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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Da maquinaria mortífera do manicômio judiciário à invenção da vida : saídas possíveis

Brasil, Rafaela Schneider January 2012 (has links)
A resposta penal para a junção entre crime e loucura é a medida de segurança contra o perigo. Forjado na costura entre os saberes médico e jurídico instituídos, a montagem ficcional do louco perigoso foi sendo criada a partir do século XIX e o seu destino acabou selado na maquinaria do manicômio judiciário como resposta normativa aos dispositivos de segregação na vigência da estratégia complexa de controle dos corpos na gestão biopolítica da nossa sociedade. Essa pesquisa parte da aposta e esperança na produção de uma outra saída e, para tanto, buscamos explicitar o que fez essa maquinaria se armar da forma com que se armou e quais as perspectivas de desarmá-la, fazendo uma genealogia sócio-histórica das bases epistêmicas que sustentam, ainda nos dias de hoje, a existência do manicômio judiciário. E, ao fazer esse caminho procuramos responder recorrendo a cenas-imagensmemórias, apresentando os efeitos no real da experiência, como as palavras afetam os corpos. Isto é, a forma pela qual essa ficção, que envolve os conceitos de crime e loucura juntos, incide sobre o sujeito. No desfazer a forma do manicômio judiciário trouxemos os movimentos da reforma psiquiátrica e a contribuição da psicanálise, quando o que se quer não é apontar a periculosidade, mas oferecer ao sujeito uma possibilidade de saída, colocando ele e suas respostas na centralidade da amarra discursiva que estão em jogo nessa engrenagem. / The criminal law response to the junction between crime and insanity is the measure of security against danger. Forged on the seam between the instituted medical and legal knowledge, the fictional mounting of the dangerous madman started being created as from the nineteenth century and its fate ended up sealed in the machinery of the judiciary psychiatric hospital as normative response to the devices of segregation in the validity of complex strategy to control the bodies in the bio-political management of our society. This research emerges from the betting I make on the hope of a different way out and, to this end, I seek the answer to what made this machinery arm itself the way it did and what are the prospects for disarming it, doing a social-historical genealogy of epistemic bases that support, to this very day , the existence of the judiciary psychiatric hospital. And in walking this path we seek to answer, recurring to scenes/images/memories, and showing the effects of real experience how words affect bodies. That is, the way in which this fiction, that involves the concepts of crime and madness together, acts on the subject. On the undoing of the judiciary psychiatric hospital we brought the psychiatric reform movements and the contribution of psychoanalysis, when what we want is not to point out dangerousness but to give the subject the possibility of an exit, putting him and his answers on the core of the discursive ties that are at stake in this mechanism.

Habitar Institucional: Considerações sobre processos de institucionalização de vidas no Hospital Psiquiátrico / Institutional Inhabitation: Considerations on the processes of institutionalization of lives in the psychiatric hospital

João Paulo Pitoli 06 August 2010 (has links)
Essa pesquisa qualitativa tomou como objeto de estudo o universo dos moradores e moradoras ararenses do hospital psiquiátrico Antonio Luis Sayão, sob gestão estadual, localizado na cidade de Araras, no interior do Estado de São Paulo. A finalidade é indicar mecanismos para o início de processos de desinstitucionalização dessas pessoas. Os objetivos foram: a) identificar, por meio do Questionário do Censo Psicossocial dos Moradores em Hospitais Psiquiátricos do Estado de São Paulo, os moradores e moradoras nascidas no município e que vivem no interior do hospital; b) investigar, por meio dos dados objetivos e os da impressão dos pesquisadores, quem são, seus recursos e possibilidades; c) propor, a partir da análise dos dados, estratégias de desinstitucionalização, para operacionalização pelo gestor local, se for oportuno. São sujeitos do estudo seis mulheres e cinco homens, cujo tempo de permanência no hospital variou de dez a trinta anos e preenchem os critérios: a) ser natural de Araras; b) familiar ter residência em Araras; c) possuir curador ou procurador e d) estar sob internação involuntária. A pergunta que orientou o estudo foi: Por quê pessoas que possuem renda e familiares no município, sob internação involuntária, permanecem institucionalizadas? As bases teóricas de referência sustentam-se na perspectiva da Desinstitucionalização e da Reforma Psiquiátrica. Os dados empíricos foram obtidos por meio dos Questionários preenchidos por pesquisadores do Censo Psicossocial, após autorização da Área Temática de Saúde Mental do Grupo Técnico de Ações Estratégicas da Secretaria de Estado de Saúde. Os resultados demonstram que os moradores e moradoras vivem amplo processo de institucionalização, despertecimento e apartamento social. As vidas são apropriadas pelo cotidiano e lógica asilar, os direitos fundamentais de cidadania são permanentemente violados: entre os que têm necessidades específicas, como deficiência física ou mental e entre os que têm e os que não têm diagnóstico psiquiátrico. Todos estão sob curatela e recebem renda administrada por terceiros, sem acesso ao dinheiro. Como resposta às necessidades, possibilidades e recursos dessas pessoas, esse estudo recomenda a execução imediata das Diretrizes das Políticas Públicas de Saúde Mental do Ministério da Saúde, das recomendações do Censo Psicossocial no Estado de São Paulo e do Plano Estadual de Saúde 2008-2011 da Secretaria de Saúde de São Paulo e desenha um Projeto de Desinstitucionalização (duas Residências Terapêuticas) para estas pessoas, atendendo suas características e as características do município de Araras. / This qualitative research took as its object of study the universe of Araras residents of the Antonio Luis Sayão psychiatric hospital, under state management, located in the city of Araras in the State of São Paulo. The purpose is to specify mechanisms for the initiation of processes of deinstitutionalization of these people. The objectives were: a) to identify, through the Psychosocial Census Questionnaire of Psychiatric Hospital Residents in the State of São Paulo, the residents born in the city and who live within the hospital; b) to investigate, through objective data and the researchers printing, who they are, their resources and capabilities; c) to propose from the data analysis some strategies of deinstitutionalization, which can be implemented by the local manager, if appropriate. Study subjects are six women and five men, whose time spent in the hospital has ranged from ten to thirty years and meet the following criteria: a) are a native of Araras; b) have a family residence in Araras; c) posses a trustee/proxy and d) is under involuntary admission. The question that guided the study was: Why do people with income and family, under involuntary admission, remain institutionalized? The theoretical bases of reference are maintained in the perspective of Deinstitutionalization and Psychiatric Reform. Empirical data were obtained through questionnaires filled out by Psychosocial Census researchers after authorization by the Secretary of the Ministry of Health\'s Technical Actions Group in the Thematic Area of Mental Health. The results show that the residents live vast institutionalization processes, desperation and social apartment. The lives are suitable for everyday living and logical placement, the fundamental rights of citizenship are constantly violated: between those who have special needs such as physical or mental disabilities and those who have and those who do not have psychiatric diagnoses. All are under the guidance of a trustee and receive income managed by third parties without access to the money. In response to the needs, possibilities and resources of these people, this study recommends the immediate implementation of the Ministry of Healths Public Policy Guidelines for Mental Health, the recommendations of the Psychosocial Census of the State of São Paulo and the São Paulos Health Secretary State Health Plan 2008-2011 and lays out a Deinstitutionalization Project (two therapeutic residences) for these people, given their characteristics and features of the city of Araras.

O sentido de ser internado em hospital psiquiátrico à luz da fenomenologia de Heidegger / Meaning of being hospitalized in psychiatric hospital by the Light of Heideggers phenomenology

Marcela Martins Furlan 24 October 2008 (has links)
O campo da Saúde Mental no Brasil tem se voltado para a construção de serviços comunitários de atenção psiquiátrica, pautados nos preceitos da Reforma Psiquiátrica, como possibilidade de substituir a lógica asilar pelo resgate das habilidades sóciorelacionais do doente mental, a partir da reabilitação psicossocial, sob a abordagem interdisciplinar. Entretanto, a experiência em psiquiatria mostra que o doente mental mantém-se transitando entre o serviço comunitário e o hospital psiquiátrico, sendo alvo, ainda hoje, da disciplinarização, violência e privação impostas pela instituição hospitalar. Neste sentido, constituiu objetivo deste estudo apreender o sentido de ser internado em hospital psiquiátrico, a partir do sujeito que vivenciou a experiência da internação. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, o estudo recorreu ao referencial teóricofilosófico da ontologia fundamental de Martin Heidegger. Participaram da pesquisa quatro sujeitos portadores de transtornos mentais regularmente matriculados em um centro de atenção psicossocial no interior do estado de São Paulo, que aceitaram discorrer sobre a vivência da internação psiquiátrica, como se mostrou a eles, por meio de entrevista semi-dirigida gravada. Para tal, os sujeitos foram convidados a rememorar a experiência de ser internado em hospital psiquiátrico e tecer significações a respeito. A partir da apropriação de elementos do referencial heideggeriano, foi empreendida a Analítica Existencial, que gerou a construção dos Núcleos do Sentido: (a) A mostração do ser-aí no ser-doente-mental; (b) O modo de ser-no-mundo do ser-doente-mental e (c) Ser-no-mundo-cuidado na impessoalidade. Estes núcleos permitiram que a verdade do ser-doente-mental fosse desvelada a partir dele próprio, mediante o entendimento da estrutura do ser-aí (Dasein) proposta por Heidegger, mostrada pelo modo de ocupar-se da internação psiquiátrica. Ao emergir o ser-cuidado-no-mundo-com-o-outro, foi possível delinear o sentido de ser internado em hospital psiquiátrico, cerne da compreensão ontológica da vivência da internação psiquiátrica. / Brazilian Mental Health field has being conducted to building community psychiatric attention services, as possibility to substitute manicomial thinking for rescue of mental patients social-relational abilities, through psicossocial rehabilitee, by interdisciplinary approach. However, psychiatric experience show us that mental patient has kept himself passing through community services and psychiatric hospital, being marked, until today, by disciplinarization, violence and privation forced by hospitable institution. By this meaning, the studys objective was apprehending the meaning of being hospitalized at psychiatric hospital, passing through person that has lived the hospitalizations experience. To reach the objective proposed, the study made use of fundamental ontology of Martin Heidegger theory-philosophic referential. Took part in the search four people that have mental disease, regularly registered in a psicossocial attention service in interior of São Paulo, that accepted talk about psychiatric hospitalization live, like it showed to them, through a semi directed interview that was registered by recorder. For that, people were invited to remember the experience of being hospitalized at psychiatric hospital and weave meanings about that. Through elements by heideggerian referential appropriating, it was applied Existential Analytics, that generated the construction of Meanings Nucleus: (a) Being there showing through mental-patient-being; (b) being-in-world way of mental-patient-being, and (c) Beingcare- in-world by impersonality. These nucleuses revealed the truth of mental-patientbeing by himself, passing by the thinking about Being There structure proposed by Heidegger, that was showed in the way of devote oneself to psychiatric hospitalization. To emerge being-care-in-world-with-other, it was possible to define the meaning of being hospitalized at psychiatric hospital, focal point of ontological comprehension about psychiatric hospitalization live.

Da maquinaria mortífera do manicômio judiciário à invenção da vida : saídas possíveis

Brasil, Rafaela Schneider January 2012 (has links)
A resposta penal para a junção entre crime e loucura é a medida de segurança contra o perigo. Forjado na costura entre os saberes médico e jurídico instituídos, a montagem ficcional do louco perigoso foi sendo criada a partir do século XIX e o seu destino acabou selado na maquinaria do manicômio judiciário como resposta normativa aos dispositivos de segregação na vigência da estratégia complexa de controle dos corpos na gestão biopolítica da nossa sociedade. Essa pesquisa parte da aposta e esperança na produção de uma outra saída e, para tanto, buscamos explicitar o que fez essa maquinaria se armar da forma com que se armou e quais as perspectivas de desarmá-la, fazendo uma genealogia sócio-histórica das bases epistêmicas que sustentam, ainda nos dias de hoje, a existência do manicômio judiciário. E, ao fazer esse caminho procuramos responder recorrendo a cenas-imagensmemórias, apresentando os efeitos no real da experiência, como as palavras afetam os corpos. Isto é, a forma pela qual essa ficção, que envolve os conceitos de crime e loucura juntos, incide sobre o sujeito. No desfazer a forma do manicômio judiciário trouxemos os movimentos da reforma psiquiátrica e a contribuição da psicanálise, quando o que se quer não é apontar a periculosidade, mas oferecer ao sujeito uma possibilidade de saída, colocando ele e suas respostas na centralidade da amarra discursiva que estão em jogo nessa engrenagem. / The criminal law response to the junction between crime and insanity is the measure of security against danger. Forged on the seam between the instituted medical and legal knowledge, the fictional mounting of the dangerous madman started being created as from the nineteenth century and its fate ended up sealed in the machinery of the judiciary psychiatric hospital as normative response to the devices of segregation in the validity of complex strategy to control the bodies in the bio-political management of our society. This research emerges from the betting I make on the hope of a different way out and, to this end, I seek the answer to what made this machinery arm itself the way it did and what are the prospects for disarming it, doing a social-historical genealogy of epistemic bases that support, to this very day , the existence of the judiciary psychiatric hospital. And in walking this path we seek to answer, recurring to scenes/images/memories, and showing the effects of real experience how words affect bodies. That is, the way in which this fiction, that involves the concepts of crime and madness together, acts on the subject. On the undoing of the judiciary psychiatric hospital we brought the psychiatric reform movements and the contribution of psychoanalysis, when what we want is not to point out dangerousness but to give the subject the possibility of an exit, putting him and his answers on the core of the discursive ties that are at stake in this mechanism.

O Enfermeiro e seu Cotidiano: cenas de um manicômio / "The Nurse and its daily one: Scenes os a Lunatic Asylum"

Ana Celeste de Araújo Pitiá 07 November 1997 (has links)
Este trabalho é resultado de uma pesquisa do tipo estudo de caso, realizada em um macro-hospital público psiquiátrico de uma cidade do interior do Estado da Bahia. Enfoca o desenvolvimento das atividades dos enfermeiros no cotidiano institucional, suas formas de lidarem com as situações e as relações sociais estabelecidas com os demais profissionais de saúde que trabalham no hospital. Como docente da disciplina Enfermagem Psiquiátrica, tenho relação direta com o local, acompanhando estágio de estudantes de enfermagem, haja vista o convênio firmado entre a Secretaria de Saúde do Estado e a Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, a qual pertenço. Procedi a um recorte do campo, delimitando o espaço de um Pavilhão de internamento masculino. Como estratégia de levantamento dos dados utilizei a observação participante, entrevista semi-estruturada com os enfermeiros e demais membros que com ele convivem no dia-a-dia de trabalho, além de alguns documentos importantes na contextualização do trabalho desse profissional. Procedi a apresentação das atividades dos enfermeiros, estabelecendo a trama entre eles e deles com os demais profissionais da saúde. Observei uma grande concentração de suas tarefas em torno dos fazeres burocráticos, além de ver evidenciada a figura do paciente como intercorrências a serem resolvidas, denotando a visão que têm do doente mental. Na convivência com os outros profissionais, vêm-se como centro, apesar de essa visão nem sempre ser compartilhada por esses. Pelos dirigentes, o enfermeiro é visto como o grande contornador de situações, o que o coloca em uma posição politicamente conveniente na manutenção dos interesses majoritários. Nesse hospital, o profissional enfermeiro ocupa diversas funções hierarquicamente estratégicas junto à Diretoria, com a qual mantém contato direto e diário. As condições em que vivem os pacientes da instituição são extremamente precárias e degradantes para qualquer ser humano. A falta de prioridade dada à política de saúde mental no Estado contribui fortemente para a manutenção do modelo assistencial tradicional, ainda implementado nesse hospital. / The following study is the result of a case report held at a public pychiatric hospital of a city in the State of Bahia-Brazil. We focus on the development of nurses’ activities in the institutional routine and on their ways of dealing with situations and social relations with the other health professionals working at that hospital. Being a profesor in the Psychiatric Nursing field at Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (UEFS), I have direct contact at that hospital due to nursing students’ training (as a result of a partnership between the State Health Bureau and UEFS). We have mode a field sampling by taking one male, in-patient ward. We have used, as data-collecting strategy: participative observation, semi-structured questionaires applied to the nurses and other staff members who share daily work with them, and some documents which are important for contextualizing the work of such profesionals. We have presented the nursing tasks by establising their connections among nurses themselves and between nursing and other health profesionals. We have found great concentration of burocratic work among their tasks. Besides, we have found evidence of patients being considered medical problems to be solved, which expresses nurses’ views of the mentally-ill. In the staff daily routine, nurses considered themselves as being the core. However, this issue was not so evident when we looked upon the other profesionals’ views. Administrators considered nurses as being great situation managers. This places nurses at a politically-convenient situation for keeping majoritative interests. At this hospital, nurses have various hierarquically estrategic functions, close to the Board of Directors and having direct contact with them, daily. The living conditions of the patients in such institution are extremely poor and humiliating for any human being. The lack of priority given to mental health policies in this State of Bahia greatly contributes for the traditional assistential model, still playing at such hospital.

Vznik a historický vývoj psychiatrické léčebny Červený Dvůr / The origin and historical development of psychiatric hospital Červený Dvůr

Debnar, Alexandr January 2017 (has links)
Background: Alcohol treatment in facilities that have adopted the so-called apolinar model has a long tradition in our country. A certain "basic trio" of institutions based on this model was formed by the above mentioned Apolinář, as its carrier and flagship. Another one was psychiatric hospital Lojovice in 1958, later intended for women only. The last one, Červený Dvůr near Český Krumlov was found in 1960s. It became the largest specialized institution for treatment of alcohol addiction in the former Czechoslovakia. Goals: Mapping the history of today's psychiatric hospital Červený Dvůr with the focus on these partial goals: Origin and development, in the initial stage with LSD treatment and the beginning of artetherapy. Find out what kind of patients was the treatment determined for. How the capacity varied and how the program differed in each stage of development. In addition, people who have somehow influenced the origin, development, and therapeutic program. Also personnel changes and interconnection of the significant monument and medical institution. Methods: A document analysis, which is a search for suitable sources, was used to collect the data. In this case was mainly used so-called "medical tool" Červenodvorská cesta and Zápisy z Apolináře. Next titles were specialized magazines...

Attachment styles of children in an inpatient ward of a psychiatric hospital

De la Rey, Ella Stefani 10 April 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the attachment styles of children between the ages of six and twelve years of age who were admitted as inpatients in a children’s ward of a psychiatric hospital. Attachment theory (Bowlby, 1997, 1998) proposes that children develop certain attachment styles towards their primary caregivers from birth through to three years of age, after which the styles remain relatively constant as can be seen through attachment behaviours later on in life. These attachment styles can be secure, insecure-ambivalent / anxious or insecure-avoidant (Ainsworth, Blehar, Waters&Wall, 1978). Green and Goldwyn (2002) also refer to a fourth category that was established through later research on attachment, named disorganised attachment. Psychiatric hospitalisation of a child implies the assumption of psychopathology and through institutionalisation, he or she is literally separated from the primary caregivers and inevitably placed in unfamiliar surroundings with strangers, making it an ideal setting to investigate attachment features. The researcher worked from the supposition that the mere fact of hospitalisation and implied pathology would thus point to insecure attachment styles in these children. A qualitative research design was implemented to gather information regarding the children’s attachment styles. Two projective techniques were used, namely the Children’s Apperception Test and the Picture Test of Separation and Individuation. Analysis of the information consisted of a first- and second-order process of thematic content analysis. The results yielded thirteen categories of experience. An extensive description of each category was provided, and the categories were then related to theory. The results obtained support previous research findings that found that institutionalised children tend to show more insecure attachment styles. The results from this study also indicated that these insecure attachment styles tend to be predominantly insecure-avoidant or insecure-disorganised. / Dissertation (MA(Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Psychology / unrestricted

Families' perceptions of relapse among psychiatric patients at Evuxakeni Care Centre

Mabunda, Bombeleni Patricia 17 October 2008 (has links)
M.A. / Die doel van die verhandeling is om bydaende faktore wat aanleiding gee tot psigiatriese terugval vas te stel om sodoende aanbevelings te maak wat op die bevindinge gegrond is om diegene wie met psigiatriese pasiente werk te help . Deur middel van hierdie verhandeling is ‘ n poging aangewend om antwoorde tot die volgende vrae te verkry : • Wat is die persepsies van gesinne teenoor ‘n terugval van hul naasbestaandes ? • Wat word deur gesinne as ‘n vernamme bydraende faktor tot terugval beskou? • Wat is die gevolge van her-toelating op die gesin? • Wat is die algemene gevolge van institusionalisering op die pasient? Nie-waarskynlike steekproeftrekking vir die projek is gebruik. ‘m Onderhoudskedule is gebruik om data in te samel. Onderhoude is met twaalf respondente gevoer en hul antwoorde is aangebied en ontleed. Deur middel van hierdie ondersoek is vasgestel dat die oorgroter meerderheid pasiente pas nie so goed aan by die huis as in die gestig nie. In alle waarskynlikheid ‘n rede vir hierdie toedrag van sake is dat hulle hul voorskrif vir medikasie nakom nie. Hierdie nie-gehoorsaamheid deur pasiente lei daartoe tot die siening deur ‘n toenemende aantal gesinne dat hospitalisasie die geskikste plek is vir pasiente, met ontslag as nie-wenslik beskou. Tydens hierdie navorsingsprojek is vasgestel dat alle respondente nie voorberei is om te werk met geestessiektes nie. Hierdie probleem het daartoe aanleiding gegee tot ‘n mislukte integrasie proses aangesien pasiente nie terug na hulle gesinne en gemeenskappe teruggeplaas kon wees nie. Hierdie probleem het ‘n negatiewe aanslag op staatsbeleid om weg te doen met die institusionalisering van pasiente. / Prof. Mitchell

The effects of a token economy on group attendance in a locked psychiatric facility

Murphy, Kathleen Joanne 01 January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Factors leading to re-admission of mental health care users in Thabamoopo Hospital in the Capricorn District

Takalo, Lina Sebolaisi January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (M. Cur.) --University of Limpopo, 2015 / Background: Re-admission is a common problem encountered in psychiatric care. Re-admissions are often, but not always, related to a problem inadequately resolved in the prior hospitalization. A better understanding of factors leading multiple psychiatric admissions is needed. Such knowledge can help planners to set priorities and to make appropriate services and resources available to mental health care users and their families after hospital discharge. Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore the factors leading to re-admission of mental health care users at the Thabamoopo Psychiatric Hospital, Limpopo Province. Methodology: A qualitative phenomenological research approach was used to explore the factors leading to readmission of mental health care users. Purposive sampling was used to select participants of the study at the Thabamoopo Hospital. Twelve one-on-one semi-structured interviews were conducted. Ethical clearance was granted by the Medunsa Research Ethics Committee and permission to collect data was granted by the Limpopo Department of Health. The data were analysed through Tesch’s method of analysis. Results: The research findings indicate that the use of substances, non-adherence to psychiatric medication, the nature of the illness and social problems contributes to readmission of mental health care users. Conclusion and recommendations: In order to deal with factors related to re-admission of mental health care users, the mental health care practitioners, mental health care users and their families must be involved and work together.

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