Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then ideas victim"" "subject:"them ideas victim""
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Making News : An analysis of how human trafficking victims areportrayed in written Swedish news mediaWilson, Elin January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Hedersbrottslighetens ideala offer : En kvantitativ genomgång av polisens utredningar av brott med hederskaraktärAndersas, Lisa, Engholm, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka om egenskaper och omständigheter kring brottet, som kan kopplas till uppfattningen om det ideala offret, påverkar utfallet av polisers självständiga bedömningar av brott av hederskaraktär. För att studera detta har en kvantitativ metod tillämpas samt en logistisk regression av data baserad på identifierade brott av hederskaraktär i Dalarna genomförts. Studiens resultat visade att 11 variabler som har anknytning till egenskaper hos målsägare och gärningsperson samt omständigheter inom brottet och utredningen, såsom kön, ålder och anmälningstillfälle, har en signifikant betydelse för utfallet av bedömningarna. Studiens viktigaste slutsats är att det inte går att urskilja något tydligt samband mellan utfallet av uppmärksammade brott med hederskaraktär och uppfattningar som beskrivs i teorin om det idealiska offret. / "The ideal victims of honour-related crime" The purpose of this study is to examine if characteristics of victim and perpetrator and circumstances involving the crime, which are described in the theory of "the ideal victim", have an influence on the outcome of police employee’s independent assessment on crimes of honour character. In order to examine this a quantitative method has been applied and a logistic regression has been made of data based on identified crimes whit honour as a motive. The results of the study have shown that eleven variables which has a connection to characteristics and circumstances involving the crime and the investigation, as gender, age and circumstances surrounding reporting the crime, have a significant influence on the outcome. The study’s main conclusion is that no clear connection can be drawn between the outcome of assessments on crimes with an honour motive and the perception of the ideal victim.
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Tre berättelser och ett mord : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om hur tre podcasts gestaltar Sturebymordet / Three stories and one murder : A qualitative study about how three podcasts portray the murder in SturebyArturén, Frida, Brandin, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how the same murder case is being portrayedin three of Swedens biggest true crime podcasts; P3 Dokumentär, True Crime Sweden and Mordpodden. The case that has been studied is the murder of 15 year old Therese Johansson Rojo who was killed in June 2009. She was found dead in a forest in Stureby, Stockholm in Sweden and later on a 16 year old boy and his 16 year old girlfriend got arrested for the murder. Both of them were found guilty, the boy for murder and the girl for conspiracy to commit murder. The study examined similarities and differences in how the three main characters are described in the different podcasts and how gender is being represented. To achieve valid and reliable arguments and results, we have supported our statements in theories and previous research related to crime, gender and framing inmedia. The method that has been used in this study is a qualitative study including toolsas lexicality, modality and rhetoric. The analysis is divided in three parts, one for each main character and with two themes for each part, how their looks and personality are described in the different podcasts. The analysis showed that all three podcasts portray the main characters in similar ways. There is a lot of focus on the looks of the victim, Therese who is being portrayed as a stereotypic girl. She is also described as the ideal victim as a young and innocent girl. The mainly focus is however, especially in Mordpodden and in True crime Sweden, on the 16 year old girl and 16 year old boy and their relationship with each other. The boy and the girl are being described with dichotomies and are not portrayed, unlike Therese, as typical gender stereotypes. The 16 year old girl is mostly described as controlling and the boy is often described as an innocent victim. This means that the girl is being portrayed as masculine and the boy as feminin. By describing Thereseas the ideal victim and the perpetrators based on dichotomies, the podcasts create gender, based on Fagerström and Nilssons (2008) theory about how gender is being created.
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DEBATING THE LAW ORTHE VICTIM? : An analysis of the role of “Ideal victim” and the public debate on twitter around the “Law Mariana Ferrer”Lopes de Matos, Julya January 2023 (has links)
The present study aimed to analyse what gendered ideas around the ideal victim underpin thepublic debate on twitter around the ―Law Mariana Ferrer‖. For this purpose, it was questionedhow the law is discussed in relation to Mariana as a victim and how these discussions arelinked to gendered ideas about the ideal victim. That being the case it was concluded that thegendered ideas that permeate the construction of the ―ideal victim‖ can be both observedthroughout the whole debate in Twitter regarding the Law and thematically categorized usingcommon terms chosen to depict the illegitimate victims.
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En hovrätts bedömning av trovärdighet och tillförlitlighet i våldtäktsdomar år 2017 & 2021 : En innehållsanalytisk studie med utgångspunkt i det ideala offret / One Court of Appeal's assessment of credibility and reliability in rape convictions in 2017 & 2021 : A content analysis study based on the ideal victimBäckman-Mårdh, Sara, Belestam, Annika January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate how a plaintiff's story is valued in rape convictions and to see what could affect the credibility and reliability of the plaintiff and defendant. The study used 40 rape convictions from Svea Hovrätt distributed between 2017 and 2021, which were read through several times based on content analysis. The results were analyzed on the basis of theories such as the ideal victim, critical victimology and with a social constructionist perspective. Previous research in the same field was also used. The results of the study showed that there were no major differences between the years, but a small difference could be sensed where the bearing in the plaintiff's story weighed heavier in 2021 than 2017. What affected the reliability and credibility depended on whether it was the defendant or plaintiff. An indication of negative discrimination could also be noted concerning racialized persons, which mostly turned out to be due to language difficulties. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur en målsägandes berättelse värderas i våldtäktsdomar och för att kontrollera vad som kunde påverka trovärdigheten och tillförlitligheten för målsägande och tilltalad. I studien användes 40 våldtäktsdomar från Svea Hovrätt fördelade mellan 2017 och 2021, vilka lästes igenom flertalet gånger med utgångspunkt i innehållsanalys. Resultatet analyserades utifrån teorier som ideala offret, kritisk viktimologi och med ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv. Även tidigare forskning inom liknande områden användes. Studiens resultat visade att det inte fanns större skillnader åren emellan men det kunde anas en liten skillnad där bäringen i målsägandes berättelse vägde tyngre 2021 än 2017. Vad som påverkade tillförlitligheten och trovärdigheten var beroende av om det gällde den tilltalade eller målsäganden, vilket kunde synas i bedömningen av trovärdighet och tillförlitlighet vid berusning. En antydan till negativ särbehandling kunde också noteras rörande rasifierade personer vilket mestadels visade sig bero på språksvårigheter. / <p>En ambitiös uppsats uppsatts med intressant delvis juridisk dock även kriminologiskfrågeställning. Omfattande empiri. Delvis adekvat men möjligen lite väl omfattande och därför något spretigt teorival. Adekvat val av metod. Till uppsatsens obetingade styrkor hör att både kvalitativ ochkvantitativ metod används Välskriven även om visa språkliga skavanker kan observeras. Det förhållandevis ringa antalet fall samt analysmetoden har ger inte författarna möjligheteratt till fullo besvara uppsatsens frågeställningar. Bl.a. kunde man inte vänta sig attförändringar över tiden skulle kunna upptäckas om de inte var mycket dramatiska. Jag skulle också önska mer djupgående och integrerad avslutande diskussion. Men min sammanlagda bedömning är dock att det är en bra uppsats.</p>
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True crime - ett offer för underhållning : En retorisk analys av hur brottsoffer porträtteras i true crime-podcasts / True crime - a victim of entertainment : A rhetorical analysis of how crime victims are portrayed in true crime podcastsLindqvist, Moa, Berglund, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how crime victims are portrayed in the true crime genre, specifically podcasts, in order to find out what opportunities the receivers have for meaning making regarding victims. The study analyzes a total of four podcast episodes produced by P3 Dokumentär and Jakten på mördaren which are two very large podcasts in Sweden based on listeners. The theoretical framework consists of the framing theory and victimology. It is a qualitative study based on a rhetorical model which consists of various tools and concepts, such as context, forms of appellations and figure of speech. The results showed that the victims are portrayed based on their personality and appearance. Two of the episodes had a more detailed description overall about the victim, while the other two episodes focused more on the murderer and how the crime unfolded. The essay concludes that all the episodes consist of appellations, such as ethos and pathos to convince the audience, gain their trust and reach their emotions. There were different kinds of framing in all the episodes, and it told us a lot about how the producer of the episode wanted to portray the victim. We established some linguistic patterns that connected to previous studies made for similar purposes. Some linguistic patterns were that the victims often were portrayed innocent and as an underdog regardless how the story of the crime went. The details about the murder, the crime scene and the victim were ingoing and very figuratively described.
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The Double Standard towards Men's and Women's Violent Behaviour : En kvantitativ experimentell studie angående människors attityder till våldsbrott i förhållande till kön / Dubbelmoralen gentemot Män och Kvinnors Våldsamma Beteende : En kvantitativ experimentell studie angående människors attityder till våldsbrott i förhållande till könKnapasjö, Martina, Klindt, Jenny January 2015 (has links)
The present study tested the prediction that male offenders are judged more harsly than female offenders for involving in a violent crime. Three-hundred and fifty-four adult students (163 men, 190 women, 1 unspecified gender) evaluated a hypothetical crimescenario describing a violent conflict between two parties, as part of a 2 (Informants Gender: Male/Female) x 3 (Offender Gender Triad: Male/Female/Neutral) x 3 (Victim Gender Triad: Male/Female/Neutral) between-subjects design. In situations involving male offenders, compared to female offenders, the informants judged the male offenders more harshly which exposed a double standard, as we expected. Informants also believed that it was more likely that a male offender was a recidivist.
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Fallet Lisa Holm : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur offerskap och gärningsmannaskap konstrueras och framställs i nyhetsrapporterande media / The case of Lisa Holm : A Critical Discourse Analysis of how Victim and Offenders are constructed and presented in the News MediaJohansson, Madeleine, Tiderman, Rebecca January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att studera hur nyhetsrapporterande media framställer och konstruerar offer- och gärningsmannaskap i fallet Lisa Holm. Det insamlade materialet utgjordes av artiklar tillhörande två av Sveriges ledande nyhetsmedier. En kritisk diskursanalys användes genom Faircloughs tredimensionella modell för att analysera texten, den diskursiva praktiken samt den sociala praktiken. Resultatet analyserades sedan med hjälp av Christies teori om det ideala offret. Resultatet och de slutsatser som drogs visade starka indikatorer på att Lisa Holm kan erkännas en legitim offerroll och är att anse som ett idealt offer, samt att Nerijus Bilevicius till viss del innehar, enligt teorins ramverk, ett idealt gärningsmannaskap. Familj och anhöriga bar dessutom inverkan på förstärkningen av de konstruerade rollerna, främst avseende Lisa Holms offerskap. Resultatet stämmer väl överens med tidigare forskning avseende att artiklarna reproducerar diskurser om offerskap, stereotypa gärningsmän samt om gärningsmän med annan etnisk härkomst. / The aim and purpose of this study was to investigate how the newspapers portrays and constructs the victims and offenders in the case of Lisa Holm. The collected material came from articles gathered from two of Sweden’s leading newspapers. A critical discourse analysis was used through Faircloughs three-dimensional model to analyse text, discourse practice and social practice. Then the results were analysed with help of Christies theory of the ideal victim. The results and conclusions drawn showed strong indicators that Lisa Holm can be recognized as an ideal victim and that Nerijus Bilevicius to a certain degree possesses, according to the theory's framework, an ideal offender.The family and relatives, in addition, have influence over the strengtheningof the constructed roles, most importantly regarding Lisa Holm’s role as a ideal victim. The results are in line with previous research, which shows that the articles reproduce discourses about victimhood, stereotypical offenders and offenders with different ethnic backgrounds.
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Fallet Lisa Holm : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur offerskap och gärningsmannaskap konstrueras och framställs i nyhetsrapporterande media / The case of Lisa Holm : A Critical Discourse Analysis of how Victim and Offenders are constructed and presented in the News Media.Tiderman, Rebecca, Johansson, Madeleine January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att studera hur nyhetsrapporterande media framställer och konstruerar offerskap och gärningsmannaskap i fallet Lisa Holm. Det insamlade materialet utgjordes av artiklar tillhörande två av Sveriges ledande nyhetsmedier. En kritisk diskursanalys användes genom Faircloughs tredimensionella modell för att analysera texten, den diskursiva praktiken samt den sociala praktiken. Resultatet analyserades sedan med hjälp av Nils Christies teori om det ideala offret. Resultatet och slutsatser som drogs visade starka indikatorer på att Lisa Holm kan erkännas en legitim offerroll och är att anse som ett idealt offer, samt att Nerijus Bilevicius till viss del innehar, enligt teorins ramverk, ett idealt gärningsmannaskap. Familj och anhöriga bar dessutom inverkan på förstärkningen av de konstruerade rollerna, främst avseende Lisa Holms offerskap. Resultaten stämmer väl överens med tidigare forskning, med avseende på att artiklarna reproducerar diskurser om offerskap, stereotypa gärningsmän samt om gärningsmän med annan etnisk härkomst. / The aim and purpose of the study was to investigate how the newspapers portrays and constructs the victims and offenders in the case of Lisa Holm. The collected material came from articles gathered from two of Sweden’s leading newspapers. A critical discourse analysis was used through Faircloughs three-dimensional model to analyse text, discourse practice and social practice. The results were analysed with help of Nils Christie's theory of the ideal victim. The results and conclusions drawn showed strong indicators that Lisa Holm can be recognized as an ideal victim and that Nerijus Bilevicius to a certain degree possesses, according to the theory's framework, an ideal offender. The family and relatives, in addition, have influence over the strengthening of the constructed roles, most importantly regarding Lisa Holm’s role as an ideal victim. The results are in line with previous research, which shows that the articles reproduce discourses about victimhood, stereotypical offenders and offenders with different ethnic backgrounds.
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“Allt våld mot kvinnor måste upphöra” : Våld i nära relationer, Genus och Det ideala offret i kommunala handlingsplaner -en kvalitativ innehållsanalysHansson, Lisa, Slåtteby, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studie var att analysera, beskriva och jämföra fyra kommuners handlingsplaner mot våld i nära relationer med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Utifrån genus och teorin om det ideala offret. Analysen av handlingsplanerna visade att våld i nära relationer beskrevs som ett komplext våld som inte går att hitta en ensam orsak till utan att det handlar om flera olika orsaker. I handlingsplanerna beskrivs vidare våld i nära relationer som ett våld som mestadels kvinnor utsätts för, detframkommer även att våldet sker i alla typer av relationer och samhällsklasser. Kvinnan beskrivs i handlingsplanerna som det svagare könet vilket stämmer in på vår genusteori av Harding och den symboliska processen. Det finns också en konstruktion av kvinnan som det ideala offret och en reproducering av normer och attityder som ger en stereotypisk föreställning om våld i nära relationer, i de kommunala handlingsplaner vi analyserade. / The purpose of the study was to analyse, describe and compare fourmunicipal action plans against intimate partner violence with the help of qualitative content analysis. Based on gender and the theory of the ideal victim. The analysis of the action plans showed that intimate partner violence was described as a complex act of violence and there is not only one ulterior cause, it is about several ulterior causes. In the action plans is the intimate partner violence described as a repeated act of violence to which most women are exposed to, but they also state that the violence occurs in all types of relationships and in all classes of society. The woman is described in the municipal action plans as the weaker sex, which is in line with our gender theory by Harding whit the symbolic process. There is a one-sided constructionof the woman as the ideal victim and a reproduction of norms and attitudes as a stereotypical conception of intimate partner violence, in themunicipal action plans we analysed.
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