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Caracterização da superexpressão do fator sigma ECF σx em Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 / Characterization ofthe ECF sigma fator σx overexpression in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14.Boechat Borges, Ana Laura 05 July 2013 (has links)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa é uma proteobactéria do grupo gama muito versátil, capaz de colonizar ambientes variados e infectar hospedeiros filogeneticamente distintos, incluindo humanos imunocomprometidos. Os fatores sigma de função extracitoplasmática (ECF) são membros de sistemas de sinalização de superfície celular (CSS), abundantes em P. aeruginosa. Vinte genes codificando fatores sigma ECF estão presentes nos genomas sequenciados de P. aeruginosa, a maioria fazendo parte de sistemas TonB relacionados à captação de ferro. Neste trabalho, seis fatores sigma pobremente caracterizados foram superexpressos na linhagem PA14 a partir de um promotor induzível por arabinose para investigar seu papel na expressão dos sistemas de dois componentes PvrSR e RcsCB, que atuam na regulação da fímbria CupD, além de sua influência no crescimento de culturas de P. aeruginosa. Não foi observado efeito positivo de nenhum dos fatores sigma testados na expressão dos sistemas de dois componentes e a superexpressão de cinco deles tampouco levou a qualquer alteração no crescimento, porém a produção de piocianina foi alterada na superexpressão de PA14_55550 e a superexpressão de PA14_26600 e PA14_46810 levou a um discreto aumento no início da formação de biofilme em PA14. Por outro lado, culturas superexpressando σx (ALB04) apresentaram um perfil alterado de lipopolissacarídeo e uma curva de crescimento bifásica, alcançando precocemente uma fase estacionária seguida de uma recuperação do crescimento até uma segunda fase estacionária. Durante a primeira fase estacionária, a maior parte das células aumenta de tamanho e morre, mas as células remanescentes retornam à morfologia selvagem e seguem para a segunda fase de crescimento exponencial. Isso não acontece devido a mutações compensatórias, uma vez que células coletadas de pontos tardios da curva e diluídas em meio novo repetem este comportamento. Apesar de trabalhos com a linhagem PAO1 associarem σx à transcrição de oprF, que codifica a principal porina não específica de Pseudomonas, nas condições dos nossos ensaios em PA14 a expressão dessa porina não foi induzida pela superexpressão de σx. Assim, os efeitos observados nessa superexpressão também não podem ser atribuídos a OprF. A transcrição de oprF em PA14 mostrou-se majoritariamente dependente da região promotora a que se atribui a ligação de σ70, ao contrário dos relatos na literatura da dependência da região de ligação a σx. Análises proteômicas foram realizadas para investigar os elementos envolvidos nesses efeitos de superexpressão de σx, o que revelou a indução de diversas enzimas envolvidas na via de biossíntese de ácidos graxos. As células superexpressando σx apresentam uma maior proporção de ácidos hexadecanoico (C16) e hexadecenoico (C16:1) e dados de anisotropia mostram uma maior fluidez da(s) membrana(s). Este trabalho é o primeiro relato de um fator sigma ECF envolvido em biossíntese de lipídeos em P. aeruginosa. / Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a very versatile gammaproteobacteria, able to colonize different environments and to infect phylogenetically distinct hosts, including immunocompromised humans. The extracytoplasmic function sigma factors (ECFs) are members of cell signaling systems (CSS), abundant in P. aeruginosa. Twenty genes coding for ECF sigma factors are present in the sequenced genomes of P. aeruginosa, most of them being part of TonB systems related to iron uptake. In this work, six poorly characterized sigma factors were overexpressed in strain PA14 from an arabinose inducible promoter to investigate their role in the expression of the two-component systems PvrSR and RcsCB, which regulates CupD fimbria, and their influence in P. aeruginosa cultures growth. None of the tested sigma factors led to two-component systems upregulation and overexpression of five of them caused no change in the growth profile, but pyocyanin production was altered in PA14_55550 overexpression and PA14_26600 and PA14_46810 overexpression led to a slight increase in biofilm initiation in PA14. By the other side, cultures overexpressing σx (ALB04) presented an altered lipopolysaccharide profile and a biphasic growth curve, reaching an early stationary phase followed by a growth resuming untill a second stationary phase. During the early stationary phase, most cells swells and dies, but the remaining cells return to wild type morphology and proceed to the second exponential phase of growth. This is not due to compensatory mutations, since cells collected from late points of the curve and diluted in fresh medium repeat this behavior. Although studies with strain PAO1 associate σx with transcription of oprF, encoding the major nonspecific porin of Pseudomonas, under our experiments conditions with PA14, this porin expression is not induced by σx overexpression. Thus, the effects observed in this overexpression cannot be attributed to OprF. Transcription of oprF in PA14 proved to be mainly controlled by the σ70-dependent promoter region instead of the σx-dependent promoter region reported in the literature. Proteomic analyses were performed to investigate the elements involved in these effects of σx overexpression, which revealed the induction of several enzymes involved in fatty acids biosynthesis. Cells overexpressing σx exhibit a greater proportion of hexadecanoic (C16) and hexadecenoic (C16: 1) acids and anisotropy data show higher fluidity of the membrane (s). This work is the first report of an ECF sigma factor involved in lipid biosynthesis in P. aeruginosa.
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Papel dos mecanismos de reparo de DNA na resposta de Pseudomonas aeruginosa aos antimicrobianos Cirprofloxacina e Ceftazidima. / Role of DNA repair mechanisms in the response of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to the antimicrobials Ciprofloxacin and Ceftazidime.Migliorini, Letícia Busato 17 October 2017 (has links)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa é um patógeno humano que tem preocupado a comunidade científica pelo aumento da resistência antimicrobiana. Os efeitos provocados pelos antimicrobianos podem levar à ativação de respostas mutagênicas que regulam polimerases de baixa fidelidade, atuando na Síntese Translesão de DNA (TLS). Neste trabalho, avaliamos a resposta de P. aeruginosa frente à Ceftazidima e Ciprofloxacina. Foi observado que Ceftazidima não induz a resposta SOS e mutagênese, diferentemente de Ciprofloxacina. Demonstramos que as três polimerases de TLS estão envolvidas na mutagênese induzida por Ciprofloxacina e peróxido de hidrogênio. Também, observamos que a perda de qualquer uma das polimerases alterou significativamente o espectro de mutações espontâneas e induzidas por Ciprofloxacina e que possuem funções redundantes neste processo mutagênico. Assim, demonstramos que as polimerases de TLS são importantes para a mutagênese induzida por Ciprofloxacina em P. aeruginosa, e podem estar implicadas na mutagênese adaptativa e, consequentemente, na resistência bacteriana. / Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a human pathogen that has worried the scientific community by increasing antimicrobial resistance. The effects caused by the antimicrobial agents may lead to the activation of mutagenic responses that regulate low fidelity polymerases, acting in DNA Transmission Synthesis (TLS). In this work, we evaluated the response of P. aeruginosa to Ceftazidime and Ciprofloxacin. It has been observed that Ceftazidime does not induce the SOS response nor mutagenesis, unlike Ciprofloxacin. We show that the three TLS polymerases are involved in the mutagenesis induced by Ciprofloxacin and hydrogen peroxide. Also, we observed that the loss of any of the polymerases significantly altered the spectrum of spontaneous mutations induced by Ciprofloxacin and that have redundant functions in this mutagenic process. Thus, we have shown that TLS polymerases are important for Ciprofloxacin-induced mutagenesis in P. aeruginosa, and may be implicated in adaptive mutagenesis and consequently bacterial resistance.
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Etude de la susceptibilité des cellules eucaryotes à l'injection de toxines par le système de sécrétion de type 3 de Pseudomonas aeruginosa / Study of the susceptibility of host cells to toxin injection by the type 3 secretion system of Pseudomonas aeruginosaVerove, Julien 20 December 2011 (has links)
La pathogénicité de P. aeruginosa (P. a) repose sur de nombreux facteurs de virulence dont le système de sécrétion de type III (SST3). Ce complexe multiprotéique est constitué d'une aiguille se terminant par un translocon composé des protéines PopB et PopD. En s'insérant dans les membranes plasmiques, le translocon permet le passage des exotoxines dans le cytoplasme de la cellule cible. L'induction de la synthèse et de la sécrétion des exotoxines est dépendante d'un contact entre P. a et la cellule cible. Dans ce travail, nous avons examiné l'influence de facteurs cellulaires sur l'efficacité de translocation des toxines. L'utilisation d'un système rapporteur fluorescent CCF2/β-lactamase a permis de visualiser l'injection de toxine. En parallèle, l'association des protéines du translocon avec la membrane de la cellule hôte a été évaluée par immunodétection de PopB/D après fractionnement des membranes sur gradient de sucrose. Les cellules promyelocytaires HL-60 et promonocytaires U937 sont résistantes à l'injection de toxine, bien que PopB et PopD soient associées à la membrane. Après différenciation en neutrophiles, or monocytes/macrophages, ces cellules deviennent sensibles à l'injection sans que l'on détecte de variation notable de la quantité de protéines du translocon insérées dans la membrane. Le traitement des cellules HL-60 sensibles avec un agent déplétant le cholestérol, entraine une diminution de l'injection de toxine. De plus, la protéine PopB est retrouvée dans la fraction membranaire, obtenue par purification sur gradient de sucrose, contenant le marqueur des radeaux lipidiques flotilline. Par une approche pharmacologique, nous apportons la preuve que, en plus de la composition de la membrane, des voies de signalisation intracellulaires impliquées dans la polymérisation de l'actine sont essentielles pour la formation d'un pore fonctionnel. / The pathogenesis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P.a) implies multiple virulence factors among which the type III secretion system (T3SS). This multiprotein complex is composed of a needle through which four exotoxins are exported. The protein PopB and PopD form an oligomeric structure (translocon) at the end of the needle that inserts into the host cell membrane and translocates the exotoxins into the cytoplasm. Synthesis and toxin secretion is induced on contact with eukaryotic cell. In this work, we examined the influence of host cell elements on exotoxin translocation efficiency. The delivery of T3SS toxins was investigated using a CCF2/β-lactamase fluorescent reporter system In parallel, the association of translocon proteins with host plasma membranes was evaluated by immunodetection of PopB/D following sucrose gradient fractionation of membranes. Promyelocytic HL-60 cells and promonocytic U937 cells were found to be resistant to toxin injection even though PopB/D associated with host cell plasma membranes. Differentiation of these cells to neutrophil- or macrophage-like cells resulted in an injection-sensitive phenotype without any significant change in the level of membrane-inserted translocon proteins. Treatment of sensitive HL-60 cells with a cholesterol-depleting agent, resulted in a diminished injection of toxin. Moreover, the PopB translocator was found in the membrane fraction obtained from sucrose-gradient purifications and containing lipid-raft marker flotillin. Through a pharmacological approach, we brought evidence that, in addition to membrane composition, some general signalling pathways involved in actin polymerization may be critical for the formation of a functional pore.
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Novos reguladores de resposta envolvidos na virulência de Pseudomonas aeruginosa / New response regulators involved in Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulenceKaihami, Gilberto Hideo 29 March 2018 (has links)
Os sistemas de sinalização de dois componentes são sistemas prevalentes em bactérias, permitindo a adaptação a diferentes condições ambientais. O sistema de dois componentes classicamente possui uma proteína histidina quinase, o primeiro componente, capaz de reconhecer o estímulo ambiental e fosforilar o regulador de resposta, o segundo componente. Pseudomonas aeruginosa é uma proteobactéria ubíqua, capaz de infectar hospedeiros filogeneticamente distintos. Esse patógeno oportunista apresenta um dos maiores conjuntos de sistemas de dois componentes em bactérias, que permite que ela sobreviva numa grande gama de ambientes, incluindo humanos. P. aeruginosa UCBPP-PA14 apresenta pelo menos 64 histidina quinases e 76 reguladores de resposta codificados em seu genoma. Diversos sistemas de dois componentes já foram correlacionados com a virulência, sendo o sistema GacSA o exemplo melhor caracterizado. Há poucos estudos sistemáticos sobre o envolvimendo dos reguladores de resposta na virulência de P. aeruginosa e os sinais que induzem a ativação dos reguladores de resposta precisam ser encontrados. Para identificar novos reguladores de resposta envolvidos na patogenicidade, infecções in vitro em macrófagos e in vivo em Drosophila melanogaster foram realizadas neste trabalho. Os macrófagos foram infectados com cada mutante dos reguladores de resposta ou com a linhagem selvagem, e a produção da citocina pró-inflamatória TNF-α e o clearance bacteriano foram determinados. Alternativamente, as moscas foram infectadas utilizando-se a estratégia de feeding e a sobrevivência foi verificada. Utilizando-se essas abordagens, a identificação de diversos reguladores de resposta com papel na virulência foi alcançada, além de se corfirmar o papel de reguladores de resposta já estudados. Um dos novos genes envolvidos em virulência, PA14_26570 (nomeado neste trabalho de atvR), codifica um regulador de resposta atípico com substituição no aspartato fosforilável para glutamato, o que usualmente induz um estado sempre ativo. Um mutante não polar em atvR foi construído e macrófagos infectados com a linhagem ΔatvR confirmaram um maior clearance bacteriano e maior produção de TNF-α em comparação aos macrófagos infectados com a linhagem selvagem. Para comprovar a participação de AtvR durante a patogênese, um modelo de pneumonia aguda em camundongos foi utilizado. Camundongos infectados com a linhagem ΔatvR apresentaram uma maior sobrevivência em comparação aos camundongos infectados com a linhagem selvagem. Além disso, os camundongos infectados com ΔatvR apresentaram menor carga bacteriana, aumento no recrutamento de neutrófilos ativados e aumento na produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias (TNF-α e IFN-γ). Utilizando-se uma abordagem transcritômica (RNA-Seq), foi determindo diversos genes são regulados positivamente na linhagem superexpressando AtvR em relação à linhagem controle. Dentre esses, os clusters de respiração anaeróbia nar, nir, nor e nos estão incluídos. Esse resultado foi confirmado por qRT-PCR e análises fenotípicas, em que a linhagem ΔatvR apresentou menor crescimento e expressão da nitrato redutase durante condições de hipóxia em comparação à linhagem selvagem. Em suma, neste trabalho foi demonstrado que diversos reguladores de resposta são importantes para a virulência de P. aeruginosa em macrófagos in vitro e in vivo em Drosophila, além de caracterizar o regulador de resposta atípico AtvR, que regula a respiração anaeróbica por desnitrificação, permitindo que P. aeruginosa possa infectar e colonizar o hospedeiro com maior eficiência. / Two-component systems are widespread in bacteria, allowing the adaptation to environmental changes. A two-component system is classically composed by a sensor kinase that phosphorylates a cognate response regulator. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a ubiquitous proteobacterium able to cause disease in several hosts. This opportunistic pathogen presents one of the largest sets of two-component systems known in bacteria, which certainly contributes to its ability to thrive in a wide range of environmental settings, including humans. P. aeruginosa UCBPP-PA14 genome codes for at least 64 sensor kinases and 76 response regulators. Some response regulators are already known to be related to virulence, with the GacSA system as the best characterized. There are no systematic studies about the involvement of P. aeruginosa response regulators in virulence. Moreover, the input signal that triggers the response regulator activation is yet to be uncovered for most systems. To find new response regulators involved in virulence, in vitro infections werecarried out using macrophages. Briefly, the macrophages were infected with each response regulator mutant or the wild-type strain, the pro-inflammatory cytokine production (TNF-α) and the bacterial clearance were evaluated. Using this approach, we identified several response regulators involved in virulence, and we also confirmed the involvement of known response regulators in this process. One of the novel virulence-related response regulators, PA14_26570 (named here as AtvR), is an atypical response regulator with a substitution in the phosphorylable aspartate to glutamate, that usually leads to an always-on state. A non-polar mutant was constructed, and macrophage infection with ΔatvR confirmed an increased bacterial clearance as well as a higher TNF-α production as compared to the wild-type strain. To ascertain the role of AtvR during the pathogenic process, an acute pneumonia model was used. Mice infected with ΔatvR showed an increased survival as compared to mice infected with the wildtype strain. In addition, ΔatvR infected mice showed reduced bacterial burden, increased neutrophil recruitment and activation, as well as increased pro-inflammatory cytokine production (TNF-α and IFN-γ). Also, using a transcriptomic approach (RNASeq), we showed that several genes were upregulated in the strain overexpressing AtvR. These genes include the anaerobic respiration clusters nar, nir, nor and nos. This result was confirmed by qRT-PCR and phenotypic analysis, in which ΔatvR showed reduced growth and nitrate reductase expression during hypoxic conditions as compared to the wild-type strain. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that several response regulators are important for P. aeruginosa virulence in vitro. In addition, we further characterized the atypical response regulator AtvR, which regulates anaerobic respiration via denitrification, allowing this bacterium to infect and colonize the host more efficiently.
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Premiers mécanismes de régulation d'exlBA, le facteur de virulence des souches de Pseudomonas aeruginosa de type PA7 / First regulatory mechanisms of exlBA, virulence factor of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA7-like strainsBerry, Alice 09 May 2019 (has links)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa est un pathogène opportuniste responsable du développement de maladies nosocomiales. Il provoque des infections en employant différents facteurs de virulence dont le principal, associé aux infections sévères, est le système de sécrétion de type 3 (SST3). Les souches de type PA7, taxonomiquement marginales, sont dépourvues de SST3 et leur pouvoir pathogène repose sur le nouveau système de virulence ExlBA. Ce SST5b, ou TPS, est composé du transporteur ExlB qui permet la translocation d’ExlA, une toxine induisant la perméabilisation de la membrane plasmique des cellules eucaryotes.Ce travail représente la première investigation des mécanismes de régulation du système ExlBA. Ainsi, il a été mis en évidence que la déplétion en fer est un signal d’activation de l’expression des gènes exlBA. De plus, les deux principaux messagers secondaires, AMPc et di-GMPc, sont impliqués dans la régulation du TPS. En effet, la voie CyaB-AMPc/Vfr, connue pour réguler le SST3, contrôle la toxicité des souches de type PA7 grâce à une activation transcriptionnelle directe des gènes exlBA, qui peut être stimulée par la chélation du calcium extracellulaire. Parallèlement, alors qu’ExlA était supposée être sécrétée pour agir sur les cellules eucaryotes, cette étude a montré que la toxine doit être exposée à la surface de la membrane bactérienne pour provoquer la lyse de ces cellules, ceci par un mécanisme dépendant du di-GMPc. Effectivement, une forte concentration en di-GMPc empêche la sécrétion d’ExlA en induisant de façon post-traductionnelle son maintien au niveau du transporteur ExlB, ce qui favoriserait l’action de la toxine sur les membranes eucaryotes. / Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen responsible for nosocomial diseases. It provokes infections due to several virulence factors. Among them the most aggressive is the type 3 secretion system (T3SS), associated with severe infection. PA7-like strains, that are taxonomic outliers, lack the T3SS but are still pathogenic thanks to the novel virulence system ExlBA. This T5bSS, or TPS, is composed by the transporter ExlB that allows translocation of ExlA toxin to induce permeabilisation of eukaryotic cell membrane.This study is the first investigation of regulatory mechanisms that modulate ExlBA. It provided evidence that iron depletion is an activator signal of exlBA gene expression. Furthermore, the two main second messengers, cAMP and c-di-GMP, are involved in ExlBA regulation. CyaB-cAMP/Vfr pathway, known to regulate T3SS, controls toxicity of PA7-like strains through direct transcriptional activation of exlBA. This pathway may be stimulated by an extracellular calcium chelation. At the same time, while ExlA was supposed to be secreted to kill eukaryotic cells, this work showed that the toxin must be exposed at the surface of the bacterial membrane to cause lysis of these cells, by a mechanism dependent on c-di-GMP. Indeed, a c-di-GMP high concentration prevents ExlA secretion by inducing its maintenance at the ExlB transporter, that would promote the action of the toxin on eukaryotic membranes.
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Dynasweet - Les glycodyn[n]arènes comme ligands multivalents de lectines : une étude par chimie combinatoire dynamique / Dynasweet. Glycodyn[n]arenes as multivalent lectin ligands : the sweet side of dynamic combinatorial chemistryPascal, Yoann 11 December 2018 (has links)
De nombreux glycoclusters multivalents des calixarènes, des pillararènes ou des fullerènes ont été synthétisés au sein de notre laboratoire et ont montré d'excellentes affinités pour diverses lectines grâce à leur multivalence et au « glycoside cluster effect ». Nous avons cherché à approfondir ces résultats en ajoutant un degré de dynamisme à ces molécules. Pour cela, nous avons appliqué les concepts de la chimie combinatoire dynamique où des briques moléculaires s'auto-assemblent via des liaisons réversibles pour générer à l'équilibre thermodynamique une chimiothèque d'oligomères. Des briques moléculaires dithiophénols glycosylés sont capables de s'auto-assembler via la formation de ponts disulfures. Leurs propriétés ont été investiguées en chimie combinatoire dynamique et la distribution d'espèces résultant de l'équilibration a montré la formation exclusive des cyclotrimères et cyclotétramères, ou dyn[3]- et dyn[4]arènes. La répétition de l'expérience en présence d'une lectine modèle (ConA) a mené à l'amplification des homodyn[3]- et homodyn[4]arènes. Ces derniers ont été isolés par HPLC semi-préparative et leurs affinités pour ConA ont été mesurées en ITC dans le domaine du nanomolaire. Une extension de cette méthodologie aux lectines LecA et LecB de Pseudomonas aeruginosa est en cours / Several glycoclusters based on calixarenes, pillararenes or fullerenes have been synthesized in our laboratory. They exhibited strong affinities for several lectins through their multivalence and the “glycoside cluster effect”. The prupose of this study was to add a dynamic part to these molecules. We therefore applied the concept of dynamic combinatorial chemistry in which building blocks are able to self-assemble through reversible bonds to generate a library of oligomers. Dithiophenols bearing carbohydrate epitopes can self-assemble through the formation and exchange of disulfide bonds. Their properties in dynamic combinatorial chemistry were studied and the species distribution at the thermodynamic equilibrium revealed the selective formation of cyclotrimers and cyclotetramers named dyn[3]- and dyn[4]arenes. The equilibration in the presence of ConA, used as a model lectin, have led to the amplification of homodyn[3]- and homodyn[4]arenes. These glycodyn[n3,4]arenes have been isolated and their affinities toward ConA measured by ITC in the nanomolar range. Extension of this methodology toward the lectins LecA and LecB of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is in progress
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Quinolone resistance in Bacteroides fragilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, two opportunistic pathogens /Oh, Herin, January 2003 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2003. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Analysis of the twin arginine transport system in secretion of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa hemolytic phospholipase C (PlcH) and in bacterial pathogenesis /Snyder, Aleksandra. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. in Microbiology) -- University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, 2005. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 201-223).
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Mecanismos de ação da atividade antibacteriana da nisina e em combinações com antimicrobianos tradicionais sobre Staphylococcus aureus resistente a meticilina (MRSA) e Pseudomonas aeruginosaAlves, Fernanda Cristina Bérgamo. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Lidiane Nunes Barbosa / Resumo: Combinações entre antimicrobianos, a exemplo de nisina (bacteriocina) e fármacos antibacterianos tradicionais, podem amenizar o problema da resistência bacteriana, pois o possível efeito sinérgico se torna estratégico, possibilitando o uso de doses menores no tratamento de doenças infecciosas com redução nos custos e na toxicidade, além de ter potencial na prevenção do surgimento das linhagens resistentes. No entanto, os mecanismos envolvidos na ação antibacteriana são importantes para pesquisas de novos fármacos. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar como a nisina, alguns fármacos antibacterianos e respectivas combinações interferem no metabolismo de Staphylococcus aureus Meticilina Resistente (MRSA) e Pseudomonas aeruginosa, através de ensaios de estresse oxidativo bacteriano, análises morfológicas por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET) e análise do perfil de proteínas expressas nas bactérias quando expostas aos antimicrobianos e suas combinações em concentrações subletais. Inicialmente foram realizados ensaios visando obter os valores de concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) e concentração subletal máxima (CSM) para nisina e fármacos como tetraciclina, ciprofloxacina, vancomicina, polimixina B, oxacilina e cefalotina para ambas bactérias. Na sequencia, foram realizados ensaios para verificação de sinergismo entre nisina e antibacterianos utilizando metodologia da curva de sobrevivência, sendo escolhidas para ensaios posteriores, as combinações com demostração de sine... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Combinations of antimicrobials, such as nisin (bacteriocin) and traditional antibacterial drugs, may assuage the problem of bacterial resistance because the possible synergistic effect becomes interesting, allowing the use of smaller doses in the treatment of infectious diseases and reduction in costs and toxicity , besides having potential in the prevention of the emergence of resistant strains. However, the mechanisms involved in antibacterial action are important for research on new drugs. The aim of this study was to investigate how nisin, antibacterial drugs and their combinations interfere in the metabolism of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, verified in bacterial oxidative stress assays, morphological analyzes by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and analysis of the protein profile expressed in bacteria when exposed to antimicrobials and combinations in sublethal concentrations. Initially, assays were performed to obtain the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and maximum sublethal concentration (MSC) for nisin and drugs such as tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, vancomycin, polymyxin B, oxacillin and cephalothin for both bacteria. Subsequently, assays were performed to verify the synergism between nisin and antibacterials using time kill curve methodology and the combinations with demonstration of synergism (reduction in final bacterial count above 2 logs of CFU / mL in relation to initial inoculum) were chosen for later... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Comportement et toxicité de nouvelles souches hyper-virulentes de Pseudomonas aeruginosa / Behavior and toxicity of novel hyper-virulent strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosaReboud, Emeline 12 October 2017 (has links)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa est un pathogène opportuniste responsable de maladies nosocomiales. Il provoque des infections aiguës ou chroniques en employant conjointement plusieurs facteurs de virulence. Les souches les plus agressives possèdent un système de sécrétion de type III (SST3), injectant des toxines directement dans le cytoplasme des cellules eucaryotes grâce à une nano-aiguille. Récemment, une souche clinique hyper-virulente, appelée CLJ1, a été isolée dans l'unité de soins intensifs de l'hôpital universitaire de Grenoble sur un patient souffrant d'une infection pulmonaire hémorragique. Cette souche ne possède pas les gènes codant pour le SST3 mais sécrète une pore-forming toxin, ExlA, non identifiée auparavant. ExlA est une protéine de 172 kDa, formant des pores de 1,6 nm dans la membrane plasmique de plusieurs types de cellules, à l'exception des érythrocytes. Le pore provoque la rétraction des cellules hôtes et finit par induire la mort de la cellule. Nous avons montré que CLJ1 appartenait à un nouveau clade très divergent des souches classiques de P. aeruginosa, dont les membres possèdent le gène exlA au lieu des gènes codant pour le SST3. Les souches exlA-positives que nous avons collectées dans le monde proviennent d'infections humaines et d'échantillons environnementaux. Leur cytotoxicité, sur diverses cellules humaines et sur un modèle murin d’infection pulmonaire, est corrélée avec les niveaux de sécrétion d'ExlA. En plus de la toxicité membranaire, les souches exlA-positives ont montré des activités protéolytiques élevées envers les VE et E-cadhérines, deux protéines adhésives des jonctions adhérentes requises pour l'intégrité de l'endothélium et de l'épithélium, respectivement. Nous avons démontré que la formation de pores par ExlA dans la membrane eucaryote induisait une entrée massive et rapide de calcium dans le cytosol. Cet afflux de calcium permet la maturation et l'activation d'ADAM10, une protéase eucaryote située à la membrane plasmique. L'activation d’ADAM10 induit le clivage de ses substrats naturels : les VE et E-cadhérines. ExlA fait partie de la même famille de pore forming toxin que ShlA de Serratia marcescens. Nous avons démontré que ShlA utilisait le même mécanisme qu’ExlA pour induire le clivage des cadhérines. En conclusion, les souches bactériennes produisant ExlA ou ShlA détournent un mécanisme naturel de l'hôte pour induire la perte d'intégrité tissulaire. / Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen responsible for nosocomial diseases. It provokes acute or chronic infections due to several virulence factors acting in concert. The most aggressive strains possess a Type III Secretion System (T3SS), injecting toxins directly into the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells thanks to a nano-needle. Recently, a hyper-virulent clinical strain, called CLJ1, was isolated from a patient suffering of hemorrhagic pulmonary infection, at the intensive care unit of Grenoble University Hospital. This strain lacks a T3SS but secretes a pore-forming toxin, ExlA, not previously identified. ExlA is a 172-kDa protein, forming 1.6-nm pores in the plasma membrane of several cell types, except erythrocytes. The pore causes the retraction of host cells and eventually induces necrotic cell death. We showed that CLJ1 belongs to a recently-discovered and highly divergent clade of P. aeruginosa, whose members possess the exlA gene instead of the genes coding for the T3SS and its effectors. The strains we collected worldwide originate from human infections and environmental samples. Their cytotoxicity on various human cells and mouse models of infection was correlated with ExlA secretion levels. In addition to membrane toxicity, exlA-positive strains displayed high proteolytic activities targeting VE and E-cadherins, two intercellular-junction adhesive proteins required for endothelium and epithelium integrity. We thus investigated the mechanisms of ExlA-induced cadherin cleavage. We demonstrated that ExlA pore formation in the eukaryotic membrane induces a massive and rapid entry of calcium into the cytosol. This calcium influx enables the maturation and activation of ADAM10, an eukaryotic protease located at the cell membrane. ADAM10 activation induces the cleavage of its natural substrates: the VE- and E-cadherins. ExlA is related to other toxins, including ShlA from Serratia marcescens, and altogether they constitute a family of pore-forming toxins with unique properties. We demonstrated that ShlA uses the same mechanism as ExlA to induce the cleavage of the cadherins. In conclusion, exlA- and shlA-positive strains hijack a natural mechanism of the host to induce the loss of tissue integrity.
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