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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vardagen för personer med bensår

Mejer, Sara, Nilsson, Agnes January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bensår är ett tillstånd som blir allt vanligare i Sverige, ökar i takt med hög ålder och definieras som sår som inte läkt inom sex veckor. Att leva med en kronisk hudsjukdom innebär att anpassningar i det dagliga livet måste ske. Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie var att beskriva hur personer med bensår upplever sin vardag samt att beskriva vilka undersökningsgrupper som ingick i de inkluderade artiklarna. Metod: En beskrivande litteraturstudie som inkluderade tio stycken vetenskapliga artiklar som söktes fram i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. Huvudresultat: Bensår påverkade personernas liv fysiskt, psykiskt och socialt. Stora faktorer som bidrog till begränsningar i det dagliga livet var förekomsten av smärta, depression samt rädsla för att utöva fysisk aktivitet. Kontakten med vården var en stor del av vardagen, där personerna upplevde att vården tog upp mycket tid och personerna upplevde även att sjuksköterskorna hade för lite kunskap avseende deras sjukdom och lidande. I artiklarna som utgör resultatet var det mellan 5-1824 deltagare, de flesta deltagarna var kvinnor, åldersspannet var mellan 18 - 104 år, det var främst venösa bensår som förekom och deltagarna hade haft sina bensår mellan 6 veckor - 43 år. Slutsatser: Att leva med ett bensår skapade begränsningar i det dagliga livet och smärta, depression samt rädsla för att utöva fysiskt aktivitet förekom. Det är viktigt som sjuksköterska att uppmärksamma denna patientgrupp för att ge ett professionellt bemötande och en god omvårdnad. / Background: A Leg ulcer is a condition that is becoming more common in Sweden with higher age. Leg ulcers are defined as wounds that are not healed within six weeks. Living with a chronic skin disease means that adaptions in daily life must happen. Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe how people with leg ulcers experience their daily life and to describe which study groups are applied in the included articles. Method: A descriptive literature study that includes ten scientific articles which were searched in the databases Cinahl and PubMed. Main result: Leg ulcer affected people's lives physically, psychologically and socially. Major factors that contributed to daily life limitations where the presence of pain, depression and fear of performing physical activity. The contact with healthcare was a major part of everyday life, were the persons perceived that care took up a lot of time and the persons also found that the nurses had little knowledge about their illness and suffering. In the articles that represented the result there were between 5-1824 participants, most of the participants were women, the age range was between 18-104 years, it was mainly venous leg ulcers that occurred and the participants have had leg ulcer between 6 weeks - 43 years. Conclusion: Living with a leg ulcer created limitation in daily life as a result of pain, depression and fear of performing physical activity. As a nurse it is very important to pay attention to this patient group to provide professional treatment and good care.

Récits, événements de vie et dessins de l'arbre chez des patients schizophrènes français et péruviens / Life stories, life events and tree test of french and peruvian schizophrenic patients

Merma Choquehuanca, Rosario Katty 16 July 2015 (has links)
Cette étude a pour objectif comparer deux populations selon les facteurs socio-démographiques, personnels, psychopathologiques, psycho-corporels et relationnels et étudier le vécu de la maladie sur la vie personnelle, familiale et sociale chez les schizophrènes français et péruviens à travers les récits de vie recueillis au cours de la recherche. Nous avons formulé deux hypothèses générales : Les récits et évènements de vie rapportés par les patients schizophrènes français et péruviens ne seront pas fondamentalement différents du fait de l’universalité de la pathologie et le dessin de l’arbre utilisé chez les patients schizophrènes français et péruviens permettra de mettre en évidence des différences en fonction de la population étudiée. Population : Elle est composée de 26 patients hommes et femmes âgés de 18 à 57 ans (âge moyen : 36 ans) stabilisés par leur traitement, ayant fait l’objet d’un diagnostic de Schizophrénie de type paranoïde (F20.0x), schizophrénie de type indifférenciée (F20.3X) et trouble délirant (F22.0) selon le DSM IV-R. Instruments : Nous avons utilisé trois types d’outils pour tester nos hypothèses : Dessins de l’arbre, questionnaire d’événements de vie d’Amiel Lebigre et récits de vie. Résultats : Les résultats indiquent que les récits, évènements de vie et des dessins de l’arbre des patients schizophrènes français et péruviens sont différents (situation familiale, professionnelle, événements de vie, troubles psychologiques). Conclusion : Cette étude nous a permis d’appréhender la réalité des patients schizophrènes dans les deux pays : le contexte social et la prise en charge des patients. Nous avons repéré que les histoires des patients schizophrènes péruviens sont plus interrompues et peu élaborés. Elle met en lumière des aspects encore peu étudiés chez les patients schizophrènes (sexualité, image du corps, aspect social, couleur des dessins). / This study aims to compare two populations by socio-demographic, personal, psychopathology, psycho-physical and relational factors and to study the experience of the disease on the personal, family and social life in French and Peruvian schizophrenics through the life stories collected during the research. We made two general hypotheses: Stories and life events reported by the French and Peruvian schizophrenic patients will not be fundamentally different because of the universality of the pathology ; and the tree test made by French and Peruvian schizophrenic patients will highlight differences depending on the population studied. Population : It’s composed of 26 men and women patients aged from 18 to 57 years (mean age 36 years) stabilized by treatment, having been diagnosed with paranoid Schizophrenia (F20.0x), schizophrenia undifferentiated type (F20.3X) and delusional disorder (F22.0) according to DSM IV-R. Instruments : We used three types of tools to test our hypotheses: tree test, life events and life stories. Results : The results indicate that the stories, life events and tree test of French and Peruvian schizophrenic patients are different (family situation, professional, life events, psychological disorders). Conclusion : This study allowed us to understand the reality of schizophrenic patients in the two countries: the social context and the care given to patients. We've detected that stories of Peruvian schizophrenic patients are interrupted and unsophisticated. It highlights aspects that have not been deeply studied yet in schizophrenia (sexuality, body image, social, color drawings).

The Effects of Two Analgesic Balm Applications on Pain and Psychosocial Factors Related to Injury

Spring, Leigh T. 26 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Lokalvårdares möjligheter och motivation till hälsofrämjande aktiviteter på arbetsplatsen. -Enkätstudie och intervjuer om hinder och möjligheter / Cleaners' opportunities and motivation for ergonomic and health-promoting activities in the workplace. – Questionnaire study and interviews about obstacles and opportunities

Sageby, Anita January 2021 (has links)
Syfte Syftet med denna studie har varit att studera och inventera en arbetsgrupp med lokalvårdares uppfattning om arbetsvillkor, ergonomi och i vilken utsträckning hälsofrämjande aktiviteter utövades under eller efter arbetstid. Bakgrund: Ett intresse finns bland arbetsgivarna att förbättra arbetstagarnas hälsotillstånd och muskuloskeletala hälsa då det är möjligt att minska sjukfrånvaron och påverka produktiviteten. Olika diskurser förespråkar att yrkesrelaterade hälsoproblem kan lösas med olika typer av träning. Känsligheten för att drabbas av belastningsskador varierar mellan individer. Brister i den organisatoriska och psykosociala miljön kan påverka hälsan negativt. Klass och kön har stor inverkan på hur vi kan påverka och forma våra liv både privat och i arbetslivet. Enligt jämställdhetsbarometern råder det fortfarandestora stora klass- och könsskillnader i arbetslivet, och personer i arbetsyrken har i allmänhet en sämre arbetsmiljö Metod: Metodansatsen för denna studie har varit en kombination av flera metoder som följer; Enkäter QPS Nordic 34+ avseende psykosocial och organisatorisk arbetsmiljö. Kompletterande frågor (KFS) om kondition, ergonomi och träningsvanor. Fältarbete i form av observationer och intervjuer. Deltagarna bestod av 56 lokalvårdare/städare. Resultat: Resultaten visade att en övervägande andel enligt QPS ansåg att arbetsgivarens intresse för personalens hälsa var lågt och hälften ansåg att det fanns betydande brister i organisationskultur och organisationsklimat som inte var tillräckligt stödjande, liksom i interaktion på arbetsplatsen samt i arbetskrav. På den positiva sidan såg de allra flesta sig själva som yrkesskickliga. Resultaten från intervjuerna visade att en förbättrad introduktion, vi-känsla, socialt stöd och grupptillhörighet, bättre arbetsorganisering. hjälpmedel, transporter samt trivselskapande aktiviteter skulle förbättra arbetsmiljön. Enligt KFS-frågorna visade en övervägande andel svalt intresse att delta i en grupp för att prova motions- och friskvårdsaktiviteter. En övervägande andel ansåg dock att deras hälsotillstånd kunde förbättras måttligt eller avsevärt. Stresshantering och avspänning var något som önskades, liksom intresse för konditionsförbättrande aktiviteter, friskvård under arbetstid och egenvalda aktiviteter. Många ansåg sig redan ha kunskap om ergonomi. Studien gör inte anspråk på att vara generaliserbar men avser att bidra till ökat lärande om interventioner och deras förutsättningar. Slutsats: Genomgående i alla metoder framkom brister i arbetskrav, organisationskultur och ledarskap, arbetsklimat och interaktion, belöning och stöd i den psykosociala och organisatoriska arbetsmiljön vilka sammanföll med kategorierna i QPSNordic34 + och vad som framkom från KFS. De flesta (80%) önskade förbättra sin hälsa och lika många (80%) ansåg att arbetsgivarens intresse för de anställdas hälsa var lågt. Stress och tidspress var vanligt hos 70% och 65% upplevde bristande ledarskap. Belöning och trivselfaktorer var andra områden som 66% var missnöjda med. De flesta städare ansåg det viktigt med ergonomiaspekten för den totala arbetsbelastningen samt att arbetsorganisationen var viktig för god ergonomi. Studien har visat att det fanns en brist på hälsofrämjande strategi för att motivera medarbetarna till en aktörsroll Den forskning som presenterades av Marmot (2006) överensstämmer med vad som framkom i studien, att obalans i livssituationen, ojämlik arbetsmarknad och att arbetsförhållandena är faktorer viktiga för den sociala gradienten. Ju högre upp i hierarkin och status en individ befinner sig desto bättre hälsa. Därför är fler studier om lokalvårdarnas psykosociala och organisatoriska arbetsmiljö eftersträvansvärda.

Effects of a Modified Judo Program on Psychosocial Factors in Typically Developing and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: a Mixed-Methods Study

Tomey, Keanu L. 01 January 2017 (has links)
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a modified judo training program on psychosocial health in both typically developing (TD) and children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) using a mixed-methods approach. METHODS: The sample consisted of 5 children with ASD and 5 TD children (age=8-11yrs) who participated in 10 sessions of a modified judo program during their typical physical education time for school. Psychosocial factors (enjoyment, perceived competence, benefits of PA) were assessed at baseline and post intervention, with completion of all measures dependent upon the level of comfort expressed by the participant. At the end of the program, children took part in focus group discussions centered around their experience with the program, while key school staff participated in semi-structured interviews based on their observations of the program. All focus group discussions and interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. RESULTS: Quantitative results for pre and post psychosocial measures showed no significant differences existed between PA self-efficacy (p=.99), PA enjoyment (p=.6), and barriers to PA (p=.27). Qualitative results revealed that the majority of the participants found the program to be enjoyable, with partner centered activities being particularly fun. Suggestions for improvement included increasing the duration and frequency of the judo classes. All children reported a desire to continue participating in the judo classes. Findings from staff interviews indicated that school staff observed improvements in psychosocial health and behavior both immediately following a judo class, and throughout the intervention period. Increased self-confidence was mentioned by all participating school staff members. CONCLUSION: Despite the lack of significant quantitative findings, psychosocial benefits were observed in both TD children and children with ASD, with all participants reporting their desire to continue with the program. Future studies should examine the psychosocial benefits in a judo-training program in larger sample of children over longer durations.

Central sensitization in orofacial pain

McCormick, Emma, Sjöwall, Magdalena January 2015 (has links)
Syfte. Att retrospektivt undersöka relationen mellan central sensitisering i det orofacialaområdet och refererad smärta, som kliniskt fynd, samt psykosociala faktorer hos patienter medDC/TMD-muskeldiagnosen myofasciell smärta med refererad smärta (MPR). Studien syftadeäven till att undersöka skillnader gällande psykosociala faktorer mellan patienter somdiagnostiserats med DC/TMD muskeldiagnoserna myofasciell smärta med refererad smärta(MPR), lokal myalgi (LM) och patienter med orofacial smärta eller käkdysfunktion men ejkäkmuskeldiagnos (WMD) som kontrollgrupper.Material och metod. Information från 85 patienters DC/TMD-undersökning utförd påOrofaciala smärtenheten vid Malmö högskola mellan september 2012 till årsslutet 2013insamlades retrospektivt. Undersökta variabler inkluderade smärtintensitet, smärt-relateraddysfunktion, psykosociala faktorer (depression, ångest och stress) samt refererad smärta.Patienterna indelades i grupper baserade på muskeldiagnos enligt DC/TMD samt utbredning avsmärta. Non-parametrisk statistik användes och P < 0,05 betraktades som signifikant.Resultat. Patienter med MPR uppvisade en signifikant korrelation mellan totala antaletrefererade smärtlokalisationer och smärt-relaterad dysfunktion (rs = 0,43, n = 49, p = 0,002),depression (rs = 0,32, n = 49, p = 0,023) och stress (rs = 0,39, n = 49, p = 0,006). Patienter meden generell smärtutbredning uppvisade en signifikant högre grad av stress (p = 0,020) samt flerantal refererade smärtlokalisationer (p = 0,019) jämfört med patienter med lokal och/ellerregional orofacial smärta.Konklusion. Studien indikerar att grad av central sensitisering kan bedömas med hjälp avutbredningen av refererad smärta, undersökt enligt DC/TMD, hos patienter med diagnosenmyofasciell smärta med refererad smärta i det orofaciala området. Studien kunde inte påvisaskillnader gällande psykosociala faktorer mellan de undersökta grupperna. / Objective. The aim of this study was to retrospectively investigate the relation between referredpain, as a clinical finding, and psychosocial factors versus central sensitization in patients withmyofascial pain with referral (MPR) as assessed according to DC/TMD. The study also aimedto investigate differences regarding psychosocial factors between patients demonstratingmyofascial pain with referral (MPR) and patients diagnosed with the DC/TMD muscle diagnoselocal myalgia (LM) as well as OFP/TMD patients without masticatory muscular diagnose(WMD) as control patients.Material and methods. Patients’ medical records of 85 patients examined at the Orofacial PainUnit at Malmö University during September 2012 till the end of 2013 were retrospectivelyexamined for DC/TMD data. Examined variables included pain intensity, pain-related disability,psychosocial factors (depression, anxiety and stress) and referred pain. The patients weredivided into groups based on DC/TMD muscle diagnosis as well as extension of pain. Nonparametricstatistics were used and a probability level of P < 0.05 was considered as significant.Results. Patients with MPR demonstrated significant correlations between the total number ofreferred pain sites and disability score (rs = 0.43, n = 49, p = 0.002), depression (rs = 0.32, n =49, p = 0.023) as well as stress (rs = 0.39, n = 49, p = 0.006). Patients with generalized paindistribution demonstrated a significantly higher degree of stress (p = 0.020) as well as highernumber of referred pain sites (p = 0.019) than patients with local and/or regional orofacial pain.Conclusion. This study indicates that the degree of central sensitization can be estimated bythe extent of referred pain, as assessed according to DC/TMD, in patients with myofascial painwith referred pain in the orofacial region. This study could not detect a difference inpsychosocial factors between the three groups, myofascial pain with referral (MPR), localmyalgia (LM) and no masticatory muscle diagnosis (WMD).

Irritable bowel syndrome diagnosed in primary care : Occurrence, treatment and impact on everyday life

Olsen Faresjö, Åshild January 2006 (has links)
Background: IBS is the most common functional gastrointestinal disorders and affects approximately 10-20 % of the general population and is widespread in all societies and socio-economic groups. Although the disorder does not have a life-threatening course, it still seriously affects the patients in their everyday life. Aim: The general aims of this thesis were to estimate the occurrence of irritable bowel syndrome in the general population and to achieve a better understanding of present treatment of this disorder and impact on every-day life in those suffering from IBS. Material and methods: The LIPS study comprises two parts. Part I was a retrospective register study where the data collection was based on computerised medical records at three selected Primary Health Care centres in a defined region. Part II was a population based case-control study. The identified IBS cases from part I constitute the cases, while their control groups were randomly selected from the population census register in the same area as the cases. Data in part II were collected by means of a postal questionnaire to cases and controls. The study was conducted in Linköping, a city located in the south-east of Sweden with 135 000 inhabitants. Results: The female IBS patients reported lower influence on planning their work and working hours as well as fewer opportunities to learn new things at their work compared to their controls, even after adjustments in multiple logistic regressions for potential confounders like; mood, sleeping problems and perceived health. The female IBS patients had considerably lower HRQOL in all dimensions compared to their controls, even when compared to male patients. Younger female IBS cases (18-44 years) reported lower mental health on the SF-36 scale than the older IBS female cases (p=0.015). In the multivariate analysis these variables, lack of influence on planning the work, family history of IBS, anxiety and sleeping disturbance displayed an association with being diagnosed with IBS in women. In men, lack of influence on working pace, family history of IBS was associated with an IBS diagnosis.The consultation incidence of IBS in part I was 3.4 (95% CI 3.20-3.70) per 1000 person-years for all IBS cases, among females; the incidence rate was 4.6 per 1000 person-years (95% CI 4.16-4.97) and males; 2.3 per 1000 person-years (95% CI 2.01-2.59). The dominating pharmacological treatment prescribed for abdominal complaints were fibre and bulking laxatives agents as well as acid suppressive drugs. These variables had an independent impact on the probability of a follow-up consultation; diagnosed co-morbidity besides the IBS diagnosis, rectoscopy ordered and laboratory tests ordered. Conclusions: IBS patients identified in primary care are significantly affected in their working-life compared to individuals in the general population. Especially female IBS-patients report lower decision latitude at work and they also appear to have a particularly impaired psychosocial functioning in their every day life and impaired HRQOL. Factors associated with IBS diagnosis among females are anxiety as well as family history of IBS and lack of co-determination at work. The incidence rate of IBS was 3.4 per 1000 person-years which increased with age and with an overrepresentation of females. IBS patients did not appear to be heavy utilisers of primary care and those who attended were treated by their GP without further consultation. The strongest predictors for having a follow-up consultation were diagnosed co-morbidity, rectoscopy and laboratory tests ordered / Figure on page 8 reprinted from Lancet 360(9332), Nicholas, J Talley and Robin Spiller, "Irritable bowel syndrome: a little understood organic bowel disease?", pp. 555-564, Copyright 2006 with permission from Elsevier. On the day of the public defence of the doctoral thesis, the status of articles III and IV was Submitted.

Étude des facteurs psychosociaux permettant de prédire le turnover volontaire et l’engagement au travail des travailleurs saisonniers : étude en station de sports d’hiver / Study of psychological factors for predicting turnover and work engagement to seasonal jobs : study in ski resort

Jay, Mathieu 05 December 2018 (has links)
Notre travail de recherche porte sur la saisonnalité en station de ski en hiver. Il s’agit d’un groupe professionnel qui fait l’objet de peu de recherches. Les travailleurs saisonniers en stations sont pourtant nombreux (400 000) (Aboubadra-Pauly, d’Artois, & Le Ru, 2016) et sont exposés à des stresseurs spécifiques (précarité, isolement, climat, hébergements, invisibilité sociale, etc.) qui les conduisent souvent à abandonner leur poste de travail. Les abandons de poste constituent des échecs pouvant générer des situations de précarité, d’insécurité, de perte de lien social et de baisse d’estime de soi. Ces abandons ont également des conséquences économiques importantes pour les entreprises qui emploient ces saisonniers. Il s’agit donc d’étudier, dans une approche prospective, les facteurs personnels (personnalité, âge, situation familiale), contextuels (logement, métier, rémunération, etc.) et psychosociaux (demandes psychologiques, latitude décisionnelle, soutien social, stratégies de coping, adéquation entre les valeurs du salarié et celles de l’organisation, satisfaction au travail) permettant de prédire un bon ajustement aux métiers desaisonniers. Nos indicateurs d’ajustement sont le turnover volontaire et l’engagement au travail (mesuré avec l’Utrecht Work Engagement Scale). Cent soixante et un sujets ont été évalués à 3 reprises (avant, pendant et à la fin de la saison). Les résultats montrent que la personnalité des saisonniers (selon la taxonomie des big five) a peu d’influence sur le turnover et le niveaud’engagement. Nous mettons également en évidence l’effet médiateur de la satisfaction au travail entre l’adéquation personne-organisation (PO fit) et le turnover. En outre, nous montrons les liens directs entre stresseurs professionnels, l’adéquation de la formation, les responsabilités, larémunération, le mode de logement, l’expérience du métier, certaines stratégies de coping, le PO Fit et l’engagement. Les liens entre nos deux critères (engagement et turnover volontaire) sont également étudiés. Les implications théoriques et pratiques de nos travaux sont discutées. / Our research focuses on seasonal workers in ski resorts in winter. Little research has been done in this area.. Yet seasonal workers in stations are numerous (400 000) (Aboubadra-Pauly et al.,2016) and are exposed to specific stressors (job insecurity, isolation, climate, accommodation, social invisibility, etc.) which often lead them to abandon their workstation. Dropping out can be perceived as a failure that can lead to situations of insecurity, loss of social connection and low self-esteem. Workers abandoning their posts also have significant economic consequences for companies. It is thus necessary to study, in a forward-looking approach, the personal factors (personality, age, family situation), context (accomodation, job, pay, etc.) and psychosocialfactors (psychological demands, decisional latitude, social support, Person-Organization fit (PO fit), job satisfaction) predicting a good adjustment to seasonal occupations. Our adjustment indicators are : voluntary turnover (during the season) and engagement at work (measured with the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale). One hundred and sixty-one subjects were evaluated 3 times (before, during, and at the end of the season). The results show that the personality ofseasonal workers (according to Big Five taxonomy) has little influence on turnover and the engagement scale. We also highlight the mediating effect of job satisfaction between the PO Fit and turnover. Furthermore, we find direct links between professional stressors, instruction adequacy, responsibilities, wage, accomodation, work experience, coping strategies, PO Fit and work engagement. The links between our two criteria (commitment and voluntary turnover) arealso studied. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

Fatores de risco psicossocial do trabalho associados ao adoecimento psíquico dos motoristas de ônibus urbano / Psychosocial factors at work related to psychiatric disorders among urban bus drivers

Carvalho, Ricardo Baccarelli 09 April 2015 (has links)
Introdução Os motoristas de ônibus urbano são submetidos às normas das empresas de forma peculiar, permanecendo a maior parte do tempo fora dos limites da contratante, submetidos a situações de trabalho com alto potencial estressante. Os distúrbios psíquicos são frequentes nesta população, gerando absenteísmo e impacto financeiro para profissionais, empresas e população usuária dos serviços. Objetivos Verificar o nível de sintomas ansiosos e depressivos referidos e traçar o perfil de uso de álcool nos motoristas de ônibus urbano da região metropolitana de São Paulo, que buscavam atendimento médico; Identificar fatores de risco psicossocial do trabalho associados a este perfil. Métodos Avaliada amostra de conveniência de 174 motoristas de ônibus urbano encaminhados ao Serviço de Saúde Ocupacional do ICHC-FMUSP. Realizadas entrevistas, preenchimento de prontuário médico ocupacional e aplicados questionários de avaliação da percepção de fatores psicossociais do trabalho, como variáveis independentes, e avaliação de condição de saúde quanto ao indicativo de transtornos depressivos, ansiosos e do padrão de consumo de álcool, como variáveis dependentes, sendo realizada análise estatística dos dados. Selecionados casos que ilustram as situações de trabalho a que estes profissionais estão expostos. Resultados 93,1 por cento consideram seu trabalho como de alta demanda psicológica e 87,4 por cento consideram ter baixo grau de controle sobre as atividades. 81,6 por cento posicionam-se na categoria de trabalho de alta exigência do Modelo Demanda-Controle e 57,5 por cento referem ter baixo suporte social. 61,5 por cento avaliam que há desequilíbrio na relação esforço-recompensa e 77,6 por cento consideram alto seu comprometimento pessoal com o trabalho. Pelo Modelo Desequilíbrio Esforço-Recompensa, 55,2 por cento dos casos estão expostos à situação considerada como de risco mais intenso de adoecimento. 60,9 por cento e 70,3 por cento dos casos apresentam sintomas sugestivos de diagnóstico de depressão e ansiedade, respectivamente. 13,8 por cento da amostra referem uso de álcool compatível com abuso/dependência. Ser mulher, ter menor idade, apresentar desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa e ter alto grau de comprometimento com o trabalho foram associados a sintomas indicativos de quadro depressivo. Apresentar desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa e ter alto comprometimento com o trabalho foram associados a sintomas indicativos de quadro de ansiedade. Ter baixo nível de apoio social foi associado a indicativo de abuso/dependência de álcool. Pela análise por regressão logística múltipla, desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa e comprometimento estão associados à depressão; controle e comprometimento à ansiedade e apoio social ao uso de álcool. Conclusão A população estudada mostrou-se exposta à situação de risco intenso de adoecimento psíquico relacionado ao trabalho. / Introduction Urban bus drivers are subjected to the companies regulations in a particular way as they work most of the time out of the physical limits of the companies, where they are subjected to working conditions that might lead to serious stress issues. Psychiatric disorders are typical in this community, causing absenteeism and financial impact for workers, companies and the population. Objectives To verify anxiety levels and depression symptoms and evaluate the pattern of alcohol usage on urban bus drivers from the metropolitan area of São Paulo (BR), who searched for medical aid; To identify psychosocial factors at work associated with this profile. Methodology The occupational and medical evaluation of the 174 urban bus drivers sample at Serviço de Saúde Ocupacional - ICHC-FMUSP consisted of interviews, use of medical protocols and questionnaires to evaluate how workers perceive psychosocial factors at work, as independent variables, and evaluate the health condition regarding depressive disorders, anxiety disorders and alcohol abuse/addiction, as dependent variables. Statistical methods were used to analyze the data. Cases were reported to illustrate their working conditions. Results 93.1 per cent consider their work as psychologically demanding and 87.4 per cent think they have a low degree of control over their activities. 81.6 per cent classify themselves at the category of high strain job of the Job Strain Model and 57.5 per cent consider themselves to have low social support. 61.5 per cent reckon there is an effort-reward imbalance and 77.6 per cent consider themselves to be highly commited to their Jobs. According to the Effort Reward Imbalance Model, 55.2 per cent of the cases are exposed to the situation of higher risk of developing disease. 60.9 per cent of the cases present symptons related to depression, 70.3 per cent present symptoms related to anxiety and 13,8 per cent refer symptoms that indicate alcohol abuse/addiction. Being a woman, younger, having an effort-reward imballance and a high degree of commitment with the job were associated with depression symptoms. Having an effort-reward imballance and a high degree of commitment with the job were associated with anxiety symptoms. Having a low social support was associated with the risk of presenting alcohol abuse/addiction. The variables effort-reward imballance and a high degree of commitment, for depression, control and high degree of commitment, and social support, for alcohol, are associated when the logistic regression analysis is used. Conclusion The group studied is exposed to a high risk of developing work related mental diseases.

Afastamento do trabalho por transtornos mentais e fatores associados: um estudo caso-controle entre trabalhadores segurados da Previdência Social / Long-term sickness absence due mental disorders and associated factors: a case-control study among workers insured by Brazilian Social Security

Silva Júnior, João Silvestre da 17 August 2012 (has links)
Introdução - As ausências ao trabalho por doença são usadas como indicador da saúde dos trabalhadores e consideradas um significante problema de Saúde Pública. Diversos fatores são descritos como associados ao absenteísmo-doença, independentemente do agravo. A Previdência Social do Brasil regulamenta a concessão de benefício para trabalhadores que comprovarem incapacidade para o trabalho acima de quinze dias por adoecimento. Em 2010, transtornos mentais e comportamentais foram a terceira principal causa de concessão de auxílio-doença por incapacidade laborativa. Objetivo - Avaliar os fatores associados às longas ausências ao trabalho por transtornos mentais e comportamentais. Materiais e Método - Estudo de caso-controle composto por 385 participantes. Os casos foram requerentes de benefício previdenciário por transtorno mental incapacitante na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram realizadas entrevistas para preenchimento de questionários sociodemográfico e de hábitos/estilo de vida, ocupacional inclusive percepção de fatores psicossociais no trabalho, avaliação de condição de saúde e dados do laudo médico-pericial da Previdência Social. Foi realizada regressão logística múltipla hierarquizada para a avaliação da associação das variáveis independentes ao desfecho. Resultados - Os fatores associados foram: sexo feminino, alta escolaridade, cor da pele autorreferida como branca, alto grau de consumo de fumo e de ingesta de álcool, vínculo com empresa estatal, exposição à violência no trabalho, baixo apoio social, elevado comprometimento com o trabalho, atendimento médico por mais de dois diagnósticos no último ano. Na modelagem com interação entre as dimensões dos modelos de estresse ocupacional, a exposição à alta exigência com baixo apoio social, o desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa com elevado comprometimento e a interação entre essas quatro dimensões estão associadas ao desfecho de forma significativa. Considerações Finais - Aspectos sociodemográficos, hábitos e estilo de vida, característica e condição de trabalho, além do status de saúde, estão associados ao longo afastamento do trabalho por transtorno mental e comportamental. A exposição ocupacional a fatores desfavoráveis de natureza psicossocial é importante contribuidora no desfecho. Vê-se a necessidade de atenção para tais situações no intuito de ampliar as perspectivas de antecipação ao risco e implantação de ações intervencionistas que minimizem impactos negativos na saúde dos trabalhadores / Introduction - The absences from work due to illness are used as an indicator of the health of workers and are considered a significant public health problem. Several factors are described as associated with absenteeism and illness, regardless of condition. Brazilian Social Security regulates the payment of benefits to workers who prove work-disability longer than fifteen days due to illness. In 2010, mental and behavioral disorders were the third leading cause for granting disability benefits. Objective - To assess the factors associated with long-term sickness absences from work due to mental and behavioral disorders. Methods - A case-control study comprising 385 participants applicants for social security benefits due mental sickness was performed in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Interviews were conducted and participants answered questionnaires about sociodemographic and habits/lifestyle, occupational characteristics (including perceptions of psychosocial factors at work), assessment of health status. Social Security medical expert data report were analyzed. It was performed hierarchical logistic regression to assess variables associated with the outcome. Results - The associated factors were: sex (female), college education, self-reported skin color as white, high consumption of tobacco and alcohol intake, working for a public company, exposure to violence at work, low social support, high overcommitment and more than two medical conditions diagnoses in the past year. There was observed interaction among the dimensions of occupational stress theorical models, exposure to high strain and low social support, effort-reward imbalance with high overcommitment. The interaction among those four dimensions were statistical significant to the outcome. Conclusions - Demographic aspects, habits and lifestyle, work features and condition of employment, and health status are associated with long-term sickness absence due mental and behavioral disorders. Occupational exposure to adverse psychosocial factors is an important contributor to the outcome. It´s necessary attention to negative psychosocial factor at work in order to detect risk factors and promote interventions to minimize negative impacts on workers health

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