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Faktorer som påverkar flickors och pojkars självkänsla i skolan. : en kvantitativ studie i form av enkätundersökning / Factors that affect girls´ and boys´ self-esteem in school. : a quantitative study in the form of surveyOttosson, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar flickors och pojkarssjälvkänsla i skolan, samt att finna eventuella genusskillnader. En kvantitativ metod i form aven enkätundersökning användes, där eleverna i årskurs 8 på en högstadieskola i VästraGötalands län deltog. Studien visar att flickorna har lägre självkänsla än pojkarna i skolan.Flickorna skattar sin egen kunskapsnivå lägre än pojkarna, trots att de har högre betyg änpojkarna. Flickor har svårare än pojkar att få fram sina åsikter i skolan. Flickor tycker det ärsvårare än pojkar att prata i helklass. Elever med aktiv fritid hade bättre självkänsla än eleverutan aktiv fritid. Detta resultat framkom bland bägge könen, men speciellt känsliga för dettaverkar flickor vara. Flickor utan fritidsaktivitet var de som hade lägst självkänsla och de somtrivdes sämst i skolan. Samband mellan aktiv fritid och självkänsla behöver tittas mer på.Personer med stark självkänsla upplever ökad livskvalitet och bättre hälsa. Låg självkänsla gersämre livskvalitet och sämre hälsa. Skillnaden mellan flickors och pojkars självkänsla kanantas vara så stor att särskild hänsyn behöver tas till detta i skolan. Skolan behöver ta merhänsyn till de olika behoven mellan könen, så att alla får lika förutsättningar och möjligheteratt kunna utvecklas på bästa sätt.</p> / <p>The purpose of this study was to examine the factors affecting girls' and boys' self-esteem inschool, and to find any gender differences. A quantitative method in form of a questionnairesurvey was used, where students in grade 8 in a secondary school in the region of VästraGötaland participated. The study shows that girls have lower self-esteem than boys in school.The girls estimate their own knowledge lower than boys despite having higher grades thanboys. Girls are more difficult than boys to obtain their views in school. Girls find it harderthan boys to talk when the whole class has lessons together. Students with active leisure timehad better self-esteem than students without active leisure. This result emerged among bothsexes but especially susceptible to this seems to be girls. Girls without leisure had the lowestself-esteem and enjoyed school the least. The links between active leisure and self-esteemneeds to be further looked into.People with strong self-esteem are experiencing improving quality of life and health. Lowself-esteem gives worse quality of life and poorer health. The difference between girls' andboys' self-esteem can be so great that special attention needs to be taken of this in school.Schools need to take more into account the different needs between the sexes, so that all haveequal conditions and opportunities to develop the best.</p>
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Se mig, så finns jag! : En intervjustudie om lärares erfarenheter kring bekräftelse / Take notice to me and I exist! : An interviewustudy on teachers experiences of affirmationKarpeby Johansson, Helena January 2009 (has links)
<p>Vi måste spegla oss och få bekräftelse av andra för att utvecklas. Tidigare forskning och litteratur inom socialpsykologi och pedagogik visar att genom att bli sedda med andras ögon får vi syn på oss själva. Hur vi speglas eller bekräftas påverkar den bild vi har av oss själva. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka vad lärare anser att bekräftelse innebär samt vad deras erfarenheter av bekräftelsens betydelse för elevers självbild är. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och studiens empiri utgörs av fyra enskilda intervjuer med lärare verksamma i klasser med elever i åldrarna sex till tretton år. I studiens resultat framkom att bekräftelse innebär att synliggöra elever. Lärarna arbetar aktivt med bekräftelse som ett verktyg för att bland annat lyfta elever, för att stärka tilltron till den egna förmågan och för att ge eleverna svar på vad som kan vara rätt och fel. Bekräftelse kan uttryckas verbalt, skriftligt och med kroppsspråk. Resultatet visar även att de motiv lärarna uppger sig ha för att bekräfta elever leder till att elevernas självbilder stärks. Slutsatsen är att lärare har en betydande roll i elevens utveckling. När lärare ger positiv bekräftelse, påverkas elevens självbild vilket i sin tur främjar elevens personlighetsutveckling.</p> / <p>We require reflection and affirmation from others to develop. Both litterature and previous researches within socialpsyhology and pedagogy makes clear, that we get sight of ourselves by seeing ourselves through the eyes of others. The way we are reflected or are affirmed has an effect on which image we have of ourselves. The purpose of this study was to examine what teachers consider affirmation is and also their experience of what impact affirmation has on a pupils' self-image. This study has a qualitative approach and the material of the study is the result of four individual interviews. The interviewees are teachers working in classes with pupils between the age of six and thirteen. This study's result showed that giving affirmation is to take notice to the pupils. The teachers are actively working with affirmation as a tool. The teachers use affirmation for exampel to raise pupils, to reinforce confidence in pupils' own ability and to give pupils answers of what can be right and wrong. Affirmation is expressed verbally, written or by bodylanguage. The result of this study also shows that the reasons the teachers are giving on why they affirm pupils, do lead to strengthening the pupils' self-image. The conclusion of this study is that teachers' role are of great importance in pupils development. When teachers affirm pupils, the pupil’s self-image are effected, which means that pupils personalitydevelopment is promoted.</p>
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Working Conditions and Development at School. Preconditions for Pupil and Personnel CollaborationHäggqvist, Susann January 2004 (has links)
<p>The principal aim of this dissertation is empirically todevelop and test a collaboration model for how to operatesystematically with the work environment at school. Ontheoretical grounds, a case is made that collaboration betweendifferent groups (various professions and pupils) should beinvestigated despite different conditions, qualifications andages.School Environment 2000is a model for theongoing monitoring of the work environment at school. It isdesigned for integration into school-based activities, and itsmaterial offers an opportunity for any stakeholder involved toparticipate in activities concerning conditions at school. TheSchool Environment 2000have been used by pupilsand personnel (totally 2,383) at 36 schools in 8 municipalitiesin Sweden. Three of the four studies are follow-up studies; thefourth study had matched control schools. All studies usedquestionnaires; the fourth were completed with other methods asdiaries, observations and interviews. The result showed that amajority of pupils specified both sickness-related andpsychosocial reasons for absence from school. The second(pupils) and third (personnel) study show associations betweenthe work environment and ill-health, especially by females.Among women, all the items describing self-reported complaintscorrelated significantly with the Work at school index and Workclimate index. In the fourth study, in which a work environmentintervention was tested, the participants adopted a morelimited concept than that contained in School Environment2000-questionnaire. A clear desire was expressed, for morestructure and order in school work. The participants attainedin the intervention program, compared with the controller, weremore engaged in greater collaboration with others, had becomemore active in managing problems and conflicts, had greaterinternal effectiveness and perceivedfacilitating factors inwork for change as depending less on personal attributes andbehaviours of personnel. The discussion focus the need forfollowup changes and their effects on health; collaboration topromote objective and subjective scope for action; andcollaboration for goal fulfilment. Special care must beconsidered pupils work environment. The school situation is agood time for learning how to create a good work environmentand to prevent ill-health.</p><p><b>Key Words:</b>Work Environment Management, collaboration,school, pupil, employee, participation, evaluation, health,stress.</p>
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Skolmatsalsmiljö och schemaplanering ur ett hälsoperspektiv : Kvalitativ ansatsByström, Madelene January 2015 (has links)
To investigate if the student’s school centeent, and that planning of the school lunch is done from a health perspective. Qualitative research approach was used, including both interviews and observations, to view the purpose. Evidence was collected using a participating observer, semi constructed questions and structured observation. To focus on specific parts in the material, a directed content analysis was used. One large and one smaller school participated in the study. The staff that participated in the interviews are responsible for planning the schedules for school lunches and the centeent environment at their schools. The observations were conducted first without students in the centeent, and then with students present. The interviews were conducted in conjunction with the educators organizing the scheduling and planning of the centeent. The research problems are Are laws, recommendations and guidelines regarding the pupils' overall environment in the centeent applied according to the respondents? Do the respondents experience that laws, recommendations and guidelines regarding the students' pyshical environment in the centeent are applied basen on a health perspective? Are applied laws, recommendations and guidelines observed regarding pupils' psychical environment in canteens, and is it interpreted to be based on a perspective of health? Are pedagogical meals applied according to the respondents and observations? Is there a difference between the larger and the smaller school? It was concluded that none of the respondents had knowledge about the recommendations from the Swedish NFA and the Department of Education regarding the amount of recommended time spent at the table and between what times lunch should be served. The larger school had however been actively addressing concern regarding both noise level and participation. The size of the school determines the amount of energy needed to spend on subjects concerning noise, planning, participation and the physical environment. / Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka elevers matsalsmiljö samt om planeringen av skollunchen sker utifrån ett hälsoperspektiv. För att få inblick i ämnet valdes en kvalitativ ansats och en metodtriangulering som bestod av intervjuer och observationer. Intervjuerna var upplagd på ett semistrukturerat sätt och bestod av 14 frågor med följdfrågor. Respondenterna var två pedagoger från varsin skola som var delaktiga i planeringen av matsalsmiljön samt schemaplaneringen av lunch. Observationerna var strukturerad vilket innebär att det som skulle observeras hade bestämts innan. Observationerna var deltagande så att personalen på respektive skola var medveten om att det skulle ske en observation av den fysiska miljön i matsalen. Uppsatsen är baserade på två skolor där en pedagog från vardera skola svarade på intervjufrågorna, observationerna ägde rum samma dag i deras matsal. Observationerna skede i två steg, först observerades matsalen utan elever och efteråt med eleverna på plats för att få en helhetsbild. Vid analysen användes en riktad innehållsanalys för att leta meningar från intervjuerna och händelser från observationen som skulle passa in i kategorierna. Observationen hade kategorierna matsal utan elever, med underkategorin fysisk miljö, samt matsal med elever med under kategorierna akustik, schemaplanering och vuxnas närvaro. Intervjun hade kategorierna fysisk miljö, matsalssituation, hälsoperspektiv, delaktighet och schemaplanering. I resultatet framkom det att de två respondenterna inte kände till Livsmedelsverkets och Skolverkets rekommendationer om hur länge elever bör sitta vid bordet samt mellan vilka tider lunchen ska serveras. På den större skolan arbetar de mer aktivt med att reducera ljudnivån i matsalen än på den mindre skolan. Det beror på att det större elevantal skapar mer buller. Båda skolorna arbetar med delaktighet från elevernas håll genom elevråd. Storleken på skolan och antalet elever kan i denna studie ses som avgörande, beroende på hur mycket arbete skolan behöver lägga ner på både schemaplanering, den fysiska miljön samt delaktigheten för eleverna.
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Safety and efficacy of intracameral mydriatics in cataract surgeryLundberg, Björn January 2008 (has links)
Background: In order to perform cataract surgery, adequate dilatation of the pupil is essential. This is traditionally achieved by preoperative topical mydriatic eye-drops, commonly cyclopentolate and phenylephrine. This routine has several disadvantages. First, the slow penetration through the cornea delays the onset of mydriasis. Second, the limited bioavailability of topically administered substances with significant systemic absorption may increase the risk for systemic side effects. Third, even if good mydriasis is achieved initially with topical mydriatics (TM), the effect tends to wear off during surgery. In relation to cataract surgery a transient postoperative corneal oedema is sometimes noted, indicating effects on the corneal endothelial pump function. These effects have been ascribed to ultrasonic or mechanical trauma from the phacoemulsification procedure. Corneal endothelial cell loss (ECL) is a commonly studied variable, not least because it is associated with the long-term risk for corneal decompensation. But, there has been a debate whether postoperative corneal swelling after phacoemulsification cataract surgery correlates to ECL. Aims: To evaluate an alternative mydriatic regimen for phacoemulsification cataract surgery: intracameral injection of mydriatics mixed with lidocaine (ICM). Additionally, to determine the correlation between early transient postoperative corneal oedema and permanent ECL after phacoemulsification cataract surgery. Methods: Pupil dilatation with ICM (150 µl of lidocaine 1%, phenylephrine 1.5%, and cyclopentolate 0.1%) was compared to TM (phenylephrine 10% and cyclopentolate 1%) prior to cataract surgery. Additionally, two ICM-groups were randomized to receive either 0.6 µg/ml epinephrine added to the irrigating balanced salt solution or no epinephrine in the irrigation solution. Furthermore, two randomized ICM-groups, with or without cyclopentolate, were analyzed. The patients planned for cataract surgery were examined with ultrasonic pachymetry, specular microscope endothelial photography and Orbscan II slit-scan tomography pre- and postoperatively. Results: With ICM, mydriasis reached 95 ± 3% of its final value within 20 seconds. In the ICM-group, the pupils were smaller than in the TM-group (mean 6.7 ± 1.0 mm versus 7.7 ± 1.0 mm, P<.001), but did not contract intraoperatively as the TM pupils did. Conversely, with ICM the pupil sizes generally increased during the cataract procedures. This increase was significantly greater without epinephrine in the irrigating solution (13 ± 19% versus 4 ± 14%; p = 0.02). No significant differences in pupil sizes were observed between the patients who were given ICM with or without cyclopentolate. The central corneal swelling at the first postoperative day was strongly correlated to the central ECL at 3 months, R2 = 0.785, P < 0.001. Conclusions: ICM is a rapid and safe alternative to TM in phacoemulsification cataract surgery. An irrigating solution without epinephrine can safely be used with ICM. Cyclopentolate, administrated intracamerally, has no immediate additive mydriatic effect to intracameral lidocaine combined with phenylephrine. The degree of permanent corneal endothelial damage in cataract surgery is reflected in the degree of early postoperative corneal swelling.
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Nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių, jų tėvų ir ugdytojų požiūris į integraciją / Attitude of the pulil with intellectual disabiliteis, their parenrts and educatiors to integrationRakauskaitė, Indrė 18 June 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti, nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių, jų tėvų bei mokytojų požiūrį į integraciją. Tyrimo objektas: nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių, jų tėvų, bei mokytojų požiūris į integracijos procesą. Tyrimo metodika:Tyrimas buvo atliekamas Kauno „ŽIBURIO“, ir„ KOVO 11-sios“ vidurinėse mokyklose. Tiriamųjų kontingentą sudarė 63 respondentai, kurie buvo suskirstyti į 3 grupes. Tyrime naudojome anoniminę anketą, kuria norėjome išsiaiškinti koks mokinių, jų tėvų ir mokytojų požiūris į integraciją. Rezultatai: 60% nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje jaučiasi gerai, tik 9% tiriamųjų jaučiasi blogai. Net 82% nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių nurodė, kad noriai eina į mokyklą, jiems patinka lankyti bendrojo lavinimo mokyklą, nes ten jie turi draugų ir nesijaučia atstumti. Daugelis nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių tėvų teigiamai vertina savo neįgalaus vaiko bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos lankymą. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, jog pedagogai, ugdantys specialiųjų poreikių vaikus bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje, yra tik iš dalies pasirengę juos ugdyti, nes jiems trūksta žinių, įgūdžių ir patirties.Tyrime buvo kelta ir tikrinta hipotezė „ nežymiai protiškai atsilikę vaikai jaučiasi gerai bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje, jų tėvai turi susiformavę teigiamą požiūrį į integracijos procesą, nors mokytojai ugdantys nežymiai protiškai atsilikusius mokinius patiria sunkumų“, ji pasitvirtino. / Research objective : determine the attitude of the pupil with intellectual disabilities, their parents and educators’ to integration.
Research object: the attitude of the pupil with intellectual disabilities, their parents and educators’ to integration.
Research methodology: the research was conducted at Kaunas Secondary Schools of “ Žiburys” and “KOVO 11”. The research involved 63 respondents who were streamed into 3 groups. The research also consisted of on anonymous questionnaire, which assisted in finding out thee attitude off pupils, parents and educators to integration.
Research results: 60% of the pupil with intellectual disabilities feel pretty well at secondary schools, only 9% of the respondents do not. 82% of the pupil with intellectual disabilities indicated that they attend school willingly; they have friends there and do not feel ignored or repudiated. The majority of the pupil with intellectual disabilities appreciate school attendance of their fractionally subnormal children. The results of the research reveal that teachers educating pupils with special needs at schools are only partially ready to educate them. They lack knowledge, skills and experience. The research involved the hypothesis that “ fractionally pupil with intellectual disabilities feel well at schools, their parents have a positive attitude to the process of integration although educators and teachers have certain difficulties in the educating pupil with intellectual disabilities ”, which was... [to full text]
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Barn och ungdomars psykiska hälsa relaterat till inflytande och delaktighet i skolan / Children and adolescents mental health related to influence and participation in schoolFriberg, Camilla, Gajnok, Emmy, Hiljemark, Åsa January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare studier har visat att psykisk ohälsa ökar bland ungdomar i Sverige. Skolsköterskan har en viktig del i det hälsofrämjande arbetet med barn och ungdomar. Att delaktighet och inflytande har ett samband med hälsa är känt, men det är oklart hur väl dokumenterat ämnet är. Syfte: Att göra en sammanställning kring barn och ungdomars psykiska hälsa relaterat till inflytande och delaktighet i skolan. Metod: Scoping study användes för att sammanställa aktuell litteratur inom det valda ämnet. De 23 inkluderade artiklarna berörde barn och ungdomar i skolåldern 6-19 år. Materialet sammanställdes med hjälp av subteman och teman. Resultat: Två teman växte fram i resultatet: ”Att ha kontroll över sin situation” och ”Att känna sig som en del av ett sammanhang”. Faktorer som makt, krav, relationer och stöd är relaterade till begreppen inflytande och delaktighet, och påverkar elevernas psykiska hälsa, i endera positiv eller negativ riktning. Konklusion/Implikation: Resultatet visade att inflytande och delaktighet kan ha ett samband med den psykiska hälsan, men befintlig forskning är begränsad och inte tillräckligt vetenskaplig. Vidare forskning behövs angående hur psykisk hälsa och delaktighet/inflytande i skolan påverkar varandra, samt hur skolsköterskan kan arbeta mer hälsofrämjande för att stärka elevernas känsla av sammanhang. / Background: Previous studies have shown that mental health problems are increasing among young people in Sweden. The school nurse has an important part in health promotion with children and adolescents. It is known that participation and influence has a correlation with health, but it is unclear how well documented the subject is. Aim: The aim was to make a statement about children and adolescents mental health related to influence and participation in school. Method: Scoping Study was used to compile the current literature in the chosen subject. The 23 included articles are relating to children and young people of school age 6-19 years. The material was compiled with the help of subthemes and themes. Results: Two themes that emerged from the results were: “To have control over the situation” and “To have a sense of coherence”. Factors as power, demand, relationships and support are related to the concepts of influence and participation and affect students’ mental health, in either positive or negative direction. Conclusion/Implication: The results showed that influence and participation may be associated with mental health, but existing research is limited and not enough scientific. Further research is needed regarding how mental health and participation/influence in school are interrelated, and how school nurses can work more promoting in order to strengthen students’ sense of coherence.
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Elevperspektiv på motivation i matematik : En studie kring elevers uppfattningar om motivation i grundskolans tidiga år / Motivation in mathematics from pupil´s point of view : A study about pupils opinions concerning motivation in the early years of elementary schoolLewandowski, Claudia January 2014 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om elevers uppfattningar om motivation i ämnet matematik. Syftet med denna studie var att lyfta fram elevers egna utsagor och upplevelser om sin motivation, samt få en bild av eventuella förändringar eller mönster kring elevers motivation till matematikämnet under deras tidiga år i grundskolan. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av elevenkäter och elevintervjuer, där kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder kombinerats för att möjliggöra ett fördjupat analysarbete i undersökningens resultatdel. Här presenteras elevers uppfattningar av motivation i ämnet matematik samt deras tankar om vad som påverkar motivationen. Analysen av resultaten visar att eleverna har en god uppfattning om vad som påverkar deras motivation. De ger många exempel, där fysiskt och psykiskt välmående samt lärarens pedagogiska arbete i klassrummet, har betydelse för motivationsprocessen. Vidare går det att avläsa ur resultaten från enkätundersökningen att inom ramen för denna begränsade studie, så är elever i årskurs tre och fem mer negativt inställda till matematik i jämförelse med elever i årskurs ett. För att belysa ämnet redogörs även för teoretiska aspekter från pedagogisk forskning kring ämnet motivation. Dessa diskuteras i studiens sista kapitel i förhållande till studiens resultat. / This study is about pupils opinions of motivation in the subject mathematics. The purpose of this study was to get the pupils experiences and statements concerning their own motivation and to get a picture of changes or patterns that might have occurred during their early years in elementary school. The study has been made by inquiries and interviews, where qualitative and quantitative methods have been combined to make possible a deepened analysis in the result part of the investigation. Here are the pupil`s opinions about motivation in the subject mathematics presented and their thoughts about what influences the motivation. The analysis of the results shows that the pupils have a good understanding for what influences their motivation. They give us many examples where physical and psychical wellbeing plus the teacher`s pedagogical work in the classroom are of importance for the motivations process. The results from the inquiry further shows, within the frame for this limited study, that pupils in class three and five are more negatively disposed to mathematics compared to pupils in class one. To illuminate the subject, theoretical aspects from pedagogical research on the subject motivation, are also accounted for. These are discussed in the last chapter related to the results of the study.
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Mokinio, besimokančio pagal individualizuotą programą, socialinis edukacinis portretas / Social-educational feature of the student' learning under individualized programsPupelienė, Inga 09 July 2010 (has links)
Specialiųjų poreikių vaikai – tai mūsų visuomenės dalis, todėl būtina gilintis į jų problemų sprendimą, padėti prisitaikyti prie juos supančios aplinkos, pritapti ir surasti savo vietą visuomenėje. Neįgaliųjų vaikų integracija – viena iš aktualiausių diskusijų, mokslinių konferencijų bei mokslinės literatūros temų.
Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti mokinių, besimokančių pagal individualizuotas programas socialinį – edukacinį portretą.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Atlikus mokslinės literatūros analizę, atskleisti mokinių, turinčių specialiųjų poreikių integravimo galimybes.
2. Aptarti mokinių, turinčių specialiųjų poreikių, socialinį – edukacinį portretą instituciniu ( mokyklos ) lygmeniu.
3. Atskleisti mokinių, turinčių specialiųjų poreikių, socialini- edukacinį portretą mokymosi veiklos lygmeniu.
4. Aptarti mokinių, turinčių specialiųjų poreikių, socialinį – edukacinį portretą tarpasmeniniu lygmeniu.
Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, Q tipo duomenų rinkimas ( anketinė apklausa), lyginamoji analizė, kokybinė ir statistinė duomenų analizė.
Anketos parengtos trims respondentų grupėms: 5-9 klasių, specialiųjų poreikių turintiems mokiniams ( 39 mokiniai ), mokytojams ( 23 mokytojai ) ir tėvams ( 27 tėvai)
Respondentų nuomone vaikų besimokančių pagal individualizuotas programas, padėtis bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje pasireiškia vienodais lūkesčiais, ugdymo tikslais ir metodais, tai viena iš svarbiausių teigiamos vaiko savijautos mokykloje prielaidų.
Tyrimo metu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Special needs children - is our society, it is necessary to look into their problems, to adapt to their environment, to adapt and find their place in society. Integration of Disabled Children - one of the most pressing debates, conferences and literature themes.
Purpose of the survey - to reveal students' learning under individualized programs of social - educational portrait.
The tasks were:
1. After the literature analysis, detection of students with special needs into opportunities.
2. Discuss pupils with special needs, social - educational portrait of institutional (school) level.
3. Reveal students with special needs, socio-educational profile for learning at the operational level.
4. Discuss pupils with special needs, social - educational portrait interpersonal level.
Research methods include literature review, Q-type data collection (questionnaire), a comparative analysis of qualitative and statistical data analysis.
Profiles of respondents drawn three groups: 5-9 grade, special needs pupils (39 pupils), teachers (23 teachers) and parents (27 parents)
Felt to be individualized according to children's learning programs on secondary school gets the same expectations, educational goals and methods, it is one of the most important positive well-being of the child's school history.
The study showed that the individualization of educational programs for students released - a long-term, systematic, planned event. The analysis of pupils with social -... [to full text]
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Mokinių, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, mokymas kurti rišlų rašytinį tekstą / Teaching of Pupils with Special Educational Needs to Create Coherent Written TextBalčiūnienė, Vilija 07 September 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe bus siekiama atskleisti, kokius metodus ir būdus taiko mokytojai, mokydami rišlaus rašytinio teksto ir, kaip padeda mokiniams įveikti rišlaus teksto rašymo sunkumus. Tyrimo objektas – rašytinės rišliosios kalbos ugdymas. Išsikeltas tikslas – ištirti, kaip specialioje mokykloje ugdomi gebėjimai kurti rišlų rašytinį tekstą. Suformuluoti uždaviniai. / The present paper deals with methods and means applied by teachers when teaching pupils to create a coherent written text and assisting them to overcome difficulties experienced when creating a coherent text. Subject-matter of the research – education of written cohesive language. Objective of the research – to analyze the development of abilities to create a coherent written text in a special type school.
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