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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fatores psicossociais que influenciam na adesão a um programa de reabilitação cardiovascular / Psychosocial factors affecting adherence to a Cardiovascular Rehabilitation program.

Freitas, Roberta Maria Carvalho de 22 March 2011 (has links)
As Doenças Cardiovasculares (DCV) são importantes causas de morte, morbidade e incapacidade e têm etiologia complexa e multifatorial. Estão relacionadas a fatores de riscos como estilo de vida e padrões de comportamentos. Entre as terapêuticas está a Reabilitação Cardiovascular (RCV), caracterizada por programas de treinamento físico supervisionado, visando diminuir a mortalidade por DCV e garantir melhores condições físicas, mental e social. O sucesso da RCV depende da adesão do paciente, o que se constitui num desafio para as equipes multidisciplinares de saúde. O presente estudo objetivou definir características sóciodemográficas e psicológicas de pacientes de um programa de RCV e avaliar fatores sociais, clínicos e psicológicos que poderiam influenciar na adesão à reabilitação. Participaram do estudo 72 pacientes, entre fevereiro de 2008 a agosto de 2009. Os participantes foram avaliados ao ingressarem na RCV e quando abandonavam ou completavam seis meses de tratamento. Considerou-se adesão participar do programa por um período de seis meses. Foram utilizadas entrevistas estruturadas, Inventário de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos de Lipp, Inventário Beck de Depressão e Questionário de Avaliação de Qualidade de vida (SF-36). Para a análise dos dados foi utilizado o método de Regressão Logística. Verificou-se que 50% dos participantes abandonaram a RCV. O cálculo do Odds Ratio mostrou que pacientes que estavam trabalhando/em atividade apresentaram 7,2 vezes maior risco de abandono à reabilitação do que participantes que estavam afastados/recebendo auxílio doença (OR 7,2; IC95%; 1,4-38,3). Com o ajustamento entre as variáveis sóciodemográficas, observou-se que participantes que tinham de oito a 10 anos de estudo mostraram menor chance de abandono em relação aos que tinham até sete anos de estudo (ORaj 0,04; IC95%; 0,01-0,56) e pacientes que residiam entre 50km e 100km do local de tratamento apresentaram menor chance de abandono em relação aos que residiam no local de tratamento ou até 50km do mesmo (ORaj 0,2; IC95%; 0,0-0,09). Não foram verificadas associações entre as variáveis clínicas e abandono à RCV. Ter expectativas negativas ou incertezas quanto aos benefícios do exercício físico mostrou associação com abandono, ao ingressar na RCV (OR 3,5; IC95%; 1,3-9,7). O conhecimento insuficiente sobre o motivo do tratamento (OR 4,4; IC95%; 1,4-13,5) e a atribuição de causalidade da doença a fatores não modificáveis (OR 3,8; IC95%; 1,2-11,8) foram associados com abandono, ao longo do tempo. Pacientes que não percebiam o suporte social recebido em relação à prática do exercício físico apresentaram 3,3 vezes maior risco de abandono em relação aos que percebiam esse suporte, ao ingressar na RCV (OR 3,3; IC95%, 1,2-9,5) e os participantes que não aumentaram contatos sociais durante a RCV apresentaram maior risco de abandono em relação aos que aumentaram (OR 5,2; IC95%. 1,8-15,0). Pacientes que apresentavam sintomas cognitivos/afetivos de depressão mostraram 3,9 vezes maior risco de abandono em relação aos que não apresentavam esses sintomas (OR 3,9; IC95%; 1,4-10,9). Não foi identificada associação entre sintomas de estresse e abandono à RCV. Verificou-se que participantes que aderiram apresentaram melhores 8 escores nos domínios Aspectos Físicos e Saúde Mental quando comparados com os que abandonaram a reabilitação. Pacientes que apresentavam história de sedentarismo demonstraram 3,6 vezes maior risco de abandono que pacientes que já praticavam exercícios ao ingressar na RCV (OR 3,6; IC95%; 1,1-11,4). Os resultados obtidos neste estudo podem ser utilizados para aumentar a adesão em programas de RCV. / Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) are major causes of death, morbidity and disability, whose etiology is multifactorial and complex. They are related to risk factors such as lifestyle and behavior patterns. Among the treatments is the Cardiovascular Rehabilitation (CR), characterized by programs of supervised physical training in order to reduce CVD mortality and ensure better physical, mental and social conditions. The success of the CR depends on the patient\'s adherence, which constitutes a challenge for multidisciplinary health teams. This study aimed to describe sociodemographic and psychological characteristics of patients in a CR program and evaluate social, clinical and psychological factors that might influence adherence to rehabilitation. The study included 72 patients between February 2008 and August 2009. Participants were evaluated at entry to the CR and when abandoned or completed six months of treatment. It was considered adherence patient´s participation in the program for a six months period. Structured interviews, Lipp\'s Inventário de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos, Beck Depression Inventory and Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item, Short Form Survey (SF-36) were used. For the data analysis it was used the logistic regression method. It was found that 50% of participants dropped out of CR. Odds Ratio calculation showed that patients who were working/active had 7.2 greater risk of dropping out of rehabilitation than participants who were in health license/receiving financial health support (OR 7.2, CI 95%, 1.4 - 38.3). Analyses were adjusted for sociodemographic variables. It was found that participants who had eight to 10 years of study were less likely to drop out than those who had up to seven years of education (OR 0.04, CI 95%, 0.01 - 0.56) and patients who lived between 50km and 100km from the place of treatment were less likely to drop out than those who lived in the place of treatment or up to 50km away from it (OR 0.2, CI 95%, 0.0 - 0.09). It was not found relation between clinical variables and dropping out the CR. Negative expectations and uncertainties about the benefits of physical exercise when starting CR were associated with dropping out (OR 3.5, CI 95%, 1.3 - 9.7). Insufficient knowledge about the reason for treatment (OR 4.4, CI 95%, 1.4 - 13.5) and causal attribution of disease to non-modifiable factors (OR 3.8, CI 95%, 1.2 - 11.8) were associated with abandonment, over time. Patients who did not perceive the social support received regarding physical exercise had 3.3 times greater risk of dropping out than those who perceived this support by joining the CR (OR 3.3, CI 95%, 1.2 - 9.5) and participants who did not increase social contacts during the CR had a higher risk of dropping out than those who increased their social contacts (OR 5.2, CI 95%, 1.8 - 15.0). Patients with cognitive/affective depression symptoms showed 3.9 times greater risk of dropping out compared to those without these symptoms (OR 3.9, CI 95%, 1.4 - 10.9). No association was found between stress symptoms and CR abandonment. It was found that participants who joined the program had better scores for Role Physical and Mental Health compared to those leaving rehabilitation. Patients who had 10 a history of physical inactivity when starting CR showed 3.6 times greater risk of dropout than patients who already practiced exercises (OR 3.6, CI 95%,1.1 - 11.4). The results of this study may be used to increase adherence to CR programs.

Associação entre aspectos psicossociais e excesso de peso em adultos de um município de médio porte do Sul do Brasil

Backes, Vanessa 07 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T20:06:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 7 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Foi realizado um estudo transversal de base populacional, com 1100 adultos de São Leopoldo, RS, para investigar a associação de excesso de peso com os aspectos psicossociais. Entrevistas estruturadas foram realizadas utilizando-se questionário padronizado e prétestado. Dados antropométricos foram referidos pelos participantes e excesso de peso definido pelo Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) 25 kg/m². Aspectos psicossociais incluíam qualidade de vida (WHO-8:EUROHIS) e apoio social (Medical Outcomes Study). A análise dos dados foi realizada com regressão de Poisson, com variância robusta e controle para efeito de delineamento. Após ajuste para variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas e comportamentais, as prevalências de excesso de peso em pessoas com baixa qualidade de vida e baixo apoio social foi 19 (IC95% 1,03-1,38) e 12 (IC95% 0,96-1,31) maiores quando comparadas com aquelas com alta/moderada qualidade de vida e alto/moderado apoio social, respectivamente. Os achados sugerem que aspectos psicossociais pod / The objective of this study was to investigate the association between psychosocial factors and self-reported overweight. A cross-sectional study was carried out with 1100 adults of a Brazilian city. Structured interviews were conducted using a standard pre-tested questionnaire. Overweight was referred by the participants and defined as Body Mass Index 25 kg/m². Psychosocial factors were quality of life (WHO-8:EUROHIS) and social support (Medical Outcomes Study). Crude and adjusted prevalence ratios (PR) were obtained by Poisson regression with robust variance and adjustment for design effect. After controlling for sociodemographic and behavioral variables, the prevalence of overweight in people reporting low quality of life and low social support was 19% (IC95% 1,03-1,38) and 12% (IC95% 0,96-1,31) higher than those reporting high/moderated quality of life and high/moderate social support, respectively. The findings suggest that psychosocial factors may be an important determinant of self assessed overw

Vécu subjectif de la maladie de Crohn et facteurs psychosociaux prédictifs de la rechute : vers une approche intégrative / Illness experience of Crohn disease and psychosocial factors in the relapse : towards an integrative approach

Lainé, Agathe 07 December 2017 (has links)
La maladie de Crohn touche 100 000 personnes en France. Elle est caractérisée par une inflammation chronique de l’intestin, ainsi que par l’alternance de phases de récidive et de rémission. Devant l’imprévisibilité des rechutes, médecins et patients essaient d’identifier des facteurs qui permettraient de les anticiper et ainsi de mieux les contrôler. Néanmoins, aucune étude n’a encore pu clairement mettre en évidence l’étiologie de la rechute dans la maladie de Crohn. Ce travail de thèse a donc pour ambition de définir les facteurs psychosociaux prédictifs de la rechute. Dans une démarche clinique, nous accordons également une importance au vécu subjectif de la maladie et des rechutes. Les travaux portants sur les expériences subjectives de la maladie chronique montrent que diverses représentations cognitives, sociales et fantasmatiques de la pathologie et du corps malade, sont mises au travail permettant aux patients un meilleur ajustement. Le deuxième objectif de ce travail de thèse vise donc une compréhension des enjeux psychiques du vécu de la maladie de Crohn.La double méthodologie mise en place, quantitative et qualitative, s’inscrit dans une perspective longitudinale, prospective et intégrative. Nous avons ainsi pu recueillir des données portant sur les facteurs psychosociaux à travers des questionnaires administrés auprès de 145 sujets adultes en rémission de la maladie de Crohn. Parallèlement nous avons conduit 33 entretiens de recherche ayant fait l’objet d’une analyse de contenu thématique. Le test projectif du Rorschach a également été utilisé afin de mettre en lumière les retentissements psychiques de la maladie lors de 3 études de cas.Les principaux résultats soulèvent l’implication des stresseurs spécifiques à la maladie chronique, des stratégies de coping centrées sur l’émotion et de la qualité de vie dans l’augmentation du risque de rechute dans la maladie de Crohn. Nous avons également pu mettre en évidence plusieurs phénomènes quant au vécu de la pathologie. La rechute parait marquée par des potentialités traumatiques et psychopathologiques qui signent la véritable entrée du sujet dans la maladie. Son vécu ainsi que le vécu de la maladie donne lieu à des remaniements identitaires profonds médiatisés par de forts éprouvés de honte quant à la spécificité des symptômes et par une fantasmatique propre à la zone corporelle atteinte, faisant écho à des angoisses du féminin. L’acquisition de savoirs profanes, un travail d’élaboration autour de la perte et de la qualité des relations entretenues avec le médecin spécialiste paraissent constituer des facteurs permettant de mieux gérer les stresseurs et de s’approprier la maladie. Notre travail amorce une réflexion sur l’accompagnement thérapeutique devant être fondé une prise en charge globale de la souffrance des patients traduite aussi bien à partir des facteurs psychosociaux que du vécu subjectif des patients. / Crohn's disease affects 100,000 people in France. It is characterized by a chronic inflammation of the intestine, as well as alternating phases of recurrence and remission. Given the unpredictability of relapses, doctors and patients try to identify factors that would allow them to be anticipated and thus better controlled. Nevertheless, no study has yet been able to clearly identify the etiology of relapse in Crohn's disease. This thesis work aims to define the psychosocial factors predictive of relapse. In a clinical approach, we also place importance on the subjective experience of illness and relapse. Work on the subjective experiences of chronic disease shows that various cognitive, social and fantasy representations of the pathology and the sick body are put to work allowing patients a better fit. The second objective of this PhD thesis is therefore an understanding of the psychic issues involved in living with Crohn's disease.The dual methodology put in place, quantitative and qualitative, is part of a longitudinal, prospective and integrative perspective. We were able to collect data on psychosocial factors through questionnaires administered to 145 adult subjects in remission of Crohn's disease. At the same time, we conducted 33 research interviews that were the subject of a thematic content analysis. The projective Rorschach test was also used to highlight the psychic repercussions of the disease in 3 case studies.The main findings highlight the involvement of chronic disease-specific stressors, emotion-focused coping strategies, and quality of life in increasing the risk of relapse in Crohn's patients. We have also been able to highlight several phenomena regarding the experience of pathology. The relapse seems marked by traumatic and psychopathological potentialities which sign the real entrance of the subject into the disease. Her experience as well as the experience of the disease gives rise to profound identity re-mediations mediated by strong shame as to the specificity of the symptoms and by a phantasmatic peculiar to the affected body area, echoing anxieties of the feminine. The acquisition of secular knowledge, a work of elaboration around the loss and the quality of the relations maintained with the specialist doctor appear to constitute factors allowing to better manage the stressors and to appropriate the disease. Our study initiates a reflection on the therapeutic accompaniment to be founded a global management of the suffering of the patients translated as well from psychosocial factors as from the subjective experience of the patients.

Samband mellan skattad smärta, self-efficacy och copingstrategier vid långvarig ländryggsmärta

Hallman, Nanna January 2013 (has links)
Långvarig ländryggssmärta är ett vanligt hälsoproblem som innebär omfattande negativa konsekvenser för den som drabbas. Faktorer som tilltro till den egna förmågan (self-efficacy) och copingstrategier anses ha en väsentlig betydelse vid hantering av långvarig smärta. Syfte: Att undersöka sambandet mellan skattad smärta, self-efficacy och copingstrategier hos en grupp patienter med långvarig ländryggssmärta. Metod : 53 patienter i åldern 18-65 år med ländryggssmärta mer än 3 månader besvarade frågeformulär gällande bakgrundsdata, self-efficacy (Self-Efficacy Scale), copingstrategier (Coping Strategies Questionnaire) och smärtintensitet (VAS-skalan). Samband beräknades med Pearsons produktmoment korrelationsmetod. Envägs variansanalys Anova användes för beräkning av skillnader mellan åldersgrupperna. Resultat: Ett negativt samband visades mellan self-efficacy och copingstrategierna avleda  r = -0.36 (p = 0.025), öka beteendeaktiviteter  r = -0.43 (p = 0.006) och smärtbeteende  r = -0.47 (p = 0.003) och ett positivt samband mellan katastroftankar och skattad smärta r = 0.37 (p = 0.022). Hos män sågs ett negativt samband  mellan self-efficacy och  copingstrategierna katastroftankar  r = -0.63 ( p = 0.003), avleda uppmärksamhet  r = -0.55 (p = 0.001), ökande aktivitet  r = -0.58 ( p = 0.007) och smärtbeteende  r = -0.50 ( p = 0.025) samt ett positivt samband mellan self-efficacy och copingstrategin ignorera smärtupplevelser  r = 0.51 (p =0.021). Ålderskillnader framkom där åldersgruppen 18-30 år i högre grad använde copingstrategin be och hoppas (p = 0.049). Konklusion: Det förelåg samband mellan skattad smärta, self-efficacy och copingstrategier hos denna grupp av patienter med långvarig ländryggssmärta . Även könsskillnader samt skillnader mellan åldersgrupperna visades. Resultatet stöder vikten av kunskap om hur smärta, self-efficacy och copingstrategier samvarierar, och vikten av att tidigt identifiera låg grad av self-efficacy och katastroftankar hos patienter med ländryggssmärta.

Hälsa på lika villkor? : Vuxna med funktionshinder och deras upplevelser av fysisk aktivitet

Emma, Wellbäck January 2013 (has links)
Ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv har människors levnadsvanor en central betydelse för hälsa och sjukdomsbörda. Personer med funktionshinder riskerar i större utsträckning att drabbas av försämrad hälsa och sjukdom än övrig befolkningen. Forskning visar dock att fysisk aktivitet förbättrar personer med funktionshinders möjlighet till en bättre hälsa.  Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka möjliggörande och hindrande faktorer vuxna personer med funktionshinder upplever vid organiserad fysisk aktivitet. Datainsamling har skett med en kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer. Personer med olika funktionshinder och erfarenheter intervjuades. Studien avgränsades till vuxna personer med funktionshinder vilka är fysisk aktiva. Resultatet visar att flera av de intervjuade tyckte det fanns brist på tillgänglighet till både fysiska faktorer, som exempel lokaler och psykosociala faktorer, som exempelvis bemötande. Personer med funktionshinder upplever att tillgång till information kan förbättras och även utrymmen i lokaler. Dock beskrev intervjupersonerna positiva upplevelser kring delaktighet.  Slutsatserna visar att det behövs flera olika insatser. Det gäller exempelvis den fysiska miljön i omklädningsrum samt större förståelse från anställda i kommuner. Detta för att möta de olika behoven kring fysisk aktivitet för personer med funktionshinder. Tillgänglighet till både information och anläggningar är avgörande för att målgruppen ska vara fysisk aktiva. / From a public health perspective the life style has a central part in determining the health and sickness of a population. People with disabilities risks to a greater extend to suffer ill health and disease rather than other people. Research shows that physical activity improves people with disabilities’ opportunity to a better health. The purpose of this essay is to find out the enabling and discouragement adults with disabilities experience in organized physical activity.  Data was collected with a qualitative method in the form of interviews. People with different disabilities and experiences were interviewed. The study was limited to adults with disabilities who are physical active. The result shows that the majority of the interviewees felt there was a lack of accessibility to both physical and psychosocial factors. They feel that access to information, along with the access to athletic facilities can be improved. However, the interviewees described positive experiences of participation. The result indicates that efforts are needed to meet the disability community needs around physical activity. Access to both information and facilities is crucial for the target group’s engagement in physical activities.

Psychological Sequelae of Obstetric Fistula in Tanzanian Women

Wilson, Sarah Mosher January 2015 (has links)
<p>Up to two million women worldwide have obstetric fistula, a maternal morbidity prevalent in developing countries that causes uncontrollable leaking of urine and/or feces and a persistent bad odor. There is both theoretical and empirical evidence for psychopathology in patients presenting for fistula surgery, albeit with methodological limitations. The current studies sought to improve on past limitations of study design. Study A compared psychological symptoms and social support between fistula patients and a comparison group recruited from gynecology outpatient clinics. Measures included previously validated psychometric questionnaires, administered orally by data collectors. Results showed that compared to gynecology outpatients, fistula patients had significantly higher levels of depression, traumatic stress, somatic symptoms and avoidant coping, and had lower social support. Study B investigated changes in psychological symptoms, stigma and social support between the time of admission for fistula repair and 3 months after discharge from the hospital. At follow-up, fistula patients reported significant improvements in all study outcome variables. Exploratory analysis revealed that the extent of leaking was associated with depression and PTSD. These results indicate the potential benefit of mental health interventions for this population. Additionally, future research may clarify the relationship between residual leaking after fistula surgery, and its effect on post-surgery mental health outcomes.</p> / Dissertation

Paauglių savižudiško elgesio ir jo ryšių su psichikos sutrikimais, asmenybės ypatumais bei psichosocialiniais veiksniais vertinimas / The evaluation of adolescents suicidal behaviour and this relationship with mental disorders, personality peculiarities and psychosocial factors

Jaras, Algirdas 01 October 2008 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas buvo įvertinti paauglių savižudišką elgesį ir jo ryšius su psichikos sutrikimais, asmenybės ypatumais bei psichosocialiniais veiksniais. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti paauglių savižudiško elgesio skirtumus tarp lyčių. 2. Nustatyti bandžiusių nusižudyti paauglių psichikos sutrikimų pasiskirstymą tarp lyčių. 3. Nustatyti asmenybės ypatumų įtaką paauglių savižudiškam elgesiui. 4. Nustatyti psichosocialinių veiksnių įtaką paauglių savižudiškam elgesiui. / The aim of this study was to evaluate adolescents suicidal behavior and its correlation to mental disorders, personality peculiarities and psychosocial factors. The objectives of the study: 1. To determine the differences of adolescents suicidal behavior between genders. 2. To establish distribution of mental disorders between genders of adolescents who attempted to commit suicide. 3. To determine the influence of personality’s peculiarities to adolescents suicidal behavior. 4. To establish the impact of psychosocial factors to adolescents suicidal behavior.

Sergančio pastato sindromas, jo paplitimas ir sąsajos su sveikata / The incidence of sick building syndrome and its relation to health

Loiba, Romuald 02 September 2008 (has links)
Pasaulinės Sveikatos Organizacijos ekspertų duomenimis, besivystančiose šalyse apie 30 proc. pastatų - naujai pastatytų ir rekonstruotų - turi vadinamąjį sergančio pastato sindromą (SPS). Tokiuose pastatuose ilgai būnantys žmonės pradeda skųstis įvairiais sveikatos negalavimais. Spėjama, kad šie simptomai pasireiškia 10-30 proc. tokiuose pastatuose dirbančių žmonių. Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti darbuotojų nusiskundimų sveikatos simptomais ir darbo sąlygom pobūdį bei dažnį ir surinktus duomenis analizuoti atsižvelgiant į lytį, amžių, pareigas. Nustatyti sergančio pastato sindromo atsiradimą sąlygojančias priežastis. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimas atliktas taikant internetinę apklausą. Anketoje buvo pateiktas 51 klausimas. Iš viso klausimyną užpildė 302 respondentai. Tai buvo suaugę, dirbantys asmenys. Rezultatai. Turinčių nusiskundimų darbo sąlygomis moterų skaičius buvo didesnis negu vyrų. Moterys dažniau jausdavo įvairius simptomus būdamos darbo vietoje. Administracines pareigas užimančių asmenų tarpe buvo mažiau besiskundžiančių darbo sąlygomis. Jie rečiau jausdavo įvairius simptomus lyginant su kitas pareigas užimančiais asmenimis. Taip pat turėjo didesnes tinkamų darbo aplinkos parametrų užtikrinimo galimybes. Reikšmingų skirtumų tarp skirtingų amžiaus grupių nebuvo nustatyta. Duomenys buvo analizuojami naudojant statistinės duomenų analizės programą „SPSS“. Išvados. Moterys turėjo daugiau nusiskundimų darbo sąlygomis bei darbo vietoje dažniau jausdavo įvairius simptomus lyginant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / According to the data of Word Health Organization, about 30 percent of the buildings in the developing countries, both newly-built and reconstructed, have the so-called sick building syndrome (SBS). The people who spend an extended period of time in such a building tend to begin having various health complaints. It is assumed that from 10 to 30 percent of the people who work in such buildings start having such complaints. Aim of the study: to examine the nature and the frequency of the workers’ complaints regarding the health and working conditions, and to analyze the collected data accounting for such variables as sex, age and occupation; to determine the reasons which condition the occurrence of the sick building syndrome. Methods. The research was conducted using the method of online questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 51 questions and was completed by 302 respondents. All of the respondents were working adults. Results. The number of complaints about working conditions received from women exceeded that received from men. Women reported feeling various symptoms while at work more frequently. The number of complaints about working conditions from those who held administrative positions was lower. The people from this group reported feeling various symptoms less frequently, in comparison with the people who held other positions. They also had more possibilities to assure suitable parameters of the working environment. There were no significant differences among... [to full text]

Organų persodinimo operacijose dalyvaujančių operacinės slaugytojų darbo motyvacijos aspektai, magistranto baigiamasis darbas / Motivational aspects at work of surgical nurses assisting at organ transplantation surgeries, final thesis for Master's Degree

Čalko, Tatjana 11 July 2014 (has links)
Čalko T. Organų persodinimo operacijose dalyvaujančių operacinės slaugytojų darbo motyvacijos aspektai, magistranto baigiamasis darbas / mokslinė vadovė dr. D. Zagurskienė; Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas, Slaugos fakultetas, Slaugos ir rūpybos katedra. – Kaunas, 2014. – 92 p. Organų persodinimas – didžiausias chirurgijos ir medikų komandos profesinio meistriškumo pasiekimas. Operacinės slaugytojai, dalyvaujantys organų persodinimo procese, yra svarbūs komandos nariai, jų atliekamas darbas – atsakingas, sudėtingas, reikalaujantis naujų žinių, didelio profesionalumo. Nors nemonotoniškas darbo pobūdis galėtų būti suvokiamas kaip patraukli veikla, tačiau personalo trūkumas, nepasitenkinimas atlyginimu, skubėjimas, viršvalandžiai, neįprastos procedūros, daug fizinių bei emocinių pastangų – veiksniai, išvedantys iš pusiausvyros ir darantys neigiamą įtaką operacinės slaugytojų darbo motyvacijai. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti organų persodinimo operacijose dalyvaujančių operacinės slaugytojų darbo motyvacijos aspektus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: įvertinti psichosocialinių veiksnių raišką operacinės slaugytojų darbe; ištirti darbo motyvacijos veiksnių raišką ir jų sąsajas su slaugytojų sociodemografinėmis savybėmis; nustatyti veiksnius, didinančius organų persodinimo operacijose dalyvaujančių operacinės slaugytojų darbo motyvaciją. Tyrimo metodas – 2013 m. rugpjūčio 25 – spalio 30 dienomis buvo atlikta anoniminė anketinė apklausa. Dalyvavo 127 operacinės slaugytojai, dirbantys... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / T. Motivational aspects at work of surgical nurses assisting at organ transplantation surgeries, final thesis for Master's Degree/ supervisor Dr. D. Zagurskienė; Nursing and Care Department, Faculty of Nursing, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. – Kaunas, 2014. - 92 p. Organ transplantation is the highest achievement of professional excellence of the surgical and medical team. Surgical nurses assisting at organ transplantation process are important team members, their work is responsible, complicated, requiring continuously-refreshed knowledge, high-level professionalism. Lack of monotony at work could be regarded as attractive feature, but shortage of staff, dissatisfaction with remuneration, rush, overtime, unusual procedures, lots of physical and emotional efforts are the factors that break the balance and negatively impact work motivation of surgical nurses. The purpose of the research was to analyse the aspects of work motivation of surgical nurses assisting at organ transplantation surgeries. Objectives of the research included evaluation of manifestation of psychosocial factors at surgical nurses' work; examination of manifestation of work motivation factors and their links with nurses' socio demographic qualities; determination of factors increasing work motivation for surgical nurses assisting at organ transplantation surgeries. Research method: anonymous questionnaire conducted on 25 August - 30 October 2013. Respondents of the research were 127 surgical... [to full text]

The protective effect of healthy ageing on the risk of fall-related hip fracture injury in older people

Peel, N M Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

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