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« Mauvaises filles » : portraits de la déviance féminine juvénile (1945-1958) / "Bad girls" : portraits of youthful feminine deviance (1945-1958)Blanchard, Véronique 09 June 2016 (has links)
Cette étude, qui porte sur la spécificité de la déviance féminine juvénile dans l’immédiat après- imguerre, s’inscrit dans une histoire de la justice, de la jeunesse et du genre. Á partir d’archives judiciaires, les dossiers individuels du Tribunal pour enfants de la Seine et du Centre d’observation de Chevilly-Larue, elle retrace, à travers les mots des « experts » et les paroles des jeunes filles, l’essentiel de la sociabilité juvénile féminine, tout en cernant le contexte social et familial des classes populaires dans le Paris de la Libération. Ces éléments permettent de mettre en lumière l’importance des normes de genre dans la société des années 1950 : une « mauvaise fille » n’équivaut pas à un « mauvais garçon ». Cette thématique est abordée en termes de parcours et de portraits. Ainsi se dégagent les trois figures centrales de ce travail : des délinquantes, peu dangereuses pour le corps social ; des fugueuses, nombreuses et inquiétantes car susceptibles de tomber dans la troisième catégorie, la plus menaçante : celle des débauchées. La dimension morale est donc au centre des attentes concernant les conduites féminines juvéniles. L’intervention de la justice, par conséquent, se présente essentiellement comme le régulateur des supposés débordements sexuels des adolescentes : le traitement judiciaire des mineures délinquantes, fugueuses et débauchées, se résume à leur enfermement dans des institutions religieuses. Tout en soulignant le poids de l’ordre moral et l’importance du contrôle social dans la décennie qui suit la Seconde Guerre mondiale, cette étude pointe néanmoins également la force de résistance et l’élan vital de certaines de ces « mauvaises filles », incorrigibles, qui se jouent des conventions et décident malgré tout de vivre libres. / This study focuses on the specific features of feminine juvenile delinquency in the immediate post war period. It is situated at the crossroads of the history of Justice, Youth and Gender. Based on judiciary archives -- the individual files from the Seine Juvenile Court and from the« Observation center » of Chevilly-Larue (both located near or in Paris) – it analyses the experts' words and the girls' own voices, while endeavouring to locate them in the social and family contexts of the working classes in the decade following the Liberation of Paris. These elements pinpoint the central position of gender norms in the 50s: a “bad girl” is not the female version of a “bad boy”. Portraits of girls and their trajectories illustrate this statement. From this detailed study, three central character emerge: the offenders – who are not so dangerous for society; the runaways, numerous and ominous because they are likely to fall into the third category, that of the depraved, who are the most threatening. Morality is therefore at the core of society’s expectations regarding feminine juvenile conduct. Consequently, the intervention of Justice consists mainly in regulating the female teenagers and their supposed sexual misconduct. The judiciary response to minor offenders, runaways and depraved girls resides inevitably in confining the delinquent in a catholic institution run by nuns. While this work shows how heavy handed were the moral order and social control in the 1950s, it also illustrates the agency, strength and vitality of some of these “bad girls”, irredeemable, playing with social conventions and deciding to live freely -- whatever the cost.
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Porta entreaberta : a prostituição feminina enquanto trabalho e formação identitária /Carloni, André Ramos January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Helen Barbosa Raiz Engler / Resumo: Neste trabalho foi estudado o tema da prostituição feminina com a transversalidadedas Relações Sociais de Gênero e das construções identitárias. Desta forma, tem-seque a prostituição pode ser entendida como o ato de entrega do corpo e do sexo aoutrem em troca de dinheiro, e, assim, tornou-se um “trabalho”, mesmo que nãoreconhecido oficialmente no Brasil, há um esforço de uma parte para que o seja.Pode-se dizer que é algo que instiga a muitos, mas também pode-se afirmar que éobjeto de procura de diversas pessoas. Dentro deste cenário, vê-se que aprostituição feminina constitui um grande negócio, tanto no sentido de amplitude,quanto no sentido de movimentação financeira. E é por meio desta “profissão” quese pode perceber algumas representações sociais de mulheres e suascaracterísticas de identidade, lembrando que, as construções identitárias se fazemem um determinado tempo e espaço, sobretudo, dentro das relações sociais degênero, nos quais as mulheres ainda não conquistaram efetivamente o patamar deigualdade de direito e de oportunidade ao homem. Desta forma, objetivou-seaveriguar como se dá a conformação dos processos de formação da identidadefrente à notória desigualdade de gêneros no cenário da prostituição feminina, quecomo visto, não é legalmente reconhecida como profissão. Esta pesquisa se efetivoucom pesquisas no atual momento, isto é, entre os anos 2013 e 2016. Para tanto,além de uma extensa pesquisa bibliográfica que abordou desde l... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Doutor
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O prostituci a souvisejících doprovodných jevech / About the prostitution and related attendant phenomenaROZUMOVÁ, Petra January 2010 (has links)
Graduation Theses is focused on the problem of prostitution. The theoretical part deals with theoretical concept of prostitution, the characteristics of the prostitution-behaviour participants, the reasons of the existence of prostitution, prostitution in the Czech Republic, criminal activity, psycho-pathological phenomena and social-pathological phenomena associated with prostitution, the impacts of prostitution-behaviour and the prevention of prostitution. The practical part is focused on the interpretation of the in-depth interview. In this part there was given more space to the practical experiences with work with prostitution practicing persons and the comparison of practical knowledge and theoretical resources.
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Den överhängande risken att utsättas för våld i prostitution finns - oavsett verksamhetsområde : En jämförande kvalitativ studie om prostituerade kvinnors utsatthet att erfara våld av sexköpareEbba, Lichtenstein, Alexandra, Ng January 2017 (has links)
Ambitionen med denna studie har varit att läsaren ska få en inblick i det våld som medföljer prostitution och att den överhängande risken för att utsättas för våld förekommer oavsett om kvinnan är verksam inom “off-street” eller “on-street” prostitution. Syftet har varit att utföra en jämförande studie av den utsatthet för våld av sexköpare som kvinnor verksamma i “off- street” respektive “on-street” prostitution upplever. Vidare användes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av svenska biografier om prostitution för att studera hur kvinnorna i prostitution beskrev sina möten med sexköpare. De huvudsakliga resultaten är att det råder skillnader i det våld som kvinnorna erfarit av sexköpare och hur de beskriver sina upplevelser. De rådande skillnaderna har berott på vilket verksamhetsområde kvinnan varit aktiv i. Utifrån biografierna framkom det att kvinnorna verksamma ”off-street” hade ett sexuellt självskadebeteende, att det kunde urskiljas en normaliseringsprocess av det upplevda våldet samt att kvinnorna inom ”on-street” har en ökad risk för att utsättas för viktimisering enligt livsstilsteorin. Slutsatserna i denna studie är att de teoretiska utgångspunkterna har en betydande roll gällande vilken form av våld kvinnorna får erfara av sexköpare. / The aim of this study was to provide the reader with an insight into the violence that accompanies prostitution and that the imminent risk of violence is present regardless of whether the woman is active in “off-street” or “on-street” prostitution. The purpose has been to carry out a comparative study of the vulnerability to violence by sex buyers that women in “off-street” and “on-street” prostitution experience. In addition, a qualitative content analysis of Swedish biographies on prostitution was used to study how women in prostitution described their meetings with sex buyers. The main results are that there are differences in the violence that women experience from sex buyers and how they describe their experiences. These differences depended on whether the women were active in “off-street” or “on-street” prostitution. Based on the biographies, it was found that the women in “off-street” had a sexual self-harm, that a normalization process of the experienced violence could be distinguished and that women active “on-street” have an increased risk of being victimized according to the lifestyle theory. The conclusions of this study are that the theoretical aspects have a significant role in what kind of violence women in prostitution experience from sex buyers.
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Le « travail du sexe ». Genèses et usages d'une catégorie politique / « Sex work ». Genesis and uses of a political categorySimonin, Damien 14 September 2016 (has links)
La « prostitution » constitue actuellement un problème public en France, au croisement de luttes pour la réinsertion sociale ou la prévention sanitaire, contre les agressions ou pour l’obtention de droits. Différents collectifs se mobilisent pour imposer des définitions concurrentes entre deux pôles : l'abolition d'une « violence » et la reconnaissance d'un « travail ». De ces définitions découlent des revendications sur la réglementation de l'activité et la représentation du groupe.Partant de ce constat, cette thèse décrit la construction socio-historique du « travail sexuel » : la lutte d'un groupe minorisé pour s'approprier le pouvoir de définir le problème dont il fait l'objet. L'analyse part de la revendication de l'« invention » de la catégorie en 1978 aux États-Unis, jusqu'à l'adoption de la « loi visant à renforcer la lutte contre le système prostitutionnel » en avril 2016 en France. Elle se fonde d'une part sur un corpus documentaire pour retracer la diffusion et les usages de la catégorie, d'autre part sur une trentaine d'entretiens avec des personnes impliquées dans ces mobilisations pour restituer leurs parcours et leurs positions.La thèse montre d'abord des usages et des sens variés du « travail sexuel » selon les contextes, s'inscrivant notamment dans le mouvement féministe, la lutte contre le VIH/sida ou les débats sur l'immigration. Elle montre aussi une appropriation partielle du problème avec l'émergence d'un mouvement de « travailleur·se·s sexuel·le·s » au niveau international et en France. Elle montre enfin les difficultés de ce mouvement à imposer sa définition du « travail » et les déplacements qui en résultent des espaces et des objets de la lutte. / “Prostitution" is currently a public problem in France, at the intersection of struggles for social rehabilitation or health prevention, against assaults or for rights. Different groups are mobilizing for competing definitions between two poles : the abolition of "violence" and the recognition of a "work". From these definitions follow claims for the regulation of the activity and the representation of the group. On this basis, the thesis describes the socio-historical construction of "sex work" : a struggling group for the power to define the problem which constitutes itself as a minority. The analysis begins at the "invention" of the category, which is claimed in 1978 in the United States, until the "loi visant à renforcer la lutte contre le système prostitutionnel" adopted in April 2016 in France. It is partly based on documents to track the circulation and the uses of the category, and on thirty interviews with people involved in these protests to restore their career and their positions. The thesis first shows various uses and meanings of "sex work" in different contexts, thus joining the feminist movement, the fight against HIV / AIDS or debates on immigration. It also shows a partial ownership of the problem with the emergence of an international and french movement of “sex workers”. Finally, it shows the difficulties this movement finds to impose its definition of "work" and resulting displacements about spaces and objects of the struggle.
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Konstruktioner av en sexköpare : en diskursteoretisk analys av offentliga dokument / Constructions of a Sex Buyer : a Discourse Theoretical Analysis of Public DocumentsAhlén, Emil, Lundberg, Linn January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to present dominant discourses of sex buyers in public documents published before and after the implementation of the Swedish sex buyer law; making the purchase but not the sale of sexual services illegal. The purpose is further to examine what consequences these discourses might have on social work with sex buyers. We also aim to illustrate how language, gender, sexuality and power can be understood in the reading of the empirical material stretching from 1981 to 2016. With a discourse theoretical approach drawn from Laclau and Mouffe (2008 [1985]), five prominent discourses are identified; the average man, the homosexual man, the woman as a sex buyer, the man with the problematic sexuality and the sex buyer in need of help. The main findings are that processes of conflict among the discourses outlines a social problem where discourses that don’t include the heterosexual man as a sex buyer are subdued. Gender and sexuality in general and male heterosexual sexuality in particular is performed. As demands on a stricter legislation is propositioned we identified a linguistic offset; from descriptive graphic characteristics of the sex buyer to a depersonalization focusing on the action rather than the actor.
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Socialarbetares möjligheter att stödja sexförsäljare : En intervjustudie och diskursiv analys av hur tre socialarbetare uppfattar att sexköpslagen och de yrkesetiska principerna för socialarbetare påverkar deras möjligheter att stödja sexförsäljare / Social workers' opportunities to support sex sellersEriksson, Evelina January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine social workers’ discourses about the Swedish sex purchase law and how they perceive that the sex purchase law and the social workers’ professional ethical principles affect the social workers’ ability to support people who are selling sex. This study is a discourse analytical interview study based on a social constructionist perspective. The study focuses on analyzing the interviews based upon an inductive method. The interviews are qualitative and semi-structured. The interviews were conducted by interviews with three social workers with experiences of working with people who sell sex. The central focus of the study is to analyze the social workers’ statements that are regarded as their perceptions. The statements serve as arguments that answers the purpose questions. The results show that the interviewed social workers perceive that the sex purchase laws do affect the social workers’ ability to support people who sell sex. On the other hand, they show disagreement on whether the social workers’ professional ethical principles affected the social workers’ ability to support people who sell sex.
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Klädd, förklädd eller oklädd : Skepnad och transformationer i Saᵓadallāh Wannūs dramatikÖhrn, Per-Erik January 2017 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker den yttre skepnadens betydelse i mänskliga transformationer som förekommer i Saᵓadallāh Wannūs drama "Tuqūs al-išārāt wa al-taḥawwulāt" - "Ritualer för apparition och transformation". Med skepnad menas kläder, mask och genusbetingade attribut. Undersökningen är baserad på tre teoretiska områden: Queer theory och crossdressing, klädsel och sociala koder samt kvinnan i samhället. Analysen drar också nytta av vissa begrepp av Gerard Genette och A.J. Greimas som handlar om diskursanalys. Rollfigurerna genomgår metamorfoser av psykologisk och social karaktär. Jag visar hur förändringen av deras yttre apparition är avgörande för hur metamorfoserna effektueras och registreras av omgivningen. Resultatet visar att en inre, men osynlig, transformation inte är lika avgörande som en yttre, då den senare utmanar omgivningen och provocerar fram en motreaktion. En yttre omdaning kan destabilisera samhällsstrukturen, om den bryter mot normerna, / This thesis investigates the significance of outer appearance in human transformations, that occur in Saᵓadallāh Wannūs play "Tuqūs al-išārāt wa al-taḥawwulāt" - "Rituals of Signs and Transformations". Outer appearance i signified by costume, mask and gender-determined attributes. The investigation is done within three theoretical sectors: Queer theory and cross-dressing, clothes and social codes and women in society. The analyses also benefits from certain concepts by Gerard Genette and A.J. Greimas that deal with discourse analyses. The characters go through transformations of a social and psychological character. I demonstrate that the outer appearance is essential for how these are executed and received. My result shows, that an inner, but invisible, change is not as crucial as an outer, as the latter presents a challenge to people and provokes a counter-reaction. An outer appearance can destabilize the social structure, if it violates the standard conformity. / <p>Uppsatsen lades fram den 31 maj 2017 och slutliga versionen betygsattes 15 augusti 2017.</p>
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Beteendeförändring hos män som köper sex : ur yrkesverksammas perspektiv / Behavioral change in men who buy sex : professional perspectivesHertzberg, Lina January 2020 (has links)
I arbetet mot människohandel och prostitution understryks vikten av att minska efterfrågan på sexköp, det vill säga att få män sluta köpa sex. Med detta är det därför relevant att skapa en förståelse för hur man kan få sexköpare att ändra sitt beteende för att på så sätt stoppa den sexuella exploatering av kvinnor som sker genom sexhandel. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka yrkesverksammas erfarenheter av sexköpare som söker hjälp respektive sexköpare som inte gör det, för att skapa en förståelse för vad som gör att sexköpare ändrar sitt beteende. Studien bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med yrkesverksamma från hela Sverige, materialet har sedan analyserats med tematisk analys. I resultatet framgår det att det som upplevs vara betydande för en beteendeförändring hos män som köper sex är att skapa motivation samt medvetenhet hos männen. För att detta ska hända anses det vara betydelsefullt att komma åt sexköparnas kognitiva struktur som gör att de exempelvis rättfärdigar sitt beteende och där med fortsätter med beteendet. Vidare anses även att lära sig hantera sina känslor på ett hälsosamt sätt samt att det finns konsekvenser för sexköp vara betydande för att få män att sluta köpa sex. / In the fight against human trafficking and prostitution many emphasize the importance of working towards reducing the demand, in other words, decreasing the number of men who buy sex. Therefore, it can be considered important to create an understanding of how to get sex buyers to change their behavior and by doing so, stop the sexual exploitation of women through sex trade. The purpose of this study is to examine the experiences of professionals who meet sex buyers who get help changing their behavior and sex buyers who do not, in order to create an understanding what makes men who buy sex change their behavior according to professionals. The study is based on qualitative interviews with professionals from different parts of Sweden and has been analyzed using thematic analysis. The result confers the importance of creating motivation and awareness among sex buyers, in order to get them to change their behavior. To make this happen, it is considered important directing efforts to reconstruct the cognitive structure of the sex buyers, which for instance justifies their behavior and thereby counteract changing it. Furthermore, results from the interviews also indicated that it is important for the men to learn how to manage their emotions in a non-dysfunctional way, along with the existence of consequences for buying sex.
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Prostitution i Nationens Intresse - Paradoxen om prostitution i Sverige under reglementeringstidenBjörklund, Sanna, Muca, Valmira, Nilzén, Erik January 2020 (has links)
Prostitution som företeelse engagerar och väcker känslor, både bland individer och offentliga aktörer. I detta arbete belyser vi utvecklingen av samhällets syn på prostitutionen genom att analysera den period då den i Sverige var offentligt reglementerad och kontrollerad, 1859 – 1918. Denna tidsperiod rymmer avgörande skiftningar i offentligsamhällets syn på prostitution, en företeelse som tidigare under historien setts som en allvarlig försyndelse i sig. Reglementeringen infördes som ett smittskyddsprojekt där målet var att hejda spridningen av framför allt syfilis. Reglementeringen kom dock även att präglas av moraliska aspekter innan det, efter förnyade utredningar, konstaterades att den spelat ut sin roll för att hejda den veneriska smittspridningen. Prostitutionen kom då att regleras i andra lagrum. Studiens syfte är att, genom en kvalitativ litteraturstudie, kartlägga vilka lagar, regler och påföljder som omgärdat hanteringen av prostitutionen under den studerade perioden, hur statens och hälso-och sjukvårdens syn på prostitution sett ut och inverkat på lagstiftningen samt hur reglementeringssystemet kan förstås utifrån teorierna om stigma och det ideala offret. Arbetets huvudsakliga slutsatser är att det, i litteraturen, går att återfinna tydliga förändringar i offentligsamhällets attityder mot prostitution under den studerade perioden. I periodens början sågs prostitutionen huvudsakligen som ett sanitärt problem, men kom sedermera alltmer att betraktas som ett socialt. Vidare har vi kunnat påvisa att reglementeringssystemet väl låter sig förstås utifrån Erving Goffmans teori om stigma, men att den prostituerade kvinnans status som offer enligt Nils Christies teori om det ideala offret är mer komplex och mångfacetterad. / Prostitution as a phenomenon engages and evokes feelings, both among individuals and public actors. In this work, we illustrate the development of public society's view of prostitution by analysing the period when it was publicly regulated and controlled in Sweden, 1859 – 1918. This period contains crucial shifts in society's view of prostitution, a phenomenon previously in history seen as a serious offence in and of itself. The regulations were introduced as an infection prevention project with the goal to stop the spread primarily of syphilis. However, the regulations also came to be characterised by moral aspects before, after renewed investigations, it was stated that it had played its role in halting the spread of venereal disease and prostitution came to be regulated by other legislation. The purpose of the study is to identify, through a qualitative literature study, what laws, rules and penalties that surrounded the handling of prostitution during the studied period, what the state’s and health care system’s views on prostitution were and how they influenced the legislation and how the regulatory system can be understood based on the theories of stigma and the ideal victim. The essay’s main conclusions are that, in literature, it is possible to identify clear changes in the public society's attitudes towards prostitution during the period studied. At the beginning of the period, prostitution was mainly seen as a sanitary problem, but eventually it became viewed as a more social one. Furthermore, we have been able to demonstrate that the system of regulation can be understood on the basis of Erving Goffman's theory of stigma, but that the status of the female prostitute as victim according to Nils Christie's theory of the ideal victim is more complex and multifaceted.
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