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Rättsliga åtgärder mot människohandel : Att skydda offer eller möta hot / Legal actions against human trafficking : protecting the victim or the stateÅström, Karin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on legal protection of victims of human trafficking in Sweden. Human trafficking involves the exploitation of often already vulnerable individuals and is a violation of their human rights. Human trafficking is also a threat to state security as a component of transnational organized crime and illegal migration, and has therefore long been a subject of international cooperation. In this thesis international responses to human trafficking are categorized as being focused on two distinct and separately protected parties, namely the individual and the state. The implementation of these international responses have, in the case of Sweden, mainly led to new criminal regulation relating to human trafficking, and in this thesis international as well as Swedish legal measures against human trafficking are analyzed from a victimological perspective. The overall aim is to investigate and analyze whether victims of trafficking have received an enhanced legal protection through Swedish criminal law. The thesis shows that human trafficking is not considered a problem in the Swedish legislative context, and that the international measures to protect victims of trafficking have not been regarded to any great extent. Few victims of trafficking in Sweden are even identified as victims, and measures against human trafficking have largely been associated with measures against prostitution. To legally connect human trafficking with prostitution is, however, problematic because these crimes have different primary protective interests and the victims have different roles in the investigation and litigation process. From a victim's perspective, the categorization of the crime is crucial because the status of plaintiff, as is required for the possibility for financial redress and other legal rights, is assessed in Sweden by how the offense is classified. It is therefore important for the victims of human trafficking to be identified and categorized correctly in order to be defined as plaintiffs and obtain protection under criminal law. As a result of all these factors, the intended enhanced legal protection for victims of trafficking in Sweden is lost.
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Strider om mening : En dynamisk frameanalys av den svenska sexköpslagenErikson, Josefina January 2011 (has links)
A constructivist understanding of policy production as a struggle of meaning in which ideas and actors interact is the point of departure of this thesis. Prostitution policy is a salient example of such a struggle and is thus a suitable case for exploring the role of ideas in politics. The purpose of the thesis is threefold: to explain the process preceding the Swedish ban on the purchase of sexual services in 1998, to understand the dynamics in gendered policy and to develop a framework for policy analysis. In the first part of the thesis a dynamic model of frame analysis is developed consisting of three dimensions to analyze: the politically relevant ideas in terms of policy frames (in this case related to gender and power); ideas as restricting and facilitating for actors; actors’ framing strategies and the consequences of strategic framing in terms of risks and limitations. This comprehensive and dynamic model of frame analysis fills a gap in previous policy research. In the second part of the thesis the dynamic frame analysis is applied to explain Swedish prostitution policy. The empirical analysis contains a study of the policy process preceding the ban of 1998, a micro study of the actors’ involvement at a critical juncture and an analysis of the actors’ strategic framing. The thesis concludes that the process was path dependent in the sense that the institutionalization of different ideas, at different points of time, was important for the final outcome. However, the thesis also concludes that the involvement of the actors’, mostly women, was a decisive factor. In relation to previous research the analysis provides a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the policy process both with regard to the ideas from which the client criminalization claim emanated and also with regard to the actors’ role.
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Prostitucijos šešėlyje: sekso pirkimo naratyvai hegemoninio vyriškumo kontekste / In the Shadows of Prostitution: Sex Purchase Narratives within the Context of Hegemonic MasculinityŽičkutė, Milita 19 June 2014 (has links)
Prostitucija egzistuojanti nuo pirmykščių laikų savyje talpina socialinį neteisingumą, išnaudojimą ir pažeidžiamas žmogaus teises, todėl socialinis darbas būdamas anti-engėjiška praktika, privalo imtis iniciatyvos. Darbe remiamasi interpretuojamąja – konstruktyvistine ontologija, kuri teigia, kad socialiniai reiškiniai neegzistuoja savaime, jie yra sukonstruoti ir įtakoti kitų. Prostitucijos fenomenas sąlygotas stereotipų, pasmerkimo ir visuotinės stigmatizacijos, dažnai šios nuostatos trukdo į reiškinį pažvelgti iš esmės. Pripažįstama, kad prostituciją sukuria paklausa, tačiau apie ją nekalbama, tai tarsi nematoma prostitucijos pusė, kuri palikta užribyje. Nėra aiškios informacijos, kokia ši paklausa ir kas sąlygoja jos egzistavimą, todėl siekiant kalbėti apie tuos, kurie perka seksą ir išlaiko sekso industriją, šio darbo tikslas – atskleisti vyrų, perkančių seksą, naratyvus projektuojant socialinio darbo intervencijos kryptis. Keliami tyrimo klausimai: kaip sekso pirkimo reiškinį aiškina perkantieji seksą? Kaip sekso pirkimas yra susijęs su hegemoninio vyriškumo nuostatomis? Kokios galimos socialinio darbo intervencijos kryptys sekso pirkimo kontekste?
Siekiant atskleisti vyrų, perkančių seksą naratyvus buvo pasitelktas kokybinis naratyvinis tyrimas. Remiamasi subjektyvistine – interpretuojamąja epistemologija. Pasirinkta tyrimo dalyvių trianguliacija, kuri padėjo gauti tikslesnius duomenis iš reiškinio vidaus (interviu su sekso pirkėjais) ir išorės (interviu su policijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Prostitution has existed since primeval times. This phenomenon contains the social injustice, exploitation and violations of human rights. Social work, as an anti-oppressive practice, must take action. The paper is based on interpretative – constructivist ontology, which proposes that social phenomena do not exist in spite of themselves, but they are designed and influenced by others. Prostitution is conditioned by stereotypes, stigmatization and universal condemnation and often this approach doesn`t let to look at the very core of this phenomenon. It is recognized that prostitution is created by demand but it is not discussed in public. It is like an invisible side of prostitution, which is left behind. There is no clear information what the demand is and what determines its existence, so there is a need to discuss those who buy sex and support sex industry. The aim of this paper is to reveal narratives of men who buy sex with the purpose to design directions of social work based on these narratives. The questions the research raises are is: How the phenomenon of sex-purchase is explained by the buyers themselves? What are the possible directions of social work intervention in the context of the sex-purchase?
In order to reveal the narratives of men who buy sex, qualitative narrative study was chosen. The research is based on subjectivist - interpretative epistemology. Triangulation of research participants was chosen, which helped to get more accurate data from inside of... [to full text]
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Health services utilisation for sexually transmitted infections including HIV by female sex workers in NepalGhimire, Laxmi January 2010 (has links)
A total of 425 questionnaire-based interviews and 15 in-depth interviews with FSWs in Nepal including non-participant observation in the field were conducted in 2006. The age range of the FSWs participated was 15-46 years. FSWs (30.8%) reported having had STI symptoms in presences 12 month. The quantitative findings suggested that many reported having used condoms during their last sexual intercourse, but in-depth interviews suggested the opposite. One fifth (21%) had never visited health facilities. Of those who visited, 149 (50.3%) turned to a private clinic and pharmacy; 181 (61.1%) used Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) clinics, 79 (26.6%) resorted to care in hospital and 30 (10.1%) treated themselves. The remainder 85 (28.7%) were found to seek help from primary health care centre, health posts, family planning clinic or other health institutions for treatment. The behaviour theories and models used in this study (i.e. health belief model, theory of reasoned action and planned behaviour) partly explain the decisions of FSW on use and non-use of available health services. The study identified that lack of confidentiality and privacy created distrust among FSWs and stopped them from accessing health services. Embarrassment, disregard by health care providers and poor communication with them, long waiting time and fear of exposure as a sex worker were major barriers to seeking health services. It is therefore necessary to provide specific training to service providers in all types of health care institutions in order to promote confidential and quality health services.
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Le rôle de l'État vis-à-vis de la prostitution : respect de l'autonomie et lutte contre les inégalités sociales et économiques touchant les femmesGhali-Lachapelle, Audrey 05 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire traite de la prostitution d’un point de vue philosophique. Pour ce faire, il est nécessaire que l'on étudie le concept d’autonomie, puisqu’il est employé de part et d’autre par les intervenants dans le débat public et théorique. En évaluant les contributions de philosophes, ce mémoire esquisse une position mitoyenne. Ainsi, dans un premier temps, on rapportera la contribution d’auteurs de la tradition libérale, qui considèrent que la prostitution est un travail ou une vision de la sexualité acceptable. En dénonçant le lourd tribut d’une morale conventionnelle dépassée, ils ont montré que le respect des choix individuels est primordial et doit servir de guide au moment de penser l’intervention de l’État. Ce faisant, ils ont néanmoins omis de considérer dans leur équation des éléments contextuels qui teintent négativement le quotidien de la personne prostituée. Les féministes radicales et auteurs libéraux perfectionnistes ont mis en lumière le système que l’anthropologue Paola Tabet appelle échange économico-sexuel et qui fait qu’en général, l’acte sexuel porte en écho la socialisation qui fait des hommes les prestataires du service sexuel des femmes. Plus encore, c’est la participation à la vie sociale et politique des personnes prostituées qui est limitée. La stigmatisation et la violence qui caractérisent l’exercice de la prostitution détruisent des vies, mais privent également les personnes prostituées du crédit social nécessaire à l’exercice de leur citoyenneté. Explorer une redéfinition du concept d’autonomie dans une perspective féministe et relationnelle permettra de répondre aux considérations que partagent les défenseurs du travail du sexe et les abolitionnistes : aucune femme ne subissant de contraintes économiques et sociales ne devrait voir en la prostitution la seule option qui s’offre à elle. Aussi, si une personne autonome décide de monnayer ses services sexuels, ce doit être toujours selon des modalités qu’elle aura elle-même définies. / I will discuss the issues raised by prostitution in a philosophical way. It seems necessary to analyze autonomy, a concept used in the public debate about prostitution. I will try to sketch a middle view on the question inspired by the work of Liberals and Feminists. Some of these authors view prostitution like any other job or as a legitimate way to live one’s sexuality. They show that the State must consider individual choices and they criticize a moralistic common perspective on prostitution. Nonetheless, they choose to ignore a global perspective about a systematic representation of the female sexuality as a service. Women are socialized in a way that they can only offer their sexuality, not live it. Moreover, it is the political and social participation of women that is made precarious out of this. Stigmatization and violence that commonly shapes the experience of sex workers not only destroys lives, but is also threatening the expression of their citizenship. Exploring a redefinition on autonomy in a feminist and relational way will offer the tools to think another way. Consequently, we will be able to address two considerations that both abolitionist and sex work advocates share. First, that nobody wants a woman to be placed in front of prostitution thinking that it is her only choice. Second, that every woman who wants to do sex work should be the only one who shapes her practice.
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"The Best Bad Things": An Analytical History of the Madams of Gold Rush San FranciscoBreider, Sophie 01 January 2017 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the differences between the fictionalized madam of the American West and the historical madam are analyzed to understand how racial and gender hierarchies normalized themselves in the American West and disempowered women and people of color. This thesis uses Gold Rush San Francisco, and two madams, as a case study of this phenomenon.
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Prostitusie by seuns : 'n opvoedkundig-sielkundige benadering02 March 2015 (has links)
D.Ed. (Educational Psychology) / Juvenile male prostitution is practised world-wide. The fact that it occurs in urban areas of South Africa, has been attested to by media reports since approximately 1985. Nevertheless it is a relatively unknown phenomenon as it has never before been researched in South Africa. This study is the first research project which has been undertaken in South Africa. The aim of the study was to describe an educational psychological approach which was designed to assist those involved in juvenile male prostitution. In this research a qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and contextual study was implemented. The research was divided into two phases. In the first phase the life experiences of the juvenile male prostitutes were explored and described using exploratory multiple case studies based on numerous sources in order to collect the data. The written data was subsequently analyzed according to Giorgi's phenomenological analysis and Kerlinger's content analysis. Categories which came to light, were used in describing the subjects' life experiences. The validity and reliability of the research were ensured using Guba's model for determining trustworthiness. On completion of the investigation, the research findings were compared with the relevant, available literature, to determine the existence of similarities and differences. At the end of the first phase, a number of themes were identified and were employed as a guide to the formulation of an educational psychological remedial approach. The three areas which were identified as being significant in describing an educational psychological approach were: boys who had run away from home and who were Jiving outside conventional social structures, boys who were living with their families, and boys who were still at school. In describing an educational psychological approach the main focus was directed at those juvenile male prostitutes who were living outside conventional social structures. As three of the four subjects used in the research project filled this requirement, it was decided to implement the programme with one of the subjects in order to evaluate and adapt it, if necessary. Prior to the implementation of the programme the proposed educational psychological approach for therapeutic assistance was submitted to two educational psychologists and a social worker for their appraisal during a panel discussion. Following consultation with this panel of experts, it was decided that too many factors existed which could negatively affect the therapy. These factors were identified as: the absence of social structures, the lack of conditions which would satisfy basic needs, and the absence of social support structures...
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Red Lights, White Hope: Race, Gender, and U.S. Camptown Prostitution in South KoreaKim, Julie 01 January 2017 (has links)
U.S. military camptown prostitution in South Korea was a system ridden with entangled structures of race, ethnicity, class, gender, and sexuality. This thesis aims to elucidate the ways in which racial ideologies, in conjunction with gendered nationalist ideologies, materialized in the spaces of military base communities. I contend that camptowns were hybrid spaces where the meaning and representation of race were constantly in flux, where the very definitions of race and gender were contested, affirmed, and redefined through ongoing negotiations on the part of relevant actors. The reading of camptown prostitutes and American GIs as sexualized and racialized bodies will provide a nuanced understanding of the power dynamics unique to camptown communities. The first part of this study consists of a discussion of Korean ethnic nationalism and its complementary relation to U.S. racial ideologies. Denied of an ethnonational identity, camptown prostitutes denationalized themselves by rejecting Korean patriarchy and resorting to White American masculinity to craft a new self-identity. Another component of this thesis involves American GIs and their racialized self-identities. Recognizing American soldiers as products of a specific political and social context, I argue that military camptowns were largely conceived as spaces of normalized abnormality that provided a ripe opportunity to challenge existing social, economic, racial, and sexual norms.
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Portrait des activités de prostitution dessinées dans l'univers des pratiques sexuelles des jeunes d'écoles secondaires publiques de la région de Vaudreuil-SoulangesMallandain, Véronique January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Mesurer les activités du crime organisé : analyse comparative de 45 services de police du Québec en 2003Pilon, Christyne January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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