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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Jeunes femmes portant plainte ou témoignant contre leurs proxénètes : leur expérience au sein du processus pénal québécois

Damphousse, Karine 06 1900 (has links)
La présente étude porte sur l’expérience pénale de jeunes femmes ayant porté plainte ou témoigné contre un proxénète. En effectuant notre recherche, notre intention était de comprendre le vécu de ces jeunes femmes lors de leur relation avec le proxénète ainsi que de mieux saisir leurs motivations et attentes en recourant au système pénal. Nous avions également pour objectif de cerner les effets de leur expérience judiciaire sur leur vie en général. Afin de recueillir le point de vue des jeunes femmes et de rendre compte du sens qu’elles donnent à leur expérience au sein du processus pénal, nous avons effectué dix entretiens à tendance non-directive avec des jeunes femmes ayant fait cette expérience. L’analyse montre, dans un premier temps, qu’une fragilité émotionnelle conjuguée à une situation financière précaire constituent un facteur de risque de tomber sous l’emprise d’un proxénète. Malgré la présence d’une vulnérabilité les prédisposant à s’investir dans une relation d’abus, une majorité de jeunes femmes démontrent une ouverture face au monde prostitutionnel avant de faire la connaissance d’un proxénète. L’entrée dans le domaine de la prostitution ne peut donc être uniquement attribuable à l’influence d’un proxénète et constitue plutôt le corollaire d’un amalgame de facteurs. Au début de la relation, la manipulation du proxénète vise essentiellement à renforcer un intérêt à se prostituer déjà présent chez plusieurs jeunes femmes. Dans le cas de celles qui n’ont jamais envisagé de s’adonner à des activités de prostitution, c’est une dépendance affective préexistante qui les amènera à se laisser convaincre de s’engager dans cette avenue. Que la nature de la relation avec le proxénète soit professionnelle ou amoureuse, toutes les jeunes femmes que nous avons rencontrées sont rapidement confrontées à des stratégies de manipulation et font les frais de manifestations de violence visant à les assujettir. L’amorce d’une prise de conscience de la situation d’abus qui leur est imposée constitue l’élément-clé qui les amène à prendre la décision de quitter leur proxénète et à accepter de coopérer avec les policiers. Celles qui entretiennent une relation de travail avec le proxénète amorceront cette réflexion avant celles en relation de couple. Ce constat s’explique par l’amour que celles qui se considèrent en relation de couple ressentent à l’égard du proxénète qui, non seulement les rend plus vulnérables à sa manipulation, mais freine également toute tentative d’autonomisation face à lui. Le recours à l’aide des policiers ne va pas de soi pour toutes les jeunes femmes sous le joug d’un proxénète. Bien que l’influence d’une personne bienveillante joue souvent un rôle significatif sur leur décision de porter plainte, le choix de collaborer avec les intervenants judiciaires découle essentiellement de leur propre réflexion psychologique vis-à-vis de leur situation. En portant plainte, elles souhaitent généralement être délivrées de l’emprise du proxénète et être protégées par le système pénal afin d’avoir le temps nécessaire pour prendre des décisions quant à la réorganisation de leur vie. Pendant les procédures judiciaires, les jeunes femmes se disent pour la plupart anxieuses à l’idée de rendre témoignage. Leurs appréhensions sont essentiellement liées à la crainte de revoir le proxénète ainsi qu’à la peur de ne pas être crue par le juge. Les principales motivations qui poussent les interviewées à maintenir leur plainte sont le désir de démontrer au proxénète qu’il n’a plus d’emprise sur elles et de mettre un terme à cette expérience de vie. La représentation qu’elles se font du traitement reçu dans le cadre des procédures pénales est généralement positive pour peu que l’attitude des intervenants judiciaires à leur endroit ait été empreinte d’empathie et qu’elles aient été impliquées dans le dossier. Ainsi, qu’elles aient initié ou pas la démarche pénale, les jeunes femmes qui se sentent soutenues par les policiers et les intervenants judiciaires seront plus enclines à maintenir leur plainte jusqu’à la fin des procédures pénales. Suite à leur relation avec le proxénète, les jeunes femmes sont aux prises avec de multiples conséquences qui affectent différentes sphères de leur vie. Malgré leurs nombreuses séquelles psychologiques, physiques et sociales, peu sont celles qui s’impliquent jusqu'au bout d’une démarche thérapeutique. Plusieurs estiment ne pas être prêtes à se lancer dans une telle démarche, alors que d’autres ont l’impression que personne ne peut réellement les aider et préfèrent s’en remettre à leur résilience ou utiliser des moyens alternatifs pour passer au travers de cette épreuve de vie. Les jeunes femmes qui reçoivent l’aide de leurs proches et/ou d’organismes professionnels sont celles qui perçoivent le plus rapidement les effets bénéfiques de leur implication pénale. Il ressort de notre analyse que l’expérience pénale vient renforcer une autonomisation déjà amorcée par la jeune femme lors de la rupture avec le proxénète. Les impacts de l’implication pénale sont doubles : elle permet aux jeunes femmes d’augmenter l’estime qu’elles ont d’elles-mêmes, et de couper définitivement tous contacts avec le souteneur. Le système pénal comporte cependant des limites puisqu’il n’a aucun effet sur le contexte de vie des jeunes femmes et, par le fait même, sur leurs activités prostitutionnelles. Ainsi, bon nombre de jeunes femmes retournent dans leur milieu d’origine après la démarche pénale et doivent continuer à composer avec les conditions associées à leur mode de vie antérieur. Qui plus est, l’effet déstabilisant lié à l’expérience pénale a pour conséquence de retarder leur rétablissement psychologique et la réorganisation de leur existence. Celles qui arrivent à réorienter le plus rapidement leur vie sont les jeunes femmes qui reçoivent le soutien de leurs proches ainsi que celles qui n’entretenaient pas de relation amoureuse avec le proxénète. Mots-clés : proxénétisme, prostitution, système pénal, empowerment, stigmatisation. / The present study focuses on the experiences of the criminal justice system by a number of young women, all of whom have pressed charges or testified against a pimp. In carrying out our research, our objective was to understand the experiences of these young women during their relationship with the pimp, as well as gaining a better insight into their reasons and expectations when they turned to the criminal justice system. We also aimed to identify the effects such judicial experiences have had on their lives in general. In order to gather the young women’s perspectives and faithfully report the meaning they attribute to their experiences of criminal procedure, we carried out ten non-directive interviews with young women who had been through such an experience. First of all, our analysis shows that emotional fragility combined with a precarious financial situation constitute a risk factor of falling under the control of a pimp. Despite an existing vulnerability predisposing these women to become involved in an abusive relationship, the majority of such young women demonstrate an open-minded approach to the world of prostitution prior to meeting a pimp. Thus, their entrance into prostitution cannot be solely attributed to the influence of a pimp and seems rather to be the outcome of a combination of factors. At the beginning of the relationship, the pimp’s manipulation essentially aims to reinforce this interest in prostitution already present in several of the young women. In the case of those women who had never envisaged engaging in prostitution, a pre-existing affective dependence could lead them to be persuaded to follow this path. Whether the relationship with the pimp is professional or romantic, all the young women we met were quickly confronted with strategies of manipulation and were exposed to displays of violence aimed at subjugating them. The initial realisation of the abusive situation to which they are being subjected constitutes the key factor leading them to make the decision to leave their pimp and agree to cooperate with the police. Those who had a professional relationship with their pimp came to this decision before those in a romantic relationship with the pimp. This observation can be explained by the love which those who considered themselves to be in a romantic relationship felt for their pimp, which not only made them more vulnerable to his manipulation but also slowed all attempts to empower themselves against him. Turning to the police for help is not an obvious choice for all young women under a pimp’s control. While the influence of a caring person often plays a significant role in their decision to press charges, the decision to cooperate with criminal justice officials usually arises from their own psychological reflection concerning their situation. By pressing charges, they generally hope to get away from their pimp’s control and be protected by the legal system, giving them the necessary time to make decisions to turn their lives around. During the judicial procedure, most of these young women say they are anxious at the idea of testifying. Their apprehension is essentially linked with the fear of seeing the pimp again, along with fear of not being believed by the judge. The main reasons motivating interviewees to maintain their charges are the desire to show the pimp he no longer has any control over them and also to end this episode of their life. Their representations of the treatment they received during the criminal justice procedure are generally positive if legal officials have shown empathy towards them and if the women have been encouraged to be involved in the legal case. Thus, whether the women initiated the legal procedure themselves or not, those who feel supported by the police and criminal justice officials are more likely to maintain charges to the end of the legal procedure. Following their relationship with the pimp, the young women struggle with many consequences which affect different areas of their lives. Despite numerous psychological, physical and social repercussions, only a small minority ever follow through with a full course of therapy. Many feel they are not ready to undertake such measures, while others feel that nobody can really help them and prefer to rely on their own resilience or use alternative methods to get past this difficult experience. Those young women who receive help from their friends and family or professional organisations more rapidly perceive the beneficial effects of their involvement with the legal system. Our analysis finds that the experience of the legal system serves to reinforce a process of empowerment already initiated by a young woman when her relationship with her pimp ended. The impacts of the young women’s judicial involvement are twofold: it allows them to improve their self-esteem while also permanently cutting all contact with the pimp. However, the criminal justice system does have limits, as the experience has no impact on the young women’s life context nor, by this very fact, on their involvement in prostitution. Consequently, many young women return to their original environments once the criminal procedure is over and continue to face the conditions associated with their previous lifestyle. Moreover, the destabilizing effect associated with the judicial experience causes their psychological recovery and reorganisation of their lives to be delayed. Those who do manage to turn their lives around the fastest are those who receive support from people close to them and also those who were not in a romantic relationship with their pimp. Key words: pimping, prostitution, criminal justice system, empowerment, stigmatisation.

L’aspect économique de la rhétorique amoureuse dans la comédie nouvelle et l’élégie érotique romaine

Rémillard, Anne 04 1900 (has links)
L’identification des contraintes financières et sociales qui sont sous-entendues dans la situation des personnages amoureux de la comédie de Ménandre – à partir de ses pièces et fragments subsistants et de ses adaptations en langue latine par Térence – permet d’éclairer la rhétorique de séduction ou de dissuasion employée par les divers personnages types de ce genre littéraire. Or, il existe un parallèle étroit entre ces discours et situations dramatiques et l’élégie érotique qui fleurit quelques siècles plus tard à Rome sous la plume de Tibulle, Properce et Ovide. Certains aspects déroutants de la rhétorique de séduction employée par les élégistes sont élucidés lorsqu’on les comprend dans le contexte dramatique de la comédie nouvelle : notamment, le poète narrateur se positionne dans la situation du jeune protagoniste amoureux de la comédie et la bien-aimée à qui il s’adresse se trouve dans la situation de la courtisane indépendante qui figure dans plusieurs pièces comiques. Cette recherche conclut qu’il existe une tension financière entre l’amant élégiaque et sa maîtresse qui, bien qu’elle soit passée sous silence par les poètes, influence les arguments utilisés par le narrateur à son égard et les propos imaginés ou rapportés de sa bien-aimée en retour. / The identification of the financial and social constraints that underlie Menander’s love plots helps in explaining the arguments contained in the persuasive and dissuasive discourses employed by the various archetypal characters of this literary genre. This research demonstrates that there is a narrow parallel between the rhetoric rooted in these narrative situations and the later works of the Latin love elegists in a way that elucidates some aspects of the elegiac discourse: the poet-narrator positions himself in the situation of the enamoured young man of new comedy and his beloved addressee’s situation corresponds to that of the independent mistress who appears in many comic plots.

”Kanske att man inte tänker prostitution på en gång” : Socialsekreterares förståelse av ensamkommande pojkars utsatthet för prostitution / : ”Maybe prostitution isn’t the first thing that comes to mind”: Social workers’ understanding of unaccompanied boys’ exploitation through prostitution

Herkules, Paula, Younes, Angelica January 2019 (has links)
Unaccompanied boys are at high risk to be exploited through prostitution which the social services are responsible to identify and give support. This study aimed to investigate how social workers in Dalarna understand and handle the issue of unaccompanied boys vulnerability and exploitation through prostitution. The result of the study was analyzed with intersectionality as theoretical frame of interpretation. This essay is based on a qualitative approach and was conducted by semi-structured interviews. The results showed that the respondents had limited experience of unaccompanied exploited through prostitution. A certain deflection of responsibility of the detection to any potential exploited is further noticed and also a stigmatizing perception of prostitution. The result further showed that the perception of intersectional power relations has an impact on the understanding of unaccompanied boys and their vulnerability to be exploited through prostitution. / Ensamkommande pojkar är en högriskgrupp för att utsättas för prostitution vilka socialtjänsten ansvarar för att identifiera och stödja. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka hur socialsekreterare i Dalarna förstår och hanterar frågor om ensamkommande pojkars sårbarhet och utsatthet för prostitution. Resultatet analyserades med intersektionalitet som teoretisk tolkningsram. Uppsatsen utgick från en kvalitativ ansats och baserades på semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visade att respondenterna har begränsad erfarenhet av att möta ensamkommande pojkar utsatta för prostitution. Även en viss ansvarsförskjutning för uppmärksammandet av en eventuell utsatthet framkom samt stigmatiserande uppfattningar om prostitution. Resultatet visade även att uppfattningen om maktordningar påverkar socialsekreterares förståelse av ensamkommande pojkar och deras sårbarhet för att utsättas för prostitution.

Porta entreaberta: a prostituição feminina enquanto trabalho e formação identitária / Porte entrouverte: la prostitution féminine comme travail et formation identitaire / Door ajar: female prostitution as work and identity formation

Carloni, André Ramos [UNESP] 01 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by ANDRÉ RAMOS CARLONI null (andreramoscarloni@hotmail.com) on 2017-02-23T11:30:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese pronta - ANDRÉ RAMOS CARLONI.pdf: 1191449 bytes, checksum: 2ff66a82e7d224714d0139f81dcb1818 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-02-24T20:49:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 carloni_ar_dr_franca.pdf: 1191449 bytes, checksum: 2ff66a82e7d224714d0139f81dcb1818 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-24T20:49:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 carloni_ar_dr_franca.pdf: 1191449 bytes, checksum: 2ff66a82e7d224714d0139f81dcb1818 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-11-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié le sujet de la prostitution féminine avec la prise en compte des rapports sociaux de genre et les constructions de l’identité. De cette façon, on a que la prostitution peut être assimilée comme l’acte de livraison du corps et du sexe à des tiers en échange d’argent et, ainsi, elle est devenu un « emploi », même s’elle n’est pas officiellement reconnu au Brésil, mais que beaucoup de personnes luttent pour elle soit. On peut dire que c’est quelque chose qui incite beaucoup, mais on peut également affirmer qui fait l’objet d’un grand nombre. Dans ce scénario, on constate que la prostitution féminine est une grande entreprise, tous deux dans le sens de l’échelle, comme dans le sens du mouvement financier. Et c’est à travers ce « métier » qu’on peut comprendre des représentations sociales de femmes et leurs caractéristiques d’identité, rappelant que les constructions identitaires arrive à un moment donné dans le temps et l’espace, en particulier dans les rapports sociaux de sexe, dans laquelle la femme n’a pas conquis efficacement le niveau de droit et possibilité égal pour l’homme. De cette façon, on a visé de découvrir les processus de formation de l’identité devant le déséquilibre notoire dans la scène de la prostitution féminine, qui comme on a vu, n’est pas reconnu juridiquement comme une profession. Cette recherche a été réalisée avec des recherches au moment actuel, c'est-à-dire entre 2013 et 2016. À cette fin, en plus d’une recherche bibliographique approfondie qui a utilisé depuis les livres jusqu’au articles récents et mis à jour, il y eu la participation, par l’intermédiaire de formulaire, d’une prostituée qui a dû contribuer à la recherche. Cependant, 18 formulaires ont été envoyés aux coordonnateurs et de présidents d’associations et d’organisations non gouvernementales représentant des prostituées dans plusieurs États brésiliens et 4 demande d’entrevue de la région sud-est du Brésil. Enfin, nous avons recherché des données secondaires sous forme de pages Web, films qui ont abordé le rôle de la prostituée et des sondages en ligne de prostituées. Cette approche de recherche était qualitative, visant à permettre au chercheur une réflexion analytique critique face à la vie quotidienne des prostituées. Ainsi, dans une analyse de la méthode dialectique, on a recueilli des données qui ont pu les analyses des formatages des identités de femmes dans la prostitution. / Neste trabalho foi estudado o tema da prostituição feminina com a transversalidade das Relações Sociais de Gênero e das construções identitárias. Desta forma, tem-se que a prostituição pode ser entendida como o ato de entrega do corpo e do sexo a outrem em troca de dinheiro, e, assim, tornou-se um “trabalho”, mesmo que não reconhecido oficialmente no Brasil, há um esforço de uma parte para que o seja. Pode-se dizer que é algo que instiga a muitos, mas também pode-se afirmar que é objeto de procura de diversas pessoas. Dentro deste cenário, vê-se que a prostituição feminina constitui um grande negócio, tanto no sentido de amplitude, quanto no sentido de movimentação financeira. E é por meio desta “profissão” que se pode perceber algumas representações sociais de mulheres e suas características de identidade, lembrando que, as construções identitárias se fazem em um determinado tempo e espaço, sobretudo, dentro das relações sociais de gênero, nos quais as mulheres ainda não conquistaram efetivamente o patamar de igualdade de direito e de oportunidade ao homem. Desta forma, objetivou-se averiguar como se dá a conformação dos processos de formação da identidade frente à notória desigualdade de gêneros no cenário da prostituição feminina, que como visto, não é legalmente reconhecida como profissão. Esta pesquisa se efetivou com pesquisas no atual momento, isto é, entre os anos 2013 e 2016. Para tanto, além de uma extensa pesquisa bibliográfica que abordou desde livros até artigos recentes e atualizados, houve a participação, por meio de formulário, de 01 prostituta, a qual se dispôs em contribuir com a pesquisa. No entanto, foram enviados 18 formulários às coordenadoras e presidentes de associações e ONGs que representam as prostitutas nos diversos estados brasileiros e 4 pedidos de entrevista da região sudeste do Brasil. Por fim, foram pesquisados dados secundários como páginas da internet, filmes que abordaram o protagonismo da mulher prostituta e entrevistas online de prostitutas. A abordagem desta pesquisa foi qualitativa, visando possibilitar ao pesquisador uma reflexão analítico-crítica frente ao cotidiano das prostitutas. Assim, dentro desta perspectiva, utilizou-se, para análise, o método dialético, visando decodificar o material empírico que subsidiaram ponderações acerca das formatações das identidades de mulheres na prostituição. / In this work, we studied the topic of female prostitution with the mainstreaming of social relations of gender and identity constructions. In this way, it has that prostitution can be understood as the act of delivery of the body and sex to others in exchange for money, and thus, it became a "job", even if not officially recognized in Brazil, but that many are fighting for it. We can tell it's something that instigates a lot, but it can also state that is the subject of many. Within this scenario, we can see the female prostitution is a big business, both in the sense of scale, as in the sense of financial movement. And it is through this "job" that we can understand some social representations of women and their identity characteristics, recalling that the identity constructions are in a particular time and space, especially within the social relations of gender, in which the woman hasn't conquered effectively the level of equal right and opportunity to the man. In this way, we aim for find out the processes of identity formation in front of the notorious gender imbalance in the female prostitution, which as seen, it is not legally recognized as a profession. This research was accomplished with researches at the current time, that is, between 2013 and 2016. To this end, in addition to an extensive bibliographical research that addressed since books until recent and updated articles, there was the participation, through form of 01 prostitute, which had to contribute to the research. However, we have sent 18 forms to coordinators and Presidents of associations and NGOs, that represent prostitutes in several Brazilian States and 4 interview requests of the southeast region of Brazil. Finally, we searched secondary data as Web pages, movies, which have tackled the role of prostitute and online surveys of prostitutes. This research approach was qualitative, aiming at enabling the researcher an analytical critical reflection in the face of the daily life of prostitutes. So, in an analysis of the dialectical method, we gather data that subsidized analysis about the formatting of women identities in the prostitution.

Dangerous rice bowl: risks and their management among Chinese female sex workers (FSWs) in Macau.

January 2010 (has links)
Cheng, Man Chuen. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 118-134). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Chapter Chapter 1: --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter 2: --- Literature Review --- p.14 / Chapter Chapter 3: --- Methodology --- p.34 / Chapter Chapter 4: --- Emotion --- p.51 / Chapter Chapter 5: --- HIV/AIDS and STI --- p.74 / Chapter Chapter 6: --- Violence --- p.96 / Chapter Chapter 7: --- Conclusion --- p.111 / Bibliography --- p.117 / list of tables / Table 1: Socio -demographic characteristics of FSWs --- p.40 / "Table 2: Clients' typology, their descriptions, and FSWs' preference" --- p.87

Police Perceptions and Decision Making Related to Domestic Minors Trafficked Through Prostitution

Belin, Donna Sue 01 January 2015 (has links)
In spite of a paradigm shift redefining domestic minors trafficked through prostitution as victims instead of criminal offenders, many police officers experience uncertainty in the way they evaluate the nature of domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST) and assess the culpability status of prostituted minors. This problem often results in revictimizing children and hindering their ability to access needed services. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore police officers' perceptions of minors engaged in prostitution and derive an understanding of the experiences, beliefs, and values that underlie these perceptions. The study also focused on how these factors influence police decision making regarding DMST. Attribution theory provided the framework. Participants included 4 police detectives assigned to a youth sex trafficking unit in a large city in the western region of the United States. Data were derived from individual interviews and significant documents. Coding and category construction were utilized to analyze single cases, and content analysis was used to analyze documents. Through cross-case analysis, data from all cases and sources were examined for common themes and discrepancies. The study's findings indicated all respondents perceived minors involved in prostitution as victims and that police empathy influenced perceptions and police decision making. The results of the study will potentially facilitate positive social change through advancing a deeper awareness of the nature of DMST and informing law enforcement policy and practices.

Är sexsäljare offer eller har de fattat ettmedvetet beslut? : En diskursanalys av svenska tidningsartiklar

Millstein Lönnervall, Astrid January 2010 (has links)
<p>This study is a critical discourse analysis of Swedish newspaper articles about prostitution. The purpose of the study is to investigate which discourse/discourses about prostitution that is/are adressed in the articles and identify the power relations and meanings that are constructed by the different subject posititions in the articles. Apart from critical discourse analysis social constructionism and a discussion about gender are applied in the analysis. The results supports findings in earlier research about prostitutionin Sweden; that the debate is focused around prostitution as sexual domination or prostitution regarded as a voluntary choice which rises demands of human rights for sexworkers. No prostitutes or buyers of sex where given the opportunity to comment on the matter, only journalists, politicians, social workers and policemen. The prostitutes are represented mainly as women who are victims in relation to the buyers who foremost are represented as perpetrators and men with labours, significant others/wifes and children.</p>

Vägen ut : en kvalitativ studie om vägen ut ur en marginaliserad position

Rogneby, Jenny January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this essay is to investigate how people can return from a marginalized position and become a part of society. Also how a model for returning from a marginalized position should be formed. The intention is to make a contribution to those in society that are helping people to return from marginalized positions. The survey is based on 5 thematic qualitative interviews on individuals that have returned from homelessness, criminality, drug abuse and prostitution. The main results of the investigation are that those who took part in it started their role exit with a turning point. After that they decided that they had to change their life. They then started their road back to society by separating themselves from the negative things that their former role resulted in. Thereafter they started to adapt to a life in society. To interpret the empirical material I used “The role exit process” made by Helen Rose Fuchs Ebaugh (1988). Since I found that her model could not be used to fully understand stigmatized role changes like the ones that marginalized people go through, I changed the model. This investigation’s empirical material has been interpreted through that modified process of the role exit.</p>

Är sexsäljare offer eller har de fattat ettmedvetet beslut? : En diskursanalys av svenska tidningsartiklar

Millstein Lönnervall, Astrid January 2010 (has links)
This study is a critical discourse analysis of Swedish newspaper articles about prostitution. The purpose of the study is to investigate which discourse/discourses about prostitution that is/are adressed in the articles and identify the power relations and meanings that are constructed by the different subject posititions in the articles. Apart from critical discourse analysis social constructionism and a discussion about gender are applied in the analysis. The results supports findings in earlier research about prostitutionin Sweden; that the debate is focused around prostitution as sexual domination or prostitution regarded as a voluntary choice which rises demands of human rights for sexworkers. No prostitutes or buyers of sex where given the opportunity to comment on the matter, only journalists, politicians, social workers and policemen. The prostitutes are represented mainly as women who are victims in relation to the buyers who foremost are represented as perpetrators and men with labours, significant others/wifes and children.

Vägen ut : en kvalitativ studie om vägen ut ur en marginaliserad position

Rogneby, Jenny January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate how people can return from a marginalized position and become a part of society. Also how a model for returning from a marginalized position should be formed. The intention is to make a contribution to those in society that are helping people to return from marginalized positions. The survey is based on 5 thematic qualitative interviews on individuals that have returned from homelessness, criminality, drug abuse and prostitution. The main results of the investigation are that those who took part in it started their role exit with a turning point. After that they decided that they had to change their life. They then started their road back to society by separating themselves from the negative things that their former role resulted in. Thereafter they started to adapt to a life in society. To interpret the empirical material I used “The role exit process” made by Helen Rose Fuchs Ebaugh (1988). Since I found that her model could not be used to fully understand stigmatized role changes like the ones that marginalized people go through, I changed the model. This investigation’s empirical material has been interpreted through that modified process of the role exit.

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