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<p dir="ltr">Immunotherapy has revolutionized the field of oncology. While a lot of antibodies and small molecule inhibitors have been developed for this, a lot of targets remain undruggable in humans.</p><p dir="ltr">Targeted protein degradation has opened a new horizon in drug discovery where we can target these undruggable proteins. Proteolysis targeting chimeras using the ubiquitin-proteasomal system is one of the most popular TPD strategies that complement lysosomal degradation strategies to degrade intracellular proteins, typically using bifunctional small molecule degraders. Recently, large biomolecular and antibody conjugates have been developed for degrading membrane and extracellular proteins in cells, such as lysosomal targeting chimeras (LYTACs) and genetically encoded LYTACS, among several others. However, larger molecules have limitations in penetrating solid tumors. This dissertation work focused on the development of bifunctional small molecule degraders for programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1), a transmembrane protein ligand for the immune checkpoint programmed cell death 1 (PD-1). PD-L1 is highly expressed on several tumors, such as triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), non-small cell lung carcinoma, and renal cancer, and is known to suppress cancer-killing immune cells via interaction with PD-1 on T-cells. In addition, PD-L1 is also present on macrophages in the tumor microenvironments leading to further immune suppression and acquired resistance to anti-PD-1 therapy is associated with the upregulation of alternative immune checkpoints, thereby reducing anti-tumor efficacy. We have designed and synthesized bifunctional small molecules as PD-L1 degraders with different recruiters and linkers guided by computational studies with known PD-1/PD-L1 structures to show both cell surface and total protein degradation in human TNBC cells. In a separate project, we also developed small molecule conjugates to degrade an intracellular integral membrane protein of the endoplasmic reticulum with an unknown 3D structure, namely Diglyceride acyltransferase 2 (DGAT2). Recently, our lab identified DGAT2 as a new target for combating Alzheimer’s disease. Specifically, DGAT2 catalyzes triacylglycerol (TAG) synthesis using diacylglycerol and fatty acyl CoA as substrates. The accumulation of TAGs, mechanistically linked to DGAT2, results in “fat” or lipid droplets (LDs) inside the cells. Our lab showed that microglial cells (resident immune cells in the brain) accumulate LDs in the postmortem brains of human patients and mouse models (5xFAD) of Alzheimer’s disease and that the LD accumulation is driven by amyloid-beta (Ab) – a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease – via DGAT2 pathway. Further, these LD-laden microglia have phagocytic defects and are spared Aβ thereby affecting plaque accumulation and clearance. Inhibiting DGAT2 reduces the amount of TAG in the brain, which in turn reduces LDs and restores microglial ability to phagocytose Ab. However, commercially available DGAT2 inhibitors were unable to reduce LD load in older 5xFAD mice. Using AlphaFold’s models of DGAT2, we designed and identified sites to synthesize bifunctional DGAT2 degraders that resulted in reduced LDs in mouse primary microglial cells and enhanced phagocytosis of Aβ plaques in vivo in aged 5xFAD mice. Our approach shows a framework to develop bifunctional small molecule degraders for membrane proteins to potentially combat immune dysregulation in chronic diseases.</p>
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Strukturelle und funktionelle Zusammenhänge und Unterschiede archaebakterieller und eukaryontischer 20S-ProteasomeGroll, Michael 18 January 2005 (has links)
In eukaryotes protein degradation is performed by the ubiquitin-proteasome system. The 26S proteasome, a 2.5MDa large multimeric molecular machine, consists of more than 30 subunits and represents the core component of this proteolytic pathway. The complex is assembled from a proteolytically active 20S proteasome and two 19S regulator cap complexes. So far crystal structure, topology and enzymatic mechanism have only been elucidated for the 20S proteasome core particle (CP). CPs are assembled from four stacked rings of seven subunits each, following an alpha7beta7beta7alpha7-stochiometry. The strict established order of the proteasomal assembly and maturation is essential to prevent uncontrolled and premature protein degradation in the cell. CPs belong to the class of Ntn-hydrolases. Peptide hydrolysis is performed inside a central cavity at the active sites of the beta-type subunits, with Ogam of the hydroxyl group of the N-terminal threonine acting as the nucleophile. Release of the proteolytically active threonine through N-O-Acetyl rearrangement is the last step of the proteasomal assembly. Compartmentalisation of CPs is an important way to regulate substrate access to the central cavity as well as release of the generated oligopeptides. The activity of eukaryotic CPs are controlled by an unique mechanism: docking of regulatory complexes, like Blm3, PA28 or 19S, causes a conformational change of the N-terminal residues of the latent alpha-subunits, resulting in an activation of the proteolytically active sites. Archaebacterial CPs lack such regulatory gating mechanism. The controlled degradation of proteins by the proteasome dominates a variety of biological essential processes, like metabolic adaptation, apoptosis, inflammation, immune and stress response, as well as cell proliferation and cell differentiation. Selective and specific natural and synthetic inhibitors of CPs might find their practical application in treatment of cancer or inflammatory diseases.
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Études des modifications post-traductionnelles de Khd1p et de leur rôle dans la régulation de la traduction de l'ARNm ASH1 chez la levure Saccharomyces cerrevisiaePaquin, Nicolas January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Caracterização do repertório peptídico intracelular de células expressando o proteassomo imune. / Characterization of intracellular peptide repertoire of cells expressing the immune proteasome.Silva, Elisabete Rodrigues do Monte 18 March 2014 (has links)
Células eucarióticas contêm vários tipos de proteassomo que regulam o processo de degradação de proteína. Proteassomos são proteases multicatalíticas que são responsáveis pela maior parte de degradação não-lisossomal de proteínas em células eucarióticas. As três subunidades catalíticas do proteassomo são β1, β2 e β5. Em condições de stress e resposta imune essas três subunidades são substituídas por β1i, β2i and β5i, respectivamente, para formar o proteassomo imune. Estas três subunidades induzíveis, parecem alterar as especificidades de peptidase do proteassoma imune em células tratadas com IFN-<font face=\"symbol\">g. Nosso objetivo no presente trabalho foi caracterizar um modelo celular para a indução do proteassomo imune, e ainda investigar o repertório peptídeo intracelular produzido por esta forma particular do proteassoma, através da técnica de espectrometria de massas. Em resumo, os nossos dados mostraram um aumento de 3 vezes do peptídeo EL28 derivado da proteína RPT2 em células HeLa tratadas com o IFN-<font face=\"symbol\">g. O peptídeo EL28 pode ser de relevância clínica para o tratamento de distúrbios relacionados com a apresentação de antígenos, visto que ele parece ativar a atividade quimotripsina-like quando incubado com o extrato celular de células HeLa. / Eukaryotic cells contain several types of proteasome regulating the process of protein degradation. The proteasome are responsible for most non - lysosomal protein degradation in eukaryotic cells. The three catalytic subunits of the proteasome are β1, β2 and β5. Under conditions of stress and immune response these three subunits are replaced by β1i, β2i and β5i, respectively, to form the immune proteasome . These three inducible subunits, appear to alter the specificity of the immune proteasome peptidase in cells treated with IFN-<font face=\"symbol\">g. Our aim in this study was to characterize a cellular model for the induction of the immune proteasome, and even investigate the intracellular peptide repertoire produced by this particular form of the proteasome, through the technique of mass spectrometry. In summary, our data showed an increase of 3 times the peptide derived from RPT2 EL28 protein in HeLa cells treated with IFN-<font face=\"symbol\">g. The EL28 peptide may be of clinical relevance for the treatment of disorders related to antigen presentation, since it seems to activate the chymotrypsin-like activity when incubated with the cell extract of HeLa cells.
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Genome wide analysis for novel regulators of growth and lipid metabolism in drosophila melanogaster / Cribles Post-Génomiques pour l’Identification de Régulateurs de la Croissance et du Métabolisme Lipidique chez la DrosophileZahoor, Muhammad kashif 31 March 2011 (has links)
Le réseau de signalisation qui répond à l’insuline et aux nutriments est conservé chez les métazoaires, où il joue un rôle central dans le contrôle du métabolisme et de la croissance. Les nutriments assimilés sont soit directement utilisés pour la croissance tissulaire, soit stockés principalement sous forme de triglycérides. Chez la drosophile, l’activation de ce réseau de signalisation dans le corps gras, un organe qui remplit à la fois les fonctions hépatiques et destockage, induit une augmentation du stockage de lipides sous forme de nombreuses gouttelettes lipidiques (LDs). A l’inverse, la carence alimentaire se traduit par une augmentation de la taille des LDs et une diminution de lipides stockés. La kinase TOR (TargetOf Rapamycine) et son substrat S6 Kinase (S6K) jouent un rôle central dans cette régulation.Chez la drosophile, ces 2 kinases (dTOR et dS6K) contrôlent les aspects autonome-cellulaireset hormonaux de la croissance. En dépit de nombreuses études sur divers organismes modèles,destinées à comprendre les mécanismes régulateurs de S6K, rien n’est connu à ce jour sur lecontrôle de sa dégradation.Nous avons utilisé une banque de lignées exprimant des ARN interférant (RNAi) contre unegrande quantité de gènes de la drosophile, pour réaliser 3 des cribles génétiques destinés à identifier de nouveaux régulateurs du métabolisme et de la croissance. Dans le premier crible,les RNAi ont été induits dans la glande prothoracique, siège de la production de l’hormonestéroïde ecdysone connue pour réguler la croissance et les étapes du développement, souscontrôle de la nutrition et de la signalisation dTOR. Sur 7000 gènes criblés, 620 ont étéidentifiés comme nécessaire à la production d’ecdysone. Dans le second crible, nous avonsexprimé les RNAi de 4000 gènes dans le corps gras pour rechercher ceux qui induisaient uneaugmentation de la taille des LDs. L’objectif était d’identifier des gènes impliqués dans la réponse à la carence alimentaire, et nous avons ainsi retenu 24 candidats intéressants. Le troisième crible représente la majeure partie du travail de thèse, où nous avons criblé les RNAi susceptibles de modifier un phénotype de croissance induit par dS6K. Sur 7000 gènes testés,nous en avons retenu 45 qui ont ensuite été utilisés pour générer un diagramme d’interaction en utilisant les informations disponibles dans les banques de données. Les candidats les plus intéressants ont ensuite été analysés en culture de cellules pour identifier ceux qui régulent l’activité de dS6K et ceux qui régulent sont niveau d’expression. Parmi ces derniers, nousavons identifié le gène codant pour Archipelago (Ago), connue pour contrôler la dégradationrégulée des protéines-cibles au niveau du protéasome. Nous avons réalisé de nombreusesexpériences qui montrent que ago et dS6K interagissent génétiquement. En outre, il est indiquédans les banques de données que ces protéines interagissent entre elles par la technique des 2-hybrides en levure. Tous ces résultats révèlent que Ago régule la dégradation de dS6K, etposent les premières pierres de ce niveau de régulation. / The evolutionary conserved insulin and nutrient signaling network regulates growth andmetabolism. Nutrients are directly utilized for growth or stored, mostly as triglycerides. InDrosophila, activation of insulin/nutrient signaling in the fat body (the fly equivalent of liverand adipose tissue), causes an increase in fat stores composed of several small-size lipiddroplets (LDs). Conversely, fasting produces an increase in LD size and a decrease in fatcontents. The TOR kinase and its substrate S6 kinase (S6K) play a central role in this response,and particularly in Drosophila, they have been shown to orchestrate cell-autonomous andhormone-controlled growth. However, despite extensive research studies on different modelorganisms (mouse, fly, worm) to decipher the molecular and physiological functions of S6K,nothing is known about how its degradation is regulated.Taking advantage of the inducible RNA interfering (RNAi) library from NIG (Japan), we haveperformed three genetic screens to identify novel regulators of steroidogenesis, lipidmetabolism and dS6K-dependent growth. First, RNAi lines were screened in the ring gland; anorgan that controls the progression of the developmental steps by producing the steroidhormone ecdysone. Out of 7,000 genes screened, 620 positive candidates were identified toproduce developmental arrest and/or overgrowth phenotypes. Then, we challenged 4,000 genesby RNAi screening able to recapitulate the larger sized LD phenotype as obtained uponstarvation, leading to the identification of 24 potential candidates. Finally, the RNAi lines werescreened for their ability to enhance a growth phenotype dependent of the Drosophila S6K(dS6K). Out of 7,000 genes screened, 45 genes were identified as potential negative regulatorsof dS6K. These genes were further used to design a novel protein-protein interaction networkcentered on dS6K through the available data from yeast-2-hybrid (Y2H) assay. The most potentinteractors were then analyzed by treatment of cultured S2 cells with the corresponding doublestrand RNA (dRNA). Western blotting thus, allowed us to discriminate between the geneproducts that regulate dS6K levels versus those that regulate its phosphorylation, as a hallmarkfor its kinase activity. Interestingly, archipelago (ago), which encodes a component of an SCFubiquitinligase known to regulate the degradation of dMyc, Cyclin E and Notch, was identifiedas a negative regulator of dS6K-dependent growth. Based on the Y2H available data showingthat Ago and dS6K interact each other and the presence of a putative Ago-interaction motif indS6K, we hypothesized that Ago causes an ubiquitin-mediated degradation of dS6K. Ourmolecular data showed that loss of ago caused an elevated level of dS6K, which confirms arole of Ago in controlling dS6K degradation. Altogether our findings emphasize the importanceof the saturating screening strategies in Drosophila to identify novel regulators of metabolicand signaling pathways.
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Genome wide analysis for novel regulators of growth and lipid metabolism in drosophila melanogaster.Zahoor, Muhammad kashif 31 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The evolutionary conserved insulin and nutrient signaling network regulates growth andmetabolism. Nutrients are directly utilized for growth or stored, mostly as triglycerides. InDrosophila, activation of insulin/nutrient signaling in the fat body (the fly equivalent of liverand adipose tissue), causes an increase in fat stores composed of several small-size lipiddroplets (LDs). Conversely, fasting produces an increase in LD size and a decrease in fatcontents. The TOR kinase and its substrate S6 kinase (S6K) play a central role in this response,and particularly in Drosophila, they have been shown to orchestrate cell-autonomous andhormone-controlled growth. However, despite extensive research studies on different modelorganisms (mouse, fly, worm) to decipher the molecular and physiological functions of S6K,nothing is known about how its degradation is regulated.Taking advantage of the inducible RNA interfering (RNAi) library from NIG (Japan), we haveperformed three genetic screens to identify novel regulators of steroidogenesis, lipidmetabolism and dS6K-dependent growth. First, RNAi lines were screened in the ring gland; anorgan that controls the progression of the developmental steps by producing the steroidhormone ecdysone. Out of 7,000 genes screened, 620 positive candidates were identified toproduce developmental arrest and/or overgrowth phenotypes. Then, we challenged 4,000 genesby RNAi screening able to recapitulate the larger sized LD phenotype as obtained uponstarvation, leading to the identification of 24 potential candidates. Finally, the RNAi lines werescreened for their ability to enhance a growth phenotype dependent of the Drosophila S6K(dS6K). Out of 7,000 genes screened, 45 genes were identified as potential negative regulatorsof dS6K. These genes were further used to design a novel protein-protein interaction networkcentered on dS6K through the available data from yeast-2-hybrid (Y2H) assay. The most potentinteractors were then analyzed by treatment of cultured S2 cells with the corresponding doublestrand RNA (dRNA). Western blotting thus, allowed us to discriminate between the geneproducts that regulate dS6K levels versus those that regulate its phosphorylation, as a hallmarkfor its kinase activity. Interestingly, archipelago (ago), which encodes a component of an SCFubiquitinligase known to regulate the degradation of dMyc, Cyclin E and Notch, was identifiedas a negative regulator of dS6K-dependent growth. Based on the Y2H available data showingthat Ago and dS6K interact each other and the presence of a putative Ago-interaction motif indS6K, we hypothesized that Ago causes an ubiquitin-mediated degradation of dS6K. Ourmolecular data showed that loss of ago caused an elevated level of dS6K, which confirms arole of Ago in controlling dS6K degradation. Altogether our findings emphasize the importanceof the saturating screening strategies in Drosophila to identify novel regulators of metabolicand signaling pathways.
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Characterisation of the Clp Proteins in Arabidopsis thalianaZheng, Bo January 2003 (has links)
<p>Unlike in the greenhouse, plants need to cope with many environmental stresses under natural conditions. Among these conditions are drought, waterlogging, excessive or too little light, high or low temperatures, UV irradiation, high soil salinity, and nutrient deficiency. These stress factors can affect many biological processes, and severely retard the growth and development of higher plants, resulting in massive losses of crop yield and wood production. Plants have developed many protective mechanisms to survive and acclimate to stresses, such as the rapid induction of specific molecular chaperones and proteases at the molecular level. Molecular chaperones mediate the correct folding and assembly of polypeptides, as well as repair damaged protein structures caused by stress, while proteases remove otherwise non-functional and potentially cytotoxic proteins. </p><p>The Clp/Hsp100 family is a new group of chaperones that consists of both constitutive and stress-inducible members. Besides being important chaperones, many Clp/Hsp100 also participate in protein degradation by associating with the proteolytic subunit ClpP to form the Clp protease complex. Higher plants have the greatest number and complexity of Clp proteins than any other group of organisms, and more than 20 different Clp isomers in plants have been identified (Paper I). Because of this diversity, we have adopted a functional genomics approach to characterise all Clp proteins in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Our ongoing research strategy combines genetic, biochemical and molecular approaches. Central to these has been the preparation of transgenic lines for each of the chloroplast Clp isomers. These transgenic lines will be analysed to understand the function and regulation of each chloroplast Clp protein for plant growth and development.</p><p>In Paper II, an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA was isolated that encodes a homologue of bacterial ClpX. Specific polyclonal antibodies were made and used to localise the ClpX homologue to plant mitochondria, consistent with that predicted by computer analysis of the putative transit peptide. In addition to ClpX, a nuclear-encoded ClpP protein, termed ClpP2, was identified from the numerous ClpP isomers in Arabidopsis and was also located in mitochondria. Relatively unchanged levels of transcripts for both clpX and clpP2 genes were detected in various tissues and under different growth conditions. Using β-casein as a substrate, plant mitochondria possessed an ATP-stimulated, serine-type proteolytic activity that could be strongly inhibited by antibodies specific for ClpX or ClpP2, suggesting an active ClpXP protease.</p><p>In Paper III, four nuclear-encoded Clp isomers were identified in Arabidopsis thaliana: ClpC1 and ClpP3-5. All four proteins are localized within the stroma of chloroplasts, along with the previously identified ClpD, ClpP1 and ClpP6 proteins. Potential differential regulation among these Clp proteins was analysed at both the mRNA and protein level. A comparison between different tissues showed increasing amounts of all plastid Clp proteins from roots to stems to leaves. The increases in protein were mirrored at the mRNA level for most ClpP isomers but not for ClpC1, ClpC2 and ClpD and ClpP5, which exhibited little change in transcript levels. Potential stress induction was also tested for all chloroplast Clp proteins by a series of brief and prolonged stress conditions. The results reveal that these proteins, rather than being rapidly induced stress proteins, are primarily constitutive proteins that may also be involved in plant acclimation to different physiological conditions. </p><p>In Paper IV, antisense repression transgenic lines of clpP4 were prepared and then later characterised. Within the various lines screened, up to 90% of ClpP4 protein content was specifically repressed, which also led to the down-regulation of ClpP3 and ClpP5 protein contents. The repression of clpP4 mRNA retarded the development of chloroplasts and the differentiation of leaf mesophyll cells, resulting in chlorotic phenotypes. The chlorosis was more severe in young than in mature leaves due likely to the developmental expression pattern of the ClpP4 protein. Chlorotic plants eventually turned green upon aging, accompanied by a recovery in the amount of the ClpP4 protein. The greening process could be affected by the light quantity, either by altering the photoperiod or light intensity.</p>
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Characterisation of the Clp Proteins in Arabidopsis thalianaZheng, Bo January 2003 (has links)
Unlike in the greenhouse, plants need to cope with many environmental stresses under natural conditions. Among these conditions are drought, waterlogging, excessive or too little light, high or low temperatures, UV irradiation, high soil salinity, and nutrient deficiency. These stress factors can affect many biological processes, and severely retard the growth and development of higher plants, resulting in massive losses of crop yield and wood production. Plants have developed many protective mechanisms to survive and acclimate to stresses, such as the rapid induction of specific molecular chaperones and proteases at the molecular level. Molecular chaperones mediate the correct folding and assembly of polypeptides, as well as repair damaged protein structures caused by stress, while proteases remove otherwise non-functional and potentially cytotoxic proteins. The Clp/Hsp100 family is a new group of chaperones that consists of both constitutive and stress-inducible members. Besides being important chaperones, many Clp/Hsp100 also participate in protein degradation by associating with the proteolytic subunit ClpP to form the Clp protease complex. Higher plants have the greatest number and complexity of Clp proteins than any other group of organisms, and more than 20 different Clp isomers in plants have been identified (Paper I). Because of this diversity, we have adopted a functional genomics approach to characterise all Clp proteins in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Our ongoing research strategy combines genetic, biochemical and molecular approaches. Central to these has been the preparation of transgenic lines for each of the chloroplast Clp isomers. These transgenic lines will be analysed to understand the function and regulation of each chloroplast Clp protein for plant growth and development. In Paper II, an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA was isolated that encodes a homologue of bacterial ClpX. Specific polyclonal antibodies were made and used to localise the ClpX homologue to plant mitochondria, consistent with that predicted by computer analysis of the putative transit peptide. In addition to ClpX, a nuclear-encoded ClpP protein, termed ClpP2, was identified from the numerous ClpP isomers in Arabidopsis and was also located in mitochondria. Relatively unchanged levels of transcripts for both clpX and clpP2 genes were detected in various tissues and under different growth conditions. Using β-casein as a substrate, plant mitochondria possessed an ATP-stimulated, serine-type proteolytic activity that could be strongly inhibited by antibodies specific for ClpX or ClpP2, suggesting an active ClpXP protease. In Paper III, four nuclear-encoded Clp isomers were identified in Arabidopsis thaliana: ClpC1 and ClpP3-5. All four proteins are localized within the stroma of chloroplasts, along with the previously identified ClpD, ClpP1 and ClpP6 proteins. Potential differential regulation among these Clp proteins was analysed at both the mRNA and protein level. A comparison between different tissues showed increasing amounts of all plastid Clp proteins from roots to stems to leaves. The increases in protein were mirrored at the mRNA level for most ClpP isomers but not for ClpC1, ClpC2 and ClpD and ClpP5, which exhibited little change in transcript levels. Potential stress induction was also tested for all chloroplast Clp proteins by a series of brief and prolonged stress conditions. The results reveal that these proteins, rather than being rapidly induced stress proteins, are primarily constitutive proteins that may also be involved in plant acclimation to different physiological conditions. In Paper IV, antisense repression transgenic lines of clpP4 were prepared and then later characterised. Within the various lines screened, up to 90% of ClpP4 protein content was specifically repressed, which also led to the down-regulation of ClpP3 and ClpP5 protein contents. The repression of clpP4 mRNA retarded the development of chloroplasts and the differentiation of leaf mesophyll cells, resulting in chlorotic phenotypes. The chlorosis was more severe in young than in mature leaves due likely to the developmental expression pattern of the ClpP4 protein. Chlorotic plants eventually turned green upon aging, accompanied by a recovery in the amount of the ClpP4 protein. The greening process could be affected by the light quantity, either by altering the photoperiod or light intensity.
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Wirkung der proinflammatorischen Zytokine TNFα und IL-1β auf die Aktivität und die Proteinmenge der Dual-Leucine-Zipper-Bearing Kinase in einer Betazelllinie / Effect of the proinflammatory cytokines TNFα and IL-1β on the dual-leucine-zipper-bearing kinase in a pancreatic islet beta-cell lineKlimpel, Catarina 30 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Études des modifications post-traductionnelles de Khd1p et de leur rôle dans la régulation de la traduction de l'ARNm ASH1 chez la levure Saccharomyces cerrevisiaePaquin, Nicolas January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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