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Women Trafficking In Turkey: International Cooperation And InterventionArslan, Selin 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Arslan, Selin
MS., Department of Gender and Women&rsquo / s Studies
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ziya Ö / zcan
December, 2006, 217 pages.
This study has focused on analyzing the women trafficking in Turkey and the international cooperation and interventions which Turkey has done in years between 2004 and 2006. While mentioning efforts on combating human trafficking and international cooperation and interventions, the support of International Organization for Migration (IOM), the leading intergovernmental organization working against trafficking, which Turkey became member in 2004, should be mentioned as well. This study is trying to show the efforts of Turkey in the situation of combating with an organized crime, a gross human rights violation-especially after becoming member of the International Organization for Migration. Before discussing the situation and efforts in Turkey on counter trafficking the realization of women&rsquo / s rights the emergence of the women&rsquo / s discourse within the international arena and the international debate on trafficking especially after the Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP) have been introduced and discussed in detail. Such a beginning facilitated conceptualization of (1) the evolution of the emergence of conscious on trafficking crime in the international arena (2) the sprout of the idea and perception of &ldquo / combating trafficking crime&rdquo / in Turkish society and (3) the transformation of the Turkish context related to trafficking issues in the light of discussions emerged by the support of IOM Turkey.
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Debatten om sexköpslagen : - en studie med fokus på argumentenNoregran, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate which kind of arguments that were used during the debate before the law of sexual services was introduced in Sweden. The study refers to the debate which was in the Swedish parliament The study has been structured the arguments in different categories. The study has not found other researchers about the debate in the Swedish parliament. The study has just found several studies about the prostitution problem in general. The method for this study has been idea centered content analysis. The results were analyzed through an analyze diagram with arguments against the law of sexual services and arguments for the law of sexual service. On each side in the debate the analyze diagram has had eleven different categories of arguments. The results of the study showed that the juridical arguments were the most common in the debate.
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Prostitution, Kuppelei und Zuhälterei : Reformdiskussion und Gesetzgebung seit 1870 /Hartmann, Ilya. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Fernuniv., Diss.--Hagen, 2005.
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Etické a právní aspekty prostituce / Ethical and legal aspects of prostitutionBAIEROVÁ, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The Thesis deals with esthetical and legal issues of the Prostitution. The theoretical part analyses current situation regarding the prostitution, describes the prostitution and covers its historical development. The other part that deals with research brings an empiric results based on a quality strategy. Eight women have been approached and questioned on the basis of a self-selection method. The research results have been applied in the Thesis with regards to particular legal and ethical issues of the prostitution. The next chapter covers legal issues of the prostitution, shows current legal aspects and describes possible solutions how to deal with the prostitution within the legal framework. The final chapter deals with the ethical issues of the prostitution. It classifies and analyses the ethical aspects that have impact on our society and on individuals involved in prostitution. The Thesis covers a thorough analyses of ethical and legal aspects of the prostitution, supported by specialized literature and it also describes results of the conducted research. The Thesis also offers legal solutions pertaining to the prostitution in general and analyses ethical aspects that are connected with it.
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Para além da tensão entre moral e economia : reflexões sobre a regulamentação da prostituição no Brasil.Albuquerque, Rossana Maria Marinho 26 March 2008 (has links)
This research work aims at the current proposals of regulation of prostitution in Brazil which are
issued by the Law Projects (LP) 4244/04 and 98/03. Having as a methodological referential the
presuppositions of the marxian ontology of the social being the goal is conceived as a concrete
totality moment. By treating the regulation of prostitution from this perspective the traces that
particularize the current context, on which the legal propositions come out, will emerge since
there is a possibility to prove which historical subjects are interested in the regulation of activity
including their purposes as well as the discourses about the subject. In order to understand the
main character present in the process, the prostitutes, an exposition about the collective
organization of the Brazilian prostitutes is shown as well as their aims and petitory actions.
Considering that the Law Projects are expressions of an specific context in which the state
regulates the activity the prostitution -, this research work presents the historical antecedents of
the regulation, such as: in class society prior to capitalism, regulations inside capitalism, and
regulations that happened earlier in Brazil. The presence of these historical elements contributes
to make clear that the regulation of prostitution happens, indeed, because this is the role of the
state in a class society. What historically varies and is revealed in different contexts is the
concrete response given by the state to regulate the activity prohibiting or else setting free under
rules, for instance. As for the proposals which have not yet been approved in Brazil, the
discussion until now has floated between the rejection of the regulation by the moral argument,
and the approval through the market freedom. By analyzing the dissolution of the current context,
this research discusses the possibilities of a possible regulation pointing out the visualized limits
as from the point of view of an emancipated policy regarding to the Brazilian case (access to
the rights, equal treatments, overcome of the stigma of dishonored women) -, as of the
possibility of emancipated human, considering the form of political intervention prioritized until
then. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho tem como objeto de estudo as atuais propostas de regulamentação da
prostituição no Brasil, expressas pelos Projetos de Lei (PL) 4244/04 e 98/03. Tendo como
referencial metodológico os pressupostos da ontologia marxiana do ser social, o objeto é
concebido como momento de uma totalidade concreta. Ao tratar da regulamentação da
prostituição a partir dessa perspectiva, apresenta-se os traços que particularizam o atual contexto
no qual surgem as proposições jurídicas, ao passo que evidencia-se quais os sujeitos históricos
interessados na regulamentação da atividade, incluindo seus propósitos e os discursos a respeito
do assunto. Para compreender o principal sujeito presente no processo, as prostitutas, apresentase
uma exposição sobre a organização coletiva das prostitutas brasileiras, assim como seus
objetivos e reivindicações. Considerando que os Projetos de Lei são expressões de um
determinado contexto em que o Estado regula a atividade a prostituição -, o trabalho apresenta
os antecedentes históricos da regulamentação: em sociedades de classe anteriores ao capitalismo,
regulamentações no interior do capitalismo e regulamentações ocorridas anteriormente no Brasil.
A presença desses elementos históricos contribui para evidenciar que a regulamentação da
prostituição ocorre porque, de fato, esse é o papel do Estado na sociedade de classes. O que varia
historicamente, fato revelado nos diferentes contextos, é a resposta concreta dada pelo Estado
para regular a atividade, proibindo ou liberando sob regras, por exemplo. Com relação às
propostas ainda não aprovadas no Brasil, a discussão até agora tem pendulado entre a rejeição da
regulamentação pelo argumento moral e a aprovação pelo viés da liberdade do mercado. Ao
analisar as determinações do atual contexto, a pesquisa discute as possibilidades decorrentes de
uma possível regulamentação, apontando os limites visualizados tanto do ponto de vista de uma
emancipação política de fato - em se tratando do caso brasileiro (acesso a direitos, tratamento
igualitário efetivo, superação do estigma de mulheres desonradas ) -, quanto da possibilidade de
emancipação humana, considerando as formas de intervenção política priorizadas até então.
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Les Mystères de l'Ouest : les représentations des bas-fonds portuaires dans l'ouest de la France (XIXe-XXe siècles) / The Mysteries of the West : the representations of the harbour's slums in the West of France (XIXth / XXth century)Cailloux, Damien 09 September 2016 (has links)
L'image du port mal famé est un thème reconnu dans la culture contemporaine. Elle se construit autour des bouges des quais, des marins en bordée et des prostituées. Ils déterminent la représentation des bas-fonds portuaires, continuité des lieux de misère, du vice et du crime. Espaces spécifiques des villes, leur image est construite par la littérature et la presse, au milieu du XIXe siècle. L'héritage de vision négative des ports, les récits de flibuste, la défiance envers les marins construisent leur représentation. Les bas-fonds de l'Ouest de la France s'inscrivent dans un univers plus large : celui des marins déviants, des quartiers mal famés des villes mais aussi d'une province arriérée et dangereuse. Dans le premier XIXe siècle, les mauvais lieux du rivage en cumulent les caractéristiques. Dans les années 1880, le port, révélé par la bordée, focalise l'attention des romanciers. En parallèle, la misère et l'insécurité constituent des thèmes privilégiés pour la presse, les observateurs sociaux et les autorités. Les figures de l'homme de mer, des prostituées, des soldats, des miséreux et des criminels jouent un rôle central de fascination et de condamnation. Cet univers revendique ses codes. La disparition des bas-fonds est annoncée dès l'entre-deux-guerres. L'effacement des mystères de la mer laisse place à la nostalgie des observateurs de la vie maritime. Leur mémoire perdure alors après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. / The image of ill-reputed harbour is a common pattern in modern culture. It's built on harbour's slum, sailor's bender, prostitutes and docks, that define the representation of this area. This image echoes other places of misery, vice and crimes. The representation of those harbour's slums, that occupy specific neighborhoods in cities, are created by writers and journalists in mid-19th century. This image is also the legacy of negative vision of port, of buccaneering's stories and sailor's distrust. The harbour's slum is part of a broader universe : sailors with deviant behaviour, ill-reputed neighborhood, backward and dangerous province. During the first part of the 19th century, some places of the coastline have rough reputation but in the 1880's, the novelists, who discover sailor's bender, focus on ports. At the same time, journalists, social commentators and authorities focus on misery and insecurity. Seafarers, who claim his belongings to the slums, prostitutes, soldiers, the poor and criminals play a central role in the fascination and the condemnation of the harbour's slum. During the inter war period, the harbour's slum is seen as dying out. As the mystery vanishes, the nostalgia begins, that lasts after World War II.
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Ofrivilliga offer på sexmarknaden : En diskursanalys av hur prostituerade, prostitution och sexköpare framställs i svensk dagspressNystrand, Elisabet, Wernbo, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
Based on newspapers, the aim of this study is to find predominant discourses about prostitutes, prostitution and sex buyers. By using the foucauldian discourse analysis, 18 newspaper articles from 2016 and 2017 have been analyzed. The newspaper articles have been taken from Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The study is based on a social-constructivist perspective and uses two different feminist perspectives on prostitution, liberal feminism and radical feminism. The material has been analyzed with focus on the implicit, power, rules of exclusion and subject positioning and four prominent discourses have been found. These are “The prostitute as an involuntary victim”, “The prostitute as a commodity”, “The demand as the problem” and “The everyday inhumane sex buyer”. It is important for social work professionals to have knowledge about discourses in order to be aware of the constructive power of speech in their interactions with clients. / Med utgångspunkt i dagspress är syftet med denna studie att finna dominerande diskurser kring prostituerade, prostitution och sexköpare. Med användning av den foucauldianska diskursanalysen har 18 tidningsartiklar från 2016 och 2017 analyserats. Tidningsartiklarna har hämtats från dagstidningarna Svenska Dagbladet och Dagens Nyheter. Studien har även grund i det socialkonstruktivistiska perspektivet och behandlar två olika feministiska perspektiv på prostitution, liberalfeminism och radikalfeminism. Med fokus på det underförstådda, makt, utestängningsprocedurer och subjektspositionering har materialet analyserats och fyra framträdande diskurser återfunnits. Dessa är “Den prostituerade som ofrivilligt offer”, “Den prostituerade som marknadsvara”, “Efterfrågan som problemet” och “Den vanliga inhumana sexköparen”. För yrkesverksamma inom socialt arbete är kunskap om diskurser viktiga för att på bästa sätt kunna bemöta klienter och vara medvetna om den skapandekraft som språket kan besitta.
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“Vårt uppdrag är oändligt men våra resurser är ändliga” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om yrkesverksammas upplevelser av svårigheter med att motverka prostitutionGidhammar, Maria, Heinemo, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Prostitution är ett komplext, världsomfattande samhällsproblem som kan leda till flertalet negativa konsekvenser för den utsatta. I Sverige har köp av sexuella tjänster varit kriminaliserat sedan år 1999 och den svenska regeringen lägger stor vikt vid bekämpandet av prostitution. Trots detta är prostitution ett utbrett problem i Sverige. Flertalet kartläggningar indikerar att fenomenet ökar, framförallt via internet, samt att det tycks gå ner i åldrarna. Tidigare forskning inom området visar att svårigheter med att motverka problemet bland annat beror teknologins framväxt, attityder och normer i samhället och brist på resurser inom rättsväsendet. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka svårigheter med att förebygga prostitution ur yrkesverksammas perspektiv, samt vad som kan göras för att förbättra det förebyggande arbetet. Genom kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer och en tillämpning av rutinaktivitetsteorin besvaras studiens frågeställningar. Resultatet visar att bristen på personal och kompetens, den ökade tillgängligheten via internet samt porrens påverkan på attityder och normer försvårar motverkandet av prostitution. Därtill visas att ytterligare åtgärder krävs, bland annat tidiga insatser gällande utbildning samt en omarbetning av sexköpslagen. / Prostitution is a complex, worldwide societal problem that can lead to several negative consequences for the victim. In Sweden, the purchase of sexual services has been criminalized since 1999, and the Swedish government allocates great importance to combat prostitution. Despite this, prostitution is a widespread problem in Sweden. Various studies indicate that the phenomenon is increasing, primarily via the internet, and that prostitution seems to be declining with age. Previous research in the field shows that difficulties in counteracting the problem are partly due to the development of technology, attitudes and norms in society and a lack of resources in the judicial system. The purpose of the present study is to investigate difficulties in preventing prostitution from the perspective of professionals, as well as what can be done to improve the preventive work. Through a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews and an application of the routine activity theory, the research questions are answered. The results show that the lack of personal with relevant skills, the increased accessibility via the internet and the impact of porn on attitudes and norms make it more difficult to counteract prostitution. In addition, it is shown that further measures are required, including early efforts regarding education and a adjustment of the Sex Purchase Act. / <p>2021-01-13</p>
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Ungdomar som prostituerar sig och hur socialtjänsten arbetar med dessa ungdomar : En kvalitativ enkätstudie om socialarbetarens förhållning och arbete med ungdomar som prostituerar sig / Young people who prostitue themselves and how social service works with these young peopleNasrudin, Michélle, Söderlind, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur socialtjänsten förhåller sig till ungdomar som prostituerat sig och hur socialtjänsten arbetar med dessa ungdomar. Studien genomfördes utifrån en kvalitativ ansats där postenkäter har använts. Enkäterna skickades till tolv respondenter i två större städer i Sverige. Respondenterna bestod av socionomer med erfarenhet av ungdomar som prostituerar sig. Studien hade en svarsfrekvens på 50 % vilket innebär att av tolv respondenter svarade sex av dem. Resultatet visade att socialarbetare arbetar på olika sätt med ungdomar som prostituerar sig. Arbetet handlar om att skapa förändring och stödja ungdomen i denna förändring. Socialarbetarna stöder ungdomarnas empowerment, det vill säga deras egen förmåga till egenkraft för att förändra sin livssituation. Dessutom spelar socialarbetarens attityd en viktig roll för att hjälpa ungdomarna. / The aim of the study was to investigate how social services relates to and how they work with youth in prostitution. The study was conducted with a qualitative strategy where postal surveys have been used. The questionnaires were sent to twelve respondents in two major cities in Sweden, and respondents consisted of social workers that had experience of working with youth in prostitution. The study had a response rate of 50%, which means that of twelve respondents, six of them answered. The results showed that social workers worked in different ways with young people who prostitute themselves. Their work was about creating change and supporting youth through this change. Social workers supported the youth’s empowerment, their own self-empowerment, so they could change their life situation. Social workers attitude played an important role in helping youth.
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Perspektiv på prostitution : En kvalitativ studie om organisationers arbete prostituerade kvinnor / Perspective on prostitution : A qualitative study on organization’s work with women prostitutesDemirkiran, Yamur, Janabi, Hussein January 2020 (has links)
Prostitution har haft en lång historia i Sverige och har under de senaste 20 åren haft en drastisk förändring på grund av den svenska modellens lagstiftning att enbart kriminalisera köparen av sexuella tjänster. Vi har på grund av detta varit intresserade i hur arbetet med prostitution ser ut. Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka hur olika organisationer arbetar med prostitution och upplever sexköpslagen, samt vilka faktorer de anser påverkar prostituerade kvinnors in- respektive utväg ur prostitution. Våra frågeställningar i denna studie har varit, (1) Hur ser organisationers arbete ut med prostitution? (2) Hur upplever organisationer som bekämpar prostitution lagstiftningen i förhållande till arbetet? (3) Vilka faktorer påverkar inträdet respektive utträdet i prostitution enligt organisationerna? För att besvara dessa frågor har denna studie utgått ifrån en kvalitativ metod där intervjuer utförts med fyra olika organisationer. Organisationernas arbete kan sammanfattas i att de utför stödsamtal till de prostituerade och har även en positiv syn på lagstiftningen då de uppgett att den främjar deras arbete. Resultatet påvisar även organisationernas syn på de prostituerade och de olika faktorerna till att kvinnor väljer att ta sig in eller ut ur prostitution. I slutdiskussionen så har vi diskuterat vårt resultat i samband med våra valda teorier, tidigare forskning och litteraturstudier. / Prostitution has had a long history in Sweden and has during the past 20 years had a drastic change because of the Swedish model legislation that aims at criminalizing the buyer of sexual services. In this context, we have been interested in the social work on prostitution and its potential changes in terms of organization. The purpose of the study has therefore been to focus on how different organizations work with prostitution, how they experience the legislation and what factors the organizations consider to influence the women’s entry and exit from prostitution. Our questions in this study have been, (1) How do organizations work with prostitution? (2) How do organizations that fight against prostitution experience the actual legal dispositions in relation to their work? (3) What factors influence the entry and exit into prostitution according to the organizations? In order to answer these questions, this study has been based on a qualitative method in which interviews were conducted with four different organizations. The organizations work can be summarized in that they carry out counseling to the prostitutes and also have a positive view of the legislation because it supports their work. The result also demonstrates the organization's view on the prostitutes and the different factors that lead to the process of entering or exiting the role of prostitution. In the final discussion we have discussed our results in connection with our chosen theories, previous research and literature studies.
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