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Custo-aluno e condições tangíveis de oferta educacional em escolas públicas do Distrito Federal : (des)igualdades à flor da peleSilva, Francisco José da January 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir (des)igualdades entre escolas de duas regiões administrativas do Distrito Federal, tendo como base o custo-aluno e as condições tangíveis de oferta educacional. Custo-aluno é definido como o conjunto de recursos materiais e humanos objetivamente calculados. Condições tangíveis de oferta educacional é definida como o conjunto de recursos materiais e humanos subjetivamente manifestados em sua existência real no cotidiano da escola. A amostra é composta de doze escolas públicas de educação básica (educação infantil; séries iniciais do ensino fundamental; séries finais do ensino fundamental; ensino médio; e educação especial), sendo seis da Região Administrativa de Brasília (RA-Brasília) e seis da Região Administrativa da Samambaia (RA-Samamambaia). Dados foram também coletados de mais duas escolas diferentes, localizadas na RA-Brasília e tidas como custo-adicional à escola (CAE), a saber: Centro de Línguas de Brasília (CLB) e Escola-Parque de Brasília (EPB). Itens de custo incluídos na pesquisa: salário de pessoal (docente e não-docente); material de consumo; material permanente; outros insumos (serviços de terceiros; água/esgoto; energia elétrica; telefone; internet banda larga; e gás GLP); prédio; e terreno. Os dados de salário de pessoal e material permanente foram coletados em cada escola e os demais por meio de documentos oficiais (portarias da Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Distrito Federal; Carta Tributária do Distrito Federal de 2008; relatórios orçamentários de obras de escolas novas). Esta investigação ainda coletou dados por intermédio de observações semi-estruturadas e muitas conversas informais com docentes, não-docentes, alunos e pais de todas as escolas que compõem a amostra de pesquisa. O texto está organizado em cinco capítulos. O primeiro apresenta o conceito de custo e dos vários termos que a ele estão relacionados. O segundo capítulo é referente a uma revisão de literatura sobre custo-aluno no Brasil, no Distrito Federal e nos Estados Unidos da América, em que informações básicas de cada um dos trabalhos são apresentadas, tais como: título; autor(es); tipo de documento (relatório de pesquisa; livro; artigo; dissertação; tese; monografia, etc.); ano (de coleta de dados e de publicação); objetivo(s); insumos considerados; tipo de custo (direto; indireto; direto e indireto, etc.); procedimentos metodológicos; peculiaridades; e principais resultados. Já o terceiro capítulo aborda alguns conceitos de François Dubet, Amartya Sen e John Rawls, e indica possíveis articulações teóricas com os elementos centrais da tese (custo-aluno e condições tangíveis de oferta educacional). O quarto capítulo, por sua vez, expõe de forma detalhada a metodologia. Este capítulo pretende explicar as opções adotadas e a forma como as mesmas foram implementadas, sobretudo no que concerne à coleta de dados. Por fim, o quinto capítulo, em que os dados de custo são apresentados e analisados. Alguns resultados da pesquisa: custo-aluno relativamente elevado em ambas as regiões administrativas; custo-aluno da RA-Brasília mais elevado que o da RA-Samambaia em todas as etapas e modalidades; pobreza dos recursos materiais em ambas as regiões. / The goal of this study is to discuss in(equalities) between public schools from two administrative regions of the Federal District through cost-per-pupil and tangible conditions of education. Cost-per-pupil is defined as the set of material and human resources which are objectively calculated. Tangible conditions are defined as the set of material goods and human resources which area obtained subjectively within the actual school setting. The sample is composed of twelve basic education public schools from kindergarten to high school (preschool; elementary school; intermediate school; middle school; high school; and special education), six schools from the Brasília Administrative Region (AR-Brasília) and six schools from the Samambaia Administrative Region (AR-Samambaia). Data was also collected from two different schools which are located in the AR-Brasília (Brasília Centre of Languages -BCL and Brasília Park School – BPS). The overalls costs of these two schools are defined as additional-cost to school (ACS). Items of cost in this research are: personnel salaries (classroom teachers and all additional staff including professional and nonprofessional support staff); supplies; equipment; others (contracted workers; utility bills [water/sewage; electricity; gas; telephone; broad band internet]); building structure; and land. Personnel salaries and equipment were collected inside each school and all others through official documents/budget review (government guidelines from the Secretary of Education of the Federal District; Land Official Report of the Federal District of 2008; engineering budget reports from new school buildings). This investigation also collected data through semi-structured observations and many informal dialogues with teachers, non-professionals, students, and parents from all sample schools. This study is divided into five chapters. The first chapter presents the concept of cost and terms that are related to it. The second chapter shows a literature review of cost-per-pupil in Brazil, in the Federal District, and in the United States of America in which basic information about each reviewed study are presented, such as: title; author(s); type of publication (research report; book; survey; thesis; dissertation; monograph, etc); year of the data collection and the publication) goal(s); items of cost; type of cost (direct, indirect, etc.); methodological procedures; peculiarities; and main results. The third chapter approaches some concepts from François Dubet, Amartya Sen, and John Rawls, and indicates possible theoretical links with the main categories of this dissertation (cost-per-pupil and the tangible conditions of education). The fourth chapter in turn exposes the methodology in detail. This chapter intends to explain the elected options and their means of implementation, especially those related to data collection. Finally, the fifth chapter, data is presented and analyzed. Some results of this research: the cost-per-pupil is relatively high in both administrative regions; the cost-per-pupil in Brasília is higher than in Samambaia in all levels; deficient material resources are a reality in both regions.
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Pedagogická práce s hudebně velmi nadanými dětmi / Pedagogical work with great talented childrenVAŠČILKOVÁ, Petra January 2018 (has links)
In my diploma thesis I focused on above-average musically gifted children. Through interviews with extremely talented children, I try to look into their personal life. The aim is to find out to what extent they are disadvantaged by their talents compared to the average gifted pupils. The thesis is divided into the theoretical part in which I deal with definitions of musical talent, types of musical talent, musically talented children and their educational opportunities or ways of working with a gifted pupil. For the practical part, I chose interviews with gifted children, possibly with their parents and teachers. The subject of my interest was mainly pupils whose exceptional talent is in part a gift, but also a burden for their personal lives to face difficult situations.
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Konstrukce mnohoúhelníků s využitím didaktické pomůcky / The construction of polygons with the didactic aidPrůšová, Adéla January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with construction of polygons with use of a didactic aid a geoboard at primary education. I have done analysis of three series of mathematics books in order to know, if they include possibility of mechanical work during construction of polygons. Based on study of professional literature related to teaching mathematics, mainly geometry at primary education, I have created patterns that can be used altogether with geoboard in mathematics. The patterns had been used in three classes thank to this I could have assess their practical use. Then I have corrected wrong instruction of patterns in order to be clear. Next I described three stages of beginning to work with geoboard that I have personally done and that are written in details in protocol. I have concluded didactic potential work with geoboard and theoretical obstacles while geoboard is using.
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Motivace a hodnotová orientace žáků 2. st. ZŠ / The Lower Secondary School Pupils' Motivation and Value OrientationVOKATÁ, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the motivation of pubescent children, especially to school work and the values they accept. Various motivational factors, which influence pupils of this age, are described in the theoretical part. The following chapters deal with the values, their importance and classification, explain the importance of school. The research part provides information about pupils´ motives not only to school work, but also about their attitudes, life goals and the context between them.
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Setkání se smrtí jako zkušenost žáků ZŠ / The Encounter with death as experience of children at primaryCHALOUPKOVÁ, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
In my thesis I focus on the issue of death in relation to helping the bereaved, especial when they are children. I would like to show how children perceive the death of a loved one and how does this crisis situation project into their school life. As a College of Education student I am interested in how does this matter penetrate inside the school environment, whether it is included in the content of classwork and how is it accepted by the pupils. From my position of a starting teacher I would like to find out, by means of this thesis, whether there are any practices on how to treat a pupil who finds himself in this uneasy situation. This is a very timely topic, however it is often concealed and tabooed. From my point of view we should talk about death more, the topic of death should get more into the awareness of the pupils, because not only happy moment are a part of our lives, unfortunately there are also misery and sadness.
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Att främja elevers fysiska aktivitet : Skolsköterskors erfarenheterForsman, Nicole, Saarivaara Holmqvist, Anne-Mari January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Elevers fysiska aktivitet minskar i relation till ökad skärmtid. WHO:s rekommendation för barn och ungdomars fysiska aktivitet är 60 minuter per dag. Rasterna spenderas ofta framför skärmar istället för att vara fysiskt aktiva. Skolsköterskor är verksamma inom elevhälsan som ska verka hälsofrämjande för elever och deras hälsa. Elever önskar själva ha hälsosamma vanor och ser hälsosamtalen med skolsköterskor som ett tillfälle där de har möjlighet att öka sin kunskap och få stöd. Self-efficacy, interpersonella influenser och situationsbundna influenser är betydelsefulla aspekter för elevers fysiska aktivitet. Syfte: Att beskriva skolsköterskors erfarenheter av hälsofrämjande arbete gällande elevers fysiska aktivitet. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv deskriptiv ansats genomfördes med 11 skolsköterskor och analyserades genom en innehållsanalys. Resultat: Skolsköterskors erfarenheter av hälsofrämjande arbete gällande elevers fysiska aktivitet handlar om att hantera hinder och möjligheter för elevers fysiska aktivitet. Detta beskrivs som: Att utmanas i sin roll och Att söka samarbetspartners. Slutsats: Skolsköterskor erfar att främja elevers fysiska aktivitet handlar om att hantera hinder och möjligheter för det. Kunskapsutveckling avseende skolsköterskors arbete med att främja elevers fysiska aktivitet kan bidra till utvecklingen av verktyg för att stödja detta arbete samt att utvecklingsområden kan identifieras och belysas. / Background: Pupils physical activity decreases in relation to increased screen time. The WHO`s recommendation for children and adolescent’s physical activity is 60 minutes per day. The school breaks are often spent in front of the screens instead of being physically active. School nurses are active in student health and work health promoting for students and their health. Students wish to have healthy habits and see the health dialogues with school nurses as an opportunity to increase their knowledge and obtain support. Self-efficacy, interpersonal influences and situational influences are important aspects of pupil’s physical activity. Aim: To describe the school nurse's experiences of health-promoting work regarding pupils’ physical activity Method: A qualitative interview study with inductive descriptive approach was completed with 11 school nurses and analyzed by a content analysis. Results: School nurses' experiences of health-promoting work regarding pupil’s physical activity include dealing with obstacles and opportunities for pupils’ physical activity. This is described as: Being challenged in their role and seeking cooperation partners. Conclusion: School nurses experience´s of promoting students' physical activity is about managing obstacles and opportunities for it. The development of knowledge regarding school nurse's work to promote student´s physical activity can contribute to develop tools to support this work, and that development areas can be identified and highlighted.
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Utváření autority učitele na 1. stupni ZŠ / Shaping the authority to teacher primary schoolBABORÁKOVÁ, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
Authority is highly discussed topic at the present time. This graduation theses is about creating teachers´ authority on the 1st degree primary school. It is focused on the authority and mapping the ideas of the particular teachers and pupils regarding this problematic. Theoretical part of the graduation theses is to introduce the basic concepts such as authority, sorts and sources of authority and authority with education. Then it explains and describes pedagogues´ profession. Additionally his competences, classes school atmosphere and discipline like a major base ground of the teachers authority. In practical part there are presented results of the research. Here is introduced the view of the pupils how the teacher can get the authority and point of view of the teachers which characteristics´ makes their authority weaker or stronger. The goal of the graduation theses is to find out the point of view of pupils and teachers about the teachers authority.
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Výuka místního regionu na 2. stupni ZŠ na příkladu Prachaticka / Teaching the Local Region the Second Grade of Primary School in Prachaticka.HRUŠKOVÁ, Jaroslava January 2012 (has links)
Submitted thesis titled "Teaching of the Local Region at the Second Grade of Elementary School on the Example of Prachaticko Region" deals with the issue of teaching local region at the second grade of elementary school. It is divided into two parts ? theoretical and didactical. The theoretical part deals with the characteristic of the local region and its position in educational areas with the emphasis on fulfilling key competences. The didactical part summarizes the findings which are based on a questionnaire survey made at the elementary schools and at the grammar schools. The practical part also includes my own conception of teaching(methods of teaching, the excursion, workbooks and didactical games) that is based on the Framework Education Programme for Basic Education.
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Výuka místního regionu na 2. stupni ZŠ na příkladu Trhosvinenska / Teaching of the Local Region at the Second Grade of Elementary School on the Example of Trhosvinensko RegionLENKOVÁ, Dominika January 2012 (has links)
Submitted thesis titled "Teaching of the Local Region at the Second Grade of Elementary School on the Example of Trhosvinensko Region" is composed of a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part is interested in the characteristic of the local region and its position in educational areas. The practical part summarizes the findings gained on the basis of empirical research of ways of teaching at elementary schools and at the lower grades of grammar schools. In accordance with the research I try to suggest my own conception of teaching Trhosvinensko region (the methods of teaching, the excursion, the educational project and workbooks) that is based on the Framework Education Programme for Basic Education.
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Exploring the perspectives of children and young people : how children and young people view secondary school staff to support pupil wellbeingLangford, Hannah Leah January 2016 (has links)
This study explores the views of children and young people and their perceptions of how secondary school staff promote pupil wellbeing. Previous research has predominately focused on measuring the wellbeing of children and young people, looking at wellbeing trends between gender and year group and identifying the key areas which children and young people view are central to their wellbeing. This study seeks to elicit, from the perspective of children and young people, their definition of the term wellbeing, the key areas which are important to their wellbeing, how their school staff provide support within these key areas, whether there are differences between self-reported wellbeing and levels of satisfaction and adequacy in their lives. Furthermore, this study aims to explore whether standardised questionnaires include key areas which are important to children and young people and therefore, whether they are valid tools to measure the wellbeing of children and young people. Thematic analysis of focus groups, of 16 participants, identified that participants viewed wellbeing to be a multifaceted concept which is likely to evolve over time. Participants expressed that there are 4 key areas which are important to their wellbeing; their relationships, having access to activities, having their basic needs met and having a positive outlook on life. Furthermore, male and female participants expressed different perceptions of the important key areas to their wellbeing. 40 participants completed a self-reported wellbeing questionnaire. Data analysis of the Children’s Worlds Wellbeing questionnaire found that there were no gender or year group differences in the levels of self-reported wellbeing. However, there was a significant difference between males and females in the levels of satisfaction with their local area, indicating that males are significantly more satisfied with where they live. The key areas elicited from the focus groups and the areas covered in the Children’s Worlds Wellbeing questionnaire were compared, finding that there were numerous overlaps between the two sources. However, there appeared to be significant gaps within the questionnaire which participants expressed were important to their wellbeing, suggesting that such tools may have limited validity with this sample. 8 participants participated in semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis identified that overall, participants held positive perceptions of how their school staff support pupil wellbeing, regardless of their self-reported level of wellbeing. Additionally, participants expressed that their school staff provide support which spans across each of the four key areas identified as important to their wellbeing. Although participants acknowledge the valuable support which school staff currently provides, several areas where school staff may further improve provision to improve pupil wellbeing were identified. The implications of the study are considered for schools, educational psychologists and for future directions.
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