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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Distriktssköterskans erfarenhet av att arbeta med utsatta barn och deras familjer / District nurses' experiences in working with vulnerable children and their families

Liljedal, Helena January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vetskapen om att barn utsätts för övergrepp, kränkningar eller försummelse berör oss människor starkt. Utsatthet är när en vuxen person utsätter ett barn för fysiskt eller psykiskt våld, sexuella övergrepp, kränkningar eller försummar att tillgodose barnets grundläggande behov. Distriktssköterskans roll i barnhälsovården är att minska skadlig påfrestning för barnföräldrar samt att minska hälsoproblem för barnfamiljen och ge stöd och vård till barn och föräldrar. Syftet med studien var att undersöka distriktssköterskans erfarenhet av att arbeta med utsatta barn och deras familjer, samt hur distriktssköterskan stödjer och bemöter familjen. Metod: Åtta distriktssköterskor intervjuades och kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats användes för att analysera data. Resultat: Studien resulterade i tre huvudkategorier samt nio underkategorier. Huvudkategorierna är: Utsatthet utifrån ett distriktssköterskeperspektiv. Distriktssköterskan värnar om familjen. Distriktssköterskans engagemang.  Slutsats: Distriktssköterskors intervention i arbetet med utsatta barn och deras familjer, kan underlättas genom att tydliggöra deras yrkesansvar för relationen till familjerna. Då skapas förutsättning för att familjerna kommer med barnen till BHV, vilket möjliggör att distriktssköterskan kan värna och stödja barnet och familjen. / Background: The knowledge that children are exposed to child abuse or neglect affects humans strongly. Child maltreatment is when an adult exposes a child to physical or mental violence, sexual assault, abuse or neglect, and failure to meet the child´s basic needs. District nurse's role in child health care is to reduce harmful stress on the families with children, and to reduce health problems for families and provide support and care to children and parents. The Aim of this study was to explore district nurses experiences in working with vulnerable children and their families, and how the district nurse support and treat the family. Method: Eight district nurses were interviewed and a qualitative content analysis with inductive approach was used to analyze data. Results: This study results in three main categories and nine sub-categories. The main categories are: Vulnerability from a district nurse perspective. The district nurses protect the family. District nurse's engagement: Conclusion: District nurse's interventions in daily work with vulnerable children and their families, has to be facilitated by clarifying their professional liability of the relationships with families. That will provide the families to come with their children to the child health care, and enable the district nurses to protect and support them.

脈絡下的保護責任:文本探勘的再詮釋 / Contextualizing Responsibility to Protect: Re-Interpretation of Text Mining

張道宜, Chang, Tao Yi Unknown Date (has links)
保護責任(R2P)是當前國際社會最受矚目,但同時也最受爭議的概念之一,有人認為這個概念有助於實踐國際人權,幫助國際社會向需要幫助的人民伸出援手;有學者認為這是為了解決主權與人權之間的爭端;更有人認為這只是「人道干涉」的借屍還魂,不過是西方強權為了干涉他國的手段而已。 隨著時間進展,當2005年保護責任在世界高峰會(World Summit)中得到聯合國會員國一致共識同時,有人認為R2P原本試圖修正「人道干涉困境」與國際法架構的雄心壯志,淪落對現有國際法架構的確認,無疑地呈現顯著的概念質變(conceptual change)。然而當民主春風吹過中東與北非地區,阿拉伯之春導致許多政府爆發侵犯人權情事,R2P再度受到矚目,甚至在2011年被聯合國安理會引用,作為干涉利比亞局勢的重要說辭,產生與2005年世界高峰會截然不同的內容。儘管被視為R2P概念成形以來的一大勝利,但也掀起新一波對R2P概念的爭辯。 本文主張,R2P面臨如此爭議,「定義」以及「與主權關係」不明是最主要的原因之一。對於支持者而言,這是有別於人道干涉,且根據現行「負責任主權」的全新人權執行機制,符合「即時性」、「有效性」的大原則。但對於反對者而言,這是人道干涉藉由「責任」一詞改頭換面,「換湯不換藥」,表面說詞再動人,都無法掩蓋他基於國家私利,干涉他國完整,破壞國家主權體系的意圖。 為了解決這項爭議,本研究試圖透過「語料庫語言學」的方法回答以下研究問題:第一,對於實際參與聯合國決策的各國代表而言,到底何謂「R2P」?在聯合國的場域中,「R2P」的出現是否真如部分學者所主張,漸漸改變「主權」的內涵?第二,如果主權概念與「R2P」的概念確實存在連動關係,那關係為何? 根據本研究的研究成果可以發現,第一,在聯合國安理會的場域中,2005年世界高峰會的共識確實取代既有概念,讓「R2P」內容產生質變。但過去的「預防」概念依舊得到存續。第二,「R2P」概念的出現確實為「主權」增加更多的「責任」,儘管在安理會的場域中幅度並不大,但當有意識地使用「R2P」時,會特別強調「責任」的重要性。第三,儘管許多學者主張「R2P」的概念已經形成共識,重點在於「實踐」而非「爭辯」,但實際上真正重視「實踐」者,恐怕只有聯合國秘書長本人。 / Although generally recognized in World Summit Outcome Document, Responsibility to Protect (R2P) is one of the most controversial concepts of International Relations (IR). Especially, its relationship with sovereignty is one of the most debatable ones. For answering the questions, it is purposed to inquiry texts of meeting verbatim record of United Nations (UN), with the assistance of discourse analysis and digital toolkits. While scholars of IR and Political Thoughts have analyzed its theoretical, definition, legal and implementation dimensions, little attention is paid to its discursive change to examine their mutual influence. For proceeding full and large-scale research, present techniques of text mining enable researchers to work on “big texts”, and to extract the linguistic context beyond them. In general, this thesis is intended to complete the following advancements of IR studies: firstly, establish the contextual understanding of conceptual change of R2P and sovereignty, and find if hidden information exists behind those texts; secondly, if text mining and related toolkits does assist fulfillment of this proposal, it might be possibly new research skill to be applied in IR. This thesis investigates the present understandings of Sovereignty and R2P in IR. It hypothesizes that, firstly, most of present researches on R2P neglected the role of language; secondly, the generation of R2P might be related to the conceptual change of sovereignty in twenty-first century.

Die afweging van belange van grondeienaars en plakkers / J.A.H May

May, Johan André Hugo January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the development of the notion of property concept since the promulgation of the Constitution of South Africa 108 of 1996 with special reference to the influence of statutory developments and especially the influence of Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act 19 of 1998. In the preamble to the Constitution it is made very clear that the injustices of the past are recognised and that it is endeavoured to rectify the division of the past and that all efforts are to be made to build a future that is characterised for the acknowledgement of human rights, democracy, equality and peaceful co-existence. In the Bill of Rights the right to property is acknowledged as a fundamental right and is it also mentioned that the state must respect, protect, promote and fulfil the rights in the Bill of Rights. Before the Constitution common law protection for ownership was well established, but no statutory protection for ownership existed. The effect of the property clause (section 25) of the Constitution was that not only ownership, but also other rights to property protected. The property clause prescribes that no one may be deprived of his property, except in terms of law of general application, and no law may permit arbitrary deprivation of property. No fundamental right is absolute with the effect that conflict may arise between the different clauses of the Bill of Rights. A typical example may be where the rights of an owner of immovable come into conflict with another person's right to housing. It must, however, always be borne in mind that no fundamental right is absolute that it is possible, under certain circumstances, to limit a fundamental right. This limitation may also occur in the case of property rights. Certain statutory developments took place since the promulgation of the Constitution. The most important of these developments is of course the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act 19 of 1998. In terms of this Act it is required that certain formalities are to be fulfilled before an unlawful occupier may be evicted from property. The relevant part of the Act is the definition of an illegal occupier. Despite the fact that it was decided in several court cases that an illegal occupier does not include a person who previously had permission to occupy the property, it was decided by the Supreme Court of Appeal in Ndlovu v Ngcobo : Bekker v Jika that the act is applicable to such occupiers and specifically to lessees who's lease agreements have expired or a mortgagor who's mortgage has been foreclosed and who now refuses to vacate the property in question. The key findings are that the property concept has developed drastically since the Constitution. In regard to statutory development the most important development was the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act which was found to be applicable to all unlawful occupiers of property, regardless of the fact that the occupiers may previously have occupied the property lawfully. The Legal Amendment Bill is to rectify this in order to ensure that the Prevention of lllegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act will no longer be applicable to such occupiers and specifically to lessees who's lease agreements have expired or mortgagors who's bond have been called up and who now refuse to vacate the property in question This amendment will bring the (often) conflicting fundamental rights to property and housing into a greater degree of harmony, even though it will not solve all problems. It is the duty of the State to address this and all other potential conflict between different fundamental rights. The method used in this dissertation was the analytical study of statutes, court cases and articles in legal magazines. / Thesis (LL.M. (Estate Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.

Die afweging van belange van grondeienaars en plakkers / J.A.H May

May, Johan André Hugo January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the development of the notion of property concept since the promulgation of the Constitution of South Africa 108 of 1996 with special reference to the influence of statutory developments and especially the influence of Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act 19 of 1998. In the preamble to the Constitution it is made very clear that the injustices of the past are recognised and that it is endeavoured to rectify the division of the past and that all efforts are to be made to build a future that is characterised for the acknowledgement of human rights, democracy, equality and peaceful co-existence. In the Bill of Rights the right to property is acknowledged as a fundamental right and is it also mentioned that the state must respect, protect, promote and fulfil the rights in the Bill of Rights. Before the Constitution common law protection for ownership was well established, but no statutory protection for ownership existed. The effect of the property clause (section 25) of the Constitution was that not only ownership, but also other rights to property protected. The property clause prescribes that no one may be deprived of his property, except in terms of law of general application, and no law may permit arbitrary deprivation of property. No fundamental right is absolute with the effect that conflict may arise between the different clauses of the Bill of Rights. A typical example may be where the rights of an owner of immovable come into conflict with another person's right to housing. It must, however, always be borne in mind that no fundamental right is absolute that it is possible, under certain circumstances, to limit a fundamental right. This limitation may also occur in the case of property rights. Certain statutory developments took place since the promulgation of the Constitution. The most important of these developments is of course the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act 19 of 1998. In terms of this Act it is required that certain formalities are to be fulfilled before an unlawful occupier may be evicted from property. The relevant part of the Act is the definition of an illegal occupier. Despite the fact that it was decided in several court cases that an illegal occupier does not include a person who previously had permission to occupy the property, it was decided by the Supreme Court of Appeal in Ndlovu v Ngcobo : Bekker v Jika that the act is applicable to such occupiers and specifically to lessees who's lease agreements have expired or a mortgagor who's mortgage has been foreclosed and who now refuses to vacate the property in question. The key findings are that the property concept has developed drastically since the Constitution. In regard to statutory development the most important development was the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act which was found to be applicable to all unlawful occupiers of property, regardless of the fact that the occupiers may previously have occupied the property lawfully. The Legal Amendment Bill is to rectify this in order to ensure that the Prevention of lllegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act will no longer be applicable to such occupiers and specifically to lessees who's lease agreements have expired or mortgagors who's bond have been called up and who now refuse to vacate the property in question This amendment will bring the (often) conflicting fundamental rights to property and housing into a greater degree of harmony, even though it will not solve all problems. It is the duty of the State to address this and all other potential conflict between different fundamental rights. The method used in this dissertation was the analytical study of statutes, court cases and articles in legal magazines. / Thesis (LL.M. (Estate Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.

L’interaction entre la souveraineté des Etats et les droits de la personne humaine : vers la responsabilité de protéger / Dialogue between the souveraniete and the rights of individual : responsibility to protect

Fahandej-Saadi, Ardavan 15 December 2012 (has links)
A travers de la cristallisation du droit d’ingérence et la responsabilité de protéger la Communauté internationale tente de combler l'écart entre la moralité et la légalité de l’ingérence à des fins de protection de droits humains. Car l’ingérence à des fins de protection humaine, depuis de la fin de la guerre froide, a trouvé une base juridique coutumière et ne correspond plus à un acte exceptionnel susceptible de se justifier dans certaines hypothèses. Dans cette démarche, en cas d’échec du Conseil de sécurité à la mise en œuvre d’une ingérence militaire, les organisations régionales pourraient sans autorisation « préalable » et « précise » du Conseil de sécurité, engager une ingérence armée. L’étude de la valeur juridique de l’ONU et les pratiques depuis de la fin de la guerre froide, permet de constater que si le droit d’ingérence et la responsabilité de protéger n’ont pas encore trouvé un fondement « direct » dans les conventions internationales, ils peuvent cependant trouver un socle juridique dans la coutume internationale. En effet, l’analyse de la valeur des résolutions de l’ONU et des éléments coutumiers du droit d’ingérence et de la responsabilité de protéger montrent comment les résolutions 43/131 et 45/100 de l’Assemblée générale ont inauguré le processus du droit d’ingérence et la responsabilité de protéger. Et depuis les années 1990, la pratique du Conseil de sécurité, illustrée par un nombre important de résolutions ayant donné lieu à la mise en œuvre d’opérations tout aussi nombreuses, ainsi que la pratique des Etats et les organisations régionales donnent un corps juridique à l’ingérence à des fins de protection humaine et ne laissent aucun doute sur la nature juridique de celle-ci. / Through crystallization of the right and responsibility to intervene to protect the international community tries to bridge the gap between morality and legality of the interference for the protection of human rights. As interference in human protection purposes, since the end of the Cold War, found a legal basis for customary and does not correspond to an exceptional act may be justified in certain circumstances. With this approach, in case of failure of the Security Council in the implementation of military interference, regional organizations could without authorization "prior" and "precise" Security Council, commit armed interference. The study of the legal status of the UN and practices since the end of the Cold War, shows that if the right of intervention and the responsibility to protect has not yet found a foundation "live" in international conventions, however, they can find a legal basis in customary international law. Indeed, analysis of the value of UN resolutions and customary law elements of interference and the responsibility to protect demonstrate how resolutions 43/131 and 45/100 of the General Assembly inaugurated the process the right of intervention and the responsibility to protect. And since the 1990s, the practice of the Security Council, illustrated by a large number of resolutions that led to the implementation of operations just as many, and the practice of States and regional organizations to provide a legal body interference for human protection and leave no doubt about the legal nature of the latter.

Informovanost studentů střední školy v problematice výskytů mimořádných událostí na území města Klatovy / Awareness of high school students in the occurrence of the emergency events in the city Klatovy

BUREŠ, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
Almost every day, people are exposed to various dangers that pose for them unexpected situations, such as natural disasters, accidents or variety of accidents involving the release of hazardous substances. To reduce these incidents the state adopts various measures such as legal standards. Such a main measure is to protect the population. To mitigate the effects of emergencies it is necessary citizens also know how to preserve these adverse situations, how they react and how to help themselves and the others. It is possible however not without constant education. Education and population education should start at an early age and throughout life would have knowledge in this area should get deeper. In the theoretical part of this thesis all the incidents with which one can meet are described. Whether it is an extraordinary event caused by natural or caused by man. Further on procedures relating to just protect the population. How to behave at the signal "general alert" to prepare for an evacuation and how you perform or how to hide in the case of danger. Furthermore acquainted with crisis situations that may arise. Also important they are the procedures of the individual components of the integrated rescue system, which play a big role in fighting emergencies. Finally, theoretical part explains the statistics, which represent a large percentage of research. The aim of this study was to evaluate students' knowledge selected at secondary schools in the occurrence of the incident and the knowledge of the activities arising for citizens in case of emergency on the territory of the district Klatovy. Subsequently, two hypotheses were set, namely: H1: "Students selected secondary schools are aware of the possibility of extraordinary events in the town Klatovy" and H2: "Students from higher grades have more information on the issue of protecting the population than students of lower classes." To these targets and verify of the hypotheses it was necessary to compile an anonymous questionnaire focused on this issue and agree with it on statistical surveys. The survey was conducted at a secondary school at Business college in Klatovy and the sample consisted the numer of 200 students. 100 students from the 1st and 2nd grade and 100 students from the 3rd and 4th grades. The questionnaire contained 13 questions and there was always only one correct answer. The success rate among the issues was very diverse. The results were striking some questions, but there are also questions that the students completed without any problems. The term "general warning" was known only by 21% of students. This means that if a general warning tone will be 79% of the students know what to do. Conversely, 90% of students knew with an overview of important phone numbers to be dialed in an emergency. Only 39% of students have an overview of the risks due to them on the territory of district Nýrsko water reservoir. 86% of all students have a good grasp of the individual components of the integrated rescue system. Overall, students with lower grades were successful 49% success rate. 42% of students got older. Then 7% less. Through descriptive and mathematical statistics the evaluation of hypothese was achieved. Hypothesis no. 1 was confirmed on the basis of descriptive statistics. Hypothesis no. 2 was refuted by means of mathematical statistics, which means that students of higher classes have no more information to the occurrence of extraordinary events on the territory of district of Klatovy. All the data is processed and presented in the "Discussion" and "Results". The results of this work have been forwarded to the school management representatives who act as an annual lecture on emergency and the first aid principles in the context of armed courses Hracholuska dam. The questions used in the questionnaires can be used and properly explained during these mandatory courses within the presentations that focus on individual questions used in the questionnair

Comportement des sables sous sollicitation d’impact à faible vitesse : application au dimensionnement de couches de sol protégeant les structures des impacts rocheux / Behavior of sand subjected to low velocity impact loads : application to the design of soil layers to protect structures from impacting loads

Oussalah, Tarik 18 June 2018 (has links)
Les sols sont utilisés dans différents dispositifs de protection contre les chutes de blocs rocheux : pour couvrir des structures exposées, telles que les tunnels ou les galeries, ou construire des merlons. Une campagne d’essais expérimentaux instrumentés a été menée pour compléter l’observation des phénomènes, en particulier pour mieux caractériser la distribution spatio-temporelle de pression induite à l’interface entre la couche de sol protectrice et la structure, dans différentes configurations d’impact. Plusieurs configurations d’impacts ont été considérées, caractérisées par l’épaisseur de sable (D), le diamètre équivalent du bloc rocheux (B, ou sa masse) et sa hauteur de chute libre (H). L’étude paramétrique expérimentale a comporté 43 essais, combinant systématiquement différentes valeurs de D, B et H de l’ordre de celles rencontrées en pratique. Suite au dépouillement des mesures, une expression de la pression induite à l’interface sol-structure pendant un impact au sommet de la couche de sol protectrice a été proposée. La démarche exposée pour établir, dans une configuration d’impact D, B et H, les valeurs des paramètres qui caractérisent les cinq grandeurs décrivant la distribution spatio-temporelle de pression induite à l’interface sol-structure, peut être appliquée à d’autres natures de sols ou densités de compactage. Par ailleurs, un modèle numérique tridimensionnel simple de calcul en déformations, en dynamique explicite, a été développé. Le comportement en déformations du sol a été représenté par un modèle élastoplastique, avec critère de rupture de Mohr-Coulomb et faible dilatance. Les calculs ont été réalisés avec le logiciel ABAQUS. Enfin, une méthode de dimensionnement des couches de sol en protection de structures a été proposée. Cette méthode comporte deux étapes : (1) Pour la configuration d’impact B, D, H considérée, utiliser l’expression développée dans cette étude pour définir la distribution spatio-temporelle de pression induite à l’interface sol-structure, puis (2) Calculer en dynamique la structure soumise à cette impulsion de pression. / An extensive experimental parametric study has been carried out to characterize how impact loads of low velocity (lower than 100 km/h) are transmitted to a structure through a protective sand layer. Different rock fall conditions have been considered, corresponding to actual conditions in current practice. The experimental program consisted of 43 full scale impact tests on a sand layer protecting a concrete foundation mat, combining three sand layer thicknesses (1, 1.5 and 2 m), impacting blocs of equivalent diameters in the range of 0.42 to 1.79 m and five free falling heights, up to 33 m. Based on the analysis of pressure cells measurements for the different rock fall conditions, the pressure induced at the interface between the protective sol layer and the structure by an impact was expressed in terms of impact conditions, defined by layer thickness (D), size of the impacting bloc (B) and height of free fall (H). Procedures to derive the model parameters from the tests are explained in detail. A numerical model was developed to simulate an impact on a structure protected by a soil layer based on a deformation analysis approach. The Finite Element code ABAQUS was used. The bloc, the soil and the structure were considered as different bodies, having contact conditions between them. The stress‐strain relationship in the soil was assumed to be elastoplastic. Friction angle and dilation angles were derived from laboratory tests on the sand. The elastic modulus was assumed constant, equal to usual values for compacted sands. An approach is proposed for the design of soil layers to protect structures from impacting loads due to rock falls.

La prévention des conflits dans l'espace francophone africain : étude des démarches et des actions menées par l'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie / Conflict Prevention in the Francophone African Space : studie of the Approaches and Actions of the International Organization of La Francophonie

Ongotha, Charlène 05 June 2018 (has links)
Le siècle actuel est un siècle axé sur la protection des êtres humains contre les périls imminents qui menacent leur existence et que sont, pour n’en citer que quelques uns, la pauvreté, la maladie et la faim. Aussi, face à l’explosion des conflits internes, les débats sur la sécurité ont beaucoup évolué ces dernières années et ont conduit à la reconnaissance et à l’affirmation de la sécurité humaine en droit international. Cette situation aura une certaine incidence sur le système international et les débats sur la prévention des conflits du début du millénaire. Organisation politique et culturelle, la Francophonie intègre cette nouvelle conception de la sécurité dans ses actions de prévention structurelle des conflits dont le but est d’agir sur les causes profondes des conflits en travaillant principalement à l’édification d’un État de droit au service des populations civiles. L’espace francophone africain est particulièrement concerné par cette conflictualité politique extrêmement violente, ce qui justifie la légitimité de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie dans ce domaine. Pour autant, peut-elle être un acteur novateur de la prévention devant la multitude d’acteurs qui multiplient les interventions sur le continent et disposent de plus de moyens d’actions ? A-t-elle la capacité de rassembler l’ensemble de ses États membres sur des sujets d’intérêt commun et particulièrement, sur la prévention ? Ses programmes sont-ils un simple accompagnement des programmes internationaux, ou un complément utile et pertinent ? Autant de questions auxquelles nous tenterons d’apporter des réponses tout au long de cette recherche. / The current century is a century of protecting human beings against the imminent perils threatening their existence, and to mention but a few, proverty, disease and hunger. Also, faced with the explosion of internal conflicts, debates on security have evolved considerably these last years leading to the recognition and affirmation of human security in international law. This situation will have some impact on the international system and debates on conflict prevention at the turn of the millenium. As a political and cultural organization, La Francophonie integrates this new conception of security into its structural conflict prevention actions, the purpose of which is to act on the root causes of conflict by working primarily to build the rule of law in the service of civilian populations. The African Francophone area is particularly concerned by this extremely violent political conflict, which justifies the legitimacy of the International Organization of La Francophonie in this area. However, can it be an innovative actor of prevention in front of the multitude of actors who multiply the interventions on the continent and have more means of actions ? Does it have the capacity to bring together all of its Member States on topics of common interest and particularly on prevention? Are it's programs a simple accompaniment of international programs, or a useful and relevant complement? So many questions that we will try to provide answers throughout this research.

Udržování mezinárodního míru a bezpečnosti na africkém kontinentu oblastními dohodami a orgány (se zaměřením na mírové operace) / Maintaining the peace and security by regional arrangements in Africa (focusing on peace-keeping operations)

Fencl, Ivan January 2018 (has links)
Maintaining the peace and security by regional arrangements in Africa (focusing on peace-keeping operations) Abstract The present thesis focuses on the issue of peace-keeping operations maintained by the regional and sub-regional organizations in Africa, namely African Union and ECOWAS. The main statement of the thesis is the following: The United Nations is unable to react effectively to threats to international peace and security, especially in cases of mass violations of human rights in intrastate conflicts, that have severe impact on particular region including refugee crisis or spreading the conflict to other states of the region. In the thesis, particular instruments of the above-mentioned international organizations, that create the framework for operations for maintaining peace and security in the region, are described. Attention is also paid to the relevant bodies of the African union and ECOWAS such as Peace and security council of the AU or African standby force. The thesis elaborates on problematic or controversial issues from international law perspective. In the first place, the concept of humanitarian intervention and related concept of responsibility to protect is underlined. It is demonstrated that African Union and ECOWAS have significant contribution to these concepts when implementing...

Comunidades pesqueiras e a construção de territórios sustentáveis na zona costeira: uma leitura a partir da área de proteção ambiental da costa brava em Balneário Camboriú/SC / Fishing communities and the sustainable territory constructions in coastal zone: a reaing from the environmental protection area of costa brava in Balneario Camboriu

Foppa, Carina Catiana 27 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:55:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 parte 1.pdf: 2083414 bytes, checksum: ff5ada158f5c2f132197f8c9e87eb7af (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research comprises a socioecological diagnosis of Costa Brava Region, municipality of Balneário Camboriú, with emphasis on the artisanal fishing system, in order to place the main potentials and obstacles to the promotion of a Sustainable Territorial Development. From a commons resource management for ecodeveolopment framework, the work described the main socioecological relationships that occur at the eight fishing communities located at Costa Brava. This description concerned the main biophysical components that are available at the local socioecological systems, the development path, the institutional arrangements related to the coastal zone, as well as the composition of a scenario of stakeholders interaction, their conflicts, territorial relationships, and specifications from the local trade circuit. Such description contributed to the understanding of the current scenario of this region, conspicuously by a model of development adopted by the local policies, responsible for an increasing process of degradation of natural and cultural heritage. Yet, the occurrence of a protected area has been made possible the creation of alternative institutional designs, which has acted as a trigger for another development. As an aggregation to the framework, the combination of favorable factors and obstacles to the sustainable territorial development hás made possible point out how local socioecological scenario can, or not, to ease the construction of strategies that aim to establish sustainable territories / Esta pesquisa compreende um diagnóstico socioecológico da região da Costa Brava, município de Balneário Camboriú, com destaque para o sistema pesqueiro artesanal, com o intuito de pontuar os principais potenciais e obstáculos à promoção de um processo de desenvolvimento territorial sustentável. A partir do modelo de análise do enfoque da gestão dos recursos comuns para o ecodesenvolvimento, o trabalho descreveu as principais relações socioecológicas que envolve as oito comunidades da Costa Brava. A descrição envolveu as principais características biofísicas disponíveis nos sistemas locais, a trajetória de desenvolvimento, os arranjos institucionais associados à zona costeira, bem como a composição do cenário de interação dos atores locais, seus conflitos, relações territoriais, e especificidades do circuito de comercialização local. Tal descrição contribuiu para o entendimento do cenário atual dessa região costeira, marcado por um processo crescente de degradação do patrimônio natural e cultural, a partir de um modelo desenvolvimentista instituído pelas políticas locais. Ainda, a presença de uma Área de Proteção Ambiental tem possibilitado a criação de desenhos institucionais alternativos, que têm atuado como promotoras de outro desenvolvimento no local. Como agregação ao modelo de análise, a combinação de fatores favoráveis e obstáculos ao desenvolvimento territorial sustentável possibilitou indicar como o cenário socioecológico local pode, ou não, facilitar a construção de estratégias que visem o estabelecimento de territórios sustentáveis

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