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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kritéria ovlivňující výběr volnočasových aktivit u odsouzených ve Věznici Plzeň / Criteria influencing the selection of leisure activities for convicts in Prison Plzeň

FOLDOVÁ, Linda January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is aimed at the criteria influencing the choice of leisure activities for Plzeň Prison convicted. Is there a correlation between the selection of the type of leisure activities and the type of crime for which the accused was convicted? If so what and why? The theoretical part describes the historical development of the Czech Prison and history of Plzeň Prison and development of leisure activities. It also describes the possible psychosocial factors influencing the selection of these activities. The second practical part of this thesis contains a survey of prisoners Pilsen and its results. The survey was compiled on the basis of the theoretical part of this thesis and related information from the bachelor thesis. The themes of interviews were: social life - facilities, leisure time spent with family and friends, aspects affecting their free time and leisure activities in Plzeň Prison in certain sections. The main objective of the survey was to find out if there is the relationship (correlation) between the selection of leisure activities and crime for which they are placed in prison. In total were interviewed twenty Sentenced Prisoners in Plzeň Prison.) The results of this research are as follows. There wasn't find any correlation between the selection of leisure activity and type of crime. This means according this research we cannot say that convicted person for property crimes prefers educational/soft activities and sentenced for violent crimes sport. But in the details, we can find some specific patterns in selection of leisure activities

Relações entre variáveis psicossociais e cognitivas e o desempenho em leitura em crianças de uma coorte populacional

Piccolo, Luciane da Rosa January 2010 (has links)
A leitura é um processo complexo, consequência de interações entre fatores ambientais, biológicos e cognitivos. Este estudo visou a investigar a relação entre fatores psicossociais (socioeconômicos e familiares) e cognitivos (memória de trabalho) e o desempenho em leitura de crianças participantes de uma coorte populacional. Foram realizados dois estudos relacionando o desempenho em leitura a: 1) fatores psicossociais e 2) fatores cognitivos. As 65 crianças avaliadas (9-11 anos) eram estudantes de 2ª a 5ª séries de escolas públicas de Porto Alegre-RS. Suas mães participaram de entrevistas sobre dados psicossociais da mãe e de desenvolvimento da criança, feitas aos 4 meses, 2 anos e 5/6 anos de idade das crianças. As crianças foram avaliadas em leitura, QI e memória de trabalho. No estudo 1, correlações significativas negativas foram encontradas entre morbidade psiquiátrica (escore do SRQ-20) da mãe e total de acertos na leitura de palavras irregulares da criança e entre o número de familiares que moravam em casa e o escore total na leitura de palavras da criança. Além disso, a renda familiar correlacionou-se significativa e positivamente com o escore em compreensão de leitura textual da criança. Nas análises de regressão linear apenas o número de familiares que moravam na mesma casa que a criança foi preditor do desempenho em leitura de palavras. Pode-se entender que quanto mais pessoas habitam uma mesma residência, menos recursos são disponibilizados para cada um e os pais podem não ter tempo suficiente para envolverem-se em atividades escolares com seus filhos, o que impacta no desempenho da leitura. No segundo artigo, as medidas de memória de trabalho não se correlacionaram significativamente às tarefas de leitura quando o subteste vocabulário (do WASI) foi controlado. Houve diferenças significativas nas comparações das médias das tarefas de leitura por série – os estudantes de 4ª série apresentaram maiores escores do que as de 3ª. Conclui-se que dos fatores estudados, houve contribuição de variáveis socioeconômicas e familiares para o desempenho em leitura de crianças de uma coorte populacional. A relação entre leitura e memória de trabalho foi intermediada pela linguagem (vocabulário). / Reading is a complex process, a consequence of interactions between environmental, biological and cognitive factors. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between psychosocial factors (socioeconomic and family) and cognitive (working memory) and reading performance of children participating in a population cohort. Two studies were related to reading performance: 1) psychosocial factors and 2) cognitive factors. The 65 evaluated children (9-11 years) were students from 2nd to 5th grade of public schools in Porto Alegre- RS. Their mothers participated in interviews regarding psychosocial data of mother and child development, at 4 months, 2 years and 5 / 6 year old children. Children were tested in reading, IQ and working memory. In one study, negative correlations were found between the psychiatric morbidity (score of SRQ-20) of the mother and the total score in the reading of irregular words between the child and the number of family members who lived in the same house as the child and the total score in words read by the child. Additionally, family income correlated significantly and positively with the reading comprehension text score of the child. In a linear regression analysis only the number of relatives who lived in the same house as the child was a predictor of performance in word reading. One can understand that as more people inhabit a single residence, fewer resources are available for each individual, and parents may not have enough time to get involved in school activities with their children, which impacts the performance of reading. In the second article, the measures of working memory did not correlate significantly with reading assignments when the vocabulary subtest (from the WASI) was controlled. There were significant differences in comparisons of the mean reading task of the series - the fourth grade students had higher scores than the 3rd grade students. We concluded that in the factors studied there was a correlation between the socioeconomic level and the family to the reading performance of children in a population cohort. The relationship between reading and working memory was mediated by language (vocabulary).

En systematisk litteraturstudie om utbrändhet, confoundingfactorer och effektiva interventioner / A systematic literature review about burnout, confounding factors and effective interventions

Edlund Berg, Camilla, Hald Göthberg, Birgitte January 2018 (has links)
Inledning I Sverige har stressrelaterad ohälsa ökat dramatiskt de senaste 30 åren. Psykiatriska diagnoser ökade mest av samtliga sjukskrivningsfall mellan 2010 – 2015, där utbrändhet står för 66 % av ökningen. Kvinnor är överrepresenterade i statistiken för utbrändhet. Syfte Avsikter var att identifiera vilka interventioner som enligt forskning är effektiva mot utbrändhet på olika nivåer samt identifiera relevanta arbetsrelaterade psykosociala riskfaktorer. Fokus låg på gruppen kvinnor i åldern 18 – 64 år. Metod Studien byggde på en systematisk litteraturstudie och datainsamling har skett i PubMed. Resultatet har sedan analyserats med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat Psykosociala faktorer korrelerade i olika grad med utbrändhet för män respektive kvinnor. Kvinnor exponerades för fler risker och hade mindre tillgång till preventionsfaktorer jämfört med män. De vanligaste interventionerna var kognitiv beteendeterapi, samtal/coachning och fysisk aktivitet. Interventionerna var individriktade på tertiär nivå. Brist på chefsstöd var centralt för utveckling av utbrändhet bland män. Närvaro av chefsstöd var en preventionsfaktor för kvinnor. Kvinnor använde privata nätverk och män utvecklade professionella som supportkällor. 18 mätmetoder användes för att mäta utbrändhet. Diskussion Preventionsfaktorer vid utbrändhet skiljer mellan män och kvinnor. Utbrändhetsinterventionerna var främst på individnivå trots kunskap om vikten av primära insatser. Ledarskapet bör prioriteras för att minska riskfaktorer för utbrändhet. / Introduction Behavioral and mental disorders, including burnout syndrome, represent a serious public health issue with increasing prevalence in the last 30 years, especially in 2010-2015 where women were overrepresented in the statistics. Aim This study aimed to identify evidence based interventions and relevant psychosocial work factors with regards to stress related ill health and burnout. The focus group was women, age 18-64 years. Method A systematic literature study was used with studies selected from PubMed. The results were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results Factors related to psychosocial factors and burnout differed by gender. Women were exposed to more risks for burnout, and experienced less access to prevention factors in work environments, compared to men. The most common interventions were cognitive behavioral therapy, coaching and physical activity. Lack of supervisor support had a key role in the development of burnout for men. Existing supervisor support is a preventive factor for women. Women used private networks for emotional support, while men developed their professional networks. Discussion Prevention factors in burnout differed between men and women. Burnout interventions focused on individual level despite the need for primary level interventions. Leadership should prioritize reducing risk factors for burnout.

Afastamento do trabalho por transtornos mentais e fatores associados: um estudo caso-controle entre trabalhadores segurados da Previdência Social / Long-term sickness absence due mental disorders and associated factors: a case-control study among workers insured by Brazilian Social Security

João Silvestre da Silva Júnior 17 August 2012 (has links)
Introdução - As ausências ao trabalho por doença são usadas como indicador da saúde dos trabalhadores e consideradas um significante problema de Saúde Pública. Diversos fatores são descritos como associados ao absenteísmo-doença, independentemente do agravo. A Previdência Social do Brasil regulamenta a concessão de benefício para trabalhadores que comprovarem incapacidade para o trabalho acima de quinze dias por adoecimento. Em 2010, transtornos mentais e comportamentais foram a terceira principal causa de concessão de auxílio-doença por incapacidade laborativa. Objetivo - Avaliar os fatores associados às longas ausências ao trabalho por transtornos mentais e comportamentais. Materiais e Método - Estudo de caso-controle composto por 385 participantes. Os casos foram requerentes de benefício previdenciário por transtorno mental incapacitante na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram realizadas entrevistas para preenchimento de questionários sociodemográfico e de hábitos/estilo de vida, ocupacional inclusive percepção de fatores psicossociais no trabalho, avaliação de condição de saúde e dados do laudo médico-pericial da Previdência Social. Foi realizada regressão logística múltipla hierarquizada para a avaliação da associação das variáveis independentes ao desfecho. Resultados - Os fatores associados foram: sexo feminino, alta escolaridade, cor da pele autorreferida como branca, alto grau de consumo de fumo e de ingesta de álcool, vínculo com empresa estatal, exposição à violência no trabalho, baixo apoio social, elevado comprometimento com o trabalho, atendimento médico por mais de dois diagnósticos no último ano. Na modelagem com interação entre as dimensões dos modelos de estresse ocupacional, a exposição à alta exigência com baixo apoio social, o desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa com elevado comprometimento e a interação entre essas quatro dimensões estão associadas ao desfecho de forma significativa. Considerações Finais - Aspectos sociodemográficos, hábitos e estilo de vida, característica e condição de trabalho, além do status de saúde, estão associados ao longo afastamento do trabalho por transtorno mental e comportamental. A exposição ocupacional a fatores desfavoráveis de natureza psicossocial é importante contribuidora no desfecho. Vê-se a necessidade de atenção para tais situações no intuito de ampliar as perspectivas de antecipação ao risco e implantação de ações intervencionistas que minimizem impactos negativos na saúde dos trabalhadores / Introduction - The absences from work due to illness are used as an indicator of the health of workers and are considered a significant public health problem. Several factors are described as associated with absenteeism and illness, regardless of condition. Brazilian Social Security regulates the payment of benefits to workers who prove work-disability longer than fifteen days due to illness. In 2010, mental and behavioral disorders were the third leading cause for granting disability benefits. Objective - To assess the factors associated with long-term sickness absences from work due to mental and behavioral disorders. Methods - A case-control study comprising 385 participants applicants for social security benefits due mental sickness was performed in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Interviews were conducted and participants answered questionnaires about sociodemographic and habits/lifestyle, occupational characteristics (including perceptions of psychosocial factors at work), assessment of health status. Social Security medical expert data report were analyzed. It was performed hierarchical logistic regression to assess variables associated with the outcome. Results - The associated factors were: sex (female), college education, self-reported skin color as white, high consumption of tobacco and alcohol intake, working for a public company, exposure to violence at work, low social support, high overcommitment and more than two medical conditions diagnoses in the past year. There was observed interaction among the dimensions of occupational stress theorical models, exposure to high strain and low social support, effort-reward imbalance with high overcommitment. The interaction among those four dimensions were statistical significant to the outcome. Conclusions - Demographic aspects, habits and lifestyle, work features and condition of employment, and health status are associated with long-term sickness absence due mental and behavioral disorders. Occupational exposure to adverse psychosocial factors is an important contributor to the outcome. It´s necessary attention to negative psychosocial factor at work in order to detect risk factors and promote interventions to minimize negative impacts on workers health

Low back pain and associated factors in adolescence:a cohort study

Mikkonen, P. (Paula) 10 November 2015 (has links)
Abstract Low back pain (LBP) is a common condition already in adolescence and seems to predict future symptoms. Most of the previous longitudinal studies on LBP have been conducted in adult populations. Among adolescents, LBP has been linked most convincingly to psychosocial factors and smoking. We are not aware of any previous studies on clustering of potential risk factors in adolescent LBP. The main objective of this study was to analyze the potential associations of mainly modifiable psychosocial and lifestyle factors with LBP in adolescence. The factors evaluated were overweight, smoking, physical workload, family’s socioeconomic status, and the co-occurrence of psychosocial and lifestyle factors. The present study used the database of the 16- to 18-year-old adolescent subcohort, Oulu Back Study (n=1,987), of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986. Moreover, we evaluated whether the associations differ depending on the presence of LBP symptoms at baseline of the two-year follow-up period. LBP was common among cohort adolescents as, on average, every second adolescent reported LBP, girls reporting more symptoms. As a whole, more associations were found among girls than boys. Overweight was associated with new LBP in the follow-up, but the association was not strong. Prolonged habitual smoking was associated with LBP, particularly with symptoms at baseline and follow-up. High exposure to awkward trunk postures and an overall physically demanding job were especially associated with new LBP in the follow-up. Family’s socioeconomic status was not consistently associated with LBP. At 16 years, four latent class clusters of psychosocial and lifestyle factors were found in both genders. Clusters characterized by behavioural problems were associated with LBP among both genders. Especially girls with the combination of emotional and behavioural problems were at the greatest risk of seeking care for new LBP. The results of this study indicate that LBP in adolescence is associated with both psychosocial and lifestyle factors. The information obtained may be utilized for improving preventive measures and individual care for adolescent LBP. / Tiivistelmä Alaselkäkipu on yleistä jo nuorilla, ja varhain koetut oireet ennustavat myöhempiä selkäkipuoireita. Suurin osa alaselkäkivun seurantatutkimuksista on tehty aikuisväestöllä. Nuorten alaselkäkivun on esitetty vakuuttavimmin liittyvän psykososiaalisiin ongelmiin ja tupakointiin. Alaselkäkipuun liittyvien tekijöiden mahdollista kasautumista ei ole nuorilla tutkittu aiemmin. Tämän väitöstutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, ovatko pääasiassa muunneltavissa olevat psykososiaaliset ja elämäntapatekijät yhteydessä nuoruudessa esiintyvään alaselkäkipuun. Arvioitavina tekijöinä olivat ylipaino, tupakointi, fyysinen työkuormitus, sosioekonomiset tekijät, sekä psykososiaalisten ja elämäntapatekijöiden kasautuminen. Tutkimusaineisto koostui Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohortti 1986:n osaotoksesta (Oulun selkätutkimus), johon kuului 1987 16–18-vuotiasta nuorta. Mahdollisia yhteyksiä arvioitiin erikseen sen mukaan, raportoivatko nuoret seurannan alussa alaselkäkipuoireita vai ei. Alaselkäkipu oli nuorilla yleistä, ja tytöillä yleisempää kuin pojilla. Keskimäärin joka toinen nuori raportoi oireita. Tutkittujen tekijöiden ja alaselkäkivun välisiä yhteyksiä todettiin selvemmin tytöillä. Ylipaino ennusti seurannassa ilmaantuvaa alaselkäkipua, mutta yhteys ei ollut vahva. Säännöllinen tupakointi oli yhteydessä alaselkäkipuun ja etenkin toistuviin oireisiin. Tutkituista työkuormitustekijöistä etenkin hankalat työasennot ja fyysisesti monella tapaa raskaaksi luokiteltava työ altistivat seurannassa uudelle alaselkäkivulle. Sosioekonomiset tekijät eivät olleet selkeästi yhteydessä alaselkäkipuun. Latenttien luokkien analyysi tunnisti seurannan alkuvaiheessa neljä erilaista ryhmää (klusteria) psykososiaalisten ja elämäntapatekijöiden perusteella molemmilla sukupuolilla. Sekä tytöillä että pojilla alaselkäkipua esiintyi erityisesti niissä ryhmissä, joissa esiintyi runsaasti käyttäytymishäiriöitä. Tunne-elämän ja käyttäytymisen ongelmat ennustivat alaselkäkivun vuoksi hoitoon hakeutumista tytöillä. Tulosten perusteella nuorten alaselkäkipuun liittyy sekä psykososiaalisia että elämäntapatekijöitä. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää alaselkäkivun ennaltaehkäisyn ja nuorten yksilöllisen hoidon suunnittelussa.

Work related neck pain amongst university administrative staff

Panwalkar, Shilpa January 2008 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Physiotherapy) - MSc(Physio) / This study aimed at identifying the factors contributing towards work related neck pain amongst university administrative staff, its impact on everyday life activities and in turn its prevalence. A quantitative descriptive cross sectional study design was used amongst the administrative staff at the University of The Western Cape, South Africa. Data collection was carried out with the help of a questionnaire which was administered by the researcher in person. Data was analysed with both descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS and SAS for windows. Chi-square test and logistic regression analysis was done. The results of this study revealed a very high prevalence of work related neck pain amongst university administrative staff. / South Africa

The management of psychosocial hazards at work throufg the psychological lens

Micouin, Guillaume, Le Meur, Thibault January 2017 (has links)
Due to the rise of psychosocial hazards and its increasing healthcare associated costs in Europe but also in the whole World, the poor management of those risks becomes an urgent issue to overcome for the states and companies but above all, for the people who suffer from it. The problem is that there is not enough awareness among the society about psychosocial factors and its associated risks. Our master thesis aims at examining and determining the roots of psychosocial hazards by starting from an already existing case study to set and classify the main variables. Thus, through the lens of psychologists and psychiatrists we interviewed with a semi-structured questionnaire, we compare and analyze these variables and their answers in order to identify what are the most important factors to deal with in priority and how to manage them properly. Again, through the lens of the specialists in the field and ours, we question the risk management paradigm presented as a solution to tackle psychosocial hazards in the European survey we found. The main goals of our thesis are to raise awareness among people about psychosocial factors and its associated risks but also to provide a solution to identify and manage them properly in a lucid and realistic leadership but also more human, thanks to the enlightening vision of our dear interviewees.

Approche psychosociale du risque de malnutrition dans la démence : intrication des facteurs de vulnérabilité des personnes âgées vivant à domicile et de leur proche aidant / Psychosocial approach of risk of malnutrition in dementia : association of vulnerability factors between community-dwelling elderly and family caregivers

Rullier, Laetitia 12 December 2011 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectif d’étudier, selon une approche psychosociale, les facteurs de vulnérabilité associés au risque de malnutrition au sein du binôme personne âgée démente/aidant familial. Cette étude transversale a été réalisée dans le cadre d’une intervention psychosociale effectuée à domicile et proposée par un Centre Local d’Information et de Coordination (CLIC) en milieu rural. Les caractéristiques socio-démographiques et des mesures sur la santé psychologique et physique ont été recueillies auprès d’un échantillon composé de 56 binômes. Nos résultats montrent que le risque de malnutrition des personnes âgées démentes serait plus particulièrement expliqué par leur dépendance dans les activités de base de la vie quotidienne et par le propre risque de malnutrition des aidants familiaux. Ce dernier serait lui-même expliqué par la dépression, leur niveau de dépendance, et la sévérité de l’apathie de leur proche dément. Après avoir défini des profils nutritionnels de binômes et les facteurs de vulnérabilité qui y sont associés, la description de leur vécu et de leurs interactions autour de l’alimentation permet de mieux comprendre les problématiques psychologiques en jeu. Ces résultats sont discutés en fonction de la dimension psychosociale de l’alimentation, entre dépendance comme facteur de vulnérabilité et interdépendance comme fonction d’affirmation et de maintien du lien au sein du binôme. Finalement, ces éléments de réponses ainsi que les limites identifiées nous amènent à proposer des perspectives de recherche et de prise en charge / This work aims to study psychosocial factors associated with risk of malnutrition in the dyad demented elderly/ family caregiver. This cross-sectional study comprising 56 community-dwelling demented elderly and 56 family caregivers was performed in a French gerontological institution providing psychosocial interventions. The data collected included their socio-demographic characteristics and measures of their psychological and physical health. Our results show that the risk of malnutrition of demented elderly would be particularly explained by their dependence in activities of daily life and the own risk of malnutrition of family caregivers. This one would be explained by their dependence, depression, and the severity of apathy of demented elderly. Nutritional profiles of caregiving dyads and vulnerability factors associated are presented. According to these profiles, description of their emotional experiences and their interactions concerning feeding-related activities is interesting to better understand the psychological issues. These results are discussed according to psychosocial dimension of feeding, between dependence as a vulnerability factor and interdependence as a function to affirm and preserve the link within caregiving dyad. Finally, the limits of this work and its implications for both clinical and research are argued.

Burnout y factores psicosociales laborales en entrenadores deportivos de Lima y Huancayo / Burnout and psychosocial factors at work in sports coaches from Lima and Huancayo

Gutiérrez Sobrino, Lady de María, Alburqueque Baldeon, Guadalupe Stephania 30 October 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación es de corte cuantitativo cuyo objetivo de estudio fue relacionar el burnout y los factores psicosociales laborales en 131 entrenadores deportivos de Lima y Huancayo, cuyas edades oscilan entre los 23 y 69 años. El diseño de investigación fue no experimental transversal de nivel correlacional, para lo cual se utilizó el inventario de Maslach Burnout para entrenadores deportivos y el cuestionario de Factores Psicosociales Laborales. Para la obtención de resultados se realizó un análisis de regresión múltiple en la que se evidenció que el factor predictor del burnout es contenido y características de la tarea. También se compararon las variables en función a una serie de características propias del entrenador deportivo, tales como el nivel de educación, satisfacción con el sueldo y el tipo de trabajo, los cuales arrojaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. En función a ello, se determinó que el desgaste emocional y la percepción de reducida realización personal están asociadas a la remuneración del rendimiento y las exigencias laborales a las cuales está sometido el entrenador en su dinámica cotidiana. / The present research is quantitative in nature and the aim of the study is to relate the burnout and psychosocial factors at work in 131 sports coaches from Lima and Huancayo, the ages range between 23 and 69 years. The research design was a non-experimental cross-sectional correlational level, for which the Maslach Burnout inventory for sports coaches and the Occupational Psychosocial Factors questionnaire were used. To obtain results, a multiple regression analysis was carried out, in which it was evidenced that the predictor of burnout is content and characteristics of the task. Variables are also compared based on a series of characteristics of the sports coach, such as level of education, satisfaction with salary and type of work, which yielded statistically significant differences. Based on this, it was determined that emotional exhaustion and the perception of reduced personal fulfillment are associated with the remuneration of performance and the work demands to which the worker is subjected in their daily dynamics. / Tesis

Ulcerózní kolitida a její psychosociální dopad na dospívajícího / Ulcerous colitis and its psychosocial impact upon adolescent

Robková, Adéla January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the topic of ulcerative colitis and its psychosocial impact upon adolescents. The main goal of the thesis is to identify, through qualitative research, the psychosocial factors that influence the adolescent in his everyday life and to map the situations that are most difficult for the teenager. The topic is based on the theoretical part, which consists of information about the diagnosis and course of ulcerative colitis, treatment methods and complications connected with them. The theoretical part also deals with describing the psychosocial factors of ulcerative colitis and describing adolescence as the stage of an individual's life. The research part describes a qualitative research method that answers the main research question. The output of a qualitative research survey is 7 identified areas that are most influenced by ulcerative colitis during adolescence. Key words: Ulcerative colitis, adolescence, psychosocial factors, chronical disease, impact, handicap, social impact

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