiness based on vocal cues might not be indicative of future trusting behaviours, and that trust should be measured dynamically.
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O papel da prosódia na identificação das variedades regionais do português brasileiro / The role of prosody in the identification of regional varieties of brazilian portuguesePeres, Daniel Oliveira 14 October 2011 (has links)
Este estudo trata da variação regional em português brasileiro, pautando-se pelo viés perceptivo dos estudos da linguagem. Os trabalhos perceptuais de Atkinsons (1968), Bonte (1975), Maidment (1976), Ohala e Gilbert (1978) e Bezooijen e Gooskens (1999) já apontaram para a importância da prosódia como pista no reconhecimento das línguas e suas variedades regionais. Dessa maneira, este trabalho tem como objetivo verificar se os informantes de português brasileiro são capazes de reconhecer suas próprias variedades regionais apenas pela prosódia, além de buscar, por meio de uma análise de produção, pistas nas variações de F0 que possam justificar o reconhecimento dessas variedades. Trata-se de um estudo experimental sobre 3 variedades do português brasileiro: variedade de Pelotas (RS), a de São Paulo (bairro da Mooca) e a de Senador Pompeu (CE). Um teste perceptual foi elaborado de maneira a eliminar do sinal acústico os segmentos produzidos (experimento 1), deixando como informação para os participantes somente as características prosódicas. Esse experimento foi subdividido em trechos de fala curtos e longos, e, para a feitura com fala delexicalizada, foi utilizado o script PURR (SONNTAG; PORTELE, 1998b). Em contrapartida, o experimento 2 eliminou as variações prosódicas, restando somente a curva melódica monotônica (CMM) e os segmentos. A monotonização dos trechos de fala foi feita por meio de uma senoide com o valor do tom médio de cada estímulo, obtido automaticamente via aplicativo ExProsodia (FERREIRA NETTO, 2010). A análise dos dados foi feita de duas maneiras: via Teoria da Detecção TD (MACMILLAN; CREELMAN, 2005) e análise estatística dos dados. Os 9 resultados obtidos na TD demonstraram que os participantes tiveram um bom desempenho na tarefa de reconhecimento de suas variedades, com índices dprime elevados (d > 0). O desempenho entre o experimento 1 e 2 foi diverso, apresentando uma maior dificuldade de reconhecimento no experimento 1 com estímulos delexicalizados (PURR). Os informantes tiveram um desempenho melhor no experimento 2 (75% de acertos contra 62% do experimento 1). O mesmo foi observado por Bezooijen e Gooskens (1999), em estudo sobre percepção de características dialetais do inglês e do holandês. Na análise estatística dos dados, no experimento 1 (PURR), os informantes da variedade de São Paulo tiveram um desempenho diverso dos demais. Da mesma forma, na análise de produção, os estímulos da variedade de São Paulo apresentaram diferenças significativas no tom médio e na dispersão de F0. A tendência dos alarmes falsos (TD) também corroborou a hipótese de que os ouvintes são capazes de reconhecer sua própria variedade por meio da prosódia. / This is a perceptual study on the regional variation in Brazilian Portuguese. Previous perceptual studies conducted by Atkinsons (1968), Bonte (1975), Maidment (1976), Ohala & Gilbert (1978) and Bezooijen & Gooskens (1999) have verified the importance of prosody in languages recognition and their regional varieties. This study aims to verify if Brazilian informants are able to recognize their own regional varieties only by listening to some prosodic information. Moreover, it also aims at searching for cues in F0 variation, which can justify the recognition of varieties. The experimental studies conducted in this study deal with three varieties of Brazilian Portuguese: the variety of Pelotas (RS), São Paulo (Mooca district) and Senador Pompeu (CE). The first experiment was designed to eliminate the segments of speech in order to maintain only the prosodic information. It was divided into short and long excerpts, which consisted of delexicalized speech created with PURR script (SONNTAG; PORTELE, 1998b). The experiment 2 eliminated F0 variations from speech in order to maintain only the monotonic melodic curve (MMC) and the segments. The monotonization was done by using a sinusoidal curve with the mean frequency of each stimulus. The mean frequency was obtained automatically by using ExProsodia application. The data were analyzed in two ways: firstly, an analysis was done based on the Detection Theory DT (MACMILLAN; CREELMAN, 2005); secondly, a statistical analysis was performed. The results obtained in DT showed that the participants were good at the recognition task of their varieties. The levels of d11 prime were elevated (d >0). The results obtained by conducting experiment 1 and 2 were different as we observed more recognition difficulties in experiment 1 with delexicalized stimuli (PURR). The informants had a better performance in experiment 2 (75% of correct answers compared to 62% of experiment 1). The same was observed by Bezooijen & Gooskens (1999) in their study on the perception of dialectal characteristics of English and Dutch. In the statistical analysis of experiment 1, the participants, who speak the São Paulo variety, showed different results when compared to others varieties. The same was observed in the analysis of production date as the results showed significant differences in mean frequency and F0 dispersion. The tendency of false alarms (DT) also corroborated the hypothesis which claims that prosody information plays an important role in the recognition of regional varieties.
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O comportamento prosódico de siglas, nomes próprios e compostos no português brasileiro: evidências para o grupo de palavras prosódicas / The prosodic behavior of acronyms, proper names and compound words in Brazilian Portuguese: evidences for the Prosodic Word GroupCoêlho, Matheus Almeida 26 September 2018 (has links)
Neste estudo, investigamos a hipótese de que fenômenos fonológicos que ocorrem com certos elementos morfossintáticos, como palavras compostas, nomes próprios e siglas, em português brasileiro (doravante, PB) dão evidência para a proposição do domínio prosódico denominado Grupo de Palavras Prosódicas (PWG Prosodic Word Group [Vigário, 2007, 2010]), o qual se situa na hierarquia prosódica entre a Palavra Prosódica (PWd) e o Sintagma Fonológico (PPh). Esse mesmo nível tem sido denominado grupo clítico (C) (Nespor & Vogel, 1986, 2007; Hayes, 1989) e descrito como o domínio prosódico que compreende as palavras compostas e as palavras lexicais acentuadas eventualmente acompanhadas por clíticos. Contudo, não há consenso absoluto quanto à associação de clíticos a palavras lexicais acentuadas implicar realmente a existência de um nível prosódico distinto, uma vez que esse tipo de associação pode variar: em várias línguas já foi observada a associação de clíticos a níveis superiores e inferiores ao da PWd. Cabe ainda observar que palavras compostas e palavras lexicais acentuadas acompanhadas por clíticos não são os únicos elementos morfossintáticos do PB cujo domínio prosódico em que são mapeados consiste no nível da hierarquia prosódica situado entre PWd e PPh. Para a nossa investigação, analisamos um corpus de PB no sentido de determinarmos de que forma a prosodização desses elementos em PWGs se difere ou se assemelha à prosodização de PWds e PPhs. Com esse objetivo, procuramos contrastes entre a a prosodização de elementos que, por hipótese, tenham PWG como domínio e a prosodização de elementos que tenham PPh como domínio. Ademais, procuramos, em contexto de foco contrastivo, contrastes entre o comportamento de PPhs e PWGs ramificados. Com relação à marcação de foco contrastivo em PWG, observamos que, tanto em PPhs ramificados como em palavras compostas e nomes próprios, parece não haver possibilidade de ocorrência de proeminência fonológica de foco em uma PWd diferente da PWd núcleo da focalização. Para siglas, existe essa possibilidade, ainda que o fenômeno não seja frequente. Com relação ao bloqueio de SVE pelo acento de PWG em diferentes estruturas prosódicas, não observamos comportamentos sistematicamente distintos entre PWGs e PPhs ramificados com o mesmo número de PWds em estruturas frasais análogas. Por outro lado, observamos que o acento de PWG tem influência na ocorrência de SVE mesmo quando não coincide com o acento de PPh. Portanto, de acordo com os resultados que obtivemos, o PWG se mostra relevante para a descrição prosódica do PB. / In this study, we investigate the hypothesis that phonological phenomena that occur with certain morphosyntactic elements, such as compound words, proper names and acronyms, in Brazilian Portuguese (henceforth, PB) give evidence to the proposition of the prosodic domain denominated Prosodic Word Group (PWG [Vigário, 2007, 2010]), which, within the prosodic hierarchy, is located between the Prosodic Word (PWd) and the Phonological Phrase (PPh). This same level has been called Clitic Group (C) (Nespor & Vogel, 1986, 2007; Hayes, 1989) and described as the domain which includes the compound words and the stressed lexical words eventually accompanied by clitics. However, there is not consensus as to if the association of clitics to stressed lexical words really implies the existence of a distinct prosodic level, as this kind of association can vary: in many languages the association of clitics has already been observed to levels above and below the PWd. It is also important to say that PWds and stressed lexical words accompanied by clitics are not the only morphosyntactic elements in PB whose prosodic domain in which they are mapped is the level of the prosodic hierarchy located between the PWd and the PPh. For our investigation, we analyzed a corpus of PB with the objective of determining how the prosodization of these elements in PWGs differs or resembles the prosodization of PWds and PPhs. With this objective, we have looked for contrasts between the prosodization of elements which hypothetically have the PWG as domain and the prosodization of elements which hypothetically have the PPh as domain. Moreover, we have looked for contrasts between the behavior of branching PPhs and PWGs in context of contrastive focus. As to the contrastive focus in PWG, we have observed that, both in branching PPhs, compound words and proper names, there seems to be no possibility of occurrence of phonological prominence of focus in a PWd different from the PWd that is the nucleus of the focalization. For acronyms, there is this possibility, despite the fact that this phenomenon is not frequent. As to the role of the PWG stress in blocking the phenomenon external vowel sandhi (SVE) in different prosodic structures, we have not observed systematically distinct behaviors between branching PWGs and PPhs with the same number of PWds in analogous phrasal structures. On the other hand, we have observed that the PWG stress does influence the occurrence of SVE even when it does not coincide with the PPh stress. Therefore, according to the results that we have obtained, the PWG seems relevant to the prosodic description of PB.
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O comportamento prosódico de siglas, nomes próprios e compostos no português brasileiro: evidências para o grupo de palavras prosódicas / The prosodic behavior of acronyms, proper names and compound words in Brazilian Portuguese: evidences for the Prosodic Word GroupMatheus Almeida Coêlho 26 September 2018 (has links)
Neste estudo, investigamos a hipótese de que fenômenos fonológicos que ocorrem com certos elementos morfossintáticos, como palavras compostas, nomes próprios e siglas, em português brasileiro (doravante, PB) dão evidência para a proposição do domínio prosódico denominado Grupo de Palavras Prosódicas (PWG Prosodic Word Group [Vigário, 2007, 2010]), o qual se situa na hierarquia prosódica entre a Palavra Prosódica (PWd) e o Sintagma Fonológico (PPh). Esse mesmo nível tem sido denominado grupo clítico (C) (Nespor & Vogel, 1986, 2007; Hayes, 1989) e descrito como o domínio prosódico que compreende as palavras compostas e as palavras lexicais acentuadas eventualmente acompanhadas por clíticos. Contudo, não há consenso absoluto quanto à associação de clíticos a palavras lexicais acentuadas implicar realmente a existência de um nível prosódico distinto, uma vez que esse tipo de associação pode variar: em várias línguas já foi observada a associação de clíticos a níveis superiores e inferiores ao da PWd. Cabe ainda observar que palavras compostas e palavras lexicais acentuadas acompanhadas por clíticos não são os únicos elementos morfossintáticos do PB cujo domínio prosódico em que são mapeados consiste no nível da hierarquia prosódica situado entre PWd e PPh. Para a nossa investigação, analisamos um corpus de PB no sentido de determinarmos de que forma a prosodização desses elementos em PWGs se difere ou se assemelha à prosodização de PWds e PPhs. Com esse objetivo, procuramos contrastes entre a a prosodização de elementos que, por hipótese, tenham PWG como domínio e a prosodização de elementos que tenham PPh como domínio. Ademais, procuramos, em contexto de foco contrastivo, contrastes entre o comportamento de PPhs e PWGs ramificados. Com relação à marcação de foco contrastivo em PWG, observamos que, tanto em PPhs ramificados como em palavras compostas e nomes próprios, parece não haver possibilidade de ocorrência de proeminência fonológica de foco em uma PWd diferente da PWd núcleo da focalização. Para siglas, existe essa possibilidade, ainda que o fenômeno não seja frequente. Com relação ao bloqueio de SVE pelo acento de PWG em diferentes estruturas prosódicas, não observamos comportamentos sistematicamente distintos entre PWGs e PPhs ramificados com o mesmo número de PWds em estruturas frasais análogas. Por outro lado, observamos que o acento de PWG tem influência na ocorrência de SVE mesmo quando não coincide com o acento de PPh. Portanto, de acordo com os resultados que obtivemos, o PWG se mostra relevante para a descrição prosódica do PB. / In this study, we investigate the hypothesis that phonological phenomena that occur with certain morphosyntactic elements, such as compound words, proper names and acronyms, in Brazilian Portuguese (henceforth, PB) give evidence to the proposition of the prosodic domain denominated Prosodic Word Group (PWG [Vigário, 2007, 2010]), which, within the prosodic hierarchy, is located between the Prosodic Word (PWd) and the Phonological Phrase (PPh). This same level has been called Clitic Group (C) (Nespor & Vogel, 1986, 2007; Hayes, 1989) and described as the domain which includes the compound words and the stressed lexical words eventually accompanied by clitics. However, there is not consensus as to if the association of clitics to stressed lexical words really implies the existence of a distinct prosodic level, as this kind of association can vary: in many languages the association of clitics has already been observed to levels above and below the PWd. It is also important to say that PWds and stressed lexical words accompanied by clitics are not the only morphosyntactic elements in PB whose prosodic domain in which they are mapped is the level of the prosodic hierarchy located between the PWd and the PPh. For our investigation, we analyzed a corpus of PB with the objective of determining how the prosodization of these elements in PWGs differs or resembles the prosodization of PWds and PPhs. With this objective, we have looked for contrasts between the prosodization of elements which hypothetically have the PWG as domain and the prosodization of elements which hypothetically have the PPh as domain. Moreover, we have looked for contrasts between the behavior of branching PPhs and PWGs in context of contrastive focus. As to the contrastive focus in PWG, we have observed that, both in branching PPhs, compound words and proper names, there seems to be no possibility of occurrence of phonological prominence of focus in a PWd different from the PWd that is the nucleus of the focalization. For acronyms, there is this possibility, despite the fact that this phenomenon is not frequent. As to the role of the PWG stress in blocking the phenomenon external vowel sandhi (SVE) in different prosodic structures, we have not observed systematically distinct behaviors between branching PWGs and PPhs with the same number of PWds in analogous phrasal structures. On the other hand, we have observed that the PWG stress does influence the occurrence of SVE even when it does not coincide with the PPh stress. Therefore, according to the results that we have obtained, the PWG seems relevant to the prosodic description of PB.
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Spectres of metre : English poetry in classical measures, 1860-1930Polten, Orla January 2018 (has links)
Why did so many poets attempt English verse in Ancient Greek and Latin metres during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? And what was at stake in these attempts? The most immediate importance of these questions to literary criticism is the fact that they mark one of the most striking and consistent points of contiguity between the verse-forms — and poetic theories — of poets commonly categorised as ‘Modernists’ and ‘Victorians’. This study uncovers a lineage of experimentation with classical metres connecting Algernon Charles Swinburne to Ezra Pound and H. D., in the process challenging received periodizations of English verse-history. The assumption that vers libre and metrical verse constitute alternate and incompatible paradigms prevents us from being able to perceive, in either of them, the endless performative possibilities that rhythm offers us — possibilities which, as I intend to demonstrate, underpin some of the period’s most influential experiments in verse-form. My close studies of these poetic forms raise another question: what is the ontological status of these poetic forms that pass through multiple languages and millennia? I frame my readings of English poetry in classical measures through the metaphor of the ghost because English poetry can only encounter classical metres as a kind of spectral or incomplete presence. I refer to this encounter, borrowing a term from Jacques Derrida, as ‘hauntology’: a situation of temporal, historical, and ontological disjunction that occurs when a being or entity, apparently present, is revealed to be an absent or continually-deferred (non-)origin. The hauntological character of English poems in classical measures is due not only to fundamental differences between the syntaxes and phonologies of Ancient Greek, Latin, and English, but also to the loss of knowledge concerning the traditions and conventions of metrical performance in Ancient Greek and Latin. This is why writing English poetry in classical metres generally poses a far greater challenge — both technically and conceptually — than writing English poetry in the metres of a living language: recreating classical metres in English requires reimagining the very nature of the encounter between poems and bodies, while also facing up to the quasi-magical charge that ‘the classical’ holds in the English literary imagination.
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Troubles de l'humeur post-AVC, caractérisation et détection précoce / Post-stroke mood disorders, characterization and early detectionCosin, Charlotte 23 September 2016 (has links)
L'AVC est la seconde cause de décès et la première cause de handicaps acquis chez l’adulte dans le monde. Au cours des vingt dernières années le traitement en phase aigüe de l'AVC s’est considérablement amélioré. La mortalité post-AVC a alors commencé à diminuer et la proportion de patients survivants avec un handicap léger ou modéré a augmenté. Le suivi à long terme de ces patients a permis de mettre en évidence, chez une proportion importante d’entre-eux, la survenue d’une forte détresse psychologique. Ces troubles de l’humeur réduisent considérablement la qualité de vie post- AVC. La prise en charge principalement axée sur les déficits moteurs, sensoriels ou de langage, commence alors à s’orienter vers la prise en charge psychiatrique des patients. Ces complications restent cependant insuffisamment comprises et leur prise en charge demeure insatisfaisante. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de ce travail de thèse a été de mieux décrire les troubles de l’humeur post-AVC et de mettre en évidence, grâce à des outils de mesure objectifs, l’existence de facteurs de risques de leur survenue. 91 patients ont été suivis durant un an et ont répondu à des évaluations cognitives, de l’humeur, du sommeil et/ou du langage. Les résultats obtenus ont permis d’identifier certaines variables impliquées dans la survenue ou l’évolution de certains troubles post-AVC, par exemple la fragmentation du sommeil avec l’apathie ou la prosodie affective avec la dépression. Les lésions cérébelleuses semblent également liées à la survenus des troubles de l’humeur post-AVC. Ces résultats s’inscrivent dans une dynamique de recherche de plus en plus importante concernant les troubles de l’humeur post-AVC. / Stroke is the second leading cause of death and the leading cause of acquired disability in adults worldwide. Over the last twenty years, treatment in the acute phase of stroke has improved considerably. As a result, post-stroke mortality began to decline and the proportion of surviving patients with mild or moderate disabilities has increased. The long-term monitoring of this category of patients allowed to highlight, in a significant proportion of them, the occurrence of high psychological distress. These mood disorders significantly reduce post-stroke quality of life and, therefore, the assumption that put primary emphasis on the motor deficits, sensory or language now begins to move towards the psychological care of patients. These complications are however still insufficiently understood and their management remains unsatisfactory.In this context, the objective of this PhD was to better describe these post-stroke mood disorders and highlight, through objective measurement tools, the existence of risk factors for their occurrence. 91 patients were followed during one year after stroke and were evaluated on cognitive assessments, mood state evaluation, sleep recording and language recording. The results allowed us to better understand the involvement of some variables in the occurrence or progression of some mood disorders, for example sleep fragmentation and post-stroke apathy or affective prosody and post-stroke depression. Cerebellar lesions also appear to be related to the occurrence of post-stroke mood disorders. These results are part of the increasing research on post-stroke mood disorders.
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O modelo prosódico inicial do português brasileiro: uma questão metodológica? / The initial prosodic template of brazilian portuguese: a methodological question?Baia, Maria de Fátima de Almeida 01 December 2008 (has links)
O objeto específico desta pesquisa de mestrado é investigar qual o modelo prosódico inicial na aquisição do português brasileiro (doravante PB) e a possível influência da metodologia utilizada nos resultados. Partindo da pressuposição de que há uma gramática inicial, dada pela gramática universal (CHOMSKY, 1981), autores que lidam com línguas germânicas afirmam que o troqueu é o modelo prosódico default na aquisição (cf. GERKEN, 1994; FIKKERT, 1994), e o mesmo é defendido por estudos que lidam com outras famílias lingüísticas (cf. ADAM & BAT-EL, 2007 para o hebraico; PRIETO, 2005 para o catalão, por exemplo). No entanto, os dados infantis do PB trazem complicações para a suposta tendência trocaica universal, pois estudos observacionais (naturalísticos) encontram uma tendência iâmbica (SANTOS, 2001, 2007; BONILHA, 2004; BAIA, 2006). Apesar de haver no cenário da literatura brasileira debates e estudos recentes a respeito do modelo prosódico inicial (cf. RAPP, 1994; BONILHA, 2004; SANTOS, 2006, 2007), algumas questões ainda permanecem. A maior parte desses trabalhos é composta por estudos observacionais e não experimentais, o contrário do que normalmente acontece na literatura estrangeira. O único estudo experimental no PB conhecido até então é o de Rapp (1994), o qual afirma haver uma tendência trocaica nos dados iniciais do PB. Enquanto a autora aponta uma tendência trocaica, nenhum estudo observacional a confirma; ao contrário, estes estudos levantam indícios a favor de uma tendência iâmbica inicial (BONILHA, 2004; SANTOS, 2006, 2007; BAIA, 2006). Logo a pesquisa aqui conduzida visa verificar se há influência da metodologia empregada nos resultados apresentados pela literatura brasilera. Para isso, nesta dissertação, são utilizadas as duas metodologias na análise dos dados (a experimental e a observacional): no estudo experimental, são analisados dados de 42 crianças na faixa etária de 1;5 3;0 anos, e no estudo observacional, são analisados dados de uma criança (LUI) na mesma faixa etária do estudo experimental. Os resultados obtidos por meio dos dois estudos realizados nesta pesquisa corroboram o que é afirmado pelo estudo experimental de Rapp (1994) e pelos estudos observacionais (SANTOS, 2006, 2007; BONILHA, 2004; BAIA, 2006). Dessa maneira, os resultados apresentam a mesma discrepância a respeito da tendência prosódica inicial presente na comparação entre os estudos que adotam diferentes métodos. No entanto, foi encontrada uma explicação para o que ocasiona tal discrepância. Notou-se que os iambos diminuem se o léxico particular e os verbos são excluídos dos dados. Sem o léxico particular e verbos, há uma predominância de SW em DES e DEX. Dessa maneira, a diferença entre os resultados do estudo experimental e dos estudos observacionais está relacionada com a metodologia empregada e, particularmente, com o inventário lexical e classe gramatical considerados na análise. Por fim, acredita-se que o estudo que desconsidere todos os tipos de produções infantis não pode afirmar, categoricamente, uma outra tendência inicial. Por essa razão, afirma-se que o PB apresenta uma tendência iâmbica inicial, tendência defendida pelos estudos observacionais (BAIA, 2006; SANTOS, 2007) que lidam com a produção lexical infantil na sua totalidade, embora não se trate de uma tendência forte e seja apenas uma tendência aparente de acordo com os resultados estatísticos deste estudo. Palavras-chave: acento, prosódia, modelo prosódico inicial, aquisição de linguagem / This research aims at investigating the initial prosodic template in the acquisition of Brazilian Portuguese (henceforth BP) and the influence of the methodology on the results presented by Brazilian literature so far. Following the view that there is an initial grammar (universal grammar) (CHOMSKY, 1981), authors who deal with Germanic languages state that the trochee is the initial prosodic template (see GERKEN, 1994; FIKKERT, 1994), and the same is claimed by studies that deal with languages from other families (see ADAM & BAT-EL, 2007 about Hebrew acquisition; PRIETO, 2005 about Catalan acquisition, for example). However, data from Brazilian children bring complications for this trochaic bias when show the results of observational studies (naturalistic studies), which point out an iambic bias instead (SANTOS, 2001, 2007; BONILHA, 2004; BAIA, 2006). Besides the discussions and recent studies about the prosodic initial template (see RAPP, 1994; BONILHA, 2004; SANTOS, 2006, 2007) that have been conducted by Brazilian researchers, some questions still remain. Most of these studies on BP acquisition are observational and they assert that there is an initial iambic bias, whereas there is only one experimental study (RAPP, 1994), which states that there is a trochaic bias. Therefore, the research conducted here aims at analyzing the influence of the employed methodology on the results. To make it possible, two methodologies are used in the analysis of data (the experimental and observational): in the experimental study, we analyze data of 42 children at age 1;5 3;0 years old, and in the observational study, we analyze data of a child (LUI) who is the same age of experimental group. The results corroborate what has been stated by the experimental study (RAPP, 1994) and by the observational ones (Santos, 2006, 2007; BONILHA, 2004; BAIA, 2006) because it was found the same discrepancy showed by these studies. But there is an explanation. It was noted that the number of iambs decreases if the particular lexicon (familiar words and lexical creations) and verbs are kept out of the data. Without this sort of words, there is a predominance of SW in DES and DEX. Thus, the difference between the results of the experimental study and observational ones is due to the employed methodology, particularly, due to the lexical inventory considered in the analysis. Finally, we believe that if the study does not take into account all types of childrens productions it can not state, categorically, any initial prosodic bias. Therefore, this study agrees with what has been stated by observational studies, i.e. BP early data show an iambic bias (BAIA, 2006; SANTOS, 2007), also, this was observed in the analysis of DES. However, the statistical results did not show any significant predominance of a specific prosodic template. Santos (2007) claims that there is not a universal prosodic template. For that reason we find a trochaic bias in Germanic languages and an iambic bias in BP
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Crossing barriers : the influence of linguistic and cultural background on [I + verb] belief constructions in expressions of opinionZhao, Lucy January 2017 (has links)
How does cultural and linguistic background influence communication style? This topic is examined through the [I + verb] belief construct before the expression of an opinion. Since opinions carry inherent notions of speaker belief, these constructions may at first appear superfluous. However, [I + verb] forms may actually fulfill various pragmatic functions depending on prosodic variation. Unfortunately, there is little congruent data on universality vs. cross-linguistic variability of pragmatic-prosodic mappings (prosodic variation as a cue to pragmatic interpretation) of [I + verb] belief constructs before an opinion. Thus, a Proof of Concept perception test was first implemented, followed by a production task investigating the effect of sociolinguistic background on a speaker's frequency of usage for various [I + verb] forms in expressing opinions, and how this relates to perceived speaker confidence. Usage of various forms and functions of this construct was analyzed and compared between native Mandarin (CHI) and English (US) speakers, as well as EFL Mandarin speakers. The Proof of Concept task supported hypotheses overall, suggesting a possible universal pragmatic-prosodic mapping for [I + verb]. In addition, while as predicted sociolinguistic background did not have a significant effect on universality of pragmatic-prosodic mapping in terms of confidence rating, it did have an observable effect on semantic interpretation of 'speaker confidence', thus indicating that sociolinguistic background may play a role in influencing these interpretations. Results from the production task supported predictions that frequency of functional [I + verb] usage corresponded to culturally specific attitudes of each culture. Based on confidence rating calculations for each [I + verb] variation from pragmatic-prosodic mapping of the perception task, it was determined that Native US individuals were most confident in expressing self-opinions but least confident in expressing opinions of others whilst Native CHI individuals were most confident in expressing opinions of others and least confident in expressing self-opinion, with the EFL group in the US more closely mirroring the Native US group and the EFL group in China more closely mirroring the Native CHI group. Additionally, going against theories of previous research, Time immersed in a new L2 environment and L2 proficiency did not significantly influence performance. Through investigating pragmatic-prosodic mappings of [I + verb] forms vs. functions, this study aimed to demonstrate the bi-directional link between language, thought and culture. By understanding and familiarizing oneself with the root of pragmatic differences, there is hope to better understand the cause of cross-cultural miscommunications between native and foreign speakers in conversation and to minimize any such discrepancies in pragmatic knowledge and sociocultural norms.
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Segmentação de palavras : prosódia e convenções ortográficas na reelaboração da escrita infantil /Serra, Márcia Pereira. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Lourenço Chacon Jurado Filho / Banca: Raquel Salek Fiad / Banca: Luciani Ester Tenani / Resumo: Propusemos, neste trabalho, a observação de operações de reelaboração da segmentação em textos infantis. Interessaram-nos, particularmente, as marcas de reelaboração textual (mais especificamente, de reelaboração da segmentação). O propósito foi observar que fatores estariam envolvidos em momentos nos quais crianças, em momentos iniciais do processo de aquisição da escrita, distribuíam o material gráfico que produziam em porções menores e realizavam o que denominamos reelaboração da segmentação textual. O material que usamos foi formado de produções textuais de alunos de uma escola da rede pública de ensino do município de São José do Rio Preto (SP), que foram coletadas quinzenalmente e acompanhadas de modo longitudinal por um período de quatro anos. A partir desse conjunto, elegemos 62 textos, de 20 sujeitos que, durante o ano de 2002, cursavam a segunda série do ensino fundamental I. Cada produção foi selecionada por apresentar pelo menos duas ocorrências, num mesmo texto, em que o escrevente flutuava quanto à segmentação escrita. Fizemos um levantamento quantitativo das ocorrências de reelaboração em relação a constituintes prosódicos mobilizados, a fim de possibilitar a formulação de mais argumentos para o fato de que os constituintes prosódicos mobilizados nessas ocorrências teriam algum tipo de realidade para a criança/aprendiz da escrita. Estivemos atentos também para o que, nestas ocorrências, nos possibilitou conjeturar sobre a relação entre o que pôde ser considerado como fatos episódicos de escrita infantil e para o que pôde ser considerado como genérico. Com base, de um lado, em pressupostos teórico-metodológicos vinculados ao Paradigma Indiciário proposto por Ginzburg (1986) e, de outro, na idéia de um modo heterogêneo de constituição da escrita, tal como formulada por Corrêa (1997 e 2004)...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo). / Abstract: In this work, we propose the observation of operations involved in the redevelopment of segmentation of infant writing. We concentrate, particulary, on textual redevelopment marks (more specifically on segment redevelopment). Our aim was to observe which factors are involved in the initial process of written acquisition and how, at this crucial time, children distribute and produce graphic material along the texts and realize sucessfully what we refer to as textual section development. Resource material came from written work from public school students in São José do Rio Preto (SP), which were collected on a fortnightly basis during a four year period. From this material, we selected 62 texts written by twenty people who attended the second grade of fundamental education in 2002. Each text was chosen due to the appearance of floating writing in the written segments on at least two occasions. A quantitative analysis between the incidence of redevelopment and the relation of prosodic constituents that are involved was carried out with the aim to enabling the formulation of arguments to the fact that prosodic constituents on these occasions had some contribution to children skill aquision. We also took care to note that these events enable us to deliberate about the possibility of what might be consider sporadic facts in infant writting and that could be considered as generic. Based upon presumed theorectical-methods tied to "Paradigma Indiciário" on one side, and the idea of a heterogenic method of written formulation, such as that proposed by Côrrea (1997 and 2004), on the other, we arrive at a proposition that, on these occasions, the interlacing of reconstructed aspects of the origin of written skills (in the case of children), and the institucionalized written code stirred up not only tension concerning the delimitation of works...(Complete abstract, click electronic address below). / Mestre
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Fonetik i engelskundervisningen / The Use of Phonetics in the Teaching of EnglishEriksson, Sanna, Lundström, Isabella January 2018 (has links)
This is a qualitative study about the usage of phonetics in the classroom. The study is based on interviews with two English teachers and two future English teachers. The study also researches a website where teaching material are shared by teachers. Firstly, the study wants to know what researchers think about phonetics in language teaching as well as in language learning. Secondly, the study researches what teachers think about phonetics and their opinions regarding the use of it in the classroom as well as their knowledge about the subject. Thirdly, the study investigates what future teachers of English said regarding the use of phonetics and if they felt prepared to use it in the classroom. The study shows that researchers think highly of the use of phonetics in language learning. However, it is not used by the interviewees when teaching language because they find it redundant. Furthermore, the future teachers in this study said that they felt unprepared to use phonetics in the classroom.
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