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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aktyvumo ir dėmesio sutrikimą turinčių mokinių mokykloje patiriamos bendravimo problemos / Pupil with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder communication problems arising at school

Baldauskienė, Emilija 03 July 2012 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe nagrinėjamos aktyvumo ir dėmesio sutrikimą turinčių mokinių bendravimo problemos. Bakalauro darbo tikslas - išnagrinėti aktyvumo ir dėmesio sutrikimą turinčių mokinių bendravimo problemas patiriamas mokykloje. Anketinės apklausos metodu tirta mokinių nuomonė apie mokyklą ir savijautą joje, buvo siekiama išanalizuoti mokinių bendravimo problemas. Apklausiant pedagogus, siekta nustatyti pedagogų reakcijas į nepageidaujamą mokinių elgesį, jų tarpusavio bendravimo su aktyvumo ir dėmesio sutrikimų turinčių vaikų ypatumus, efektyviausias nepageidaujamo elgesio valdymo priemones.Tyrimo metu nustatyta, jog aktyvumo ir dėmesio sutrikimų turintys mokiniai nesijaučia turintys didelių bendravimo problemų. Bendravimą su mokytojais jie vertina teigiamai, labiausiai jie nerimauja, kai reikia pradėti pokalbį ar išsakyti savo nuomonę, nes mano, kad jų niekas nesupranta. Bendraudami su bendraklasiais, jie jaučia kitų mokinių nenorą bendrauti ir mano, jog su jais sutaria tik kai aktyvumo ir dėmesio sutrikimą turinčių mokinių elgesys būna geras. Daţniausia mokinių nesutarimų su bendraamţiais prieţastis yra patyčios. Dauguma mokytojų neturi neigiamo poţiūrio į aktyvumo ir dėmesio sutrikimų turinčius mokinius. Bendravimo su mokiniais, turinčiais aktyvumo ir dėmesio sutrikimą, nesklandumus mokytojai sprendţia pozityviomis priemonėmis, o efektyviausios, mokytojų teigimu, elgesio valdymo priemonės – pokalbiai su tokiais mokiniais ir nuolatinis mokinių uţimtumas. / In the bachelor work were analysed pupil with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder communication problems having at school. Work purpose – to find out pupils with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder communication problems at school. The biggest part of schoolteachers do not have negative view to pupils with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Because of pupils negative behaviour, shoolteachers solve communication problems by positive methods. Most effective methods of behaviour control – conversations and full employment.

Mokinių agresyvumo prieš mokytojus ir bendramokslius ypatumai miesto ir kaimo bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose (Vilniaus miesto ir Lazdijų rajono atvejis) / Specific features of student aggression against teachers and peers at urban and rural comprehensive schools (case study: the city of Vilnius and Lazdijai region)

Balevičiūtė, Jurgita 04 January 2013 (has links)
Darbo problema: Mokinių agresyvus elgesys prieš mokytojus ir bendramokslius ne tik apsunkina pozityvios komunikacijos galimybes, edukacinį procesą, bet ir kloja pamatus tolesnei agresyvumo sklaidai visuomenėje, todėl traktuotinas kaip didelis iššūkis nacionaliniam saugumui, nes agresyvūs žmonės negali pilnavertiškai dalyvauti visuomenėje, šalies progrese, didina kriminogeniškumo augimo pavojų ir tampa didele našta likusiai visuomenės daliai. Tikslas: Išanalizuoti mokinių agresyvaus elgesio prieš mokytojus ir bendramokslius kilimo priežastis, dažnį, raiškos formas, miesto ir kaimo įvairių tipų (pagrindinės, vidurinės ir gimnazijos) mokyklose ir atskleisti mokinių, mokytojų bei tėvų požiūrį į smurtą mokykloje ir taikomų prevencinių priemonių efektyvumą. Ginamieji teiginiai: 1. Miesto ir kaimo mokyklose mokinių smurto prieš mokytojus ir bendramokslius pobūdis panašus, tik skiriasi dažnis: miesto mokyklose smurtinių veiksmų atvejų pasitaiko dažniau nei kaimo mokyklose. 2. Mokiniai, mokytojai ir tėvai taikomas prevencines priemones laiko neveiksmingomis arba veiksmingomis tik iš dalies, tačiau patys nelinkę prisiimti už tai didesnės asmeninės atsakomybės ir atitinkamų įsipareigojimų. 3. Dauguma mokytojų, susidūrę su smurtaujančiais prieš bendramokslius mokiniais, rodo abejingumą, užima pasyvią poziciją, kas sudaro palankias prielaidas agresyvumui plisti, tuo pačiu ir mokinių nesaugumui mokykloje didėti. Metodologija: Atliekant mokinių agresyvaus elgesio prieš mokytojus ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The problem: Students’ aggressive behaviour against their teachers and peers not only aggravates the possibilities for positive communication and educational process, but also lays grounds for further spread of aggression in society, therefore it is considered as a great challenge to national security since aggressive people are not able to fully participate in society or in the country’s progress; they also increase the risk for growth of criminality and become a burden to the rest of society. The aim: To analyse the causes, frequency and manifestations of students’ aggressive behaviour against their teachers and peers at different types of urban and rural schools (basic, secondary and gymnasiums) and to reveal the students, teachers and parents’ attitudes to violence at school, as well as the effectiveness of preventive measures to be applied. Statements to be defended: 1. The nature of student violence against the teachers and peers is similar at urban and rural schools; however, the frequency is different: violent actions occur more often at urban schools than at rural schools. 2. The students, teachers and parents consider the applied preventive measures as ineffective or only partially effective, yet they themselves are reluctant to assume a greater personal responsibility or relevant commitments. 3. Most teachers when faced with the acts of violence committed against school learners show indifference and take a passive position, thus creating favourable conditions for... [to full text]

An evaluation of the Team-Teach behaviour support training programme in New Zealand

Griggs, James January 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigates the implementation of the ‘Team-Teach’ behaviour support training programme in New Zealand. This school-wide training package develops generalised skills in behaviour management and de-escalation for students who are exhibiting extreme and violent behaviour. The Team-Teach framework also provides training in physical interventions that are designed for use in schools, and with children. The legal issues associated with the use of physical intervention are also addressed during the training in addition to recommended best practice for the development of policies and procedures. Prior evidence suggests that behaviour support training with a physical intervention overlay can result in increased confidence and safety for staff members and a reduction in the levels of physical intervention and incidents. The purpose of this study was to investigate participant opinion of Team-Teach training immediately after course delivery and further into implementation in addition to an investigation into the barriers and facilitating factors affecting the impact of Team-Teach within two New Zealand special schools. The research employs a mixed method pragmatic paradigm utilising document analysis, questionnaire and interview survey to ascertain the impact and implementation issues related to Team-Teach training. Quantitative analysis of course feedback ratings and attitudinal scales were combined with the qualitative thematic analysis of written comments and interview transcripts to inform the discussion. The results present a positive endorsement of Team-Teach training both immediately after the training course and further into implementation and compare favourably with the findings of previous international studies. Research participants reported a significant increase in personal confidence and a perceived reduction in incidences of extreme behaviour and physical intervention. The perceptions of research participants to initial training in New Zealand varied considerably between training providers and there were also notable differences between groups in different work roles and with different levels of experience. Research participants expressed concern over the lack of adaptation of the Team-Teach syllabus to embrace the New Zealand context. Research participants endorsed use of the ‘positive handling plan’ (PHP) as a way to legitimatise and standardise practice in difficult situations. It was however clear that neither school had developed genuine parental partnerships in either the creation or effective communication of these plans. There was a general agreement that parents should be able to access Team-Teach training but significant concerns were highlighted over how this could be achieved in practice. Research participants endorsed the Team-Teach model of training ‘in-house’ tutors to provide contextual and responsive internal capacity. There was a general agreement that the physical interventions taught were effective and appropriate for use with children. Participants clearly expressed concerns related to the teaching of too many physical interventions that were not required and recommended that training in physical interventions should be in class teams and specific to actual need. There was a clear indication that research participants believed this training should receive official recognition at the highest level as an acknowledgement that physical intervention is sometimes necessary in schools and that there is a legitimate way to achieve this.

Demokrati och deltagande : Elevinflytande i grundskolans årskurs 7-9 ur ett könsperspektiv.

Rönnlund, Maria January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the fostering of democracy in the form of pupils’ influence and participation in decision processes.  The main focus is on pupils’ formal influence in lower secondary education, forms 7-9, in particular class councils and pupil councils, although informal influence is also studied. The study is ethnographic and based on observations, informal conversations and formal interviews with pupils and school staff in three Swedish schools during one school year (2007/2008). The analysis draws on theories focusing on democracy and gender (Pateman, 1970; Young, 1990, 1997, 2000a,b, 2005), and institutional aspects of education (Bernstein, 2000). The results show that the activity among the participating pupils is low, and that the councils deal with what the pupils mostly judge as unimportant and uninteresting issues. Issues related to teaching are generally seldom dealt with in the councils. A clear majority of the pupils also state that they cannot exert influence to the extent they would like, and that they find the representative systems both coercive and excluding. Still, pupils’ formal influence shows to be important as a means for democracy fostering. In particular positive participation effects are expressed in councils/groups characterised by pupil autonomy and collective community, a result that emphasises the importance of supporting pupil-governed councils and providing collective influence forms. But, the fact that a great deal of the pupils’ criticism against pupils’ influence in practice and the organization of pupils’ influence is connected to representation,  indicates that alternative collective forms to a greater extent than the representative systems can promote interest and active participation among the pupils. The results also show that only a minor proportion of the pupils take active part in influence processes, both formally and informally, and that a predominant majority of the participating pupils are girls. In sum, the results lend support to the idea that active participation in some contexts and in some conditions yields certain positive participation effects. But the fact that a large group of pupils, a majority of them boys, do not participate, proves lacking achievement and inequality when it comes to democracy fostering in the form of pupils’ influence. In view of the results more groups of pupils need to be strengthened as regards influence and participation in decision processes.

Skolsköterskors uppfattningar av att kommunicera hälsa med elever i årskurs fyra / School nurse´s perceptions of communicating health with pupils in the fourth grade

Bengtsson, Veronika, Lindälv, Lisa, Olsson, Katarina January 2015 (has links)
En god hälsa i barndomen ger förutsättningar för en god hälsa som vuxen. Skolans organisation och miljö skapar unika möjligheter till hälsofrämjande arbete riktat mot barn. Skolsköterskan spelar en viktig roll genom de hälsobesök som genomförs regelbundet under skolgången. Möten med elever i olika åldrar ställer därför krav på skolsköterskans förmåga att kommunicera och förmedla hälsobudskap. Som teoretisk ram för studien används Health Promotion Model. Syftet med studien var att beskriva skolsköterskors uppfattningar av att kommunicera hälsa med elever i årskurs fyra. Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ studie med induktiv ansats. Sex skolsköterskor intervjuades och materialet analyserades med en fenomenografisk metod. Studiens resultat beskriver skolsköterskornas uppfattningar av hälsokommunikation med elever i årskurs fyra som en komplex uppgift. Tre beskrivningskategorier framträdde: Relationen har betydelse för hälsokommunikationen, Skolsköterskan har en stödjande roll i att hjälpa eleven att kommunicera sin hälsa samt Skolsköterskans kompetens har betydelse för en god hälsokommunikation. Kategorierna binds samman av ordet förtroende. Studiens resultat kan användas inom skolsköterskans yrkeskår för att skapa en bredare förståelse för hälsokommunikationen med elever i årskurs fyra. Behov av vidare forskning ses kring elevens uppfattningar av hälsokommunikationen samt kring de hinder som sjuksköterskorna beskriver. Forskning för att utveckla trepartskommunikationen mellan barn-skolsköterska-förälder är också av vikt. / Healthiness in childhood gives conditions for a healthy life as an adult. The schools organisation and environment creates unique possibilities for health promotional work aimed at children. The school nurse plays an important role through the regular health visits performed during the school years. To meet children of different ages raises demands on the school nurses ability to communicate and mediate health messages. Health Promotion Model is used as a theoretical frame for the study. The aim of the study was to describe school nurses perceptions of communicating health with pupils in the fourth grade. The study was carried out as a qualitative study with an inductive approach. Six interviews with school nurses were held and the material was analysed with a phenomenografic method. The result of the study describes the school nurses perceptions of health communication with pupils in the fourth grade as a complex task. Three descriptive categories emerged; The relations has significance for health communication, The school nurse has a supporting role in helping the pupil to communicate its own health and The competence of the school nurse has significance for a good health communication. The categories are bound together by the word trust. The result of the study can be used within the school nurses own profession to create a wider understanding of health communication with pupils in the fourth grade. There is a need for further research regarding the pupils perceptions of health communication and also regarding the obstacles that the nurses describes. Research to develop three part communication between child-school nurse-parent is also of importance.

Processing of Garden Path Jokes: Theoretical Concepts and Empirical Correlates

Mayerhofer, Bastian 04 March 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Concept to practice - applied inclusiveness : an emergent model of socially inclusive practice

Richards, Sandra D. January 2004 (has links)
Research indicates that large numbers of young people are underachieving in UK schools, and that school exclusion levels are unacceptably high. In addition, there are increased numbers of students unable to secure a place in mainstream schools. These unplaced and excluded young people are described by New Labour as `vulnerable', `disaffected' or at risk of disaffection (Social_Exclusion_Unit 1998b). The numbers of young people considered `disaffected' indicates a national problem and so, in response to this, there is a government led drive to `socially include' `excluded' young people and young people considered `at risk' of `exclusion'. This UK study examines the principles and practices of practitioners working with identified `at-risk' and `hard to reach' populations. This thesis seeks to unpack this complex situation of social `exclusion' and `inclusion' as it relates to education by asking; who are the `actors' in this expanding world of `social inclusion'? How can some practitioners `reach' and `include' so called `hard to reach' `disaffected' young people? This research explores socially inclusive practice. It aims to investigate whether a model of socially inclusive practice exists or can be established that could be used by educators, parents, human resource (HR) professionals and others concerned with client services in the helping professions. Social exclusion is one of the key concerns of the New Labour agenda. Inclusive education is perceived as central to promoting social inclusion (Social_Exclusion_Unit 1998b) and as a result there are a number of social inclusion projects operating throughout the UK. These projects generally offer provision for young people who, in the judgement of excluding mainstream practitioners, should be placed outside of their responsibility. These excluding practices reflect the values and ideal of the institution and how they perceive their own ability to respond to the total needs of the learner in their care. Excluded young people are typically referred to pupil referral units (PRU's), study centres or other education provision established to meet the statutory requirement of the education authority to maintain education provision. The practitioner is the focus of this investigation and preliminary issues associated with an investigation into social inclusion practice will be considered in an attempt to identify `what works' in opening up educational opportunities to an inclusive culture. This study then, examines the practice and rationale employed by staff at a project providing education otherwise than at school (EOTAS) to young people unplaced, excluded or at risk of exclusion from mainstream school by analysing empirical data collected over a 3-year period using qualitative instruments. Grounded Theory is the methodological approach used to elicit data and the findings provide valuable insights into inclusive education practices. In addition, a number of relevant and important issues are identified. The theoretical model that emerges is informed by the insights and issues that emerge in this, the first major UK study, into inclusive practice in education where the practitioner is the main focus of the study. This research puts forward a model of professional understanding for inclusive education and makes a contribution to the development of new approaches. The results offer clear indicators for a transferable framework of socially inclusive practice.

Performance Improvement of an Optical Coherence Tomography System by use of an Optical Pupil Slicer

Meade, Jeffrey January 2011 (has links)
Spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) is a dispersed interferometric technology used to obtain tomographic images, typically of tissue for medical applications. OCT is a competing technology with confocal microscopy (CM) and confocal fluorescent microscopy (CFM), which are both used for biopsy imaging for pathology as the gold standard. OCT offers several advantages over CM/CFM: it is able to acquire a full 3D image in a single pass, it requires little or no sample preparation time, and the axial (depth) and lateral (transverse) resolution are not dependent on one another. SD-OCT is limited in imaging depth to a few millimetres due to the quality performance of the spectrograph section of the instrument--that which determines the sensitivity of the SD-OCT system. In this thesis a design for an SD-OCT system is presented that is suitable for biopsy imaging for pathological studies, i.e. an OCT microscope. The purpose of this system is to provide a fast diagnosis to be made in a surgical environment to reduce the amount of tissue removed from a patient and lower the chance of a returned visit at a later date due to insufficient tissue removal. The secondary purpose of the SD-OCT microscope is to serve as a research testbed system for implementing novel hardware advancements. One such technology, called an optical pupil slicer (OPS), will be implemented in the instrument to improve the depth imaging performance of the SD-OCT system over conventional SD-OCT systems. The OPS is a device that generally improves the performance of a dispersive-type spectrograph by increasing the spectral resolution without a loss in throughput, thereby increasing the sensitivity of the SD-OCT system.

In vivo Imaging of Light Induced Intrinsic Optical Signals in the Chicken Retina with a Combined Ultra-High Resolution Optical Coherence Tomography and Electroretinography System

Akhlagh Moayed, Alireza January 2012 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to investigate the intrinsic optical signals (IOSs) with an ultra-high resolution optical coherence tomography system (UHROCT). In order to study the retinal IOSs evoked by visible light, an UHROCT and an Electroretinogram (ERG) system was combined. An animal model (chicken retina) based on its retinal avascularity and cone dominance, was selected. Imaging the chicken retina with OCT resulted in high contrast, high resolution (~3μm axial and ~5 μm lateral resolution) 2D and 3D volumetric tomograms, in which all retina layers were clearly distinguishable. Using the combined UHROCT and ERG system to image IOSs from the chicken retina exposed to visible light (7ms green flash) resulted in highly reproducible IOS recordings from all retinal layers for the first time. All inner retinal layers showed an initial increase and subsequently a decrease in the intensity of the backreflected imaging light within the first 100 ms after the onset of the stimulus. Outer segments of the photoreceptors also showed a decrease in the backreflected imaging light within 100 ms after the onset of the flash. All retinal layers showed a strong decrease in the backreflected light within 150 to 175 ms after the onset of the flash. Imaging the pupil dynamics of the chicken with a modified combined UHROCT and ERG system showed that part of the strong negative IOSs observed in all retinal layers resulted from the vignetting of the imaging beam due to the light induced pupil constriction. Thorough analysis of the pupil dynamics acquired with UHROCT showed a time dependent effect of the anesthesia agent on pupil constriction. Further experiments to investigate an anesthesia effects on retinal function showed significant changes in ERG components. Statistical analysis showed that Isoflurane anesthesia severely affects the inner retinal response. In conclusion, it was hypothesized that the fast IOSs within ~50-100 ms after the onset of the visual stimulus originated from the neuronal tissue in the retina and are related to tissue optical property changes as a result of the electrical signal propagation in the light activated retina. Longer term decreases in backreflected light are likely due to pupil changes.

親子関係、教師生徒関係に関する心理学的研究の展望 - 親と教師の威厳ある態度研究の提案 -

遠山, 孝司, TOHYAMA, Takashi 27 December 2005 (has links)

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