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Våld, kommodifiering och illusionär godhet : - hur manliga sexköpare i Sverige kommunicerar med kvinnor i prostitution / Violence, Commodification and Illusory Goodness : - How Male Sex Buyers in Sweden Communicate with Women in ProstitutionCarsall, Anna, Holmberg, Jenny January 2020 (has links)
In previous studies, male sex buyers have been interviewed about their motives for buyingsex. Desire for power, control, realization of fantasies and the desire for mutual closenesshave been stated as driving forces. How these ideas are expressed in their proper context, inthe relationship with women in prostitution, seems to be largely lacking in research. Thepurpose of this study is to explore how heterosexual male sex buyers in Sweden communicatewith women in prostitution via chats published on the Instagram page #shittorskarsays3.0.How do they present themselves? What strategies do they use to get what they want? How dothey legitimize their actions for themselves? Using the perspective Response BasedApproach, the theory of hegemonic masculinity and the concept of space and thematicmethod, this study shows the following conclusions: Men present themselves according todifferent masculinity ideals such as aggression, control, power, virility and ideas about how agood man should be. The strategies men use to get their way are manipulation, threats andmental degradation. To legitimize their actions, they project their thoughts on the woman, askif she is doing it by free will and then choose not to listen to the answer.
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Oren, osedlig eller utsatt : Människo- och samhällssyn bakom Sveriges sexköpslag / Impure, Immoral or Vulnerable : Human and Societal Views Behind the Swedish Legislation Regarding Sexual ServicesJohansson, Linnéa January 2020 (has links)
In 1998 Sweden, as the first country in the world, formulated and implemented a law against sexualservices, which has since been known as “The Swedish Model” due to its unique approach in onlycriminalizing the buyer - not the seller - of sexual acts. This thesis researches the history of the ideasbehind the lawmaking process in its aim to gain better understanding on how lawmaking affectspeople’s perception of the world around them. By analysing the preparatory work behind the law,in relation to how prostitution has been treated in previous history, and as a document ofideological importance this thesis shows that the approach to prostitution, and the outcome of thepreparatory work - resulting in a partially criminalizing law - mainly relies on the idea thatprostitution is something bad in itself and in relation to the idea of human rights, but is beingadvocated against with the help of the societal problems based in stigmatizing ideas relying on thevery same implication.
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Kognitiv dissonans hos män som köper sexLönneborg, Markus, Mörnvik, Terese January 2019 (has links)
Den transnationella sexhandeln med strukturella och ekonomiska betingelser som har sin grund i fattigdom i andra länder, är en utmaning för polisen och socialarbetare då denna grupp ofta befinner sig utom räckhåll för välfärdsarbetare i Sverige (Månsson, 2018). Tidigare forskning har visat att sexköpare styr efterfrågan på prostituerade och därmed ökar antalet personer utsatta för trafficking (Mendes Bota, 2014). Med detta i åtanke har vårt examensarbete i socialt arbete syftet att undersöka hur män som köper sex försvarar och talar om sitt sexköp i relation till kognitiv dissonansteori. Detta i en svensk kontext där sexköp är olagligt. För att nå vårt syfte har vi tagit del av förhörsprotokoll och domar kopplade till sexköp i Stockholmsområdet under januari 2018-april 2019. Vi har också intervjuat professionella inom de befintliga organisationer/myndigheter i Stockholm som explicit arbetar med sexköpare (KAST, Anova och Prostitutionsgruppen). Studien har en kvalitativ ansats med en abduktiv ingång. Under arbetets gång har studien blivit mer teoridriven och analys av vårt material är genomförd utifrån kognitiv dissonansteori. En teori som utgår från att individer vid olika val har motstridiga kognitioner vilka kan skapa en dissonans som individen är motiverad att minska. Vi har särskilt analyserat materialet utifrån följande modeller av kognitiv dissonans; self-discrepancy modellen, som dissonans kopplat till yttre eller inre påverkan, dissonans enligt self-affirmation concept, aversive- consequences modellen, och utifrån action-based modellen. Resultatet av studien visar att kognitiv dissonans hos män som köper sex påverkas av olika faktorer och hanteras på skilda sätt. Några slutsatser i vår studie är: Få sexköpare beskriver en känsla av personligt ansvar för säljarens situation, vilket vi tolkat som ett sätt att undkomma kognitiv dissonans. För att reducera dissonansen förminskar sexköparen de sexuella handlingarna och lyfter fram en bild av sig själv som ’schysst’ och ’hjälpsam’. Lagstiftningen verkar inte vara en särskilt hindrande kognition för de män som faktiskt köper sex även om den på ett samhälleligt plan har en stark normpåverkan och verkar hindrande för majoriteten män, de som inte köper sex. Sexköp kan också vara kopplat till tvångsmässiga sexuella beteenden, låg impulskontroll, destruktiv livsföring och ångesthantering. Implikationer för framtida forskning, politik och socialt arbete är att fundera på hur kognitiv dissonansteori kan implementeras och användas i praktiken för att motverka sexköp, prostitution och trafficking. En annan aspekt som vi vill föra fram är synen på sexköp som ett socialt problem både på ett samhälleligt och ett individuellt plan. Sexköpare är en del av en samhällelig manlighetsnorm och inte endast individuella aktörer. För det sociala arbetet innebär detta synsätt att bemötande och behandling av sexköpare prioriteras och förbättras. / The transnational sex trade with structural and economic conditions that are rooted in poverty in other countries is a challenge for the police and social workers as this group is often out of reach for welfare workers in Sweden (Månsson, 2018). Previous research has shown that sex buyers regulates the demand for prostitutes andthus increase the number of people exposed to trafficking (Mendes Bota, 2014). With this in mind, our study in social work aims to investigate how men who buy sex defend and speak about their sex buying in relation to cognitive dissonance theory. This is in a Swedish context where sex buying is illegal. To achieve our purpose, we have taken note of interrogation protocols and judgments linked to sex purchases in the Stockholm area in January 2018-April 2019. We have also interviewed professionals within the existing organizations/authorities in Stockholm who explicitly work with sex buyers (KAST, Anova and the Prostitution group). The study has a qualitative approach with an abductive input. During the course of the work, the study has become more theoretically driven and analysis of our material is carried out based on cognitive dissonance.A theory which assumes that individuals at different choices have conflicting cognitions that can create a dissonance that the individual is motivated to reduce. We have analyzed the material specifically from the following models of cognitive dissonance; the self-discrepancy model, which dissonance linked to external or internal influence, dissonance according to self-affirmation concept, aversive-effect model, and based on action-based model. The result of the study shows that cognitive dissonance in men who buy sex looks slightly different and is handled in different ways. Some conclusions in our studyare: Few sex buyers describe a sense of personal responsibility for the seller's situation, which we interpreted as a way of avoiding cognitive dissonance. In order toreduce the dissonance, the sex buyer reduces the sexual acts and highlights apicture of himself as ‘good’and ‘helpful’.The legislation does not seem to be a particularly obstructive cognition for the men who actually buy sex even though on a societal level it has a strong norm effect and seems to hinder the majority of men, those who do not buy sex. Sex buying can also be linked to compulsive sexual behavior, low impulse control, destructive lifestyle and anxiety management. Implications for future research, politics and social work are to consider how cognitive dissonance theory can be implemented and used in practice to counteract sex buying, prostitution and trafficking. Another aspect that we want to bring forward is the view of sex buying as a social problem both on a societal and an individual level. Sex buyers are part of a social male standard and not just individual actors. For social work, this approach means that treatment of sex buyers is prioritized and improved.
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Sex Work and Moral Conflict: Enhancing the Quality of Public Discourse Using Photovoice MethodTenty, Crystal Renee 01 January 2009 (has links)
This thesis uses an advocacy/participatory framework and moral conflict theory to examine the opposing ideas: and interests of parties involved in the issue of prostitution on 82nd Avenue in Portland, Oregon. It locates areas of contention within the larger dominant feminist discourse, which views sex work as either a form of violence and exploitation or as a form of legitimate free-contract labor. The thesis shows how the intractable moral conflict between these differing feminist theories and values can be mediated using participatory data collection techniques.
Ethnographic data was collected and analyzed from 11 women working in the sex industry in Portland, highlighting voices commonly left out of the conflict. Participants were given cameras and invited to photo-document their individual and community's needs and aspirations through the qualitative, arts-based research method, photovoice. An exhibit of these photographs was displayed as an art exhibit at several locations throughout the Portland area. Data collection methods also included a review of local media sources collected between September 2007 and April 2009, and field notes gathered from participatory and non-participatory observations at public town hall forums. Close analytic attention is given to the perspectives of those marginalized populations of sex workers excluded from the dialogue on issues that directly affect them.
This thesis demonstrates ways in which community-based, participatory research, such as the use of photovoice method, can empower marginalized individuals to affect change within their community. The exhibit of photovoice data was used to enhance communication among individuals and groups involved in an intractable moral conflict about sex work in Portland. This thesis argues that photovoice method has potential for increasing the quality of public discourse to manage moral conflicts or to discover resolutions suitable to the needs and desires of multiple stakeholders.
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PROSTITUTION OCH NARKOTIKAHANDEL PÅ HOTELL : HOTELLANSTÄLLDAS UPPLEVELSER / Prostitution and Drug Trade in Hotels : The Experience of Hotel EmployeesRinaldo, Andréa, Rolfsson, Jonna, Topgaard, Thea January 2021 (has links)
Under den rådande covid-19-pandemin har polisen i Malmö fått information från hotell i Malmö som uppmärksammat en förändring i den kriminella klientelen, med specifikt fokus på prostitution och narkotikahandel. Denna rapport ämnar därför att, genom en kvalitativ ansats, undersöka hotellanställdas upplevelser av förekomsten av dessa brottstyper på olika hotell samt att se om det skett någon förändring i förekomsten under covid-19-pandemin. Genom att intervjua personal på olika hotell i Malmö och Lund var det möjligt att undersöka upplevelser av förekomsten samt den potentiella förändring som uppmärksammats. Upplevelserna av förekomsten av prostitution och narkotikahandel verkar variera mellan de två städerna där hotellen i Lund menade att brottstyperna är sällsynta, medan hotellet i Malmö upplevt mer frekventa händelser. Samtliga menar även att det varit få förändringar i förekomsten av dessa brottstyper sedan början av pandemin fram tills idag och de förändringar som har skett har varit minskningar. Slutsatserna är att brottstyperna inte är vanligt förekommande på de hotell som tillfrågats och att brottstyperna varit relativt stabila och i vissa fall minskat under covid-19-pandemin. / During the current covid-19 pandemic the Police authority in Malmö has received information from local hotels that a more prominent criminal clientele has been observed, a criminal clientele involved in drug trade and prositution. Therefore, the aim of this qualitative report is to gather further information from the employees of hotels about their perceived picture of this more prominent criminality. In addition to this, the report aims to compare how the employees perceive the current frequency of crimes, compared to before the pandemic severely diminished the number of guests staying at the hotel. Interviews were conducted with employees at hotels in Malmö and Lund to study both questions to give a better understanding of the framework of the problem. The results show that the perceived frequency of drug trade and prostitution varies between the two cities. The three hotels from Lund describe the two crime types as a rare occurrence. Malmö on the other hand, where only one hotel participated, had experienced a larger frequency of both of the studied crime types. All the hotels from both cities are however unanimous in that they don’t see a big difference between pre-pandemic times and spring of 2021 when this report was conducted. If anything, the changes they have seen has been that the numbers are dropping.
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Heteronormativity of the Swedish Sex Purchase ActSwartz, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
The Swedish Sex Purchase Act was unique, when introduced in 1999. While it was legal to demand and collect payment for sexual services it became a crime to respond to such demands or offer payment. It is now part of Sweden’s foreign policy to ‘export’ this law, using gender equality arguments. Several countries have since followed. The law is often portrayed as a triumph of feminism and women’s political struggles. The law is gender neutral however and applies equally to e.g. MSM sex trade (Men who have Sex with Men), a phenomenon that the normal gender equality arguments do not capture. ‘Homosexual prostitution’ was initially argued in the legislative proceedings, to be so different from heterosexual prostitution, that the scientific investigator raised concerns if one-sided criminalisation was considered by legislators. Yet, this is what happened. This study traces exactly how this came to be, analysing legislative documents and debates, focusing on heteronormative reasonings. In the final round of legislation the question had entirely disappeared. MSM sex trade or culture was not even mentioned and can be seen as heteronormative collateral damage.
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Exploring the Relationship between Mental Health and Substance Use, Stable Housing, and Completion of the RISE Court ProgramSmith, Paisley Elizabeth 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis analyzes participants of the RISE Court program, a specialized court in Tarrant County, Texas, focusing on women involved in prostitution. The study investigates the intricate relationship between mental health, stable housing, substance abuse, and successful completion of the court program. Through a comprehensive analysis of participant data, the findings reveal insights into the intersection of mental health and the outcomes of participants in the RISE Court program. Contrary to the initial hypotheses, this study presents compelling evidence that mental health issues do not significantly hinder participants from completing the court program nor acquiring stable housing during their participation. However, the data strongly supports the hypothesis that participants with mental health problems are more likely to engage in substance use during the program. Notably, the study found that a substantial portion (71%) of the sample had documented mental health diagnoses, highlighting the pervasive nature of mental health challenges within this demographic. This research represents a considerable stride towards comprehending the complexities surrounding the criminal justice system's interventions for individuals engaged in prostitution, shedding light on the role of mental health in shaping their experiences within the RISE Court program. The findings have implications for the development of more effective, holistic strategies for rehabilitation and reintegration within specialized courts targeting this vulnerable population.
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Rapports de genre, sexualité et comportements à risque des clients et autres partenaires sexuels des travailleuses du sexe de Ouagadougou, Burkina FasoBédard, Emmanuelle 11 April 2018 (has links)
Cette étude visait à améliorer la compréhension du rôle des rapports de genre et de la sexualité dans les comportements sexuels à risque au VIH/sida chez les clients et les autres partenaires sexuels des travailleuses du sexe (TS) de Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso. Deux techniques de collectes de données ont été employées. Premièrement, des entretiens qualitatifs effectués auprès de 30 hommes (24 clients et six petits amis de TS) ont permis d'approfondir le contexte des rapports de genre, de la sexualité, de la prostitution et des comportements sexuels. L'analyse du discours des participants a fait ressortir l'existence d'une inégalité sociale et sexuelle entre les hommes et les femmes, inégalité qui, dans un contexte de précarité socio-économique, fournit une explication au phénomène de la prostitution ainsi qu'aux comportements sexuels des participants. Deuxièmement, des questionnaires administrés à 249 clients de TS visaient à vérifier le lien entre les normes sociales et sexuelles masculines (identifiées à partir de l'analyse des entretiens qualitatifs), parmi d'autres facteurs psychosociaux, et l'intention d'utiliser le condom chez ce groupe d'hommes. Les résultats ont montré que la majorité des clients (77 %) avaient une intention élevée d'utiliser le condom avec les TS. L'analyse de régression logistique a révélé que les principaux déterminants de l'intention étaient les croyances dans les rôles sociaux perçus (rapport de cote=9,2, 95% IC : 3,7-22,7), l'efficacité personnelle perçue (rapport de cote=3,9, 95%, IC : 1,9-8,0) et la perception du contrôle (rapport de cote=3,2, 95% IC : 1,3-8,0). Des analyses discriminantes ont permis de préciser les énoncés significatifs des croyances dans les rôles sociaux et de l'efficacité personnelle perçue. L'intégration des résultats qualitatifs et quantitatifs ont mis en évidence la présence d'une vulnérabilité féminine et masculine au VIH/sida propre au milieu prostitutionnel et ancrée dans les normes sociales et sexuelles de genre. Il ressort particulièrement que la difficulté chez certains hommes à contenir leurs désirs sexuels pourrait les empêcher de recourir au condom avec une TS alors qu'au contraire, ils auraient davantage l'intention de l'utiliser si la TS l'exigeait. Enfin, des recommandations sont formulées afin de développer les futures recherches et interventions dans ce milieu. / The aim of the study was to improve the understanding of the role of gender relations and sexuality on sexual behaviour at risk of HIV/AIDS among clients and other sexual partners of female sex workers (FSW) from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. To this end, two data collection techniques were used. First, 30 qualitative interviews were conducted among clients (24) and boyfriends (6) of FSW covering the context of gender relation, sexuality, prostitution and sexual behaviours. Participants' discourse analysis highlighted the presence of social and sexual inequality between men and women, inequality which, in a context of socio-economic precariousness, provided an explanation to prostitution phenomena and risky sexual behaviour of participants. Second, 249 questionnaires were administered to clients of FSW. These were used to examine the link between male social and sexual norms (identified by the analysis of qualitative interviews), among other psychosocial factors, and their intention to use condom. Results showed that a majority of clients (77 %) had a high intention to use condom with FSW. Logistic regression analysis showed that the principal determinants of intention to use condom were role beliefs (OR=9,2, 95% CI : 3,7-22,7), self-efficacy (OR=3,9, 95%, IC : 1,9-8,0) and perception of control (OR=3,2, 95% IC : 1,3-8,0). Discriminant analysis was used to identify significant statements of role beliefs and self efficacy. Integration of qualitative and quantitative results highlighted a female and male vulnerability to HIV/AIDS in the prostitution milieu that was embedded into social and sexual gender norms. In particular, we found that the difficulty for some men to control their sexual desire can reduce their intention to use condom with FSW while they would have a more positive intention if the FSW require them to use one. Finally, we gave some suggestions to develop further research and intervention in this prostitution milieu.
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Le passage d'un monde à l'autre : l'expérience des travailleuses du sexe dans l'espace prostitutionnel à QuébecBernard Laliberté, Véronique 16 April 2018 (has links)
Ce projet de maîtrise se veut être une recherche exploratoire concernant l'expérience de femmes exerçant le travail du sexe en agence d'escortes dans la ville de Québec. Plus particulièrement, l'objectif de la présente étude vise à analyser le processus par lequel les travailleuses du sexe laissent de côté leur vie «normale» pour s'insérer dans l'espace marginal de la prostitution et les différentes stratégies de négociation qui s'opèrent dans l'acceptation du nouveau statut de prostituée. Pour réaliser cette recherche, nous avons retenu l'approche qualitative et utilisé les méthodes d'observation participante, les entrevues informelles et formelles à partir d'un questionnaire semi-ouvert. Suivant le cadre conceptuel du rite de passage, l'analyse de l'expérience prostitutionnelle s'est effectuée en trois séquences distinctes : la rupture du groupe d'appartenance et l'insertion dans le milieu prostitutionnel, la gestion de l'expérience à travers la zone liminale ou l'entre-deux et finalement la négociation de la nouvelle identité de travailleuse du sexe.
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«Prostitution et repentance» La maison des repenties de Sainte Catherine à Montpellier (1285-1499)Brassel, Marie January 2015 (has links)
Basé sur des documents originaux et les statuts consulaires de sœurs de Sainte-Catherine de 1339 conservés aux archives municipales de Montpellier, ce mémoire tente d’approfondir la thématique des maisons de repenties à Montpellier entre 1245 et 1498. Cette recherche se focalise avant tout sur la mise en place d’un établissement de récupération sociale des anciennes prostituées par les autorités communales et les relations qu’ont pu avoir ces deux groupes sociaux ainsi que l’implication sociale de l’état de repentie sur les perceptions de la société montpelliéraine. Cette étude traite de l’histoire des repenties en Occident, puis à Montpellier et enfin aborde la vie de la congrégation des repenties de Sainte-Catherine. Ce mémoire aborde aussi les conséquences qu’a pu avoir cette transition sociale sur la vie de femmes qui avaient fait le choix de quitter le monde de la rue pour entrer dans les ordres. C’est ainsi qu’il est possible de voir que les sœurs étaient intégrées à la société urbaine, légitimées par une existence juridique et leur qualité de pénitentes.
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